Amura Wartorn

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#4 of Amura

Amura By: Darkfang Magus. ## Part 4. ## Wartorn ## 25 Bloodshed Under the slowly darkening sky, a king attempted to convince his friend to flee the city. "You are Catrai, there is no need to die here." "And leave this city to those ravenous wolves?" King Panthaleon lay his hand on the tiger-man's shoulder, "This city's fate is out of my hands." "Then it shall be my fate as well." Validus smirked, looking over the wall menacingly, "They have no idea what awaits them here". "I believe they do. One king and twenty soldiers against their thousands". "Then it will be a glorious fight!" Panthaleon braced his palms on the wall. His face was a dark storm of emotions. "I only pray that Amura can let go of the life we had here." "That is the real joke, you spend years looking for a queen, then lose her. She finds her way back, and not six months later you tell her to leave the city." "At least she listened to me. Not everyone is as bullheaded as you Validus". "Touche'." ** Out of the crags behind Panthaleon city, a hooded figure rode her horse through mottled shadows. Azure eyes shone briefly in the scant moonlight. She leaned down and spoke soothingly to the bundle held against her chest. The young queen scanned her surroundings intently as she progressed into fields, wet with midnight dew. If their enemy had a hint of Queen Amura's plan, her life would be forfeit. This she knew; her every thought seethed with hate for the westerners. "Goodbye my king." Her voice no more than a whisper, Amura disappeared into the fields.** Sir Shane peered grimly over their fortifications. We will never hold out.. these walls... weak as they are... never meant to hold off such an attack. "Shane, are you alright?" Sir Shane let his thoughts go for the moment.,"Yes Neko, I am quite fine". He clutched her in his arms. It wasn't the comforting embrace he had intended, rather his stiff overly protective grasp told what he never could bring himself to. On this night, or perhaps the next, their future would be torn away by the edge of cruel blades and arrow shafts. All would fall, leaving not even a memory. A small whimper came from the little catgirl. "Be still Neko... I will not let anything happen to you." In his heart Shane swore to die for her, but knew he could never protect her from this. Distantly, came the first traces of their enemy's movements. Panthaleon could spot no siege weaponry; for that he was grateful. With a great crash the burdened clouds let loose the torrent held in their bellies. Thick as a sheet, the rain came down soaking bowstrings and armor alike. In the distance a great clamor of marching steel began. And so it has begun Amura pushed her horse to its limit, using the storm as cover. Her cape flew wildly behind. The great steed crashed through a spattering of brush and mud, only to meet an armed contingent at the crest of the next hill. Swords drawn, they approached the worn beast and her occupant. "Dismount immediately!" They will recognize me at any moment. Think, Amura, think. The slightly astonished eyes of a soldier were fixated on the bundle she carried, or rather what protruded from it. Following his gaze, Amura saw a tail with fine yellow fur. the cat is out of the bag now, literally. The queen spurred her mount onward into the group of soldiers, as she drew her sword. Her teeth flashed wickedly as she transformed her body, becoming more catlike with each heartbeat. Above the city gate, Panthaleon ordered his men to return fire. An endless horde consumed the horizon. The war machine was like nothing they had ever seen. Swords and spears drawn, the men ran at the gate, oblivious to the bolts and arrows that felled them. Above the sound of death cries, the thrum of marching steel rang loud as doom. Still, the enemy screamed their battle-cry. "!Vive Sapiente, Vive sapiente, vive sapiente!" The chant of death to all who remained in the City of Panthaleon. It was mere minutes before the gate began splintering under constant assault. At Sir Shane's side, Neko let her arrows fly. Her auburn hair lay matted on her shoulders, a raindrop dripped from her pert chin. He took one last longing look, before climbing down from the wall to stand before the rent gate. Commanding his pittance of troops, Shane drew the long sword from his back. The blade held ancient engravings lost to men generations ago. A red glow shone on the steel reminding Shane of the day he slew the great dragon Brimstone who had once possessed the weapon. Now it was all that stood before him, and the Imperial horde he had once belonged to. Had I not been transformed into a Minotaur, I likely would be among those that desire to wipe us from this earth... I almost.. Shane gazed longingly at Neko, her catlike ears lay flat against the rain, It almost seems I am better off like this. At the very least, I shall die at the side of those I belong withâ€"those I love.. Amura's leg ran with blood from a deep gash, but her sword held the blood of many. Ahead, the open country promised freedom, and into the promise she rode no matter how false it seemed. Amura had almost allowed herself to feel hope, before an arrow sand into her back. At the gate, Validus towered above Shane and his men. His face was a mad visage of blood-lust, as the timbers burst forth presenting him with a man to hew. The great white tiger struck every target squarely, by the time he was forced to step back, his white fur was stained with blood of the fallen. The blades of black stripes along his back and sides were only partially covered by the sapphire embellished armor he wore. Even those stripes were tinted a hue of crimson. Growling menacingly, teeth dripping foam, Validus hacked his way into the fray. Sir Shane stood with his back to the wall's staircase hoping to fend off his attackers while Neko gave cover from above. He knew it to be a losing battle even before the first sword sank in his side. Amura tumbled from the horse, her fingers clutching air. In a great swirl of capes, she rolled over the ground. Her bundle came loose revealing the prince who lay flat on his back, stunned from the fall. Snarling, Amura snapped the arrow-shaft from her back, and then crawled to her son. As gently as she could, she lifted him in her arms and took off at a quick run. Her dash did not last long, as two more arrows found their target. Panthaleon stood back-to-back with Validus, though he bled from numerous wounds, the lion fought on bravely. Meanwhile, Validus was taking the brunt of the assault. His flesh ran red from countless wounds, but to his enemy's dismay he was healing as quickly as they could slash him. Though many of their strikes went through to the bone, his gargantuan frame was so thick that none could sever his limbs. Shane had locked himself in the staircase, with his back weighted against the doors, in the hope of preventing the horde from making their way up the steps toward Neko, who was raining death on them from above. The last he had seen of his soldiers, they were buried in the fray, while Validus and King Panthaleon desperately tried to hold their own. The imperial battlecry, "Vive Sapiente!" filled the air. Amura fell to her knees, weak from blood loss. One of the arrows had pierced her left lung just below the heart. The shaft jutted from her chest, but Amura's mind refused to dwell on where the tip had come to rest. In her arms, the limp body of her son swayed. The rain... It is beginning to fall. Soldiers circled around the queen, she remained kneeling, her head downcast. Why don't I feel anything.. Swords raised, the men sneered, "Looks like we caught ourselves a prize boys." "!VIVE SAPIENTE!" The cheer rose over torn battlefields. The leader brought his sword down in a wide arc, aimed for Amura's neck. The blade went across with little resistance, but to his astonishment, it came back shorter, as if the end had melted off. He glanced down to see that Amura's blue fur was a soulless black. Stepping back, he dropped his weapon, and brought his hands to the sides of his head, as an inhuman scream filled his brain. Unfortunately, the sound came from between his ears, rather than outside. All around, the soldiers were tearing their helms free. Amura hadn't moved from the spot, she just muttered under her breath, as if chanting.** Straining through blood and bodies, Validus strove to reach Shane, but balked when he saw the minotaur fall under his enemy's sword. Neko was running across the wall, her bow forgotten as she fled from her pursuers. "To hell with you dogs!" Validus cleaved his way through three men who stood in his way. This may well be my end. To bad I didn't get to finish off the witch Samantha before the final stroke. Validus was slowly backed into a corner, as he tried to fend off his attackers. The rain that matted his fur began to pour even harder, making his foes nearly invisible to the eye. With a mighty thunderclap, lightning arced downâ€"illuminating the scene, as it slaughtered the hundred men before him. Neko cowered from the bright light. When it was over, she stood to find her opponents cooked within their armor. Cautiously, she peaked over the wall. The Imperial regiment was still marching forth, Something's wrong. At the center of their ranks, men were falling like wheat. Alive, albeit confused, Validus rushed out the gates to meet his foes. Standing over the multitude, he could see he had an ally yet. Someone was slaughtering men ahead of him. He shook the wet from his bristling white fur; though still splotched with blood, he had been partially cleaned by the rain. Growling ferally, he went to work. His blade sliced madly, his claws tore viciously, and he reveled in it. Soon, none stood except Validus and the unknown dark soldier. The two were not far apart now and he could be sure that it was a woman. Not only that, but one with black fur and a tail. At first he was unsure whether or not it might be Samantha... but no, she did not posses Samantha's obvious Asian features. Still, she was unnervingly familiar. Validus walked up to greet her, only to receive a claw across the face. Growling, Validus glared. The woman's glowing red eyes returned the gaze intently. Validus leveled his sword at the black-furred woman. "You are not of the city. What business have you!" "Ha-ha-aaaaa", she smiled in wicked mirth. Unexpectedly, the woman leapt over his sword, claws flashing out to his throat. Gargling blood, Validus stumbled back. When he rose to his feet healed, she frowned. Though a little unsettled, Validus retained his commanding tone, "BACK DEMON, BEFORE I CLEAVE YOU IN TWO!" "You are strong indeed." Her voice was like honey, but somehow hollow; devoid of true emotion. She stretched her nude body out fully arching her back in a very catlike manner. Then she licked the blood from her paws. "Back!" Validus forced himself not to back-step as she approached him. Her fingers felt like fire as she lovingly stroked his chest. Validus pushed her away with the palm of his hand. "So strong and full of life". She wound her way behind him and licked