Character Sheet - Pherenice

Story by The Shadow Master of Weapons on SoFurry

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#1 of Character Sheets

A Commission from a friend for a Taumon female character for a large scale private role play. Yes, its big... Yes it has direct references to her sexual desires and preferences. Image Pending.


The Following Character is more or less an example of some of the Bios that I can write up. This one got a little big. This character is centered in a world with space technology within the Sol System, post primary governmental crash resulting in the birth of many new factions and is considered a crapsack system.

This Character was commissioned by and belongs to "Leumas-Vorsa".

Pherenice Bio

Chronological Time Stamp

Sol Year 3102, September 4th, 3 days before Reese's first attempt at cooking a living creature.

Reese will be reunited with her mother on Sol Year 3102, December 2nd.

Initial Information

Name: Pherenice Koorihime

Age: Unknown Variable

Date of Birth: Unknown Variable

Time since Fleshed: 13 Sol years, 4 months

Species: Digital Entity given flesh - Designation Taomon

Height: 6 foot 3 inches // 1.90 Meters

Fur Color: Blue Primary // White Secondary // Bright Neon Purple Markings

Reference Image: None - Pending Future Commission of undecided artist


Clothing Preferences: Pherenice's preference in clothing has changed slowly over the years. She was comfortable with basic clothing to start, and when she joined up on the trade ship where she met her wife, that was fine for normal wear. Eventually, as her trade skill was honed and she improved upon herself, she bought herself her first fancy robe to make trade agreements with. After the death of Justine, Pherenice's "tastes" grew, along with her career as a fair, but very dangerous and vicious trade queen, arranging deals for her own new warrior and noble name, as well as her need to show her power in her clothing. Now she holds herself personally to a higher standard, only wearing high quality clothing of minimal flair, unless to a ball. She still has "lesser" outfits however, and will wear them when traversing areas not populated by the higher class. She knows not everyone is going to rise to power, and has a respect for the lower classes, after all she literally started with nothing. Additionally, she wears six rings, one for each finger. She had six gold rings when she was made flesh, but gave one to Justine, the ring now buried in the shrine that Pherenice built for Justine. Additionally, she has returned to wearing the clothing she was made flesh with, having originally sold the set to make some money to start off with on the world she was made flesh on. Now that she is a noble, she has ordered a custom made and far superior set to be made as her primary outfit.


Casual Wear

Undergarments: Preferring only fine silks in black and silver, Pherenice prefers that no one see her in her undergarments at all, unless it is a companion. Although they are very high end undergarments, solid color, form fitting, and well crafted with only a little lace to them,

Primary Outfit: Her primary outfit is as detailed in the image, a sort of japanese robe like garment. Shoulder plates and hood are optional. When in combat situations, she has a mirror set, but armored.

Secondary Outfit: When visiting smaller or lower class areas, Pherenice has a fine proper t-shirt, low class dress pants, high grade sneakers. Additionally she has a good visor cap, sunglasses and a set of fingerless gloves, mostly to hide her rings.

Cold Weather: When in cold weather environments, Pherenice has a fine fur coat with matching hood. The pelts of the coat are clearly high end and entirely silver, with a tail skirt to keep her tail warm but also not forcibly squished against her buttox or between her legs.


Formal Wear

Primary Outfit: When attending a high class party, Pherenice has a silver and black victorian era dress that she wears, with half crown collar that goes around the back of her neck. A slot is cut for her and with a little work, she can easily slip her tail under the dress, or free it from the confines of the dress while still being entirely respectable. The dress has some nano-technologies in it as well, to adjust how well the dress fits. Among the adjustments the dress can make are the push of her breasts, choose how tightly they are shown off, or how comfortable, as well as how wide the skirt of the dress is, either entirely ballooned out, or lax and actually cloth like, flowing over her legs rather than a tent.

Secondary Outfit: When attending a high class party for the sole purpose of business, Pherenice has a full suit that is a mix of robe and business suit. Primarily designed as a three piece black business suit, the outfit additional has something akin to a half skirt around the back end of her waist, a full proper jacket, and tie, but also accents her female more as though it were a robe for females to partially show off in, the shirt while very fine not a button up, but clasping folding robe like shirt that folds over itself to close up. Additionally, she wears one glove on her left hand, to hide her wedding ring, but openly shows of other three gold rings, all shined to a mirror polish.



