Going Walkies

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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When a magic collar helps a GMO pet achieve human level intelligence, continuing to live the life of a pet simply wasn't enough. Particularly at times when the pet felt they were smarter than their overly coddled human owner. That is until the magic within their collar spoke of other possibilities...

They could escape their fate of being a lowly animal, the problem being, they'd have to hurt the only human they ever cared for.

"Bye mum, I'm taking Buddy for a walk!"

The young woman zipped up her fur collared jacket and proceeded to shut the front door behind her, lead in hand. Walking just ahead of her an unusual creature indeed, like a dog yet not. Smooth teal blue scales decorating a reptilian physique, a thick whippy tail raised behind legs and a body suggestive of canine roots but headed by a lizard. A genetically engineered pet, for the privileged wealthy few, as clearly this young lady had the mannerism of a women of finer breeding.

Abby is my 'owner', as they would call it. I was gifted to the brown haired human female as a pup and we've been together ever since. I never really put much thought into my relationship with her and her family, they fed and cared for me, it's all I needed to know.

At one time I would have considered myself to be a member of that family. Of course, with understanding comes a change in perceptions, and my understanding has grown considerably these past few months. Granting me a more accurate view of where I stood in the pecking order.

I stop to sniff the scent markings of a nearby wall. Breathing in heavily the smell of a local female, savouring her musk until a tug on the lead commanded me on... I was grateful my human owners had spared me the indignity of being spayed, however at times I wondered if I would have been better off without these needs and the inability to sait them. I may have been a fine breed, but breeding certainly wasn't in my foreseeable future. My designated role to simply be their household pet.

Shaking off the momentary arousal, I followed behind my human owner, keeping up pace to avoid any undesirable tugging on my collar. I was very protective of that collar...

Not that I was alone... at the very least, on this my owner may be able to relate. Raised in an incredibly strict and religious family, Abby may have had the body of a young adult but her mind was still rooted in more childish thinking. That's what a sheltered life will do to you, living in a fenced off community of equally minded individuals; intent on keeping their children pious and pure. We were both pets in that regard.

Her education on reproductive matters has thus far been... nonexistent. In fact I don't think she had any comprehension of it, being the sweet naive homeschooled girl that she is. Their radical emphasis on cleanliness and the virtues of virginity delaying the talk on the birds and bees, assuming it was ever to arrive.

What they don't know can't hurt them, at least, the residents here would like to believe. In this instance, her ignorance on sexual matters would prove to my advantage. I need only wait for the most opportune moment, the anticipation giving everything about what should have been a regular walk a heightened sensuality to it. I watched her walk ahead of me eagerly, my excitement growing as the local woods came into view in the distance.

Yes, that familiar scent, the markings of countless beasts. It was euphoric compared to the sparsely populated urban roads of the gated community. I ran ahead of her just to gain those extra few seconds to gaze upward, the sky disappearing behind the thick towering Autumn brown foliage. The trees would become denser as we travelled inward, better cover and I hoped better privacy... As the lead returned to being ahead, I continued to follow behind.

Abby paused momentarily as she found something unexpected in her pocket, pulling it out to reveal a generic brown leather collar. Perplexed as to how it got there; she returned it to the pocket for safe keeping and continued on. Much to my relief, as obtaining another collar and sneaking it into her jacket without notice was no short achievement on my part. It was a necessary piece of what was to come.

My own collar suddenly had a warmness emanating from it as we moved deeper into the wood. I fell back from my owners gaze to avoid any unwanted attention, though thankfully it gave off no visual indicators of the powers that lay within.

Patience, my friend...

My collar. So quaint and exotic in design, a mixture of archaic markings and stones. When they found it in an antique store they knew it would make for interesting decor on their favourite mutt. I didn't question the nature of the silent power I later learned slept within it, I only knew it helped expand my awareness of things. Explained the world to me, of who and what I am.

But like all interesting accessories, eventually they'd grow bored of this novelty and take it from me. I couldn't allow that, I couldn't stunt my growth now; not after my understanding had come so far. It was then that my new friend, without a word, led my thoughts to interesting possibilities...

My owner sighed, stopping for a moment to stretch her back and take in the wild air. It was then I took advantage of her distraction, pulling the lead from her hand and making haste for less travelled ground.

"Hey, Buddy wait!" She cried from behind, I glancing back with a reptilian grin to see her gathering speed in pursuit of me. She could never catch a four legged creature such as myself, but I restrained my speed to keep the leads handle just out of reach. Luring her deeper into the wood and further from the possibility of prying human eyes.

I turned towards her and jumped into a wider stance, tail curled upward behind and tapering towards the leafy ground. Teasing her with a sly tongue; mockingly poking out at the sluggish bipedal, giving the impression of seeing this all as a game. It was a game and one I intended to win. Resuming my feigned escaped as Abby stumbled towards me breathlessly.

"Buddy come back to mummy!" She cried after me.

There was a certain satisfaction to disobeying my would be master, but satisfied we were suitably private; I slowed my pace and turned to greet her. She stumbling onto the knees of her denim pants. Gasping for air as she wrestled the end of the lead from amongst the Autumn leaves.

"You're a bad boy..." She managed to say disgruntledly, too winded to give the words any proper authority.

Oh I'll show you a bad boy...

I moved around her in a semicircle, taking careful steps through the dead leaves as I watched the girl pant and heave, like a predator circling its exhausted prey. Once behind, taking cautious looks to the left and right to ensure our privacy, I grinned toothily. Giving my silent friend the go ahead.

The collar grew warm with an invisible, radiating energy. Becoming incredibly hot, feeling a blazing white of heat, yet causing no harm to the scales that lay within it. The energy building before finally seeming to discharge, my owner's body jolting in response; as if suddenly shocked by some unknown force. Falling silent.

I watched in eager anticipation, raising one foreleg as I intended to take a step closer but hesitated; thinking it wise to maintain my distance for the moment.

She was just kneeling there, gasping like a whisper, as if distracted by some internal activity she struggled to identify. A few silent moments passed, neither of us doing nothing but breathing.

Her body suddenly jolted again, much more violently this time and she groaned loudly. Giving me a fright and hastily digging my clawed feet into the rustling leafy floor; increasing the distance between us, taking on a defensive pose before continuing to observe her.

Abby's body spasmed violently beneath her jacket, sending her shoulders bouncing uncontrollably, confused gasps and whimpers forced from her lips with each involuntary movement.

Falling forward onto her hands, she began to cry out as her back forced her to jolt upward in violent spasms, her back seeming to raise higher each time. Becoming increasingly contorted until it became clear these weren't just strange muscle spasms. Her back crunched outward and was quickly followed by a feminine cry, as she was forced to take on a less than human posture. Soft subtle pink flesh coming into view between the bottom of her jacket and jeans, her torso beginning to lengthen; pushing them apart.

"What's happening to me!" She managed to shout out as the deformities continued, much concern in her voice. Her chest audibly crunching outward from beneath her clothes; while her now more visible belly became sunken; her waist narrowing. The shift in her physiology emphasised by the growing gap between her belly and her once well fitting jacket.

