Bound by the Shepsisters

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#9 of The Shepsisters & Yote

Yote finds himself all wrapped up for bondage! With his sweetheart - and Mistress - there couldn't be a better way to spend Christmas for this lucky coyote.

This story was up to view for Patreon supporters earlier! See my Patreon, just on the 5 USD pcm tier to see everything I post publicly before everyone else! Also always open for commissions!


This is one of the stories from The Twelve Kinks of Christmas series so will be short and sweet, designed to stoke the fire and get your engines running! Hit me up if you want to see more as I'm always open for work!spins in place

I LOVE WRITING ABOUT THE SHEPSISTERS! Just...Dora...and Danica...ahhhh! And Yote! So many cruel things to a poor Yote! Although I would quite like to have a Dora, if I could keep a tranquilizer gun handy. I think it may be needed with that level of sexy-hot-crazy.

Thank you for commissioning me to write about these again! :D

Characters © D.C. Yote

Story © Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

The Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Two Horny Twins

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by D.C. Yote

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D.C. Yote squirmed, ears back as the bells on his harness jingled musically. It was less than innocent for a sleigh bell harness, however, with neat, crimson straps that wrapped around his wrists, keeping them pinned behind his back. He shook his head, groaning around the ball gag stretching his lips wide, knees spared for balance as he knelt, head respectfully low as his cock throbbed hard in front of his crotch. The pink length pulsed with blood, a visual reminder of how long they had kept him waiting and wanting already. He had not known who had teased him, not with the blindfold on, but it seemed that they were finally good and ready to take what he could only suppose was their 'Christmas present' from him.

He shivered, a trickle of pre cum drooling down his cock. He couldn't say he objected, heart leaping thunderously in his chest.

The notorious Shepsisters stood side by side before him, the German Shepherd twins' tails wagging lightly to brush against one another. Dressed in matching red corsets - perhaps so chosen to match the season - their grins flashed the same, a wicked glint of teeth showing behind the lift of their lips. The only difference behind their clothing was their panties. Dora crossed one ankle in front of the other, growling softly in the back of her throat, as her bare pussy showed as a slit of pink through her fur. Hardly more demure, Danica had gone for a shocking thong to match her corset with barely enough fabric to cover her sex.

Dora bounced on the balls of her hind paws, tail wagging so hard that it smacked into Danica's side.

"Here now, sister," Dora giggled, pressing her fingers to her lips as her eyes danced. "I have found us a present indeed for Christmas Eve! Isn't he dressed up all so pretty for us?"

Danica nodded her muzzle, fingering a lock of brown hair as her blonde sister, hair cropped in a cutting style around her muzzle that made her look far more serious than her true attitude flared, bobbed from heel to toe on her hind paws. Looking Dora up and down, not without a flicker of pride in the crazier half of their duo, Danica could not help but notice that one thing, in particular, was missing from her usual attire.

"What, no pink pistol for you tonight?" Danica snorted, one ear twitching. "Thought that thing was stuck to your hip or something."

Dora rolled her eyes.

"I don't always need it with me, sister." She frowned, paw curling possessively around the coyote's collar. "You should be thankful that I'm sharing my pet with you."

Danica raised an eyebrow, paw on her hip.

"Pet? I thought he was your boyfriend."

Dora froze, sliding her gaze away as she folded her arms across her chest and promptly turned her back on her sister.

"I don't know where you heard that from," she snapped, "but it's not something you should pay any mind." Her eyes narrowed, casting a dark look back over her shoulder. "Not if you know what's good for you, sister."

Danica sighed and ran her fingers through her hair as the German Shepherd giggled and stroked the coyote's head, tilting his muzzle up to her crotch. Whimpering, he tried to pull away as she caught him, neatly sliding the gag from between his teeth and dragging his nose up to her pussy without ceremony. Shaking her head, Danica eyed the duo critically, assessing them like the assassin she was even as heat rose in the pit of her stomach, need tickling at the back of her mind.


"Oh, where did I hear it?" The German Shepherd muttered, siding her thong down her long, shapely legs, defined with muscle that showed through her fur. "From none other than your lips last time you had a few too many whiskies.

She muttered too quietly for Dora to catch, though her words were not for her sisters ears, only a minute sampling of venting frustration that roiled just under the surface. Despite her sharp words - Dora really did need to admit to her relationship at some point, the poor 'yote would be devastated! - a smile quirked at the corners of Danica's lips. They really were a cute couple when they weren't playing their charade of being anything less than that.

Cooing softly, Dora hauled the coyote up on to the four-poster bed in their playroom - she wouldn't have wanted something so lavish in her own boudoir - the sheets black shot through with crimson to lend a seductive air to the display. Her muscles bulged as she swung him up with little visible effort, confident in the strength of her body as she admired every inch of her toy, his gleaming tawny fur and cock sticking straight up as she rolled him onto his back. Whimpering, the coyote tried to buck and arch into her paw as she blew him a kiss and wrapped her paw around his achingly hard shaft.

"Maybe I should keep you like this, little coyote," Dora winked flirtatiously as the coyote squirmed under her attentions, paw squeezing his shaft. "It's always so much better when you can't get away from us, away from me..."

Before he could open his mouth, she was on top of his again, pussy grinding onto his muzzle as her paw pumped his shaft languidly, as if she planned to keep him hard and on edge all day - night - long. If he had not had his snout crushed into Dora's sex, he would have said that he would never have wanted to get away from her, that maybe she was the reason he had 'let' himself be captured all those times.