Swimwear: Pherenice has two primary pieces of swimwear, a solid silver one-piece with her chosen symbol of nobility, a paper talisman emblem printed in jet black ink on the back. This is mostly used when going for aquatic combat or similar other events. When free swimming at her own leisure, she downs a silver fancy bikini. It is not a string bikini, but more akin to a sports bra top, and matching mini shorts like bottom. The bottom also has a tight fitting loop for her tail with velcro strap. She does not mind of people look at her rear, but she will not be showing the bare skin or fur of her buttox.


Intimate Clothing

Clothing worn for two purposes. Either clothing worn to show she is looking for a good time, showing off her body, or to show her mate that she has a sexual desire.

Intimate Clothing: Prior to Justine's death, when Pherenice desired sexual contact with her wife, Pherenice has a small selection of lacy fancy under garments, if only sometimes wearing the bras, underneath a mostly transparent shoulderless night robe that hung mostly over her breasts, leaving Justine a clear and wonderful view of her wives hips and panties.

When she was really needy, Pherenice would wrap her breasts up in a soft tearable ribbon cloth like a present, and wear set of edible panties, often with a little bit of chocolate or frosting rose on them as she laid on the bed entirely exposed for Justine to desire and tease before taking. When really creative, Pherenice would take special care to fill her inner walls with some whipped cream, carefully dress up her clit with frosting, and top it off with a cherry slipped very very carefully partially into her urethra. Whenever she did anything with food though, the two would spend an easy hour at the end of the night in the shower to fully Pherenice, and make sure there was no chance of infection, often getting plenty of fun while they were at it as well.

After Justine's death now, Pherenice merely goes into a room with her companion dressed as she would nobly, but that comes off quickly, to be put on the side, and Pherenice no longer really has any clothing just to initiate sex with.


Biography Information

Personality: Direct and to the point, Pherenice is very forward, and very to the point when it comes to business. She enjoys the noble life she has forcibly made for herself, having a very clear amount of respect, is still somewhat religious. She prays weekly for many things, has a dedicated place of worship in her residence, and while not believing there is a second life after death, still prays for the care and well being of her ex-wife. Sexually, she has little desire for such things, and turns down many potential suitors, outright refusing to take a husband, and just ignoring anything about being a wife, or at least externally she does. Justine is still a soft point for Pherenice, and she does her best to hide this from others. She cares a great deal about the peasants as well as the nobles, living a strange life in the middle of them, making her own way which is very different from both worlds. She has a direct love for the noble way of life, namely the sophistication and higher tastes that go with it, but also has a direct respect for the peasants, and while not as openly amused or readily prepared to return to such a simple life, she helps them or those who at least help and work for their own benefit to better themselves. She happily enjoys herself within reason, and knows how to party safely, but even then, where others indulge too much, Pherenice still continues to hold herself up properly. The best words to describe her as she is now would be Determined, intelligent, and charismatic.

Character Overview: Defined, confident, noble by forceful work. Pherenice is a girl who ended up just coming to life in a strange new world as a creature of unusual abilities and life in general. She knows and understands a great many things, but her past before being made flesh is mostly lost on her. She knows she had a family, a daughter who close to coming of age to think herself, which would in turn allow her to start preparing to be mature and ask of males soon, of a loving and caring father, but she cannot recall their faces. Still, she feels she knows and remembers them more than well enough, and now constantly prays for their safety. Having come to life with naught but her skill set and clothing, she bartered off her good clothing for some far cheaper clothing, food, and shelter, taking any job she could. Giving her strong arms and legs, she could lift quite a bit and as a result, took up manual labor for a while. This started her long career as a lowly peasant, cementing her ideals about how even the peasants are part of the world, and not some lowly scum. They are just peasants after all, not raiders, and not everyone has the chance, muchless the viscous drive needed to rise so high. Her humble beginnings did not lead to a quick rise to power though until later on in her career. After some time spent on the moon she was made flesh on, she eventually charted a ride off to a large city, curious to see if there could have been a way home, but instead, she found a wife. Justine was one of the greatest things to happen to Pherenice and during their time together, Pherenice's start in the way of trade had begun. The longer that Pherenice spent learning trade, the better she got as was even nearing the level to start making deals directly of noble contacts about transporting goods. For 8 years, Pherenice and Justine were in a wonderful life aboard a trade ship, taking it to new heights. Sadly, it was not meant to be when Pirates attacked. It was this event that stuck hard in Pherenice's heart though, and hardened her up considerably when her lover died against her as she slept while being kept as slaves. Lead by anger for a while, and putting all of her abilities to the test, she helped lead a rebellion to take care of that pirate base and from then on, the Warrior Trader had become a noble. Setting a new high bar for herself, she quickly rose to power and made herself a strong noble among the darkened Sol System. With a strong and vicious approach, but always fair in her trade and treatment of others, doubly so for the peasants. Now as a Noble, she continues to make trades and has considerable collateral to her name, in many diverse fields. She now goes around and sticks to places of power to further herself again, but additionally, what truly sets her apart from other nobles and that is her direct interaction in combative sports, namely participation. As the Warrior Trader, she names quite the name for herself, and uses that greatly to her advantage.

