Into the Sun: Part 6/11-End of Innocence

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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#6 of Into the Sun

Usual legal junk (because George Bush and the FBI are monitoring this site...but strictly for security reasons, of course XP); story contains scenes of MxM, homosexual acts among furry; if you don't like that, or under 18 (21 in some states), or it's illegal for you to view adult material, don't read!!! Otherwise, enjoy ;3


He took a deep breath, letting it out, and inhaling again. All in that flash of a moment, his eye went through the scope, down the receiver, and over the barrel. He let his finger slide through the guard and rest across the trigger of the rifle. Slowly, he squeezed, bit by bit, until it was fully depressed. There was the loud bark of the rifle and the bullet flew across the field, striking the figure square in the head.

"Bull's-eye!" shouted the sergeant.

Josh released his breath, his nose wiggling at the smell of burnt gunpowder; even after a month, he wasn't used to it yet, even though the rifle range was his favorite aspect of boot camp.

He picked up a pair of binoculars and looked down-range; a ragged hole dead-center of a silhouette target, the .223-caliber round fired from his M4A1 rifle finding a perfect mark.

"Nice shot, private," said the sergeant, a hyena, towering over him. "Might find a place for you in the sharpshooter's course."

"Sir, thank you, sir," said Josh as he changed magazines on his rifle. He brought the rifle back to his shoulder, sighting through the scope, finding his target again and firing. The rifle felt like nothing in his arms anymore; when he'd first started, it had seemed on the heavy side. Now, after a month of daily physical training, the weight was non-existent to him. He had to pass a proficiency test for both his M4 and their sidearm, the M9, later that week, and he felt he was more than ready.

"Alright, clear your weapons and safe 'em!" shouted the drill sergeant.

Josh stood and removed the magazine, ejecting the live round from the chamber and slinging his rifle over his shoulder.

"You have exactly thirty minutes for chow, at which time you will report back here at sixteen-hundred in full pack for the evening run! Now double time!!"

The recruits deposited their rifles on the rack near the range and ran across the field, jogging to the mess hall. Having to eat, AND get full pack on, AND get back meant having only about fifteen minutes to eat, twenty depending on how fast he could run back to his bunk.

He opened the mess hall doors, groaning at the long line that had formed already. This would mean he had more like ten minutes to actually eat.

"Hey," came a familiar voice behind him.

Josh spun and was looking into the golden eyes of his best friend on the base. "Hey, Q."

" 'Sup, Bouncer?" asked the black wolf, getting in line behind his friend.

"Nothing," said Josh. "Trying to get chow and make it back in time; if I don't, sergeant Harker will have me running laps around the munitions depot 'til Doomsday."

The wolf laughed. "Sounds fun."

Quentin, or Q as his handle around the base with his friends was, had bonded quickly with Josh. The two of them were bunked next to each other, and had gotten to know each other quickly being under the same sergeants, though they occasionally split when the sergeants took smaller groups for the day.

"So what are you off doing today?" asked Josh, picking up a tray.

"They flooded a part of the woods bordering the base, and we're doing swamp-training for the day," said Quentin, also getting a tray.

"Oh goody," said Josh. "Guess I know what I have to look forward to tomorrow."

Quentin laughed. "If nothing else, have to give them credit for imagination."

Josh passed through the line, getting various foods, which mostly looked like slop, piled on his tray. He sneered at most of it, grabbing silverware at the end and a bottle of water and taking a seat, holding a spot open for Quentin. The wolf was right behind him sliding in next to Josh.

"Loud in here," yelled Quentin.

"Always is," replied Josh. At any given time, there were around two-hundred soldiers in the mess hall, being loud and raucous.

"Should I eat this or...did I eat this?" joked Quentin, poking what looked like mashed potatoes in a thin, grey gravy.

"Dunno," said Josh, wolfing down his food. "I try not to think about what it is I'm actually eating."

"I can tell," said Quentin. He sniffed at a spoonful of food and sneered before gulping it down, swallowing as fast as possible. "Blech!"

Josh chuckled and cleaned his tray, looking at the clock on the wall; he still had about three minutes before he had to take off.

"Stay and relax," said Quentin quietly, noticing the roo looking at the clock anxiously.