the blood from his neck. Purring, she bit his shoulder. "Ow, Lay off me!" Validus shrugged her loose, but not too hard. He knew she was messing with his mind, using some kind of magic to control him, but he soon found himself not caring. "You can have this for whatever you desire", she stroked her sides seductively. With a wave of her hand, Validus felt the armor fall from his body. Alright, now's the time. Run like madâ€"like you have never run before... Hmm... legs aren't moving, that is a good sign I'm not on my way. The last time you succumbed to a woman like this, it didn't end well ya know. But.. She is so beautiful,. Her charms were too great, he felt himself attracted to her, though he knew is was only her selfish whims that drove him. The dark one moved her succulent body. Every hidden part was displayed for him to see. Crouching down on all fours, she waved her tail invitingly. Upon approaching, Validus was rebuffed with a quick swipe of her paw. "Be still; no need to rush." Again, she lay down teasing him. The tortures she instilled only drove the warrior deeper into her arms. Wind whipped around them tossing rain and debris asunder. An electric charge put Validus' fur on end as he approached her, though more carefully this time. She did not balk when his hands caressed her rump; instead, she stretched her legs out invitingly. From her position on the wall, Neko saw all of this. Recognition crossed her feline eyes, Is that Amura. The storm seemed to increase with the black cat's emotions. Wind and electric bolts pummeled the ground. Neko crouched as low as possible in an effort to avoid being blown clear off the wall. Validus tossed his weapon aside. He had no fear of her, though she held his mind with her very will. Thunder echoed in his ears, and small electric shocks arced along his body. Growling with all the feral emotion of a tiger Validus grasped her hips, but found himself immobile. Around him sky came to the ground, and swirled madly. In the tornado's eye, tiger and tigress fought their battle of wills. Laughing wickedly, the Catress kept his body in paralysis while she teased the surging tip of his feline member with her pussy lips. She stamped her foot down, digging her claws into Validus' forepaw. Hearing him groan only made her laugh ever harder. Validus was not quite sure how he did it, but somehow he forced the muscles in his petrified body to move. With agonizing slowness, his cock-head entered the Tigress. The deeper he went, the more control he was able to wring from his sinews. Soon he was thrusting deeply into her. Though upset that he robbed her of her fun, manic as she was, the tigress soon forgot about control and delved into pleasure. Pulling at the energies of nature and magic she brought the ground beneath them up until it resembled a five foot stone pedestal. Mad with lust, Validus ignored the fact that they were rising above the ground. He drove deep, large feline balls slapping against his mate's fur. Licking her neck roughly, he prepared a spot for his neckbite. Under her fur, sinews and iron muscle didn't so much move as flow. Grabbing her breasts he could feel the strong beat of her pulse in his palms. Every movement of her body was devoted to sexual urges. No notion of decency was imagined by the cat as she arched her back, displaying luscious breasts, and cried out a pantherish wail of erotic pleasure. On the city wall, Neko looked on amazed. She was sure now that it was Amura she saw, but this power superseded all Neko had known. Before her, Amura writhed in the throes of orgasm as the very earth bent to her will. It was in that moment when Neko felt fear down to her soul. With such power, Amura could smite them easily, accidentally. Tearing her eyes away, Neko traversed the wall. A hard knot had formed in her stomach. Somewhere below, Shane lay dead or dying; he would need her help. Even if he lives, this world may already be forsaken. What difference does a few days make. In the throes of orgasm, Amura's mind began to clear. Somewhere deep down she remembered who she was. But, that life seems so far away. Growling viciously, Validus bit down on the dark feline's neck. His hips surged forward driving his pulsing cock deep into her flesh. Grunting with effort, he relinquished the first burst. Her inner chasm felt so warm, so right. He pulled back a little with the second ejaculation, letting his spined cock invigorate her sex. As the coitus was coming to a close, he noticed something peculiar, Her fur. Is it turning blue? To his amazement, her fur changed to blue, with white along her underside. It was then that recognition set in, Oh my god! It's Queen Amura... If Panthaleon isn't dead then I soon will be. Though she could probably kill me herself.. She started it though, I have that on my side. Validus' mind continued this incessant rambling as he lifted her unconscious form from the ground, and trudged his way to the city gates. ## 26 Licking the Wounds "Neko...", Shane faded from consciousness. On his chest a despairing catgirl tried all her magics to hold life to him. Auburn hair lay in a cascade around her face. Her tail, usually swinging brightly, lay motionless on the ground. Not ten feet away, Validus lay the unconscious queen on her back. Carrying her back to the city had seemed like the proper thing to do, but... The carnage around him would not be soothing to her eyes. Remorseful though he was, Validus walked over to Panthaleon. The man had once be a good friend, now he like the others lay lifeless. The king's armor was torn and several men had managed to cut through his chainmail. "None could have survived with such wounds" Validus muttered. None but me. That in itself is more of a curse than anything. Not being able to help Shane further, Neko sought answers from the only authority figure whom still stood. "What... What will we do?" Validus turned sharply, not expecting to hear a voice. Cowering, Neko fell on her haunches. You idiot, can't you see she is scared half to death. Forcing a smile, he reached out with his hand to help her up. "Do you know how to get back to Warrington, and Chenoa?" She curled against his chest and nodded meekly. "I want you to take Shane, and Xenosmilus then flee as fast as you can." "What about you and Amura?", She looked up, her gentle eyes seemed huge as tears wet the corners. "We'll be alright... Don't you worry. It's just that where I am going, you cannot follow. There is enough blood on my hands."** By nightfall, Neko and Shane had taken Xeno and were well on their way Back to Warrington's camp. Validus left Amura in the ruined remains of her room, while he took care of Panthaleon. In the crypts below, where all of Panthaleon's ancestors resided, he lay his friend on a stone tablet. "May you find rest... My friend. I once thought I could forget the past. For that you have all suffered. It ends now, or I do. Your queen knows where Samantha has gone. An she willâ€". "Will what!" Fur standing on end, Validus leapt to his feet. "Who's there?" At the corridor's entrance, Amura's blue eyes shone. "Spooked me for a moment. I thought you were still resting." Validus wiped his mouth with a palm. "What is it you would have me do". "Stop this at the source, before everything is consumed." "I will not help you exact revenge on Samantha". "Samantha is just as much to blame as her master, Siana. How hard is that to get through your skull." "I lost everything today!" Her voice flared enraged, "And you... You would have me destroy someone I hold dear". "Your mate has already paid for your selfishness! How many more will it take before you see the truth!" Validus stopped when he saw the tortured look on her face. "Did the prince... Did he escape." Amura collapsed over the corner of Panthaleon's slab. She didn't speak, nor cry; so great was her grief. "That came out wrong... I... I'm sorry." In frustration Validus turned from her as he left the room. For several hours, Amura remained in that house of death. She wished dearly that she could join them, in blissful eternal rest. Her own dreams were filled with the black tauntings of her soul. When Amura had pulled herself together to some degree, she rose. "Goodbye my king", Amura placed a small kiss on Panthaleon's lips. A teardrop fell to his cold cheek. No more tears girl. They won't do you any good.. They came down in a torrent nonetheless. She wept, and again there was nobody to see it. Nobody to console her. She was alone. Validus was busy, cleaning blood and filth from his armor, when Amura met him at the palace doors. "Validus." "Yes milady." he lay down a scouring cloth. "I don't really remember much of what happened this afternoon, but I would rather forget it altogether. Before I allow those memories to fade even slightly, I have to take care of something. After that, we can talk." Validus remained silent as she walked by. He supposed he was required to follow her in-case of trouble, but after the battle it didn't seem like she would need protection. She returned with a bloodstained bundle of cloth, Validus couldn't tell what it hid. Not that I would want to know. Amura did not sleep that night. She took care of her husband and son, as befitted their status. If the city was lost, the tomb would likely be ransacked, but to her it mattered not. When they were placed among the rest of their lineage, Amura gently lifted the sword given to her by the king so long ago. She had thought it lost during her time with Samantha, but Panthaleon had kept it safe, fully believing she would return. The ancient steel glowed even in the dimness. Amura gripped the sword and felt it balance with her cool calculated movements. She was ready. "I pray this shall keep both me and Samantha safe, as I end the wretched life of her master." At dawn, she found Validus preparing his horse. His sensitive feline ears caught her movements, before he saw her, "I am leaving". "Whence". "I'm not sure. My first priority is to find Samantha. Perhaps the Imperials know her whereabouts." "There is no need... I can tell you where she has gone. As Panthaleon had undoubtedly told you, I can sense her presence." "With you there is always a catch." Validus studied her carefully. "You must make me a promise. Swear that you will not harm Samantha." "And if she tries to kill me, as she no doubt will?" "Then promise you won't kill her. Siana is our enemy, I hope you'll see that when the time comes." "Siana may well be the one that pushed these westerners over the edge, but my issue is with Samantha." "Promise me or you shall never find them!" "What of your dead, who will watch over them when your precious Samantha kills us." "The dead are beyond caring, why should I". "I didn't mean..." Validus rubbed his face. She is too emotionless about thisâ€"probably hiding somethingâ€"still cares, but cannot bring herself to admit it.... When she cracks, she'll likely try to rip my fool head off for the things I've said. "We will do it your way. Much as it goes against every fiber of my being, I shall stay my hand... If she isn't as kind as you make her out to be, though. I will not balk at protecting