Krater's Gym

Story by Atharen McDohl on SoFurry

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#2 of Varied Shorts

This was supposed to be a quick romp, but ended up getting a bit longer than originally intended. Still, it was a hell of a lot of fun to put together this gift for my good friend FA: Krater . A nice project between more serious projects. For those having trouble picturing what a bear/kangaroo hybrid looks like, check out this art by Kraest

Rain poured outside, the clouds doing their best to claim that it was night. In truth they weren't far off. It was after hours, and the gym was closed - mostly. Some patrons paid extra to stay late, and Krater certainly didn't mind. In fact, he would often join the three to ten muscled guys who remained after he locked the doors, working up a good sweat with them. Some might just leave the gym open longer, but there were reasons to keep his exclusive group private.

Krater smiled as he pulled down the blinds on the front windows.

A large, firm hand wrapped around his belly as he obscured the last window, running over the bearoo's abs. Krater stiffened in surprise but quickly relaxed when he felt the hot rod prodding at the rear of his blue shorts. "Still wearing these?" The warm breath sounded over his long ear, a rumbling, masculine voice. "I was hoping you'd be more enthusiastic about joining us today, my boy."

"I asked you to keep your pants on until after all the blinds were closed, Jeff," Krater protested, though he let that thick shaft rub against him without complaint.

The bull chuckled, letting his hand roam up to Krater's chest and feeling up the bearoo's growing package with the other. "C'mon, it's raining pretty hard. Ain't nobody been out there for over an hour, I'll bet. I could put up the blinds and fuck ya right against this window and nobody would know. 'Sides, it's a special day. Got a surprise for you." A firm squeeze followed, though that was anything but surprising from Jeff. Even so, it earned a soft hum.

"Special? What's special about today?" Krater glanced at the windows to be sure they were all set before pulling himself free and stepping out of his shorts. He let them hang on his tail, the line of fuzz along its length keeping the stretchy fabric in place. "It's not your birthday, is it?"

"'Course not," the lumbering bull replied, smiling as he ran the tip of his finger up Krater's length. "If it were my birthday, I would have fucked you against the window long before you got the blinds down." His thick, bovine shaft was already hard and leaking profusely, but Krater had gotten accustomed to cleaning it from the floors. And the equipment. And the ceiling lights. "No, it's been a year since you opened."

"A year, of course you'd remember." Much as the bull liked to put on the tough guy act, Krater knew he was a romantic at heart. A romantic with hefty balls and immeasurable sex drive. He let his gaze linger on those balls, thinking of the times they'd emptied into him. When he'd given Jeff the key to the gym's back door, the bull had taken it as an invitation to Krater's own personal rear entrance. The bearoo didn't mind, at least when Jeff fucked him after hours. They'd almost been caught many times, but not for weeks.

Come to think of it, none of his regulars had pounded him in over two weeks. It wasn't often they let him get away with his paperwork excuse, despite the fact that he really did have a lot of it to get done, but now they let him go every time. Had they all lost interest in him? Maybe they were all too absorbed in that new boy, Ajit. The tiger was pretty handsome, after all, and that accent made him unique, exotic. No surprise he got so much action around here.

The ground fell away beneath Krater's hind paws as Jeff scooped him up, breaking his reverie. "Gotcha, big boy. Let's go hit the weight room. You haven't done the bench yet, right? I'll spot ya." Those thick arms held him securely in place, not that Krater had any desire to leave. Still, it felt great to feel the strength in Jeff's body around him, holding him, and the short, soft fur rubbing against him.

"I did the bench right after opening, and you know that because you were ogling me while I did." The rain picked up outside, beating against the window panes, even the sound of it crashing into the cement was distinctly audible.

"Please, you were doing two hundred pounds. If that's 'doing the bench,' then you've gone soft on me," Jeff said, pulling Krater up higher on his shoulder. "And lose these, ya won't need 'em." He grabbed the shorts off Krater's tail and tossed them backward onto one of the machines before opening the door to the weight room.

The sound of the rain was immediately drowned out by a loud shout. "Surprise!" Krater twisted his neck to get a good look at the room, blinking a couple times. The mirrors along the walls made the room look more full than it was, but there must still have been a dozen guys there. No, more. Unless someone was missing, and that didn't seem to be the case, there would be sixteen, including Jeff. Naturally, not one was wearing anything more substantial than a cockring.

