Evolution Complete
#5 of pokemon training and other evolutions
Evolution Complete I was sleeping, seemingly trapped in a deep slumber; I heard a voice somewhere in that back of my mind, it sounded so real like the person was standing over me "wake... Awaken and hear... they are coming for you." I bolted up right my eyes flew open only to shut tight against the stinging of the noon day sun I shaded my eyes with my hand then looked down beside me at what I thought was a large fur covered pillow and did a double take... there laying beside me was a woman covered in sleek whit fur with 12 fox like tails, 'it couldn't be Julia could it?' I thought to my self as I reached out and touched her delicate curved body... I jumped a little as she took my hand in a paw and pulled it between her humanoid legs as a familiar voice sead in my mind "if you are going to touch, touch here" I rubbed her moist slit as she murred and knew that this fox creature was my little pokemon she was my Julia. My cock jumped to attention practically aching to get back into her, I looked down at my self remember the burning hot sex we had last night I could see the silhouette of her 6 tails on my flesh as if their were burn but strangely it didn't look like a burn it seemed as if the flesh had tanned, Julia seemed to have gotten bored with my lack off attention and decided to roll over to all fours only to call out "hey I got hands" I was about to say something back when I realized two things; One she was actually talking, and two we were being watched... "Julia I think we are being watched" I looked about spotting the two women in blue uniforms Identical down to the scent... I sighed "their just Jennies" "Hold it right there pervert!" I jumped at the call looking back to the women whom were now pointing guns at me with their Growlithe at their side seeming ready to pounce... "Put your hands in the air where we can see them, pokemon fucker and we might not castrate you" I couldn't believe it then it wasn't like I could deign it I mean Julia was there they must know... my heart pounded as I raised my hands looking at the stretch of field between us and them as the Jennie nearest Julia raised and pointed her gun "as a dually authorized member of the Johto police force and member of the pokemon league rule enforcement" she said "I here by put down Abomination" I closed my eyes "No! I shouted" as I rushed forward I heard the trigger click there was no way I could make it on time... I swung my fist instinctively and somehow I connected, I opened my eyes and watch the slim body of the first Jennie fly back into the air seemingly in slow motion, I watched transfixed forgetting about the second one until I felt the white hot sting in my shoulder that spun me around.. It was only then did I see Narnra and Rose squaring off against the Jennie and two Growlithes, looking at this scene I realized Rose had vine whipped the gun from jennies hand a second before firing or I would have Been... 'Jay doesn't think about' I heard a voice with in my head 'your not leaving me yet' I realized Julia was still there watching not used to her two-legged form yet... "Growlithe" Jennie said "fire blast that weed" "NO!" four voices with in my head screamed in unison only one was mine. Once more I raced this time to put my self between my roselia and an on coming blast of fire I knew if it hit the flower pokemon would be nothing but ash... Fragment (consider revising) The fire washed over me burning so hot that it felt as cold as ice I could hear the screams of my pokemon as the watched me be consumed in the fires... I woke up many hour later the battle field now a solid flat piece of onyx just now cooling except for four lumps about the size of humans of pokemon I sat up only to wake up the sleeping plant pokemon in my arms whom promptly kissed me before moving away I seemed to hear her... no I heard her tell me good bye... I was saddened to see her walk away... Narnra laid not far off they looked up and smiled as I stood my body seemed heavier, I heard Narnra then "hello brother" as if addressing me as an other pokemon I started to laugh then I looked down... My body was deep red and rough hide smooth but hard hairless but the extra weight I felt came from my back draconic wings sprouted there... I am not a trainer not a breeder... I fell to my knees putting my claws to my face "what am I?" I asked no my self... The fems moved next to me snuggling up close "shhh" they said to me almost seductively I looked up "handsome" Julia told me in answer and deeply kissed me... I found my self embraced with the two fems... Julia riding me as a tasted Narnra the espeon's sex was salty sweet and reminded me some how of apple pie... The panting voice of Narnra came to my ears "please sister... can I use it?" I did not register what 'it' was until I felt Julia slid off me and make her way up my body... "What if she..." I started only to be silenced as the kitsune force her mound into my face... "What's one more companion" she asked "now start licking unless you don't like the way I taste..." I did as bid pushing my tongue into here salty sweet cinnamon folds jumping as Narnra licked at my cock before getting down and rubbing her self and rubbing her swollen bud over my rod listening to her over Julia's moans "in in go in" Julia lean back and took a hold of my man hood so that Narnra could push back on it. She howled as she did so over eagerly as she ripped her maiden's head she started yelping, "Hurt hurt pain pain..." I felt her bring her head back and lick my rod and her self "it's in me... hurts... Good" she continued whining even as she started to hump me... I wanted to see to look at the Espeon impaled on my shaft a squeeze for Julia's thighs reminded me of what I should be doing... and I attacked her juicy cunt causing her to shift and brace her self on all fours. Blissfully we lay together for an hour before we stood to part... my self and Julia north and Narnra south longing to try a human... Maybe I was never meant to be a trainer, I know that since that day I have been happier as a dragon then ever I was a human... to those of you that find your self in a similar state or to the one Narnra chose... we are still here find us! * * * I woke to find Jay running his hand over my body... it felt nice he had this look to him like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, and it wasn't until I looked down at my self that I realized why... some how mating with Jay forced me to evolve like a fire stone but I wasn't a nine-tails I looked almost human... I had hands, only 2 legs... and as Jay ran his hands over one, I realized... I have breasts! I snatched at the hand and pulled it between