Of winning and losing

Story by omega_dark_child on SoFurry

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#4 of pokemon training and other evolutions

Over the next week I and my pokefems spent the day training, I slow discovered my little vixen had a dark side when it come to male pokemon... she attacked from behind when ever possible and targeted, well lets just say after they found what was at risk most ran. It made me glad mine was hers as she showed infinitely more affection toward it, treating it as a lover.

Every night after we lay down to bed she would lift her tails to me letting me plumb her deeps with my fingers, when she cums on my digits she tells me "soon It will be your cock"...

She woke me early this morning nipping the head of my cock before saying "we are going to face the gym leader today, then when we win... I'm putting this inside me." it was a firm statement as if every thing was assured.

I laughed until I saw the look on her face, which told me she was serious "it will be a 4 on 3 battles are you sure we can do it?"

In answer, she sat down on my cock sliding her wet puff nether lips against my shaft. "I cant wait any longer... so me and my sisters are going to give you a win, then I'm going to get my reward" she slid her bud up to the vary tip of my rod letting it spring up then she slowly sat back on it just letting the head part her labia "do I make my self clear?!" I could only nod as she suddenly walked off me lifting her tails and showing me her extremely wet snatch... my eyes went wide when I realized shy she was suddenly so in need, my little vixen was in heat.

I dressed quickly before making a light breakfast some poke'meal for my girls and granola for my self. The poke'meal actually looked better I shook my head and waited for my girls to finish "I hope we are ready Brick isn't a pushover" I look out to the water then picked up camp setting every thing in my pack "win or loose we spent enough time here."

At last I finished packing, my pokefems were waiting for me at the trail Julia keeping her tails down as I approached I heard her in y mind "come on twit I've waited long enough for you dick the quicker we get this done the better."

I laughed in spite of my self as Julia, as usual lead the way Narnra behind her... and me left to bring up the rear with Rose the roselia... About half way to town I decided to lift the short two legged pokefems to my shoulders from her response of "ROS...lia...rosa..." as we trotted the last half our jog I picked up a few things from the Pokemart and then we went to give brick a call.

On entering the gym, he came to great us, "hey kid you gona fight to day or are you just here to watch again."

I shook my head "no we are not here to fight, we are here to win" I took rose from my shoulders looking to brick.

He looked me over "fine you think your ready step on in we will have a 4 on 4 battles"

I walked passed him before he even finished talking "can we get this over with the girls and I want to be on are way before night fall" I can see the steam coming from his ears "oh yes and I only have 3 pokemon"

He started laughing and set out his Onix first saying "might as well get this over with fast"

I looked to Julia "who's up first?" Julia did not answer me aloud she turned her head to Rose... "All right rose your up"

Rose step forward looking to the onix dwarfed by it... "R... Rosa" she said cutely

Brick yelled out to his onix "Bind end this quick Onix"

I smiled "rose magical leaf" a glowing leaf shot from one of her flower pomes streaking into the charging Rock Snake hitting squarely and sending somersaulting back laying out cold "I hope that wasn't your best" I said at Julia's nudging.

That got him hot "you want to see my best fine," he said as he recalled his Onix "Steelix go!" he yelled out as he tossed out a poke ball.

We knew it was coming so as it appeared from his ball "Julia Will-o-Wisp" I could tell by looking he forgot about the vulpix and as the small ball of light hit the hulking metal serpent, it roared in pain from its newly inflicted burns...

Brick with out missing a beat called out "Steelix bind her"

I bit my lip, even though I knew this was part of Julia's plan I could not help but flinch, and as the steel serpent wrapped its self about my small vixen, I called out "Ember Now!" I watch as ht snakes coils clinched about the now glowing white-hot vixen squeezing once then falling away leaving her to crawl out from the bundle of collapse pokemon, I let out a sight of relief "ready to call it quits brick... Or do I have to cut threw your 2 other pokemon the geodude and gravler..."

I waited for him to answer when he tossed me the badge I smiled and started to walk away "battles are more then type advantages you know you cant win them all like you did here"

I shrugged and walked on. Turning to head out of town that night we camped in the mountains it would be the last time I would ever be this close to home, I as I laid out my bedding I looked at the bolder badge brick gave me... my first and last badge...

Julia nuzzled my leg to break my thoughts back to her "its time... get you ass down here or I'll set your pants on fire"

I laughed nervously as I took my pant off and rubbed some oil on my man hood, and then I sat down spread my legs and waited for her to inspect my pole. she didn't waist any time she leaped at as soon as I was down to her level and start rubbing her self against me, I held the base of my rod still letting her ease back on it. 'she was so hot' I thought as I watched my manhood slowly vanish with in her she tensed as it reached her hymen going down closed to the floor I thought for a moment she would pull forward only to have her push back with all the strength in her little body howling out in pain...

