For Science - A Sylveon Tale

Story by TogoMizui on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon Stories

And here we are with our fifth story! Albeit...I put this up a bit late because of my forgetful self :lmao:

And in case some of you haven't checked my journals, I will be going on a short week hiatus! Just to get myself back into the writing groove after a small slum, nothing too grand. So there will be a skip in the weekly uploads next week, and the week after shall continue! I hope you all enjoy this story, I had a great time creating the character (whom I will be getting art of soon!) and a great time coming up with the concept!

Without further ado, enjoy the story!

Blurred surroundings were all that a lone Sylveon could see.

What the... He thought while taking a good look around him. Lines of metal trays outlined in darkness sat idly on the ground, while various medical utilities layed around on shelves and wheel-y contraptions. From his vantage point, he could see himself bound tightly on what seemed to be an examination table in the middle of this strange room. What is all of this? How did I get here? Questions ran amok in his head as he tried processing whatever it was that happened to him. As he tried to rack his mind though, he couldn't find anything but an empty void. Whether if it was from the strange severity of the situation, or simply because he couldn't remember anything, nothing could answer his questions.

"Hello?!" He called out with a bubbly, slightly high pitched voice. Nothing had answered at first, probing for him to call out again. "Is anyone there? Who did this to me?!" His limbs banged and crashed against the metallic table as he awaited some sort of response. His fumbling was rather useless though, considering he was strapped pretty tightly. Cuffs that were attached to the table encircled his forelimbs and hind legs, while his ribbon-like feelers were tucked securely behind him. He hadn't the ability to move any appendage in his body.

As soon as he found his attempts futile and sat still, the Sylveon's ears perked up upon hearing a whirring sound go off nearby. It stayed at a constant, low volume for a short amount of time, before building up to an incredulous "veep!" and displaying a dim blue light in front of him. Now curious, the Sylveon watched as the monitor buzzed and hummed and ran through various markings and symbols he hadn't quite recognized. Throughout all his life, or at least from what he could remember, he'd never seen any sort of technology or equipment like this. Everything and anything that was happening was completely new, and set his fur on edge.

For a split second, the screen faded to black, and reappeared with an image contradictory to the last. It showed a room, filled solely with a table in the middle and a pokemon sitting atop it- bound and inspecting whatever was in front of him. The Sylveon was drawn aback; of all things he was expecting to see, he surely wasn't ready to face himself.

"What's the meaning of this?!" He yelled out into the dark again. This time, he was granted with an answer, seemingly emanating from the large screen in front of him.

"Excellent. You're up." It said in a very deep and disturbing voice. Even with a lack of knowledge in modern technology, the Sylveon was able to determine the being behind this monitor was using a voice changer.

"What do you want with me?" He said back at it.

"What is your name?" It asked, dodging his question.

"Wha?" The sylveon was confused. Of all things, why would this strange voice ask him for his name? And better yet, why would he answer him? "Look, I don't know who you are, but I don't have to share with you what I don't feel is necessary. Now how about you just let me go, and we can work out this entire misunderstanding?" His pleas were sincere, and he'd hoped whoever was on the other end would see to his wishful thinking. He was disappointed with his answer.

"We asked for you to share your name, Sylveon. Do so at once." The tone at which the voice spoke to him in struck a nerve, causing him to lash out uncontrollably.

"I said no, so that means no! Now when I ask kindly for you to let go of me, you should probably do that! I'm telling you, you've got the wrong pokemon!" His small outbreak was followed by a short period of silence. When the machine answered back to him, it was usually quick and straightforward- the hesitation scared the sylveon slightly.

A sigh was heard on the other then. "Your resistance will only make it tougher. Brace yourself." With those words, the metallic collar around the pokemon's neck shone a bright red light, and made a rather loud beeping sound. Then, without notice, a huge zap flew from its cold ends and traversed all throughout the Sylveon's body.

Eyes wide, limbs shaking, a shock of electricity wasn't what he'd been expecting to happen.HIs body strained to contain the voltage as he spasmed in place uncontrollably for the duration of the shock effects. A mere five seconds later, the beeping stopped, and the light shone off, signaling the collar to stop its zapping. Degraded to a gasping, exhausted mess, the Sylveon struggled to breath after the hearty shock that shook his entire body.

"We will ask this of you again, and advise you to follow our orders." The voice said again, gaining the attention of the frightened pokemon. "What is your name?"

Less hesitantly, and less aggressively, he thought over his situation again. Not wanting to be shocked into oblivion, the Sylveon found his answer to the situation to be much simpler than before: Comply to the voice until he could find some sort of opportunity. "Not much of a choice now, is there." He mumbled to himself before racking his brain for the answer to the question. Typically, remembering something simple like his name would be a piece of cake to pull out of his storage of memories. For some reason though, as he peered around the room with concentrated eyes- he couldn't remember it. "What the-" He said, confused. He tried harder, but found any ounce of effort he put in to be useless.

"Having trouble recalling your name?" The voice asked, catching the attention of the Sylveon again.

"Yeah..." He said, still somewhat baffled by the fact. "What have you done to me?"

"Excellent." It said, grazing over the Sylveon's question again. Silence filled the room once more, before the voice brought about its next point. "We've suppressed your memories for this occasion, in order to gather adequate test results. Notifying you of your actual name runs the risk of a chain effect from within your mind, so we shall call you thirteen. Do you approve of this, thirteen?"