"Wow. Uh... Thanks, everyone." Krater tried to twist around for a better view, but Jeff held him firmly in place. He did turn a bit, though. "You're throwing me a party?"

"'Course we are, my boy!" Jeff said with a laugh. "You give us a place to hang out, we thought we'd do somethin' for ya. Now come on, you're still gettin' on that bench." Krater noticed that Jeff had positioned his cock against the bull's abs, which rubbed him with each step toward the only bench that hadn't been pushed against a wall. Grinning, Krater happily pressed his hips firmly into the toned muscle right up until Jeff threw him down.

Glancing at the discs on the bar, Krater smirked. "I thought you said two hundred pounds was soft, Jeff." He wriggled his way beneath it and prepared to lift, waiting for the huge bull to get in place. He couldn't decide which he liked more, the taboo of checking out one of these guys by staring up his shorts while they spotted him - intentionally placing their legs to let him, of course - or being able to stare down a full rod head on, and let it drip onto his face.

"That's just the start, boy. If that's all you can handle, we ain't gonna break you with a real man's load." He bent down and leaned in close, though his voice wasn't any lower. "Either load. Now lift." He stood up to give the bearoo some room, hands ready to give any assistance that might be needed.

Muscles strained in protest as Krater forced the bar upward, fully extending his arms. He only got to work out when James or Clara was on shift, but even so he usually got a little sore. In truth, two hundred wasn't his limit, but it was closer than he'd like. He looked around the room, watching as several of the guys started to jack off while they watched him, though none were going at it in earnest. Most had their paws on someone else's cock. They probably knew it was chest day, they'd have picked the leg press if it were tomorrow. Assholes.

Bringing the bar back down was much more strenuous than lifting it, but he managed without help. The first drop of Jeff's pre landed on the tip of his nose as he started lifting, and Krater smiled. They were his assholes, even if he didn't often take advantage of that particular piece of anatomy, and he was glad to have them, even if it meant his arms would be completely burned out in an hour. He kept straining against that bar, getting into a good rhythm and letting more pre drip onto his face.

Jeff's arms tensed a little as a couple other guys slid more weights onto the bar. "Up to two-forty, boy. Can you handle it?" He wore a teasing smile. If it were just him, Krater might have set the bar in place and just pulled Jeff onto him right there, but everyone was watching. He could handle it.

"Not unless you put a couple more on," Krater replied, starting to puff from exertion. Jeff laughed and nodded, the bar grew heavier still. Two hundred eighty pounds. He'd done more. Up and down, no giving in. "What about you guys, not gonna jump in? I thought you liked getting all sweaty together!"

Ajit stepped in close and smirked. "There is a more strenuous activity, and that's what we have been doing." They all broke out into laughs. More strenuous? Krater raised an eyebrow, but continued lifting. Probably just fucking in some new position.

"He's right," Jeff said. "Couple weeks now, isn't that right? But we'll get to that later, boy. You're ready for more now, right?"

Krater closed an eye as a thick drop of pre fell right on it, huffing hard. "Can't stop... before three hundred."

"If that's what you want, you should just lift my dong!" one of the onlookers said. Krater wasn't sure which at this point, focused on the bar as it got heavier still. Though his arms burned, he pushed them to continue, he'd forced himself through worse. Twenty reps at three hundred, that would be fair. His tail started pulling instinctively on the bench's supports, as though it could counter the heavy weight he was lifting.

At the twentieth rep, he lifted the bar into its resting place. "I think... we can call that good for now... Don't you?"

"Come on, I've seen you do four hundred before." Jeff chuckled, but he did make sure the bar was set in place. Ajit pushed a straw to his lips, and he gratefully took a drink of water. They might all be pervs, but they weren't stupid, and they did care about him. He was a little disappointed that the water washed away the taste of Jeff's pre, but if he knew the bull - and he did - there would be much, much more. It only took a small head tilt to catch the first bit and swallow it down once he'd finished drinking.

"I don't imagine that your surprise... was catching me up on my exercises," Krater said, letting his arms fall limp at his sides. His tail slowly relaxed, uncurling a little at a time. "What've you got planned, Jeff?"

A mischievous grin spread across the bull's face. He leaned in close and grabbed Krater's biceps, pinning them down as though they were much use anyway. "That strenuous activity we've been doing? That's the surprise, boy. Part of it, anyway." Jeff's package was much closer to the bearoo's face now, its scent overwhelming and intoxicating. His balls swung low, looking heavier than usual. "Ain't none of us gone off in two weeks, boy. We're ready to fix that."

