Legendary Dragon Knight

Story by AlientKnight on SoFurry

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 [Description: Kyroph decided to become the Legendary Dragon Knight, and now his was going to hunt a dragon.]

[Category: Vore(soft), Magic, Dragon, Unbirthing, Human, Humor, Hypertrophia, fighting, Masturbation.]

[Note: This story has adult content so please make sure you are above legal age in your area before viewing this article.]


[Silverheart Draco belongs to Draco-the-silver-dragon. Please do not redistribute without permission from him, thank you. X3 By the way, this story is done for Draco-the-silver-dragon. :3]


  Karzmorn Kingdom, the largest kingdom in the Land Karzmordarn, there was a prince. He was 19 years old at the Zephio Calendar, year 201, which means he could leave the kingdom and do some adventure out there.

"Prince Kyroph, you must be joking." Derial stared at him, eyes widened with disbelieve. "You want to be a Legendary Dragon Knight? It will be such a shame ...... Err..." Derail stopped instantly, not wanting to disgrace that stupid prince.

  "What? I am going to punish you for your stupidity for insulting a prince! Draw your sword, Knight Derial." Kyroph scolded his guard, drawing out his long, but ornamental sword.

  Derial shook his head and sighed, "There we go again." He had no choice but to fight with this moron. He withdrew his buster blade from the sheath on his back, prepares himself for a boring fight.

  "Let the battle begin!" With a command from Prince Kyroph, the two swords met. From the battle beginning and to the end, it takes only a second. Derial's buster blade shattered Kyroph's sword before he put his blade onto Kyroph's neck.

  Suppose the battle was ended, but it didn't seem to be. Instead, there was something else that this idiot wanted to do with his guard. "Hey! That's not fair?! You broke my sword! I now command you to switch your sword with mine, immediately!" Kyroph threw his broken sword in an exchange of a heavy buster sword. As a royal guard for Karzemorn Kingdom, Derial had to be loyal to the royal families and obeyed their instructions.  "There you go, don't hurt yourself you with that." Derial passed his buster blade to the prince, grabbed the broken sword and prepared to fight. While the knight was all ready, our poor prince, being a first timer using a heavy buster blade, couldn't even lift it properly. "Err... This sucks." Prince Kyroph's face turned red, but only managed to move the blade a few inches off the ground. The other knights around were sniggering as they saw this, just as usual, Prince Kyroph always joked around without realizing he is the goofer.

  "Umm...! This... is... so... heavy...!" Though Prince Kyroph looked fit and handsome, he didn't practice combat skills at all. Derial yawned and almost fell asleep before Kyroph finally managed to hold the buster blade firmly. "Begin!" Kyroph noticed Derial looks sleepy, felt being disregard and shouted at him to draw his attention before he started the battle. Well, again, the battle ends ever so quickly when Derial touched the sharp end of the broken sword at Kyroph's neck.

  Before Kyroph tried to say anything to deny his defeatism, Derial bended his body and saluted to the prince of Karzmorn Kingdom, says, "Your highness, it is time for your magic and potion lesson, please follow me." And without getting a reply from Kyroph, Derial started to lead the way for the prince. "Hey, wait for me!" Kyroph disposed the buster blade onto the floor before he catches up with Derial as the blade was simply too heavy for him to carry it all along.

  "I seriously don't like that old fuzzy man teaching me all those stuffs." Kyroph muttered.

...... In the Royal Magic Academy......

  "I seriously don't like that self-centered idiot in my magic and potion lessons." Mage Zephio complained, rubbing his head and moaning in pain. That pain is all given by that goofy prince of Karzmorn Kingdom. Sometimes Zephio thought to himself, why would such an idiot be a prince for their glorious kingdom? "I guess I will die faster if I keep on teaching this bungho...... Ahem Good morning, your highness." Zephio changed his sentence immediately when he saw Kyroph entered the class.

  "Well, we will start with basic spells today. Magic is our greatest discovery in the history. In the olden days, we humans do not know how to use them except... Dragons......" Zephio started to tell Kyroph about the theory of magic. Though he told Kyroph all the time about this, again, and again, and again, but Kyroph just can't remember it. "In our world, we have FIRE, WATER, EARTH, WIND, LIGHT and DARKNESS elements around. So today I will teach you a slightly advanced spell based on WATER element. Watch and learn." Zephio finally came to an end of his long speech and performed a spell, which Kyroph watched it as if it was like a movie.

