Bandits: Clashing Strength

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Experiments with making scalie anthro characters larger than a kobold...I FUCKING LOVE KOBOLDS THOUGH! Oh yes, also experiments in BATTLE!

Upon a snow covered mountain pass two foes stood there staring at one another, a large olive scaled gator man clad in fur and hide, his arms and legs exposed and a long handled greataxe held in both hands. His bright green eyes were narrowed as he watched the powerful bandit before him, a woman by the name of Scelna who had made a name for herself by cutting down caravan guards and merchants alike for their goods along the mountain pass she reigned. She stood there in naught but a few fur and leather pieces covering her body, she had boasted during their battle that she had needed nothing else, and her strength was apparent by the great claymore that she bore in hand, a scar across her nose marking a place where someone had nearly ended her reign as queen of the mountains. Ectus had come for her head, had come to receive the bounty upon her, but he had discovered something else among the snow driven road; a true battle. The red headed woman before him was a bandit, a criminal with no other equal, and yet she had awoken a warrior's spirit deep within himself that no other hunt had ever give him. At the same time the freckled bandit must have felt the same way, for though she bore a few shallow cuts here and there from their exchange, her mouth was set in a toothy grin, and stupidly he found himself doing the same though his body was in the same condition, however, their battle had just begun. With a hissing bellow Ectus charged to continue their battle, a cry of battle sounding off from Scelna as she charged towards him without fear for her own life.

There on the snow coated road, ax head clashed with blade, their strength pitted against one another. Headhunter and bandit faced off against one another, weapons and bodies pushing close, eyes burning with fire as they gazed past their weapons. Neither cared for a hollow victory, and so they kept their weapons there against one another, pushing and pressing almost as if it were a game to them to see who could gain the ground first with use of brute strength alone. Though Ectus was taller he found his arms quaking beneath the tremendous power of the female bandit, her own arms doing the same as they struggled against the force of the head hunting gator. After a while neither gained any headway and both decided to leap back to part their weapons, Ectus responding first with a roar, coming in swinging in wide arcs like wild. Scelna met the flat of his axe head with the blunt side of her claymore, both of them bouncing off, the bandit reacting first as she let out a roar of her own to thrust her blade towards his eyes. He let out a frustrated hiss and ducked down low, turning as his tail lashed out to take her legs out from under her.

Scelna cried out and fell upon her side, wincing as she felt cold stone and snow prickling at her side. She looked up to see the headhunter raising his axe preparing to finish her off but she brought herself upon one knee quickly, her hands taking hold of her blade to bat aside his axe in a clumsy parry. Ectus hissed as his axe was forced to the side and into the ground, her claymore pinning the shaft of his axe. From where she knelt if she tried to bring her blade to his neck then she would expose herself and he would have her, but in the process perhaps both of them would lose their life, it wouldn't be worth it, both wanted victory at any cost and death was not an option for a warrior seeking victory. Scelna did something that the gator did not expect, she could have brought her blade up and cut him before rolling away, or perhaps even simply gotten up and leapt away, but instead she let go of her sword and brought her shoulder into his chest taking the wind from his lungs and sending them both rolling in the snow and away from their weapons. With her straddling his hips with her powerful thighs he only got a glance at her face before he felt the clash of a fist upon the side of his snout, a snarl sounding off as he caught the next punch in hand to pull her into one of his own sending her off of his body and onto her back, but not for long.

Scelna brought herself up with little effort, both gator man and woman spitting blood into the snow, neither of them eyeing their weapons, neither wanted to seem like the weaker party, it was a battle of strength after all. Again she charged in, taking the initiative always, and Ectus met her there with his arms out, catching her hands in a grapple, both trying to topple the other. There their heads butted, surprisingly Ectus feeling a pang of pain as her head hit his and he rumbled out a compliment, "I admit, your hide is tougher than any other human or beast kin I have met in combat..."

Scelna answered in kind with a barking laugh as they struggled in their melee, "And I admit it was a stupid idea to headbutt a gator, your skull is thick, but you're no fool that I give you, and no craven at that. Could bite my face right here, right now couldn't you? With those pretty fangs and yet you don't? Wouldn't that mean a big pouch of gold for if you just bit my neck and ended this little dance?"

Ectus grinned, his impressive row of fangs on display as he dug his claws into her hands, their fingers locked as again they clashed, this time body to body, "What's the fun in that? I get paid to chase after purse snatchers, highwaymen and brigands who travel in bands...All of them weak like mice, but you...You're a dragon among these tiny drakes, a lion among mice. It boils my blood!"

Scelna felt her heart race at that, her eyes narrowing as she allowed herself to pull back suddenly to catch him off guard, her hand pulling away from his to plant a fist upon his chin sending him sliding across the snow, but not toppling; her interest had been piqued. Their eyes met again at that point, Scelna's breath clear and misty in the region's cold air, "Blood boiling huh? I must be special to you then...I'm no craven, and I don't want this to end either, but one of us has to die right?"

