Feral Passion

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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Based on a comic concept that ended up too long to commission, this story follows the same plot but only to page 29 of the concept. I didn't feel the need to go further as beyond this point it felt without direction and any conclusion.

Comic concept - http://i.imgur.com/D3h1SNp.png

In this story a women wishing to experience the body of her favourite animal willingly undergoes a transformation into a feral form. The transformation was only to last a couple of months, in her eyes plenty of time to experience everything the species had to offer. It probably wasn't wise however, to take on such a form when she shared her home with a male of the same species...

"Sorry boy, just need a little of your fluff."

I watched on as my husband plucked some fur from our pets ear, his apology apparently unnecessary; as he didn't show any sign of discomfort. He held it up close, inspecting each to ensure their quality and that there was no contamination. We didn't want to risk any of my husband's hair getting in the sample. "You just mix it in right?" he asked me, gesturing towards the green fluid containing vile that came with the package.

I referenced the documentation that was also included, eagerly nodding. "Yeah, that's what the instructions say, just give it a few minutes to dissolve". I looked back up from the paper to see him carefully rolling his fingers together, the fur gradually falling from between them and into the vial, before he plugged it back up again and gave it a shake. Holding it to the light to observe the mixture.

My breaths were shallow and frequent, by body tingly and excited; as if my very flesh knew what was going to happen. I had spent so much time fantasising about this very scenario and I almost couldn't quite believe it was playing out in front of me. But it was real, and my husband's next words only sent my excitement to new heights.

"Well it's all mixed in, ready to give it a go?"

I breathed deeply and stepped forward towards my partner, towards my desire, but him speaking again caused me to pause...

"A bit late to ask now" he said with some concern to his tone, "But... are you sure you want to be like this? Be like him I mean? I know you've made yourself clear numerous times, but you'll be stuck that way for a while you know and there is no changing your mind after."

Reflecting for a moment; I looked to our pet who was still occupying himself on the room floor, oblivious to what was occurring around him. His kind were an unusual creature, seeming to have traits from different species. Their body reminded me of the domesticated dragon, with its thick reptile like tail and body shape, though wingless and being a mammal. Its body was coated in short brown fur with a lighter fluffy underbelly, the horned head with its long ears almost deer like; though again possible dragonic ancestry was showing through here as well.

I adored the creature for the longest time. I knew I had to have one as a pet but over the years I was beginning to realise, beginning to understand, it went much deeper than that. My obsession with the beasts couldn't be satisfied through a few ornaments or even having one as a beloved pet, I wanted... I needed to get closer than that. I sighed deeply at the thought, my heart racing as my lips turned into a smile.

No, it all simply wasn't enough. I had to... I had to be one.

I took the vial from my husbands hand, looking once more on our pet who watched in confusion as to what his owners were up to. "Of course my dear" I said confidently. "You know he's my favourite animal. Every time I look at him I just want to know, to know what it's like... Even if I don't like it, it's just for a few months, right? No harm done."

He seemed relieved at my conviction, satisfied I knew what I was getting into. "Well bottoms up then" he encouraged, and with his blessing I downed the mixture.

I felt it flow down through me with a warming sensation, emanating outward from the core of my body. It could be felt most strongly from my gut where the mixture was present, a strong radiating feeling like a powerful light source was there. A light growing brighter as its illumination spread into my extremities. It was incredible, feeling this light fill me up and saturate my body intensely; like an explosion held back only by the thin shell of my skin.

The light drew back to the core of myself and disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. In its wake my flesh buzzed with activity, like every cell in my body was vibrating ever so lightly. I felt slightly numb to the sheer noise of it, like television static drowning out my senses. But I could still feel, and I could feel something pinching the skin of my belly. Four sets of hands pinched down there first quite sharply, but as they pulled at me; my skin seemed to stretch to accommodate. Dulling the pain until it faded to nothing.

I pulled up my t-shirt in anticipation, eager to see what had just occurred. I wasn't disappointed. "Whoa, look at all my tits!" I said rather loudly, staring at them like a child receiving a new toy. Either side of my belly there were now four pairs of nipples. They ran from just above my crotch to below my ribcage, each one fully formed but not quite human in appearance. "They feel so weird" I said to myself as I squeezed one of them, testing how they compared to my original pair.

