The Sleigh Team

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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Everyone knows the names of the old legends; now the new team gets some practice in before the big night.

Tis the season to have reindeer. Don't go try poking holes in any of the lore, cause it's not canon at all :p I hope everyone enjoys this one; I had a TON of fun writing it. Sorry for not having posted anything in a while, I've just been off my game, I guess. Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things here soon.


"The high tomorrow is going to be a blistering minus thirty-three celsius tomorrow, and for any of you fahrenheit users that's about negative twenty-seven. You have the wonderful polar vortex to thank for the temperature, and all this lovely lovely snow. The worst is over, and in some counties we've seen up to sixteen inches piled up. The plows are having one heck of a time getting anywhere, but are remaining vigilant to get you guys connected to your families. Stay bundled up, though, especially if you're out early in the morning or late at night; we're expecting the temperature to drop as low as negative forty celsius. Fahrenheit users, you're lucky, be-" The weatherman's joke was cut as Jari shut off the TV and tossed the remote on the table.

"Hey, other people are watching that, you know?" Lance said, gesturing between himself and another reindeer on the couch next to him.

Ruben looked up from his phone, not paying much attention. "Huh?"

Jari rolled his eyes. "Oh whatever. Come on, we've got practice starting in a few minutes, and if we're all there on time, and all get it together quick, we can be done!"

"Mmm, too true. Guess we should gear up," Lance said, standing up and smacking Ruben's phone from his hands.

"Hey! What? Oh, shit, practice is soon, isn't it," he said, fumbling with his phone as he stood up, careful not to knock his antlers against the ceiling.

Of all the reindeer in the pack, (and as one might guess, there were eight) Ruben was the tallest at nearly seven feet. Antlers added almost a good sixteen inches, and he had to duck his head to keep from scraping the wood.

"You got it, Ru," Jari said, patting his shoulder as they started off towards the back of the large complex. It wasn't flashy, by any means, but had all the necessities to house the important eight reindeer for the job; and what a job it was.

From October to December all eight would gather together in the complex and begin vigorous exercise routines and training their delivery routes, a tradition passed down several centuries. Back in the day, when nature's magic was stronger, there were only the famous eight that everyone knew, and still remembered to this day. Now there were hundreds with each group assigned to a region of the world. Jari and his group ended up with the Scandinavian area with bits of Russia.

Lance pushed open the door to the room he shared with Ruben and those two reindeer broke off to get changed. Jari shared a room with Lukas, the youngest in the group, and when he pushed open the door, he found the grey, antlered male sprawled on the bed with his legs held open by Clash, yet another member of their group.

Clash has his antlers cut down to just a couple inches, long black hair shaggy enough to nearly hide the protrusions. Without a shirt or pants, it was clear to see all the lean, athletic muscle over his frame, and the beads of sweat running down his short, brown belt. Jari's sudden intrusion didn't even slow him down as his hips pumped back and forth in a slow but powerful rhythm, driving his thick length into the slender, whimpering cervine beneath him.

Jari growled and left his bedroom door open as he walked over to his dresser. "You know I really really don't like it when people have sex before training. Should wait until afterwards,"

Clash chuckled and gave Lukas' ass a firm smack as he bottomed out, drawing a sharp cry from the young male. "Just getting in some stretches beforehand. Not gonna get off or anything, the blue balls give us a nice edge," he said calmly, body shuddering as he held himself still, letting his orgasm draw near and then ebb.

Jari stripped out of his clothes and began pulling on a grey and white camouflage neoprene material. "Oh trust me, you'll get plenty of blue balls during training. It's about twenty under right now, and just gonna get colder,"

Clash grimaced at the sound of that and withdrew his cock from Lukas, both paws grabbing the slim legs and pulling until the young reindeer was off the bed and on the floor. Dutifully, Lukas buried half the buff reindeer's cock in his muzzle, nursing on it while his own drooled a line of pre onto the hardwood floor. "Fuck man, I can't wait until next year. I can do cold, but not quite this cold,"

Jari watched the two with a little more than casual interest, his own, uncut shaft making it difficult to get into his jockstrap and suit. "Mmm, yeah, next year will be fun. Hawaii, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand," he sighed and stepped over to Lukas and Clash, holding out his shaft and bopping the young reindeer's muzzle.

