The Hunted

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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"It's dark already" the centaur though to him self he spent hours scavenging herbs, roots, and berries for his brew some thing he called druids ale, and after losing all track of time he found himself alone in the wood after dark. "Goddess its dark already" he sighed to him self as he repeated as if to assure himself of the facts "Gods time to be stumbling off home then, thou I should be well and drunk to do it proper like" he kidded himself as he started carefully picking his path...

After a good thirty minutes the wind shifted and he caught a scent on the wind that of a wolf, no not just a wolf but a wolfess and one so close he could smell her which meant he was her pray.

"Relax" he told him self "Don't show fear, they can tell if you're afraid, no don't run" he told his legs "Just walk normal and try to see where the are" his eyes set about darting form shadow to shadow looking for the signs of pack movement he squares his shoulders to and straightens his back to show his power and intimidate the canines but still he senses that he is being followed...

More time passes as he reaches the clearing where is hut stands, "Safety" he thought for if the pack was going to attack they would have rushed him by now. He moves quickly to the door way not looking behind himself just as he open the door he felt something land and straddle his back he turns his head to see what it was, or started to but a soft hand suddenly covers his covers his eyes and a strange song fills his ears sending him sinking into the darkness.

Some time later he awake feeling the sod floor of his hut under his back, trying to rise he relies that his hand hind legs are bound and spread out... Fear grips at his heart as he calls out into the darkness "Hello is any one there?"

For a moment there is nothing but silence then a feminine voice answers "Oh yes lovely we are here".

The tips of a bushy tail catches his attention, and the wolfess steps from the shadows as across the opposite wall the cat girl pounces his equine body...

With a giggle she bites his side "oh yes" she says "We'ree gona eat ya' . she slides down his body slowly "starting form..." his heart stops as the head of his penis brushes up between her legs, the cat girl blinks and set up her fur covered breasts bouncing a bit "What's this?" she reaches down to grab a hold of the swollen rod. He braced him self as she motioned the white wolf over to her...

His and bests swaying as he walks over bending down over him to look at the cats find "It looks tasty" the centaurs eye stare affixed at the wolf's' wet swollen pussy... "Lets start with it!" the wolf sitting down on his equine chest then scent of both woman drifting up to his nose there dampness spilling over his body.

"No!!!" s struggles in his bonds as the females both flash him a toothy smile and spread their jaws wide around his member he closes his eyes bracing his body for the sentence pain he knows is about to come... But never comes, instead he is greeted by the feeling of soft lips sliding down the embrace his cocks head, and a long wet tongue wrapping around its base. Opening his eyes he gasps at the sight of the two women sucking his throbbing man hood their pointed sharp teeth gazing over his flesh as they work their tongues over his most sensitive organ. He almost passes out form the shear pleasure of it all.

The suddenly the cat girl speaks "So horsey just so you know this meat pole is going in my belly" stoking his penis with both hands and eyeing him mischievously, as the wolven contuse to work her tongue tortuously over his the, she leans back showing him her dripping wet cunnie and slides her finger over her self moaning ludely as she does so.

The wolfess takes him into her muzzle pulling it from her mouth with a wet plop she starts singing " Its gona taste good, its gona taste great, not much longer its going to take This centaur cock is gona... EXPLODE!"

As if on cue he starts to push up from the floor the wolfs tongue sliding along the under side of his massive slong greeted by the taste of his seed at the top, she locks her mouth around the tip as he cums drinking his man milk as it fills her mouth and more then a little forces its way from her lips to slowly drip down Her chin only to he pick up with a lap of her long tongue... "Ok kitty" she says as lets go of his cock and letting out a belch "Your turn"

Already out of breath the centaur barley feels the cat girl slide down his body once more, he is nearly oblivious to her action until clawing at his sides she forces her self back pushing his still throbbing penis into her depths. He gasps in pleasure and pain as the cat girl pushes him ever deeper into her tight wet cunt she sinks her claws into his sides, he starts to cry out from the pain only to be muffled by the wolven's furry muff eagerly grinding over his lips as she watches the look of pained ecstasy on the kittens face as she grows accustom to his size slowly rocking her hip she slowly lets lose the centaurs sides.

Gerret couldn't still could not believe it he was being raped, the two beautiful women were using his body for their own pleasure... His eyes close on their own accord and the wolven's smell greats his nose, lost some where in pleasure and disbelief his tongue start to intrude into her cannel... the wolven gasps and giggles "you were right Ayla, this is fun" she leans foreword to cradle the kittens head between her bared furry breasts...

Ayla responds with a soft cry as she fucks her self with the centaurs cock " Ye... yes, Gee... Gerret's cock feels soo nice" She smiles and nips at the wolves breast softly as she feels the centaurs' pulse through her walls...

Elise watches the slick member slowly slide into and out of Ayla's tight hole wondering how much more the centaur can take even as his tongue curls with in her and sends her so close to orgasm and forces her eyes closed she with the next lap of his tongue she howls an coats his mouth in hone...

Gerret Licks at the wolven as she cums her feminity quivering at his touch, her scent so over powering it quickens his pulse, his member throbbing within the kittens tight pussy, painfully hard and ridged, feeling as if it could blow at any moment, Ayla stops moving as his pulses beats like a hammer fall though his man hood knowing he most be close. She enjoys the intense feeling the anticipation, and the longing in her womb to be fill. Again and again his pulse beats hard her muscles clinching down in time slowly milking him for his seed and when neither can bear it any longer, his hips bucking up causing her to yelp in surprise then yawl as his pulsing members fill her womb with his hot seed pulsing drop after drop into her hungry pussy pushing her to orgasm after orgasm...

She places a paw between her legs as she pulls his now limp members from her trying to keep as much of his seed in her as possible, her belly slightly distended from the shear volume of spunk he shot into her... she shivers as the head of his cock finally dislodges, sending her almost into orgasm once more, then clinches her legs tight against the flood of white warmth that wants to spill from between her legs... her wolven friend is already dressed and heading out the door. "night night Ayla, that was fun we should do it again some time".

Ayla just nod her head waiting for her to leave before looking up to the centaur "surprise, I hope you liked your birth day gift love."

Gerret just smiled... nodding as the kitten cuddles up against his warm frame her figure wiggling as the ropes untie them self.

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