From Pleasure to Paradise

Story by Lykanos on SoFurry

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Three friends go on a vacation filled with all sorts of indulgences. It isn't until they get home that things start getting weird. Slowly, the trio finds out why people keep going back. Plus, as they change, they quickly realize that some have it worse than others.

Another tale of TF for FA: DariusWhitefur with a group of victims, I mean participants this time. It was fun to get to mess with their daily activities as the changes took over. So rarely do you get that feeling of instinct impacting the workweek grind. Plus, the speech impediments were a blast to inflict... er, grrrant to each charracterrrr-rr!

As always, read, share, and enjoy your little parting gift. We'd love to see you again. >:3

From Pleasure to Paradise By Lykanos Wulfheart

The room was more a giant party than a high-end bar. Flavored cigar smoke wafted through the air as music streamed, the beat peppy and vibrant. Staff moved between the plush seats and fancy tables, their purpose to please the guest in any way they could.

"Alright, line 'em up. This round's on me," cheered Derek as he called over the barkeep. "Let's have a round of fireball!"

While Eric was ready and willing, their third, Pete, needed convincing. "Come on, man. You know I hate fireball."

Patting Pete on the back, Derek smirked. "Oh, come on. It's good for ya. Tell ya what. You can pick the next one."

"Alright," with a smile of his own, Pete grabbed his shot. "The next two!"


Eric and Derek joined in as the three downed the alcohol, all but Eric making faces at the burn. The champ, unfazed by the cinnamon whiskey, gloated with a boastful, "Hell yea! That's how we do it!"

Derek Wilson, Pete Swanson, and Eric Banner, three childhood friends getting away from it all. Eric, the oldest of the trio by just over a year, happened to be a trip advisor. Recently he'd gotten a tip for this resort, "Pleasure Island", which claimed to host "the time of your life". Seeing that it was a privately owned island and offering food, drink, and wild nights, he had to check it out... and bring his best buds along for the ride.

"So," started Eric, "Seeing as it's our last night and all... let's see how we did. How many cherries did you pop, if you know what I mean?" He was definitely the boldest of the group for sexual exploits despite being the smallest, five foot ten, one hundred sixty pounds, and all of it muscle. He had a body ladies liked and he was eager to please.

His friends were not as quick to talk sex, Pete actively looking down and blushing at the mere mention of it. He was the shy guy of the group, and despite being the youngest, he had two inches and twenty pounds on his horny ally. You'd never expect him to be the gentlest of the three without talking to him, though. His pierced ears gave him a "tough kid" vibe even though he was in his early thirties and nearly as toned as Eric.

After a bit of nudging, Derek gave in. Unlike the other two, Derek was a bit heavier set. Six two and two hundred fifty pounds, he was the thug of the group, but in build alone. His goatee and light brown, long hair were calmed by his glasses, which helped give him a milder presence. "Are you sure you want to know? What if I beat you this time? You know, married life can slow a guy down."

Eric couldn't help but laugh. "Slow me down, huh? Nah. I just have to be more cautious is all. Come on. I want numbers." With a devious wink, he added, "I'll even go first. Seven women, two guys."

Pete looked almost appalled. "Nine people in three days? How did you even find the time?"

Next up was Derek. Initially hesitant, if Eric was going to show off, so was he. "Three guys and a girl. It's not about quantity..." Taking a cherry from the bar, he delicately placed it on his tongue. After a few seconds of fondling, he swallowed seductively and pushed out the pink muscle, the stem tied in a knot. Removing the trophy, he held it proudly as he finished. "It's about the quality."

Eric's drawn out "damn" was a testament to how impressed he was. "Lucky guys... and girl. Sounds like you had fun."

"And so did they," Derek added with a lusty confidence. He took a sip of his beer as Eric redirected his focus to the quiet one.

"Come on, Pete. You had to have gotten some action here. I mean, come on. The staff nearly begs for it." Placing a hand on his buddy's shoulder, Eric squeezed. "No need to be shy, even if Derek beat you."

Spinning the empty shot glass, Pete looked beet red as he mumbled the answer, too low to hear.

"What was that," asked Derek?

"I think he might still have a dick in his mouth," joked Eric, patting the poor man.

Fighting past the embarrassment, Pete tried again. "Eleven. All guys, but you already knew that."

Almost in unison, his friends rang out with a long, excited, "Damn."

With his gaze sinking low with humiliation, Pete sighed. "Shut up, guys. They just kept asking and I felt bad always saying no."

Excitement lighting up his face, Eric grabbed the conquering hero with passion. "My boy! A round of victory shots. What do you want?"

"I want you to keep it down," commented the blushing Casanova, "and let's do Jager."

After several more shots and a few beers, the trio decided to call it a night, all reluctant to give up their comfortably padded stools. As they weaved their way to the door, the alcohol guiding their movement, they were stopped. A woman in a sleek, shimmery red dress called them over as she stood by the exit, her beauty a step above the gorgeous specimens working the room. "I heard this was your last day on the island. I really hope you enjoyed your time here."

Between the three, Eric wanted to be the one to talk first, his inebriated mind already trying to pick the best line for a hook-up. Unfortunately, his more even-minded friend spoke first, Derek remaining the least impaired by the night's indulgence. "We really did, ma'am." Looking between the bashful glance of Pete and the lusty vigor of Eric, he replied on their behalf. "I know I speak for all of us when I say that we wish we didn't have to leave."

The radiant brunette was pleased with the response, her full lips smiling back with a regal beauty. "I'm glad to hear that. Here at Pleasure Island, we love to make dreams come true." Reaching into her purse, she produced three small vials of a green liquid that looked like absinthe, the labels only stating the name of the resort in an elegant font. "To that end, I present you with a little parting gift. When you get home, please partake of our complimentary signature drink. A little taste to remind you of your home away from home." Handing each a small bottle, she followed it with a sultry wink. "We'd love to see you all again. Please don't forget us."

"Oh, we won't," stammered Eric, the intoxication taking over. As he wobbled, the other two knew it was time to go.

Pete gave the parting words as Derek led their friend out the door. "It was a great experience. Thank you all so so much for everything. This place really pulled me out of my shell." With an awkward nod, he followed the rest of his party back to their rooms to sleep off the night and get ready for their flight.