"I suppose I can for a minute or two," said Josh. "At least there's only one more week of this."

"Yup," said Quentin with a mouth-full of chipped-beef, or as everyone affectionately called it, 'shit on a shingle.' "So, I saw you get some mail the other day; from your girrrrrrlfriend?" taunted Quentin.

"No...," lied Josh. "Just mail from the folks, asking how everything is, all that junk."

"I see," said Quentin. "You've never mentioned anyone special back home."

"Oh, um...I'm single," lied Josh again, feeling like a jerk for not being honest, but knowing this was not the place to be open.

", too," said Quentin, shoveling down another bite.

Josh stood up, taking his tray. "Gotta run. I'll see ya later when I get back."

Quentin nodded. "Sure thing, Bouncer."

Josh smiled, dumping his tray and running from the mess hall, toward the bunks.

He burst through the door, running to his bunk and getting all his gear; his pack, putting on his BDU forest-camouflage shirt, his elbow and knee pads, and snagging his helmet. He ran back from the bunks across the middle lot and back towards the training yard. Josh arrived on the grass with a minute to spare. A few of the other recruits had already made it back as well.

The drill sergeant appeared on the lawn in another minute, crossing the field. "Well, anyone not here yet will be taking a personal training session with me after lights out. Now, grab a rifle and fall in!"


It was a little after lunch-time, and he was still in bed. Breathing deeply, he could catch a faint hint of Josh's scent from the shirt he was holding to his chest and nose. He rolled over, looking through the window blinds at the sun outside.

Ty sat up in bed, feeling alone and depressed still. It had been little over a month since Josh had gone to boot camp, and he'd barely heard from him. He'd gotten a letter a little over a week ago, and it had been a brief letter about how boot camp was along with an enclosed picture; Ty couldn't believe how different he looked already. More muscular, and a bit skinnier. He'd lost of the sheen of his fur, too, and his eyes had looked...different. Harsher, more critical; they weren't the same eyes he'd once looked into.

Supposedly, Josh was getting a 3-day leave after boot camp, and Ty couldn't wait; it would only be another week. He hadn't been able to visit at all since leaving.

TY stood up, naked, which was how he slept. He'd had very little sex drive since Josh left; maybe pawing off once or twice in the past month. He padded into the bathroom, relieving himself and turning on the shower. He wanted to be halfway presentable, since he was going to the college to sign up for classes today.

He stepped under the water, closing his eyes as he thought of everything he and Josh had done under that stream of water. The times Josh had sucked on his cock, the times Ty had driven his hot cock into Josh....

Ty opened his eyes, water bouncing off his fur. He washed the rest of the soap out of his fur and stepped out of the shower. He toweled himself off, going back to the bedroom to get dressed.He slipped his T-shirt and jeans on, heading into the kitchen and making himself a bowl of cereal. He sat on the couch, clicking on the TV but not even paying attention to whatever it was he'd put on.

Finishing his cereal, he grabbed the car keys and went down; Josh had left Ty his car, so he'd be able to get around town and to college. Ty rode the elevator down to the parking garage, starting the car and heading for the college.

Summer was just starting; it was early June, and the sun was beating down brightly with a light breeze. Ty didn't care about much of it though; without Josh, he didn't care about much. He just felt like sleeping all the time.

It was only a fifteen minute drive to the college. He parked back in the visitor lot, and walked over towards the administration building. Opening the door, he stepped inside.

He still had no idea what classes he was going to take, or what major he was after. He figured maybe he'd start with his liberal arts classes, get those out of the way. It would probably be easiest.

Ty opened the admission's office door, looking inside. A lioness sitting at the desk turned to him. "Ty?"

"Yes," he said, weakly.

"Right on time, come on in," she said.

Ty sat in a chair opposite her, as she pulled a thin file from her desk. "Freshman, huh?"

Ty nodded.

"Any idea what classes you plan to take?" she asked.

"No," he said. "I was thinking of starting with my liberal arts courses."

She nodded. "That's actually a good way to go; lots of students do that." She handed him a course catalogue. "All the LA classes are on page fourteen and fifteen."

