Potion Cat: A Strange Visit

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A strange visitor happens upon Layne. Her greed will be tested, and her lust <3.

A shambling figure cloaked in a thick robe of black walked through a quiet village, hunched over as it moved, form disfigured and changed with every step, blinking red lights beneath the darkness of the hood. The moon was high and waning, the stars twinkling against the sheet of the night. None were outdoors except for a few wisps of light here and there, all lanterns and braziers were turned off with those wisps being the only source of light illuminating the path along with the moon and starlight, but still that shambling figured moved on, occasionally stumbling with a strange squelch each time. It approached with an almost feverish intent towards the far side of the village where the buildings were sparse and the forest began to grow, the base of a grassy hill showing. As it climbed up the hill the figure seemed to grow smaller, hunching lower and moving in a rather inhuman fashion, unnatural as it meandered up the hill towards the cottage resting at the top. At the windows of the cottage there were lights shining from within, showing that the there was still someone awake, still someone there to help, and as the figure finally made its way up to the door of the cottage, it brought a black garbed arm up to touch against the door but instead it fell forward, slumping against the door with a wet smack, shaking the frame as its entire weight fell against it, "Help." Bubbled the voice from beneath the robes and then the silence of the night took over.

The crack of glass sounded off along with the yelp of the potion maker inside. Layne had nearly jumped out of her fur upon hearing the sound of something so strange hit her door, and had dropped a flask full of a recently brewed potion in hand. It wasn't like anyone she knew around this area to knock like that, let alone force themselves against the door one singular time. With a sigh she flicked a wrist, the broken glass and wasted liquid upon the floor floating off as she moved warily to the door of her store. She had been cleaning the storefront when suddenly a sound like a wet mound of cloth crashed against her door, shaking it just a bit. Certainly she could believe that it was a customer, but at this time of night typically she only received the dangerous sort, and that knock didn't have her feeling any better about it being a sentient creature with good intentions. Eyes narrowed she reached the door and grasped the knob and with a bit of a tremble she opened it wide, stepping back before blinking as a figure coated in black simply fell at her feet with a splat, a strange film of green and blue seeping out of the hood. With a raised brow she smoothed out her dress and knelt down, tipping her steeple hat up by the rim before carefully lifting the hood off whatever was wearing it. Out with a plop came a mass of strange liquid and goo, a mixture of greens and blues that seemed to mesh together with two glowing beads of red eyes and a blooming flower at the center with a long roots coming off of the petals.

Her eyes widened at such a sight and she brought the paw upon the hood to feel over the smooth and yet firm surface of the creature before her, that was when it vibrated and an opening upon it formed as it spoke in a echoing tone, "Help...I'm sick, I can pay..."

Never had she thought she'd see something like this creature out here. An Oorei, a creature of magic, practically an elemental, and yet not at all. They were living creatures that lived far off of where Layne could ever see them, and she had never expected to run into one, or the chance to harvest one. She had read that the creatures themselves were made of magic, and that those flowers were powerful fonts of mana that many experts figured could be used in a variety of ways, but none had ever gotten their hands on one, in fact, most that had tried to get their hands on one usually ended up dead, though normally Oorei were a peaceful sort. She would be the first to experiment with such a thing, the first to toy with this creature's body and form, but she then remembered that this creature was more than a pile of slime with a flower at the center. It was a living being with thoughts and feelings, or so they said. If she denied the creature service then she'd basically be murdering a living, breathing, feeling creature, but the question was whether or not that would weigh on her conscience, or get her in trouble with anyone she knew. With a sigh her ears fold back and she places a paw upon the top of the mound that counted as the Oorei and spoke out with a small smile, "C'mon, let's get you inside before any of you spills out."