our hides. I promise that much." "Very well. I will get Ember and meet you at the gate." Her voice was dull, hollow. Poor girl, probably thinks that this suicidal mission will ease her pain. Nothing does. Every time I open my eyes on the morn, I thank the precious girl who saved my life. Why she was willing to die for me, I cannot understand. I am nothing but a careless knight, who went out frolicking with the wrong kind of person, and was dealt a evil hand. When Amura rode Ember out the gate, she immediately saw that Validus was leery of the creature. Being half horse and half lion, the animal was quite exceptional. Ember's coal black coat seemed to push back the rising sun, while his fiery mane transfixed the rays into a glowing aura. While Validus had saddled his white Clydesdale, Amura rode bareback. They stood distinctly different, Validus in his heavy gilded armor with a large claymore dangling at his side, and Amura quite nude save for a cape, and a slender scabbard belted to her waist. "You had better keep up", Amura called back as she spurred Ember on with her clawed toes. Silent, Validus followed with his surefooted white mount. ## 27 Dethroned Two riders traversed a crumbling mountain path. Around them the vegetation became more scarce with each step. Falling behind, the lush grasslands waved invitingly. Amura was not concerned with the scenery, her mind writhed in constant turmoil. "Why is it that you can hate Samantha down to your very soul, but have no misgivings toward me?" Validus shifted in his saddle, "You are not the one who tried to kill me." "But I willingly worked with her, if you had been present, I could have attacked without hesitation." "It is different with her." "How?" "My only aim in life is to put things right, Siana may have been involved, as were you, but Samantha is the one responsible for my torment." "The woman you know as Samantha, is just a shadow of Siana. The real woman, the Samantha I know, is nothing like what you remember. " "You are entitled to an opinion as much as anybody." His answer was curt and final. The rest of the day, they traveled in moderate silence. It wasn't till that night that Validus spoke again. "Amura don't stray too far. I fear we are being followed." "What gives you such an idea". "Instinct. It has served me well in the past." "Well, you and your instinct can stay up all night for all I care. I am going to sleep." Validus made sure to douse the fire thoroughly before choosing a nice place to lay down. He had been there ten minutes when Amura broke the silence. "What ever happened between Elvira, Samantha, and you?" "That is not a memory I wish to relive", Validus grumbled turning his back to her. "But, we are living it now. Your past however cruel, is looking you in the face." The tiger's stone silence did not falter. "Please talk to me Validus!" Amura was on the verge of tears again. All the memories of friends and family she had lost, came flooding back. "Go to sleep". At once it all began to flood out. She couldn't be sure if she was speaking to Validus or herself. "Did you know I was forsaken by my parents from birth. I lived my life in a temple where my existence was barely recognized. My own sister thinks me no more than a cousin. My brother, he isn't even my brother, just the closest thing I could call one at the time. My best friend Chenoa was nearly killed in battle. I have no idea if she will be alive when I get back to see her; if I get back. Neko and Shane have fled for their lives, and I truly pray they find peace. Then there is the incident yesterday. That power may consume all the sanity I have left. What do I have to use against it? My son is dead. There is no undoing that. He died in the very arms that sought to protect him." Amura stretched out her hands and studied them, "These were never meant to protect." Validus scooped her up and held her to his chest. "Shush kitten, you will get through it." "No, they were right when they proclaimed me to be cursed at birth. I am good for naught but death." Her chin rested in the crook of the tiger's arm as she rambled on. "And you Validus, you want to kill the only person I have left. The only one who loves who I am no matter what. And you can't even have the decency to tell me why." "Be calm Amura." He stroked her hair, "If it is what you wish, we shall talk on the morn, but now you must sleep". "Sleep! You think I can sleep. Sleep through the taunting nightmares that plague me. I have never murdered anyone, but that is what that other side of me does. She doesn't fight in battles, she murders everything she sees, and she does it because she can. But.. I am the one to suffer. Every time I sleep, she appears to show me each kill in grisly detail." "Amura... "Validus could think of nothing comforting to say." Validus looked looked her in the face, inquisitively. She seemed so very lost. This woman, she had gone through more than anyone he had known in his entire life. So strong so powerful, even he was prone to fear her wrath. Now though, she just seemed helpless. Was this what she looked like at nights. When nobody was around. She portrayed herself as the strongest, but at heart she was a frightened girl. This one born on a day of fate. She had not asked for this life, it was given to her and she simply followed along however she could. There was so much Validus wanted to tell her. He wanted to comfort her fears, he... He was so conflicted though. So much of his own life had been spent in search of vengeance for the pure girl whom had lost her life because of Samantha's weakness. Now though, he was being asked to forget the past. Who was this woman, Amura, what was it she did to him? Never before had he felt this way. His expression softened and Validus just held her. Stroking her hair softly, he lay beside her and just let it be. As the stars shone in the sky her breathing calmed and her nervously flicking tail curled around the curve of her hips. While the cat slept, Validus studied her face. She had such a gentle look to her while sleeping, almost seemed like a different person. Was this who Samantha saw in her. No, I can't accept that Samantha is just another victim. How could Siana have such power over her that she couldn't follow her own instincts. Then again with what I've had heard of Amura's times with Siana, perhaps it could be true. Perhaps... Validus was hungry again, seemed he was always hungry, but he stayed put, to avoid waking Amura now that she had finally gotten a chance for some rest. Validus himself just lay there unable to sleep, running thoughts through his head. Tonight was different though. Instead of being obsessed with thoughts of his revenge, instead of the past, he was just daydreaming a bit. Feeling the supple body beside him, and wondering if this was a dream or not.** The next day, Amura was back to her determined self. She said nothing of the night to Validus, so he decided to let it go. Unfortunately for him, she remembered his promise to tell her about the past. They had stopped for a quick lunch when Amura brought the subject up. Validus prepared his bit of bread and meat, as he talked, "I assume you know that Samantha is not a natural Catrai. The same goes for me and Pardus. Elvira as well is merely a human turned Kanin. From what I know, Pardus began this all. He was a mage dabbling in all manner of summoning, as that is where his skills lie. By some accident he never explained to my understanding, he was turned to a Catrai. His friends, Elvira and Samantha took it well, accepting him. Many years later Elvira was involved in an incident which caused her to be promoted to court witch after her teacher was imprisoned. As revenge, he made her into what she is now. Unfortunately, Kanin cannot transform to a human state. She is now a permanent outcast in the imperial society. Samantha felt that she had become an outsider among her friends. A mere human of Asian descent, whereas they had learned and suffered from great magics. Having no magic of her own, she convinced Pardus to find a way to make her Catrai as well. And find a way he did. It was then that things went wrong. Samantha gained a slight amount of summoning powers from Pardus during her transformation. This new power fascinated her to no end, but it was very weak, being only a side effect. In her lust for magic, she found someone who promised her unspeakable powers. After she became apprenticed to Siana, the woman who had once been Samantha was no more. All that remains is a demon hungry for power." Amura listened intently, sounds just like me. "She isn't gone. The real Samantha is who I know." "You may believe that. I on the other hand", he spread his palms, "do not". "And what did she do to you?" "What she did to me is not what matters most. Besides, story-time is over. It's time to get moving." Validus flicked the crumbs from his breastplate, and then untied his horse. I'll get the whole story out of him. Eventually. Amura leapt onto Ember's back, and followed the path. There were many days ahead, but best not to be in too much of a hurry. Wherever this trip led to, it was not going to be easy. Amura also knew that it might just be folly, the odds of them returning alive were rather slim. They were traveling in search of Samantha, and inevitably Siana. The word danger, didn't even begin to cover it. Amura beamed with a crooked grin. It didn't matter anymore. She had nothing to go back to. Her life was her own, and she just didn't care. Amura was hit with a realization. She knew how Elvira felt, what it felt like to forget all ties to the past and just do your best to set things right in the now. Where was Elvira? She didn't know. Then again, did it matter? If Amura survived this all, she might have a chance to pick up the pieces. She had wanted so much for the future. Before the addiction to power, before the Imperial genocide had begun. She had wanted to see a happy hopeful life, to live with adventure and joy, but those were just fairytales. Life was not easy, battle was not adventure. It was cruel and dirty, full of deceit and strife. Her mate was dead, as was her child, for what? For men, for humans and their vain lust, or for Siana and her wish to rule. Amura had done what she set out for some years before. She had learned much, she had delved in the magics prohibited to her in her childhood. She had been a hero. She had been a villain. Still, what was the difference? Amura knew something that most others would not understand. There was no right and wrong. There was purity, and there were those who must be sacrificed for the sake of it. Amura missed her cousin, no her sister, Catherine. Cat had been the pure one, Catherine understood her in the past. Amura did have some hope of seeing her again, but for now it was up to fate. Cat herself had been sent out to capture Amura. Ironic, but perhaps to Catherine, Amura's actions were evil. Amura had done things that the Catrai were firmly against. In their minds, her actions warranted no excuse. Even so, Amura wanted to talk to her sister, at least to say goodbye once more. While riding her mount, Amura blew a kiss to the wind. My sister, I love you. Don't forget me, but rather remember me as the person I was. That girl is in what remains of my broken heart, but I fear I shall lose that last part soon. I wish to kiss you once more. To tell you it's alright, it is not your fault. My choices are my own. You were born the better part of me, find your peace in what you love. And sister... forgive me Somewhere in the wilderness. Far from the Imperials and Amura's journey, a tiger woman pricked her ears. She felt warmth and a sense on the wind. It was Amura's wish, and the woman heard a ghost of the words. Catherine sniffed the breeze. Where was her lost cousin? Far... very far away. Too distant to send such a message without some very powerful sorcery. Nevertheless, Catherine knew it was Amura. Catherine sat cross-legged and whispered. "Where are you my friend? I am coming to protect you, from yourself if need be." The future ruler of the beast races, remained there in meditation for many hours, with her half-lidded eyes shining brightly, and ears perked intently.