I would have been happy to spend time inspecting them further, but my gaze was obscured by a loosening bra. Beneath it my breasts were visibly smaller, shrinking as I watched them in fact. "My bra is falling down!" I announced to my partner, who simply watched in silence at the shifting body of his wife. "It looks like I've dropped a few sizes" I muttered, having to then remind myself that human perceptions on femininity need not apply for what I was becoming.

I watched with a strange curiosity as my breasts sank into my chest, having to support the bra as I lacked the size to hold it in place. "Take them off" my husband ordered, "they're only going to get harder to wear as you continue to change."

I nodded in agreement and began to strip my upper body clothing away, noticing as the t-shirt passed over my head that it brushed over longer than usual ears and something fairly sharp. Later inspection revealed my ears had become pointed and long, new developing muscles allowed me to flick them up and down; which made me giggle. The sharpness I had felt on my forehead was in fact the beginning of horns, pushing their way out of my skull. The skin surrounding them was sensitive, but they had already pierced through and were gaining length.

"It's quite chilly" I said to my husband, crossing my arms and rubbing either side of them for warmth. My original breasts had completely disappeared by this point, nipples and all. It was so strange to cross my arms and not have them there. If this is what it felt like to have a male chest it felt vacant and lacking. Not to matter, as I would have new feminine assets soon enough.

My neck felt stiff so I flexed it to one side to stretch the muscles, it was feeling longer but I couldn't see myself to be sure. My mind returning to the cold; I assured myself, "My fur will come through soon enough" I said to my partner. "I'm looking forward to that, his fur is quite silky". The thought itself warmed me, or perhaps my skin was already beginning to sprout with that lovely brown fur?

"Just keep it on you and off the house" he joked, having now grabbed a seat to enjoy the show I had put on for him. "You look quite exotic this way you know? Like something out of mythology". He gestured around his face, hinting that I should inspect my own. The ears and horns were certainly larger and more established, but I hadn't noticed my nose had taken on a new shape. It felt rough and wet, more protruded as my face was preparing to transition to a muzzle.

"Oh? Would you prefer if I remained in this state then?" I flirted, trying to give him an alluring look, like some fem-creature of legend.

He looked me up and down and took a moment to contemplate my proposal. "Not without some proper boobs, I think I'd miss those" he concluded with a smirk. Sure enough I was flat chested, I had eight nipples but they lacked the bulge and placement human men looked for. Not that I minded, I wasn't going through these changes to please him. These next few months were for me and me alone.

Standing was becoming more difficult, my back forcing me to lean awkwardly forward and what little clothing remained felt tight and ill fit. My rear began to ache as it pressed against the tight leather belt around my waist, it needed to be loosened and soon. My hands failed me though, the digits not as nimble as they once were. "Honey..." I huffed, trying to push the jeans from me with my palms and failing miserably. "Can... can you help me get these off please?".

I sighed in relief as my husband came close and unbuckled that ever tightening belt, pulling them down over my legs and helping me step free from their confines. I looked down over my legs as I did so, revealing how they had been changing. They were leaner for the most part, but my hips were huge. They bent differently as I stood there, the changing feet having difficulty holding my position; as they still sat hidden under slippery socks. I was being forced onto my toes and my whole posture was changing with them.

He then pushed his hand under the rear end of my underwear, grabbing something new. I gasped as he did so, my eyes widening as I felt touch somewhere I had never before. He pulled the underwear down over it, setting it free, then stepped away.

It was difficult to turn around in my hunched over state, feet spreading my stance wider as they quickly moved apart to improve my balance. Leg muscles twitching in their effort to keep me in an increasingly alien stance for what I was becoming. The beginnings of a muzzle was somewhat blocking my view, but as I turned I could see what I was feeling back there. "I thought I felt a tail" I grinned toothily as I looked upon it, my eyes widening ever so slightly as I tried moving it and succeeded. It felt so foreign, but also so right.

