The Striped Filly: Flying Changes, Chapter Eight

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#8 of The Striped Filly

Our tale comes to an end and Anna has some surprising news for Christian...

Late again! So sorry - I was bashing out (steady) 3,000 words of writing before food, shower and submitting this for you guys!

This is, sadly, the very end of our tale. Nothing more is currently in the works or has been requested/commissioned. It was an absolute pleasure to write and I hope you have enjoyed the ride as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

What do you think? Did you like the story? Let me know!

This story was uploaded to Patreon early - have a look for yourself!

As always, open for commissions! Still have availability for Christmas deadline work, so let me know if you like this and fancy something!

Commission for chrissilverhoof.

Now, this is another long story topping out at 36,000 words! It will be spread across eight chapters and I will post one per weekday until they are all available for you!

I've pretty much had one song in my head throughout the writing of this as it just seems to perfectly capture the relationship between the characters that I'm trying to portray, so take a listen and see what you think!

Better Place:

Enjoy and please let me know what you think! I love feedback on my writing, just bear in mind that this is a commission!


The Striped Filly

Flying Changes

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Chris Silverhoof

Chapter Eight

Christian made Anna go for a walk that evening, chasing the zebra off with a hushed finger pressed to his lips and a smile in his eyes.

"Go on," he shooed her away, flapping his fingers. "I won't be long, just a half hour. Go for a walk down to the pond and see what you can find. Or down the river a little way. You said you wanted to have a look down there, didn't you?"

Anna huffed and stomped, tail swishing. Standing in the doorframe, she playfully laid her ears back and pretended to be immovable. Christian chuckled and pushed her shoulder, nudging her off balance so that she stumbled over the threshold into the frosty air.

"Come on!" He winked. "I'm asking for one thing... It'll be worth it."

She snorted.

"It better be worth it," she groaned, clip-clopping out into the cold with false offence. "I'll be half an hour and no more!" The mare rolled her head, mane flipping from one side of her neck to the other. "I'll freeze my tail off out there..."

When she returned to the warm arms of her lover, Anna admitted that it had indeed been worth cooling her rump for a while down by the pond. Candles covered every surface in the cottage with a flickering, warming glow and a trail of rose petals led a path to the bed. Christian stood in the hallway with a cup of her favourite juice - a non-alcoholic beverage that fizzed and popped against the roof of her mouth as she drank. It never failed to put a smile on her muzzle and this time was no different.

She sipped delicately from the offered cup as he tipped it up to her lips. He leaned into her when she finished drinking, pulling her head up to his chest as he kissed her passionately on the lips, tongues dancing heatedly together. Fire crackled through his veins. The cottage was suddenly too warm.

"I love you, Anna," he whispered, holding her mane tight. "So, so much."

The mare pressed her forehead to his chest and exhaled softly.

"Then why don't you show me just how much?"

Grabbing his shirtsleeve between her teeth, the mare led him to the bedroom, making her intention all too clear. His cock - this time within the more comfortable confines of his boxer briefs - pulsed with blood, pushing from its sheath at the mere sight of her shapely rump. He bit his lip as she presented him with her winking marehood, tail hiked for him and him alone. Gods above, she was a sight to behold...

Anna lifted her tail and groaned, releasing a stream of urine to splatter noisily over the laminated wooden floorboards, thick with her arousal. The stallion's lip quivered up and he sucked in breath after breath, sampling her scent with all the restraint he could manage to not mount her right there and then. Resistance was futile, of course, but he wanted to admire her a moment longer as she signalled her readiness, hormones flooding his senses with the potency of an illicit drug. A most _pleasurable_drug...

He couldn't have been more thankful to have found her and, as she'd suggested, demonstrating it in the most carnal way possible. Dropping to his knees, he stretched up and pressed his lips to her winking marehood, sampling her sweet juices from the source itself. Anna moaned as he lapped over her clit and up the length of her ever-twitching entrance, pushing back onto his muzzle as her lips moved without comprehensible sound. He chuckled and squeezed her udders, grasping her teats in one paw each as his tongue flickered repeatedly over her clit.