One hand managed to leave its role of supporting herself just long enough to cup where one of her breasts should be. It imaginably being pressed uncomfortably against the inside of the jacket; as her ribs became more protruded. Eventually being forced to return to the ground to support her weight.

Abby's face strained upward under the stress of this radical reconstruction, groaning through tightly shut teeth; biting down to bare the gut twisting intensity of her shifting internals. I taking note as these bared teeth suddenly began to look more like bared fangs, sharpening to points.

For a moment with the way she pushed her head away from her shoulders; it looked like she'd do herself a nasty injury. But the harder it strained away from her body, the more flesh seemed to swell into place to increase its length.

Despite still being fully clothed, it was clear even to my eyes that what lay beneath that branded outfit wasn't quite human. Her jacked now not being long enough to cover her full torso length, the sunken bare belly on show contrasted by her more protruding chest; stressing the fashionable furred jacket she still wore. The poor girl switching between breathing and cries as the effects of the change gave her little opportunity to rest.

A leg launched forward to support herself, her limbs awkward between her now impractically long torso, straining the denim pants surrounding it as her hips bulged underneath. A shoe clumsily coming free, crushed under foot as she pushed down against it. The heel of her feet raising up from inside the shoe, her feet visibly stretching and pushing their way out of her still worn socks.

Now sat down on my tailed rear, I watched with a morbid curiosity as my owner was being rapidly reshaped against her will. Groaning, twisting and straining against her own body. Having full understanding that it was I who inflicted this condition on her.

I was admittedly feeling guilty as she was dragged kicking and screaming away from her humanity, being cared for by her and all. This was my owner after all, the one who referred to herself as being my 'mummy'. Yet also finding a tasty sweetness at seeing how the mighty was falling, was being dragged down to something more akin to my level.

The deforming creature rolled over onto her back, increasingly digitigrade legs bent below her waist, struggling with clawed paw like hands to unbuckle her belt. Serious focus pushing past the immediacy of her condition to do something important, her unladylike grunts growing increasingly desperate until she was finally able to unzip the crotch of her jeans; pulling them down from her.

Peering behind her, I grinned wide as the beginnings of a tail came into view. Poking out from under her feminine underwear, wiggling as it rapidly grew in thickness and length. She moaned unapologetically as the growing limb was freed, taking a moment to enjoy the release; despite her changes not giving a moments rest. Panting from an increasingly outward pushing face, apathetic to it at that moment.

Her hips slowly parted, growing wider as the tails base continued to bulge from under her silken underwear, pushing them downward as a thick meaty tail took place over her subtle feminine buttocks. I saw her crotch thicken as the tails base flowed into it, momentarily bringing genitalia into view; before it relocated downward. A hygiene pad falling loose as the feminine human anatomy it was sculpted for completely disappeared.

A change, I admit, began to stir me. Arousal beginning to burn in my vent as this creature became more to my liking.

I watched as she rolled onto her stomach. Pressing the sunken digits of what used to be her hands against the forest earth, gripping into it with the beginnings of claws. Pushing herself up off the ground as a nude animalistic leg withdrew from her discarded pants; providing additional support.

That underwear rolled down those leaner digitigrade legs, one lifting out from them; causing the elastic to fire towards the other leg and then fall to the ground, resting over her hind paw. She looked back on them with a face I didn't recognise, from behind the messy brown hair that was falling from her head; a pink fleshed reptilian muzzle, panting ferally. Drool flicking from the lengthy tongue that hangs from within it.

Abby's face returned forward using that elongated neck, closing her large eyes tightly, baring fangs before going into a magnificent stretch. I heard her whimpering under the strain of new muscles put to the test. Her physiology finalising, the last details filling in. My lust for her growing all the more as that thick freshly grown tail raised for me, exposing the reshaped genitalia of her plump lizardy rear, creating a great sense of longing in me.

No... not yet. I diverted my eyes and buried that burning need. It would all be so easy to just mount her now, to vent my lust into that freshly grown reptilian slit. But not yet, she must be ready and... not like that. Despite everything, despite doing this to her, I still respected her too much to take advantage like that.

She moaned ferally as she flexed and strained her new flesh, pupils slitting in recognition of her inhumanity. Deep breaths as claws ceased their growth, muscles settled into their final physique and the last of her hair fell from her head. Her breath quietened, slumping back onto her tailed rear with a crunchy thump amongst the surrounding leaves, in silent shock at what had just occurred.

Abby now looked just like my kind, a female of my kind, only she still wore her human skin; not quite being fully pulled over to my side. Still wearing that fur collared jacket despite everything, but her bottom end being nude. Not surprising given she now donned an impressive tail, hardly the sort of thing human pants were designed for. Yet despite clearly now being an animal, I knew my owner was in there, mind probably racing at what had just occurred.

I approached cautiously, taking gentle steps towards the new beast as she seemed occupied with her body feel. Her shuddering as she felt that human fleshed reptile tail brush across the ground behind her, displacing leaves in the process. Everything being so fresh to her, her muzzle turning to the direction of hearing a far away bird, even familiar sounds being heard with different ears

"...Hello?" I spoke carefully.

Abby suddenly turned to face me with large glossy reptile eyes, her muzzle parted in a toothy gasp as she made use of her flexibly long neck to see who was approached her from behind. Those slit eyes glancing me up and down, still not quite registering the alien nature of everything that had happened. This was her pet talking to her after all.

"You can speak!?" Came sharply from her toothy lips, Abby having the anatomy of my kind but still retaining her soft lip like flesh.

Getting into character, I offered the best friendly smile a reptilian face could muster, trying to create a false sense of normalcy surrounding these remarkable events. "Well this is a dream after all, it's normal for animals to talk in a dream."

Abby's slit pupils narrowed into thin lines, her face withdrawing slightly; again making use of that flexible neck. "This... is a dream? But what just happened was so..."

"Well that certainly doesn't happen in the real world; does it now?" I pace around her, her head maintaining sight of me until I reach her front. "Talking animals, turning into animals, you must be dreaming...surely."

"...yes, I... I suppose so." She spoke softly while glancing downward in contemplation, seeming to be warming up to the idea. Despite the lucid nature of her change and the sheer physicality of the transition, it was all too fantastical. Too alien to be considered real.

Abby leaned further back onto her tail, lifting her forelegs up for inspection, holding them before her in that loosely held begging fashion. Before turning them around to inspect the paw pads, wiggling the individual clawed digits before squeezing them inward; her dew claws trying to act as ineffective thumbs. Her slit pupils widened and narrowed in intense inspection of her new appendages, using one paw to feel over the pads of another.

An instinctive flick of her tail visibly sent another shudder down her spine, causing Abby to return her forelegs to the ground in support of herself. Not quite being accustomed to balancing in this state, she looked at me from below; a hint of embarrassment in her eyes. Before making efforts to stand up.