History: Pherenice's history is something of a mixed bag. When first having come into flesh, she was lost a little bit, but still determined. The lost of memory she had was astonishing and annoying, but she did not let herself just be washed away. She worked hard on the simple moon, until she finally had enough to get off the world, by way of tradeship, the only real form of travel off the moon. While her time on the moon was different and a learning experience, it was ultimately uneventful.

Her life really started to pick up though when she got on the trade ship and met with the ship's only female crewman Justine, who would be become her future her future wife. While Pherenice did have one previous suitor before being made flesh, the male she had a child with was ultimately less of a husband and much more of a father. With Justine, it would be a true love between them.

For the 3 month journey, Pherenice and Justine shared a room, eventually getting closer and closer until the stress of the ship got them to them both and they did more then share a room for a night. It was a unique experience for them both, but it was enough for Pherenice to decide to stay on after sorting out what she came to do, namely look into a few things, learning a bit more of the new space she was in, and if there were any other reported cases of her kind. Of course, she had no luck and quickly returned to the trade ship before it could depart again, this time asking to join the crew. Justine quickly made a compelling argument for Pherenice to stay and so Pherenice was officially signed onto the crew. The next month long trip once again resulted in the two sharing a bunk, but only once more before they landed and given how the Sol System was a crapsack world, Justine quickly suggested that they get married as she saw how much her presence made Pherenice so open and happy, but also torn because sex was supposed to be for a couple.

Seeing no way to get back home, Pherenice accepted the proposal after a small internal debate, and the two were engaged. Honoring Pherenice's wishes to put off sex, Justine took the dominant role and helped plan for the wedding, a small ceremony, but with the best ring she could muster knowing how Pherenice was clearly very a higher class type when given the chance. In return, Pherenice gave up one of her golden rings to be melted down and reforged into a ring for Justine.

The night that the two were finally wed, Justine pushed Pherenice to her sexual limits at the time, and the crew couldn't be happier for the two, if a little more stressed out sexually themselves, their trips to brothels at ports clearly increasing.

Pherenice always had a talent for trade, and as the time went by and she grew closer and closer, loving Justine and being taught by her, Pherenice became a powerful and smart trade master, taking over the role of handling all deals that the ship would take. With each deal, Pherenice got better and better, the deals got larger and larger, and eventually, after many years such a happy marriage with things always looking up for them, almost ready to take on deals directly from noble servants, disaster struck on two fronts.

Pherenice had known for a few years that something was wrong with Justine, but Justine always assured her that it wasn't that bad, that it was just personal and it was one of the only real things she was ever shy about, and Pherenice trusted her since she knew that Justine would tell her if she had anything to truly be worried about. Then, a few weeks before what would be the ship's final voyage, Justine told Pherenice the truth about the cancer of the lung and breast that she had. Lesser nano-tech was keeping it under control, and they were always so close to getting the deal that they needed to purchase some high grade medical nano-tech that would flat out cure her, that Justine was never worried about dying from it, she trusted that with Pherenice leading them, they would get it and life would continue.

It wasn't meant to be however as while they were on their way to a noble ruled moon to drop off a major shipment of various plants, food, and metals, and pick up the biggest contract of their careers, their ship came under attack by pirates. 3 of the 11 crewmen were killed in the firefight before they were all forced to surrender, Pherenice not going all out to protect the remainder of the family she had known for the past 8 years.