The load of information, although short, was a lot for the pokemon to take in. So he was here in a lab of some sort, being tested on for whatever the people want to find out, and there'd been twelve other subjects in the past. Not only that, but the people behind this took away his memories in order to further solidify a result of whatever test they were performing. His primary reaction was rage, but based on how that went the last time, he looked to think over another response. "Although I don't approve of what you're doing to me... thirteen is somewhat of a strange name. Could I go by something more individual or simple?" A request might not have been what they were looking for, but it's a way to test whatever power he had at this point, right?

"Your approval on the task wasn't asked for, however a simpler name may be granted. Requests?"

Okay, so I can somewhat speak my mind. He thought to himself. Not caring much for what he was called, a random object popped into his head and he chose that as his answer. "How about gum?" He asked.

"Request granted." It said, affirming his choice in names. "Please hold as we configure our settings within the program."

"Wait," He said, not wanting to lose whoever was on the other end yet. "When will I get my memories back?" The voice took a couple of seconds to answer again, though this time not leaving as much of an eerie effect on Gum.

"Once the tests are over, your memories may be returned back to you." It said.

"Then what kind of tests are you going to be doing to me? Am I going to get hurt?" Now slightly more at ease, the Sylveon asked away whatever plagued his mind regarding his current situation. He was still left in the dark about what was happening, and would rather not keep it that way.

"The only action that will bring you pain, is failure to adhere to our orders. Otherwise, the actual examinations themselves are not intended for tortuous purposes." The voice's answer filled the Sylveon with relief. He was guaranteed he'd have his memories back after the procedure, and that he wouldn't be hurt if he just agreed with them. Perhaps things weren't looking too bad for him.

"Okay...that doesn't sound too harsh." He said somewhat relaxed.

"So long as you remain compliant, the tasks presented to you will be completed in little time, and successfully." The voice ended what it was saying, allowing the quietness to take over the room once more. This break was intended from the people on the other end though, as they worked to prepare one of the first tasks on the schedule for the experiment. "Now that you have been briefed on the scenario, and what is to be expected of you, the tests shall commence. Whatever is asked of you, you perform. Failure to do so, as you know, results in a shock administered from the electric collar. Other punishments may be added if defiance is a continuous obstacle. As of right now," Before the voice continued, an exhaust pipe or hole could be heard releasing a steady amount of air, followed by the creaking of some metal. "You are to be placed under the supervision, and rule of Ava. Ava is the name of the AI unit commonly used in projects such as these, and it will be conducting the actual experiments on you. We shall still watch from afar to ensure your compliance will not be tainted, and step in if necessary. We are booting the programming right now. Follow orders, and this will be over with quickly."

The noise emanating from whatever was in front of him reached its maximum, revealing a large arm-like structure to him. It was lined with wires and buttons of various colors and sizes, and decreased in girth as it came to a spherical tip, which held itself right beside the Sylveon's face. He gazed upon it cautiously, and not sure of what to expect- twitched his nose to try and identify it. As he did so, the spherical part retracted its metallic surface and showed another made of some sort of glass. The glass- as if it were alive- inspected him up and down, moving its arm like body all around his own, and used the metallic eyelash to blink a couple of times to configure itself.

"Hardware systems online. Automated configuration at: 75%. Running program: H-D112." It said in a robotic female voice. Gum watched as it shook in place, letting any other energy source boot up as the system before him configured. Never before had he encountered a piece of technology like this- He was speechless.

Following the seconds that it took for the machine to finish preparing itself, another suspenseful silence filled the room as all of its modems and processors quieted down and settled at a constant lower volume. The Sylveon now gazed into the eye of the machine, who in turn, was staring back at him. "Hello." It said, still hitching its robotic tone. "I am Ava, your personal director and assistant towards a better future here at Flare Co."

Flare Co.? He thought, unsure of the name it threw out. "Hi Ava." He replied cautiously. "What are you going to to me?"

"An excellent question, young master. Here at Flare Co. we specialize in working towards ensuring trainers their best value in breeding when compared to the normal means. We follow this company policy by having trainers drop off their pokemon late at night, allowing for special units and programs such as myself to work with them in order to yield the most desireable, and specific outcomes. Further explanation may be permitted upon request."

"That would be nice, please."

"Very well, young master. When referring to the concept of mating, the more samples a male and a female offer towards creating offspring, the greater the variety workers here at Flare Co. have when matching a trainer's requested traits. I will be assisting you in offering your semen towards creating an egg your trainer has been courteous towards giving us."

What the AI unit had been telling Gum just made him all the more confused in the end. Trainers? Mating? Flare Co.? It all had been babble that when trying to wrap his mind around it, Gum still couldn't understand. Of course, no matter how hard he tried, trying to remember such past occasions would be useless due to his suspended memory, but he'd be darned to try. "Okay, so a trainer I have yet to recover in my mind sent me here to have a machine erase my memory, and force me to mate in order to collect semen samples?" He asked. "What if I say no?"

"Somewhat precise, master Gum." It said. "Suppression of the memory is a precautionary step we use here at Flare Co.. Having pokemon remember their past and try to attack us upon noticing a foreign entity may produce dangerous results. Also, failure to comply, as you may recall, ends in a painful shock administered by your shock collar. No matter your say, your trainer has paid fully for this service, so we intend to follow through with it." It said, keeping its robotic tone constant.