I watched as she stood onto all fours, stretching her long quadrupedal legs and digging the digits of her paws into the soft earth below. Shifting to stretching her back and working her way down to her tail, gasping with closed eyes as she immersed herself in the sensation of it all.

I must admit, it was fascinating watching someone discover my kind. For our bodies to be so alien to them. I simply took for granted how it felt to be me, yet here before me was someone discovering it all for the first time. To look behind and see a tail was not a normal experience for her to have.

Her eyes parted gently, the slit pupils slowly narrowing in response to the invasive light. Seemingly staring beyond her tail as it flexed and swayed under her command. Lifting it high, testing its limits, in what could be interpreted as an invitation to my kind; had she seen herself back there. Of course I knew better, Abby was simply playing with her new toy.

I was taken back by the sensual nature of her self inspection, licking over her sharp fangs and sniffing at the air. Bombarded with such a diverse palette of new senses; could she really be convinced this was all just a dream? Abby's calmness seemed to answer that, ending her inspection by sitting on her tailed posterior once again. Giving me a reassuring smile of the kind I couldn't hope to provide with my stiff reptilian hide.

I steady myself to maintain character, despite her human skin; her new body was testing my self restraint. The exploration of herself being a most delightful tease that made my loins burn, my hips jerking inward involuntarily with needy anticipation of showing her exactly what that new body can do... I take a deep breath and try to move things forward.

"So my dear... would you like to play a game?"

That perked her attention. "What sort of game?" She inquired. Giving her tail a playful flick; scattering some leaves behind. Surprisingly she was becoming quite adept at using that already... Just accepting things as they are and making use of them.

I continued.

"Games that show what it's like to be me, I promise they'll be fun." I position myself in front of a clear path through the woodland, that lead still rustling behind me as I get into position. Within a moments thought Abby was soon on four legs and following behind. I peer back at the she-lizard with the same mocking grin as before, "Let's see if you can catch me this time!" With that, I was off.

Her start was delayed but she soon gained speed, I glanced behind as she wobbled here and there but was quickly becoming accustomed at running as a quadrupedal. With each passing moment her learning she was able to run faster, then faster still. A competitive smile forming on Abby's face as she blew past any speeds she has previously achieved as a human.

But anyone can run in a straight line, let's add some difficulty to this chase. I dig my paws into the ground to make a sharp turn, sending dirt and leaves showing before me; before changing direction. I glance behind to see her skid forward, before backtracking and turning to resume chase. It did make me chuckle.

I continued to dart left and right between trees, increasing the challenge for our would be animal. She made a great effort but simply couldn't compete with someone experienced in their body such as myself. So I rolled back my efforts, like before with the leash; giving her the impression she actually stands a chance of catching me.

She eventually caught up, eagerly honing in on me, her eyes seemingly locking onto my tail. I must admit I enjoyed having such an attractive female chasing me, darting between trees and pushing herself to her physical limits. But at the back of my mind I knew... time was of the essence here. The more time we spent playing, the less we'd have to...

I begin holding back more, little by little falling back within range of Abby's grasp. Feeling her paws brushing over the tip of my tail. Until eventually, I feel her pounce over my back, sending us both tumbling into the thick leafy floor.

"Got you!" She cried out lightheartedly, somewhere between laughing and heavy breathing. Wide eyed with a look of utter excitement on her face, panting with an open toothy maw. I'm laying on my back in a heap of leaves, Abby's plump pink underbelly pressing up against my left side. Her heaving against me...

The burning in my crotch was all the more powerful, it was actually painful resisting penetrating her here and now. I needed her, I needed her body so badly. It would be so easy in this position, I'd just have to...

Yet behind it all, behind everything I had done to her... everything I will do. I just didn't want to... I just couldn't... force myself on her. I wanted her but I wanted her in the right way, for that, certain things would have to come first and I'm running out of time...

"That was fun!" The new lizard girl finally continued with, seemingly oblivious to the suggestive nature of her position over me. "I've never run so fast! What else can I do, please show me!"

"You want to have more fun?" I asked, somewhat feeling guilty. "The sort of fun that you've never been able to have before?"

"Yes!" Abby responded enthusiastically.

I take a deep breath, readying myself for the next stage of the plan. "Tell me..." I say, placing one of my paws up against her cheek and meeting eyes. "Do you know what the most fun thing you can ever do is? The most fun thing in the world?"

She shook her head tight muzzled, looking at me with eager eyes. The most fun thing in the world? This she had to know.

"Do you know what it is to mate?" Abby tilted her head, me not being sure if she was imitating this animal like behaviour or performing it naturally at this point. Eventually she rolled her eyes upward, as if searching her memory banks, before shaking her head as not knowing. Wow, she really was sheltered...

"Well mating is the most fun thing you can ever do, the most amazing feeling thing you can ever do." This clearly piqued Abby's interest, if this mating thing is so incredible; why hadn't she heard of it before?

"So how do we play this "mating" game?" She asked me.

"It's not so much a game as something we can do together." I explained. "It's like... It's something the best of friends can do together, if they really like each other." I paused, seeing if these words meant anything to her. "So..." I continued. "Do you really like me?"

She nodded enthusiastically "Yes, of course I like you Buddy, you're my best friend!"

Abby maintained that toothy smile for a silent moment, before continuing. "Mum and dad won't let me hang around with other people, they say they're a bad influence. So when they got you for me, I finally had a friend, someone to play and hang around with." Her response was sweet, it tugged on my conscience but I had taken this too far to back down now.

"And you trust me?" I added. Again, she nodded, seeming eager to please.

"Ok... We're going to do a few things, together, which will seem strange at first. But if you trust me and play along, I promise it will be the best thing you've ever tried."

Again she nodded, her eyes gleefully anticipating whatever came next... Oh you naive girl...

Finally, I could stop holding back, I just... let go. The burning in my loins boiling over, manifesting in the tip of my moist meat beginning to poke out of my scaly vent. Throbbing with growth. I just smiled and maintained eye contact with her own glossy slit orbs, as my member continued to erect somewhere in the background. Eventually she took note, gasping as she saw it building and push against her belly.

"What's that thing?" She eventually asked. I had to restrain myself from bursting into laughter. Her ignorance was incredible, yet expected and everything I had hoped for. Her parents really did her a disservice failing to inform her about the naughty aspects of life, that she had managed to reach adulthood without any sex education was truly something to behold. Yet, it all worked in my favour.

"It's something boys have, think of it as the key to your lock"

"I have a lock?" She asked, eager to learn.

"Yes, all girls have a lock and all boys have a key. The fun I spoke about, it's unlocked by bringing them together. Just... just follow my instruction and you'll be fine."

We both lay together as my member built to its pinnacle, Abby gazing at the wet meat in amazement; having undoubtedly seen nothing like it before. At one point she reached out and touched it with her paw, recoiling upon realising that wetness could rub off onto her.

"Ew it's slimy!" She declared, wiping it onto the side of her still worn jacket. "And you're going to put that into my lock!?"

That tone concerned me, I couldn't afford for her to be creeped out at this stage. "Yours is slimey too hun, it's normal, it would be difficult to put them together if they weren't lubricated; wouldn't it now?"

