Coming Out By The Water's Edge

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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Since there has been a rise in pirating lately I will warn you upfront that all characters belong to me and are not to be used without my expressed permission.

If you pirate my work you better pray to a higher power I don't happen to find out because it's bye bye to you.

All works are copywritten to me SWSP.

Enjoy the story and leave a comment on it if you wish.


She walked down the lonely dark alley with great sadness on her face from finding out she was thrown out of her family's bungalow because she was a lesbian.

She being Jennifer Bluestreak who was an innocent teenager before all this went down. You could say the down on her luck mouse never saw it coming from her parents.

It wasn't that being a lesbian was a bad thing because all men fantasized about having a girl of her type as their girlfriend. It was more her family was totally appalled that their beautiful daughter was not thinking about marrying a man and starting a family to carry on the lineage.

Jennifer wanted kids but not with a male. Since she was old enough to understand who she was she had started to look at other girls in a more intimate way. Jennifer had never been a normal kid due to the fact she was the smallest girl in the entire school.

Jennifer had always been picked throughout her grade school years because of her small size and nerd like huge glasses. It wasn't her fault she was small because it ran in her family and it wasn't her fault she had to wear glasses. She had to wear glasses because all of her family wore them so they assumed she needed them too.

Jennifer didn't make many friends throughout her grade school years and when she found out she was a lesbian she really kept quiet. She had always been reclusive due to being picked on constantly in school. Her parents would often wonder why she'd never leave the bungalow to go out with friends and meet boys.

When Jennifer hit high school things didn't change much until she hit the 10th grade and met a beautiful collie named Veronica LaRouge. Veronica was visually stunning in anything she wore and she even made a school uniform look good on her.

Jennifer had met Veronica when she was being picked on by the other girls. Veronica stepped in the middle of them and gave them such a deep angry stare all of them ran off and never bothered Jennifer again.

Veronica unlike Jennifer was a supermodel build and she knew how to flaunt it when she had the chance to. When Veronica saved Jennifer from the bullying girls Jennifer couldn't keep her eyes off the beautiful collie.

Even though she was wearing a yellow shirt and navy blue skirt she looked stunning and Jennifer was lost for words on what to say.

"Thank you" Jennifer managed to squeak out.

"No problem little one, I don't believe in bullying somebody because they are different" Veronica said truthfully. "I had been watching you for several weeks get the same treatment from the others so I just had enough and put my foot down" Veronica said as she put a paw on Jennifer's tiny shoulder. "If you ever need somebody to talk to I will always be available to you" Veronica cooed softly.

"Thank you again for saving me" Jennifer said as the shock and awe of being attracted to Veronica got more stronger.

From that point on both of them were causal friends only meeting in school. Jennifer's crush on Veronica deepened the more she got to know the collie.

When Jennifer and Veronica had a chemistry class together Jennifer could not keep her eyes off of Veronica and had to sometimes stop herself from looking up her skirt.

Jennifer started secretly buying sex toys and porn magazines to masturbate to when she got home from school. Her orgasms were often very intense as she imagined herself with Veronica having her way with the mouse.

She often used the toys she had as make believe fingers from Veronica burying themselves deep in her pussy.

Jennifer always masturbated before her parents came home and was able to keep her secret hidden from them until one day when she was at school her mother stumbled upon her secret stash when she was tidying up Jennifer's closet.

It had been a great day for the mouse where she had gone on a field trip with Veronica to the Picasso Art exhibit. It was the first time she got to spend alone with the collie to really find out who she was.

Jennifer was going to go home to have her usual masturbation session fantasizing about Veronica when she was stopped at the front door of the family bungalow by her mother and father.

A nasty argument ensued to where Jennifer ended up barred from coming back to the bungalow because in her parent's words she was not welcomed to "taint" the bungalow with her disgusting paraphernalia again. Once she found a place to live she'd be allowed back to the bungalow to grab what clothes she wanted.

Only problem was Jennifer did not have a job or a car to get her around. She was on the verge of graduating from high school in the next year only to be thrown out on the street by her parents because they found out she was a lesbian and didn't want her scourge around their bungalow or for that matter in their presence.

As sobs started to fall and her glasses starting to fog up; Jennifer aimlessly walked down the alleyways not caring where she walked or who she ran into. Jennifer finally emerged from the dark alleyway and found herself in a part of town she never was supposed to be in because it was considered the seediest part of town where all the hookers hung out according to Jennifer's parents.

Jennifer wanted to find a bench to just sob out all of her pain. It wasn't fair Jennifer was treated like she was by her parents or the fact she was kicked out of her home so easily by parents who she thought loved her and who were going to support her no matter what.