Great. Gum thought, now grasping the situation. I'm trapped here then. He was surely not going to fight his way out of his restraints, considering mere struggling was all he was capable off, and refusing to go along with what they were saying would fry him to death. Whatever crazy schedule they had planned, it seemed like he had to follow no matter what. I guess I can only hope it doesn't get to outrageous or horrible. "Alright, I understand what you're talking about now." He said to the machine. "What's going to happen to me first?"

"There's a set schedule to be followed." It said, ushering its arm-body up at the large monitor. It switched off of its constant program of the trapped sylveon, and brought up a white screen filled with human letters and words. "First, we are to proceed with the milking stage. This is where we'll introduce your body to a variety of stimulants, and collect the first round of semen samples. We must also note that administration of our S.R.E. drug is required at this stage in order to maintain a constant rate of semen produced when moving on to future steps."

"Whoa whoa," Gum said, interrupting the AI unit. "You guys are going to drug me? I don't like the sound of that."

"It's a step we must take in order to assure your volume is definite, and your body is not limited to typical pokemon standards. The S.R.E. drug has also been proven to cause no harm to your body whatsoever, if you are concerned about that."

"It's not just-" As he began talking again, Ava swiveled over and pointed its glass eye right up against his face again. He shivered as he stared into it, getting a sense he was already stepping past his boundaries. "N-nevermind, continue."

"As you wish." It said, returning to its previous position. "Our second action will be to-" Not being the only one to cut the AI off, a ringing sound was heard coming through the huge screen, sounding similar to that of a telephone. "-One second." The ringing stopped, and the deep, distorted voice that greeted gum was put back on the intercom.

"Ava!" It exclaimed.


"Hurry up and proceed with the experiment! We've got a lot on our schedule for today, and can't afford to waste time describing these things to our patients!"


The conversation was quick, and ended with another strange sound to come out of the monitor. Ava then swung her body around from the screen to face the Sylveon, causing it to change back to showing the real time event of himself trapped. "It seems we've allocated too much time towards answering your questions. It is time to run the program and start the procedure."

Following the instruction, another machine-like sound filled the room as a device lowered from the ceiling. It was cylindrical in shape, and opened up to a circular mouth at the bottom- functioning to engulf something. On the side of it was also a small plastic plane, allowing anyone to peer inside and see the walls of velvety substance it was composed of. Ava kept a close eye on Gum who trembled slightly upon seeing the device. "Is that supposed to be for me?" He asked, already knowing his answer.

"Affirmative." It said in response. "However, the procedure shall not commence until the subject has taken their supplementary dose of S.R.E." Before the cylindrical tube continued moving, another metallic arm lowered from the ceiling. This one, instead of coming to a spherical or cylindrical tip, rounded off at a very sharp needle. A light blue liquid filled the entire syringe that had been hooked onto the structure, and it dripped from the point as if it had just been filled. Gum's eyes went wide upon seeing this.

"Wait, WAIT!" He said, struggling to get out of his current position. His words meant nothing though, and he was jabbed within his inner thigh quite roughly. He winced at the pain, and yelped slightly as he felt the liquid enter his body.

"The pain shall only be temporary." Ava said, keeping watch over the entire situation. "It will be quickly reconstructed into pleasure though. The point at which the dose has been administered allows for it to travel throughout your body at a rapid pace. Side effects may include a chilled respiratory sensation, hyperventilation, stomach cramps, heightened reactions towards stimulus, dizziness, and hallucinations."

"T-that's a lot of side effects..." Gum said, feeling the syringe pull its way out of his body. The remnants of the liquid could still be felt, though were quickly converting from pain into pleasure. The burning sensation from before seceded, replaced by a growing icy feeling emanating from the point of injection. It then spread throughout his loins, crawling up his body until it reached his lungs and altered the way he was breathing.

"In order to accomplish such an intricate goal, a drug must have some trade-offs. None of which happen to be detrimental to your long term health though, so worry is not needed."

As he was trying to listen to Ava, his chilling breath patterns started to take their toll on his level head. A dizzy feeling overcame him, warping the world around him slightly and throwing off his perception. The effect was merely sensory though, considering he was still able to think clearly and react. "Whoa...the world's getting all blurry..." He said.

"Excellent. Your body seems to be responding to the dose very well. We shall begin stage one then." Gum was unable to intervene with his opinion at this point, too fixated on what was happening to his body. The cylindrical cusp shifted from its dormant position, and moved towards the Sylveon's lower abdomen. It turned on with a very quiet 'Vrmmm,' followed by light squelching sound effects coming from within. As it homed in on the Sylveon's private area though, it was having trouble determining where to begin milking. Ava noticed the machine's struggles, and moved its own arm body down to the area to inspect. "You seem to be unexcited, master Gum. Your body is of no use unless you are erect for semen sample collection. Perhaps extra stimulation is necessary."

Another small limb broke off of the milking machine, shaping itself into a human hand and extending downwards beside Gum's flaccid member. It then opened up, and grasped around his ballsack at first. With very light cupping and stroking techniques, it fondled him very carefully in order to administer the perfect amount of pleasure. The tight set of orbs contoured with the hands movement warped very fluidly. Their range wasn't very large though considering how tightly wound they were to the Sylveon's body.