Clash's shaft popped free of Lukas' mouth with a wet pop and a gasp, and within seconds he'd taken Jari's cock to the root, throat swallowing around the thick flesh. Clash gave the back of Lukas' head an approving pat, smacked Jari's ass, and headed for the door, cock parallel with the ground and still glistening with saliva. "We'll pick this up after practice," he said with a wink.

Jari watched the young reindeer go to work, mentally chiding himself for such indulgence before a practice. Lukas was on the shorter side of the team, too, keeping his own antlers at just a couple points; enough to hold onto for fun, but short enough not to be a nuisance. He had dirty, blond hair and a build that belied his own athletic ability. Youngest by a few years, and only his second year on the team, he'd had a rather rude awakening to his own sexuality after several months in a similar complex in Bosnia the previous year.

Jari pushed his hips forward, trapping Lukas' head against the back of the bed and pulling a gag from the young deer. "Alright." He pulled back and tapped Lukas' nose with the head of his cock. "I don't want to be late for practice; it would look back after I made such a big deal of it," Jari said.

Lukas took a few deep breaths and let his head lay back against the bed, eyes closed as he panted openly. "Y-yeah, I-" Lukas coughed and cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Oh, damn. Yeah, any more and I swear I'll cum just from that. Love it when you guys are rough."

Jari rolled his eyes and finished zipping up his form-fitting suit, the bulge still quite obvious through the white camouflage. "I forget just how sheltered you were. It's always the quiet ones that end up being freaks,"

Ten minutes later, erection thankfully subsided, Jari was standing knee-deep in the snow and waiting for everyone to arrive; five more minutes and they'd be late. Lukas, Lance, and Ruben were with him already, and he could see Clash approaching from the complex.

Ruben and Lance were entertaining Lukas with their usual shenanigans. Ruben was a strong as he was tall, built like an American Football Lineman, hair cut short from several tours with the Armenian Army. He had his arms braced on his legs and Lance was doing pullups with his antlers while the young deer laughed.

"The others should be right behind me," Clash said, patting Ruben's ass as he joined the group.

"Great. I'm not going to run a full practice tonight. We'll want to be on our best form for tomorrow night, and we don't want to get sore," Jari said.

Lance dropped from Ruben's antlers, frowning. "Aww, bu-"

"Not that sore, Lance," Jari said before Lance could make a smart-ass comment; Lance was the prankster of the group. Only two weeks into October and a dangerous stunt of his had wound up with him snapping one of his antlers off near the base. He'd cut the other off and filed them down to tapered points to resemble devil horns, but had to round off the sharp edge after a heated night of fun with Elias resulted in six stitches. The devil horns were now painted red and lightly hidden underneath a crop of brown hair.

With a minute remaining, the remaining three, Elias, Ares, and Benji, arrived on time. Elias was the youngest next to Lukas, and just a hair under five foot. His antlers were filed down to nothing, and his hair was kept in place with no small amount of mousse. The others loved to tease him about his height as much as they did Ruben's, and though he tried to take it in stride, he sometimes got rather defensive about it. Elias had grown up the eldest sibling of five, and wound up shorter than even his kid sister who was just starting high school.

Ares and Benji were the twins. They weren't related, but both had dark charcoal fur, long, brown hair, and identical racks; even their personalities were similar. Both kept quiet unless it was necessary to speak, though occasionally a quick-witted joke would come from one of the two. However, with Serbian as their first language, the others, except Ruben, would usually be left clueless.

"Alright! All here on time for once. What a wonderful Christmas present," Jari said, crossing his arms over his chest and surveying the crew of (mostly) antlered deer. Everyone was dressed in a special neoprene suit that would keep them warm even in the subzero temperatures; the material was done up to be white camouflage since their environment would be snowy and dark. Other accessories included multi-functional goggles to protect their eyes, white head-masks for the ears and mouths, and white utilities bags (Lance insisted they were glorified fanny packs) that held useful survival equipments like SAT phones, flares, meal bars.

The reindeer mumbled their own greetings at each other and then looked to Jari for direction. Jari took a deep breath and exhaled a puff of condensation through his mask. "Alright. You should all be familiar with the drill. No strength training or obstacles tonight, the snow and cold should be enough, and I don't wanna wear you out with the big day tomorrow."