  "Ariphramensido Mesiacole!" Zephio raised his hand and spoke in an ancient language. Blue glowing rays assembled around his hand while he was channeling his spell. Slowly, the space in front of Zephio began to fell blizzard onto the ground.

 "COOL!" Kyroph yelled in excitement and raised his hand as well, "Riphramasida Besiacola!" He raised he hand and spoke random words because he didn't know how to speak that language anyway.

  "Ariphramensido Mesiacole! Not 'Riphramasida Besiacola'!" Zephio roared, scolded Kyroph and quickly took a cover for himself. He would never know what kind of spell effect that Kyroph made, so he rather plays safe. Last time he taught Kyroph healing magic but the healing magic ended up become a voodoo magic which turned Zephio into a raccoon for more than five hours.

  But it seemed today was just not Zephio's day. The glowing orange rays shot off from Prince Kyroph and hit directly to Zephio. Zephio yelled in horror, searching his body and trying to find anything different from him. Indeed, there was something different from what his originally had, his chest swelled and hips widened. "Oh hell, this is not good." Zephio groaned in horror and moved his hand down to his thighs, trying to find his little buddy. "OH HELL! WTF!" He growled in agony as he finding his little stick went missing, replaced by a slit on his groin.

  "Oops! Sorry... Err... I guess I have to go... See ya." Kyroph slipped off from the class before the mad man-to-woman mage summoned a really powerful blizzard for him. "I don't want to be a mage. I want to be a Legendary Dragon Knight." He said to himself, walked though the corridor and entered the King's Palace to meet his father, King Andru.

  "I want to be a Legendary Dragon Knight, not an old fuzzy mage like Zaphio." He demanded.

  The King Andru sighed and replied, "You aren't fit to be a dragon knight. To become a dragon knight, you must have patience, discipline, and most important of all, combat skills. You have none of them, nothing at all. Even Derial has a higher chance to become a dragon knight. A true dragon knight will have a dragon as his partner."

  "So I will become one of the Legendary Dragon Knight too if I have a dragon?" He still didn't get his father's meaning that he would never be a dragon knight, never.

  "Oh well... only if you have a dragon... which you could never possibly have one." His father told him.

  Kyroph shook his index finger left and right and said, "I will get one for you, but I need the Golden Legendary Knight's Sword for me to fight the dragon."

  "No!" Andru shook his head tremendously and disagreed with Kyroph, "That sword is the national treasure of our kingdom, protecting our land from the dragons. You can have anything but this, only this."

  "Fine!" Kyroph felt annoyed and left the palace. I will get it on mine own. He thought to himself. He was the prince, who would ever stop him from taking that sword except his coward father? Indeed, no one will stop him except his father. He headed towards the altar which held the legendary sword.

  His father, king of the Karzmorn Kingdom, rubbed his bold white hair and moaned in torment, "Why would I have this child... I need to work harder on my wife. I urge to have another child rather than this idiot to rule the kingdom when I am gone." And he got off from his palace and sought for his queen, the wife of his.

  He got into the altar, standing near the glass case which stored the sword in it. "This is so... beautiful... Bonk... Ouch!" He forgot there was a layer of glass between him and the sword, which result in his forehead knocking onto the transparent glass in front of him. "Anything this old man can help you, your highness?" The priest of the altar walked to him, asking.

  "No... Nothing... I am very fine. But can you get this thing off? I really want to take a closer look of the sword." He put his hand onto the glass and said.

  "I afraid I can'thelp." The old priest did not want this prince to touch the sword as he can't bear the consequences in any case such as the prince stole the sword. And indeed, the prince was trying to steal the sword. Kyroph raised his hand and thought of what words he had spoken to cast the voodoo spell. "Keminasoh Lestinal!" he mumbled some random words and assembled some shadows around his hands.

  "The dark magic, you have learnt the dark magic! That is the forbidden spell and you may get your head removed if you cast that!" The priest uttered in shock andwas stunned by Kyroph. Before the priest can do anything to protect him from that spell, the shadows floated towards him and caused him to cough tremendously. The shadows vanished into the priest and made his eyes unfocused, dominated his volition.