She seemed to understand, yet continued to gaze at my member, her eyes examining every inch of the slimy meat. Probably mentality repulsed by it, but on a certain instinctual level; feeling drawn to it.

I told her we needed to get up now, asking Abby to stand on all fours and to hold her tail just like so. She complied but seemed uncertain about the whole thing, all I could do was try to reassure her. I was her Buddy, she should know she can trust me...

I made an attempt to mount her, but Abby walked off, confused and asking what was going on behind her. Further attempts led to similar results, either not standing still or feeling the need to down her tail. She didn't like not being able to see what was happening behind her, nearly achieving penetration at one point but the shock of tickling her slit sent her wandering away again.

It was frustrating and I was running short on time. How can someone be so inept at sex? I understood she was inexperienced, in both sexual matters and that of her newly acquired species, but this was bordering on ridiculous. It shouldn't be so difficult to put my key into her lock!

Fearing I was unsettling her, we took a break to work things out. Suppressing my frustration as I let Abby know it was ok, that we'll get there in the end. My erection sore with anticipation.

"I'm sorry... I've never played this game before, it's weird and kind of icky!" She nudged her head against my neck, closing her eyes for a moments peace. Looking down on that creature, on my owner, it was hard to imagine she was my superior. That for so much of my life, this simple women led me around by a lead. Yes I had the collar... but, were humans really so superior to us animals?

Sighing, I leaned my head against hers for a moment, it felt nice; just to lay there with a female. An experience my life as a domestic pet had denied me. Despite my impatience with her, I needed to admit it, she wasn't the only virgin here. Thanks to my collar I knew everything there was to know about reproduction; except experiencing the act itself. How weird is it that it would be her that I'd try lose it to...

The recollection that time was running short shook me out of what could have easily been an ill thought out nap. That's right, we're on a timer, if I don't do what I set out to... I wouldn't get a second chance. I nuzzle her awake as falling asleep in a 'dream' wouldn't fit well with the narrative I set out for her.

"I have an idea" I said to her; as I found a comfortable collection of leaves to roll over onto my back. She doesn't like not knowing what's happening in her blind spot, so maybe we should try doing things human style...

I entice Abby over, encouraging her to sit over me, my erection protruding just behind her; pushing up against the base of her tail behind a leg. "Look back there, can you see my key?" She turned around to glance back, then returned to nod. "Ok... you're going to try to sit on my key and have it enter into your lock. You know, that hole I tickled earlier. Just... just look between your legs and line them up..."

I watched as she stood up over me; using that long neck to peer under herself, slowly shuffling her four feet back and forth. Looking around her neck to the side; I saw her positioning her crotch with my own, pushing her tail low to bring her vent into view for alignment. The tip of my member tickled her genital lips as we almost met; her gasping in response. But being in control of things and exactly aware of what was going on now; it didn't deter her.

Eventually, the tip of my manhood was pressing against Abby's entrance and was fairly stable in that position. She pulled her heard from under herself, looking at me with uncertain eyes. We just stared at one another, her gently swaying over me, until she closed her eyes and sat all the way down.


She yelped, Abby's chest heaving as she was penetrated; gravity pulling me all the way in. Her meaty inner hips coming to a rest around my waist. I gasped myself, feeling my erect member filling the moist caressing warmth of a female. Two virgins locked together for the first time, I may have known more than her but this was new territory for me too. Before now I could only imagine how this felt yet, here and now, it was happening.

I felt the undersides of our tails press against one another as we met, instinctively curling to the sides and intertwining tightly. I had never felt so intimately closer to another being, our connection beyond the surface, so moist and deep. The visceral nature of the experience momentarily distracting me from the reaction of my partner.

"I... I don't know Buddy..." She took in a deep breath, seemingly to compose herself. Then wiggled her rear, shifting her body around on top of me, testing the feel of our connection with the mundane of holding hands...

"It feels kind of strange... This all feels very strange..." Abby looked back over herself; gauging how my dick felt inside her in relation to the penetration point. "Never tried anything like this before, it makes my insides feel weird."

I was taken back by the casualness of her response... Oblivious, totally oblivious to the intimate personal nature of what we were doing right now. She's going to lose her virginity to a different species, is the meaningfulness of all this really beyond her?

I groaned audibly, having to quickly correct my behaviour as she took note. This was who I was going to lose MY virginity to...

"So what's so fun about this?" She complained, looking to me with a slightly miffed expression; seeking explanation.

I smirked. "We haven't even started yet, but... good job getting your key into my lock hun. We're going to begin the fun now, I promise."

Flexing my hind legs beneath her in anticipation of a workout, given our unnatural position, I encouraged her to lay down flat against me; our underbellies pressed against one another. I whispered into her ear as her head came within range. "You just relax and let me do all the work, you'll understand soon". Abby nodded, resting her head near mine.


Gripping around her body with both my paws, I bared fangs as I gathered the strength to create the necessary movements; despite her weighing down on me. We weren't built to screw human style but by god I'd get it done. Little by little, I rocked against her, my member finally feeling a bit more of Abby's internal texture. A pleasant buzz was beginning to build. My excitement growing as finally, finally! It looked like the mating had started.

Abby was silent for a little while, just staring into the distance with those glazed over eyes as I gazed up at her, gauging her response. Eventually those eyes ever so slowly widened as undoubtedly she would have begun to feel her own buzz now, her muzzle suddenly turning to look straight into my eyes; like something very unexpected had happened that demanded explanation. Her still human skinned cheeks glowing red.

"B... Buddy! What's happening, what is this?"

I hushed her, trying to be reassuring. Letting her know it's ok and just to go with it. She stopped questioning, but her body language was still restless. I tried to ignore Abby's antics and focus on keeping my penis pushing into her depths, just keep it going man... Focus on what it feels like to spread her, the feel of my meat in her body, over and over...

Her eyes widened still, slit pupils narrowing as she let out a little "huff" of air, looking flustered by her own biological responses. But she seemed to be dealing with it, Abby's head beginning to sway with the motions of me at work, her eyelids fluttering until they were allowed to close and she seemed to be exploring these sensations behind them. The rocking of her head and neck becoming more dynamic as things went on.

Eventually, much to my relief, Abby's hips began to get to work and she joined in on assisting the motions. Our vents beginning to feel slick and moist, our internal lubricants intermixing and assisting one another's push against their partner. Finally, she seemed to be taking the hint, her eyelids twitching with tightness as these alien sensations filled her. These alien... pleasures.

She moaned deeply, opening her eyes and rejoining reality. Lifting her chest up from me and placing more of her weight downward where it belonged, deepening the connection between us. Finally learning, finally understanding what this was all about. Working those hind legs to intensify our pushing against one another.

"Wh..." She gasped. "Whatever this is... I like it. I like it a lot!" I saw her tail raise up behind her, curling high then swooping back down. Adding to the downward force as we pushed against one another, again and again, creating vibrations that traveled across our intimate regions. Wow... she quickly picked up how to make use of that asset.