Lance and Clash both made excited whooping noises and pumped their fists into the hair, high-fiving afterwards. The rest groaned and Ares nudged Benji's arm muttering "Amerikanci,". Ruben and Benji both laughed and nodded.

"Now, just because it's a short practice doesn't mean I don't want you trying your best out there. So, instead of hitting up each individual house in each city, just hit the city. Fly to each one, then the next on your list. Don't worry about doubling back as if you've got presents with you, just hit each one in a row and then come back. Shouldn't take more than about two hours. We'll be done before the sun sets! Maybe," he said, frowning and looking up at the sky. There were only about four to five hours of sunlight a day right now, so they'd be pushing it.

Elias raised his hand for permission to speak and Jari nodded to him. He cleared his throat and nodded his thanks. "Do we know yet how much we'll be carrying with us tomorrow night?"

Centuries ago, before tradition and stories had spread, Saint Nicholas used his own powers and gifts to help spread toys and gifts to the children in what is now Turkey. After his death, his spirit lived on and spread power to others who would carry on his legacy. The power grew over time, and no one really knew how it works, but the spirit of old Saint Nicholas would appear to others, and introduce them to their calling. No one has ever turned down such a calling.

The image of the red sleigh and feral caribou had always been a far cry from the truth of the story, though. Each caribou (and they were all caribou), was granted a modicum of Saint Nicholas', giving them speed, strength, and most importantly: flight. They flew from city to city in their region to deliver toys and gifts to all; there were millions of deliveries to be made in just a few short hours.

Jari smirked and shook a finger at the short cervine. "Now now, don't go trying to figure this stuff out. I find magic works best when you don't look too closely," he said.

Elias grinned and nodded, a few others chuckling at his question. That was Jari's first unofficial rule; never question the magic.

"Alright," Jari said, more authority behind his voice. "Remember. No risks, no skipping regions. No doubling back for "gifts". This run is mostly to keep you familiar with where you're going. Don't push yourself too hard, and be safe." The reindeer all nodded stepped apart from one another. Jari took another moment and then yelled, "GO!"

To an outside observer, it was as if they'd have just vanished into thin air.

You had to be in prime condition to do this job. Jari was first approached by the spirit of Saint Nicholas almost ten years ago. It was right after New Years and the caribou had been sitting behind his computer with half a pizza and a liter of soda. He'd also been one hundred pounds heavier. The spirit of Saint Nicholas told him about the mission, the legend, and how Jari had everything needed, but would never live through the ordeal. He promised that if Jari got himself into shape he'd have a space on the team.

That had been Jari's wakeup call. All those new-years resolutions to get into shape turned into reality that year, and it nearly killed him. Jari whipped himself into shape and by the time October rolled around he was a proud member of Sled Team forty-seven, a team he'd one day run.

Jari touched back down in the snow and nearly fell forward into the snow. He felt the magic drain from his body as it always did when not in use. The sudden departure always left the bearer weakened, and in some tragic circumstances, if the user wasn't in good enough shape, had killed them. He felt an arm wrap around his waist and hold him steady: Benji.

"Lukas and Ruben are already inside," the Serbian deer informed him, accent thick and betraying a weariness to it.

"Surprised I beat Elias; he's usually quicker," Jari muttered, leaning against Benji for support before standing up. "Ah, you can go on, though, I'll wait for the others and make sure they all get back."

"Is no trouble. I stay with you," Benji said, clapping Jari's shoulder.

Elias was fifth, then Ares, and Clash was last. All eight had arrived within twenty minutes, the closest time they'd made so far and Jari prided himself in getting the routes to be nearly identical.

"And Clash bringing up the rear," Jari teased the brown deer, helping him to his feet.

Clash grunted and leaned against Jari, one hand moving down to give a firm squeeze and then a slap to the leader's ass. "I'll bring up your rear, right here in the snow,"

"Mmm, and if it weren't so cold out, I'd let you. Snow and all," Jari said with a dreamy sigh.

"Ooh? You? It's been awhile since you've let me pound your ass," Clash mused as they walked back to the complex, his lips curling up in a mischievous grin.

Benji and Ares both snickered and that was enough to make the reindeer blush under his mask. "Don't let this stroke your ego too much, but you're pretty damn big. It's not that easy to just let you rail me,"

Clash puffed out his chest, an air of hubris around him, and he swaggered ahead of the others to open the door. "Mmm, don't worry, I'll leave the others to the stroking of my... ego." His wink was lost behind the goggles.