** It was a rather long trek, and Amura grew more suspicious with every mile. Siana must have known they were coming, why had she not impeded them yet? Validus, ever the stubborn one, just shrugged it off saying that they were lucky to pass unnoticed and told Amura not to wish for bad luck. By nightfall, they had set camp, but Validus refused to let Amura build a fire. "Do you see that wisp over the horizon?" Validus gestured northward. "Kind of." "That is the smoke from someone's campfire. The someone who is following us. I have no intention of giving up our position so recklessly." Amura didn't see how it would do any harm, but she followed his orders regardless. After a meal of jerked meat and mead, they lay in a patch of grass to rest. It was colder up in the mountains, and with no fire Amura was wrapped tightly in her cape. A gust of wind caused the fabric to flail out behind while Amura curled up against the cold. Validus meanwhile didn't seem to care. He lay flat on his back snoring away. Amura usually loved the wilderness but now she felt lonely with only the scraggly trees to keep her company. "Validus... Are you awake." "I am now. Do you need something terribly important?" "Hold me." She curled against his chest. He spoke softly wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She felt like ice, "you're freezing." "What else is new." She muttered. "Don't worry, I am not about to let you die of frost." "Do you hate me like Samantha. For what I have done." "No Amura, don't think such things. I rather like you", he absently itched the base of his ear, "Thanks." Amura snuggled against his fur. "For what?" "For taking the time to care. You try your best to help me even when I am cruel to you. I was supposed to bring you to Samantha, but I went the wrong way at first because I was afraid you wouldn't keep your word." "I suspected as much." "But I think I can trust you now. Something in you is good, it drives your actions without your knowledge. Even Shane couldn't put up with me as much as you do." "You are not as bad as you make yourself out to be Amura. I sometimes like your spunky attitude." "Do you love me?" "I..." Validus felt himself at a loss for words. "I think I might be falling for you, but I can't tell what is real anymore." "Amura I don't know what to feel. My life has been so driven by vengeance, but maybe when this is over. Then I might know for sure." "What if there is no later? What if today is all we have left?" She may not be far from the truth. "Then I would say... I... Yes I feel something for you. Something deep, and foreign to my hardened heart." Amura kissed him lightly, "thank you". She held herself ever tighter to his frame. "We will reach Siana by tomorrow afternoon. What happens then I cannot guess. Tonight, I want to experience love, for what may be the last time." Validus returned the kiss passionately, "Do not worry, I shall protect you with my life." But who will protect me. "But whom will protect you. I can see it on your face; in your mind. " Amura became quiet, almost meek as she loosed the sash on her robe. The fabric fell away, leaving her nude in his arms. "Kay sara sara." Validus rolled over above her body. He groaned with lust when he felt his swollen shaft laying cradled between her thighs. Amura purred. Her expression spoke more of bliss than she could ever mutter. Amura stroked his shoulders. Under the fur and skin, feline muscles flowed like liquid steel. In waning starlight, their blue eyes shone. The wind had grown stronger but Amura felt cold no longer. A fire burned within her loins, a fire that flowed with animalistic desires, and carnal needs. Her tail curled around Validus' leg, winding upward to twine around his own. With the lonesome wind howling around, Validus lowered his body to hers and consummated their act. Ever so slowly, Amura felt her sex spread by his tapered member. The feeling was all she had remembered; exquisite pleasure fueled by the bite of his penile spines. That night, Amura knew a love like none she could remember. Pure, untainted pleasure between two souls. Perhaps she and Panthaleon had shared something akin to it, but he had still been more her king than her lover, and that seemed so long ago now. The past was over, all she really had was the present. Lust & love were one, as Amura and Validus danced in coitus. ## 28 Inferno Amura awoke wrapped in her lover's strong arms. Gently, she woke him. Two nights now without the dreams. How does he keep them from me. They kissed tenderly, her arms encircling his torso. When they relented from the affectionate endeavors, it was time again for travel. Amura breathed deep, reveling in the fresh mountain air. Following her sense of Samantha's presence, Amura brought them to the base of what appeared to be an active volcano. Huge golden chains were wrapped around rocks near the base. Their leading ends came from over the rim. "Amura I sure hope we are going around this." "I don't think so, she is too close to be on the other side. We have to climb." Validus made no argument. If it was the only way, then that's all there was to it. The trek was hard going. Burning rocks scorched their hands, and gaseous vents threatened to blow them clear off. Validus peered over the top first, only to see a lone figure sitting cross-legged on some kind of altar. Samantha. His first reaction was to rush her, but he stayed his hand while Amura crawled over the edge, Gotta play it her way for now. "SAMANTHA", Amura called out as she ran forward. "Amura, you shouldn't have come. I cannot protect you from this, from myself". Amura was halfway to Samantha when she heard her a voice in her head. Regardless, she proceeded forward. "She will know you are here." Amura slowed a little bit, yet still moved towards her friend. Siana was close, but that shouldn't have been a surprise. Cautiously, Amura crept forward, hoping to remain undetected. Even so, Samantha had a worried look in her eyes. The ground was covered in sharp black volcanic rocks and it cut at Amura's feet, but this she ignored; instead focusing her attention on Samantha, while covering the last twenty meters. Samantha shook her head back and forth, Amura, no. Before Amura had a chance to understand the thought, a flash of movement was at her side. A clawed hand gripped Amura's throat and lifted her off the ground. She had not been paying attention to her surroundings. Amura cursed her foolishness and exhaled sharply as she felt a strong kick to her abdomen. Siana's claws were nearly 12 inches long, and viciously sharp. Every time Amura struggled, she felt the blades cut into her neck. Amura slashed at the smoothly scaled fist and turned to see that it was indeed the devilish Siana. Amura's claws could not penetrate the dragon woman's flesh, and it was during this desperation that Siana laughed. A cold dominating chuckle invaded Amura's ears, and she wondered why she wasn't frightened. Siana seemed to notice this; angrily she flung Amura down into the rocks. Stars filled the corners of Amura's vision, but she could make out Siana looming overhead. Amura coughed, and got onto her knees. She would not let this woman win, this evil must be vanquished. But how? "Get up, you pathetic kitten" Siana taunted. "Let me see that power of yours, I know you can do better than this. Were you not the only one to truly rebel against my will? Show me what you have, show me your strength, and your hatred..." Amura stood and faced the dragon woman, now understanding. Siana wanted her to give in to her dark powers. In fact, it was probably only during that time that the demoness was able to control her. "No," Amura replied with a bit of a smile. "I do not fear you." "Then you are a fool!" "Come on, look at me, I'm ready" Amura cooed, now noticing Validus sneaking behind Siana. Siana smirked, "Is that your plan?" Just as Validus bore down on her, Siana simply swung her long reptilian tail and snapped him across the face. Validus fell to the stones overbalancing. She immediately did a spinning jump and impacted her heel on top of his head. Validus lay dazed as a long golden chain came up from the lava flow to wind around his leg. Amura knew he lived, but now wondered how she was supposed to fight back if even Validus had been beaten so easily. Taking a deep breath, Amura threw aside her cloak and stood before Siana, brandishing Panthaleon's sword. "Shall we?" Amura rushed forward and was surprised at how smoothly Siana was able to deflect the sword with her claws. It was a strange sort of dance as Amura swung and tried to hit the dragon woman. On and on, Amura swung, rarely being attacked herself. Finally Amura stepped back breathing heavily. "Don't play with me Siana, I mean to fight!" "As you wish." This time Siana was the one to attack, and smooth as a cat, Amura jumped to the side while thrusting. The blade that seemed to deflect off Siana's scaled chest, continued forward and slashed through the membrane of her right wing. "Ha", Amura smirked. She swung again, high and forcefully. With an angry glare, Siana grabbed Amura's sword and pulled it from her grasp. While the dragon woman threw Amura's sword across the field, Validus did little more than groan where he lay. Still with that reptilian grin, Siana whipped her tail forward, knocking Amura Off her feet. Amura looked up from the dust to see Siana reach down and repeatedly stab Validus with her long claws. Amura was caught in the moment staring horrified. Validus just lay there as Siana ripped him apart. Honor was apparently not something she cared about. Amura leapt to sore feet and rushed at the evil one. Her mate, Validus was her mate now, and she must protect him. It was a strange feeling to Amura, too long it had been since she knew this feeling in it's purity. She felt needed, she felt that she was good. She was blind to repercussions as she pounced on Siana's back. Apparently Siana had not expected the feline to recover so quickly because Amura caught her around the middle and they fell to the ground together. "No, no, no, no" Amura cried