A Day at the Waterpark

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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Sometimes when a good thing happens, you want to go out and celebrate it. Today, for example, was something to celebrate because Mattock had just gotten the Big Raise at work, and what better way to celebrate a raise than to go out and spend it all and more?

Matty had suggested a day out at the waterpark, which kind of surprised me--I never thought my roo was the type to enjoy swimming, I'd said, and on top of that I wouldn't have thought he'd be willing to spend a day in the presence of wet skunk either.

"I am your mate," he'd said. "And I do love swimming--at least, when it's as hot out as it's been lately. I'm sure you've been feeling the heat too, tubster." He poked my gut and grinned at me.

"Oh I'm the tubster, am I?" I grabbed his gut with both paws and gave 'em a knead-squeeze. "Haven't you hit five hundred already, lardo?"

He laughed and grabbed the back of my head, burying my snout in his belly. "Don't act like you don't love the lar--rrk!"

The roo flailed under me as I started licking out his sensitive bellybutton, his whole body wobbling around me as he shook with ticklish laughter. I didn't let up, slurping and nibbling steadily around that bellyhole as I reduced my mate to a helplessly squealing ball of flab.

"I hate you," he said, as soon as he was able to catch his breath.

"Waterpark it is then," I said.

Now, I know a waterpark is supposed to be a place to cool off. But when most of your fur is black--and the sun is blazing--and you haven't gotten wet yet--and all the good rides are all the way on the other side of the park--and you're fat so it feels like such a long walk--well, you take advantage of the little benches under the little umbrellas for little breaks.

Meanwhile, when you're an excited kangaroo, you just can't stop bouncing around. "Musky. Come on."

"It's hot," I said. "Just let your poor old butterball cook in the sun."

He grabbed my paws and tried to get me to stand, with no success.

"Can't even shift me with your whole weight? Maybe you're not five hundred yet."

"Quiet, you," he laughed, and nibbled on the tip of my snout. "C'mon, there's a refreshments stand like just right there, not even five minutes, but you've got to get up!"

"Refreshments? Why didn't you say so?" I got up from the bench, still panting a little, and waddled past my kangaroo in search of the promised land.

The Green Canteen, however, didn't seem to be what I expected. The theme was... botanical, to put it puritanically; the main motif was a familiar leaf, images of which were covering every surface.

"Matty, I thought you meant refreshments, not ...refreshments."

He was already ordering a smoothie. "Something wrong with that?"

I was surprised, to say the least, though in hindsight perhaps I shouldn't have been. Sure, I never saw him around the house with any drugs, but he was always out of the house... on long road trips... working security for an aging rock band... actually it wouldn't be surprising if he'd sampled a little bit of everything the band could get their paws on.

"Ugh, I'm a square," I said, as he got his smoothie and we resumed walking.

"Now why would you actually say that?"

"Well, 'cause I never..."

He held the cup out, offering me a taste.

"But I never..."

He withdrew the cup. "No pressure, porker."

"Ugh, I'm a square."

"Stop saying that."


"Don't you, like, actually volunteer as a toilet to anyone who wants?"

"What does that have to--"

"'Squares' don't do that. You're, like, the wildest fuckpig I know."

"OINK. Fine." I snatched the cup from his paw and took a deep drink from the straw. The smoothie was green in color but tasted mostly of fruit.

Matty watched me, smirking a bit.

"Well... I don't feel anything."

"You just-- Musky, it takes a bit. It has to get processed by your body, it's not magical." He took the cup back from me and looked it over. "Well, maybe a little magical. But that'd be the other ingredients."

I spluttered a bit. "There's more than--"

"You didn't even look at the menu? Gosh, maybe you are a square."

"I know where you sleep," I said.

"And I know the hypno-trigger that turns you into a mindless toy." He finished the drink and tossed the cup in the trash. "You'll make a good footstool for TV night."

"OINK. So mean!"

"Nothin' you don't deserve. Love you." There was a line for the big waterslide, and we took our place at the end of it.

And waited.

"Gah, this place sucks," I said, after what seemed like forever. "Maybe we can just hit the pool next time?"