Gum wasn't short of responding to these experiences, despite his current state though. With very light "mmfs," and "ahs!" he sat idly and allowed the pleasurable tingles to flow through his body. He'd never had his balls played with before, so this was an incredibly new sensation. "That feels....really good." He mumbled, trying to push his body further down onto the hand. It wouldn't allow him to extract any more stimulation than it was giving him though.

"Be wary of your treatment towards the equipment. This tool is to be utilized for foreplay functions only, not milking." As Ava said this, it's eye picked up movement coming from Gum's furry white sheath. It bounced up and down slightly while the orbs beneath it were being fondled, then peaked out the beginning of a deep red penis. From there onward, the rate at which his member retracted increased exponentially until it was fully erect and throbbing with need. "Wonderful. We are now ready to commence our first step."

The hand from beneath him let go of his balls- earning a low whimper from him- and was soon replaced with the larger tube from above. It lowered quickly onto his swaying penis, and with a loud 'schluck' noise, it latched onto his nether region and began tugging.

It was air tight inside of it, and the walls of velvet latched quickly onto his deep red member. It was a surprising feeling for the Sylveon, causing him to yelp upon experiencing it. On top of the already amazing sensations, the internal heat of the soft chamber increased to a nice toasty temperature, and liquid from the top of it began to dribble downwards. Now moist, warm, and soft, Gum could feel the urge grow within him to grab hold of the machine and hump it into oblivion.Though instead, he simply struggled to move his limbs due to his restraints, and pushed his hips forward to feel more of this wonderful sensation.

"Hnnng!" He said, unable to control his vocal chords.

"Not to worry, master Gum, your request shall be fulfilled within due time." Ava said. Its body moved back to its original position as it watched over the lust filled Sylveon. "The pumping function will be turned on once you are ready."

"Yes, do it!" He said, unable to contain his antsy behavior. With another switch-like sound, the 'vrrr-ing' of the machine increased in volume, along with the walls inside of it to contract faster and faster. The new function provided Gum with the feeling of having his penis enveloped within a tight hole. The juices allowed for the machine to move up and down his member with a quickening rate, and the squeezing of the walls milked the Sylveon's member in just the right ways.

"Ahh!" He yelped. The heightened stimulation the drug was giving him only contributed to the pleasure by so much more. Even before the machine began pumping, he already felt his penis spew pre-cum at the tip and beg for the sweet taste of release. Now, with all of this extra activity, he was practically squirting juices out of his tip like waterfalls. Every secretion of pre-cum gave him the feeling of a light orgasm- accompanied by the uncontrollable twitching of his meat. This sort of pleasure made him writhe, moan, and shiver involuntarily while his essence was milked right out of him.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Ava said, who had now been almost background noise to the Sylveon. "In order to yield the quickest possible outcome though, we must hurry the process. The settings will be increased to the highest."

Before he could even react, he could feel the machine almost double in speed by his nether region. He jolted upwards in surprise and ecstasy, letting off a howling cry involuntarily. "Ooooh!" He yelped, feeling his member worked nonstop to produce more and more of his vital essence. His lower limbs shook violently in place, and his penis twitched along with his balls with increasing fervor, unable to accommodate for this drastic change in pleasure received. His sensory organs were overloaded completely, and there was only one way his body could deal with it.

He bared his teeth, and clenched his eyes shut as he felt the milky substance from within him rocket to the tip of his penis and shoot out into the machine. With every shot of cum, a spasm of his body followed.

These actions were but mere outward manifestations of the waves of pleasure shooting through his body- and he'd never felt anything like this before. His balls retracted as close as they could to his body, his tight pink butthole squeezed along muscles, and his loins humped into the machine to deposit as much semen as he possibly could. He was in heaven, and he couldn't deny it.

The orgasm lasted well over a couple of seconds, until his spasms stopped, and his penis was left to be a sloppy flaccid mess. The cylindrical machine- now finished with its job- stopped its motions and moved away from his body. He laid panting, trying to cope with the emotions and sensations that overtook his body. Ava now hovered over him from above, inspecting his reactions.

"Marvelous, master Gum. The amount of semen produced was well above the expected threshold. The amount of steps necessary to fulfill the desired amount may be shortened due to this surprising outcome."

"W-wait-" He said, stumbling on his own words. "There's more? I'm exhausted."

"You may be so now, but remnants of the drug's power still linger within your body. Soon enough, you will be overcome with lust once again and will be ready for our next step. Until then, I will get the rest of the equipment prepared."

Another arm lowered from the ceiling, closely resembling in shape to tube from before. This one was slightly smaller though, and was completely sealed up without an opening. Ducking down into the Sylveon's nether region again, it swept past his worked penis, brushed over his balls, and reached down to the untouched area below. It stopped when it was mere centimeters in front of his anus, awaiting command to press forward. "Equipment one in place." Ava said continuing to watch over the entire scenario.

Now with the first piece of machinery in place, a second extended from the side of the examination table. It held something stretchy within its hand-like appendages, and worked on flexing it outwards while moving towards Gum's penis. Then, with one swift movement, it plopped the strange item onto the tip of his member, and retracted back down under the table. Gum inspected the item from his current position. "What's that?" He asked curiously.

"A device commonly known as a condom. Typically used to lower the chance of fertility between humans, though for its current intended purpose, it will collect your next sample."