Jennifer found a bench along a huge lakefront park she was walking by. Jennifer just as easily could walk into the water and end all her suffering but the pain she felt was too great to even attempt suicide.

Jennifer sat down on the bench as her emotions rocked her to the very core as she violently sobbed all of the hate and anger she had for her parents out of her burning eyes collecting in a pool on the bench she sat on.

How was Jennifer going to live this one down to Veronica? She had no clue if Veronica was a lesbian or not.

Jennifer never told Veronica she was secretly having a crush on her nor did Veronica have a clue the mouse was even hinting towards such a thing. Veronica always assumed they were close friends and nothing more than that.

Now if Jennifer ran into the Veronica she'd have to mask the truth from her or just lie about it. She couldn't risk losing Veronica over some secret crush she was having on her.

Jennifer's entire body shook as she sobbed outloud alone and wondering what she would do next.

As Jennifer sat and sobbed she never saw or heard the collie coming up behind her to place a paw on her shoulder.


Veronica had been out for a stroll to get away from the confines of her apartment when she happened to look over and see her sobbing friend sitting on the bench.

Veronica wondered what Jennifer was doing in this part of town and why she was in such a depressed mood.

As Veronica got closer to Jennifer she could hear the sobs and the choked up voice of Jennifer mumbling something she couldn't hear.

Veronica could tell this was not the usual cheerful and happy mouse she always saw at school. Something bad had happened to Jennifer and Veronica wanted to know what it was but first she had to comfort the mouse.

Veronica first tried to rest a paw on Jennifer's small shoulder to see if that would bring the sobbing mouse to her senses. When Veronica did not get a response she knew she had to approach this in a more comforting way. Whatever happened to Jennifer was something internal and so painful that the only way to get down to the bottom of it was to sit down by Jennifer and put a paw around her shoulder.

Veronica walked over to where the mouse was sitting and sat down beside her to comfort her. When she sat down Jennifer melted into her arms and sobbed out the rest of her pain causing Veronica to at first react in shock but then let motherly instinct take over. Veronica comforted the sobbing mouse and embraced her deeply until her sobbing had stopped. She rocked Jennifer slowly and let the mouse let go of all of her emotions. Veronica couldn't help but start to cry herself as she somehow felt a connection deep inside of her heart that told her there was more going on here on a deeper level not even she herself could understand.


These paws and arms felt familiar to Jennifer as her sobs finally subsided and she felt warmth like she never had felt before causing her to relax. Jennifer shut her tear soaked eyes for a minute and felt strangely at ease as whomever this was held her gently in their arms rocking her.

When Jennifer had regained her composure she looked up to see who her savior was. She shot up like a bed spring when she was staring deep into the green misty eyes of Veronica.

"Vvvv..Veronica?" Jennifer stammered as her tear soaked baby blue eyes were as big as dinner plates. "I'm, I'm sorry..I didn't mean to lay out all my suffering on you" Jennifer stammered weakly.

"It's ok little one, sometimes things happen and friends come together for a reason" Veronica said softly as she rubbed some tears out of her eyes with the back of her paw. "You obviously needed some comfort so I did what I thought was the best thing" Veronica admitted.

"What's wrong Jennifer? Why are you so down on your luck?" Veronica asked looking her straight in the eye.

"It's nothing, I'm fine, I just got bullied by another girl again" Jennifer said trying to defuse the situation.

"Come on Jennifer, I've never seen you sobbing like that and I know there is something else going on with you that isn't related to bullies" Veronica said as she stared a hole deep into Jennifer.

"No way and no how is a bully going to bring you down like you were" Veronica said. "What's going on Jennifer? Why are you so down?" Veronica asked more seriously.

Jennifer knew her friend wasn't buying the whole bully story and she knew the mouse was lying through her teeth to cover up the true issue.

"I'd rather tell you in a more private place" Jennifer finally admitted. "Can we go to your house and talk about it there?" Jennifer asked looking Veronica straight in the eye with those innocent blue eyes of hers.

"Sure, I guess we could, but why don't you just get it off your chest right here where we are sitting on this bench" Veronica said.

"Veronica, it's better I tell you this in a private place because it is something I don't know how you are going to react to" Jennifer openly admitted. "If you want me to tell you the truth you've got to promise me like you always have that you won't judge me or try to throw me under the curb" Jennifer said in a serious tone.

"Listen to me Jennifer, you know no matter what you say to me I will do my best to try and understand it before I react to it" Veronica said with a voice that was unshakable and true.

"Just get it off your chest already and quit making me sit here in suspense" Veronica said. "If you keep this up little one I might have to come over there and tickle it out of you" Veronica said trying to elicit a smile from Jennifer.