He flipped over to those pages, marveling at how many different courses the college offered. He eventually settled on math, english 101, modern communications, and a computer class.

"Okay," she said, putting the selection page in his folder. "We'll process this and send you a confirmation letter in the mail, along with our start date, and things like that. Are you living on-campus?"

Ty shook his head. "Have an apartment."

"Oh, good," she said. "I would also advise you go and get your books today; you can get used books right now, and it'll be much cheaper than if you buy brand-new ones closer to the start of classes."

Ty nodded. "Okay, I guess I can do that."

The lioness furrowed her brow. "Is everything okay?"

Ty shrugged. "I guess so."

"Hmmm," she said. "Well, we do have a counselor on-staff, if you'd like to talk to anyone."

Ty shook his head again. "No, thanks."

"Well, okay. You're all set; the book store is over in our campus center; directly across the quad from here."

"Thank you," said Ty, getting up and leaving.

He walked out of the administration building, looking around. It was very quiet on campus, classes for the college having ended the day before. He set off around the sidewalk, heading for the campus center.

Ty just kept his eyes on the sidewalk, not looking at anything or anyone. He just had this gnawing pain in his chest and gut all the time, that there was no one around for him to love. He wanted to go back home and never get up again.

He headed up the stairs of the campus center, still not paying attention to where he was going. He opened the door, and ran head-long into a student.

"Oof!" was all Ty heard as he ran into the other guy, the two of them stepping back, the other male's books hitting the floor.

"Sorry," mumbled Ty, bending down to help him pick up his books.

"It's okay," said the other fur, grabbing a few.

Ty stood up, looking at the other guy, and gasped. The other fur just smiled.

Ty was looking into eyes he knew all too-well; deep hazel, with flecks of gold. Soft, warm eyes that Ty had once loved. A mischievous grin. Dark brown hair that contrasted his mahogany fur. A guy that had once brought on the happiest time of his life.

"Matt!?" he said, almost in disbelief.

"Ty!" shouted the otter, recognizing the leopard instantly. He dropped his books again, this time intentionally, and hugged Ty tightly. Ty hugged back, not being able to believe he was touching his childhood friend again; and his first lover.

"Oh, my god, I never thought I'd see you again!" exclaimed Matt. "What're you doing here?"

"I'll be going to class here in the fall," said Ty.

"Me too!" said Matt, smiling. "Where're you headed right now?"

"To get books," said Ty. "But that could wait."

Matt smiled again. "Feel like getting coffee or something?"

"Sure," said Ty.


The small cafe was mostly deserted; the college students had been its main source of revenue. With sessions out, the cafe was silent.

Save the leopard and otter in corner.

"So what have you been up to?" asked Matt.

Ty took a sip of his iced coffee. "The usual. After I moved away, I moved three more times, and eventually managed to settle down. I met a guy I'm still with in high school; we're actually living together right now."

"Oh," said Matt, quietly. "I always wondered if you'd found anyone."

"You're still single?" asked Ty.

Matt nodded. "Yeah. I was with a guy until last year; three years together. One night he up and leaves with some guy he met in a bar; he called me later and told me it was over."

"I'm sorry," said Ty.

"It's nothing," said Matt, staring at the table. "So, anyway....when do I get to meet the lucky guy?"

Ty's ear went flat. "Not for some time; he's currently serving in the military."

"There's no draft right now," said Matt, puzzled.

"Volunteered," said Ty. "To pay for his college. He'll be gone for at least two years, with leaves now and then."

"Oh," said Matt.

"Yeah....," said Ty, glumly.

"Will he be coming back soon?" asked Matt.

"Within a couple weeks," replied Ty. "He's finishing boot camp right now, and after it's over he gets a little time off before being sent into active duty."

Matt nodded, not saying anything. "I'm guessing you didn't want him to go."

Ty looked out the windows. "No, not at all. I miss him horribly, every day and definitely at night. It's the worst at night; reaching over where he used to be, and finding nobody. I don't sleep most of the time; I stay up, try to watch TV but can't focus. Usually lay on the couch and cry."

Matt looked at his old friend, at the pain and sorrow he was feeling. Matt put his paw over Ty's. "Maybe you could go for a little company. I'm actually staying with a friend since the dorms aren't open; he wouldn't care if I stayed somewhere else tonight."