The complex consisted of four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a large kitchen and dining area, and two separate living rooms. When the last four reindeer entered they found the first four lounging about the large kitchen table with snacks, beers, and little in the way of clothing.

"Finally! We've been like an hour!" Lance exaggerated, teeth bared as he grinned to match the horns.

"Oh shut up," Clash said, stripping the accessories off and unzipping his suit right there in the kitchen. With no other formalities, he shucked his suit, standing there in just a white cotton jockstrap. His fur was still coated in a light layer of sweat, and the jockstrap was similarly damp. "I'm hungry, horny, and want a shower, and don't need your lip," he teased.

Lance let out a sharp catcall, eyes traveling the length of Clash's body. The devil-horned reindeer was already naked and his uncut shaft thickened at the sudden display. "And here I thought you always needed lip from someone,"

Clash took a step towards Lance and dug his fingers into the short, brown hair. "If you're offering," he said, roughly pulling Lance from the chair and onto the floor.

Despite Lance's cocky demeanor, he was probably a bigger sub than poor, sheltered Lukas. His eyes closed and both paws found Clash's thighs while his nose and muzzle was ground into the damp, musty jockstrap. "Mmm, damn you smell great," he muttered, mouthing over the growing bulge as his own cock surged to life. "Heh, and I can smell Lukas on ya," he said, looking up across the table to where Lukas was sitting.

The young reindeer's face turned scarlet and he shifted around in his chair as he stammered. "I-I, well we were just... getting worked up before practice."

Jari was still in the process of taking off his mask and goggles as this all happened in the minute they'd walked through the door. It wasn't even close to the first time they'd all ended up in this situation before, and Jari just grabbed Clash's gear off the floor as he walked past, Ares and Benji following behind.

"What, not gonna stay and watch?" Ruben said to the three, taking a swig of his beer and idly stroking his own shaft as he watched the show.

The leader glanced back and winked. "Nah, I'm coming back. Just wanna get this stuff out of here," he said, holding up the gear. He tossed his own in their laundry nook and stripped down to his bare fur before returning to the kitchen. The scene had developed in such a short time.

Clash was now without his jockstrap and Lance was moaning as Clash's heavy balls hit chin on each thrust. Elias had moved his chair closer to Ruben's and his fingers were teasing the big deer's foreskin back and forth while his muzzle licked and nibbled at a nibble. Ruben had an arm around the comparatively-miniscule reindeer and was finishing off his beer.

Jari walked through the kitchen and stood next to Lukas, crossing his arms over his chest. The young deer was the only still clothed and his hands clutched a beer bottle close to his chest while his shaft strained at his cute, white jockstrap. "You know you don't need an invitation,"

Lukas giggled and put his beer up on the table before sliding down to kneel in front of his leader, tongue teasing up along the head of his shaft. "I was just waiting for you to come back,"

Lukas lips slid down along Jari's soft shaft and sucked hard, tongue swirling along the underside as it swelled and lengthened in his muzzle. Jari's hands gripped the smallish set of antlers and held him in place at the base of his cock as it stiffened and pressed insistently down the young cervine's throat.

Benji and Ares had rejoined the others and taken up residence at the far end of the table, wasting no time getting down to business. Jari watched as one of the two (he honestly couldn't tell which at the moment) bent over the table's surface, gripped the sides and was roughly entered by the other "twin". Lance on his back on the tiled floor, legs spread wide for Clash's rough treatment, and Elias was climbing into Ruben's lap with the help of the giant's antlers.

With limited cell service and internet, only one television channel, and only so many books and games to read or play, a lot of their nights would devolve into sex. Not necessarily all together, but when you had several hours to fill, you might make your way through the group.

Lance held the backs of his thighs and bit his bottom lip as Clash pressed the head of his thick, uncut shaft to the reindeer's passage. It slid in with little resistance and Clash's heavy sack rested against the cocky deer's upturned ass. Lance was the only of the group with any modifications to his person; a silver stud was pierced through the head of his uncut shaft and pre drooled liberally from around the metal as Clash took him.

"Fuck," Lance muttered, sucking in a sharp gasp as he felt Clash's length open him deep. The big, brown reindeer preferred putting more power than speed into his thrusts, and he pushed in against Lance's prostate on each stroke. "God, you'll make me cum fast like this," he panted.