Jennifer's gaze lightened up a little bit as she couldn't help but smile at the truth behind the collie's words.

Jennifer sat back down on the bench and scooted as close to Veronica as she could and placed her small paw in the paw of Veronica and took a deep breath before she started.

"I was kicked out of my parent's house this evening because they found some things that really caused them to flip out" Jennifer explained in as calm of a voice as she could. "I have no place to live now because of who I am" Jennifer said as she tried to hold back tears.

"Because of who you are?" Veronica asked. "I always thought you were an ok girl who always seems cheerful and happy to be around" Veronica said as she looked the tearing up mouse in the eyes.

"Well Veronica the reason I got kicked out was because my parents found out I was a lesbian" Jennifer said in the clearest voice she could.

Veronica didn't know what to say as she slowly took her paw out of Jennifer's and got up off the bench and walked over to a tree a few feet away to absorb what she had just been told.

Jennifer couldn't keep her sobs back anymore as she thought the friendship was over to where Veronica was going to walk back over and tell her to never see her again.

Veronica was too shell shocked to even say something to Jennifer at that very moment. She had a million and one things going through her mind as she stared out over the lake. Her tail slashed around nervously as she heard Jennifer starting to sob again.

Veronica continued to stare out over the lake and let her thoughts roll as she stood with her back resting on the tree trying to figure out how to approach this. Veronica had always suspected there was more to why Jennifer got picked on but she never expected this. To make matters worse she was the most popular senior in her school. If any of her friends found out she was friends with a lesbian she'd never be able to live it down without certain backlash from her friends.

Veronica didn't care about what her friends were going to think about her as much as she was trying to figure out what to say to Jennifer.

Veronica had never been given such a monumental decision before. Did she value the friendship or did she value her status in school?

Veronica's gut wanted to shun Jennifer for who she was but her heart wanted her to go back there and hug the mouse to tell her everything was going to be ok.

Veronica was only lying to herself if she went with her gut so she listened to her heart and that's when something started to change in her. She shut her eyes and imagined an image which startled her and snapped her back into reality.

Veronica shook her head as the image of her and Jennifer as more than just friends flashed by her and caused her nipples to go erect.

Jennifer sat on the bench with tear soaked eyes looking back at the collie wondering if she had lost the only close friend she had. Jennifer like Veronica was thinking long and hard about what she had just said to the collie. Jennifer knew she could never sugarcoat what she said as a joke to Veronica so she just sat back on the bench and let loose a few more sobs.

As Veronica was mulling over what to do she looked over at Jennifer and her eyes locked on the hiked up skirt of the mouse as it gave her a clear view of the black small panties the mouse was wearing.

Veronica felt her own panties get wet as she started to drool at the pitiful yet sexy site of Jennifer sobbing. Veronica stuck a paw under her shirt and started to idly roll a nipple with her finger as she watched Jennifer's skirt hike further and further up as a naughty breeze made the collie's decision for her.

Jennifer felt like she was being watched as she rubbed the tears out of her burning eyes. She looked over at Veronica whose demeanor had changed along with her gaze.

Jennifer looked down and instantly her sobs changed to a mad blush as she didn't even realize her skirt had hiked up when she leaned back to sob. When Jennifer's eyes met Veronica's stare the mouse had a naughty idea. She leaned back further and let the wind do its naughty magic on her skirt as she let the little crafty cupid breeze hike it up and give Veronica a full view of the tight black panties the mouse was wearing.

Jennifer reached in her own shirt as her gaze met that of Veronicas to fondle one of her boobs and roll it around in her paw. Jennifer's other paw snaked up her breeze hiked skirt and pulled aside the tight black panties to idly tease her slit as her now deep baby blue eyes burnt a silent seducing hole in Veronica's green ones.

Veronica continued to idly stroke her nipple as she gazed deep into the baby blue eyes of Jennifer. Her pussy was very moist and begged to be touched as she hiked the front of her mini skirt up and buried her paw deep in her pussy howling outloud as she did so.

Jennifer saw her tease show had done a little more than just excite the collie. Jennifer didn't want Veronica to get off without her helping the collie out.

Veronica was insanely close to losing touch with reality as her fingers deeply buried themselves in her panty covered pussy. She could feel her juices leak out all over her fingers as she was about to go over the edge.

Veronica felt a small paw grasp her paw and stop her vicious pawing of the inside of her pussy.

"You wouldn't want to end this pleasure you are feeling right here would you?" a surprisingly in command voice said. Veronica felt a tongue graze the back of her neck as her head had quit spinning enough for her to turn around and see Jennifer's baby blue eyes staring deep into her green ones.

"I could pay you back for all the times you saved me from bullies if you'd like" Jennifer cooed as one her paws reached down the back of Veronica's mini skirt found one of her butt cheeks to grasp.