as she clawed blindly at the dragon woman. Siana was momentarily dazed, but again the only time Amura did any real damage was to the woman's wings. Her flame cured skin was so tough that Amura's claws couldn't cut it. Anger clouding her vision, Amura swung mightily against Siana's neck. "Ow!", shocked, Amura looked at her hand and saw that she had broken off two of her claws. In that moment of reflection, Siana hissed. Claws came at Amura's face and she tried to jump back, but the dragon woman's long blades caught Amura's left cheek. Amura fell with a caterwaul of pain. The whole side of her cheek felt as if it had been severed and her mouth was filling with blood. Coughing out the metallic taste of her own blood, Amura reached up to touch her face and knew it was bad because she could feel the sides of her molars instead of her face. "Damn you... to whatever pit of hell you sprang from!" Amura gargled, but found it very hard to speak clearly. Siana was already standing, and still smiling with that reptilian grin. Slitted eyes searched Amura, but still found no fear. "You will succumb! YOU WILL FEAR ME!" Siana began slashing at Amura with those deadly claws, slicing through her arms as she fought to protect herself. Again and again, then kicking her into the sharp rocks. Amura couldn't scream, she couldn't even move. All there was to feel was pain. At last, Siana stood breathing just a bit more heavily. "Bow to me, or you will die." Amura forced herself to open her eyes and look at the woman. With the remainder of her will, she stood on shaky feet. Amura's arms were twitching and mostly useless at her sides, with a continuous drip of red life hitting the ground. One ear was either completely slashed or so full of blood that she couldn't hear anything, yet still she stood. Knowing that it would haunt Siana, Amura smiled. She smiled broadly, albeit somewhat lopsided as half of her face wouldn't respond correctly. And not in a sarcastic way, but somehow in triumph, Amura laughed. It was a sweet laugh, one that she had not heard come from her mouth in so very long. This close to death, she was at peace. "STOP IT", Samantha was clawing at her own face, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD". Screaming, she summoned a cruel looking dagger. As the weapon materialized in Samantha's hand, she sank it into Siana's back". "Fool!" Siana lifted the woman off her feet, "how dare a servant like you oppose me. Using a weapon I taught you to create. You don't deserve to be the vessel of my reincarnation, you don't even deserve life!" While she spoke, a smoky mirror floated near her. With a grunt, Siana tossed Samantha backwards into the mirror. Rather than shattering it, she passed straight though, disappearing into some unknown realm. Siana coughed, and took a moment to look back at Amura. The knife still held it's place with the blade buried in the dragon woman's flesh. Apparently, she could be hurt. Validus was busily try to drag his way forward,but losing ground fast. The infernal bond would not be free of his foot. He had just reached the edge of the chasm when a familiar voice came from behind. "Sorry about this old friend". Her red hair billowing in the intense volcanic heat, Elvira raised a sword high. The blade was iridescent with an ethereal glow as it cut through chain, flesh, and bone. When the deed was done, her blade went dead, now nothing more than iron. Validus cringed from intense pain as he came free of his binding. He didn't know whether to hug Elvira or kill her. "You just cut off my bloody foot!" "Would you rather it was your head. Come on, we have a feline to rescue". "Yeah, well stay back, this isn't your fight!" A little ways back, he could see Chenoa scrambling up the cliff-face. How the hell did they get here? "I did not come all the way here just to slice off your limbs. You had better keep up." Hobbled as he was, with his long legs Validus was able to outpace Elvira as he ran toward his adversary. Amura saw a confused grimace cross Siana's face as she turned to see Validus and two vixens rushing at her. Siana waved her hand and immediately before Validus' huge body came crashing into her, he was faced with the smoky mirror. Amura saw him fall into the void just as Samantha had done, but his broad shoulders caught in the frame shattering it as he disappeared. Everything happened so fast that Elvira wasn't sure exactly where Validus had gone. Forgetting him for the moment, she swung her blade hard. Amazingly, the iron shattered across Siana's brow merely causing her to fall back a step. Elvira blinked and studied her sword hilt, for that was all that remained of the weapon. Chenoa's attempt ended in similar results. Amura seriously thought about helping, but found herself no longer able to stand. A red pool was collecting around her, Should probably plan on keeping that stuff in me I suppose. There seem to be quite a few leaks. In her delirium, Amura posed no threat to the dragon woman. Elvira cast an ineffective spell at Siana, only to have the Dragoness turn all efforts toward the vixen. Elvira was raised from the ground by an invisible hand, and as she dangled clutching her throat, Siana sneered. "You are impure, nothing but a false face. The fact that you carouse around pretending to be Kanin sickens me. Show your true form". With that command, Elvira's fur seemingly disappeared. For the first time in over a decade, she was human. Looking down at now furless hands, Elvira felt a lump grow in her throat. I'm back, I'm me again. Siana turned her attentions to Chenoa. Ever fearless, the vixen rushed at her full speed, trying to knock the dragoness over. Unfortunately, Siana spread her wings, so instead they were lifted into the air. Chenoa clutched Siana's torso as they rose fifty feet above the rocks. She had never been fond of heights, and an urgent distress tugged her mind. Chenoa found herself gripping onto Siana desperately, as an icy pang sank into her stomach. Siana grabbed the canine's face, inspecting her. "So, you are pure of blood. This may work out after all." Chenoa stared into those hypnotic eyes, absolutely mesmerized. The slitted pupils seemed to shimmer with green light. When Siana had the Kanin completely under her spell, she landed next to the stone dais. At a motion of Siana's hand, Chenoa climbed onto the stone and laid on her back. Siana picked up Samantha's dagger and laid it next to Chenoa. Tearing the Vixen's armor free, she crouched above, eying her sacrifice. To Siana's left, Elvira crouched over Amura who lay delirious from blood loss. She was not going to be a problem. At last, the dragoness was rid of these petty annoyances and could get on with her work. Chenoa was immobile, completely under the dragon woman's spell. No matter how much she fought back, it mattered little. She had not the will to resist such a power. Still, her mind was able to run rampant. A feisty one like Chenoa was hardly satisfied with being caged under someone's control. Regardless of how hard she fought, Chenoa couldn't so much as lift a finger. Siana was on all fours above the vixen, inspecting her closely. She appeared to be a prime specimen. In very good physical condition, and certainly strong. Of course she did have a vast array of scars; it wouldn't do if the vixen was damaged. Siana looked into Chenoa's eyes, seeing a puppet under complete control. "You should be proud to give your life for my own", Siana held the dagger firmly in her right hand. "With the heart of a dragon's strength, you will have the vitality to withstand bearing a dragon's spawn", Siana shrieked as she drove the dagger into the right side of her chest. Hands shaking, she cut a large slit. After a deep breath, she raised the dagger again and sank it under Chenoa's left breast. The vixen screamed in mortal agony as her chest was pierced by the blade. Dropping the dagger, Siana sank her talons into her own wound and pulled out a beating heart. Siana Immediately placed the organ in Chenoa's chest. Chenoa lay coughing blood, her convulsing body on the verge of death, but moments after the heart beat within her breast, she began to recuperate. Siana struggled to remain erect, as her wounds began to heal. Her second heart still beat strong under her left breast and with time her magic could repair the damage. It was some time before Siana was able to continue. She held the vixen's arms out as she loomed above. Her great wings hovered beating slowly. "Now my little pet, you will be granted the seed of a dragon". From the slit between Siana's legs, an organ began to slide. She was neither truly male nor female, thus she had to use another for the ritual. Nevertheless, the phallus that slid outward was effective for her designs. Siana slid herself into Chenoa's body; her fangs flashing cruelly, as she raped the vixen. Not far off, Elvira watched the act in horror, as she attempted to wake Amura. The tigress meanwhile, was nearly comatose from blood loss. "Amura please wake up! We need your help!" Siana drove her organ into the Kanin harder and faster with each thrust. Her shaft's uneven shape tore at the vixen's soft inner channel. All that mattered to Siana was fulfilling the ritual. Soon she felt a movement deep within her body as a pair of fertile dragon eggs began to make their way down the shaft. Somewhere deep within unconsciousness, where Chenoa was still in control, she felt the widening of Siana's shaft as something began to make its way into her own body. Chenoa fought it with all her will, but it only served to prove how helpless she truly was. Siana thrust deep, digging talons into Chenoa's fur. Chenoa's eyes burned with hate as she watched the act come to its completion. Siana gasped as her eggs became seated in their donor's body, Chenoa's own ovules recombined with the dragon eggs, activating them in recognition of her Kanin nature. In a rush, the dragon semen Siana had been holding came from her member. Burst after burst overflowed the Kanin. Soon a pool of the orange viscous liquid was dripping from every side of their dais. "Almost done dearie, Now that your body and mind are mine, all that remains is your soul." Siana laughed wickedly, her huge member coming free of Chenoa, with a loud pop. Blood and semen ran free as the dragoness beat her wings. ## 29 Land of Shadow Cold like no sane man could dream of, seeped into every fiber of Validus' being. There was no sun, only a soft glow in the distance, that barely illuminated the snow encrusted wasteland. So cold Body shivering and arms wrapped tightly around his chest, he trudged toward the light. His fur felt hard, all hints of moisture were immediately frozen. The mist from his breath had left a layer of ice on his upper lip. This, he knew, was where the world came into contact with the icy void of space. A place so far north that the sun scarcely touched it. Near the horizon, the moon made its lazy circular journey, never rising. Validus gasped as he stared awestruck for a moment. Never had he seen a sky so clear. It was perfectly black with pure white stars scattered across. Not a single cloud. It was as if