Ectus thought of that for a moment. He'd met a worthy opponent, and perhaps had what he had considered the only good conversation with another warrior in years. He was no fool, if he killed her he'd be killing the only good competition he'd ever have among this region, but he'd also be ridding the city of a bandit that had taken countless caravans, it was his job after all, there was nothing personal in it, and yet he found himself standing there not doing a thing, even as she turned to walk away and take both of their weapons in hand. As she turned back to him she tossed his weapon into the snow at his feet allowing him to pick it up. Taking it up he looked down at the weapon and then to her, "Hmm...One of us has to die...But you don't believe that?"

Scelna laughed, "Of course not. I'm a bandit, not a fool...I fight to survive, to bring myself over those who are weak, and you are no weakling, but if you died, then who would I be left with? Little merchants with their baubles and food. There is not enough beef in this world to satisfy my needs! So I make this offer to you...Become my partner and let us find new roads to plunder, there are many cities, places to wander and wonders to take for ourselves...And perhaps we can find worthy opponents to pit our combined strength against."

For a moment he thought of ignoring her request and simply taking up his axe again against her, but she stuck her claymore in the snow driven ground and continued, "Besides! What do you have as a headhunter...What is your strength rewarded with!? You're a dog of the crown. A hunter of mice that they could be catching themselves, and what do they pay you? Shit. The only reason my bounty is of any worth is because I'm not a mouse. Will you ever be knighted? Will you ever be recognized as a hero? No, you'll be dubbed the Terrible, hunter of heads and slayer of men; demon incarnate as a beast man."

Ectus relaxed the grip upon the handle of his axe, letting the head drop into the snow, "It'll be the same thing if I'm a bandit but..."

And she finished for him, "But you'll be feared as a conqueror, not as the pet of some office demanding that you hunt down every little weak mouse...No...Those offices, and even the king will come to fear you, and won't that be grand? Isn't that worth it enough to join me." With her blade still buried in the snow she thrust her hand out towards him, "Come with me. Let us break the earth and drink deep from the bones of our fallen enemies."

Ectus snorted as he stepped to her, bringing his axe up only to plant the butt of his axe in the ground as a sort of walking stick as he brought his other hand up to grab hers, "Your offer...I can't deny how tempting it is. I'll never be satisfied working for men working behind desks who work for men hiding behind iron walls and in golden halls while I slave away."

Scelna gripped upon his hand and the two sheathed their weapons, their battle over for now. Perhaps another day they would clash blade to axe again, but for now they headed towards the bandit's hideaway to feast and drink. A battle like that deserved a feast for the living, and since both of them had lived, what better way to seal their deal, than with a feast befitting two powerful warriors with powerful appetites and thirst?

Scelna lived off the mountain road and in the wooded area in a small cottage no man dare come near. Inside the floors were lined with hide and fur of game she had caught, and the furniture a fine wood he could not tell from just looking. Of course anything not fur or pelt must have been taken from caravans, but he no longer cared for that, instead he helped her prepare the feast. Taking cuts of meat hunted that day and slicing them into a cauldron they hung over a fireplace along with various vegetables, also most likely stolen. For a woman of the wilds, her home was well kept and he couldn't help but note that she seemed rather comfortable in that cottage, it seemed liked she had everything that she could ever desire right there, "You're leaving this all behind hrm?"

The bandit snorted as she set their weapons aside, removing her fur top revealing plump breasts that drooped just a bit, but held a certain fascination with perky rosebud nipples, "We can find ourselves, or build ourselves a home away from here. Besides...With you failing your job, I'd assume they'd send a small army after me now that I've supposedly defeated their best man...Say, what was your name?"

Ectus brought his gaze from her breast back to cloudy grey eyes to respond as he grunted to take a seat, "Ectus...Your name is already known across the land and where I picked the bounty."

Scelna raised a brow, a small smile on her lips. It did not evade her that he had been staring. The cold did not bother her, and neither did the stares of a weakling, however, Ectus was no weakling. He was a warrior worthy of clashing blades, and of joining her in robbing fools of their money, and hopefully finding some better competition. She could feel the feral hunger burning a hole in her back as she walked to check their stew, feel his gaze upon her rear as she went to fetch them a few skins of mead she had around. When she tossed him the skin he caught it quietly, but still she could see the fire in those emerald eyes of his. A fire that was reflected perfectly in her own gaze. Without ceremony she simply allowed the rest of her furs and leathers to fall off of her body, stepping to the fire with her back facing him as she drank deep from the wine skin. Her eyes shut as the strong mead touched her tongue and throat. Sweet and powerful, like their union.

