
Story by shadow_panther_pj on SoFurry

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#5 of Shadow of Light

Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro character. If you wish to use one of the main characters in this story, ask me first or I will complain to the administrators. And be sure to give credit where credit is due. Thank you and happy reading.

Darkness surrounds me. I know I'm dreaming, but something is different this time. Usually my dreams are laced with a sense of danger and fear, but not this time. All I feel is comfort, the swirling darkness giving me a sense of peace and safety that normally only a kit in the womb would feel. I shut my eyes and bask in the glorious feeling.

"PJ, wake up," an angelic voice says, rousing me from my slumber. Opening my eyes I see the owner of the voice, Cress.

"Good morning," I say, giving her a soft kiss.

"Good morning," she replies, returning the kiss. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Hmm, how about some cereal?" I reply.

"Sure thing," Cress says, getting up and putting on a robe, her majestic wings folded within it, and heads down stairs to the kitchen with me close behind. When we enter the kitchen we find Cresses dad sitting at the table.

"Cresselia, PJ, have a seat, we need to talk," he says, his voice void of emotion and his eyes all white except for his pupils.

'Oh crap, he's going to kill me!' I think as we sit side-by-side across from Cresses dad.

For a few minutes no one says anything, the silence is worse than any amount of yelling or shouting. Finally I can take no more. "Mr. Jones, I'm so sorry I..."

"Do you love Cresselia?" Cresses dad says, cutting me off.

"Yes sir, more than life itself," I answer, a little taken aback. "I would do anything to be by her side, anything."

"Oh really," he says, getting up. "Let's see just how far you are willing to go to be with Cress. Fight me, and we'll see just how much you love her," he says, his eyes turning grey.

"Fine," I say, standing up with Cress to face him. "I would fight all the armies of the world and win if it means being with Cress." Following Cresses dad we enter a fairly large and empty room with a high ceiling and lightly padded floor.

'PJ, you can not fight him alone, let me help,' Shadow says in my mind.

'Shadow, this is my battle,'

'I know, but at least let me help. Remember, we share a body and mind, so we can achieve a level of teamwork few others can. I can give you access to all my knowledge and skill, all you need to do is ask.'

'Hm, sure, can I use your skill and knowledge?'

'Yes, you may.' Suddenly I am assaulted by information, fighting styles and pressure points, my marks glowing ever so faintly.

"Begin," Mr. Jones says, charging me, his eyes turning bright red. I quickly strike a defensive stance, turning so my right side faces him, shifting my weight back on my left leg and sticking my right out a little, my right arm fully extended and my left bent so that my paw is in front of my chest and my elbow is pointing away from him and my head turned towards him.

He tries to punch me in the face, but I deflect the blow by grabbing his wrist with my right paw, spinning counter-clockwise and elbowing the back of his head with my left. He wrenches his wrist free and throws a right hook, which I catch in my left arm wrapping it around his arm like a constrictor. Sensing an opportunity I quickly jab his nose and the underside of his muzzle. But he stops my assault by landing a good left hook to my head, making my grip on his arm weaken allowing him to pull it free. I quickly snap out of my daze to see a fist flying towards me. Suddenly my marks glow noticeably brighter and time seems to slow, but this time I'm not slowed with it. Side stepping to the right I grab his wrist with both paws and pull hard, stepping on his right foot-paw and sending him crashing to the ground with me on top of him, pinning him with my elbow digging in between his wings. Howling in pain he tries to use his paws to get free but I grab his wrists and pin them between his wings, holding them with just one paw.

"Do you yield?" I ask calmly, my marks dimming.

"Yes, you win," he replies, pain obvious in his voice.

"Ok," I say, getting off him and helping him up, his eyes green with a hint of red.

"You're good, real good. If you love Cresselia enough to beat me then there's no point in even trying to keep you two apart, so I won't," he says with a gleam in his now pure green. "Now you two better get ready for school."

"We don't have school today," Cress replies, standing beside me. "All the teachers are out of town in some kind of seminar or something."

"Oh, then you better go home, PJ. I'll call your parents so they can pick you up," Mr. Jones says.

"Thanks Mr. Jones," I reply.

"Please, call me Aaron," he says, pulling out his cell phone. "What is your number again?"

"Oh, it's 903-576-0952," I answer.

"Thanks," he says, holding his phone up to the side of his head (reptiles don't have ears). "Yes, I have PJ right here. No he's not in any kind of trouble, yes, ok, have a nice day, bye. Your parents are on there way, they should be here in a few minutes,"

"Thanks Aaron," I say.

"Why don't we wait for them outside?" Cress asks.