Those red eyes blinked and flashed at her before the mound of goo shuffled inside, Layne trying her best with very little success to help. Once it was inside fully and the door was shut, she turned and blinked, scratching at the back of her head. With the Oorei inside of her store, she actually realized that she had no idea of how to begin healing such a thing, or in fact how to look over it, actually, she even wondered why or how the creature had gone to her store of all places when perhaps someone professing in medical magic could have helped a little more, "So um...I have to ask, how do you think I can help you? I'm a potion maker and a bit of an alchemist...Not sure if I know the anatomy of Oorei, let alone a sick one."

It quivered and shook again as it spoke, "I think I hit something I shouldn't have...Picked it up maybe? Somethin' weird. Maybe. I don't know, but I heard people talking about the potion maker. Good lady cat that has salves and things to make you better and other things...I figured you could help."

A pang of guilt shot through her as she remembered she had just been about to let this thing die upon her door step in the name of profit. Sighing she knelt again by the creature and began looking it over. If it hit anything strange she should have been able to see it. While she inspected the creature's body she spoke with a hum, "Picked up something weird...Well you are a creature of magic, could have eaten something that wasn't meant for you, or just picked it up. Seem pretty tough on the outside...Can you remember eating anything weird?"

It shook and vibrated as it spoke again, "Guuuh...Maybe? I think I saw something shining and then my memory kinda gets foggy from there."

Layne blinked, that didn't sound too good. After checking over the creature she brought herself just a bit closer, one eye shut as she focused on the flower at the center, noting something strange on it. It was a weird bulb like mushroom shining bright, stem upon one of the petals. It certainly looked out of place, and shiny at that, and so she posed the question, "Are your kind supposed to have mushrooms growing on that flower of yours?"

The creature rose and trilled suddenly, eyes glowing bright danger red as, "Mushroom?! No! That doesn't sound right at all! Get it out!"

Layne put both of her paws up with a small smile, "All right all right, calm down...You're pretty tough, I don't know if I can really just reach in there in grab it...Unless you trust me to do that and let me in?"

It groaned and trembled for a second as it flattened against the floor before sighing, "...Just do it quick."

Layne blinked as she placed a paw against the cool surface of the creature. Her gaze then widened as her paw simply sunk into the Oorei without even the smallest amount of pressure or pull from that cool substance. Deeper and deeper she went, her digits nearly at that flower as the Oorei's body simply parted for her. Now she could tear apart the flower if she desired, yank it free and use it for her own greed, but instead she pinched upon the bulb of the mushroom carefully tugging it off of the petal, pulling it away. When Layne brought the bulb fully free of the Oorei's body she yelped as little tendrils latched upon her digit, a sharp pain lanced up her arm before she crushed the little thing between her digits, huffing in annoyance, "Ugh! A parasite! Little mana lichen. They feed off of any magic rather violently and then burrow themselves inside the host body to inhabit it as a crab would a shell...Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore...I don't really know what to charge for this."

Those red eyes flashed to a blinking purple as they slanted and the Oorei seemed to slump upon the floor, "Uuuuhhh, that feels...That feels much better actually, I don't ache...But I still feel weak."

Layne blinked, flicking her wrist of any strange residue upon her digits as she offered, "You could stay here for the night if you have nowhere else...Although, in your current state I don't know if you'd be able to hold form in a bed."

Almost immediately it responded with a happy vibrating chirp, "Just get me a bottle, any will do, although a bed would be nice, a bottle I can do with."

The change in personality brought a bit of a smile upon her face as she moved to fetch an empty flask from behind her counter, coming out and popping the cork she set it on the ground and blinked in utter amazement as the entirety of the creature filled the small flask without a single problem or slipup, even the flower seemed to shrink right before her eyes. As amazed as she was, she couldn't help but wonder if it would be okay in there, but rather than complain the creature spoke from the flask happily that she took up in paw, "This will do just fine! I'd like to rest now though...I feel rather tired after that ordeal..." Those blinking lights flickered off and the creature within the bottle seemed at peace as she set it carefully upon the countertop of her store.