"Share, sister..." Danica murmured, joining her on the bed and folding her legs sinuously to the side. "You said he was a present for both of us, after all."

The coyote squirmed and whimpered, tongue lashing out against Dora's clit. The German Shepherd moaned, sparing a glance for her sister as her lips twisted into a thin, hard curve that could have been a smile. Sometimes it was hard to tell with Dora. Danica raised an eyebrow. Exceedingly difficult to read, even.

"If you must," Dora grumbled, hackles lifting slightly from the back of her neck. "Here - I'll even be so kind as to let you have a little fun with his cock!"

The canine barked and clapped her paws together, rocking back on her rump to press her sex more firmly to the whining coyote's tongue as her sister's ears perked up. Even if her sister had to be 'persuaded' to share, the end result was not undesirable - not by far. Climbing on top of their pet of the evening, she wrapped her paw around the base of his shaft and, with tantalising slowness, dragged the pads of her paw up and up to the tip, where she squeezed and pumped. He squirmed, hips jerking, and whined plaintively into Dora's pussy, but the blonde canine only laughed at his predicament, eyes flashing as she ground herself down on his muzzle like he was a toy to her and nothing more.

Yet there was more, more for Dora and Yote, at least. Rolling her head back, Danica sighed and simply enjoyed the moment, a slick, drooling cock slipping beneath her paw. There was no telling when the coyote had last had release and the thought of keeping him denied for even longer sent nervous fire racing through her veins, skin prickling beneath fur.

"So beautiful..." Danica murmured, trailing her claws wickedly up the length of D.C. Yote's cock, circling the tip. "This is how you should be found when we come home from work - the real work, Yote, not the games you play, guns and knives but toys in a cub's paws."

Groaning, Danica lifted her hips and, straddling Yote, ground her soaked thong back and forth along the length of his cock, throbbing as if it was going to explode right then and there. The coyote tried to buck, shaking in his bondage, but only succeeded in dragging the straps tight around fur and muscle, nose full of Dora's scent as he sucked in half-breaths. Danica laughed, pressing down as if she was going to take him inside her and then pulling away just as the flicker of pleasure registered. The coyote moaned.

Suddenly, the 'older' Shepsister was on top of him, holding up his hard length as she took him inside her. The coyote hissed through his teeth, tensing up for half a breath before Dora growled and grabbed his head, forcing him to continue licking. He yelped happily, the sound muffled against her sex, and lapped as quickly as he could, circling his mistress' clit with the very tip of his tongue as Dora's hips rose and fell, cock sliding within her with a lewd, wet slurp of juices.

Pleasure spiked and he twisted, growling as he tried to think of something else - anything else! He panted, somehow unable to drag enough breath into sore lungs, and squirmed as she rode him, using him as a living sex toy. But her toy had his limits too! He begged her to go easy, not to push him too far, as she bounced on his shaft, hind paws digging into the bed for purchase in pleasure. He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered as he strove to focus on pleasing Dora and Dora alone - like that was going to stop him from getting off though. He could have laughed at himself. That was one of the quickest ways to get himself riled up!

Maybe this was it, however... Maybe he was going to be allowed to get off? His heart leapt and he yapped sharply as he found enough arch in his back to ram up into Danica, driving in hard as she slammed her hips down.

So close! The coyote's breath caught, teetering on the edge as he suckled his mistress' clit for everything he was worth and more.

But Danica dragged her hips away in time with Dora, the abruptly energetic canine rolling off the bed as if she had springs in her hind paws, a wild giggle bubbling up from her lips. He groaned and bucked, thrusting into nothing as he jerked and twisting in the confines of his leather bondage, eyes wide and pleading for what he knew was no longer in his control.

"Oh, little 'yote..." Danica cupped his muzzle as Dora tapped a crop against her opposite paw, pink tongue lolling happily from her mouth as she barked. "You didn't think you'd be getting off so quickly, did you?"

She laughed and poked at his cuffs, making the metal clink. He shivered and shrank into the bed, eyes flicking from one sister to the next. Cock throbbing, he whined, a high pitched, eager sound.

It would come, he was sure of it. His mistress was kind. He would do anything she asked of him.

As Dora petted his muzzle, he snaked his tongue out to lick her paw, gazing up at her adoringly as she shared a rare, softer smile with him, eyes creasing at the corners. She trailed the tip of the crop down his stomach to his cock, playing with the shaft as he ground his teeth together and tried and failed to swallow a howl. Yet the one thing he could not hide was how his lips stretched into a wide grin, tongue hanging out in the picture of a happy dog.

For he knew one thing, as his mistress toyed with his shaft, that made his heart beat quicker and quicker, a drum beat beneath his ribs.

The best of the night was yet to come.

Bondage was bliss, after all.

Taken by the Twins

**The Twelve Kinks of Christmas** **Twincest** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commission for Goatie_ _ _ _ _ "I'm not really sure about this..." Goatie blushed and smoothed his ears back, long hair tumbling about his grey...

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Chastity Release

**The Twelve Kinks of Christmas** **Chastity** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Jeeves (trade)_ _ _ Xander blinked at the small key cradled in the palm of his palm, innocuous if not for the fact that he knew exactly what it led...

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The Striped Filly: Flying Changes, Chapter Eight

**The Striped Filly** **Flying Changes** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Chris Silverhoof_ **Chapter Eight** Christian made Anna go for a walk that evening, chasing the zebra off with a hushed finger pressed to his lips and a...

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