"Unngh!" The mare shuddered, a bray threatening to burst forth! "Chris! Don't tease me so!"

He would never refuse her. Easing three fingers - his mare could handle it - inside, he shuddered happily, her passage rippling around his digits. He only wished it was his cock, throbbing within his jeans. With one paw, he undid the button and zip, tugging them down enough to allow his length out, bobbing before his crotch as he took care of his sweetheart. He rubbed her teats from base to plump tips - were they growing larger? - as the mare snorted and shook herself, shifting from hoof to hoof as he teased out her pleasure.

Pressing the flat of his tongue to her clit, Christian smiled at her moans, rising to a crescendo. So far from anyone else, the mare didn't feel obliged to quash her pleasure and took full advantage of their isolation, grunting and braying like a mare who had been denied too long. Driving his fingers in, he pounded her like the stud she deserved, curling his fingers down to the sensation patch of nerves tucked inside her passage - something he'd uncovered a little time ago. In that respect, she was similar to a human female and he ground his fingertips gently over the sensitive spot as she lifted her hind hooves from the ground in the threat of a buck.


Words wouldn't come to the mare and she stuttered, giving up and sounding out a piercingly loud bray instead. Christian laughed into her sex, hormones going to his head, and thrust harder, arm muscles flexing with the force he put behind his paw. Anna squealed and half-kicked out, foreleg jigging in the air. Although she begged for him to mount her, to take her, to breed her, he did not, holding himself back. There would be time for that, time for more. First, he had to take care of his mare and her needs.

And take care of her he did. He took his time, slipping beneath her stomach to suckle at her teats, hungrily latching his lips around each in turn. As he sucked, playing his tongue across each fleshy nub, he pushed another digit into her flexing marehood, paw and forearm soaked with the deluge of her arousal. He nuzzled up her udders, adoring them with kiss after kiss, and rubbed his thumb over her clit until she threw her head up and squealed like the first time they had laid together. Circling her clit, he pressed his thumb down on it as her knees shook, head bobbing repeatedly as she struggled to contain herself and her need. His heart raced and he supported her weight on his shoulder as the mare's legs splayed, shaking so badly that her collapsing on top of him was a distinct possibility.

The mare stomped and shook her head, sweat dampening her coat, as he held on to her hind legs, lips locked around a teat. His tongue curled around the silken smooth flesh and Anna groaned softly, lipping at the air as if to reach for him. Christian smiled and massaged her udders, heart warming. What more could he have ever wished for? He had all he wanted and more with his mare moaning above him, growing ever closer to climax. His thumb circled her clit, flicking across in practiced strokes that came as easily to him as breathing - he didn't even have to think about pleasing his mare to drive her wild anymore, understanding her body better than she did herself.

The mare snorted heavily and dipped her head, lips nearly brushing the blankets. As he slipped back behind her, the stallion smirked privately to himself, candlelight flickering across her features. The rugged lines of his muzzle glimmered through his dark coat as Anna half-turned to face him, eyes glazed over with a need that shocked even him. Chris' breath caught and he dropped a quick kiss on her rump, sparing a second to stroke his shaft, if only to take the edge of need off. It throbbed into his paw and Anna bobbed her muzzle urgently. The stallion blew her a kiss. Had he caused her such need? A part of him was proud to be able to please her so. Perhaps a larger part than he would have admitted out loud.

Christian nuzzled her tail out of the way and kissed her sex, pushing his tongue in alongside his thrusting fingers. Her aroma swamped him, clouding his senses until, for him, the cottage ceased to exist. As if he was wearing blinkers, his world narrowed to Anna and Anna alone, her thick scent bursting into his flared nostrils like a drink of fine wine to a man in the desert. He groaned, wriggling his tongue deeper only to drag it out and press it to her clit, hard.

Anna moaned, tail slapping the wall.


