Leon the Sheep
Leon is a lion member of the elite Anti-Flock squad sent to halt the invasion of this seemingly godlike virus. His primary mission had failed, his squad is lost, and he is trying his hardest to remain a lion.
A long abandoned apartment sickly creaked with the rest of the dilapidated structure. Its owners had fled deeper into the city. Behind the walls, away from The Flock. Abandoned as it was it had made a close friend to dust and cobwebs alike. Both were disturbed by the heavily armed and panicked anthro lion kicking open the door.
Leon slammed the now broken door behind him. It bounced back partly due to a distinct lack of the handle which had once been attached. The desperate kick from the lion had seen to its loss. A soft scraping, muffled by the dust on the floor, echoed around the room. This was the first time furniture was moved for quite some time in this building. Stifling a cough the Anti-Flock militia member set to work barricading the door with all the the heaviest furniture in the room he could find.
A loud sheepish bleat rang out from a lower floor. Leon tore his helmet off to free his ears. They perked swiveled and swirled with frantic energy, desperate to get a distance read on the second bleat that so often followed. His mane poofed out awkwardly on one side of his face, no doubt thanks to the tight helmet. The Flock member seemed far enough below for him to build a barricade strong enough. He sighed as he once more resumed his furniture collecting duties for a short while. It didn't take long for him to arrange nearly everything larger than a fist into a pile upon the battered door.
Leon pulled a comm unit out of his vest and slapped a button,"Agent Leon reporting back to home base. Every member of my unit has been taken by The Flock. I'm on floor 6 room...18 or 19. I'm one click south of the extraction sight. I am requesting immediate evac. Over."
No response. He paced. The announcing bleats had been a few floors down. He didn't have long. Still no response. The pressed in fur on his neck felt strange as he scratched at it, helmet must have matted it down. A buzzing noise played over his radio. Command was attempting contact, but something about the hesitation made him nervous. The buzz faded away and he was finally blessed with words.
"Can't do that soldier. Your vitals are reporting roughly 400 LBL. You've been infected soldier. If everything else is reading out properly you aren't out of ammo on your side arm. So you know what to do. Goodbye soldier."
Leon growled and cursed and tossed the radio hard against the wall. Walking deeper into the abandoned apartment the lion was soon hit with a adrenaline rush the moment his LBL levels were read to him. The Flock couldn't have gotten through his suit could they?
Leon scrambled into the dark and similarly untouched bathroom to the one and took out his flashlight. Aiming the torch back at and smearing off the thick layer of dust coating the mirror he looked himself over. He realized solemnly that his mane wasn't being held down on the right side of his head thanks to a tight helmet. A soft to the touch layer of latex had spread over his neck. It radiated outward from a spot just above the neckline of his protective suit.
"Bastard must have nicked me when I was running..." he huffed under his breath. He was in no pain. Even though the black and white latex pattern had burrowed through his skin and begun to alter every piece of him it could get its cloven hooves on the infection did not hurt. In fact during its initial inception The Flock made sure the first part of the body it got to were the nerves. Finding and replacing the ability to feel pain meant that the only thing that was helping Leon remain nervous now was the conditioning he had received through training.
The Flock was evil, becoming a member of The Flock was worse than death, The Flock will kill your family. In fact it may make you end up killing your family. All these ideas were drilled into his head until he believed them, and because he believed them he reached suddenly for his pistol. Lucky for him and The Flock alike he pulled it from his shoulder holster with the same paw he had scratched along the infected section of his neck. As he pulled it back and tried to level it against his head, as per orders, he felt his fingers drawn together rapidly. Almost instantly the five fingers became three more hoof-like digits, so that through The Flock's gift of a new more sheeplike hand the gun was rendered inoperable. The gun clattered to the floor. The soldier could not realize it at the time, but this would have been his last chance to ever fire a gun in his soon to be much longer life.
The resounding slap of latex hooves battered at the door he had barricaded so hastily caused him to actually experience something for the last time. That something was fear. What control The Flock did have over him now flooded him with a perfect cocktail of mimicked hormones to make him want to run rather than bother fumbling with the gun. Even as he ducked from the bathroom and hurried down the hallway Leon knew it was over. Intuiting that it was the latex now covering much of his back was compelling him to run was simple, he was disobeying his orders after all. It was a clever tactic that pulled him further away from the item that would have most helped him defy The Flock.