"Oh." All of this was strange to him. He wasn't sure if it was his faded memory or his lack of knowledge to cause his uncertainty towards these things. Everything was just weird as of right now, and Gum had to go along with it in order to assure he'd get through in one piece. Would he even remember what happened after this? Will they return his memories, yet erase the ones made here? Such questions plagued his mind as the rest of the equipment and machinery was set up around him. He was oblivious to a third arm which had split into two different entities, each placing their own hands onto his chest firmly. After poking and prodding around, they detected, and grasped hold of the small nipples that were hidden underneath his fur. He jolted in place after feeling the sensation, and was snapped out of his daydream.

"Cold!" He said, referring to what had just pinched his sensitive skin. Ava ignored his comment, and continued with the preparations.

"All utilities are in place to commence mock breeding. Trial two may begin once the patient has been excited." Its body hovered over to Gum's face. "When you are ready master Gum, you will be stimulated again."

"I don't know, I'm still kind of spent from before..." He said, still somewhat unsure of continuing.

"You will regain sensation in your penis once stimulation has started up again. Effects of the drug detail so."

"Well then uh...I guess you can start."

"Very well." Following Ava's statement, a light robotic noise was heard, signaling the movement of the tiny hands by the Sylveon's nipples. At first they began to rub the area trying to probe the little bumps. Then, once they poked out ever so slightly, the robotic hands started to perform a variety of different actions. From tugging, to poking, to circling, whatever was programmed into their functionality was used to heighten and re-kindle Gum's sexual receptors again.

Once the process started, all Gum could feel was a nice light buzz from being pet sensually. Soon enough, as his body began getting more into it and his nipples poked out, tiny bursts of energy began sparking from the area. It started off slow, then as the pleasuring went on it spread throughout his body and rushed down to his penis. With a twitch, his previously spent member was quick to bounce back at attention and swing in the air with need.

"Mmf..." He muttered, unable to hold back this growing pleasure. Not only could he feel his lustful side rise again, but the pleasure and warmth gained seemed to surpass what he was feeling the first time around. Assuming it was the drug's workings, his penis, balls, and any other sexual organ bathed in this new amazing glow. They tingled on their own, and seemingly pleasured themselves at an extremely slow rate. The feeling was comforting and addictive, creating a high within the Sylveon's head. "This feels amazing." He said aloud.

"I see you are ready to commence breeding." Ava said. "I shall start the program without vocal conformation."

The hands rubbing around at his chest stayed constant, but the other robotic arm down by his anus powered up and began moving. It was coated in a fine amount of slippery liquid, and lined itself up perfectly with the Sylveon's tight hole. Very lightly at first, it poked at his entrance and grinded up against it to transfer some of the lube it was coated in. Gum shivered and yelped at the contact.

"That's cold too!" He said, pulling his butt away from it. The strategy hadn't worked though, considering whatever distance he moved away was quickly closed up by the impending machine.

"We are sorry for your dissatisfaction so far, but nonetheless the program must continue." Ava said. He nodded at what she told him, and winced slightly as the strangely shaped item kept poking at his backside.

Once a comfortable transfer of liquids had occurred, the dildo-like appliance tested its limits and pushed even further than before. Now breaking Gum's first line of defenses, it settled in after making some good ground within the pokemon's ass. Gum- expecting this- kept focusing on the hands placed on his chest, and his breathing. He knew taking something up from behind for the first time was going to be difficult, so he prepared himself mentally for the procedure. Pain was the first sensation that wracked his body, making him cry out slightly while exhaling hard breaths.

"Is this necessary?" He asked, an uncomfortable look plastered on his face. "Can't you just collect your samples like that last time?"

"Negative." Ava said simply. "Variation is required to stretch out various other muscles located in the body, leading to a wider array of semen to be secreted upon ejaculation."

"O-okay..." He said, piping up for the remainder of the time to focus on what was knocking him from behind. By now, it pushed itself forward an even further distance, allowing for half of its body to enter Gum. The feeling was still somewhat painful for him, though as it inched in and out, small hints of pleasure buzzed around his lower half. Hang in there... He thought to himself, trying to gain some motivation to stay positive. The dildo kept pounding lightly, working to relieve the stress within his inner walls.

Once detecting the area was relaxed enough, it shoved the remainder of its body inside to fulfill the final push. It reached great distance within the Sylveon's ass, and hilted him in place- causing Gum to cry out in response. "Ahh!" He said, both in pain and pleasure. It felt so good to be crammed like this, yet so weird.

The machine appendage sat still inside him at first, allowing for Gum to get used to the feeling of being completely full. Ava, overlooking the entire scenario, bounced closer to the area of penetration.

"Excellent work, master Gum. You have fully accepted the dildo inside of you." It applauded. Gum heard her remark, but was too busy trying to catch his breath to respond. "Now, I shall be configuring the shape to accommodate for its surroundings..." A humming sound emanated off of the dildo promptly inside of him, and before he knew it, it began to reshape. What started off with a small set of vibrations, evolved into harsh tingles as it rematerialized into a new form. The process only took seconds to complete, and finished with a light dinging noise. "Modifications complete. Proceeding with stage two milking."

The new shape within him was strange at first. Gum had to admit it felt more comfortable once finished resizing- but other than that- he missed the point of it. It wasn't until Ava released its order when he fully understood the reason behind it. Rather than hitting up against a flesh wall when being pushed farther inside, the tip of the dildo grazed perfectly up against a small, chestnut shaped organ within his body. It twitched upon being hit, and sent an immense rush of pleasure throughout him. It was so great, in fact, that small amounts of precum shot from the tip of his penis up into the plastic covering.