Once back in the states, the three men begrudgingly drove back to their everyday lives, all the while reminiscing about their weekend of gleeful debauchery. Along the way, they decided that night was the night they'd try the special drink gifted by the lady in red. Already missing the luxury of the resort, it was a unanimous decision. Even Pete, the worry-wart that he was, was onboard with the plan, eager to sample the spoils of their adventure.

Dropped off at his quaint little two bedroom apartment, Derek couldn't help but watch the clock. They had agreed to down the drinks at seven that night, but the couple hours felt like an eternity to wait, the green fluid taunting him as it rested on his coffee table. When the time finally came, he popped the top and chugged the tiny vial. The fluid was a sweet, smooth cocktail of fruity flavors, though it lacked the burn of alcohol. They had all assumed absinthe, but that wasn't it. Still hoping for something, he checked his phone to see if the others had followed suit.

One group text from Eric was all he had, the message saying, 'Did it.'

Derek replied back 'Same' as he waited for Pete to type something.

After a minute of waiting, the man did not disappoint, the message exactly as expected. 'Guys, R we sure?'

Derek beat Eric to it, both blocks of text exactly the same. 'Yes!' Sitting back, Derek waited patiently for the drink to take hold as the phone vibrated.

Pete had reluctantly gone through with it, the verification saying as much. 'Did it. Xp U R bad influences!' Still, nothing seemed to change. No tipsiness, no hallucinations, just a lingering bouquet of fruitiness.

"Well that sucked," mumbled Derek as he got up and unpacked. As he continued about his night, nothing seemed to take place save for a very subtle headache before bed. Ignoring it, he passed out. After all, he had work in the morning.

The morning seemed to come way too fast, his body resenting his need to prepare for a day of productivity. Still, he pushed on. A quick trim of the goatee and a shower set him right. Throwing on a white undershirt, he got into a blue, long-sleeved button up and black dress pants. Taking his tie with him out the door, he worked at it as he walked to his car.

As he moved, he very aware that the neighborhood dogs seemed agitated at his presence, the animals barking and rushing back and forth as he passed. With a huff, he tried to push the oddity out of his mind, settling into his car. Though the drive was uneventful, he did notice several distractions. The movement of joggers and bikers kept stealing his attention from the road. Fast movements were just as unnerving, his focus whipping to the object as it passed into his peripheral vision. Normally he wasn't this jumpy, but he was sure it had to do with not driving for the last half a week, Eric being the one who picked them all up and dropped them off.

Finally at the accountant firm, he started to relax as he moved to his desk, the familiarity of his cubicle a comfort with such a bizarre start to his day. Looking through his emails, his focus was stolen by the gentle rustle of fabric behind him. Spinning around, there was his cubicle neighbor. Gasping at the sudden appearance, he greeted her. "Oh! Hey there Janet."

The cheery blond seemed amused by the big man's sudden start. "A bit jumpy today?"

Pushing up his glasses, Derek rubbed at his eyes, delaying the answer as long as possible. "Don't know what's gotten into me."

"Well, we're glad you're back. Been busy without you and Frank. So, how was the vacation, anyways? What were you out doing?"

A smile crept across his face as he thought back. "Oh, just went on a trip with some childhood buddies. Hit some bars, did some gambling. You know, guy stuff."

"Well," she smirked, "Must have been a good time. Looking a bit scruffy today. Trying a new look?"

"What?" Derek felt at his face, the stubble already as thick as it would be after a full day of growth. "I swear I shaved this morning... Well, maybe not. Guess my mind must still be on vacation."

Moving into her own cube, Janet leaned on the plastic that topped the breast high barrier. "Well, you'd better get your brain back here. We need it to get to work. No more goofing around, mister." Her cute little wink marked her departure as she started clicking at her keyboard.

Returning to the task at hand, he continued to filter through the messages, a soft growl escaping his lips as the displeasure of the task grew. Did I just do that, thought Derek as he put a stop to the rumble in his throat. I've never growled before. That's a little weird. "Must have been the dogs this morning," he mumbled as he refocused on his inbox.

As the hours ticked on, Derek noticed other slight oddities in his behavior. Every so often he'd catch himself sniffing the air for no real reason, though the scents of the room had grown more obvious, Janet's perfume being at the top of the list. At first it was discrete, but slowly her fragrance teased him, calling to him in a way few women had before. While the thought of having children invaded him mind, his member started to rise, pushing against the fabric. The thicker it grew with need, the more he started to desire the woman next to him. Soon it was all he could think about, a soft pant heaving his chest as his shaft burned with desire.

The burn seemed more an itch as he fondled his pants to alleviate the minor discomfort. However, it didn't seem to help. His attention was taken from Janet, moving to the growing irritation between his legs. Despite the decrease in arousal, his penis remained tented, the discomfort nagging where lust had once been.

The pain was too much to ignore, the man forced to hustle to the bathroom, pants perked with an erection that he hoped nobody noticed. As soon as he hit the stall, his drawers were down and his pecker was in hand. Moving the flesh around with his fingers, he winced at the searing pain when he tried to twist it. "Good god!" Trying to feel the source of his discomfort, he noticed something moving under the skin. He could feel it growing inside as his manhood remained upright, any possibility of arousal gone from his mind. The tissue seemed soft, as if it should be flaccid, yet forward his shaft extended. Fighting past the burning sensation, he gripped the organ and tested the range of the firm extension pushing through it. "Is that... bone? No. There's no way. The fuck is going on?" As the minutes passed, so too did the pain. Though the agony dissipated, the extended length of the muscle did not. It remained just as perky as before, the new object below the skin keeping it upright.

Despite it feeling weird, he was able to angle his junk down as he zipped back up, the rubbing of his underwear an uncomfortable nag. Heading to wash up, he was hit with another realization: His ears were pointed. They were at the stage of a Lord of the Rings hobbit, human at the base with a prominent tip that shot out of his hair. Fortunately, his long brown locks were enough to hide things for now, even if it made him look awkward. Going back out, he hoped for the best as he went straight back to work.