There were two wills now competing for control over his body, and by running in response to the hormone cocktail he had all but conceded defeat. At this point The Flock, aware of its victory, allowed its soon to be newest member to hastily erect a second meaningless barricade in the bedroom at the back of the small dilapidated apartment. Leon knew it was too late as well, but went through with the motions anyway. It brought him some comfort that even now he could resist The Flock's growing influence on some level.
The Flock was fully away he was resisting for the sake of resistance, and even permitted this small comfort for a time. Instead it focused its conscious efforts on spreading through the internals of his body. Interfacing directly with his mind could result in a panic. It was not the first time they had infected a soldier. Countless mammals over the years had fallen to its siren call over the years now. Efficiency at enveloping them, regardless of their opinion on the matter, had reached a 100% success rate in just a few months. It has since concluded near total Flock conversion of the remaining world was inevitable. Now, Leon would succumb to either The Flock's embrace or a self induced termination.
Leon had failed to follow through with the second option. The apartment intruding members of The Flock finished off the transforming lion's first barricade. Three of the newest members of The Flock, former platoon members each, rushed in. Two concerned themselves with the second barricade while the other dismantled the gun on the ground. Leon braced himself up against the door even now as half his body coated itself with the black and white latex of sheepdom. Straining now he let out one final deafening roar in defiance as The Flock started to intrude on his mind.
"Hello," came the voice in his head. The three sheep pushing against the barricade now said the same word together. Such a strange sound combined with a thought so intrusive flummoxed the lion. Seizing on the momentary confusion the three sheep pushed the door in, sending Leon to the floor in a huff. Turning to crawl away the three sheep were soon upon him, and there was no denying that The Flock had claimed him. The three fully converted sheep were frowning however. This victory, like every victory, came with a certain tinge of sadness.
Leon had to be forced on some level in accepting The Flock. Soon a smile drifted onto all three of the latex sheep's faces. As they held him down they, along with countless other members, were learning intimate details about Leon that he never would have shared without such an intrusion into his mind. The specific thoughts that brought a smile to the faces of the surrounding Flockmates was of Leon's sexual fantasies. He had, on precisely two occasions, masturbated to the thought of being taken by The Flock through sex. The three males above him would happily oblige indulging in such a base fantasy.
The Flock was always crafty with how it adopted its members. A surprisingly large amount had even preferred to do things this way. The three members of The Flock, and by extension the entire Flock itself, were quite happy he had experienced such fantasies. The two sheep to either side of him set to work pulling off his outfit. Leon was unable to push them away no, having had both his arms covered in the latex. His outfit had grown excessively tight, a feeling he did not receive, but one that his fellow Flock members did.
As all members of The Flock know, and as Leon was learning, pain is too negative a sensation to experience yourself. Instead of experiencing pain, fellow members are made consciously aware of this. All Leon was experiencing now was the pleasure his fellow Flockmates were receiving as they undressed him. Naked now, the last of the lions fur along his thighs and legs was being coated and converted. His once lengthy tail now syphoned into a nub raised itself. Leon let out a bleat of shame as his former platoon members worked him over. He worked his way up to his hands and knees as The Flock took more complete control over his motor functions.
There was no fighting this, and as good as it felt now he was beginning to wonder why he would even bother. This was the allure of The Flock he was warned about, but no amount of training and conditioning could prepare the male from such relief. Leon had been made wholly aware of how painful it was to live in a body that obeyed the usual rules that pervaded pre-Latex life. What he was met with felt euphoric, and it was merely this euphoric because The Flock knew full well that flash integration could overwhelm new initiates. Leon would be introduced to his new roll as one of them slowly. His fellow members would show him the way.
Formerly his captain, the larger of the three sheep leaned over and wrapped his cloven latex hooves around the initiate. Both male's cock were out now, Leon's smaller still barbed one flared up and grew insatiably erect. Leon had never been quite so aroused as he now was with his former captain's prick positioned just behind his shifting rear end. Letting out a bleat the captain drove forward, ramming himself fully inside his former subordinate now. The pleasure was instant, and the pain non-existent. Leon emptied himself of his lionel seed just as his genitalia started to conform to The Flock's standards.
Leon shuddered as the captain pulled back for the first true thrust in and out of his latex body. Every single artificial cell in his form seemed to light up in anticipation. Just as the second thrust slammed home he could feel himself both experiencing the thrust as well as experiencing the pleasure of committing the thrust himself. Leon and the former captain were both synchronized to a greater degree now, and though he was not feeling everything the captain was feeling, as the captain was feeling all of The Flock, the initiate could feel everything the former captain's physical form was now experiencing as well. It was all pleasure. The Flock gave him a modicum of control now, allowing his will to look down upon what was once his body.