"Come on now" my husband said with authority, "off with the underwear". My grin turned to him, teeth sharpening as my face pushed out further before him; robbing me of my human expressions. I must of looked quite menacing from his perspective, but he knew it was me in there. I was in no position to cooperate with his command, so once again he came close and supported me in the removal of my remaining clothing. Holding my animalistic body closely against his as he lifted a digitigrade leg to his waist; freeing a clawed paw from its fabric constraints.

I breathed with relief as the last of my underwear was removed from me. Not because of its restriction, but for the sheer enjoyment of being rendered completely naked, as any respectable animal should be. I stood there in my own strange and awkward way, wagging a much thicker and longer tail behind me. It felt good.

I tried to look past my muzzle in an effort to get a glimpse of my changing nude body, but I wasn't very successful. My neck however was now long enough that if I tilted my head to the side; I could get a one eyed view of what had changed. My torso was now longer and more bestial, having little resemblance to my prior human shape. The chest bulged outward in contrast with my lean sunken belly; more suited for something belonging on all fours. I could see the pubic hair of my crotch taking on a different colour, much more bushier and silkier looking, spreading...

It was rapidly making its way across my inner legs, between them onto my belly and tail. Wherever there was human hair, fur now sprouted and began consuming the surrounding pinkness. I could feel it moving onto my face, looking back what was once my long hair was now shortening in length; invading my shoulders and down my back. Silky brown bliss gradually consuming me.

"Oh!" escaped my toothy lips as I nearly stumbled forward, but was saved by a bigger and heavier tail acting as a counterweight. The near fall draw my attention to my hands, which I held loosely in front of me. I watched as my thumbs shrank, clawed and were pulled back to form dew claws. My fingers shortening, fattening, clawing as well. Paws. I didn't have hands any more, I had paws!

Attempting to maintain my composure I looking to my husband, he was watching in silent fascination from his chair near by. I looked him in the eye panting, swaying, feeling so very alien and inhuman. Things were getting serious now, I was almost there. "I'm feeling it" I cried out to him, "I can feel... the species. I'm getting there, aren't I?" With that I simply couldn't stand any more, I had... I had to go down, where I belonged. Taking a deep breath, I allowed myself to fall down at last, fall down onto all fours.

"Yes, this is wonderful! I'm practically one of them" I announced with delight, as I got comfortable as a quadrupedal. Feeling all four of my paws pressed against the flooring, I immersed myself in the sensation, I closed my eyes and began to stretch all my new appendages. Stretching those new muscles, the new arrangement of my bones and of course that delightful tail. I sent it high and proud.

The changes felt like they were slowing down, beginning to calm now. The buzzing activity in my flesh faded and all I was left with was the sharp, clear sensations of a very different body. I took a few deep breaths until it felt as if my bodies needs were satisfied, the pace of my heart slowing. Looking to my husband, for the first time from the angle of down at the floor, I asked him. "Am I?"

"You look just like him" he confirmed, leaving his chair for a closer inspection of my new form. "How does it feel?"

I rolled backwards onto my hind legs, allowing my tail to flow forward between them. Supporting myself there I looked over the strange beast I now occupied, inspecting the paws of my feet and those that replaced my hands. The lighter fluff of my underbelly that bushed out particularly around my crotch, offering me some modesty. I wagged the powerful tail side to side across the floor before me, between myself and my husband, soaking up every new sensation it had to offer.

Reminding myself of his question I looked up to him again, noticing my jaw was hanging slightly open in amazement; I took a moment to close it and compose myself. "So good" I finally responded, "Better than I ever imagined..."

He smiled kindly, happy for me and that my dream was everything I hoped it would be. He didn't share my fascination with this animal, but he understood how much it meant to me and how significant this moment was. This was my ultimate fantasy, and I was living it.

His prolonged gaze was interrupted as an idea occurred to him. "Wait here" he said eagerly, "I'll look for that camera we have stashed upstairs somewhere. We've got to record your first impressions!" and with that he swiftly left the room, eager to capture my post-transformation glow while it was still fresh.