he could see an infinite distance above. He stood on a white plane, flat in all directions. He felt so insignificantly tiny. No matter all of his courage, regardless of how loud he might try to yell, to the universe he was nothing. No, can't be thinking like that, gotta keep moving Validus focused on the light in the distance. It was the only thing that stood out in this place, so it had to be worth a look. Frozen blood coated the stump of his leg. This Validus barley noticed, as he began to lose feeling in his limbs. What I wouldn't do for a nice campfire. He stopped shivering, Validus knew that was probably a bad sign, but as his thoughts clouded he chose not to dwell on it. I would strangle someone for a warm fire, heck I'd be happy with flint and steel to make some nice sparks. Next to the distant light there was a small black pedestal, "No, not a pedestal". He moved forward more quickly. That's Samantha. I don't know what that witch is doing with her funny light, but she won't be doing it for long. Validus heard a crackle of ice on his face as he smiled cruelly. Barely able to feel his arms, Validus pulled the sword from his back after some fumbling. The leather wrapping cracked as he gripped its handle. He felt sharp pricks as his fur stuck to the metal hilt. Ahead of him, Samantha was on her knees, eyes closed as she wound her hands through the air. Before her, a ball of light slowly began to take form. Swaying drunkenly, Validus tried to run on his stump of a leg. Blood ran freely, as he cracked the frozen end with each step. Validus stepped between her and the glow, his sword drawn. "I made Amura a promise, but seeing as I am bound to die out here, I see little point in holding my word. Do you have anything to say before I remove your head. Maybe you want to grovel a little, it won't save you, but at least it will be entertaining." Madness shone in his eyes; he looked almost giddy. Samantha's voice was barely more than a whisper, "put away your toy". "Oh you bet I will, right in your neck". Even on her knees before him, she looked up defiantly, "If you want to get out of here, you will put that thing down." Enraged, Validus lifted the blade high, but stopped when he noticed something. She didn't have the look of the woman who had nearly killed him. Instead she had an expression that brought back forgotten memories of their intimate encounter so long ago. Cursing himself, Validus lowered the blade to his side. "Give me one good reason to stay my hand!" "I am opening a portal back to whence we came. You wait, and we can still save Amura, then you can go about your petty revenge later. If you kill me, then you freeze to death, and Amura dies by Siana's hand." Validus brought his left hand to the side of his head. Dragging his claws through the ice encrusted fur, he groaned. I can't tell what's the truth anymore... Though I am so very cold. It would be nice to go back to that warm volcano. She is lying, even if she can make a portal, she will leave me here to freeze. "YOU LIE", He rose his sword. "Fool! Do you not care about her life. Would you be so thoughtless." "Arg", Validus lowered his weapon again. The blade was threaded with a web of frost, would probably break if I hit it on anything anyway. Validus struggled to speak calmly, "How long are you going to take". "I don't know, I was never very good at portals." "Great, I get to freeze to death anyway, with you as company." Samantha's lip trembled slightly as a single teardrop froze at the corner of her eye. Her hands continued their dancing patterns, as the aura spread in its center. Validus could see a glimpse of Amura in the light. For ten more minutes he stood calmly, freezing to death. It isn't a bad way to go. Doesn't even hurt after a while. Kind of like going to sleep. Validus' healing was dependent on how much food he could consume. To keep him alive, his body ate at what reservoirs it had left. The portal shimmered slightly then became solid. Smiling, Samantha lowered her hands. Validus looked at the shining door as it it were Christmas. His smile fell apart as the thing puffed out of existence. "Dammit", Samantha put her frozen hands to her face. "I knew I did something wrong, but it is just so cold, I can't think straight". Validus reached out, grasping the air where the portal once stood. "Bring it back!" He turned to her, but in the darkness everything was a blur. What a fool I am, she must have jumped through that door then shut it in my face. "Validus, I am so sorry". Or maybe she didn't, He approached her voice. "I'm sorry for what I did to you then, and now. I wish you would have just killed me. At least then you might have died happy, and I wouldn't have to endure freezing to death." It's just as Amura said, she really has changed. His hand found her shoulder, it was so cold that he almost flinched back. How is she still alive?. He knelt down, glad to get the weight off his severed leg. Hoping that he was looking toward her in the inky darkness, he spoke, "Just try it again Samantha. Maybe it will work this time." "It's no use. I am so cold I can't feel my body anymore; how could I expect to cast a spell". Validus lifted her off the ground, and then held her to his chest. She didn't feel like anything alive, her body was colder than the sword he let fall at his side. "I will keep you warm, just concentrate". Soon he saw the light come back on, it almost made him feel warmer. Validus wanted to say something, anything, but so much of his life revolved around hate, that he could not find anything positive to tell her. "What is this ritual Siana is always going on about?" Samantha never took her eyes off her hands as she spoke, "The ritual of ascension. Siana will take over the body of her host, and with it she will be reborn. When she leaves the body to acquire the newly birthed form of herself, the host will die. You Validus have seen lifetimes pass by, but in this way, she has survived through centuries. Ever since she was born the dammed spawn of a mating between dragon and human, she has hated the human side of herself. With each ritual she becomes less human, this is why she never uses a human for her ascension." "Why do it on a volcano of all places?" "She needs the seed of a dragon to complete the ritual. Those chains are a creation of her own, their original purpose was, and still is, to trap a dragon. The dragon that fathered her, possibly the most powerful one that ever existed, is bound under the molten rock. Though she hated him, something stopped her from killing her own sire. Likely, it was the human side she hates so much." Samantha smiled at that thought. "So when we get back and chop off her head, what do we do about us?" "Going back..?", Samantha became eerily quiet, "You will not be able to harm her without a powerful magic". She looked at him, running her paw over the scars etched across his face, "The blade I did this with, it can cut through dragonscale as easily as flesh. I could summon one, and with it you might have a chance." "Okay", Validus flinched from her touch momentarily. Having her speak of the disfiguring scars that she had placed on his body, made his stomach curdle, "Just summon a couple of them, and we can get to it." Samantha pulled her hands back, "the portal is ready". A small red smoke appeared over her palm, and then turned into an inscribed dagger. She placed the weapon in his palm, momentarily gripping his hand for strength as she did so. Begrudgingly, she stretched her hands to the portal again steadying it, "now go, and do what you can to help Amura." Validus stood, but Samantha remained on the ground, her hands outstretched toward the portal. "Well, get up." "The portal is incomplete, if I pull my hands away, anyone who walks through will be torn asunder." Validus stood dagger in hand, indecisive, "But you cannot stay here!" "I have no choice. Please go before the door collapses completely", frozen tears had accumulated around her eyelids. Samantha's breathing was slow and forced. "Now, I beg of you!" Validus took one last look, goodbye my old enemy... My new friend. Turning, and stepping into the door, Validus prayed that it would send him safely to Amura. In the biting cold, Samantha's portal winked out of existence. No snow fell in this place, it was far too cold for clouds; all was ice.Alone now. She turned her face to the sky. Bright stars looked down on her, they seem so close... As if I could reach out and hold one in the palm of my hand. Samantha's legs were ice, no longer truly a part of her body. She knew time was short, but here where the sky met earth, time had no meaning. It was a place not meant for living things, all around was dead, cold, and lifeless as the universe above. Samantha took her last breath of stinging frozen air, if this is the price for what I have done, then so be it. I will pay my penance, but I pray Amura does not suffer for my sins as well.. "Beloved Pardus, forgive me" she whispered. The feline's exhale hardly made any fog as her temperature dropped so greatly. No longer shivering, Samantha smiled. Somehow, she knew he understood. Peace at last. Samantha took her place in the frozen wilderness, her form existing forever, a silent statue of what once was. ## 30 Angel of death "Amura, wake up!" Elvira shook her friend's shoulder. "Humm", Amura barely opened her eyes. Elvira bit her lip nervously, "I'm going to try something". I just hope I can do it now that I am human again. Her hands splayed over the tigress' chest, the sorceress began to chant. Presently, rose colored tendrils of smoke began to waft around her fingers. Elvira's face went pale, as she continued the spell. Lightheaded, she began to pass in and out of consciousness as the chant reached its crescendo. Amura sat up sharply, gasping. What a rush. Though her wounds remained, the feline felt fresh, and invigorated. Quickly grabbing Elvira who collapsed into her arms, she looked up toward Siana, God knows what she's doing to Chenoa, but it's about to come to an end. She laid Elvira to the ground carefully, and then marched toward the dais; Amura's face was a grim visage of determination. Reaching down to obtain her fallen sword, she glared at Siana. Amura's body transformed as she closed in. Taking on her angelic form, Amura could feel her wounds regress. Siana brought her enchanted dagger high, as she continued the ritual. "Now you shall receive the Soul-heart of a dragon, and with it lose your own essence, but in this give me new life." She sank the blade deep under her left breast just as Amura's sword fell sharply on the back of her neck. Falling forward, Siana slipped from the dais and fell on her own blade. Her inhuman shriek caused Elvira to cringe, covering her ears. Blood drizzling from her chest, the dragoness stood, murder gleaming in her eyes. A large reptilian phallus hung lewdly between her legs, dripping orange tinted semen. Amura stood between the dragoness and Chenoa, her sword leveled. "Go back to the hell you came from, or I shall send you there myself". Siana looked upon Amura's form; wide feathered wings were cradled on her back, and her blue