"Two weeks?" Krater tried to wipe off his eye, but he could barely lift his arm even without being pinned. "Why? You weren't... ignoring me?"

"Boy," Jeff growled, "we been savin' as much as we can manage, and you're gettin' it all tonight. Every drop, in ya or on ya. These boys are right eager to get to work, aren't ya?" A cheer answered him. "Ya ain't strugglin', even if ya want to. But I know ya don't."

Krater's shaft throbbed hard, adding to the pool that had collected on his abs. Two weeks? He'd pawed off a dozen times or more in that time, and these guys had far more libido than he. They'd put themselves through torture, just to give him a thorough fucking.

He smiled.

"I want it, alright. Lemme take as many of you as I can!" He knew they cheered again, but the sound was largely cut off by Jeff's hands taking hold of his ears and guiding his huge rod into the bearoo's face, beyond eager. He could tell Ajit was the first to mount him by the shape of his cock between his cheeks, he was the only feline. That was probably why he'd been hanging close, he was as eager as Jeff.

Pre poured on him like the rain pounded outside as all of them surrounded him, grabbing whichever cock looked most appealing and stroking it. Jeff's cock plunged deep in his throat, making a sizeable bulge in it for everyone to admire. Fuzzy paws grabbed his own and placed them on pulsing shafts. Sore though he was, he happily stroked them onto himself, reveling in the intense smell of musk and sweat.

Jeff came first, letting out thick jets of hot seed down the bearoo's gullet. The moans escaping the bull's chest were deep and powerful, reverberating through Krater's body. All that pent-up need meant none of them would last long, especially the horniest stud in the group. Jeff pulled out of Krater's muzzle and finished onto his face, coating it completely and then some. Krater took advantage of the respite to take some deep breaths before some canine shaft invaded him instead while Ajit blew his load, too.

Thunder cracked, and creamy liquid spilled over Krater's chest, warm and heavy as it soaked into his fur. More and more climaxes shot onto him, he didn't even notice when Ajit pulled out and got replaced by another thick shaft. Invading from both ends, the dicks in him pounded hard and fast, shooting off quickly before being replaced with yet more.

All of it made Krater's head swim. He could barely breathe most of the time, but it only made his cock throb more as every one of them used him. Some got tired of waiting for a turn inside him and started humping his cum-slickened body directly while his prostate got a thorough massage. He came at least twice himself, though nobody touched his cock or balls. Strong paws started kneading his chest and abs, at least three pairs of them. They made sure all that fluid coating him worked in deep, right up to his skin all over his front.

Lips touched against Krater's wet cheek as the last couple guys finished in him, soon replaced by a tongue. It slurped up some of the salty mess as it made its way to his own muzzle, drawing him into a slow kiss. Jeff, for sure. The bull cleaned up around his eyes a bit, but didn't break the kiss for another several seconds.

"Fuck..." Krater moaned, finding his words. He could feel the cool air caressing the inside of his ass, exploring the stretched hole. "That was amazing."

Jeff cocked his head with a smile. "Was? Boy, we're still going." He lifted the bearoo into his arms, giving Krater a good view of his drenched figure in the mirror, making him grin even wider as the bull lowered him onto his shaft, feeling it invade deeper than any of the others. Roan was longer, but the horse must have gone off outside. Surely he'd have felt that beast inside him.

Krater buried his messy face in Jeff's chest, breathing deep and sighing. He could feel every inch of thick bull meat sliding in and out with ease as the bull fucked him, pushing into his body. Warm breath tickled his ear as Jeff whispered into his ear. "As long as any one of us has half a drop left in his nuts, we're all here fucking ya, boy." Krater felt teeth on his sensitive ear and moaned into Jeff's chest.

Another set of paws wrapped around his waist. Krater gasped as a second shaft started rubbing on his rear, a monster of a cock. Bracing himself, he prepared for Roan's entry, letting out a groan as the two immense rods split him wide. Thankfully there was plenty of natural lubricant left in his hole, and he came again as Roan sank in deeper than Jeff already was.

Krater could feel the juices spilling out of his hole, dripping off his body, all around him. The smell filled him with every breath, nearly as much as the two huge cocks inside him did, though they took his breath away. He knew his stomach was bulging, it did that with just Roan inside him, and it felt great. As much as his sore muscles burned and his abused hole screamed, every part of him still swam in ecstasy.