"I like this, please don't stop doing it!" Abby moaned. Now using her whole body to aid our intercourse, to deepen the depths of my push into her. Finally, finally! I groaned ferally as I pushed all pretense of civility aside, we're animals and we should mate like animals!

I take hold of the she lizard and roll her over, exchanging our positions, now my weight pushing me into her. Getting onto all fours, I fuck her. I ram my groin down and I fuck her as vigorously as two beasts should fuck. Tail rocking behind me, grunting unapologetically as I spread those human coated reptilian lips with my manhood as rapidly as my hips would allow.

She was now squealing, not with a human voice but with the one her body had given her. That proper young lady taking it beneath me, so eager to be sexed by her pet, how far and easily had the human fallen when introduced to animalistic lust. Perfectly at home in that body, perfectly belonging.

You just keep pushing girl...

She tried to get the words out between her cries of pleasure "Something!" She stopped to moan, Abby's long tongue lapping at the air. "Something's... building... So deep!"

You just keep taking my animal manhood, you just keep submitting to my bestial body...

"So deep!" She cried aloud again.

I locked my eyes with her, riding her with a toothy panting grin, just letting her know exactly what sort of creature she was allowing into her body. Exactly what sort of partner she had chosen to take. Abby was submitting, body and soul, to a beast. So willing to take it all the way.

Exactly how I needed her to...

"I'm exploding!" She cried, drool visibly leaking out from the side of her muzzle. Pleasure saturated eyes lost in bliss; drinking it all in, as I felt her insides collapse around my member in orgasm. In that moment Abby had lost herself to the animal, the sweet right and proper women of earlier an eager to be fertilized beast; regardless of whether she was aware of that. In that moment, she lived for baser drives, only wanting to feel me continue to spread her and plunge deep.

Yes, yes, yes! Keep pushing me! Ride me, ride me hard, push me beyond the breaking point...

It's... it's happening!

Eyes wide with a grin anyone would be able to recognise, I announced almost in disbelief, I had achieved what I set out to do.

"I... I... I'm cumming. I'm cumming!"

With that, I erupted into her, pumping that human's pussy full of my feral seed. Roaring out in blissful victory, pounding her tailed rump as I fired shot after shot of hot reptilian cum deep into the womb of what used to be my human owner. In that moment, we were equals.

The spell was completed. My collar once again heating up in recognition as I continued to fill up my oblivious mate, having no idea she essentially signed the dotted line of a contract. By accepting my seed, in the ultimate expression of submission to another species, by mating with them. Abby had agreed to the terms of this spell.

Had too much time passed she would have reverted back to a normal human being. But now Abby had made it quite clear; as far as the magic of my collar was concerned, which species she wanted to belong in.

I on the other hand...

I teased out the last of my cum into her, milking this moment for all it's worth, burning it into my memory. Two ex-virgins, panting together in the sweaty aftermath of a good hard sexing. At least, she was sweaty. Abby was a pain in the backside but she got there in the end, a whole new world opened up to her, the hidden potential of her body revealed.

Reaching down I licked passionately across her long delicate neck in one continuous motion, savouring her taste and musk. "Good girl..." I praised reluctantly. As the sexual highs faded, my mind once again returned to what was to come. It's just a shame it had to be her, the parents wouldn't allow anyone else near.

The collar grew hotter and hotter, the magic within charging up. I looked down on my panting girl, recovering in the aftermath of a vigourous sexing. She opened her eyes and beamed up at her Buddy, her first and only friend. The one she was supposed to be able to trust, the one who had led her through her first sexual experience, my first and only mate...

"Sorry to break this to you love, but... this isn't a dream..."

The collar discharged its magic, our connection locking together under a powerful stimulating force. The fondness and sensuality in her eyes draining in an instant, both of us howling in terribly overwhelming orgasm as the magic did its work.

I was harder than I had ever been before, by member erecting above and beyond what it should be able; pushing further into Abby's body. I wasn't humping her, I was being pulled up against her; our vents widening and tightly sealed against one another. Shrieking in painful orgasm, pushed above and beyond our limits.

Deeper, deeper, deeper! What I was feeling was frighteningly impossible, yet I understood its aim. I felt all I had to offer being pulled into her, bubbles of something else streaming back, accumulating in my lower abdomen. Taking shape. My scales began to burn, it was like I was being held in a furnace. My skin was disintegrating, visibly pulling away in charred particles, splattering against the delicate fair skin of my women.

I was wracked with the intensity of the experience, squirming against my partner helplessly, just riding it out. Yet still, looking at her with guilt in my eyes, seeing what I had done to her. What I had done to us both.

Eventually I felt the last of it being sucked out of my body, something else being packed in, pushing deep into me. Deeper than anything should be. My skin felt delicate, my hard scales breaking down and blowing away like dust. My owner sprayed in these particles; smeared in them by her close proximity.

Then it all stopped, the power of the collar calming, cooling until it had ceased.

I was raw, my protective scales scraped off. I need only look to my partner to see where they had gone. Abby having a fresh coating of teal blue scales, my own body taking a familiar soft pink. We both just recovered from the effects of the magic for a time, eventually she began to weakly try to push me off, whimpering as the reality of it all came crashing down on her.

I sighed, no sense in playing my mister nice guy role any more, I had achieved what I set out to do. It was over.

So I pulled away from her, my womanhood dripping as we broke connection. A raw erect penis now proudly on display between her legs. She gazed at it in terrified confusion as I weakly wandered off a short distance, resting my sensitive human skinned backside on the ground and began to clean my privates. Licking the excess fluid away while becoming acquainted with my new sex.

My owner on the other hand was less than pleased, seeming to think my dick had simply broken off into her; trying to grip it in her paws to pull it free. Bringing her somewhere between arousal and discomfort, inadvertently simulating the very genitals she was trying to dispose of.

"If you're trying to bring yourself to orgasm; you're going to need more than paws. Believe me, I've tried". I said to her, somewhat passive aggressively. Recalling years of trying to vent my pent up sexual frustrations to no avail.

She began to cry in that spoilt, brattish manner I've come to expect of her. The daddy's little girl who hadn't suffered any hardship in her life, breaking down because she's got a nasty dickie now. "I want to wake up!" Abby sobbed.

Rolling my eyes, her noise grating on me, I wasn't the least bit interested in humouring her foolishness now. "I already told you... this isn't a dream. Not that you should have needed to be told that..."

"You lied to me!" Sobbed the beast, trying to sit herself up onto her rear but finding it impossible with a thick lizards tail. This awkward animal that was all too happy to indulge in her beastly form moments earlier, now seeming to have difficulty controlling her body. Every alien sensation now being over analysed; having accepted this was no dream. Climbing onto all fours and swaying, her still erect member hanging down.

The collar began to heat up again. "Finally..." I whispered to myself.

Turning to my owner, this blue scaled animal that was now the image of the former me. I did feel a twinge of guilt, I knew exactly what sort of life I was condemning her to... Yet I wanted more. I looked down on my pink human flesh, it displeased me, I wanted my scales. It was a necessary sacrifice. After the collar expanded my mind, an animal's life simply wasn't enough.