As lunch drew near, his worry was on the rise. He was sure someone would notice if he went into the breakroom. Beyond that, the aroma of his neighbor kept seducing his mind. That terrified him the most, since he was mostly gay, only taking on women when he wanted a change of pace. However, there was no question about it. He wanted her. There was a need to spread his seed, to further his line. He had never really wanted kids before, so this new urge was startling. Slapping his palm to his forehead, he spoke to himself, his voice twinged with a wolf-like snarl. "No. No. No. This is not happening. It's a damn hallucination."

Peeking over the barricade, Janet inquired, "Hey, Derek, are you al-," but she cut herself off with a gasp. "What did you do to yourself?"

"What do you mean?" He seemed just as startled as her, though his words were a little off, the gruffness clinging to his voice.

"Well, for starters... your eyebrows are super thick." He tested them after Janet said it, finding her assessment spot on. She continued with her appraisal, almost laughing at his nerdiness. "What are those? Are you supposed to be an orc or something?" Brushing his hair to the side, she looked at the ears. Now even pointier and elongated, they looking almost like that of an elf. "Were you at a comic-con? Is that what you did on vacation?" Her tone was almost patronizing as she laughed.

"No, I was not! What are you even talking about?" He felt at his ear tips, the frown following as he realized they'd grown since the bathroom. "It must be a bad reaction to something."

"Wait." The blond looked at his mouth with renewed curiosity. "Open up. I think there's something else."

"Oh, cut it out," he growled, the sound primal as he bared his teeth, instinct dictating his action.

Janet's eyes were filled with a condescending sparkle as she spoke. "Oh. My. God. Did you file your teeth? When did you do that? I could have sworn they were normal this morning. Derek, I didn't know you were so hard-core."

"The fuck?" Derek felt at his mouth, poking his finger on the sharp fangs that only seemed to be getting worse. His canines were the most prominent, almost dangerously jagged. Snarling at her, he scolded the woman with a bestial fervor. "Damnit, Janet! This isn't a game. Something is seriously wrong here. I was fucking normal when I came in this morning, right? This shit doesn't happen in three and a half hours. It must be from something I did last weekend."

Janet's huff of disbelief was followed by her unconvinced hand gripping at his ear. With a quick tug, she was sure it would come right off. Derek's monotone "ouw" was rapidly followed by her apology. "I am so sorry. That... That felt pretty real to me. What is going on with you, Derek?"

"I have no idea," he mumbled. "Maybe I should go get checked out?"

Janet sighed as she thought about it. "Yea, you probably should. Frank's not here to cover, but our manager has to let you go for that." With a worrisome gesture, she pointed to his entire face.

Half-heartedly, he said, "Thanks," before considering his options. With a deep, frustrated puff, he decided to be responsible to the company. "With him gone, I really should stay. Besides, if it gets worse, maybe we'll know what's going on."

"You sure?"

He shook his head. "No, but I really don't have much choice. Now, come on. Lunchtime."

On the way to the breakroom, he unsuccessfully tried to hide his ears again, the prominent peaks pushing out a bit more than usual. Walking in, he was met with stares and glares, exactly as he expected. Ignoring the comments and jokes, he headed to the fridge and pulled out his lunch, a ham and cheese sandwich. Tossing it to the table, he went to the vending machine for chips. As he made his selection, he couldn't help but overhear one of his coworkers say, "A little early for Halloween, isn't it."

Derek's throat rumbled with irritation as he went back to his seat and unwrapped his meal. Before even taking a bite, he caught himself sniffing at the meat. Shaking the bizarre action from his mind, he chomped into the sandwich, wincing as his newly sharpened teeth slid past each other in a way they never had before. His canines felt huge, moving over his gums as he chewed. Beyond that, his posture had become defensive. His shoulders were rolled as he hunched over his food, glaring at anyone that walked by.

Glad to head back to his desk, Derek could hear that he was already the talk of the cube farm, several of the ones who had seen him already spreading gossip. Flopping into his chair, he rubbed the annoyance from his face, palms feeling a bit calloused as he worked his eyes. "Just stay focused. You can do this."

For the rest of the workday, he did fairly well. He managed to stay busy enough that his mind only wandered to sex once, right at the end. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted it. His heart raced as his need built, the object of his desire in the desk next to him, a thin wall of plastic and fabric between him and her. His member nagged for attention, but he refused it, forcing himself to chew on an old pen instead. The hard material felt good against his teeth as it rubbed back and forth, especially when it pushed against his gums in the gaps between. The change in dentition had left his mouth like that of a puppy, sorely in need of something to teeth on.

When his work was done, he was gone. He rushed to his car as fast as he could in an attempt to both hide and get a look. The first thing he did after closing the door was pound on the steering wheel while yelling "fuck". After he cleared the savagery from his system, he flipped down the visor mirror and looked himself over. Janet was right, his teeth looked almost like a dog's, just in a human skull. His eyebrows were three times thicker than normal and almost joining in the middle. If not for his glasses hiding it, he'd almost look like a caveman. The ears were worse than before. They were long and angular, unable to be hidden. The freakiest part was that he could move them. The initial shock made him flinch with disgust, but after a little toying around, he could almost stick them straight out.

Pulling out his phone, he checked for messages. He was hoping the others might know what was going on. Nothing from Pete, but he did have one from Eric. 'Tomorrow after work. 6pm. The Diner. Need to talk.' Derek debated calling, but he didn't really believe it, himself. The only thing keeping him sane was the fact that Janet saw it, too... along with a group of his coworkers.

Making his way home, he took it slow. He remembered his lack of focus from the morning, an occurrence that happened again on his way back. There was even an instance when he got cut off, growling fiercely at the jerk and baring his teeth despite nobody looking. When he got back to his apartment, the local dogs were in an uproar, aggressive barks directed at him. He tried to ignore it like the leers and jeers at work, but for some reason the canine's words felt more personal. Fight as he might, his need to assert his dominance over the area won out, an awe-inspiring howl bursting forth, long and proud. As he claimed his territory, the dogs quieted to a hush of whimpers, the ones he could see bowing submissively to him. While a part of him thought it was great to be respected, the human side rushed to his door in horrified humiliation.