Fresh cum pumped into his ass, easily finding its way down and out of the stretched ring to splash onto the floor below. Roan started to pull out, but Krater wrapped his legs and tail around the horse. "No. Keep going."

"What, you don't want to give everyone a turn?" Roan gave another few thrusts, shivering a little as he did.

Krater pulled his face up, resting his chin on Jeff's shoulder. "It's my special day, isn't it?"

"It is," Roan said, grabbing Krater's ankles, "but this party's on our terms, not yours." He pushed them apart, the bearoo too exhausted to fight back. Once free, Roan yanked his dick out sharply, leaving a void inside Krater's ass. Immediately someone else filled it, frotting Jeff inside the bearoo's slick hole until the bull let out another load, only to be replaced by another cock.

Krater's hole was never left wanting for long as the puddle beneath him grew, formed of the mixed seed of everyone there, himself included. It surprised him when nobody else came to fill the emptiness left inside, and the stag who had finished last set him down on the floor. Immediately, he collapsed right onto that puddle, unable to support himself.

"Looks like your legs are a bit weak there, boy." Krater gasped, looking up at Jeff. "And ya can't claim it's 'cause you're sore this time, leg day's tomorrow!" The bull looked around the room with a grin. "You're all still good for more, right?" That was met with a cheer, along with a throb from Krater's shaft, still rock hard and ready. "Looks like we have more work to do then, boy. To the squat rack!"

Jeff picked him up, mashing their cocks together and grinding hard as he walked out of the weight room, closely followed by the rest. He could only smell the sweat on their bodies, but he could taste it on Jeff, lustily licking at the bull's neck. Out here, the sound of rain was more intense, right next to a window facing into the wind. It beat down hard, but no harder than the fucking Krater had already gotten. He grasped onto the rack's bar as Jeff set him down, stabilizing himself.

Without bothering to wait for anyone to get into position, he started the squats, already exhausted but determined to put on a good show. By the third rep, someone had a cock ready to spear him as he descended, and most of the rest resumed jerking off at him. He smiled wide, thrilled by the manly scent that filled his gym. They always made a mess, but after two weeks without any of them going off, it was more powerful than ever before. Especially with all of them there.

A jet of cum hit his chest dead center, and he dropped himself down hard on the thick shaft below, coaxing out its load as well. The bar seemed heavier on the way up, clenching his ass to milk that dick. Naturally, they were adding more weight again. Still, he pushed himself, harder than ever before. He couldn't stop, not now. He squeezed his eyes shut and powered through, lowering onto a new cock.

Two or three guys started grinding on parts of his tail, noting its relative lack of mess and quickly resolving the problem as several others took aim at his back. He nearly fell a couple times as the floor beneath became slick with male essence, but managed to stay upright until his muscles gave out entirely.

Too much. Pushed too hard. Even the dick lodged deep inside him couldn't persuade him to stand. His whole body was on fire, begging for mercy. Those pleas were drowned out by the need to swim in the pleasure of the sixteen men around him, or were there more? He didn't recognize a few faces.

"Looks like we're done working out for tonight, boys," Jeff said, chuckling. "Time to hit the showers." Briefly, Krater worried that he meant the torrential storm outside, but thankfully they dragged him to the actual showers in the back, leaving behind a trail of seed.

The open showers were already steamy, more than they should be this long after closing. Hot air made him sweat more, him and all the others. Part of Krater smiled on the inside, clearly they meant to get dirty before getting clean. Though they dropped him in front of a shower head, they didn't turn it on, and soon Krater lost himself in bodies pressed all around him. If it weren't for the cock that pressed its way down his throat, he'd think they had picked him up again. A cock or two - or maybe someone's fist, he couldn't tell - worked back into his ass, and he moaned around the dick in his muzzle.

Hot fluid poured around him, but the smell assured him it wasn't water. Somehow they still had more cum left, and it flowed over his body, onto the ones pressed up close to him. The pain in his body faded away as yet more thick cream poured in him and on him, though he still couldn't force any part of his body to move. Not that he wanted to.

Krater was lost in the pile of sweat, bodies, and seed, left only with a hazy sense of pleasure and accomplishment. An eternity in heaven, right there on the floor of his showers. Pressed in with his close friends, with hunky, muscled studs eager to rut until there wasn't anything left in their balls.