I fell to the floor with a look of utter delight on my feral face, rolling side to side on my back as these animals often would; eager to begin experiencing everything they had to offer. "Good idea" I yelled after him, as he hastily made his way up the stairs. "I'd love to be able to look back on this experience". "I'll stay here and become more familiar with this body..."

Getting back to my four feet I looked upon myself once more. I was so happy, so content. This body was everything I hoped it would be and so much more. I wanted to get closer to this animal, so much closer, now I was literally inside one. It was so incredible, so liberating and indulgent, its flesh and senses toys for my personal enjoyment.

Pushing my forelegs before me and raising my tail as high as I could, I stretched forward like an animal would. Hearing bones clicking along my spine as I did so; all the way up to where I didn't used to have any in my tail. New muscles delightfully burned in my back legs and tail, it felt so good I suddenly found myself... purring! My whole body vibrated with it, so new and different, only adding to an already wonderful experience. I closed my eyes and indulged in it as long as I could, I didn't want it to end.

However my delight was suddenly interrupted. Something very strange was going on with my rear end, something I couldn't identify as everything was so new. It felt like... it felt... like something was blowing on my rear, very lightly but rapidly. Do my ears pick up... sniffing? "Wait, what! Who's back there?" I demanded.

I looked behind me as I felt two paws rest either side of my furry rear. Peering from behind my high raised tail, there he was, my pet. Only there was a very different look in his eyes, something I haven't seen from him before. He was looking directly at me with intent in those eyes, but what... My glance went beyond his face, resting on his erect member. I stared at that moist pink rod for moment, my eyes getting wider and wider as his intend finally dawned on me.

He couldn't be thinking... he seriously couldn't? But it's... but he... I am... My mind was racing, with each excuse I tried to conjure as to why he wouldn't be trying what I thought he was, my reasoning hammered home that suspicion was true. I wasn't me any more, I was one of his kind, and that raised rear looked an awful lot like an invitation. "Boy, no! Don't do it! I'm..."

Before I could finish he was on me, he was so heavy and I was in a compromising position; I couldn't move in time. Before I could even think on what to do... "Agh!" I felt his member split me open, he split me open wide and he buried it deep. He was inside me! He was fucking me! Wasting no time, he push all the way in, so deep his face came close enough to mine to lustfully lick across my neck.

There was no time to think, my mind was filled by the beast on top of me; pounding so very deeply into me again and again. All that existed in the world was his member sliding in and out of my body. As a pet he had never mated, he wasn't wasting this opportunity.

For a moment I was lost in the haze of the sexing, totally overcome. Drool leaked from the side of my muzzle as I was repeatedly spread by a phallus larger and longer than anything I had ever experienced before, more deeply than any human could possibly take. For a moment I was an animal, in mind and body, existing solely for the mating.

But I pushed past it, I had to! I gasped and blinked repeatedly as I tried to push the sex somewhere else in my mind, the feral lust that wanted to indulge in it so dearly. I opened my mouth and tried to get the words out between the gasps and whines. "Oh! Oh! Boy, we mustn't. Please, I'm..."

I lifted a rear leg and scraped it across the floor fruitlessly, I couldn't pull away. I tried to squeeze my legs together, but that only made me tighter and his pounding all the more enjoyable. "I'm not... I'm not..." I shook my head and moaned ferally, panting, the pleasure of the mating building deeply within my body and making resisting it all the harder. "I'm not... I'm not a!"

I closed my eyes, I needed to block it out, but it was simply impossible. This body was so fresh, its biology untested, the beast on top of me just so... large! And the smell, oh god the smell! I didn't realise how it could add so much to it all. The wetness, my fur against his, my tail raised so high. Yes! My tail, I have a tail. But I'm not... I'm not...

An animal!

I spread my legs wide and cried "Don't you dare stop!" This wasn't the animal speaking, no, this was me. I was doing this. I was huffing and panting, I was the one who started rocking with him to help him push deeper inside. Yes, me!

"Feel... everything... growl, want more!"

He whined on top of me, clearly enjoying his first sexual encounter. So was I.

"Complete me."

"Make me one of you."