Layne giggled and shrugged, "Well, if you're comfortable then." With that she moved to shut down her shop, setting out the sign and locking the door before moving back into her home, lights and candles being snuffed out as she moved past them. She wondered if her new friend would be okay or not, and what their name was at all. Perhaps she'd ask for a price of information in the morning, of their species and of themselves, but for now she would slip free of her dress and sleep, dreaming of the good deed she had done, and keeping hold of the feeling it gave her, while trying to ignore the fact that she had almost decided to pluck the flower rather than the parasite.

The next morning came far too early, maybe when the sun was just starting to come over the night sky. She heard a strange fluttering in her room a sound that didn't quite make sense given the fact that she had shut all of her windows, and hadn't invited any avian's over. An eye cracked open as she pushed off the covers, and there she saw a bird shaped from her Oorei friend's colors, a perfect recreation of one if not for the fact that it were made of that strange substance and with a sort of band upon its head that looked like a small crescent. With raised brow she sat up upon her bed, slipping off the side just as the strange bird landed upon her bare shoulder to speak, "I feel refreshed after a night's sleep! How are you doing today cat lady?"

Layne gave a tired smile, at the very least her new and strange friend was doing well enough, "Great, just fantastic...Not used to waking up this early though, and call me Layne dear."

The now bird like Oorei spoke with a near chirp, "My name is Ogglen. Glen for short if you will, I'm grateful, and I still need to pay you Layne, so please name your price, and oh, if I could bother you for some water, some liquid of any sort really, just nothing toxic."

She could already feel her head begin to pound from the overly excited Oorei, but rather than brush them off she rubbed at the back of her head and replied, "Sure, just give me a moment to get ready I guess, at least get some clothes on, and as for payment, I guess just a bit of information would be nice," as she slipped into a dress, hat placed upon her head before she continued, "Now, Ogglen, let's get you that water."

At her store front she watched in wonder with her elbow propped upon the countertop as Ogglen drank from the cup, stranger feathers used as hands to lift the small cup as it drank deep. As it finished it seemed to double in size and flutter just above the countertop with a happy chirp, "Thanks! You're a kind soul aren't ya? Anyway, ya wanted information right? I don't really know much."

Layne giggled, "Well, you do know about your own kind right?"

For a moment the fluttering Oorei seemed to stop moving, hovering mid-air without any motion, those purple glowing beads that served as eyes blinking before it landed upon the floor, its body shifting until it was a large humanoid creature with long arms and a rounded head, "We're shapeshifters, that much I can say. We're pretty magical, that I can say too. We're kind of like plants I guess? Start out as seeds with a bit of goo birthed from other Oorei after a bit of sex stuff, but eventually that seed turns into a flower that sprouts out and that is when we're strong and able. Is there anythin' specific y'wanna know?"

Layne could have asked what made that flower so special, or what were its uses, as she truly desired to know and understand, but instead she decided to focus on Ogglen, "Tell me about yourself. What exactly are you, y'know, male, female, other. Can you just change form at any time? Do you have a preferred one?"

Without feature it was tough to tell what the Oorei was feeling, but it shifted and changed shape into that of a feline much like herself, except nude and without genitals, "Well! I haven't decided what I want to be really! In terms of form...This one seems kind of nice! Tails are interesting, claws are pretty cool, but most of all you seem pretty great, so maybe I'll choose this, but every single one of us has a preferred shape and well, as for male female or whatever, most of us pick and choose. I usually just shift to what I feel like. Male, female it doesn't matter to me really."

Layne tilted her head with a small smile, now that was a sentiment she could share with, except she preferred to be female despite her own birth and parts, "I'm flattered that you'd choose a feline to be your preferred form, but more importantly, I'm impressed. It looks like you can copy texture, can I touch?"

With both elbows upon the counter, head resting in those strange gooey paws, Ogglen nodded happily with a big smile upon that now feline face, "Go ahead!"