Once inside, he tried to calm his ragged breaths, the wolfish howl still on his mind. As is chest moved up and down, he felt a strange rubbing that hadn't been there before. Working the buttons, he pulled off the blue dress shirt to find his arms and chest covered in body hair, the brown fuzz pushing out of his white undershirt. Still, the strange sensation continued. Putting a hand against the little bumps in the fabric, he was appalled. Ripping the shirt over his head, he was only further disgusted as his fear was confirmed. Instead of two nipples, he had eight, the new pairs running down his gut. Touching the nubs of flesh somehow made it worse. Though it felt just like a normal nipple, suddenly it was real in his mind. "There's no way. No way. The others have to know." Pausing, he noticed the bottle on his table. "It has to be that drink. What else could it be?" Pulling out his phone revealed no new messages. His annoyed growl was tamed by the thought that they, too, were likely just as scared as him. He'd know by tomorrow, so for tonight, he'd research. It did little good, though. Mostly he found results for women's nipple hair and werewolf syndromes, neither of which were much help.

The werewolf thing seemed like a possibility, but nothing else had changed since he discovered his nipples. That was until he went into the bathroom and dropped his pants. The dread that washed over him was absolute. His member had gotten worse.... a lot worse. Before, though it was sticking out, it was at least human. As he looked down, the penis he saw was a reddish pink canine one, complete with a slanted tip and bulbous base. For a while he just stared, unwilling to touch it; unwilling to even use it. He just looked at it, the foreign anatomy an oddity on him. The idea of being a werewolf suddenly felt like a real possibility.

Slowly, he calmed down, the need to use the bathroom winning over his distress. Knowing he'd have to aim it, the appendage perking upward thanks to his added penile bone, he reluctantly touched the flesh. To his surprise, it was quite sensitive. Once finished, he looked around as if to make sure no one was looking. Though he was ashamed to admit it, the stimulation had him curious. Running his hand along the shaft, he could feel it stiffen. The sensation was pleasing as his finger ran the length, tip to base. Carefully, he worked his roughened digits over the swollen edges, his teasing met with a needful throb. Wrapping his fingers behind the growing base, he gently pulled forward, the sudden sensation prying a lusty pant from his mouth. He almost retreated when he realized his knot was inflating, but the need begged him to continue. His second hand joined the party, caressing the bottom of his shaft as his other continued to pull, milking the knot like an eager bitch ready for his gift. The thought of mating flooded his mind as his body heaved back and forth, thrusting as he played. It was just enough, his steamy seed shooting forth, farther than he anticipated. The sticky liquid clung to the bottom of the seat as he pushed down, aiming the rest were he wanted.

Spent and huffing, he was pleased with the new anatomy, way more than he was five minutes ago. After cleaning up the mess, he figured it best to make dinner and go right to sleep. If anything else was going to change, he'd rather nap through it.

Waking with what he initially thought was morning wood, he quickly remembered that his penis was now far more perky than it had been a day ago. Throwing off the covers and checking the mirror revealed no significant change other than a full beard in place of the goatee. He trimmed back down to his norm before hopping in the shower and dressing for work. This time he decided it best to go without an undershirt, his new nipples having not liked it yesterday. He also decided his workout boxers might be better than the briefs he had worn, his wolf wiener far more comfortable with the freedom. Leaving for work, he was happy to see the dogs remaining silent, their posture submissive to his presence. He did notice the scents today, taking a moment to sniff at the ones he could get at. It was a mutual curiosity, the partner sniffing back with lowered posture. Finally getting to his car, he made a snap decision and bolted back to his door. He returned with a baseball cap that he proceeded to tuck his ear tips into. It almost made him look normal, though the red hat clashed with the untucked, black and grey striped dress shirt.

This drive was far more distracting than the last. With the window open, each exciting smell demanded his focus. He had been so engrossed when he passed a burger joint that he almost rear-ended a van. Fortunately, he made it to the firm in one piece, rushing to his cubicle to hide from the world. When Janet came by, he could smell her before he could see her, the aroma as enticing as the day before. Try as he might, he couldn't deny the beast inside. The longer the day dragged, the higher his libido raged. Most of the others were actively avoiding him at this point, but not Janet. She still seemed on good terms. It also helped that she had had a crush on him early on. He knew he could use that to his advantage. Popping his head over the barrier, he worked his charm. "Hey, Janet. How do you feel about office romance?"

With an amused chuckle, she spun around to face him. "Are you asking me to the broom closet, Mr. Wilson?"

Trying to show as little fang as possible, he grinned back. "Only if you're up for it." His lusty eyebrow waggle pulled a giggle out of the lady.

Standing, she slid his hat off and tossed it to the desk. "Well, I have always had a thing for elf ears. Tell you what. Meet me in the guest bathroom, down that hall past the breakroom. Five minutes." Pulling down on his tie, she gave him a seductive glare. "Don't make me wait." As she walked away, she took a handful of papers to file, a simple attempt to diminish any suspicion. Derek waited like a good boy for three minutes before making his way to the back. En route he could hear the chatter about his appearance, but he didn't care. He was about to get laid.

Once at the rendezvous site, he tapped the locked door, his voice hushed. "Janet?" His whisper was answer with a click as he was invited in, the object of his desire ready and waiting. Nothing was said, but their actions spoke volumes. She pulled him close by his necktie, their bodies locking as they groped at each other's clothing. Kiss after sensual kiss occupied their mouths as Derek unbuttoned her blouse. With her cleavage exposed, supple skin moving with her breaths, she stopped his greedy advance with a finger across his lips. Slowly, she worked down his body, her palms taking in his shape. Stopping at his belt, she undid the clasp. A sultry, begging glance up spoke to the animal within him. His blood boiled, the desire perking the pants as she unwrapped her present. First, the khakis, then, with a dragging tug, came the boxers.

The reddened flesh stared at her, eager and ready for attention. "Nope. I'm out." Pushing away, she started to button back up as Derek's mouth dropped.

"But... what's wrong? Come on, you can't just give up on me!" Plead as he might, she wasn't about to continue.

Turning away in disgust, her tone was a mix of revulsion and surprise. "You didn't say that you had a god damn dog penis, you sick freak. I may be into some weird stuff, but bestiality is NOT one of them. Get out."