Nickering softly into her marehood, the stallion filled her with his fingers, curling them up into that patch of nerves until she threw her head up to its full height. He tugged her teats down gently and the mare ground back into his muzzle, forcing his tongue ever harder against her nub. He snorted, struggling for breath and yet not caring in the moment. His throat tightened, tongue lashing her sex as her marehood twitched, clenching tighter and tighter around his fingers. Trembling, Anna's tail fell over the back of his head, playing over his twitching ears. She brayed, the sound cut off halfway as she licked dry lips: so close.

Christian's cock throbbed and he moaned into her marehood, thrusting away the thought of mounting her. His mind battled with instinct and the stallion pushed himself up onto the tips of his hooves, paw driving against her sex as if his life depended on it. And, while his life did not depend on making his mare happy, his happiness sure did. Anna held her neck stiff, muscles tensing in that certain 'tell' he'd learned to catch. Taking his cue, he pressed his tongue to her clit and lapped quickly, circling and sucking it between his lips.

He didn't have long to wait.

Eyes wide, Anna brayed as she reached her high, marehood suddenly tensing and relaxing around his fingers as if she was trying to milk his 'shaft' for all he had to give. Christian found himself abruptly pulled into her hindquarters, fingers trapped by the sultry vice of her marehood, and huffed hotly. Nostrils flaring, he swirled his tongue around that sweet nub of flesh until her legs wavered, swinging her body from side to side so that she had no option but to support herself on top of his hastily placed shoulder. Pushing his shoulder between her legs, Christian snorted as he bore her weight, licking his lips clean of the flood of her juices.

Only when his mare was coming down from an earth shattering climax did he stagger up to his hooves and press his aching shaft into her sex, driving in to the hilt in a single thrust. He thrust with quick, needy strokes - so close from simply pleasuring his mare with his muzzle - until he too neighed and collapsed over her back, trusting her shaking legs to support their combined weights. For the second time that day, he made a mess of the striped mare and filled her to the brim with his seed, cock pulsing with throb after throb of heady stallion semen. He groaned and rolled his head, one hoof off the floor as he tried to grind in every last inch of his cock in the aftershock of ecstasy.

Anna's legs buckled and she slowly lowered them to the mess of blankets, Christian's cock popping slickly from her twitching sex. She groaned, craning her neck to nuzzle his cheek before dropping it, exhausted, back to the bed. Her marehood winked and flexed, wanting more even as her mind trembled with exhaustion. Anna sighed contentedly, eyelids drooping, as her lover pressed himself close, claiming his space in the crook of her legs.

"Stay with me," he whispered, muzzle pressed into her neck.

Anna stirred, hooves flicking out further from her body as she rolled onto her side, the motion pulling Christian into her stomach.

"Always," she murmured, voice fading on the edge of sleep. "I'll always be with you."

Patting her shoulder, Christian let her go, breaths slowing into deep, satisfied slumber. She was his and he was hers. The stallion smiled, watching the stars twinkling beyond the window pane.

What stallion could wish for more?


Sad to reach the last night of their stay in the little cottage, Christian and Anna unwound in each other's presence after eating out at a feral-friendly restaurant. Anna had been correct in suspecting that inhabitants of the more rural parts were friendlier towards ferals than those in the cities who had sometimes never even seen one of her kind. Although she was something of a novelty - a zebra in the Welsh mountains, of all things! - she had been welcomed with open arms and doted on as they dined contentedly together.

With a full stomach, she lolled contentedly against her lover as he bobbed his muzzle to the rhythm of music playing from the radio that had come to the cottage, a late night show. It wasn't as good as his station, but it wasn't bad either.


Anna nudged his cheek as he relaxed back against her. Christian gave no response, a glass of juice from the fruits Anna had introduced him to on their first date cradled between two paws.


Lifting his head sleepily, the equine snorted and butted his head playfully against hers, finishing off what remained in his glass with a strong gulp. He set it aside with a heavier paw than intended and looked to her expectantly, one arm slung over her withers.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

Anna looked down, pushing the blankets around with her nose. Refusing to meet his eye, the zebra grunted and he rubbed down the arch of her neck, soothing the uncertainty he did not yet understand.