He opened his eyes as he regained himself. Jeff was there, the only one left, lying on the floor of the shower chest to chest with the bearoo. His cock was still inside Krater's gaping hole, having spent its last for the night. It seemed as though everyone else had gone, but the shower was on, spraying them both and doing a poor job of cleaning the cum out of their fur. Mostly Krater's.

However long it had been was enough for Krater to gain some control of himself, though his arms and legs protested fiercely any time he moved them, so he just pushed his head forward and kissed Jeff instead. The bull moaned softly into it, putting a hand on the back of Krater's head, cradling it as his tongue pushed into his partner's lips. Even with empty balls, Jeff was still full of romance and lust.

Another eternity was spent making out, tongues dancing with each other in a tight embrace and water sprinkling over them. Pain throbbed inside Krater's ass, a solid foot and a half deep for sure. He could still feel it leaking, even around Jeff's thick cock. Briefly he wondered how long it would be before it tightened back up, if ever.

Jeff broke the kiss. "Ya sure look like ya enjoyed yourself, my boy." His breaths were long and deep, like he'd been exerting himself. "I hope we gave you a nice time."

Krater nodded softly. "I... It's good." He paused for a bit and tilted his head. "How many were there?"

"Just an extra ten," Jeff said with a laugh. "Don't worry, they all paid. It's on your desk." He held Krater close, letting the water trickle over them. If it were on full, it would clean them no problem, but the soft drizzle was less powerful than the jets of seed that got them this way in the first place. "Ya look exhausted, my boy."

"There's no way I can get this place clean. I can barely move."

"Don't worry about that, boy. The others promised they'd help out." Krater grimaced. That meant they'd wipe down the equipment, maybe towel up the messes on the floor. He'd have to see if he could manage the rest on his own. "Me, I promised to get you clean." Jeff pressed his snout into Krater's cheek and gave a long lick all the way up to his ear, slurping up the seed on it. "And I will," he whispered before pulling his cock out and doing a more thorough job everywhere else.

By the end Krater's fur was good as new, and nobody had touched the soap.


The next day, the storm was even worse. It crashed and thundered, bursts of light coming in from every window. Gusts howled through the streets, turning them all into wind tunnels. Even so, the gym was filled with the sound of clinking weights, of the pants of exhausted treadmill runners and the thumps of their footsteps.

Krater left his head on his desk, ignoring the world outside his small office. Thankfully James had been able to make it in today, and was willing to pull a longer shift. He seemed almost eager to do it, in fact. The fox was a strange one, but Krater was grateful for his help.

Jeff wandered into the office, pulling the bearoo into a hug from behind. The pair had rolled out some mats and slept together behind the front desk. Not the most comfortable bed, but he hadn't slept better in years. Hard mat, shower tile, or plush bed, nowhere could be as cosy as within the circle of Jeff's arms. Maybe one of these days he'd actually accept one of the bull's dates.

"Are ya gonna close early today, boy? The storm ain't pretty." Jeff's hands ran up and down Krater's chest, and the bull nuzzled down into his fluffy mane.

"We have a full house, I can't well turn them all away into the storm." He looked out the open door, where a group of regulars were doing crunches together. Krater hoped they couldn't smell the musk over the air freshener he kept in the restrooms, but he'd grown too accustomed to the scent to be sure.

Jeff laughed. "Ya won't be turning anyone away, boy. I think it's time to close." He walked back out of the room and started pulling down blinds.

"Damn bull. Fine." He stepped out to announce the early closing, encouraging everyone to get showered. His legs still burned with the effort of walking, but they were recovering faster than his arms. It looked like Jeff was eager for a repeat of the previous night, but Krater thought it might be better if he got away with his paperwork this time. Not like anyone had any cum left anyway, after all that.

He waddled back into his office and slumped into his chair, leaning back and letting his eyes slide shut. Seemingly a moment later, he started awake as Jeff shook his shoulder. His cock was drooling, if not as much as the night before. "Ya ready for more, boy?"

"Jeff, I have paperwork to do, and-"

"You were sleeping. Besides, everyone's eager to see ya again. Come on." He picked Krater up again with a spring in his step and pulled off the bearoo's shorts, smiling wide. Krater froze when they stepped out of the door. Everyone was still there.


"Don't worry, they all paid. James collected it."