"Oooh!" He yelped, surprised at the contact. Instead of pulling away from it though, he pushed his body down further. "What was that?"

"Your prostate, master Gum."

"K-keep pushing up against it!" He commanded, wanting more of the pleasurable feeling.

"There are a variety of other functions you may choose from as well, if simple pumping isn't sufficient for you."

"Just pick one at random, hurry up already!" Ava's glass head nodded, and proceeded with the rest of the experiment. On top of the pumping that was already present, the dildo within him began to vibrate erratically on its own. Gum stopped his movements and lost control of his limbs in the process. Everything in his body shut down as he felt the sensations run through him at light speed- all originating from his prostate. "Ahhhh yes!!" He yelled out, not caring how loud he was or what he was saying. The mixture of being full and being grinded up against was too good for his body to contain.

Other than yelling out as loud as he could, other responses provided by Gum's body varied greatly. Following the loss of control in his muscles, many of his limbs stuck outward from their positions and twitched on their own. Their quivering also matched the rate at which his penis bounced up and down in the air. With every bounce came a shot of pre, which lead to another amazing wave of pleasure to bulldoze across his body.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, Master Gum. Perhaps a higher frequency of vibrations will allow you to experience orgasm." Ava said. It didn't wait for the Sylveon to answer, and amped up the power running through the machine plugged into his ass. The 'vrrrr-ing' sound picked up pin volume and pitch, and it shook much more violently within the fairy-type's body.

"Oooooooooohhhhh-" He said, his vocal chords now resonating involuntarily. His eyes rolled back into his head, and his tongue lolled out of his mouth while he panted and moaned at such high rates. The mist of pleasure in which he lost himself spread down all throughout his spine, passed by his sensitive, erect nipples, traversed through the vibrating area within his ass, and stopped at his bobbing penis. At this point, the entire canine length was wagging in the air just like his tail, and pulsated while it awaited its soon-to-be-granted release.

Gum humped the air along with pushing his body back into the dildo, wanting to reach the highest point of pleasure possible. He felt as though he body was so close to the edge for the past couple of minutes, but nothing grand enough happened to trigger his climax. Desperate, he called out to the overwatching machine. "Ava!" He yelled. "Let me c-cum already!"

"Very well, master Gum." It said, maintaining its robotic voice. It inputed a program within its database, causing one of the pinchers working at the Sylveon's nipples to retract back into the air. It followed its set path all the way to Gum's itching cock, and swooped down to grasp the swaying meat. It was very specific as to where it grabbed though. Missing the tip and the shaft, it went below the bulging knot, and tied very harshly with the area in between his sheath and the base of his girth.

"Oh my goooooosh!!" Gum screamed out, feeling a primal urge within him spurt out once feeling something tie beneath his knot. He humped outward with a huge force, causing his penis to sway one last time and spurt out its first round of cum. The distance was multiplied thanks to the vibrations within his ass, and every time another round of liquid was ready to be unleashed, the twitching from within his body was accompanied with a huge jolt of brain-melting pleasure.

This system of tugging and releasing repeated itself over the course of the Sylveon's second orgasm. He moaned out repeatedly as the seed from within him was milked out, until his nerves died down along with his intense orgasm. He was once again left as a panting mess, overloaded with pleasure both mentally and physically. By now, the dildo from within him had stopped vibrating and minimized in size. It then pulled out of him in one swift motion, and pulled back into the ceiling. The same went for the rest of the equipment, until the two entities left in the room were Ava and Gum. The sack of cum that lay flopped over the Sylveon's member was picked up by one of Ava's stray arms, and was inspected by its glass eye.

"Once again master Gum, you exceed the interpretations from our databases. The staff will be proud of your efforts."

"Glad I" He said in between pants. "Is that it then? Am I done?"

"Incorrect." Ava said, pushing the condom filled with cum out of the way. "There should only be the need for one more procedure to fill the required amount. Perhaps some verbal assurance may be necessary to soothe you. Hang in there."


He kept up his heavy breathing while the machine in front of him worked on setting up the final scenario. All previous equipment used up was stored away back into their original positions, and the only thing that changed in the scene was a single syringe that hung from the ceiling. It aligned with Ava as it glass eye inspected its contents, and affirmed it was fit to be used. Gum- who was now almost back to his normal stature- noticed the needle hanging in the air and panicked slightly. "W-whoa, I thought you said those drugs were going to be the only thing you inject into me?"

"Negatory. Separate data has entered my systems to inform me of an upcoming procedure we would like to have tested." It said, facing Gum again.


"Theoretically, yes. You are of the first to experience its treatments though, so flaws within its coding may be evident."

"So you're going to use me like some guinea pig?! No, I stood through your strange milking ways from before, I don't have to participate in some science experiment! My trainer would never sign me up for this!" He swore off of his trainer's oath- who he has yet to remember- so he's banking on his fearful pleas to win over the pity of the robot.

"Precisely, and if you are curious as to what your trainer signed you up for, it's exactly this. Within the documentation and contracts he signed, fine print states the proper use of various chemical equipment that has yet to be fully tested, yet is not believed to be harmful." Gum gulped at the response; Not what he had hoped for.