The remainder were enslaved to work aboard the pirate's space station hidden away in the rings of Saturn. Pherenice quickly made a deal with her pirate captors to help ease them off Justine as her condition took a turn for the worse. In exchange for pulling her weight three times over, moving and cleaning among other things, Justine would be cared for decently and not beaten for being unable to work as hard as the others, and her crew would all remain together on the base, possibly even to earn their freedom.

As the days ticked by however, Justine only got worse and worse, and even then, still kept her pride, refusing to give up hope of rescue. It never came however, and instead the pirates raiding landed them a crate of the very high grade medical nano-tech that would completely cure Justine. Rather than let Pherenice make a deal in Justine's place though, they made it very clear that if Justine wanted the cure, she would have to perform sexual favors daily and be a foxy toy, teasing them all day while she worked to get the dose she needed. Justine ultimately refused, not going to give the pirates the pleasure of breaking her, the so called weakest link of the surviving crew, who all worked to try and help her out. The crew did plead with both Justine to think it over, and to try and make other deals, but Justine died in Pherenice's arms one night while they slept.

Pherenice had entirely respected Justine's decision though, but with her lover gone, so was her restrain to hold back, along with the restraint of the crew. They planned and plotted, and 3 days later, made a massive revolt tearing through the pirate's space station. Justine's funeral pyre burned bright that day, the station left a wreck, only Pherenice and 3 of the original crew, plus 8 other slave survivors made it off the station as it lost its orbit and crashed into Saturn.

That night, the love in Pherenice went a little cold, She flew the survivors to a safe haven, where they could finally go about their lives again. What was left of the original crew all decided that it was best to leave each other that night, and went their separate ways, to find a meaning in their lives for themselves, but still wished the others good luck. For Pherenice, there was only one path for her to go on, to finish what her and Justine had started and talked so much about, to become nobles themselves through trade.

Although Pherenice did take that hope and dream of their union to heart, she also picked up a bit of blood lust, and while she did seek out fights after that, but found interest in more than just fighting for blood. Words became as much a weapon as her talismans, and she began to master the arts of fighting in all forms as a way to further improve and discipline herself.

After she set out on her new path, it was a quick rise to power and in just a few more years, Pherenice is now a noble of her own making, and leads many powerful deals, asked to broker many kinds of trade agreements.

Lifestyle and Primary Residence: Pherenice lives a very high class life. Fine drinks, high end expensive clothing, a sophisticated and noble life. She is a self made noble, and while she does enjoy many luxuries and surrounds herself with a large manner of expensive items. Despite this, she sticks hard to ideals and morals, and does not over indulge. Her "residence" is a small private luxury shuttle which contains her actual bedroom, a small shrine upon which rests the ring that she gave to her wife, and a private if open office where most of her deals are handled. The "estate" in which her vessel is docked is merely an extension of her residence. The Current "Estate" is a 3 floor major penthouse, on the underside of a large station in a reverse style of living complex to still give her the best view. Effectively, she lives in the basement levels of what would be a traditional house, but living in space, up and down are merely a matter of perspective and direction. The upper two floors that connect to the rest of the complex are a very well maintained living space although she does not use the master bedroom there, and the bottom floor is the private dock for her ship.

The "Estate" is cared for a small staff of 4. This includes 2 maids, who handle the cleaning and chores of the estate. There is also 1 bulter / groundskeeper who keeps the estate stocked and handles daily affairs of management. Finally, the last member of her staff is a highly skilled service man who handles all repairs of her ship and the estate making sure everything is up to date. The Complex Owner themselves handles security and has two guards at her elevator entrance at all times for her safety and protection of the small staff.

Primarily, the "Estate" is merely an address, and Pherenice only calls it an extension of her home, the shuttle, and relocates as she needs to similar such estates from time to time, following the business. Currently, Pherenice's Estate is located on the very very bottom levels of the Dread Zone Station.

Pherenice usually converses and maintains high relationships with other nobles and the current leader of any location she is renting space on, and either cooks her own foods, or only dines in fancy and high establishments. She has grown accustomed to the high life and returning to simpler things is hard for her, but she will not forget what that life was like, nor shun the common peasant.