The collar radiated with heat, preparing for another discharge of magical energy. "I'm sorry my dear but it appears we're out of time, the spells over, time to go back". Her eyes lit up with hope, taking a few steps closer.

"I'm... going back? Back to mum and dad?" She asked.

"Well... the thing is... I'm not the one wearing the scales now..."

A shock wave rippled through my body as the collar discharged once again. Nausea overcame me, drool trickling from my fleshy lips; not having the experience with them to hold it back. Abby backed off cautiously as I stood up onto all fours coughing, breathing heavily as I felt parts of my internals move in ways they really shouldn't.

Hot spiky waves rippled over my pink fleshed and bony back, I digging the digits of my paws into the ground as they intensified with each pulse through my body. Jolting inward with a feral cry as bony crunches could be heard emanating from my back, it twisting and contorting, causing my whole body to involuntarily shift into awkward postures.

I growled my way through it, bared with it, accepted this pain and discomfort as the cost of my rebirth. Tail violently whipping behind with each involuntary muscle spasm.

The digits of my paws began to stretch out, stretching further from my pads and working their way between the leaves. Gaining in flexibility as they curled inward with popping knuckles, their claws receding. A freakish digit protruded where my dew claws used to be, waving like some strange grub reaching outward from its surface. Lengthening and thickening, pulling further up along my paw to be closer to the others.

The distance between my hind paws and their heel shorted, the gap between them stiffening, losing flexibility. Pulling together as my leg structure lost its digitigrade stance, I fell backward onto my heels. My paws and heel coming together to form plantigrade feet.

Resting on my gradually shortening feet; my thick tail pressed against the ground behind for support, I held my forelegs before me. Panting as I watched them pulsate with each beat of my heart, paw pads giving way to palms, the digits fanning out around them. I felt over my muzzle using my hands in progress, inside my mouth where I'd expect sharp fangs, but found them to be fatter and flat. Shrinking gaps between each tooth, my muzzle slowly pulling inward.

Feeling suitably supported in this upright position, I got up and took a few steps forward, my tail flailing behind as I found my balance. The discomfort of this process pushed to the back of my mind, replaced by curiosity for this still developing form.

I wobbled as my tail failed to find the floor, having to spread my weight with a wider stance as the tail continued to retract into my rear. While trying to keep myself stable; I used this moment to just observe the ongoing restructuring throughout my body. Wincing at the various pains and gust twisting sensations, yet still being mindful of what was happening.

I took note as my chest became sunken and changed shape, mammalian nipples protruding either side; which I did make the effort to stroke over. This area feeling more sensitive than what I already thought was overly sensitive surrounding skin. Then suddenly, it bulged outward, a mound forming under each nipple. Rapidly filling like inflating water balloons, disrupting my already delicate balance and causing me to wobble once more.

By the time they had finished, my female physiology had been completed on the mammal side of things; as I looked down to be greet with two generous breasts. I managed to cup both of them with my new appendages, gasping as I took control of a digit of both hands to stroke over those most sensitive areas.

Had I not been distracted with the itching of my scalp; I would have been happy to continue exploring them. No sooner had it appeared had it spread to other areas of my body, only unlike the top of my head I could see these.

A sort of brown fur... no, hair. Hair bushed outward from under my armpits, swarming my crotch and I could only imagine my head as well; judging the feeling. That latter thought answered as it grew downward to cover my vision, concealing all but the remains of my muzzle behind it.

I was feeling more stable in this upward standing position, having more control over my balance as I reached up to push the mass of brown from my vision. I breathed deeply in relief of its removal, in a feminine tone...

Things slowed down. I closing my eyes as I reached out with my senses, chasing those feelings of change as they dwindled. Forelegs, hindlegs... they're still there, though a lot had changed. Tail... tail!? Reaching back I grasped two firm buttocks, but there was no tail to be found. My commands to move it being sent to nowhere.

That saddened me.

Though I was soon stirred from my internal thoughts by a familiar whining.

"Give it back!" She cried. I turned to face Abby, she was so... no, small is not the right word. She was still a fairly large creature, proportionally as large as myself. However because of her quadrupedal stance, she was much further down than where I now looked from. As I had always imagined it would be, to look down on those like us...

"Give me back!" She cried again, looking at me from behind teary reptilian eyes.

Give me back? Yes, I suppose that made sense from her perspective. I looked down over my nude body, over my breasts and to my lean stomach. I look to my hands, these... human hands. Flexing them between a tight fist and then an open palm. I had a human body now, but not just any human body.

It must have been as bizarre for her as it was for me, to be looking at your own body from the outside. The magic essentially turning us into each other. I was the owner now and she is the pet.

"Give me back!" Abby cried once again, this time more pitifully, ending it with a downward turned muzzle and the familiar sound of sobbing. I stood there as a nude human female, watching this creature mourn the loss of her humanity. Her identity, her position in the world, her status as the alpha species on the planet.

"It's not fair!" Soon followed.

...Fair? What did she know about what was fair!?

Invigorated by an internal fury, I marched over to her, an act that no doubt caused much concern; given she looked up with wide fearful eyes and tried to make a run for it. Only to fall over her own feet. I taking hold of her by the fuzzy collar of her jacket once in range.

"Fair?" I roared at her. "My species wasn't domesticated, we weren't forcefully bred to serve your selfish whimsical needs like so many others. We were engineered to be your pets, we were created for the sole purpose of being owned for your enjoyment. My kind has never known freedom, and you want to talk about what's fair?"

She whimpered quietly while I scolded.

"Do you think I wanted this? Do you think I wanted to be one of you?" I gripped her jacket more tightly. "This is the only way to get ahead in the world, do you think I would have been anything more than a pet if I wasn't human?"

Glancing down at the pitiful way she was wearing my face, beyond my breasts, reminded me of another thing... "I gave up my dick for the privilege of being human, do you have any idea how that makes me feel as a male? What did you ever sacrifice? What did you ever do to deserve being human? You were born human, yet all I've ever seen you do with it; is be a good pet for your mummy and daddy!"

"You're a bad boy Buddy!" She yelped, suddenly with more authority and attitude. I was taken back by it, for Abby to talk down to me even now. Even though our roles had reversed, she was still talking to me like a pet.

"You need to be taught a lesson..." I growled.

I let go of her and stood up, looking at my hands. So these are the thumbs I heard so much about... I used them to remove my collar, gripping it tightly in my fist.

"Lesson number one... I can only hear you while wearing the collar, so don't think you're going to be talking back to me."

Now out of my grasp; Abby got up to run away, only to tumble again. Looking back over her animal body in fearful frustration, confused as to why it was suddenly so difficult to control it.

"Lesson number two... The magic is informing your movements and behaviour, otherwise it would take time to learn how to use your body. If you overthink how to use your body, if you're too mindful of your movements, it doesn't work."