"O-okay...but still! What if I do get harmed?"

"Then steps will be taken at the time to prevent further damage to your body, master Gum." Before continuing with its responses, Ava too up a harsher demeanor and closed the distance between itself and Gum. "Further questioning will result in consequences administered from the shock collar across your neck. We advise for you to remain silent for the remainder of the time." Ava said. It still remained a monotone voice, which creeped Gum out even further with the threat.

"Alright..." He said. He couldn't just keep quiet though, he had to say something!

The needle was lowering towards his body, and aiming for the loin opposite from where the first drug had been administered. Just as it was about to break through his fur barrier though, he screamed out in one last coupe. "Wait!" He yelled, halting the machine. "Can I please be allowed one more question? It'll be quick, and won't aggravate you any more."

Ava hesitated before answering his question. "...We will allow this intervention if it is not a complaint."

"Thank you." He said, voice shaking. "All I want to know is what this drug is going to do to me. I might as well not go in blind, right?"

"If it is that simple, then we shall answer it. The chemicals contained within this syringe hold incredible potential for future of breeding. Scientists within these labs developed a way to reverse engineer much of the equipment used in the past, turning them into essential treatment for modern day illnesses. One of the procedures done often not long ago was chemical castration, cutting off an organism's ability to contribute their share to the gene pool. What researchers have done was reverse the reaction present upon the drug coming into contact with the sex organs of a patient, allowing for it to promote potency rather than demolish it." Ava said, going into much detail about the subject. "One of the steps taken to reach this conclusion was to add multiple aphrodisiacs to the mix. The harsh contrast in reactionary ingredients caused such an outlandish derivative of the original product. To sum it up, we like to refer to this chemical as the 'ejaculatory enhancement,' ultimately allowing the patient to orgasm without any contact whatsoever."

Gum listened intently with both interest and anxiety. Considering what has been done to him over the past however long it's been, this procedure seemed to be much cleaner and swift compared to the rest. "Sounds...interesting." He said, following the robot's monologue.

"I hope that satisfies your curiosity towards your treatment. Without any more interruptions though, I shall continue with the injection of the liquid." Gum nodded towards its statement, allowing for the syringe to bury itself within his flesh and let loose of the chemicals inside.

He felt the drug flow through his body much like the last had, though this time it let off much more of a radiant sensation rather than an icy one. The warmth spread up his loins, reaching his wagging tail, and extending upwards towards the rest of his body. A familiar buzz filled his head again, but as he tried to focus in on it, the entire world around him changed. Colors filled his vision, along with sparkling stars and warped images of equipment around the room. He gazed in amazement as the drug sent him into a different universe entirely, and he swayed his head back and forth to follow along with the distorted reality.

"Whoa...! What's happening to me?" He asked, slurred in speech.

"Oh yes, another type of chemical added to the mixture happened to be a couple of minor sedatives. This will create many hallucinations, and will allow your conscience to run rampant. This is a benefit for the drug however, so please focus on the many images your mind produces when feeling aroused once again." Ava wrapped back around to higher ground, ducking out of sight and leaving Gum to himself.

Rainbows and swirling colors caught his attention in every corner of his eye. His sensory organs ran at incredible speed as to try to process everything that was happening, and many of their failures resulted in the colors and patterns displayed in front of him. "Wow, this is so cool!" He said, trying to move his paw out into the air to grab something. "No, come back here little sewaddle! Iiiii'm gonna getcha!"

The drugged Sylveon sat like this for a while, until he felt a familiar bouncing return to his lower region. His flaccid penis began rising again, and his balls contracted back towards his perineum; He was starting to get aroused again. Rather than pipe up and look all cute about it though, his drugged state allowed for him to express his emotions much more fluently than before. "Mmmm, myy penis is getting big again!" He yelled out, smiling and laughing. Multiple other comments were let loose along with some involuntary humping of his hips to relieve the building stress.

This feeling of getting hard was different from the last. Instead of being erect and swaying in the air for extra attention, he felt as though his penis was being milked by the air. His mind- rather than settle on the fact of air pleasuring him- though, created its own model for how he was being milked. The drug enabled his creativity and interpretation of the world to escape to higher levels, leading to a clear image of a Vaporeon hovering above him. The imaginary water type was floating in mid-air, yet none of this seemed odd to the Sylveon.

"Ahhhh, there you are Vaps~!" He said, happily. "We've been waiting for you!" The vaporeon in his mind blinked its wide black eyes, and turned around to reveal its floppy tail to the Sylveon. Then, it swiftly lifted its tail and presented its hindquarters to Gum. A tight, fleshy butthole sat throbbing, asking for attention- asking to be fucked. A plump set of balls hung below as well, swinging back and forth along with the hips of the water type. "Yessss, just like that! Now down you go~!" The command that Gum uttered made the Vaporeon fall down onto his member, causing him to experience a whole new world of heat and soft flesh. "Ahhhhhh~!" Without further ado, the Sylveon began pumping in and out of the moaning Vaporeon, letting loose grunts of his own while doing so.

To him, he was having one of the most intense breeding sessions of his entire life. To the rest of the world though (namely Ava because it was the only one watching him) he was bouncing up and down on the examination table, waving his dick back and forth while moaning out unintelligible sounds. The act was hypnotic to watch- with his balls flopping in the air alongside his swaying penis- and the ecstatic look on his face added a hint of cuteness to it. He was lost in his own world of bliss and pleasure, all induced by the powerful drug.