"Sure, why not," I reply, holding her hand and letting her lead me. We hear a honk as we reach the front door. Opening it I see my mom's little white Fire bird, mom at the wheel and dad riding shotgun. 'Something just doesn't feel right' I think to myself as I step out the door and walk to the car, Cress following close behind. But just as I'm reaching for the handle I look to my left to see a big rig barreling towards the tiny little car. Acting on impulse I turn and tackle Cress out of the way, just as the big rig plows into the tiny little car, which explodes on impact and burning all the fur off my back. Then I feel a quick jolt of pain on the back of my head and everything goes black.


Shadows point of view


Sensing that PJ is unconscious I swiftly take control and asses the situation. Cresselia lay unconscious beneath me and the flaming wreckage of what used to be PJ's parents' car behind me. The sent of burning flesh and fur assaults my nose with every breath. Getting up a bolt of searing pain rips through my back, making me cry out and drop to a kneel. I look behind me to examine the flaming wreckage to see the cars battery catch fire. Acting fast I pick up Cresselia and run to the door as fast as I can, ignoring the excruciating pain emanating from my badly burned back, making it inside just as the car explodes a second time.

"OH MY GOD CRESS, is she ok?!?!" Mr. Jones asks in panic, his eyes turning bright yellow.

"She is unharmed. The shock of the explosion knocked her out cold. PJ shielded her from the heat of the blast," I reply.

"Then why, oh never mind. Just get her to her room and in bed," he says, worry clear in his voice, his eyes turning a shade closer to green.

"Yes sir," I say as I head for Cresses room. But as I pass Mr. Jones he stops me. "What is the matter?" I inquire.

"Half your body is covered in what look like second degree burns! How are you even able to stand!?!" He replies, clearly astounded at my resilience. "Just set Cress down on the couch and I'll call the ambulance," he says, heading for the wall mounted phone.

"No, they-" I start, but am interrupted by a tremor hitting the house like a small earth quake. "There is not much time," I say, laying Cress down on the couch.

"What the hell was that!?" Aaron asks.

"The gas the truck was hauling probably ignited, and once it reached the right gas/air ratio, exploded. I'm amazed the house is as unaffected as it is. Quick, take Cress outside, the flaming shrapnel from the explosion probably caught the house on fire," I say, looking outside to confirm my suspicions. "The fires are still small and if we act quickly we can put them out," I say, looking back at Aaron. "Aaron, do you have a water hose?"

"Yeah, stay with Cress, I'll take care of the fire," he says, running outside, his eyes turning a fiery red.

Moments later he returns. "Ok, the fires are out and the police are on there way,"

"That is good, now do you have something for the burns on PJ's back?" I inquire.

"Yeah," he says as he goes to another part of the house, returning with a bottle. "Here it is," he says, applying the ointment to my scorched back.

"Thank you," I reply, sirens audible in the distance.

"Sounds like help is on the way," Aaron says.

"Good, now we can tend to Cress," I say as I turn to look at Cress. After a few seconds an ambulance and two fire trucks arrive at the wreckage, followed by three police cars and a news van. After the police take our statements Cress starts to wake up.

"Oh man, what happened?" Cress asks, but before I could answer her she interrupts me. "Oh my god, PJ, are you ok? I thought the blast knocked you out,"

"It did," I reply. "He is still unconscious,"

"Then how are you talking to me right now?" She asks, her eyes turning a dull yellow.

"Allow me to explain, my name is Shadow. I am PJ's duel personality. I was manifested at the same time his marks appeared. I can take control when PJ is unable to handle a situation or when I am needed. It is my duty to repair the damage his parents inflicted on his psyche and to protect him and those close to him. Now I must depart, PJ is waking," I say, feeling PJ begin to regain consciousness. "I will fill him in on what happened after he was knocked unconscious so he will not fully awaken until he is informed of the situation," I say. "Until next time, good bye,"


PJ's point of view


As I regain consciousness Shadow fills me in on everything that happened while I was out. "PJ, are you ok?" Cress asks me.

"Aside from the burns covering my back I'm fine. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just, my parents are dead and I have nowhere to live. My entire life has turned upside down and I don't know what to do or were to go,"

"You can stay with us," Cresses dad says as he enters the living room.

"Really?" I ask, dumb founded and exited at the same time.

"Sure, we'll get your things tomorrow and I'll file the adoption forms. You're already like family, may as well make it official," he replies, his eyes a bright, cheery green.

"Thank you, I couldn't have possibly asked for anything better," I say, hugging Cress and her dad, my new family.


Hope you like the fifth, please comment I've been getting almost none of them lately and as an author I am paid in comments.

New Love

Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro...

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New Relations

Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro...

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Disclaimer: I own PJ (oc) and Shadow (oc). Mike, Ignitus, and Zach are owned by some friends of mine. Ignitus is not related to Spyro in any way except for my friend, who is portrayed in the story as Ignitus, got the name from her favorite Spyro...

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