my warm wet thighs "if you want to rub something rub here" I told him and Passive Voice (consider revising) by my own voice... I closed my eyes blissfully ignoring the world as he rub my tender burning loins, I wanted him inside me again I wanted to feel him fill my womb with his warm seed... he knelt down to me and whispered "Julia I think some ones watching us" It took me bye surprise I sniffed the air and caught there scent 3 of them... no 4 two humans that smell identical and 2 Growlithes I watched Jay stiffen as he saw them the relax as he remarked, "They are just jennies" "hold it right the pervert" Jay stiffen and got to his feet "put your hands where we can see me pokemon fucker and we might not castrate you" I blinked looking to the women confused we didn't do anything wronged and there pointing guns at my Jay and threatening some of my favorite parts of him. I rolled to all fours and tried to rise up as I saw humans do only to find my self-unable to keep my balance... I started to say something but when I looked, back one of them had turned and pointing there weapon at me, I wanted to turn and run but my body would not move 'help sisters' I called out mentally "as a dually authorized member of the Johto police force and member of the pokemon league rule enforcement" she said "I here by put down this Abomination" it made no since to me I could do nothing but watch this new body seemed so powerless not even able to more Then suddenly Jay was between me and the woman... humans cant to pokemon moves and yet it was a quick attack that sent the woman flying... the second one turned toward Jay and aimed her gun as rose vine whipped the gun out of her hand as it went off sending the other wise lethal shot into Jay's arm, he didn't even scream I was afraid for him of him... 'Don't think Jay just do it' if he was using moves he had to fallow his instincts... Narnra hypnotized on of the Growlithes leaving only one to worry about "fire blast this weed" I heard her order my heart sank I heard four voices scream at once in denial my own, Narnra and rose... but from Jay thee was his own, and as he threw him self into the fire, an other frighteningly powerful... "Jay!" we called out as the flames engulfed him pushing him back and coiling around him like a cocoon The woman turned to help the other raise "that's done with lets finish this bitch and" I caught a scent it smelled like Jay but not... then I felt it the pressure the weight of fear and awe of being in the presence of something truly powerful, every one turned to look and see a draconic pokemon a poke-anthro standing in the same spot Jay was only an instant before... cradling a singed Rose in his arm... Before any one could even breath he launched him self at the nearest Growlithe leaving a rend of flesh from a dragon claw attack... as the Growlithe fell howling in pain the dragon kept on never stopping in a full rage and blazed... The women turned to flee but the dragon as there catching them and slapping them with a wing back into there now confused pokemon blast after blast of fire they sent into the monster and all the seemed to do is make it angrier it discarded the roselia whom Narnra fetched back to me and huddled against the sight 'over heat' 'dragons rage' I don't know what move it was I didn't see it I felt the heat and curled around my sisters soaking in as much as I could protecting them... when it passed the rocky field of battle was smooth as glass and black as night.. obsidian it think that's what they call it volcanic glass or onyx I never could get those words right... the tent Jay's pokedex and our pokeballs were gone I crawled closer to the battle sight there was a gathering of 5 lumps 4 jet black and one deep red I moved closer peering into the translucent black material then looking away as I saw the women and pokemon trapped with in dead I know but I was saddened at there fait... Cautiously I approached the last figure the dragon it was sleeping I sniffed it once and again to make sure it was Jay my heart stopped as I considered this how and why he changed perhaps it was what we did or maybe I carried him with me in my own evolution I don't know and perhaps never will... I drug him away form the scene his shoulder had seemingly healed from the bullet wound with his evolution but he was still dead to the world hour went by my sisters and I took turns watching over him even though technically we didn't have to stay scene the destruction of our balls freed us I for one had no where to go... It was on rose's watch that he awoke... she smiled and kissed him "fare well"... she said no other words she just left us. Jay looked on confused and stood to approach us "hello brother" Narnra greeted him stating the blantly obvious It took him a moment, as he looked over him self the falling to his knees asking and crying, "What am I" like Narnra unable to come to grips with the change of evolution... She and I moved over to comfort him as best we could "handsome" I told him and forced him to his back, and before he could say Order of Words (consider revising) work I had he locked in my depths as Narnra feed him her bud. It felt good my breasts bouncing in rhythm more then made up for the resent change in size. Narnra looked to me then "sister please my I try it" she asked I considered it for a moment then pulled off him and moved up to trade her places "What if she changes," Jay asked even as she started to rub her self over him In response I forced my self-down on to his mouth "then we'll have a travel companion... now lick unless you don't like the way I taste" I teased then moaned as he obeyed Narnra started canting "in in go in" I reached back to help her angle it, then flatten my ears back as she let out a howl as it unexpectedly sunk into her. "Hurt hurt pain pain...," she whined, I remember the feeling from my first time with Jay the sharp pain that quickly turns to ecstasy... she liked over jays man hood until the pain faded continuing to whine, "It's in me... hurts... Good" before starting to hump him in earnest. I looked back to Jay and notice him trying to look around me instead of lick my soaked slash... I gave his head a squeeze with my thighs... he practically attack me, I had to drop down to all fours to keep from falling over form the force of him eating my pussy... I lost count of how many times a came that night... we left when we recovered enough to walk Narnra on her own and me and Jay into the mountains hoping no more Jennies would be able to follow us and vanish into ledged, and yet I can't help but feel there is something else we should do... * * *
This is the last chapter of Jay and Julia's saga but this is not he end of the story...