What We've Written

Story by Visilan Kryel on SoFurry

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There is a power in the written word,

A beauty lost in time and veiled from sight,

The voice of art still struggling to be heard.

The mating of the ink and page have lurred,

My passion out of hiding from the light,

There is a power in the written word.

Success in ev'ry piece is ne'er assured,

And though I stood with all my mind and might,

The voice of art still struggles to be heard.

If you, like me, have had your fervor stirred,

Pick up your pen and know in times of blight.

There is a power in the written word.

So many wounds and scars that art has cured,

But still mankind seeks out another fight.

The voice of art still struggles to be heard.

With all that writers have writ or inferred,

Yes even stories written to cause fright,

There is a power in the written word,

The voice of art still struggling to be heard.