Loves / Likes / Dislikes

Physical Pleasures: Pherenice is always open and enjoys a high class of party, liking to move among those of higher respect and luxury, a point of sophistication about them, of civility of sorts. While she does acknowledge and does not put down those of lower classes, she enjoys the talk of detailed topics that actually mean something, as well as enjoying to look and be part of those who know how things are run. She is a skilled ballroom dancer, warrior, and also enjoys the work and exercise of keeping herself of an elegant stature, always working to better herself. She enjoys sparring with rapiers, and the rest of staying in spa like resorts, loving the warm and cleansing waters over her while reading various kinds of books.

Physical Dislikes: Although Pherenice enjoys working and exercise, continuous strenuous work, to have to sweat needlessly and for extended periods of time is something of a dire hatred. The feeling of filth under her fur is a major annoyance and must not stand. She also prefers to either lead or directly follow in dance, not be put on display or shown off, she is no trophy to be stared at.

Emotional Pleasures: While Pherenice does have pride in her self made noble name and actions, being respected is not so much an emotional pleasure for her. The act of being respected for what she has notably done to impress others and deserve that respect however is a good feeling for Pherenice. She holds herself to a high standard any more, and now takes pride and works hard to remain true to her own desires and wants, as well as honoring her efforts and work to become a noble trader, both for her own desire, and also to honor Justine.

Emotional Dislikes: Preferring to be noticed is one thing, but to be shown off as a trophy is something that does not stand. The actions of putting so much work into being well dressed and groomed is time and effort spent wasted if it is not of her own free will, must less just an effort to stand there and strictly look pretty. She has no complaints with verbal debates either, but if she is there and asked to stay for them, then she will be part of them herself as well, and make sure that her words are not misspoken or used out of context. She is as much as self made noble as any other, and she will be respected for it. One does not have to like her, or even bask in her so called radiance, but if she is to be addressed, it will be as an equal, either as the noble or the warrior she is. She will at the very least have the respect of being referred to by name, without slander, and without vice while being directly conversed with. To be spoken ill of behind her back is to be expected, it is a dog eat dog system after all, in some cases more literally than others, and while this does annoy her, she will not openly or directly correct them, unless it is very much to her face, part of the higher standards she would like to hold herself up to.

Favorite Food: Very very specific about her meals, Pherenice either dines at fancy 4 or 5 star restaurants, or cooks her own food. While not having a specific food that is classified as superior to the others, Pherenice does have a favorite spice that she uses and looks for constantly. Although considered a poison to most other species, Pherenice loves the taste of Black Sulfur Crab "Blood", which while often served in many over the top exotic restaurants, is also and much more importantly served with a potent Vineyard Pale Ale that masks that the horrid taste of the antidote. Pherenice is immune to poisons however, in part of her more powerful digital nature and can enjoy as much of the "Blood" seasoning as she desires without consequence.

Favorite Drink / Chemical Substance: Pherenice's favorite drink of choice is a nano-tech enhanced wine, pulsing with lively and potent nano-tech of a digital design called a Celestial Nebula Special. The wine itself is made from sour Martian Grapes grown on mars under heavy strain to give it a strong taste balanced out with sweet Silver Raspberries grown in icy conditions on Pluto and tart baby Garbage Gaggle Berries that are toxic in large numbers found in large toxic dumps. It takes over 2 years for the wine to be considered safe to drink once the brew process starts, early versions of the wine having a small death count. To help counter the toxins, once again the drink is served with a large sum of nano-bots, and it's the nano-bots that give it the signature name, making each glass look like the star filled sky, a swirling nebula of a drink. Fancier version of the drink have an extra added number of nano-bots just to imitate constellations or galaxies in the the drink. Pherenice gets a small high off the nano-bots as they course through her body, while the wine itself gives her a nice buzz, helping her to relax and take it slow, enjoying simple pleasures even more. Almost every time she is with a companion, she gets them both at least one of glass of the drink, or sometimes two for longer nights. (Note - refers to any such material such as recreational drugs, alcohol, other form of mental state substance)


Important Possessions

Wedding Ring: Of all the possessions that Pherenice possess, there are two that Pherenice treasures above all, both from Justine. Above all else is the silver ring that Justine could afford for their wedding. It is a small custom made silver band almost exactly like the gold ones she wears, but has three small gems spaced apart on it, a ruby, a sapphire, and a emerald, all natural, since Justine couldn't afford a real diamond. Justine did her best to get the fanciest and best ring she could since Pherenice almost doubled their profits by acting as the new negotiator for the the crew. Since their wedding, the ring has only left Pherenice's finger for mere minutes at a time when she is washing her hands, and only washing her hands. Due to the unique nature of her hands, her rings never fall off without her direct action.