Taking a deep breath that made her sides expand so much it was hard not to notice, Anna pulled her head back sharply.

"I think I may be pregnant."

Christian straightened, gulping air as his ears slipped back. Time seemed to slow and he thought, for a heartbeat, that the mare was making a jest - and a very badly timed one at that! Yet there was no humour in her eyes, only a shining, earnestness that melted his pounding heart.

Stroking down from behind her ear to the curve of her dished cheek, Christian kissed her full on the lips, hard. His tongue darted out, slipping between hers, and she groaned into the kiss, deepening it as she relaxed into him.

"You're sure?" He whispered against her lips, gripping her mane behind her ear. "You're sure there's a foal on the way?"

Anna nodded, trembling bodily as she nuzzled in closer, as much for warmth as for the comfort she sorely needed, her heart open to her lover. He wrapped his arms around his neck, ignoring his heart leaping into his throat, and squeezed.

"I'm fairly sure..." She swallowed. "There are few tests for us mares to take until we're further along. But I feel him stirring in me already, that quickening in my belly."

Christian knew he should have been reasonable, thinking rationally, about their future together, yet he couldn't stop the grin from spreading further and further across his muzzle. He beamed like a goon and kissed her full on the lips with a passionate moan, holding her tighter than ever before.

"You...don't mind?" She said eventually, breath catching. "It's so soon... We've not been together for that long."

Christian shook his head vehemently, lifting her chin so that she had to look into his eyes. Or as much of his eyes as she could with both his and her eyes being set so far apart. They tilted their heads back and forth for a minute, struggling to make them work together. Devolving into mutual chuckles, Christian's paw curled around the narrowest part of Anna's foreleg, just above the fetlock.

"It may seem like it's soon, but it's the perfect time, if this is true," he murmured softly in her ear, head resting against her cheek. "It'll be a big step..." He took an extra breath, steadying himself. "It's a step we can take together."

Anna smiled and leaned into him. Her pulse calmed beneath her skin where his side pressed to her and he whispered soothing words until it had returned completely to its normal pace.

"I'm so glad I found you, Chris," she whispered, eyelids drooping as her muzzle lowered slowly to the bed. "I don't know what I would have ever done without you."

He kissed her cheek, never tiring of the silky sensation of her coat beneath his lips.

"I don't know what I would've done without you either, sweetheart, but let's not think of that."

Christian smiled, touching her closing eyelids with the tips of his fingers, brushing his lips over each in turn. The butterfly-light touch made her shiver on the edge of sleep, drawing herself back to wakefulness enough to listen to his last words of the tumultuous evening.

Stroking her mane, Christian leaned into the curve of her neck and exhaled, thoughts turning to a foal bouncing at their hooves. Would their little one be a zebra or a horse? Or a mixture of both of them? Who would they take after the most? He smiled.

"You said 'he'."

Anna grunted, one ear flicking back.

"I did?" She chuckled softly. "I guess I always imagined having a colt."

Christian nuzzled her cheek.

"And I imagined having a little a filly."

The zebra chuckled, voice fainter as sleep gripped the edges of her mind, its tug as insistent as ever after a long, tiring day.

"We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"

Christian nodded, sighing a happy sigh as he dimmed the overhead lights to a more comfortable glow. It would be enough for Anna to draw herself gently to her hooves without bumping into anything after a time, while he curled up between her forelegs, safe in slumber with his love. He kissed her lips as she slipped seamlessly into sleep, letting her muzzle lower softly to the plush blankets. His heart warmed, swelling with his love for her as he closed his own eyes.

"As long as we're together, we can conquer anything."

The Striped Filly: Flying Changes, Chapter Six

**The Striped Filly** **Flying Changes** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Chris Silverhoof_ **Chapter Six** With work proceeding with surprising serenity, it looked like nothing could go wrong for the two of them besides the stares...

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The Striped Filly: Flying Changes, Chapter Four

**The Striped Filly** **Flying Changes** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Chris Silverhoof_ **Chapter Four** When Christian woke the next morning, something was very wrong. Sitting up slowly in his double bed, he swung his legs...

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