"Give me everything!"

He had given me this body, but it wasn't enough. I wanted more, I wanted to be more of him. I was just a human in a beautiful shell, now he was filling that shell with beauty, he was filling me.

I cried ferally, that sound vibrated through my essence and transformed it, moulded it to be more like what I so dearly wanted to be. Each thrust of his member into my body helped make me more like him, helped prove I was no longer human, prove I had been accepted into their kind.

My tail whipped in the air wildly with our rocking, my hind legs pushing towards the ground with each of his thrusts, wetness dripping between him and me. I growled and whined unapologetically, uninhibited and free to indulge in the pleasures offered by my mate.

"Give it to me please!" I cried, my eyes tearing up in anticipation of the gift I was about to receive. I felt him building, building! Moments away from receiving my acceptance, fearing that if I didn't receive it soon it would be lost and lost forever. Just as I thought I couldn't stand the wait any longer, he exploded into me. His member fired deep within me and I cried with delight.

"Yes, fill me, fill me! I need to be more of you, make me whole, give me that last missing piece so I can be yours!"

He was all too happy to deliver on my request. The virgin beast was a virgin no more and he had plenty of reserve to satisfy his new mate. I was silenced to a quiet whimper as he ejaculated into me with a seemingly inexhaustible supply, my belly warming with his seed working its way in. I closed my eyes and indulged in it, purring once again as shot after shot was fired into me for good measure. Until finally he was spent, the tired creature pulling himself from my slit and making his way to his favourite cushion for a well earned rest.

I lay there on the floor in a blissful daze, purring and rubbing a paw over the warmth in my belly. I sat up to inspect myself, lifting a leg to reveal wet scruffy crotch fluff and the glistening of semen trickling from my well sexed womenhood. My tail twitched inward as my slit throbbed, as if sucking in its meal and assuring it travelled deep. I looked upon it, feeling the urged to lick across that area and making it presentable again. Staring, as if memorised.

I looked upon it... and as the high of the sexing subsided, my understanding of what it meant to be "accepted" into the species changed from instinctual to human reasoning. I looked upon that semen dripping crotch and I thought to myself... "What... what have I done?"

I sat up and got a good look at the mess I had created. "I'm full" I whispered worryingly, "I'm full of his seed and I'm stuck this way for months..." The reality of the situation was only now dawning. That wasn't a fling, that was a mating and they both made damn sure it was a successful one. "What am I going to do if..."

My line of thought was broken as I heard a familiar voice calling from upstairs. "Honey, I found the camera! Come into the living room and we'll make a recording, I'll be down in a few minutes when it's ready".

My heart raced at the sound of the husband I had just betrayed, what had I done! "Err yes, just a... just a minute" I yelled back, trying to hide the worry in my voice. I got up and looked towards my rear end, I couldn't see it from this angle but I could feel the wetness was there. "What if... what if I'm pregnant?"

Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I had to make sure he didn't find out. Swallowing what little pride I still had, I imitated an action I had witnessed done by many four legged beasts. I sat my fuzzy arse down, lifted my rear legs and proceeded to drag it across the carpet... Hoping to wipe off any remaining semen and other such evidence. He couldn't know, he simply couldn't know! I'd try to forget all of this for now, forget and hope against hope my impulsiveness today doesn't come to anything...

For a time I was able to forget about it. As the months went by, they were joyful. I delighted in my new body and enjoyed the games me and my husband would play to put it to use.

Sometimes we'd go to the park and role play an owner and his pet, where I had the freedom to jump and run to push the boundaries of what I could now do. Other times we'd enjoy a night in, with me unashamedly indulging in a belly rub while we watched a film. Life as my favourite animal was fun, it was everything I expected and hoped it would be. The tail I had which was once an exotic addition became as part of me as any other limb, and as the end of my transformation approached I did fear being parted from it.

But what I feared more... was my growing belly. When it felt plumper than usual, I tried to ignore it; fearing its meaning. But it kept growing, my teats becoming swollen and tender as well. There was no denying it, I was knocked up and had to face facts. I knew my transformation would end long before it reached full term, for a time I was eager for my changes to end; to put a stop to what was growing inside me. Now however, now I feared what may happen if I turned back while carrying another species...