The second important item that Pherenice holds dear is actually a small bullet vibe. It was one that like with her silver wedding ring, Justine had commissioned for Pherenice. Although it does not see much if any use anymore, the fact that Justine went through so much trouble to get it means a lot to Pherenice. What makes it so unique is that it releases small doses of nano-tech of the digital variety purely for sexual pleasure, but given Pherenice's physical nature, the nano-tech also gives her a bit of a high, and in such a unique way. It was something that Justine would use to make Pherenice squirm so much when it saw use, and has their names both engraved into the remote, It was the only thing that Pherenice has eased into her urethra and has many fond memories, but now is just another important possession to be stored and cared for. Even more rarely than when Pherenice takes a companion, she does tease the small vibe against her urethra a bit just to feel how it is again, to remind herself of how much Justine cared for her.


Important People

Important Person: Justine Warnought

Relation: Lover / Wife

Notes: The first love that Pherenice had, and only real mate, Justine had cancer and pride, the two not mixing in the end causing her death by the infection. Pherenice still refers to Justine as her wife, and misses her greatly, but fully understands Justine's choices, and respects them. She will often hurt any who would speak improperly ill of Justine, even though she does treat and act as a high class lady herself. Pherenice now carries a small album of special pictures that her and Justine shared, and treats them all with respect, treating them all with care and respect, praying for Justine's favor and happiness every night in the next life, following Justine's beliefs about the next life, even if she does not personally share them.

Important Person: Reese

Relation: Daughter

Notes: Pherenice is well aware of the fact that she has a daughter. At first she was lost and confused over her sudden change in existance, but eventually grew to accept that she would not see her daughter again. She now prays weekly for her daughter's safety, Justine even joining her in her weekly prayers. Pherenice can only wonder how her daughter is doing without her, but trusts that she was kept safe and needs never see such an ill-fated and poorly governed star system. Once she is close to Reese again though, she will instantly know it and seek her out, for a happy if also sorrowful reunion.

Important Person: Nathaniel

Relation: Father to Reese

Notes: While Nathaniel and Pherenice were a couple in the sense that both parties were responsible for siring Reese, Pherenice is a little less than eager to call him her husband so much as she refers to him as Reese's Father. The two are good friends, but Reese was not entirely planned so much as she just came to be after a rough night that lead to them sharing too much with each other. Nathaniel was a good digimon by any means of the word, and a hard working father, but he left much to be desired in regards to love and being a husband. Still, since Nathaniel had already sired Reese, Pherenice gave in to his sexual needs every once in awhile, although much more carefully after Reese was born. She could not argue that he was a proper father and she remembers him always trying to do right with her and Reese, even if he got a little rough in bed and did bruise her a few times, perhaps why she was initially turned off by males upon being made flesh. He still holds a small place in her, and she prays for him from time to time as well, but she is not truly as saddened to not see him as she is to miss her daughter.


Lust Interests

Lust Interest: Pherenice has a very pent up sex drive, going months, nearly a year even at time without being played with or even caring for herself. On the nights she does hire a skilled companion, it is always of female persuasion and lasts anywhere from a few hours, to almost all night.

Sexual Desires: Pherenice has yet to find a male she is first trusting enough with, and secondly approving enough to be with. She has has looked into male companionship, but has only ever slept with another female. She primarily prefers to be on the receiving end of pleasure, enjoying fingers and small toys inside her folds, and only fingers or very very small toys to tease her tailhole for a little bit at a time, as well as feeling a female rubbing her folds with her breasts a little, and rubbing her companion's folds with her own furred breasts as well, as well as give them some soft kisses.