"I see somebody likes to wear naughty thongs" Jennifer purred as her small index finger idly felt the small thong. Jennifer pulled it aside and ran her index finger along Veronica's ass crack.

"MMM, not only are you a naughty girl but you're a hot one" Jennifer deeply cooed as her index finger found one of Veronica's fingers buried deep within her pussy which was quivering for release.

Jennifer took a sample of Veronica's pussy juice in her index finger and pulled it out to taste her.

"MMMM, you taste almost like sweet strawberries" Jennifer purred. "I love strawberries" she added.

Veronica didn't care what Jennifer had in mind because she was too far gone near the edge of one of the biggest orgasms of her life. Veronica wanted to get off, now!

Jennifer wasn't about to let the very horny collie get herself off with her own paw so she reached inside the front of Veronica's panties and pulled her paw out of her pussy causing the collie to yelp a deep whine as she was denied her orgasm.

Instead, Veronica howled out in earth shattering fashion when Jennifer's fingers buried themselves deep in her pussy. Veronica's eyes screwed shut as some of the most intense spasms she had ever felt take over her sense as she flooded Jennifer's finger with her pre juice.

Jennifer's soft paws teased and tickled the inside of Veronica's pussy as she searched for a sweet spot buried somewhere in Veronica's pussy.

Veronica's eyes were rolling up in her head as her tongue lulled to the side as her senses lost touch with reality when Jennifer's fingers found the sweet spot in her pussy. Veronica started to buck wildly like a horny doe being rammed by a buck as she nearly pushed to the edge.

Jennifer sensed Veronica was not going to last much longer as her pussy juice lubed fingers tickled and then grinded into Veronica's sweet spot.

Veronica could not take it anymore as a howl that echoed for miles escaped her muzzle as she exploded through her panties onto the water of the lake in front of her as the most earth shattering orgasm of her life finally hit her sending her mind flying into the clouds.

Jennifer continued to pound Veronica's pussy for all it was worth as her entire wrist was coated in orgasmic pussy juice.

"Let go Veronica, ride this for all it is worth" Jennifer purred softly to her as she closed her eyes and felt the collie's pussy tightly clench around her fingers.

Veronica was losing touch with the worth as her pussy locked onto the probing fingers of Jennifer as squirted out buckets of orgasm juice as she had one last even more earth shattering orgasm howling out at the top of her lungs as the world around her went black.

Jennifer continued to probe Veronica's pussy until she felt it unclench from her fingers. She felt herself falling back as the collie collapsed on the ground taking her with her as both of them landed on the ground with a loud thud.

As Jennifer hit the ground a deep smile emerged on her lips as she realized her paw was still buried inside Veronica's panties with her fingers still deep inside her pussy.

Jennifer looked around to make sure nobody had been watching the show put on by the two girls. There wasn't a soul around for miles and if there was they were probably running home to clean up the massive mess they made on the front of their shorts or panties.

Jennifer pulled her paw out of Veronica's panties to lick off all of the pussy juice coating her wrist and fingers.

As she licked off the juice covering her right paw her left paw buried itself deep in her tight panties as the intensely sweet strawberry taste invaded the taste buds of her tongue.

Jennifer closed her eyes as she continued to lick off Veronica's offering and ram her fingers deep in her own pussy. Her pussy leaked like mad as she savored the taste of Veronica's pussy juice on her fingers.

It didn't take long for the mouse to have a mind blowing orgasm herself as her left paw was soaked by her juice as it squirted all over the front of her panties and down the front of her legs.

Jennifer's squeaks and moans were thankfully muted by her fingers being buried inside her mouth.

As Jennifer regained touch with reality she looked up at the heavens and smiled at how lucky she was to have pawed off one of the most popular and hottest girls in school.

Jennifer now faced a dilemma of how to get the out cold collie up and over to the bench. She somehow found the strength to get up on wobbly legs. Once she regained control of her lower limbs she picked up the out cold Veronica and slowly drug her by her feet over to the bench.

Jennifer was too spent to do anything else then sit herself down on the bench with the collie's head resting in her lap. As the sun set over the lake Jennifer stared out over the lake waiting for Veronica to regain consciousness. Her eyes became heavy with the fatigue from a long day of surprises and heart aches. Jennifer wasn't going to last much longer as she slouched down letting sleep overtake her as she dreamt about the new chapter in their friendship which tomorrow would bring once the sun arose the next morning.

As Jennifer fell into a deep sleep on the bench she smiled up to the star filled heavens dreaming about her and Veronica holding hands walking home the next day.


I hope you enjoyed this story so watch for future works & updates!

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