  "Err... priest, are you alright?" Kyroph knew he had casted a wrong spell, but he didn't know what effect it would have.

  "Illia awaits your command, sir." The priest replied.

  "Oh yeah? Get this glass wall removed please." Kyroph pointed at the glass and requested.

  The dominated priest simply nodded and took a few steps back, turns back and starts to channel a spell. "Mornihadoh Keilizaimalisaredo, the Holy Judgment!" He casted a destructing spell on the altar, so powerful that it broke through the glass, clearing out everything on its path except the sword remains unchanged, not turning into ashes like others.

  "Thanks! But why don't you use a key instead?" the prince took the sword away and left the poor man panting, exhausted from casting that spell. But the spell had caused a high alert for the guards in altar. They quickly assemble and spotted Prince Kyroph on the way. They didn't see the golden sword on him however. He hide the sword into his clothes. Though it was very uncomfortable as the sword is too long and had gone into his pants and ended up he had to walk like a zombie.

  Finally, he managed to 'sneak' though the altar, away from the guards. "Phew." He sighed with relief, withdrew the sword from his cloths and instead of pulling the sword out, the sword cut his cloth to make another exit. "Oops." He gasped as he felt the chill air blowing to his bare skin on his back. Kyroph shivered and huged the golden sword, sneaked into a civilian's house and stole their clothes before he came out again, with female clothes. Unaware he was actually dressing in woman, Kyroph now was on his way to slay the big evil dragon, fulfilled his dream of become a dragon knight.

  He knows exactly where he wanted to go, the Mountain of Despair, the mountain which said to be having the most powerful dragon in the universe. The mountain is not very far from Kingdom Karzmorn, only about 100 miles away. Spending 5 hours on horse, the Prince Kyroph had finally arrived at the foot of the Mountain of Despair. "Here comes Knight Kyroph! Ahahaha...!" He was too happy that he was going to slay a dragon, maybe not slaying, dominating the dragon. As his mind was still wondering, he didn't realize he was walking towards a pit. "Ahahaha...... Ouch... Err...! Aww...!" He tripped onto a stone and rolled down into the pit, correction, bounced down into the pit. His head landed into the soft muddy floor in the pit before his whole body smashed into the mud. He had no choice but to drink a bit of muddy water as he head sank into the mud.

  Fortunately, the pit is not as deep as Kyroph thought it should be. "Eww... This is gross." He wiped off the mud from his handsome face, reached his hand and grabbed something nearby to help him reach his feet. He grabbed onto the wood branch and helped him out from the shallow mud pit. But mud on him slowly dried up and hardened when he was exposed in the air. He needed to bathe, desperately. As a member of royal family, he was very concern about his tidiness. He found a lake atop of the mountain before the dry mud on him made him unable to move. The lake was surrounded by the pinnacles and looked like a mouth of an extinct volcano.

  Enjoying his small satisfaction of bathing in the clear lake water, Kyroph sang for his victory-to-be of slaying a dragon. With a loud explosion that echoed the mountain, Kyroph finally finished his bathing and got to see what is going on the other side of the lake. He walked towards the source of the sound along the lake side. Something had given him an absolute shock.

  A dragon, a silver dragon with black strikes, that's what Kyroph cought in his eyes. The dragon seemed having no awareness about the prince's approaching. Indeed, the dragon is having a battle with a team which had a knight and four mages. The dragon's roar trembled the earth, and of course, the poor prince as well. Kyroph couldn't even stand straight and had to crawl on the ground with all fours.

  The four mages stood together with their hands held high, mumbling in ancient language. While the four mages were busying with their channeling, the knight had to fight the dragon all alone. The dragon was so huge, about 8 meters long, with an additional 7-meter-long tail. This battle seemed more like a game to the silver dragon. The knight's sword couldn't harm even a little to the dragon. His silver scales were harder than the metals and they were partially spell-immune-granted. It took such courage for knight to even stand and fight him as the dragon could simply crush him with a grip.