I closed my eyes tight as I felt her hips pop out and back in to place locking my cock inside her as it ripped through her virginity her cries cared well into the night... My other pokemon just watched and I was afraid that I had just ripped her guts out or that any moment the little vixen will use ember to rid her self of the painful rod with in her... I closed my eyes and waited then suddenly I felt teeth on my inner thigh "Jay that fucking hurt!"

I yelped in surprise and opened my eyes, the little vixen still standing in front of me with most my cock within her depths her inner walls quivering with small orgasms around the invading member. She laid on her side and lifted a hind leg to get a good look at I started to pull away from her only to earn my self a growl "it just started to fill good it staying where it is"... I pushed back toward her making her whimper, "please... do that again!"

I adjusted my self, holding her in my hand, and then started to bounce her softly on my shaft... I could only move an inch or so at a time and being in side her was like having my dick caught in velvet lined vice it hurt and felt wonderful at the same time. I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying in pain and pleasure with every repetition and every whimper from the vixen brought me closer to Cumming I also started to notice that the closer see got to her own orgasm the hotter she got. Every other stroke I tried to pull a little further out of her... I soon realized I was to late she started to cry sharp in takes of breath as if feeding the furnace with in then let out a long slow howl... she was so hot, so tight, her body started to spasm milking me for my sperm.. I could not help it, the pain off her near combusting body the intense pleasure of her pussy, and the fear of truly losing my man hood... all came forth and out of my in one might flood as I filled Julia to the brim with my seed yelling "NOO!" I remember a flash of light blinding bright and the heat of flames... and the last things my mind registered was a buzz from something in the camp and laying nest to something large vary soft and extremely fluffy...

I woke before Jay in the morning I felt something different, I looked over Jay his nude body stirred something deep inside me this morning like no other before. It was no longer a matter of want, something told me I needed him in side me and soon... I woke him the fastest way I knew how I applied my teeth to the soft flesh on the tip of my penis... his eyes snapped open and he rose up immediately I told him my plans for the day "we are going to face the gym leader today, then when we win... I'm putting this inside me." firmly I knew we would win as I had been giving him pieces of my plan since I scouted Brick and with Rose here now all that was left was for him to do his part and get brick mad...

He laughed as he looked at me I narrowed my eyes then he asked "it will be a 4 on 3 battles are you sure we can do it?"

He doubted me I decided to show him exactly why I couldn't lose I sat down rubbing my wet cunt over the stiff rod between his legs then telling him "I cant wait any longer... so me and my sisters are going to give you a win, then I'm going to get my reward." I pulled my self up to the vary tip of that large shaft thinking about just pushing my self onto it. I shivered at the feeling of it starting to push into me and pulled my self away "do I make my self clear?!" I waited for him to affirm the statement then moving away waiting for my breakfast.

He dressed him self fixing us something that looked like cereal then started talking to him self ad he chewed on some crumbs and fruit, and then he started to talk to him self I was focused on eating, the coming battle and the joy of what's to come after, all I heard was the last thing he said "win or loose we spent enough time here."

I smiled its time to move on, we met him on the road I looked at him impatiently say "come on twit I've waited long enough for you dick the quicker we get this done the better." then started down the road Narnra hot on my heel... looking back a few moments later I see him with rose hosted up on his shoulder and catching up with us.

Narnra looked to me as I stopped "we gona play with the rock guy now right"

I laughed nodded and ran on ahead.

We waited for Jay just out side the gym me and Narnra were faster then him so we relaxed before entering I nudged Jay into my plan and had him hold the door for us...

Brick the gym leader met us at the door saying, "hey kid you gona fight to day or are you just here to watch again." talking to Jay as if trying to god him into I fight...

I nodded to Jay keeping quit so not to distract him from his part... I almost laughed as he told the rock head "no we are not here to fight, we are here to win" and took the Roselia from his shoulders; he must have looked like a whimp carrying around the flower pokemon.

Brick looked Jay over almost laughing and said, "Fine you think your ready step on in we will have a 4 on 4 battle"

I thought 'come on Jay make him made' but then he did the best thing h could have he walked by the meat head blowing off anything else he had to say, telling him "can we get this over with the girls and I want to be on are way before night fall" he was red in the face "oh yes and I only have 3 pokemon"

He started laughing at that second part and I cursed him for making it, he sent out his Onix telling us "might as well get this over with fast." it was working he was under estimating us.