Back into his reality, the vaporeon beneath him began pushing his weight back against the Sylveon cock, adding to the wide variety of pleasure shooting up to his head. "Ohhhh yeahhh~!" The added stimulation caused a bulbous knot to poke out of Gum's sheath, and demand immediate attention. In his mind, his knot quite literally called out to him in the middle of their rutting.

"HEY!" It yelled, voice very harsh. "STICK ME IN ALREADY."

"Youuuu got it Mr. Knot!" He said, seeing no problem in this exchange of words. He quickened his pace, and tightened his muscles to prepare for the impending final push. With one last grunt of pleasure, he humped forward with all of his strength and pushed his knot into the imaginary creature, getting ready to spew all of his juices outwards.

If one was to travel back into the real world again, they would see Ava prepare a large vacuum- set and ready to collect all of the liquids released into the air. It watched as the Sylveon pushed his weight forward and bobb his penis one last time. He held his hips up in the air and released, letting go of all of the stress built up within his crotch. Wave after wave of his thick semen shot out of his cock, and was sucked up into the vacuum-like contraption. His knot expanded and contracted in the air, displaying the rate at which his body worked to unleash his ropes of creamy cum.

"Annnhhhh~" He said, pleasantly unloading the last of his juices before flopping back onto the table and closing his eyes due to fatigue. He returned to a panting state, and his mind settled down from the high it was perched upon. Ava was left to exam whatever samples was collected during that time period, and talked aloud whether or not the Sylveon could hear it.

"Very nicely done master Gum. This exceeds the required amount for you to fulfill by the end of the session. This allows for us continue research with a pokemon's sexual needs and desires." Ava's body swiveled around and gazed upon the tired Sylveon. He lay down with his eyes closed still, breathing in and out contently, looking as though he was about to pass out. Rather than intervene on his relaxing time, Ava simply watched for a couple of seconds. "I see you have assumed a state of rest." It said, deriving the information from watching him. "From my knowledge of pokemon behavior, it is best to ignore you when you have entered this biological function. I will notify the scientists of this experiment's success, and I congratulate you on your successful admittance to our program."

Ava then swooped away the last of the cum samples, and slowly inched itself back into the ceiling panel from which it came from. It kept its eye keen on watching Gum, who seemed to be in complete sleep mode now. His limbs were relaxed, mouth agape and snoring, and penis fully tucked back within its sheath. "For now this is farewell master Gum. I wish you well, and good fortune in what is to come. It was my pleasure to be of assistance."

Following its last remarks, Ava was stowed away into its compartments in the ceiling and powered off until needed again.

A door opened on the far side of the room, allowing bright yellow light to filter into the previously dark atmosphere. Two white-coated humans stepped inside with clipboards and a pokemon bed, walking over to an examination table facing towards a large t.v. screen. They approached the table, pressed a couple of buttons on the side, and let go of the restraints holding down the limbs of a sleeping Sylveon. Then, with a key that was placed promptly on the bed, they unlocked the shock collar that was wrapped delicately around its neck.

"Is he good to be taken out now?" One of them said, checking the clipboard full of information.

"Yup, he produced all that he needed to for today." The other said, wrapping his hands around the sleeping pokemon and picking him up. He then carefully placed him onto the linen bed, allowing for him to get comfortable while remaining asleep. "Awww, just look at him curl up like that. I used to have an espeon that would do the same thing."

"Yeah yeah, c'mon we've gotta bring him back to his tube." The other said, keeping somewhat of a rushed tone.

"I know..." The one holding the Sylveon's bed glanced down upon the sleeping pokemon, entering somewhat of a deep thought while doing so. "Hey," He said catching the attention of his partner.


"Doesn't this kinda make you feel bad for what we're doing? I mean...just look at him." He then ushered the Sylveon forward to show the other scientist. He looked down upon the pokemon, who had just smiled to himself while in the midst of snoring. "He's so cute and innocent...we're taking advantage of him."

"Look, we aren't getting paid to question these things. We're getting paid to do our work, and to do it swiftly. It may not be the most ethical thing, but damn- if it keeps my family safe then I'll do it." The other scientist hesitated before answering, still looking down at the Sylveon.

"Yeah...maybe you're right." He said.

"Let's just bring him back to his tube. He needs to eat something before tomorrow's procedures."

The two scientists carried on with their jobs, walking out of the room together with professional looks on their faces. The Sylveon resting within cushions of the bed quickly turned his smile into a frown. Something was definitely wrong here.

This doesn't sound good. He thought to himself. He was prepared to tackle whatever lies ahead whether it all be true, a harsh reality, or not.

He was going to get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing he does.

Hope - A Gardevoir x Noivern Tale

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Beneath the Stars - A Braixen x Trainer Tale

"Haha! How about this one?" Sounded a foolhardy voice. A group of young adults, all ranging from ages 19-22, marched onwards. They organized themselves in a line, 2 girls in the middle, and a guy on each end as they walked through a lush forest....

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The Bell - A Riolu x Alolan Vulpix Tale

"-And that shall be your assignment for today. Do you both understand?" "Yessir!" A riolu said, rounding his paw up to his face to salute his superior. "Excellent, hop to it then." He replied, before walking into the office behind him and...

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