Pulling up his leggings, he tried to ease the tension. "But Jan-"

"I said get out, you sick fuck."

Derek's ears sunk with shame as he complied, slowly exiting after covering back up. Janet almost looked sick as the door closed, her frame leaning against the sink. Derek hurt from the rejection as he walked back to his desk. Had I only told her, he kept telling himself, though he knew deep down that it would have done no good. He was too much of an animal to deserve a lady like her.

The rest of his shift was spent wallowing in his disgrace, the source of his rejection just a seat away. Her scent still reeked of need, but he knew there was no chance of anything more between them. He'd blown his shot at relief, so he had to deal with it.

When his day was done, he was out the door. There was no way he was going to stick around in a place that was growing to despise him. Hat on, he ran to his car and took off, straight for the meetup with his friends.

When he arrived at the diner, the place was fairly empty save for a few small groups. The establishment was your typical mom and pop eatery with an early 90's theme, booths lining either side of the wall and a strip of circular tables running through the middle. At a quick glance, he knew exactly where his friends were. Eric was wearing shades and a ski cap while Pete had donned a grey fedora and thin gloves, odd apparel combinations for a normal person. Walking over, Eric greeted him with, "You too?"

"How could you tell," he joked as he took his seat, the others looking just as worse for wear.

"Well, therre's the hat, the bearrrd, the pointed teeth. Should I rrreally continue?"

"No," he muttered. "I get the point." Looking over to Pete, he added, "Your nose. It looks all swollen. What happened to you?"

Shyly poking at the area, Pete's nostrils were farther apart than normal, the tip of his nose bulging forward both in length and width. "Yea... That's how it is now. And that's not even the worst of it."

Eric leaned to glare at Derek, his eyes hidden behind the lenses. "You'rrrrr lucky, bud. You got the least of it."

"Is that so," he spat as he removed his cap, ears flinging to the side. He wiggled them as he bared his fangs, flinching poor Pete. "This is the least of it?"

"Actually, yes," said Pete as he motioned for Derek to cover his deformities. Turning to the man in the ski hat, he seemed hesitant. "You want to go first or should I?"

With a bow and a flick of the hand, Eric gave him the honors. "Go forrrr it."

"So, when it started, I was sure I was turning into a bunny or something. Brace yourself..." Pete eased off the fedora, two long, slender ears popping up. They had a velvety fuzz of white on the inside and brown going into his hair. Derek couldn't contain his laughter as he was scolded. "Shut up, man. We weren't as lucky as you, mister elf."

"Actually, I think I'm a wolf," he corrected. "Is that it? If you're not a rabbit, what are you then?"

"That's just the start." While gradually slipping off the gloves, he explained before the big reveal. "I would have texted you both after work, but I couldn't. Had to get a stylus just to use the phone. Actually, only reason I knew to meet you both today is that I can still swipe with m-hyy-" The gloves were on his fingertips when he moved the back of his hand to cover his mouth, the last word turning into a donkey-like bray. Clearing his throat, he finished. "Swipe with the knuckles." Exposing his digits, he watched as Derek cringed. The tips were black, as if deadened by frostbite. However, they also had a firmness to their shape and a slight sheen like a fingernail. "Hoof fingers. They don't work on smartphones. Pretty sure I'm a donkhe-haww!" Covering his mouth again, his face turned red. Regaining his composure, he went back to it. "What had me confused at first was the urges..." His sigh sounded defeated. "Carrots. Why carrots? I hated those things as a kid for a reason! Now... I can't get enough of the stupid things."

Eric's grin was priceless, a sick glee in his voice as he said, "Yourrr mom would be so proud."

"Oh ha hawww!" The bray burst forth, louder than the others. Pete's face almost hit the table with his sudden mortified humiliation.

"Does that happen often," Asked Derek, concern weighing on his bushy brow.

Eric seemed insulted with the response. "You lucky bastarrd. You don't even have a speech impediment?"

Pointing back at his accuser, Derek was now genuinely curious. "And how bad are you?"

"Well," he huffed, "aside from grrrowling through all of my 'Rrrrrr's, I also can't ever say arf again." The bark was not what he intended, the higher pitch like that of a playful dog. "As in, 'How arf you doing today'".

"Aww, that's cute," joked Derek as the waitress walked over. Upon noticing her, Pete slid his darken digits below the table with shame.

While handing out water, she asked, "Are you ready to order?"

As soon as the water was in front of him, Eric's demeanor went from irritation to extreme joy. "Thank you," exclaimed the man as he took the cup in both hands and lapped.

While the waitress gave him an odd look, Derek butted in. "We still need a bit. Can we call you over when we're ready?"

Her words were awkward as her stare remained focused on the peculiar behavior. "Take your time."

Smacking Eric's arm, Derek gave an equally nasty look. "Hey, what gives?"

Wiping the water from his chin, the chiseled man looked a little confused. "I did it again, didn't I?" Pete's nod was enough confirmation. "I'd better tell you my issues."

"Yea, what are you? A dog?" The wolf-man was spot on.

"Actually, yes." Looking back and forth, he saw the coast was clear, so he pulled off the black ski hat... to reveal saggy black ears drooping out of his black hair. They looked like something that belonged on a border collie and had already moved to the top of his head, just like Pete's. Quickly pulling the cover back on, he showed his teeth. They were more subtle than Derek's massive wolf fangs, but they were just as canine in appearance and position. Saving the best for last, he said, "Wait forrr it," as he pulled down his shades. His eyes were that of a dog, brown edges around a wide pupil. The whites were almost non-existent as he looked forward. Hiding his deformity once more, he smirked. "The only good parrrt is that my wife falls forrrr the puppy dog eyes."

"Speaking of..." It was Derek's turn to blush. "How are you, you know, down there?" Both hands directed to his crotch as he turned crimson, the shame of his canine member stifling, even around his friends.

"Oh, shit!" Eric seemed far less uncomfortable with it. "That's the cool thing. Well, afterrrr the pain went away. See, I pretty much have a constant hard-on with the dog cock. Did some rrresearch. There's this bone in there, the baculum. Hurrrt like hell when it forrrrmed, but now my rrred rocket is rrrready to fly at a moment's notice."