Clash just grunted and kept up his assault, body hunched over the upturned ass as he helped pin Lance's legs back. He wrapped a paw around Lance's cock and squeezed hard, flicking his thumb across the silver stud. "Gonna make you paint your face and then add my own touch. Then I'm going to take you into the shower and find some other use for you," the bigger of the two said.

Lance moaned out as Clash played with his pierced head, an errant strand of pre spurting across his chest. "Ooh, I think that's okay with me,"

"Don't care if it is," Clash muttered, pounding away into the obstinate caribou.

It wasn't much longer before Lance cried out and his passage quivered around the thick length inside him. His cock throbbed in Clash's hand and several spurts of thick, reindeer seed splashed over his face and on the tiled floor beyond him. Clash snorted loudly in pleasure and withdrew his cock, stroking madly as he watched Lance shoot his load. Seconds later the dominant deer's cock pulsed and shot of seven ropes of cum that spanned the length of Lance's body and leaving him a sticky mess.

Benji, as it turns out, was the reindeer bent over the table as Ares speared his tailhole from behind. The sounds of full balls smacking off each other resounded off the kitchen walls and both made masculine grunts and snorts while Lance's own higher moans threatened to deafen them on one of Clash's deep thrusts.

Ares brought his paw down hard on Benji's ass as he continued fucking him, drawing a surprised gasp followed by a few Serbian words between the pair. Another loud smack was followed by a soft moan from Benji and he bit his lip to keep any more less-than masculine noises escape him. Ares took this as a challenge and switched sides for his spanking, working over both cheeks with a paw, only slowing his hips a little.

Benji had only recently found himself enjoying this kind of treatment and wasn't used to the beating, so every smack reddened his ass and made him whimper through a clenched jaw. Their balls bounced off each other's and Benji's cock was straining up against the underside of the table, leaving smears of pre on the wood while some long strands hung down low before snapping and collecting on the floor.

Ares was the first of the pair to blow. He hunched over his double and bit down hard on the caribou's neck, hips flush and cock buried to the hilt. Several strong bursts of seed flooded Benji's passage before it began dripping from around the shaft and onto the floor between their legs. One of Ares' hands found Benji's cock and gave it a few quick strokes along the wet, dripping head. Benji grit his teeth as he fought to hold his climax back for just a bit longer, but Ares pulled his cock down away from the table and then released it.

Benji's cock smacked the underside of the wood table with a wet thump and the deer cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure as it erupted and pumped a sticky load up against the wood and all over the floor beneath the table.

Ruben's strong, thick hands helped lift the short deer into his lap and then pushed Elias even further up. Elias climbed up the tree of a reindeer and let his legs get guided over each of Ruben's antlers. The odd acrobatics allowed Ruben to sit comfortably in his chair, a paw helping to sturdy Elias' weight while his muzzle pressed up against the accessible pucker.

Elias closed his eyes and let out a needy moan, holding onto the rest of the rack while Ruben's tongue slicked his tailhole. His balls were resting just atop Ruben's nose and pre ran down the underside of his cock against the bridge of Ruben's muzzle. The reindeer didn't seem to mind and he continued rimming the small deer before his tongue pressed right into the tight entrance.

The tiny deer whined and his toes clenched in pleasure. He tried not to squirm around too much from where he practically was hanging from his seat in Ruben's antlers, but it was difficult when several inches of wet, flexible tongue were teasing your insides and pressing into your most intimate spots. This continued for several minutes until Elias was gasping and jerking about. Ruben tongue-fucked the small deer faster and faster, bringing him closer and closer.

A sudden, feminine moan escaped Elias' lips as his cock began spewing a small fountain of cum up against his chest and back down over his cock and balls. Seed ran off his shaft and over Ruben's muzzle and face as he continued tonguing Elias through his orgasm. Once he'd come down off the sudden peak, two large hands were lifting him up off the antlers and pulling him back into Ruben's lap.

The large deer wasted no time or saliva, and Elias had only a few seconds of warning before he was pulled back into Ruben's lap. Despite having more than half a foot of height on the next deer in the group, Ruben was only the average length. He was easily thicker than any of the others. Elias cried out as the thick meat spread him open and he collapsed against Ruben's chest, clawing at the giant's sides.