I swiftly got in closer and took hold of her clothing again, before she could get her act together. Reaching into her jacket pocket, I pulled out the spare generic collar and promptly began locking it around her neck. An act she seemed to find demeaning, as Abby whined in opposition to it. I transferred over the lead, ensuring a tight grip of the handle to keep her under my control.

"Lesson number three..."

I rolled Abby over onto her back, she complied but with much caution in her eyes; having accepted who is in charge of her fate but not knowing what I would do with her now. Her hind legs lay splayed either side of her as she gazed upward, looking at me from behind a downward turned muzzle.

I stepped a foot over her tail, getting down on my knees and onto my hands; so I was hovering over her. Abby's eyes were jumping between my own and my heavy hanging breasts as I gazed down on her, she seeming to be intimidated by my close proximity to her face; despite her having the fangs.

"What we did before... wasn't a game..."

I sat down onto her crotch, much to her surprise. Working my hands between us to locate what remained of her prior erection and guide it between my legs. Her eyes widened and I gasped as I fed her tip between my lips.

Pushing past the alien sensation of being penetrated in a body very different from my own, I began to ride her, hard and fast. Huffing in exertion as she was quickly brought back to a fully erect member, feeling her penis push its way into my body, stimulating areas unknown to me.

Intent on making my point I pushed aside the pleasantries as I worked at bringing her to climax as quickly as I could. Being a new inexperienced male, that didn't take long. Soon enough I felt an eruption of warmth into my depths, followed by the orgasmic squealing of my feral girl. Ceasing my vigorous activities to catch my breath, while still being sure to maintain the necessary motions to milk her into me.

It felt good to regain a piece of myself, no matter how small. Had it been any other male I would have been hesitant to submit to the role of a female, but to my own body, that I could deal with.

Both of us panted against one another, having lost the virginities of our new sex. Until I regained enough composure to stand; a slight gooey noise as her penis left me. Semen trickled out of my body, quickly flowing down the inner thigh of one leg. I guess the seed of my kind was too watery for what this body was designed to hold in...

"Lesson... number three..." I continued breathlessly, as she recovered beneath me.

"What we had before... was sex. Not a game but dirty, indulgent, bestial sex. Of the kind may I add, that dear mummy and daddy wouldn't approve of... Which you'd know if they ever bothered to teach you about it!"

She just lay down there panting, eyes lost in what she had just experienced, staying in that compromising position; erection on display. I continued the lesson.

"Sex is primarily for reproduction, it's how babies are made my dear. But as I'm sure you've learned now; it also feels pretty damn good!"

I step from over her, making sure to keep her lead in hand. Kneeling down to her still orgasm struck face for a very important lesson indeed.

"I have no intention of being... impregnated, by one of those things. The idea of one of you having your way with me, having one of you growing inside of me... quite frankly revolts me. I'm pretty sure you'll have similar feelings about my kind."

I stroke over her forehead, from the tip of the nose; all the way to the back of the neck. I remember this used to sooth me and I hoped it would be similar for her.

"So for both our sakes, and to avoid any... awkward problems involving fertilization. Sexual activities are strictly limited to between you and myself. I'm the only female you'll ever mount, have I made that clear?"

She nodded in understanding, at least I hoped what I said had sank in. Her having a litter with the local bitches was the last thing I wanted. "Oh and no shagging in front of mum and dad, they wouldn't approve." I quickly added, her eyes bulged at that thought and she nodded again.

"Behave and I'll do things to you I could have only dreamed of..." I continued to stroke her, before moving on.

"Lesson number four."

I zipped down the front of her jacket, encouraging her back onto all fours before guiding her forelegs through the holes. From there I removed the long sleeved top she had underneath, her reacting instinctively at the exposure of her chest; only to correct herself upon realising she didn't have any breasts. Finally, I unclipped her loose hanging bra. A look of awkwardness filling her eyes as she stood there completely nude now.

I put on the bra as I had seen her do a hundred times, feeling my breasts to judge their support. The top and jacked followed, clothing my upper half but still being completely nude below the hips.

"You're going to have to learn how to behave like an animal. Don't show unnecessary intelligence, don't do anything to draw unwanted attention. No one is going to know it's you, but if you behave strangely they will take you away to be studied. Do you understand? You'll never see your mother and father or home ever again, so behave."

Despite the harshness of this lesson, I continued to stroke and comfort her to ease her through it. Kneeling by her side and holding her head close to my now clothed chest. The anger I felt earlier was beginning to subside, replaced by guilt and feeling sorry for her again. Not being able to hear her whine probably helped, but I knew all of this was a lot for her to take in.

"Now... let's go find those other cloths. We can't go home with me looking like this, people will recognise you."

With that, I began to walk her by the lead, keeping an eye out for the discarded clothes of her earlier transformation. Crunching bare foot through the dead leaves, hoping not to come by any humans while exposed like this. She trotted along quietly enough, having been given a lot to think about.

Eventually I found her lower body clothing, discarded in a pile where she had lost her human form earlier. Before we had our little chase. Putting them on while keeping a tight grip on her lead posed some difficulty, she didn't seem like she'd try to run off anywhere at this point but I wasn't taking any chances. I appreciated the clothing, a naked human body didn't have the best heat retaining properties. Suddenly their urge to cover up was making sense.

We walked through the woods, finding the public path. A few familiar people walked by, I just smiled in recognition of them and carried on. Another animal on a lead, some furred canine creature, got too close to my pet for my liking so I shooed it off. I wouldn't have anyone harassing my girl right now.

Eventually we left the woods and returned to more suburban areas. A tug on the lead prompted me to look back, Abby had that pitiful look on my face again but I couldn't judge why initially. The puddle that formed below her soon answered that question.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." I grabbed Abby by her hind leg and dragged her over to the nearest wall, her bouncing along. Placing her paw high up against it so the urine splashed against the wall where it belonged. "Didn't you learn anything from watching me all this time?" I scolded.

Public urination would have been a new one for her, not exactly something a proper lady would contemplate doing. Standing naked on the pavement of her gated community; relieving herself against someone's front wall. She had a look of shame about her, it was something Abby would have to get over and quickly if she was to thrive in her new life.

"Mum, Dad, I'm home!" I shouted upon entering the house, getting into character. No one responded, they must have been out.

I detached the lead from Abby's collar, she silently ran up the stairs; probably to her room. I'd give her some time to herself.

The house was a very different space. I was viewing everything from a higher angle now, areas I had never seen now being within easy reach, yet it also felt flat. A dimension was missing, there was little substance to the air, the human sense of smell left much to be desired indeed.

I let my fingers glide over the surroundings as I moved through them, testing their textures and general feel against my new skin. The coolness of the kitchen counter, opening cupboards and finding the hiding places of treats, now having little appeal to my human senses. Opening the fridge, I was free to inspect and taste at my leisure, nothing could be kept from me. Hands were all they promised to be.

I was home... but having to rediscover everything again, aspects of this house that were previously unknown to me now being within reach. I may have been numb to one dimension, but another was opening up to me, with so much possibility.