The sound of the chair sliding back brought a shudder to Scelna's body. Her eyes shut as she simply sipped at her drink and pretended to check on the stew. Again she felt a shudder as she heard heavy clothing fall upon the ground, step by step Ectus approaching until she felt his strong hands upon her sides, his claws gently grazing at her skin, his head next to hers as he opened his maw to speak, "Another battle before our meal...?"

Scelna simply chuckled at the silly jest, her hand moving back to feel over his snout, "Perhaps..." That was when she felt his cock, warm and thick pressing against the small of her back, the tip grazing her flesh causing her to shiver, a lance of warmth trailing up her spine, "It seems you have me caught though...Hardly fair."

Ectus breathed out against her neck, a low rumble sounding off from his throat as he passed his hands up her body to outline her curves, her muscle, before he gripped on to her chest, digits closing around her nipples to toy with them while he brought his tongue out to taste her neck. Scelna let out a small sigh, her hand upon his snout moving back to feel over his chest and then down all the way to his cock, gripping tight against the tapered member. She had never had herself a beastkin before, and certainly not one so large, but the prospect only excited her, it was after all, another challenge. There were so few men that dared ever touch her, that every single gentle digit upon her skin sent shivers through her body, she had never met her match, and yet here he was with his fat cock against her back, and his eyes burrowing holes into the back of her neck. For a moment she thought of simply pulling away, of making a game of it, but an arm around her stomach pulling her tight against his body prevented that, his cock slipping between her thighs where she squeezed upon it, her eyes looking down to see that massive member twitching and already dripping with pre.

As she squeezed upon his cock with her thighs she heard his voice whisper, "Is this how we seal our deal then?"

Scelna snorted, "This is just a bonus...A perk of our little relationship, if you can keep me satisfied." She made a taunt of it, boasting her own skill quietly with those words, but truthfully she had barely had herself a real man let alone many; her confidence wavered.

Scelna then yelped as she was pulled back and thrown onto the ground, her fall cushioned by the furs upon her floor. As she looked up with furrowed brow and fury, she paused as she saw the gator beastkin crawling between her legs, both of his hands gripping at her ankles, his maw opening wide as he let out a guttural rumble. For a moment she felt real fear course through her body as she saw those fangs closing in, but that fear was soon replaced with a budding pleasure along with the sound of her moans echoing through the small cottage. His tongue pushed deep inside of her pussy, his hands holding her legs apart as his long and thick tongue worked her insides, twisting and darting in and out quickly. At times the gator brought his tongue out of her pussy to press it against her clit, lapping up her slit slowly and then back down before pushing back in. Embarrassment flowed through her as she felt her body weaken at his touch, her mind clouded by the pleasure of his tongue abusing and loving at her hole, at the same time she managed to bring her legs around his head, keeping him in place as she forced him to continue, or so she thought. Rather than try to pull away, Ectus brought his tongue in deeper, his maw opened as wide as it could manage as she felt warm spittle drip upon her crotch, his tongue grinding at her inner walls in the most pleasurable ways that had her toes curling and her eyes shutting tight. She could almost feel herself ready to pop from just his attention, and from the fact that she saw so little action out there in the wilds. There was nothing left to do, he had her where he wanted her whether he was being forced to keep his maw against her cunt or not, and so she rode out the pleasure, grinding her pussy to his tongue, moaning aloud and allowing him to assume full control.

Even with her powerful legs around his head, Ectus clawed at her thighs, bringing his tongue deeper, determined to show her his strength as a lover, and determined to conquer this wild woman as he brought his tongue as deep as he could manage. At this point even his tongue was getting a bit weary, but he continued on effortlessly, diving into her pussy, slickening it with warm spittle as he dove on in again and again, her moans urging him to move faster, her shuddering urging him to not stop as he felt her legs weaken, her hands moving to grip at his head, her fingers trembling as she suddenly let out a squeal, her eyes shut tight as he felt her pussy clamp down upon his tongue, her pleasure gushing upon his tongue as he slowly pulled his tongue free, giving her sensitive clit one last lap of his thick tongue. With his tongue fully out and her legs weak enough, he moved to grip at her ankles, pulling her legs wide apart and moving upon his knees to press his cock on her cunt, and though he had pleasured her fully, her eyes were full of fury and defiance. With a grin he asked, "Wasn't enough for you?"

She snorted and stared at him with little humor. There Ectus knelt with his proud cock upon her pussy, his own eyes full of vigor and laughter. She had been beaten by the gator perhaps in this battle, but she would find a way to one up him one day. At the moment she had no way of moving to push him off, she had been too inexperienced with matters of the bed and found herself now with back against fur and her legs spread wide for him to look down at her with a cocksure grin and those glimmering green eyes that seem to take in every single little detail. This was a battle of another sort and she cherished it just as much, but she knew in this she was not his equal, and so she stayed there quietly with legs spread, a scowl on her face, her hands holding her up to watch as Ectus began to push his member inside of her cunt.