Layne took a paw carefully to feeling over what she expected to be a gooey surface, but instead she found it like fur, green and blue translucent fur with a slight feeling of moisture to it, but other than that it felt like actual fur, like her own in fact! So soft and fluffy. Giggling she took her paw away from the feline Oorei's head and clapped her paws together as she asked her next question, "So, why are there so few of you around?" Excitement touched her tone as she continued her little questionnaire.

Ogglen stepped back from the counter, purple eyes flickering as it spoke, "Few? We're all over. Just hiding. Some can do it better than others, but when we leave the-- Well...When we leave what we call home, we're usually looking for a good form to assume, I'm a rare case. Most Oorei who leave home can just shift into whatever form they want, me? I can't do that yet. I'm still gooey looking on the outside even though I'm a pretty cat."

Layne blinked, "So wait, some of you can just, change shape entirely, texture and what else then?"

Ogglen giggled, goo-like paws clapping together in a sort of way that mimicked Layne's mannerism , "Anything, so long as we get into it. Our forms are what we desire, what we want. Like...I could be a female cat to be impregnated, or a male cat to impregnate, just depends on how I feel or what I want, but I'm not skilled enough to look entirely like the creature just yet...And maybe I kind of don't want to...I kind of want to be what I am, but with a shape if that makes sense?"

Layne smiled just a bit, her tail flicking from side to side in curiosity as she tilted her head from side to side, interest touching her features, and understanding, "You want to be what you are. An Oorei and you're proud of that I'm guessing?"

Ogglen gave a big smile and nodded, "Yes! I wouldn't replace these gem like eyes or this gooey form of mine for the world! But...I think I like this shape of being a cat, for now at the very least."

Layne nodded, "Well, I'm glad I could inspire you, and now that you're better I'm assuming you have place to go."

The Oorei paused at that, smile slowly turning into a frown and ears folding back as it sighed, "No...Not really. Even before getting sick I didn't really have a place to stay. I've been wandering for about a year or so by myself."

Layne's own ears fell back as she felt a pang of sympathy hit her. Being alone in strange lands without family or friends, something she could certainly remember feeling long ago. Maybe it would be a mistake to have such a creature around her home, maybe it would invite trouble, but looking upon a sad gooey version of herself with purple blinking eyes and a flowery heart, she couldn't help but feel attached to the Oorei, especially since in many ways they were just like her. With a small smile she spoke up to offer, "Well, maybe you could stay with me."

Ogglen's entire body seemed to shimmer as they leapt over the counter to coil their arms around Layne's shoulders, nearly knocking them over, Layne holding the Oorei up as she yelped from the sudden embrace, "Thank you so much! I'll work, I'll gather materials, I'll do whatever it takes to pay this back! You've not only cured me but you're offering me a home!"

Layne cleared her throat. She wanted to say, 'At least until you get yourself a proper home of your own,' but instead her words came out with a warm smile, "You're welcome here Ogglen...And if you can work, that is all for the better."

Ogglen planted a loving kiss upon Layne's lips, her eyes wide as she felt the cool surface of those strange lips upon her own, "You won't regret it!" Ogglen said, as if oblivious to the action that they had just taken. Perhaps Oorei were a bit more affectionate than normal, but perhaps this was a bit too much. Layne could feel her underwear growing tight and her cheeks flustering from the sudden kiss and contact of the feline Oorei who she just recently realized was entirely nude, her blue eyes examining the nude form against her. Certainly there were no genitals, but the Oorei had cut a curvy feline form with a sort sensuality to it, and for some reason her own lips were tingling a warmth touching her body as she suddenly realized that the Oorei was coiling further around her, "Uh, Glen, dear? What are you doing?"

Ogglen nuzzled into Layne's neck, the cool bodied creature coiling their arms around her waist, "Just giving a bit of affection! You've been so nice, I can't help it. Besides...I saw you, I felt it too, felt the warmth of your body rise when you looked at my body. If you want, I can let you inside of me...Risk, or risk free."