Undoubtedly though, I wasn't the only one rediscovering this house. A thud coming from upstairs reminded me that there was someone up there discovering their inadequacies... Stuffing some treats into my pocket; just in case, I began to make my way to her... my bedroom.

Treating entering this space with delicacy, I slowly crept in, taking note of items that now lay across the floor. Hair combs, clothing, makeup. Possessions promising the comfort of familiarity, now beyond her use. There she was on the bed, muzzle buried in the pillow, the paws of both forelegs over her face. She looked to be sulking.

She didn't react as I sat on the bed next to her. Even when I put my collar back on, she made no attempt to communicate with me. Sighing, I stripped off my outdoor clothes, choosing to wear only my underwear and a long top; just covering my rear and crotch. I wasn't quite used to clothing but understood the importance of remaining covered.

I sat where I did just before, her glancing out from under her paws to recognise my return but then hiding under them again. Nuzzling her face deeply against her pillows, the sound of a deep breath, she seemed to take comfort in the scent of her bedroom.

"I'm sorry..." I eventually said to break the ice. "I never intended to hurt you. You were the last person I wanted to hurt, but... there was no one else I could get close to. Not close enough to achieve this".

She remained silent.

"... I know I'm the last person to be saying this, but life as a pet, it's really not that bad. I'll take care of you, better care than you would have ever done for me. I know you better than anyone, you would have struggled later in life, you like the comfort of being cared for; were as I want to aim higher. Don't you see, that this makes sense?"

She continued to give me the silent treatment.

I knew I was just rationalising, I had stolen her life from her. Her beloved parents would never look upon her the same way again, with the same love. She wasn't their daughter any more, to her friends and family; she'd be nothing more than an animal. Everything she had, I had taken for myself. Her Buddy, the one she was supposed to be able to trust.

"... I say I wish it could have been someone else. But, no more lies, you deserve that at least."

I continued.

"What we did before, mating, it was fun but it wasn't a game. It wasn't just sex either..." I turned to look at her, she was peering out from under her paws, sceptical slit eyes wondering what I had to say.

"In the animal kingdom, mating is the bringing together of two beings for reproduction. They're acting in lust, but many species also form a deep emotional connection with their mate that transcends reproduction. It's the closest thing to being a couple amongst animals, of having a life partner."

"With humans, because of their intelligence, they form a deeper connection. They don't just mate or have sex, they make love to one another. Do you understand? Your parents may have kept sex away from you, but surely they explained love?"

"Of course they did." She said in a passive aggressive tone, "I'm not stupid, I understand love. Now get to the point, what did you lie about now?"

I sigh at the harshness of her response, understanding it but it cutting deep all the same.

"We're mated... you and I. Nothing will change that, no one can take away what was done back there. But more than mated, more than just sex... I..." I composed myself.

"I made love to you. At least, I was making love. It couldn't have been any other human, I wouldn't have taken anyone else as my first. Do you understand? It had to be you. It could have only been you..."

Silence fell in the room once again. Feelings raw. It couldn't have been anyone else, I admit now. She was the only human I could bring myself to become so intimate with, the only flesh I could inhabit without feeling disgusted within my own skin. Growing up by her side, she was a piece of me.

"So... we're married?" She inquired, having now come out from under her paws.

I almost choked on the thought, having to compose myself. "Married? No! Umm..." I searched for a better explanation of our relationship now. "Marriage is a human concept. We're mated, it's a more personal form of being a couple. It doesn't need any ceremony or official recognition, it's a bond made through the act of sex itself. Of being loyal to one another."

"I didn't choose to be mated... I didn't know what mating was..."

No... she didn't. I took advantage of her in that regard. She may have legally been an adult, but in mind her parents coddling had stunted her understanding of the nature of things.

"... I did like it though."

That perked my attention, I turned to see her holding her head up; finally engaging with me properly. Somewhat reluctant to maintain eye contact, but there seemed to be some new line of thinking going on behind them. Something she was reluctant to voice but was building up to.

"I liked... the way you made me feel back there. If I do as you say, will you help me feel that way again?"

A burden began to lift from my mind. No matter how small, it could be a way of winning her over. Sexual gratification in the human form was unknown to her, only through me and that body did she finally experience the release she didn't realise she needed. Now having a male sex drive, those needs would be all the greater.

I knew all too well, she needed me now. Not just as a carer but as the only women who would let her in. The only available mate she could vent her urges into without consequence.

"I want more than that for you. I want you to be comfortable in that body..." I took hold of her, rolling Abby over onto her back and getting on top of her. My genitals pressing against her vent; only the thin fabric of my underwear keeping them from meeting, her tail curling against my rear.

"I want you to enjoy being in that body." I said while rocking into her. "Feel good... in that body. You're a very important piece of me I don't wish to lose."

I teased myself against her, feeling the tip of an erection begin to push against me. Using my hands to caress over her more delicate underbelly, then leaning in to kiss my way up her long scaled neck, occasionally biting and pulling at her scaly skin with my teeth. The beast gasped as I did my work, continuing to rock my groin against hers.

"And..." She growled sensually. "And you'll take care of me?"

"You'll want for nothing." I whispered back, before my soft lips met with her scaled muzzle, us passionately kissing in hot bated breaths. The tip of her long bestial tongue meeting with mine as we gasped and grinded against one another, I having total understanding of exactly what would get this creature off. Of what she'd dream others would do to her. She'd never want to leave that body by the time I was done, she'd learn to love it...

The sound of the front door opening reached our room, familiar voices entering the house.

"Mummy and daddy are home..." I whispered to my scaly mate. Both of us of giggling, like teenage girls knowing they could be moments away from being caught doing something terribly naughty. They need only go up the stairs and find their daughter riding a lizard, the idea, I think it was making her harder.

I gave Abby a parting hard lick across her soft scaled chest; before getting up to put some pants on, my underwear moist from both of us. My mind a hormonal blaze of the things we could do together, for that moment I being glad I didn't have a penis; as these thoughts would provoke an erection I couldn't conceal.

I quickly fixed myself up until I was satisfied I looked presentable, removing the collar for now as I doubt they'd approve of such things. "We'll continue later once alone, provided you behave. Now let's go welcome mum and dad back home." My scaly mate nodded, and we both departed to play our roles.

In time I'd win her over fully, one orgasm at a time. If she ever missed being a girl; I could always give her some lessons on the prostate as well. She'd learn life as a pet isn't that bad when your owner was once a pet themselves.

Paying for college

The only way I could be worth more is if I was female. That's what they told me. Only a small percentage of the population are born part animal, with the dragonic amongst them being a particular rarity. Some believe that under certain...

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Resolving compatibility error

"There, it's done!" I said to myself; wiping the sweat from my brow, as the machine powered on to the sound of whooshing fans and beeping monitors, text filling the screens as the operating system began to load. It took many hours of overtime...

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Feral Passion

"Sorry boy, just need a little of your fluff." I watched on as my husband plucked some fur from our pets ear, his apology apparently unnecessary; as he didn't show any sign of discomfort. He held it up close, inspecting each to ensure their quality...

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