eyes shone brightly against now bright golden hair. "So you truly are a daughter of Catherine. Nevertheless, your meddling has come to its end. No matter what trouble the Catrai may give me for the deed, killing you would be a mercy to this world as well as my mind." She spat blood to her side and spread taloned hands. The power of ages running in her veins, Amura stood fearless before her nemesis. Parrying the first attack, Amura took to the sky, fighting with the arts of mages, and swordsmen, against the bestial rage of Siana who went at her tooth and claw. The sky was alight with powers far beyond Elvira's understanding as she stared up at them. The woman who had once been a vixen looked upward longingly. How long have I dreamed of this day? A return to my natural state. Never had I wanted to be a beast, I failed to see Samantha's obsession with becoming inhuman. But now, I miss it so very much. The world is now dead to my trifle human senses. Even the smell and sound of the wind passes me unrecognized. Her eyes were wet from her sorrow, or her joy at seeing Amura alive due to her actions; she could not tell which. Amura's blows came down hard, to Siana she seemed to be everywhere at once. Gliding gracefully on the wings of angels, the tigress' sword rang true. Each blow, though it did not penetrate Siana hide, hurt her from whatever magical force Amura had called upon. Through soot and smoke that poured out of the volcanic chasm, Amura slashed the membrane of her adversary's wings. Fluttering vainly, Siana rushed toward the ground. In a great shower of stone, she came to rest. Amura was upon her immediately, wielding her weapon will a skill she had never before possessed. Siana backhanded Amura viciously, the trailing ends of her claws cutting through fur and flesh. In a divine fury, Amura beat the dragoness into the ground. Siana gripped the tigress by her wrists and pulled her close. Suddenly, Siana's tongue drove its way into Amura's mouth and the cat felt her power waning. Siana was pulling at Amura's essence in an attempt drain her very soul. Quickly, Amura backed away, but the damage was done. She reverted to her Catrai form. Utterly drained magically, Amura still had her physical strength. She bravely faced Siana, sword held high. Bruised and battered, Siana stood and pulled the blade from her chest."That little trick may have drained me as well, but without your petty magics you are no match for me. You who would dare to challenge a goddess. I am the daughter of dragons. Our kind will prevail when you have long ago passed from recorded existence." "Raise your blade demon." "I am no demon, I've done more good for this world than you can imagine. Did you not wonder why I have gone unhindered by the Catrai for so long; they need me. Far more than they need a dethroned brat, you are the curse upon this world." "Shut up and fight!" Amura growled. "Still you don't see it. You.. Can't... Win." Siana twirled her dagger lazily. Amura's fur became shaded with black streaks. "I shall not be beaten by the likes of you." Amura rushed forward, her eyes beginning to glow red again. Siana smiled yes kitten allow that rage to consume you. I crave itâ€"need it. She beckoned Amura. Losing herself in the fiery rage, Amura allowed the darkness in. Around them, the very earth seemed to tremble. Air became fire, and the stone beneath her melted into magma. At the rim's other end, Elvira gasped from lack of air. The intense heat began to burn her bare skin. Knowing the danger they were in, she slung Chenoa over her back and fled from the battle scene. Chenoa moaned weakly, seeming to come back to herself. Elvira whispered in her ear, "Don't worry girl, we'll make it out of this". I just hope Amura will too. Siana knew she had been weakened by the ritual, but with Amura's power that could be rectified. The rage fed her. She breathed the sweet smoky air, and smiled as it tickled her draconic lungs. Amura's black fur bristled as she conjured unknown horrors. In their world of molten rock and acrid soot, Amura made her last stand. Siana drew at her power, and for once Amura felt clarity, she was no longer a mindless beast, this was a strength she could control. Gripping Siana around the neck with ethereal hands, Amura snarled. She felt something in her grasp, not the flesh and bone shell of a body, but rather the very soul of her enemy. Amura grabbed at the indistinguishable thing her fingers sought, and for once Siana felt fear. This was a power beyond her reckoning. A black void began to hover around Siana. She struggled in the tigresses grasp, tail whipping violently. Amura inhaled deeply, not with her lungs, but with a more elemental part of her person. And with that she breathed the life of thousands. Thousands of souls that Siana had condemned in her days. Spirits she had consumed to feed her hellish powers. A taste of it was enough to make Amura recoil. But... a part of her, the dark part, thirsted. There was more more to be drawn from the dragoness, and now that she had wet her lips, the thirst must be quenched. "You are not of Catherine. You are the very embodiment of the one who killed her." Siana looked ragged, her scales had a sickly light sheen to them. "Stay away from me with your devilry." Siana clutched her chest, stumbling back. "You, the reincarnate of the dark Catrai whose name has been stricken from history, are a plague upon this earth. Back demon." Amura stalked closer, red tongue wetting her lips. Something in her eyes was just wrong, she looked so hungry but no mortal food could sate her. She paused momentarily when a bright light impeded her vision. In a miraculous fashion, Validus appeared some twenty feet from the ground. After an inevitable crash to the earth, he arose cursing incomprehensibly. To his left, Validus saw Amura growling at him, She's on the crazy sauce again. What else is new. To his right, Siana was calling out his name. They rushed each other, crashing in-front of Validus. Siana sank her dagger into Amura's chest and watched as the blade melted off its hilt. "Validus you must stop her before it is too late." Validus blinked twice, She's awful friendly all the sudden. Amura wasn't quite so talkative, she seemed content with raking her claws over Siana's face. Validus made a decision then, that had seemed right at the time, but perhaps he had been overly rash. He grabbed Siana around the waist pulling her off Amura. Siana reacted by tearing into him. Though suffering serious injuries, Validus ignored the fact as her rushed toward the rim. In one spectacular leap, he flew over the edge. As they hurled toward the magma Siana mocked him. "You would kill yourself in such a foolish attempt to save a woman who is long past helping. This heat cannot penetrate my hide. " She laughed cruelly as the boiling surface neared. "Yeah well lets see how well your insides do against the lava. Validus took Samantha's dagger and disemboweled the dragoness, and then ran it from her neck to groin for good measure. When they went through the surface of molten rock, Validus was unable to hear her agonized shrieks due to the fact that he definitely was not fireproof. Amura stood stunned as she saw Validus jump over the edge. She rushed down the side, her own magics protecting her from the intense heat. In the rolling orange flow, she saw Validus sinking. His fur was alight, but he did not scream. Next to him, Siana did enough howling for them both. Amura swam through the rock as if it were no more than a river, and grabbed Validus. In a couple leaps she made it back to the rim. Amura's brow was furrowed in worry, as she laid him on the stone dais The once molten rock had hardened over most his body, and what showed through was burned beyond recognition, he didn't look like he ever been a living thing. Around them the gigantic golden chains began to snap as Siana life faded. Amura felt her body change to its normal form as her rage was replaced with deepest sorrow. "How is it that after all my travels, I find one I may actually love only to have that love stripped from me. I am a curse as they had said since my birth. How much longer will it take before I become the dark one forever. Before I prove Siana right." She didn't cry, somehow she found her grief too great for that. Instead, she just lay over him; her head in her hands. As each chain snapped, they whipped through the air, one end going into the volcano and one out into the wilderness. Amura wished one of them would simply crush her and save everyone the trouble. When the last chain broke, there was a great howling which made Amura look up from her reprieve. Thousands, if not millions, of spirits were flying out of the volcano. Finally free of Siana's corpse, they sought rest. As each fled from its cage, a portion of the soul's magic passed into the only living creature nearby. Amura's fur stood on end as she absorbed the powers of men, women, creatures, and monsters, be them good or evil. The souls of saints were mixed with those of the most cruel sinners, giving Amura a strength that was truly pure, at a balance. Amura watched enthralled as they flew in all directions. Deep underground, a rumbling began, causing small stones to rattle along the rim. Many of the spirits simply passed her by but one lone soul stopped over Amura. She seemed made of light, with the wisps of wings on her back. The ghost looked down on Amura sweetly, her form was marked with the stripes of a tiger, but her fur was purest white. "Please take good care of him." Amura stared wide-eyed, not have expected to hear the visage speak. The angle soared upward, splitting the clouds, and letting a single golden ray of light fall upon Validus. Within his shell of stone, Amura heard Validus gasp a breath of life's fresh air. She looked upon him, not believing what her eyes revealed. Writhing about, Validus broke free of his stone prison. He looked on Amura as if he had been on a long journey and only recently returned, finding everything new to his eyes. The rumbling grew louder, and far below, the sound of splashing magma could be heard. Great wings beat the charred air, as a dragon of titanic proportions rose from the crater. His wings blew gale force winds over the tigers below him. So immense was he, that the dragon was able to place one foot on either end of the crater as he stood over them. Validus stood mouth agape, but Amura who had seen so many strange thing this day, stood and eyed the beast questioningly. "By the fact I am free, I can only guess my daughter no longer lives." The enormous beast rasped. "Yeah that would be a pretty good assumption." Amura quipped. "You who seem so fearless, are you the one who did such a deed. Can you say you bested a child born from the king of dragons." "I was in the process of doing just that but he finished the job." Amura gestured toward Validus. All eyes on him, Validus stopped cowering on the stone dais, and stood, (now retaining both his legs again) next to Amura. He looked like he would have preferred for Amura to have left him out of the conversation. The dragon snorted, smoke trailing from his nostrils. "Very well, you have my thanks and that is a very rare thing indeed. At the very least I will inform my kind not to eat you. He smiled wickedly. Tasty as you may look. I shall leave you to your devices now, for I have a kingdom to reestablish. It has been many thousands of years since I have flown these skies." With that, he beat his wings and soared into the clouds, never glancing back. "Amura I don't know what just happened, but right now all I want is to get out of here". "That's fine by me... my mate", Amura felt as if a great burden had been lifted when Validus placed a paw upon her shoulder.