Layne's cheeks felt absolutely on fire at this point, her gaze turning away as she felt her fur puff and her ears perk, "Oh goodness! I don't think haha...I don't think anyone has come on quite this strong," She then brought her focus back to the situation, taking note of a specific thing the Oorei had said, "Wait, you can feel my warmth?"

Rather than answer Layne's question immediately, the gooey feline planted a firm kiss upon Layne's lips, her eyes widening as she found herself practically melting to the Oorei suckling and kissing at her lips, the texture far too soft and cool, her mind fluttering as she felt herself drift further into that grasp. Ogglen pulled their lips away, a string of blue signaling their connection before they spoke with a near purr, "Yes. Oorei are in tune to emotion, much of magic is through emotion anyway, and sorry if my kisses aren't making the situation any better, would you like me to stop?"

Layne felt her head swim in a sea of hot and cold, her eyes fluttering a bit as she struggled to answer, "No...but, just," She shuddered and purred before continuing, "Why do your kisses feel so good?"

Ogglen punctuated that sensation with another kiss that had Layne shivering and squirming just before they answered, "Not sure! We just have that effect on other creatures, is that a problem?"

Layne shook her head and as soon as she did she found herself on her back, the feline Oorei standing over her, again their body shifting forms, but this time to have a sort of pussy where before there had been none. Already Layne's cock bulged beneath her dress, her panties far too tight upon her with that hard on. Ogglen worked quickly, digits gripping at her dress before yanking it over her head with a sudden force that surprised her. She then yelped out as she felt those cool gooey digits coil around her thighs, stretching up and around until they found their way to her panties, tugging them down slowly to reveal her cock to the air that felt far too cool, her barbed member twitching and hot from the sensations of the Oorei's kiss. Ogglen then whispered, their purple eyes flashing, "Let me reward you for treating me so kindly." At this point Layne could only shudder, her toes curling as she suddenly felt her cock enveloped by the feline Oorei's maw, the inside a mixture of soft, cool and firm that seemed to move and squeeze upon her cock in various ways that had her squirming, her eyes focused upon the gooey feline beneath her that had so easily swallowed the entirety of her cock. Ogglen was now bobbing their head back and forth upon Layne's cock, sucking and slurping upon it, Layne's eyes half-lidded and drunk with lust as she watched her cock through the translucent body of the creature right there sucking her off madly. Already she felt herself far too close, impossibly so from the various sensations being wrought upon her, and it seemed whatever drug had been used upon her lips was now doubling upon her cock. She felt a heat unlike any other upon her cock, a pleasured heat that seemed to never end, starting from her balls all the way up to the tip of her cock. It was far too much for her to handle and so with a mewl she dragged her claws into the wooden floor by her, her hips thrusting up firmly, cum spurting out into that translucent maw, her eyes watching as rope after rope was poured into that gooey mouth, her body shuddering, and Ogglen did not even flinch. They swallowed every single drop, Layne's seed falling into what counted as the creature's stomach before disappearing, Ogglen seeming to grow just a bit larger with the absorption of the semen, but only just a bit.

When Ogglen pulled their lips away they let out a happy sigh, their breath cool upon Layne's still cock, "Ah! What a flavor! So strong...Definitely picked the right form, and the right species to stick to! Now then...Think you can go again?"