  For a short moment, the four mages had done their channeling. The glowing lights above their spell array were so strong that Kyroph could no longer see anything from there. "Sun Strike!" With the command from the four wizards, barriers of white light had locked the dragon in place. In addition, the clouds directly above him went apart and twisted, creating a cyclone in the middle. All Kyroph knows was seeing a bolt of light went down from the sky and struck onto the dragon. Although he was almost hundred meters away from the battlefield, but the strong shock wave from the center of the field had almost blew him away. Dust blurred his eyes as the shock wave had brought a sand storm in the area.

  "Yeah! The dragon is down!" Kyroph said happily, thinking how his father would praise him when he brought back the dragon, without realizing he was just a spectator of the battle.

  But things were just not as simple as Kyroph thought. The sand storm was cleared within a second by a hurricane, revealing everything in the battlefield. The dragon fluttered his wings, bathing in the holy lights from the haven. To Kyroph's surprise, the dragon wasn't hurt at all!

  "A bunch of morons." The dragon admitted in human language, voice echoed within the lake sides. "More than three quarters of spell energy are wasted as you don't concentrate the energy." His muzzle opened and something glowing red appeared from it. The dragon spited out the flame towards the four exhausted wizards. Too tired to even summon a spell shield to defend themselves, the flame turned them into ashes without even hearing a single growl of agony from them. Not because they don't want to, but the flame is too strong and it burned them into nothingness before they could say anything.

  The four wizards were no more. The team was now left with a stoning knight. The knight's volition was still wondering around, stunned by the scene in front of him. For a spell that can clear up a whole army of ten thousand people, it only causes a minor or no damage to the dragon. "This is IMPOSSIBLE!" Kyroph stood out and shouted at the moment, gained the sight of two figures. "Hey, you are supposed to die, or half-dead so I can get you back to my kingdom and prove to my father that I am a Legendary Dragon Knight!"

  The two figures, a man and a dragon, their eyes widened and jaws reached the floor. "WTF?" said both the knight and the dragon. This was the first time for the knight to see such a shameless idiot in his life, and the first time for the dragon as well. The dragon stoned for a few seconds, and started to laugh. "Hur hur hur... what a cute little guy. Don't call me 'hey'. I have a name, Draco Silverheart." Draco's voice was deep, but yet strong for all of them to hear it clearly.

  "I'm out! I am getting the hell out of here!" The knight could wait no longer and desperately wanted to leave this place. He dropped his pride of a knight, his sword, and started fleeing. But he didn't make it far, though. Draco's tail lashed out from his side and wrapped the knight firmly, pulling him back to Draco. Kyroph wanted to take this opportunity to sneak away from this terribly large dragon but he finds himself unable to move a single inch. "I will come to you later, when I'm done with him." Draco smiles to Kyroph before he darts out his fork tongue and licks the prey on his tail. The glowing lights on Draco finally faded and reveal his normal silver scales with black strikes on his neck and tails.

  While Kyroph was still busying struggle with the yellow glowing arcane words that shackled him, Draco moistened the poor knight with his wet tongue, caressing the knight softly. There is nothing that the knight could do except screaming for mercy. Draco somehow, looked enjoying this scene. He opened his muzzle slowly, revealing the pink flesh and his white fangs inside.

  "No-ooooooo......" Slurp the screaming of the knight finally disappeared in Draco when he closed his muzzle, with the knight inside. Draco swallowed his prey without chewing, enjoying the sensation of eating his food whole, and alive. What Kyroph saw is a knot goes from his neck, all the way down from his throat and vanished into the dragon's white belly.

  "Holy sweet Jesus!" Kyroph muttered, finds out this is actually... quite arousing and he started to think how it felt inside of the dragon's belly. NO! He corrects himself mentally. He didn't want to be eaten, no matter dead or alive. Trying his best effort to wiggle free from the shackle, he only managed to make himself fall onto the floor with his Golden Legendary Knight's Sword drops out from his sheath.

  The sword falls in front of Kyroph. How Kyroph wanted that sword, but he just couldn't reach it. However, the sword never failed to be a legendary sword. The sea-blue, ruby-red, light-green, brown and white lights slowly gathered around the sword. The sword was glowing in rainbow-like color and it raised itself into the air. All of a sudden, the sword blasted out a pulse around itself, cleans away the negative effect on its user. The earth trembled and the floor scattered in the pulse wave. Kyroph slowly reached his feet and held the sword with his two hands.