Derek leaned in as he whispered, "Yea. I had the same thing. My wolf wiener came with some added horniness. Almost banged Janet before she saw the damn thing."

Pete took his chance to chuckle. "Isn't that yo-hor coworker?"

"Yea. Had a crush on me, so I figured it'd work." Derek's sigh was defeated as Eric patted his back.

Though still confident, the hound's spunk started to waiver. "I had a similarrrr issue. Marrry, you know, my wife? She was as frrreaked as me about the whole thing. She's been taking it way better-rr than I would have thought. Well, she's cut me off with a prrrrromise. She said that I can use this thing on herrr underrr two conditions. Eitherr I get cuterr... orrr I find a condom that will fit."

Shaking his head, Derek was finally starting to understand. "Ok, that growling thing does seem a bit worse when you have to say that any 'R's. So, have you found your magic condom yet?"

With a confident swagger, he stated, "Why yes I have. Norrrmal condoms arre too loose at the tip, all floppy and useless. Well. Therrrre's these 'Snuggerrr Fit' condoms. I think I can make them worrrk. Gonna find out tonight."

"You dog," joked his fellow canine. "I may have to find some of those, myself."

Eric's attention turned to the quiet man across the table. "You haven't said much yet. How about you? As a donkey, you must be packing a baseball bat, rrrright?"

Covering his face to hide his rosiness, Pete snickered. "I wish. I got three more inches and a barely-haw wider tip. Eight and a half is no bat."

"Still." Popping him in the shoulder, Derek smiled. "That's pretty nice. Too bad you're always a bottom."

The shy man wanted to hide his face in his palms. Barely braying at all, he yelled "Oh m-hyy word! You are such an ass!"

"I know you are, but what am I," teased the man in the ball cap. Calling the waitress back over, he waited as Eric's focus seemed to waiver.

"Guys! Guys, guys, guys! Look! Right there!" His attention was locked on a squirrel. He'd turned toward the window and it happened to be leaping through the trees outside when he saw it.

"Seriously, Eric? A squirrel?" Derek shook his head having to fight his own gaze off the skittish prey.

Laughing, Pete pointed out, "That's not the weirdest one yet. Before you got here, there was this little dog. He almost started barking at the poor thing." Slapping the table, he added, "Why do you think he put his back to the window?"

The sudden ruckus whipped Eric back to attention, a quick "yipe" escaping as the woman returned. "What will you be having this evening?"

"Ten ounce steak, rare," led Derek with a feral gleam in his eye.

Eric handed his menu over as well. "Same as him. As rrrare as you can get it."

Shaking his head at the two carivores, Pete smiled at the lady, his four front teeth large and nerdy. "I'll do a couple slices of apple pie for my meal. Thank you."

Over the course of the evening they decided another meeting was in order. In a week and a half they would gather at Derek's house for a Friday night bash. It would have been sooner, but Pete had an obligation that coming weekend. With the extra time, they were sure the effects would wear off by then. If not, it would give Eric a chance to do some research on the resort and maybe find a solution.

As the week continued, a sense of normality snuck back into the daily grind. Though the urges and changes remained strong, the chatter around the office faded. Thanks to her shattering rejection, the lust he felt for Janet settled into a dull poke at his nose wherever she came back to her desk. The commute remained an issue. However, with the windows up he had an easier time focusing, no scents outright blasting him for attention. He couldn't help but imagine that Eric had it worse, the poor dog's focus a mere fraction of his own. As for the neighborhood dogs, they seemed to fall in line with each passing day. Over the weekend, he even went as far as to outright talk to them. He still couldn't really understand the canines, but the socializing seemed to help ease his tension.

The Friday of the gathering came on the night of the full moon, a silly coincidence that Derek enjoyed, especially since he still had all of his previous wolfiness. Work want as well as it had been, the troubles of his condition mostly eased. A few still gave him looks, but most had grown used to it, only casually teasing him on breaks.

He'd already received confirmation from both friends that evening, so Derek got to work cleaning up the place. He may be part animal, but that didn't mean he had to live like one. Returning from taking out the trash, his fingers started to ache. The dull throb grew as the digits retreated, his callouses thickening and growing dark grey. "No. No, no, no!" His mind raced as he thought about the possibility of actually being a werewolf. Kicking off his shows and ripping away the socks revealed the same thing happening to his toes, nails that had been slightly pointed now growing thick and sharp as they slid into place.

Quickly, he unlatched his pants before the paws grew useless. Sliding out of the jeans and shirt as his palms finished their formation, his limbs now ended in naked wolf feet. Fur streaked up his arms and legs, brown changing to black as it covered his chest. Between his rows of nipples heaved his chest, sternum pushing out as his ribs reformed, barreling his belly. The pain of creaking bones dropped him to his knees as he pawed at his heart, the organ racing as the changes flowed through his body. A sickening crunch flowed through his face as his maw reformed, taking a shape that better suited his wolfish fangs. As the muzzle moved forward, so too did his nose, the tip smearing up and growing wide as it darkened, the leathery texture demanding the moisture of his stretching tongue. To his surprise and growing terror, he was able to dampen his snout as it finished locking into place. His ears twitched as they stretched and migrated, taking their rightful place at the top of his canine skull.

While his head finished changing, eyes turning gold as the color spread, his hips and shoulders started their roll, the searing agony turning him to his back. At first he could wrap his arm around, desperately trying to maintain his flexibility. Rapidly, that comfort was lost to him, limbs pulled forward by his new shape. As his hips popped below the shorts, the fabric wiggled down below his butt, still held by his legs as they lifted, the flesh and bone becoming completely canine, the fur having already carpeted the extremities. With his spine pinning him to his new range of movement, Derek flopped to the side, the tenderness of the shift still quite raw. Moving to his feet, he was not yet able to stand. His vertebra creaked with pleasure at his new posture, the end pushing out to start a tail. Sadly, it barely even started before it was done, a tiny nub was all he'd been given.