Since being made flesh however, she has only had a single experience with males. Her sole "experiences" with a "male" are of pure curiosity, and were strictly and only performed once in a holo-center where she experimented touched, licking, and stroking various holograms designed to react properly to the stimuli, both pleasure and pain. She did not let any of them "finish", nor she work with any one kind of individual for long, having experimented with around 20 different species of male. The sole case of any "male cock" touching her folds was at the shock and size of a horse male, whose standing cock reached 18 inches in length and almost 3 inches at its widest, around 2 and a half inches at the thinnest point, being one of the more recommended and used programs in the sexual holosuite. Her sole physical contact between the cock and her folds was just barely grinding, resting her folds on his balls, pressing the cock up against her stomach and chest just to see how tall it was and how much it would break her, utterly horrified that so many females, often of smaller size would take such a thing. She quickly ended the program after seeing that at least 7 girls were knowingly killed because they forcibly took the entire thing inside them, and has since never even looked at another male for pleasure.

Love Interests

First Love

Love Interest: Justine Warnought

Species: Arctic Fox

Coloration: White Blue fur primary color, with a pure white chest, and black fur on her toes, fingers, and ears. Once married to Pherenice, Justine got some major colorings done, giving her matching purple markings that Pherenice had naturally.

Met How: Among the first contacts of the trading ship that she took to leave the moon she was made flesh on, roughly three years after she was made flesh. It was a slow start between them, the two of them being the only females on the long journey the trade ship was making a moon around Saturn, to Earth, a roughly 3 month venture due to the sheer size of the cargo being shipped via Space Train. Aboard a ship with only 9 other crewmen, all very large sailor like men, Pherenice found comfort and some luxury talking with Justine, and eventually sparking some curiosity, the two eventually sharing a bed. They only shared a bed twice over a few months time, before getting officially married, and Pherenice still carries the silver ring with her to this day, having replaced one of the gold ones she wears with it.

Sexual Interests: At first it was strictly curiosity, both shy in their own way to do anything, but things quickly changed. Pherenice would come to love letting Justine use toys and even a dual strapon (if very very rarely, and more for Justine's pleasure) to play with her. Pherenice's personal sexual pleasures include gentle and soft vaginal play, some very light and very careful urethra teasing, light licking of her breasts and clit, and some foot play. Justine had her own interests and pleasures as well, the two finding a nice way to compromise and experiment with other, eventually coming to an understanding that they would offer sexual pleasures the other desired in return from play that they favored themselves. Since Justine's death however, Pherenice's sex drive has greatly diminished to almost nothing, but she does find the very rare trained companion girl to help her out sexually maybe once or twice a year since Justine's death.

Lover's Fate: Although somewhat reluctantly, Pherenice decided that after the initial 3 month journey on the trade ship, she would stay aboard after handling a few affairs of her personal matter. After a short 2 week period to finish her personal affairs, Pherenice joined the ship Justine served on as a permanent crewmen until its final voyage 3 years ago, a long and well fought, entirely worthwhile 8 year commitment. Justine was slowly starting to succumb to cancer, but being the ship's accountant and dealer, it made little effect on her work. Justine still continued to help the crew in other ways as well on their journeys. The final voyage of the ship however was a very unexpected one, due to pirates attacking and disabling the ship. Although Pherenice could have held them off, she had gotten to know the crew and did not want any more of them to die, 3 of the 11 crew killed in the initial attack, and the others all wounded. While they were all tended to physically by the pirates, and Pherenice kept her word to not cause more trouble, actually doing some work for the pirates that would not make her hurt others, Justine's cancerous condition took a turn for the worse. The pirates managed to get their hands on a shipment of nano-tech in the very next raid after capturing Justine, Pherenice, and the others, but made it clear that nano-tech was only for high value slaves, and if Justine didn't start putting her body to work sexually, as well as helping out entirely, she wouldn't get any. Justine just refused, too prideful to help the pirates further their goals more than she was already. She knew she was dying, and wouldn't last long anyway, and there was no promise the nano-tech would cure her enough to make her life worth going on for more than a few years. Justine died on her own terms, a few days later, trying to hang on with just her own will power, but ultimately she couldn't hold out. Pherenice awake on her cell with Justine dead at her side that morning, and at once, all of her rage was let out, the remaining crewmen all siding with Pherenice and sparking a strong rebellion in the slave pens. Justine's funeral pyre was a sight to behold, only a dozen slaves alive to escape the pirate's station and its decaying orbit, ultimately crashing into Saturn. Of the crew, only Pherenice and 3 others survived, all going their own ways after the event, Pherenice completely uncaring for the other 8 slaves who were freed with them.