Layne breathed out, her little chest rising and falling as she looked down upon the creature still staring at her, the Oorei who was already climbing upon her, straddling her lap with those moist, cool folds kissing at the shaft of her cock without even waiting for Layne's go ahead. It was then that Ogglen began grinding their hips to Layne, gooey pussy pushing and pressing against that still thick and firm barbed cock, Layne wincing as she felt that heat lancing up her entire body again. Were they waiting for Layne's response to actually do something? Or perhaps Ogglen was simply teasing. That coy look upon the Oorei feline's face had her thinking that perhaps this was a bit of teasing, a bit too much. With a frown Layne managed to compose herself enough to grip upon those hips, squeezing tight even as Ogglen squeaked, lifting their hips up to press the tip of her cock inside and thrust deep inside of that gooey pussy. Again she felt as if her cock were being gripped and massaged from every direction, and for some reason those insides that had felt so cool began feeling hot, far too hot, almost too hot for Layne to handle, but it only enhanced her pleasure, her hips moving desperately now to pump herself firmly into that pussy, Ogglen's body began to shimmer and vibrate as they let out a squealing moan, their body pressing down against Layne's firmly, arms coiled around her back, squeezing as both drove their hips to one another without stop.

The heat between them only grew further and further until Layne could swear that she felt the insides of the Oorei bubbling just a bit, and again their mouths met in a passionate kiss that had Layne shuddering, her toes and body curling as she felt those wet and gooey lips curl and push against her's, tongues pushing and twining to one another's. At the same time Layne found herself about ready to blow again, unable to withstand that natural aphrodisiac that seemed to penetrate every corner of her body. Her endurance wasn't helped either by the fact that the Oorei's tail stretched and pressed into Layne's puckered hole, pushing deep and slipping inside to push up against her prostate, stimulating her even further, her paws, her toes curling, and her eyes shut tight as she let out a muffled mewl, her hips driving up one last time to let out a thick load inside of that pussy, her body quivering as she felt her balls drain inside of that gooey cunt.

With all of her cum emptied inside of Ogglen, the Oorei pulled their lip's away slowly from Layne's, their eyes shutting halfway, their paws moving to feel over their stomach where the cum seemed to gather and disappear, Layne purring as she saw it. Ogglen then breathed out, "Well...I think that was nice, good payment for letting me stay right?"

In a rather drunk tone Layne answered, "Oh no...You didn't have to do that."

Layne shuddered then as the Oorei gave a soft peck to her cheeks, "Noooo, Layne I enjoyed it. I wanted to, wanted to thank you like this. Besides, you saved my life. I'll be doing much more than just this! Just you name it and I'll do it."

Layne rubbed at her chin, the cloud over her mind clearing as she thought of what she could do with all of this information, and a friendly Oorei living in her home, "Well, tell me, does it hurt when you leave a bit of yourself behind?"

Ogglen purple orbed eyes blinked and glimmered before they brought their paw up, a droplet of that goo falling upon Layne's chest, "Not really. Though I'd need plenty of liquid..."

Layne giggled, "If you don't mind then...I have a bit of a business proposition, that involves your body, and a bit of potion making..."

Ogglen giggled, "Really? Well, if you plan on milkin' me, I could always just sprout a cock for that. Might be fun! So long as you give me time to grow back I guess, and don't be too greedy now."

Layne nodded, "I'll be sure to take that into consideration...But you don't have to do this, remember, this is your home now after all."

Ogglen's eyes seemed to shimmer before they wrapped their entire body around Layne in a tight embrace, nearly squealing as they spoke, "Thank you! Thank you thank you! It is so good to have a home after so long! I'll be sure to do many many things for you!"

Layne chuckled as she brought her paws to return the embrace. Certainly she would be happy to simply have the Oorei with her, but now she could at least satisfy her greed a little without being a monster, that and she had gotten an unexpected playmate. Hopefully cumming inside of the Oorei wouldn't have too many nasty side-effects, she wasn't exactly ready for a family, and wasn't sure of how her cousin would receive a strange creature living in her house being harvested for their body, but her cousin certainly wouldn't mind if she simply showed that Ogglen was fully willing to serve, then again, would the court mind? Inspection was coming soon and an Oorei were a rare occurrence, making potions out of them must seem rather dark. With a sigh Layne planted her chin upon the Oorei's soft shoulder, closing her eyes. There would be time to think about that later, for now she simply enjoyed her new companion's embrace.

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