The reaction was almost immediate, the woman beneath him grunting and letting out a groan even though only the tip of his cock was inside. Ectus wondered just how little experience she had, but it only drove him to pushing inside deeper with more excitement. Rarely did he get the chance to conquer territory never, or rarely touched by other men and this was a treasure indeed. He didn't consider being gentle, didn't consider disrespecting her as a warrior with that, and so he brought himself deep inside of her with a single thrust, earning a pained grunt from the woman. Ectus marveled as the warrior that had been clashing with him blow for blow groaned out and squealed beneath his grasp, her powerful body useless against his thrusts, against the way he held her and pulled her to him. He loved every single second of this conquest, and though he knew he'd get some lip for the way he was treating her, he continued to pound inside of her, opening his maw to taunt her, "I hear pain, I hear pleasure, I hear the pathetic whimpers of a mouse. Should I slow down for you princess?"

That had been a mistake, she brought her fist up to remind him that she was no princess. Scelna gripped onto his snout, pulling him down close and gritting her teeth as she spoke, "I am no princess...I am a bandit of the wilds, a woman of these woods, I don't care if I am inexperienced. Break me, but do not dare belittle me!"

Ectus felt the sting of where she had punched him, but his hand moved to grip at her wrist, pulling it away as he thrust deep inside of her causing her to gasp out. His eyes focused in on her's and he spoke aloud, "Fine then...No holding back."

Scelna gasped out as suddenly she felt his hips began moving faster than before. They worked like hammers upon an anvil to thrust his thick member inside of her pussy that seemed to stretch her so far. His cock felt far too hot inside of her and the balance of pain and pleasure was soon being tipped in favor of pleasure, her body still sore from the brutes thrusting, but her lips parting now to moan instead of grunt and groan out her pain. Again and again she felt his cock pound deep inside of her, his claws moving upon her back to rake at her skin, while her hands could only grab upon his strong arms to hold on as he continued to pound her again and again.

Ectus brought himself fully inside of the woman below him with every single thrust, anger and lust fueling his relentless assault upon her cunt. She had asked for him to treat her like a warrior in bed and so now he did, and it seemed to have yielded a better result. Her lips were now singing a song of pleasure and her eyes were fluttering with every thrust he gave her. This brought him no pleasure as he still desired to see her broken, and so he pushed on, thrusting faster, but as he did he felt his own orgasm building, his eyes clenching shut but then opening suddenly as he felt her hands upon his snout, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. He felt her tongue grazing against his maw and so he opened his mouth and brought his tongue against hers, his massive mouth far too large for any normal kiss, but at the very least their tongues could lock in a loving manner as they fucked on the floor of Scelna's cabin.

There the two bandits fucked upon the ground, the gator man pounding in deep and rough, his arms pulling her close against his body as their tongues coiled and pushed against one another's, their strong bodies pressed tight against one another and Scelna's legs wrapped foolishly around his waist. With her powerful legs around him he could not pull free, he could not even budge as he felt his massive cock twitch and begin to spurt out a thick load of cum inside of her pussy. Scelna only moaned aloud and shuddered as she felt every little drop of his seed pour out into her. She loved every little second of it, though she did not register the consequences. Ectus himself dug his claw into her body, clenching his eyes shut and snarling as his cock poured out into her, once he had finished Scelna collapsed upon the floor and Ectus grunted quietly, "That was a mistake..."

Scelna blew strands of hair from her face as she spoke while catching her breath, "What? I wasn't that bad."

Ectus grunted as he pulled free of her body, some of his cum spilling from her. Scelna's eyes rolling back a bit as she felt hot cum spill from her insides, "Ah...T-that is what you mean." she said, the consequences just now dawning upon her. With a sigh she rose upon shaky legs, gripping a nearby table to keep herself steady as she continued, "We'll deal with that when it comes and if it comes...I'll need to get a bit better at this before I can face you again in that kind of battle though...You might have to carry me when we leave for better lands."

Ectus snorted at that as he sat back upon the furred floor, lounging there, "We'll get horses...But I'll carry you to the horses." His thick tail flicked from side to side as he watched her, amusement touching his tone and manner as he watched her struggle to check the stew.

"A meal then after another grand battle...Though one with a clear victor." She said as she brought herself from the pot to collect some bowls and a ladle, "I should think that you'll still be joining me even after this moment of weakness right?"

Ectus shrugged, "You were pathetic in bed, but on the field you're a monster, so yes I'll still be joining." He winced as he felt a bowl crack against the side of his head, but he only chuckled and looked to see her setting bowls with steaming stew in them upon the table. For now it seemed that this would be better than working for the crown, he only hoped that no armies would come searching for him if they classified him as a deserter, better to let them think him dead than turncoat.

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