He asked me "who's up first?"

I looked to my sisters "sisters we need to finish up strong the stronger the better... this is his second strongest pokemon the first is steel type which is mine" rose stepped forward so I turned my nose to her in indication of my choice

Jay took it calling "All right rose your up"

Rose must have taken what I said to hart as she finished the Onix in one hit. It was amazing and I can tell Brick thought so to as he took out the ball containing his steel type...

I held my breath a moment hearing Jay call out my move I blow the Steelix a kiss sending out a ghost of will-o-whip to get its attention...

brick must have forgotten about me as I say the surprised look on his face at the cry of his Steelix at its burns or perhaps he forgot both trainer can switch pokemon between rounds... either way he remember now and I had no where to run from its steely coils. "Bind!" he called out, I smiled as my plan was working perfectly I accepted the move the crushing weight of the coils. I never really heard Jay call out, my sisters said he did, but as soon as I felt the pain of their embrace; I set off my ember burning my way through as if I was a welder...

I could hear nothing feel only it embrace until it grip went slack and I could crawl out, you never know how sweet breathing was until you couldn't any more

I looked to Jay who was desperately trying to play it cool asking "ready to call it quits Brick... Or do I have to cut threw your 2 other pokemon the geodude and gravler..." it made me wonder his true feelings at times he is as hard to read as a slow bro.

We watched as Brick chewed over his chances finally seeing the three to two battles against one well rested Espeon and the two bokemon that took out his strongest tossed over the badge telling us "battles are more then type advantages you know you cant win them all like you did here" as if it was type advantage that won

We left Bricks gym and left town all together I watched Jay as we walked along now the mountain route camping just out side the entrance of the cave once again far enough off the path not to be seen... I watched Jay as he set up camp my stomach rumbled, but the feeling between my legs was at this point a lot more urgent, I needed him in side me I went up to him nuzzling his leg and telling him "its time... get you ass down here or I'll set your pants on fire." I was serious; even as I watched him spread the oil over his rod my cunnie was dripping, it felt like fore ever before he sat down. I leaped at the object of my desire turning around rubbing my self-trying to get the angle right then I felt him take his shaft in hand and hold it steady so I was finally able to ease back on to it. It felt so cool in side my heated depths as if it just being with in helped relieve the burning need and it only made me want it deeper I felt I rub something with in me it hurt a little I tensed and went down low to the ground I knew it could go deeper I wanted it deeper. I closed my eyes held my breath and drove my self-back hard howling in triumph and pain.

I panted and as I felt my hip lock around his shaft I smiled to my self, I knew, it was not getting out of me any time soon it was all mine... I got a picture from Jay mind of my using ember I let him know with teeth how I felt about that after saying "Jay that fucking hurt!"

It was his turn to yelp, he opened his eyes, and I lay down on my side then lifted a leg to get a good look... just as I started to enjoy the feeling of having it inside me he started to pull away. It hurt some so I growled and told him "it just started to fill good... its staying where it is." he pushed back toward me and from deep with in, it felt warm and tingly through my entire body... "Please... do that again." I asked, he took me up holding me gently bringing me fully into his lap then started to bounce me. It made me feel hotter the warm tingling sensation slowly grew intensifying with every stroke. Until the pleasure was so great that I started to cry and hyperventilate, I closed my eyes and felt something snap a rush of pleasure so intense that I literally blacked out... when I came to there was the soft buzzing sound coming from jay's bag. his cock my cock was now flaccid and unusable, I was tried so tired that I didn't think anything of the that my now rested against jays chest and my tail, tucked between my legs to cover my still quivering pussy pressed against his faded pride... sleep claimed me before I realized I had changed.

Catching Situation

I awoke the next morning from a strange dream... Julia had some how tied my up and some how placed an assembly line of poke fems for me to lick and mate with the more I mated the pokemon the more of a pokemon I became until I was looking up to Julia as...

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Unexpected evolutions

Brief recap of my tail so far, my name is Jay I am a pokemon trainer in training, and my trainer is my small cute fluff ball of a vulpix Julia whom utterly owns my penis. Quite literally I had to give it to her to keep her from roasting it off my...

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Claiming jay

After we left scrub town my dreams became in frequent it was a long walk to pewter city with only scant scenery and forests, so there wasn't really much to do Narnra seemed to catch on to fetch quickly but Julia on the other hand seemed to want to get...

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