As he lay on the floor his form finished its transformation from man-beast to full-fledged wolf, thick brown coat stained with black around the hackles and underbelly. The discomfort faded as his whine grew, a natural sound escaping his bestial throat. He didn't want to move. He didn't want to do anything. Tears beaded at the insides of his eyes, the liquid streaming down his muzzle.

He moped until his cellphone went off, the ring coming from his discarded pocket. Rushing landed him on his face, both the unusual footing and the boxers around his ankles tripping him up. Another pathetic whine sounded as he tried again, kicking free of the undergarments. He had completed the first challenge: moving. Now he had to dig out the device. "Hold on," he spoke, the words a throaty rumble from his primal form. It startled him about as much as the phone going silent. Paws scraping, he dug it out. It took a bit of prodding before a claw managed to snag the power. Still, try as he might, the thick pads were useless to the touchscreen. Unlike Pete, he did not own a stylus, the joy of his human fingers being one of his many boons. Instead, he'd have to wait for his friends... assuming they weren't animals as well.

An hour of pacing was met with someone at the door. Try as he might, all he could do was scratch at the handle. With a gentle growl, he tried to talk again. "Guys. You'll have to open it yourrrrrself if you can."

"Serrriously?" Eric's voice was still mostly his own, the canine gruffness invading, but the speech remained natural, less harsh compared to Derek's. Opening the path, both Erik and Pete walked in, their forms as shocking as Derek's. "Damn, dude! You'rrrrrr a fucking wolf!"

Luck had changed in their favor. While Derek had initially been the least effected, he was the only one moving on all fours. Pete and Eric were anthropomorphic versions of their former selves, still very capable of walking upright. Eric's breed was now quite apparent, his floppy black ears topping his border collie face, the strip of white running from his forehead to his muzzle, and then streaking down to his chest and over his shoulders. The white and black could be seen in his arms, legs, and tail, the fur flowing out of his loose v-neck and shorts.

Pete wore something similar, an old T-shirt and jean shorts. His fingers had gotten worse, three digits tipped with hoof-like black. Worse yet was his toes, everything fused into a natural donkey foot. His face was a long snout of brownish greys that fit his now black-tipped ears. He had a small patch of white over his nostrils and another that stuck out by his shirt neck. Behind his bristly legs dangled a long, thin tail.

Eric laughed at the wolf's misfortune as he barked, "I would have been here soonerrr, but this ass wanted a ride. Good to see I wasn't alone, though."

Rolling his eyes, Pete fought back the urge to bray. "I guess you were a werewolf, huh? Well, at least we're not down on our hands and knees. Haww!"

A vicious growl proceeded Derek's glare. "Shut it! How do we turrrrrrn back? Errric?"

Perking at his name, the dog's tongue lulled before he realized he needed to talk. "Oops, sorrrry. So! Turrrns out most people that go to Pleasurrre Island end up booking a one way trrrrip back. Prrrretty surre we'll want to do the same. I mean, I can't let anyone see me like this." A sudden thought distracted the border collie as he pulled out his phone. Swiping his nose across the screen, he poked around with his black snout until he found the message. "Oh, rrrright! I have to go! You rrememberrr what I said about Marrry? Well, the condoms worrrked. Howeverrr, now I qualify as cute enough to go in unsheathed, if you know what I mean!"

Sitting and looking to his own junk, Derek whined at the realization that he was fully canine where it counted, sheath and all. Refocusing on the situation, he snapped his jaws to force Eric to pay attention. "Hey! How do we get back therrrrre?"

"Oh!" The dog seemed pleased with himself. "I'll be getting us tickets for Monday morrrning. Looks like I'll only need two seats and a kennel, though." His fluffy tail wagged excitedly at his own joke. With a quick bark, he turned to the door. "Laterrr. This dog is going to plant his bone!" Before closing the door, he quickly added, "And not the one I burrried a few days ago in the back yarrrd. Man, that was embarrrrrassing."

Shutting the other two in, Eric was gone. He was already planning how to convince his wife to do it doggy style. Moving to a chair, Pete sat as he swept his tail out of the way. His long, drawn out "so" drifted through the room as he thought about what to say. "I've been thinking..."

Scooting into a better vantage point, the wolf stared back, the scent of the other man bringing about a mix of hunger and sexual desire. "What is it, Pete?"

"I've been wanting to ask," the last word coming as a mulish wheeze, "you this for some time now. See, I know we're friends and all... and I never want that to change..." Clacking his stiff fingers together, he hesitated.

In an attempt to sooth his frightened friend, Derek plopped his jaw in the donkey's lap. The moments passed in silence as the two relaxed, Pete's fingers running through the wolf's fur. Softly, the hooved man stammered, "So, I hate to ask... but..." Working at the canine's ears, he smiled sheepishly. "Would you want to have sex?" He felt so awkward asking, that he had to turn away, fingers covering his bulged nose.

"Oh god yes," exclaimed the wolf, tail wagging like mad. "I haven't been able to get with a single perrrson since this stupid currrse. I'm so pent up rrright now."

Amused and shocked, Pete's ears twitched in disbelief. "R-really? I was so afraid to ask. I mean, I haven't gone two days without yet. The urge has just been so demanding." Jumping up, he pulled off his shirt to expose the coarse white of his chest fur. Before he dropped his shorts he took out his wallet and fished around, the stubby digits not as agile as they once were. "I do have a couple requirements though..." Snagging the object of his desire, he pulled the square plastic free. "We use protection. Also, no offense, but I don't think you're going to be able to top. Are you alright if I, you know?"

The wolf bowed his head, the sound half sigh and half chuckle. "Alrrright. Arrrrre you sure you'll even fit? I thought hooferrrs were huge?"

Freeing the object of debate, his penis was just as he'd described, eight and a half inches of pink that ended with a flared tip. All in all, it was about as wide as before, though it still seemed like a lot to take. "A-all of it," whined the wolf as his ears flattened back.

"No more than you can take," stated Pete as he tore open the package and sat on the edge of his seat. "Though... I will need your help wrapping it. My fingers and all."

Derek could smell his friend's desire, the scent already starting to lure his own member from its sheath. Moving in, he jumped up, placing his paws on Pete's knees. "I hate to be the bearrrer of bad news, but my fingerrrs arrre useless."