Every bone in my body didn't want to do it, but I had to tell him, I had to tell my husband what had happened. I didn't know how to come come out with it at first, so I started by asking if he knew any discrete vets...

The trip to the vet was the quietest of my life, not a word exchanged between us. I didn't know if he was furious or hurt. The seat belt certainly hurt me, my tender teats rubbing up against the hard fabric around my bulge. I wasn't sitting right for an animal, my legs splayed either side of me; with my thick tail curled over the end of the car seat. He'd glance at my bump occasionally, looking away when I noticed.

I was ashamed of it all, I didn't know what this meant for the future of our relationship. I guessed he was putting that aside for now, until the matter of me possibly being pregnant with our pets pups was addressed... Just saying it in my head sounded absurd.

"Hey, get those cold hands off my tits!" I snarled at the vet, him bouncing back and giving me an awkward look.

"S-sorry!" He stuttered, "I'm not used to my patients talking back." He warmed his hands under a hot tap before continuing his poking and prodding. As a human I never suffered such indignity, but I knew it was necessary. "Well..." he finally spoke. "She's definitely carrying, that's... ugh, awkward".

My husband turned away to compose himself. I looked to him but there was no comfort on offer today, so I turned away in shame. I did this, it was all on me. I wanted to be like an animal so badly and I got exactly what I deserved. He was kind enough to humour my wish, and this was how I repaid him.

Eventually my husband turned back, not looking at me but speaking directly to the vet. "Is there anything you can do? We can't just let this happen!"

The vet took a moment to think on the subject, before finally giving his verdict.

"Well, here's the thing..." he started, removing his glasses to polish them on his sleeve.

"The mutagen powering her transformation is going to wear off before she becomes full term. But that mutagen isn't designed to factor that she's carrying a different species from her original, she wasn't pregnant when she changed..."

Now looking to me, he continued. "When she turns back to normal, she'll still be carrying the pregnancy only it will remain this species. Which of course her body wouldn't be able to accommodate."

"It's too dangerous to risk her turning back mid term and we don't really have anything to terminate a pregnancy for this animal. You should have gotten the other one done before considering playing out this fantasy of yours." He gave me a stern look, a look of condemnation. I was in no position to argue back, I simply avoided eye contact; fearing what was in those eyes.

"Sorry to say it, but the safest thing we can do is extend her time in this form, allowing the pregnancy to follow its natural course".

With those last words my shame turned to rage, a fury that impulsed me to punish their very suggestion! I leaped up at him, my husband grabbing hold and keeping his vicious wife at bay. "Natural course!" I screamed at him. "I've been knocked up by a beast and you say to just let it follow its natural course! Do you even know what that would mean!"

My husband held me tightly as I growled at the man, my tail whipping aggressively in the background as he struggled to keep hold. "Honey please" he pleaded, "not in your condition."

I turned to him, my eyes beginning to well up. "My first children will be animals, and they won't be our children, they'll belong to that beast back home. I don't want to give birth to animals darling, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I did this to you!" and with that outburst I began weeping on his shoulder, my stiff and high raised tail slowly descending until it was limp on the table. What a mess I had made.

He took me back home and the trip back was as quiet as the one there, only with me whimpering in the back all the way there. We ordered more mutagen over the vets computer to extend my transformation, arrangements were made for when the day arrived. I was going to get the best birthing treatment any animal had ever received at his clinic...

Once home I spread my legs for a further inspection of the bump. I stared at it, trying to come to terms with what was growing inside me. "This is really going to happen, isn't it?" I said aloud, without looking at my husband directly. "I have no choice in the matter..."

A warm cloth surrounded me from behind, my husband kneeling at my side and putting his hands reassuringly on my fuzzy shoulders. "I'm going to be here for you every step of the way, we'll get through this together". Those words made me smile, for the first time in a while. "Anything you need?" he added. To which I nodded.

"Get that mutt done" I ordered.

"Hell" he chuckled, "I arranged that when we were at the vet."