Nothing Leon had ever experienced in his life could quite compare. Feeling himself both give and receiving the most pleasant sexual experience of his life The Flock soon flooded what was once his solitary mine with the sexual gratification of watching from the side. The two other Flockmates were simply watching for a while, each honored to bear witness to a new member's initiation. Even though they had only joined the very same day it felt as though they had been one with The Flock for a lifetime. The time had been as pleasurable as it was endless, and more fulfilling than the Captain's mounting was for Leon. They could feel the touch of Leon's mind, and Leon could feel how happy they were to receive his presence into the collective. The new member also felt just how aroused the onlookers were.
As Leon's wills touched upon their own he could feel the desires they felt as though it were his own. To satisfy themselves as well as himself became his priority. He gave up control of the Captain who eagerly rejoined the whole of The Flock. The former lion now focused on getting his old friends from the Anti-Flock squad to join in as well. The first slipped under him hastily, their now identical latex cocks frotted against one another. More excitement for the individuals meant more excitement for The Flock. Leon's friend from the squad slipped onto his knees in front of the converted lion. He was the one that helped Leon get away in time to make it to the hotel. Now Leon smiled up at one of what would soon be a billion plus partners across the globe.
Leon slipped away from the captain and took his friend in his entirety. The captain soon caught up however, and thrusted forward to force the new sheep to take his would be savior's cock to the very hilt. All four males, and The Flock itself, were glad that the transformation had rid every one of them of a gag reflex. As such Leon had no trouble being forced so powerfully into this otherwise compromising situation. He was feeling better than he ever had in his old body. In no small part thanks to The Flock's gradual growth of the pleasure center of his brain. How else could one male experience the pleasure of four? How else could the very same male soon experience the pleasure of thousands?
All over the world Leon's pleasure could be felt. It was like this with every new addition. Every new member. It was nothing but uninterrupted ecstasy as far as the latex had spread. As Leon resigned himself to joining he could begin to feel his control over the other three males weakening. Their pleasure he could feel, but now The Flock was once more in charge of them all. All three pounded away at him. His rear end felt stuffed beyond belief as the captain's precum let him hilt the tail end of the initiate. His friend up front's cock likewise slickened his mouth up via an added spurt of preseed. The sheer fucking from both ends hardly gave him the wiggle room to thrust downward, but The Flock made sure to let him squirm downward of his own volition.
The only choice Leon could now realistically make in life that wasn't up to The Flock was how much pleasure to give to The Flock. Feeling his pleasure being copied and transmitted across the globe involved a harrowing amount of openness. At first he withdrew. The thrusting towards his partner below stopped while the two more dominant males continued to pound away. The Flock had a go to solution for this common fright. For every second of pleasure he allowed to transmit uninterrupted The Flock would provide the sexual pleasure of two additional members out there in the world. It took but a second of surrender for him to be damned in this regard.
Leon thrust downward, feeling the encroaching hive mind reach into his own and multiply the satisfaction that came from such a maneuver after each thrust. Not having already climaxed was more of a surprise to the former lion than anything else he had experienced so far. Each and every thrust brought with it a firsthand experience of more and more members all over the world. Initiations like his own washed over his diminished individuality. He was but a comet now, orbiting endlessly around the star that was The Flock. How desperately he wanted to join now. His devotion reached its peak. The Flock embraced him, and he let it show him not what he had lost, but what he had gained.
All three fellow members took note of his joining, and rejoiced in the ease by which their thoughts transmitted to one another. The total web of souls which made up the entirety of the entity they had all so willingly joined with. All four males picked up speed. The pleasure of a few hundred fellow joinings aided them in tandem with the thousands upon thousands of Flockmates making love for recreational purposes. It felt like nothing the entity once known as Leon had ever experienced. He came. He came again. He came a thousand times over. One of those times happened to be when his physical form achieved its climax. He was not sure which.
His Flockmates likewise came within him. An experience he also felt occurring many times more than it had occurred just then in that raggedy old apartment. The domination and submission alike continued to flood through his mind as much as his former squad mate's seed now flooded his body. So completely was the domination. So utterly the joining. All at once. He was in The Flock and The Flock was most certainly in him. As the males pulled out of what was once his lone body the part of The Flock that was once Leon regretted not joining sooner.