Ruben was already worked up from getting Elias off and he brushed his muzzle along Elias' before they locked together in a passionate kiss. Elias moved both tired paws up to grip onto the antlers while Ruben lifted him up and down in his lap. They moaned into each other's muzzle, seed smeared along the fur there, and Elias squeezed himself down on Ruben's wide member as they kissed. Ruben's stamina didn't hold out very long, which worked well for most since it was difficult to manage his girth for long.

The large caribou snorted into the kiss and had to pull his mouth away to take a deep breath and moan. A torrent of reindeer spunk flooded Elias passage and after only a couple bursts, Ruben pulled himself free and let the last streak up against Elias' back as the smaller deer shuddered and came again, leaving a few streaks of white cum over the Armenian deer's chest.

Jari enjoyed Lukas' muzzle for a few minutes before wanting more. Pulling himself free, he gave Lukas' muzzle a few taps with the end of his cock. "Alright, bend over the chair for me," he said, that authoritative tone creeping into his voice.

Lukas licked his lips and turned around, one knee up on the chair as he bent over, presenting his passage to the leader. He reached both paws back and was about to start pulling his jockstrap down when Jari stopped him. "Nono, you're leaving that on. It's cute on you," he said deviously.

The young deer whimpered and nodded, cock still straining against the fabric. There was a noticeable wet spot there from where pre had soaked through. There was no need to be gentle with Lukas or Lance, and Jari wasted no time in pressing his cock to the deer's entrance before thrusting in in one smooth motion.

Lukas tossed his head back and let out a pained moan of pleasure, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Before he could tilt his head back forward, Jari's paws had grabbed his antlers and yanked hard. Lukas whimpered happily at the rough treatment, cock throbbing in its cloth prison. Jari was thrusting hard into him and he wanted to touch himself so bad, but that jock, and the rough fucking, kept his concentration on other things.

Jari yanked at those antlers for leverage and drove his cock forward into the young deer, loving how those deep humps forward would get a particularly needy whine and sometimes a muttered curse. He felt himself drawing close to his first orgasm of the night and felt no reason to pull off; this was only round one. He reached a paw beneath Lukas and gripped him through the stretched, cotton fabric.

Lukas had always been a bit of a hair trigger and he came with a strangled cry, flooding his jockstrap with seed. Some spilled out over the leader's paw and over the chair he was kneeling on. Jari's cock was clamped down on by the twinkish deer and he drove forward one last time before spilling his seed deep inside the youngest member of the team. Around them he could see and hear as others found their own pleasure.

The kitchen smelled of rutting, musky deer, and no one was left unmarked by caribou scent and seed. Exhausted, horned up reindeer were still mostly inside one another, and it was just the start of the night.

Jari delivered his last present with a feeling of immense pride. The sun was just starting to rise in the horizon, and a quick, speedy flight got him back to the complex to meet with the others. As the magic drained from him he stumbled towards the complex. That was it. They were finished. The magic wouldn't return to them for another ten months, and they'd return to their lives during that time.

Jari happened to the be the last one back from delivery, and he paused outside the complex. He could hear everyone inside cheering and celebrating their successful night of presents. Lance and Clash had broken out into a loud cacophony of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," and even Ares and Benji were singing their own Serbian Christmas song. A few other languages joined in; German from Elias, Armenian from Ruben, an Sweedish from Lukas, and not a single note from any of them were in anything resembling a key.

Jari beamed happily and pushed the door open, belting out his own, Finnish song to join in the noise.

They all came from such different backgrounds and areas, but after working together the past couple years, keeping in touch in the off season, they were a family, and there was no one better to spend Christmas with than each other.


Mmm, asked people what they wanted to see, and I tried to fit as many of those bills as I could Damn I had a fun time writing this one. A lot of fun. I'd love to know what you all think of it, too! Please let me know!...

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All Hallow's Eve

Just something short, rushed for Halloween. "You really think going into the woods on All Hallow's Eve is such a good idea?" Liam asked, looking up at the towering canopy. The sky was only barely visible through the trees and the moon was a bright...

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The Tribe - 12

I wrote this a week ago, but was waiting for SF to be back up! I hope you all enjoy this, I plan on getting chapter 13 out soon. Please let me know what you think! It means a lot to me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Food. Mako had never seen so much food in one...

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