The donkey's laugh turned into a bray as he moved a thick digit against the wolf's lip and slid it in, past the teeth and over the flat tongue. "I had something else in mind." Sweeping the hand down to support the chin, he leaned in for a gentle kiss to the black nose. "You did so well with that cherry stem. I haww-ve no doubts you can do this with that miracle worker."

Derek's retreat was stopped by the other man's grasp, still gentle, but growing in boldness. "I don't even know if my tongue can still do that. Come on."

"Please? Just try?"

The beast's defeat was sounded by a heavy huff as he looked up at the towering equine. "Fine. But you owe me." Pushing forward, he went to work lapping at his treat, quick licks to the tip followed by a longer stroke from below.

The stimulation made Pete lean back, sagging into the chair as his body shivered with delight. "Yes, good boy. A little more and we can get started." The wolf's grin was lusty as he continued his attack, sensual strokes caressing the exposed flesh. Going deeper along the shaft, Derek let it sweep past his muzzle, the soft fur tickling with delight. In a slow display, his taste buds teased the heavy scrotum, and then retreated down the entire length of Pete's manhood, ending with a flick at the tip, a tiny dab of precum wetting his appetite. Satisfied and perky, the blackened fingers held forth the rubber circle. "Hoho. That was good. Now we can start the real fun." Delicately, he slid the protection onto the tip of his friend's tongue, the wolf opening his maw to accept it.

Delicately, Derek lowered his teeth onto the end of the lengthy shaft. His skilled muscle flicked the condom up against the foreskin as he lashed, top, bottom, left and right. The roll loosened as he worked it over the girthy tip. It took a few tries, but the rubber creeped into place, unfolding over the beginning of the donkey's erection. Once he had enough to work with, his teeth came into play. Opening up, he placed his pearly whites to either side of the wrap, cautiously pushing as not to damage the seal. While he worked back and forth, the appendage dragged between his lifted tongue and the ridges of his mouth, the pleasure driving his donkey friend wild. Tough fingers worked behind Derek's ears and jaw, the attempt at petting incentive to keep going.

Through the throbs and twitches, the wolf worked the pole like a master, unfurling the cream white latex down half of the giant stiffy before it ran out of give. Working his way back down seductively, he dropped the bone as he looked up to his partner. "Therrre you go. Giftwrrrapped forrr yourrrrr pleasurre."

"And now it's time I gave back," moaned Pete as he pulled himself up. Spinning a dangling finger, he whispered, "Turn around." Derek did as told, getting a snide, "good boy" for his troubles.

"Arrrre you surrre you know what to do? A bottom like you moving up to the big leagues?"

Kneeling into place, the massive muscle probed against the wolf's buttocks, his anus tightening with the sudden shock. Pete's voice was just as insulting as he asked, "Are you sure that you know what to do-awoo?" With a quick ruffle to the wolf's haunches he smirked. "Oh, come on. Loosen up. You know you'll like it."

Derek whined as the donkey teased his backside, the shaft poking, brushing, but not piercing. Turning his head to the side, he commented, "Quit being such an a-ahh-ha!" The donkey joke was cut short as the pressure turned into movement, the tip splitting the opening wide. In a long thrust, the length of the condom inserted itself inside the tight enclosure, the thick penis almost too much to take. Bowing low, Derek was left to wheeze as his body was filled.

Repositioning ever so slightly, Pete leaned in to rest his chest on the back of his buddy, a gentle pull back followed by an equal push forward, rocking the canine as Pete moved his left arm to pin the panting wolf against himself. Still getting used to the log stuffed inside him, Derek's breathing was a joyous whimper as he tried to look below. He could see the dangling sack of his invader as yet another slap wracked his body, the fuzzy orbs flopping against his own.

Moving his right palm from the floor, Pete tested before asking. "If you can take the weight, I can p-hayyy you back for helping with the condom."

Despite the force of the man on his back, Derek took the lull in sensation to ready his mind for the massive member. Each plunge had been nearly overwhelming, the girth filling him up to an uncomfortably erotic degree. "Y-huh. Yes. Go for it."

Pete's free hand caressed over Derek's ribs, rounding in to brush his nipples. Though the joy was intense, what came next was better. The reddened tip had been exposed for some time now, a drip of fluid ready to stream to the carpet. Instead, the precum clung to the fur of the fingers that rubbed against the tapered flesh. Moving two thick digits below, the one above milked the member. Another thrust caught Derek off guard, his legs wobbling with the bliss. The power and speed built as the donkey heaved his body back and forth, one hand squeezing his new toy and the other holding to the chest. Each plunge drew the fingers over one of Derek's nipples. Though the hoof-like fingers didn't notice, Derek definitely did. Between the pounding at his backside, the tender touch at his teats, and the fondling of his genitals, the wolf wasn't going to last long.

The ungulate wasn't doing much better, the tiny hole squeezing at his manhood. Each time he ran his length in, a gasp of euphoria escaped. The scent of his partner filled his nostrils, the desire and energy invigorating Pete's pace. He knew Derek was having just as much fun, the knot already swelling within his palm. Hooking his finders behind the bulge, he coerced the seed to spill forth. Long strands of white shot forward, soaking the shag with spent elation.

As Pete drained his fluffy friend, the spasms caused the invaded butthole to tense. Each wave that forced Derek's semen to flow nagged Pete's shaft, his own flow warming the animal's insides as it spilled forth. "H-h-holy fuck," moaned the canine as his front legs buckled, his chin falling into his own mess.

When both bodies finished their rush, the donkey pulled free, slumping to his hindquarters as Derek finished his flop to the carpet, not even caring that the cum was smearing into his fur. Pete pulled free of the confining latex, dropping it to the floor as both men rested, ragged breaths the only thing in the silence.

Tenderly, Pete petted at the wolf's tail nub. "That was pretty great."

"Yea," the eager whine sated for the moment. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have anotherrrr condom, would you?"

Pete laughed, the chuckle bursting into a fit of braying. "I wish I did. Do you?"

Panting silently for a bit, Derek pulled himself to his feet. "I think I might." His horny grin bared his fangs with a devious glee. Slyly, he looked at his meek prey. "I think it's my turn to ride the steed."