Digital Being: Due to first and foremost appearing to be a digital creature, anything of a digital design is far more open to Pherenice. She can feel it, almost touch it, interact with it mentally to some degree.This results in many instance of Pherenice being able to open digital locks she shouldn't always be able to, easily navigating digital menus, and even working through sometimes frustrating digital programs with somewhat ease. This effect only applies to purely digital devices and interfaces however, Crystal Tech, Organic Circuits, and Analog technologies are all beyond her innate digital abilities and as such, she holds no mental sway over them. The longer she spends "connected" to some kind of digital item, she forms a bond with it. Having aged and matured, being a stronger Digital Being, Pherenice's abilities also expand to a small form of digital telepathy, allowing her to look right into digital devices entirely. Although security programs can give her some trouble, there is little to stop her from getting into digital information with enough time and effort, as well as destroy digital devices from the inside, but only regarding the interface she is working with. In terms of direct physical status however, Pherenice is immune to most "poisons" and even most "diseases". Food and Drink are more pleasure to her, and to survive, she needs energy more than physical sustenance.

Talisman Weaponry: In the same manner that Reese can summon diamond like shards, Pherenice's primary ability is to summon what appear as paper talisman's, only of a very fiery nature. Some burn like napalm, others cast fire out like an explosion, and some purely assault the target's mind directly. In the case of the "mind rape", it's all a matter of chemical insanity, and selective kinds of nano-tech, or an overly trained mind can dampen, or ignore the effects. By wearing a very fancy nano-tech enhanced combat monk robes, she makes it appear as though she has hundreds of the paper weapons in her sleeves for general combat purposes.


Post Reunion Changes

Personality Changes: Upon first feeling, and then quickly finding Reese, who she knows is her daughter, and Reese knows Pherenice is her mother, there is a great weight lifted from Pherenice. She quickly lightens up to some degree, if just as suddenly working harder than ever as a Noble Trader. Additionally, she starts to take it a bit easier in live combat sports, instead moving to perfect her moves now and act on style and grace, starting to make a show and display of her actions rather than just utter brute force. In terms of sex, she still is very much determined that a couple having sex should be married, and as neither of them mention a wedding or rings, she assumes that Reese and Samuel are just dating at best, without sex. Caring so much and so happy to have her daughter back, she very forcibly takes them into her residence after giving them some time to prepare their things while she prepares rooms for them. While she will let them have rooms next to each other, they will have separate bedrooms however within her home for the current time. Additionally Pherenice picks up the tab on Bradlew's protection services, and also talks him down considerably in exchange for other services that she can arrange for. She is now overly protective of her daughter and wishes so much to make up for lost time. She also introduces her daughter to her favorite drink, and Reese in turns shows off her own "addiction", which Pherenice is unsure of and begins to talk with Sam about, wanting to know exactly how she actually behaves under the effects of the medical nano-tech, knowing firsthand that how you say you act is not always the case when partaking of exotic pleasures.

Lifestyle Changes: Upon reuniting with her daughter, she will give Reese and Samuel some time to prepare, before relocating them, forcibly if need be to her residence. Her Estate shall quickly become more than just an address, it will actually begin to see full use at last, and the staff will increase slightly. Pherenice will personally make up for lost time spent away from her daughter, and put a real chunk of her efforts into getting to know her daughter, and as a result, Samuel as Reese is tied to the man in a way. Pherenice will quickly prove to a strong mother, and help to guide her daughter properly, not forcing Reese to take the same life that Pherenice has herself, but one that makes her happy. As a result, Pherenice will slowly begin to enjoy more "peasant" pleasures if still treating Reese and Sam to a fair deal of high life treats. Pherenice can never truly leave the high life now, but she will work to join her daughter by participating in things Reese enjoys and will care for them properly for as long as she is able.

Sexual Desires: Having found her daughter and been given some peace of mind at last, Pherenice slowly starts to look for companionship once more herself, at first just playing with herself a little more often than usual, putting Justine's vibe to use again in private, as well as hiring a companion to help her fully relax after a time. Little by little, with her love being warmed once more, she is starting to desire a bit of sex herself again. Samuel will be the first actual male she has ever had personal interest in, and will be the first after a long long while that she will have sex with, and the only male she will ever have sex with afterward, still heavily preferring female companionship.

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