"Skoink..." Matty was taking a little break on one of the little benches under the little umbrellas, his headfur shiny with dampness.

"Gettin' to ya, boss?" I squeezed onto the bench beside him and rubbed a paw across his forehead to wipe the sweat from his eyes.

Only but it wasn't sweat.

The roo's forehead was dry, cool to the touch, and didn't feel like fur at all.

"Erh... are you okay, Matty?" I looked at my paw, which was starting to look a little shiny on its own. I rubbed them together and they let out a quiet rubbery squeak. "Am... am I okay?"

"Don't panic, babe, or you won't be able to enjoy yourself."

"I what?--" I looked over the roo and saw the sheen had spread over the whole of his body, which gave off little squerk noises when I touched him.

My own body was considerably less further along, presumably because I hadn't drunk as much as Matty had. Still, I felt just a little light-headed already. It was... kind of good.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from my roo though. The changes the tubby beast was going through would've been somewhat alarming if my own head weren't fuzzy with my mind draining out.

Matty's mouth had been stuck in an open position, a perfectly round O opening out deeper and deeper as the shape of his body changed. My roo was normally on the rotund side, big and round and soft; his roundness now was becoming more and more protracted, and his head and limbs seemed to be sinking into his widening body.

It took me a moment, but then I figured it out. "Dude... an inner tube?"

He couldn't answer me, his mouth merely opening out further, deep enough that I could see through to the other end of him, the bright red of his swimming trunks visible through the hole.

"Wow," I said, reaching in with my own plasticized paw and rubbing the inside of my roo, from the outline of what used to be his lips all the way down to the hole at the other end, all in the space of a few inches that I could grab all at once.

I wondered what he could feel.

My own body was not changing to anywhere near that great of a degree; while the shiny plastic was now my whole body, I was still the same shape as before. Well, maybe a little rounder. And maybe my features were a little more smoothed out. And maybe I was finding it a little harder to move...

It was a blissfully happy feeling that filled me as my mind continued to fade out, bringing me to the level of a toy. My limbs wouldn't respond anymore, but that was okay--I slumped down on what was left of my roo, and he made for a good soft cushion.

The sun continued to beat down on us, but it didn't feel like a problem anymore.

It still would've been nice to make it to the water, though.

The line passed us by.

The day passed us by.

I woke from something like sleep to the sensation of being picked up.

Some college kids had found us--a lion had Matty slung over his shoulder, and a badger was carrying me under his arm.

I couldn't help but feel an intense excitement as my helpless limbs bounced around with the badger's movements. I want to play!

It seemed like no time at all before the boys hit the front of the line,

The badger held me up in front of him to shield his face as we entered the waterslide. I felt my whole body throb as he squeezed me close against him, pushing air out to my extremities. The feeling was intense, but nothing compared to what happened as he started sliding down.

What happened? The water hit me.

The touch of the water on my plastic skin was practically electrifying.

An object never feels so much joy as when it's used for its intended purpose. As a pool toy, this was it. If I'd still had a heart it would have been racing with exhilaration as my owner and I enjoyed the slide.

And then we hit the pool at the bottom. The feel and the smell of the water all around me, the grip of the badger's arm holding me against his chest, the playful shouting as he splashed his friend and paddled to the edge of the pool--I couldn't imagine anything more enjoyable.

We spent the remainder of the day being taken on every ride in the park. The sun was already well below the horizon before the lion and the badger decided to call it a day.

I'd like to say I felt bad about leaving them behind. I figured I would miss them. But a toy's owner is a thing that can change at any time--so despite the importance of the bond, it never does to get too attached.

They certainly didn't act like they were going to miss us, anyway. I got stuffed into my roo tube and we were hefted up into a large mesh cage that I could already see was partly full of other inflatables.

If we can't spend more time with these boys, at least we can hang out with our fellow toys...

We landed at the top of the heap, but were soon buried by other pooltoys cast off by other patrons leaving the park.

As I lay surrounded by soft plastic and rubber, drying off slowly in the evening breeze with my mate snug around my waist, I looked forward to another day of fun in the morning.


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