  "Hmm... I guess I can have some fun." Draco smiled and stared at Kyroph with his crystal-blue eyes, waiting for Kyroph to attack. The purple orb on the sword glowed violently and Kyroph could feel something flow over his skin, forming a purplish armor over his body. "Cool!" He was surprised as a pair of light-leather wings grew on the purple armor. He looked like a savior from the heaven being sent down to earth. "Prepare to die! Here comes the Knight Kyroph!" He growled with excitement and charged at Draco, leaving a purple trace where he went by.

  He ran really fast, even faster than a leopard, but that didn't make his victory came closer. He held his sword with the sharp end pointed to the front, trying to stab the dragon's underbelly as that was the highest point he could reach. But however, he found his sword stabbed into the dragon's tail, and strangely, no bleeding.

  Draco groaned and lifted Kyroph up with his sword, "Quite amazing, you are one of the royal families from Karzmorn Kingdom. No wonder you can use the golden sword." He smiled, "But this is not enough." Kyroph now realized Draco's tail was actually 'biting' his sword. It has a mouth, with fangs and big enough to swallow him without any problem. "Huh! Since you know I am one of royal families, you should bow to me and be my riding beast." Kyroph said with an arrogant look on his face.

  "Rawr? Why should I?" Draco laughed and shook Kyroph off from his sword, griped him with his talons. "You humans are nothing but food for me, hur hur hur... Or..." He gave Kyroph a devilish smile, "Be my sex toys." To Kyroph's horror, Draco sat on his back and slowly guided him to the sheath on his underbelly.

  Kyroph was totally terrified and tried to wriggle free. But the armor and wings had vanished since the sword left him, making him more impossible to fight the dragon. "Let me off, you basta... Can you just let me go? Please? PLEASE? I guess it will be totally fine without me since you already ate one." He was tough at first, but he didn't want to die so he started to beg for mercy.

  Draco chuckled but shook his head lightly, rejected the offer from Kyroph. His dragonhood gently erects from his sheath with its size even bigger than Kyroph. But what got Kyroph a great deal of surprise was he saw the dragon having another sheath in between his maleness and tail hole. "HOLYSHIT! You are a herm!" Kyroph shrieked with eyes widen, filled with disbelieve.

  "Indeed, I am a herm, male more than female. Now, pleasure my cunt and maybe I will decide to let you off." Draco giggled and placed the poor man onto his nether lips, awaiting Kyroph to pleasure him. Kyroph, knowing now that he had to be submissive or else he would put himself to the reaper of death. His sword was still with Draco, holding on the dragon's tail. He didn't think he could pull the sword off from the tail, or Draco would throw the sword like a dart and pierce him if he tried to fight against the dragon.

  He had to obey, that's the only chance for him to survive. He pressed his right hand on Draco's nether lips, finding them unbelievably soft and smooth. Sliding his entire right arm easily into the pink flesh, Kyroph notices his right arm gets moistened. Draco is dripping wet now, his cunt coats Kyroph's right arm a layer of smooth sticky juice. Draco wiggles his tail back and forth, moans in pleasure. "You have been doing good, keep going." He purred, making the poor human felt less stress in the moment.

  As Kyroph was still busying with his business on Draco, Draco moved his talons down to his erection and caressed it gently. Moaning in delight, he increased his pace as his pleasure building. His nether lips are soaking-wet and gushing out his femcum onto the floor.

  "More..." Draco found out the pleasure he gained from his cunt was far insufficient to satisfy his burning lust. He needed something more than a tiny human arm. "I want you in me." He commanded.

  "Wh...WHAT?! IN YOU?!" Kyroph shrieked, repeating what the dragon had commanded him. "How am I supposed to get out then?" Trying to withdraw his right arm out, Kyroph realized Draco's cunt had gripped his hand tightly. With a great force he applied on his arm, he managed to break free from Draco's female sex, producing a gas-pop sound when he did so.

  Draco wiggled his tail, the sword revealing bright yellow light under the sun. "Die painfully or not, I will leave you to choose." The dragon groaned. Our prince, Kyroph, was a coward indeed. He would rather die without any pain than die with agony. After all, he didn't want to be a dart board for the dragon. "Fine, I will." He sighed and drifted his whole right arm into Draco's cunt again. The dragon's inner muscle once again gripped onto his entire arm, pulling him deeper slowly.

