The Dark Fair, chapter 2: Kyle

Story by Kernog on SoFurry

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#2 of The Dark Fair

3rd edition - 02/19/2017

Second chapter of the Dark Fair.

We follow Kyle the Bunny, and the grimmer fate which awaits him.

Kyle yawned. I'm so bored. I thought that going to this fair would alleviate my boredom, but everything is so old and clunky. Urg... I should go back home and play video games. The golden-furred bunny stretched his arms and his long legs. It's starting to get cold. I'll cut behind these tents and head straight home, he decided. His fur and his parka shielded his body from the cold, but the low temperature was starting to bypass his fluffy defenses anyway.

Kyle walked around the stands, avoiding the main alley. Maybe I should invite Cassie? It feels like weeks since we banged. Kyle was very proud of having a girlfriend, especially as she proved to be quite the partner in bed. He pulled his phone out, but someone interrupted him before he could type her number.

"Hello, dear sir. It is rare to see someone walk all the way here. Would you be interested in stepping inside and have a look?" Kyle's head turned on his left. There was a small circus tent, and a smiling weasel posted in front of the entrance. His short body was buried under several layers of warm clothes, which left only the snow white fur of his face visible to the outside world. "And what is inside?" the bunny candidly asked.

"Aaah... But I would not want to spoil the surprise for you my good sir," the mustelid replied joyfully. "I can, however, guarantee you endless moments of fun and wonder." Kyle's reaction was mixed, to say the least. "And how come these 'endless moments fun and wonder' are so far away from the rest of the fair?" he asked pertinently .

"Aren't you curious to find out why?" the weasel teased. Kyle pawed the ground; the entertainer was starting to annoy him. He had a few minutes to lose, however.

"Fine," the young rodent agreed. "I was on my way home, anyway."

"You sure are, sir," the weasel remarked cryptically.

Kyle stepped into the tent. Come in, look, be disappointed, go away, was the plan. The inside of the tent was in complete, unnatural darkness. "Why is it so dark, what the fuck is this place?!" he complained.

"Sir, mind the..." the weasel tried to warn.


"... Gap. Oh well," the entertainer chuckled. It hired him... How many bunnies did it_use since this place opened? Eighty-ish?_ It should learn to diversify sometimes.

The ground suddenly gave way under Kyle's feet. He turned and tried to reach out for the edge, but there was nothing: no edge, no wall, no light. It is as if he just warped in outer space. He could still breathe, though, but that was of little relief to him. The herbivore kept falling for a long, long time; or was he floating? There was no wind flowing against his face, so he could not tell in which direction his body was drifting to.

His 'fall' was suddenly halted as he squeezed into some kind of rubbery, oil-coated cushion. It was definitely not a normal fall; if it was, his body would have broken in pieces by the strength of the impact. And so he was going lower into the tight passage. Or was it forward? His inner ears had a hard time telling directions with the shifting gravity. After a few seconds, Kyle's brain could claim with certainty, that Kyle was facing forward, despite how illogic this seemed.

The inner walls squeezed tight on the bunny. More worryingly, the oily substance seemed to dig through his clothes. "Help! Somebody! Heeelp!" Kyle screamed. The low_thump_ of the walls moving around him was the only answer he got. Goddammit, goddammit, goddammit. Kyle panicked. He reached for his phone, with great difficulty. No network; soon after, a big drop of liquid landed on the phone screen and literally drilled through the plastic and the metal. Oh God! I must get out of here! With his only light source extinguished, Kyle tried to strafe forward in complete darkness. Each meter had to be gained in great effort, and each time the bunny was leaving behind pieces of clothes, to be dissolved in this alien location. He finally ended up naked, and he realized to his horror that it was now tufts of fur which remained behind. Is this thing digesting me? I don't want to die! He lamented.

Despite the hopelessness of his predicament, Kyle made some progress, but by the time he could hear some indistinct noise forward, he was down to his bare, pink skin. Anxious, the bunny tried to hurry the pace, expecting to experience pain or burns from his unprotected skin scraping against the corrosive substance.

But something else happened. Kyle felt the oil stick to his body. It slipped everywhere, reacting with his skin and fixating itself on his body, layer upon layer. His entire body was soon coated in the substance.

It was not painful. Instead, his body became extremely sensitive. Advancing through the crevice was suddenly easier, but each step was now sending electric tingles through the bunny's entire body. Kyle's breathing accelerated as he dug through the last meters. He felt his dick become erect through the prolonged pressure of the strange cave, but for now, he focused on the noise forward. It was the discernible noises of a fun fair!I'm back! I'm fucking back! the bunny motivated himself. Ooh, I'm gonna punch that fucking weasel in the face! Only a few steps!

Very shortly after having this thought, the rodent persevered and pushed his way forward. The pinkish walls suddenly gave way as Kyle reached the other side. Unbalanced, he tumbled forward and landed on all fours.

"Ah, a newcomer, isn't it?" a male voice remarked. Kyle left his eyes from the grass, but before he could look at the person who just talked, he realized, in horror, his body was now encased head to toe in thick, shiny gold latex, which stuck to his skin.

"Welcome to the Dark Fair, BM-85," the man added. Looking at him for answers, Kyle set his eyes upon a naked male gorilla, his shiny black latex skin reflecting the world around him.

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