** The walk back was not hurried. All were tired yet filled with a sense of accomplishment. At Amura's side, Validus dutifully carried Chenoa slung over his shoulder. Luckily, his foot had regenerated, albeit quite painfully. He had been worried about that, having never lost a limb before. Elvira was now very cold and shivering without her vulpine fur, so Amura chose to lend the woman her cloak. Amura wore nothing but the sword on a scabbard at her hip. The last relic of Panthaleon's lineage. By now, the North City had surely been occupied by the westerners; looted and defaced. Amura sighed heavily, but stayed straight. She walked proudly at her mate's side, leading the haggard band home. ## Epilogue Validus knelt at the base of Samantha's grave and placed a single white rose. Amura stood solemnly at his side. "I pray you found the same peace you have granted me these last three years", Validus said, eyes closed. He had long since told Amura of the sacrifice her friend had made for their sakes. It was a gift they could never repay. In time, they returned to the keep which Amura has christened Castle Shade, in remembrance of her friend's pet Shade who had perished during its destruction. Now the castle stood proud, several years of reconstruction had been necessary to repair what had taken hours to destroy. All of Samantha's belonging had been destroyed by the fire, but Amura supposed it was for the best; no need to dwell on things of the past. Amura had received letters from her past friends, and she kept them in a safe place, so she could read them when she needed cheering up. Wanting comfort, she open the box and remove Chenoa's note first. The letter was obviously not written by the vixen as she could barely read, but written by Warrington as he listened to Chenoa narrate. Dear Amura. I am doing well. My new cubs are ever more energetic by the day. Though they show definite draconic traits, it seems Siana's evil nature has not affected them. I can tell they will be smarter than their mother, just by the way they play; always inquisitive and eager to learn. Warrington has asked that we marry, and I do hope you will attend the ceremony. Please send word about how you are doing, and if you need anything for your castle I am sure we have plenty of stuff around here that Warrington won't miss. Yours is the primary outpost to keep us informed about the west anyhow. I also received a visit from your cousin Catherine, she seemed most eager to meet you, but something kept me from telling her your true whereabouts. She had some soldiers with her that I wouldn't want to cross. Keep yourself safe Amura. Your friend Chenoa Lagotinus "Warrington" Amura carefully lay the parchments in their box, and then pulled out Neko's letter. While reading, she rubbed the fur between Xeno's ears, and smiled as he licked her outstretched hand. Amura. I just adore the cottage Shane built out here in the mountains. The air is so fresh, and crisp. With all the trouble going on in the world, Elvira is not likely to travel the feral lands to visit you, but we do hope you can come here sometime. Now that Imperial control has been obliterated on this side of the mountains, Shane has spent his time readying what loyalists he can in-case they are to attack again. Warrington must be the only human within a thousand miles; other than Elvira that is, but we have hopes that Pardus might be able to return her Kanin attributes. She is so very lost now, always feeling naked without her fur. For the most part, we are doing well. Shane and Elvira sent their best regards. Love Neko. The sun was waning, so Amura put away her box and headed to the bedroom. Validus was already there, dealing with some landowner's contracts. Amura laid her hands on his shoulder as she whispered in his ear, "Come to bed dear". Seeming glad to be rid of it, Validus tossed the papers aside. Amura caressed the warrior's tense shoulders. Her silken hands said more than enough for Validus. Drinking in the visage of her beauty, he leaned back to receive a kiss. The warmth of her lips consumed his senses. In the middle their tongues played, as her felt the tips of her fangs. When they broke, Amura brushed her dark hair back and sat pertly on the bed, tail swishing seductively. So predatory were her eyes, she invoked the image of a tigress on the hunt. Validus tossed his vestments aside and took her in his arms. The tigress who looked so formidably strong was like a feather in his powerful grasp. His great white paws cradled her naked form. Amura planted another soft kiss upon her mate's lips, then rubbed her cheek against his. Her subtle purring told the love she felt. For a time they did not speak, but rather let the moment take them. Here alone in their castle, the rest of the world seemed like a far off dream. Nothing rose to disturb their passion, as it burned fiercely. Amura arched her back and gasped as he planted kisses down her ample breast. Validus petted and caressed his mate's blue fur as he worked toward her creamy belly. Feline muscles stretched taunt under her skin as he brought his hands up to cup the swell of her breasts. Amura lay her small fingers at the sides of his face, "Make me your mate now and forever", her azure blue eyes never left his own as she spoke. The moment burned into Validus' memory, her beauty eternal. Laying her on the bed, and tenderly caressing the tigress' pelt, he crouched over her watching the look of ecstasy wash over his mate's face. The act of their coitus was far beyond simple sex, it was the connection between two mates, an absolute display of affection. Validus entered slowly, not because her feared to hurt her she was too strong for that, rather he wished to savor the moment of their connection to the utmost. "My love", Amura planted tender kisses on his neck. Her mind and body afire with emotion, Amura murred. Between her legs a desperate fire burned and for one of the few times in her life she let it take her. She made no attempt to halt the possibility of pregnancy, but rather let him have her fully, and let it be. Amura gripped his back tightly as shocks went through her. I swear I shall never let you go, even on the brink of death nothing would be worse than to lose this serenity you have given me. The sun hovered low as its lovers consummated their passions. On her eyes Validus saw a reflection of dusk's last rays, and he marveled at how they sparkled. So much lay hidden behind those eyes. This woman was his mate, yet a darkness burned beneath it all ever threatening to consume her. Even now he swore a flicker or red flashed over her pupil. Amura kissed him deeply, breaking his line of thought. Validus wrapped one huge paw under her back and pulled her small form tightly against his chest. His hips swayed incessantly driving a release ever closer. Holding the seductive feline in his grasp, Validus wished for the moment to never end. Amura's tail waved over the down-filled bedspread, brushing his paws. Validus smiled down lovingly, his heavy breathing the only sound in their ears. Amura tweaked her erect nipples, enjoying the pleased look on her lover's face. Heavily lashed lids hid her sparkling eyes as she closed them gasping. His tapered shaft began to penetrate her cervix with each thrust, pulsing with need. Feeling the moment of completion near, Validus wrapped his jaws around her neck. Her warm flesh pulsed against his tongue as he clenched her. Amura's body was alive with sensation, as her mate's rigid cock drove deep. Shocks spread from her loins seeming to go to the very ends of each hair. Her willing body moved in sync with the tiger. Animalistic passion soon overtook her thoughts with orgasmic sensations. At the zenith, they roared in orgasmic unison. Like a torrent, tiger semen flooded Amura's body, passing into her fertile womb. As she was impregnated, the tigress murred satedly. Validus shuddered with each burst of his seed into her body. His balls were pulled tightly to the base of his cock, as her strong muscles milked him of every possible drop. Utterly spent, Validus pulled out. A wet trail marked the tigress' blue thigh from his exit. Amura rolled on her back, purring in the afterglow. Validus brushed the tangle of hair from her face and kissed her lightly, his breathing as hot and heavy as her own. While Validus absently stroked Amura's filled belly, he held her close against the cold night air. Amura's face was the visage of utter bliss; untainted and everlasting. While the final rays of sunlight waned, the lovers lay wrapped in each others arms.

The End. Afterword Amura is the final realization of a project ten years in the making. The stories that chronicle those known as Catrai, and their relatives the Kanin, have been outlined in various forms over the years. When it came time to release them to the public, I chose to start with their most ancestral roots. Amura is just part of a much more expansive and historical world. When the time comes, I will begin the next book in this saga; the story of her sister Catherine. Catherine will see Amura from a different perspective, as a relative and perhaps an enemy. All told, Amura's book spans 31 chapters, (plus an omake titled Barmaid Geno). That amounts to 204 pages and 110,492 words. I had never dreamed the project would attain such proportions. All the fans who have stuck by giving me needed critique, and support have my heartfelt thanks. Alone I doubt such a novel could ever have been finished, but the wonderful community here has really challenged me to do what I have only dreamed. In closing, I would like to say thank you. Your friend, Darkfang Magus

Midnight Woman

## Midnight Woman The sun is down, and the empty streets you have been walking are getting painfully cold. Penniless at the moment, you spent your last paycheck on a plane ticket out of this crappy town. With the ticket held protectively in your...

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Amura Twin Tigress

# Amura _By: Darkfang Magus._ ## Part 3. * * * ## Twin Tigress !["Ascension"](%5C) ## 18 Sins of the Past As the black Catrai struggled for dying breaths, all the sins of her past came rushing...

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Amura Samantha's Appentice

# Amura _By: Darkfang Magus._ ## Part 2. * * * ## Samantha's Apprentice Raven hair and ruby lips Sparks fly from her finger tips Echoed voices in the night She's a restless spirit on an endless flight Wooo hooo witchy...

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