  Moaning happily, Draco's dragonhood was leaking pre as pleasure building. The goo streamed down from his maleness and mixed with his juice. GOD! Kyroph screamed in his mind, he was bathing in the mixture of juice and pre of the dragon. How comfortable that is... No! How disgusting that is. He thought to himself. His right shoulder had sunk into Draco with his face touched the entrance.

  Draco howled with delight as Kyroph's head being gobbled up by his fold. His eyes turned from crystal-blue to ruby-red when his orgasm drew close. Though his maleness seemed quite large, but it continued to extend in its size as he stroked hard on it. The dual sensation had brought him an incredible pleasure, a mind-blowing delight. When his dragonhood had stopped growing, it was already incredibly large. Not doubled, not tripled, but almost ten-times larger than what it should be which his two talons could barely hold his sex now.

  Kyroph could hardly breathe inside Draco. To draw some oxygen in order to survive, he had to drink some of dragon's feminine cum when he opened his mouth to breathe. At least that tastes not bad. Kyroph thought to himself, taking more of Draco's juice into his mouth. The warm liquid flowing into him had turned out to be a burning lust though out his body. Not knowing that dragon's liquid, no matter where it came from, was a very erotic agent. Kyroph had been day dreaming in the Magic and Potion lesson and learning nothing at last.

  All these didn't bother Kyroph anymore. He darted out his tongue and tickled on the pink flesh, making the dragon moaned in delight. Draco's fold had been gripping him tightly, slowly drawing him in to his chest. Kyroph had almost gone out of breath. He tried to wriggle and squirm but what he got back was an even harder squeeze from the dragon's cunt. Draco arched his back and howled loudly as he felt the sweet tickling in his feminine sex. Almost forgot to add a spell to the poor half-exhausted prince inside him, Draco raised his claw and cast a spell to provide Kyroph enough oxygen to reach his womb.

  The rough surface of Kyroph's clothes had given Draco a pleasure moment of them grinding against his flesh. Purring, Draco reached down his talons and gave a gentle push on Kyroph, making the prince deeper inside him. Sparks of great delight had entered Kyroph's mind as he felt his erection rubbed against the dragon's fold. He panted and thrust against the inner muscle of Draco. It was not very long for Kyroph to reach his first orgasm. His maleness released a puddle of white seed in the dragon's tunnel, each throb releasing another jet of cum inside.

  Enjoying the sensation of accommodating the human inside him, Draco was reaching to the top of his edge. His body had sent him a destructing wave of pleasure in his mind and made him climaxed. Torrent of white seed and juice gushed out from his sexes. His fold contracted and drew the whole of Kyroph's upper body inside him, only left with the two legs wiggling outside of him.

  Draco howled loudly when his felt his entrance of his womb touched Kyroph's cheek. Parting it with ease, Kyroph was slowly drawn into a warm, comfortable fleshy room. Kyroph was now completely aroused by the effect of dragon's liquid, making him a sex-hungry beast. He wanted to cum, desperately to cum, anything to cum. He helped the dragon to draw his legs inside. He wanted to stay inside of the dragon now, even if it meant he would be eaten, he didn't mind.

  Shifting himself to a more comfortable position, Kyroph began his second round of masturbation. Unaware that his cloth had slowly dissolved as time passed by, or he just don't bother. No idea of how many times he had reached his orgasm, Kyroph was exhausted by continuous climax. His vision blurred and his volition slowly left him, making him resting in slumber, inside the dragon. The flesh wall inside Draco's womb slowly attached to him, binding the asleep human and the dragon together.

  Draco moaned happily and caressed his belly gently. His belly was slightly swollen, due to the presence of a human inside of him. But as time went, it seemed to shrink and return to its original look. The prince was no more. Draco licked his muzzle and moaned to himself, "I have to try this again sometime. This feels awesome." He took away the Golden Legendary Knight's sword with him, knowing that the emperor of Karzmorn Kingdom will send more people to get back this sword.

  "Hmm... That would be fun." Draco smile devilishly, fluttered his wings and flew into the sky, taking the golden sword with him.


Hmm... Hope you enjoy this story :3


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