Ty perked his ears up and smiled. "I'd love that."

Matt grinned now. "Great." He took another sip of his coffee. "Maybe we can go catch a movie now, get a little dinner after?"

"Sure," said Ty, happily. They stood up, taking their drinks with them, going back outside.


Josh stumbled into the barracks, barely able to stay on his feet. Even after weeks of physical training, a twenty-mile run still got to him.

He shrugged his pack off his back, letting it drop to the floor, and fell across his cot, not bothering to strip his fatigues off. He sighed, noting it was only a little after seven; lights-out wasn't for another three hours.

He rolled over, staring at the ceiling. Josh lifted his dogtags up, turning the one over and looking at the small picture of he and Ty set into it; Josh ruffling Ty's hair, both of them laughing. Besides the letters, it was all he had of Ty here.

The door opened and Josh let his tags drop back across his chest. He looked over and saw Quentin walking in.

"Looks like you're done early," remarked the wolf.

"Yeah," sighed Josh. "Sarge let us off early after the run."

"Ah," said Quentin, sitting on the bunk next to Josh, his own bunk.

"So tired," said Josh, rolling over in bed.

"Just a few more days, Bouncer," said Quentin, undressing. He threw his undershirt across his bed.

Josh let his vision drift to his peripheral, watching the wolf undress. Several weeks of PT had been very kind to him; chiseled pecs leading down to his muscular legs, which were in view now that he'd taken his pants off. His crotch and butt were still concealed by olive boxers.

Josh crossed his legs, trying to hide the bulge; it had been weeks since he'd had sex. He'd pawed off a few times when he was alone, but that was it. Seeing his friend undressing was getting him excited.

"Maybe I'll just turn in early tonight," said Quentin. "I think the DI's know the end is near, and are getting in all they can before we're gone."

"Okay," said Josh. "Sounds good."

Quentin lay in his bed, still just down to his boxers, resting his head against his arms.

Josh reached under his bed, removing one of his folders, and taking some of the sheets from the back of the folder; all his letters from Ty. He had originally thought to hide them under the mattress, but the DIs made surprise inspections, and sometimes flung the mattresses off, so that had been a bad idea.

He held the letters under the window, so he could make them out in the dying light outside.

Dear Josh,

Don't know how long it will take this to reach you; I hope it's soon. Anyway, just wanted to write and tell you everything is okay here, except for the fact you aren't here with me. I miss you every day, but I know I'll get to see you after your training in finished.

I'll be enrolling in college courses soon. Going to go over to the college next week and register. I'm hoping I can hold on to the apartment with the money you'll be sending back.

I still miss you more than anything. I'm always thinking about you.



Josh smiled as he read the letter to himself, feeling better that there was someone out there that still loved him.

"Who's Ty?"

Josh jumped a bit and looked up in horror at Quentin looking over his shoulder.

Josh stuffed the letter back in the folder. "No one."

"So nobody wrote that letter?" asked Quentin.

Josh said nothing.

"I'm guessing he's the guy who's picture is set in the back of your dogtags."

"How did you--"

"Come on," said Quentin, poking Josh's arm. "How stupid do you think I am?"


"It's not a big deal," said Quentin. He leaned in close, whispering in Josh's ear, "trust me."

Josh looked at him, eyes wide, but now in shock. "You?"

Quentin nodded slowly. "Yeah, just wanted to keep it quiet; don't need a blanket party."

Josh winced; he'd heard of those. When other soldiers would fill blankets and pillow cases with anything heavy and beat gay guys in their sleep.

"So when you said you didn't have a girlfriend back home, I guess that wasn't a TOTAL lie, was it?" teased Quentin, with a crooked grin.

Josh blushed, grinning stupidly. "I guess not."

Quentin sat down next to Josh; Josh could feel the heat rising from his friend. "Too bad. You're cute."

Josh looked up, blushing more.

Quentin leaned forward, rubbing his paw up and down Josh's arm. "Must've been awhile since you've...been with someone."

Josh nodded. "Since coming here."

Quentin stroked the back of Josh's paw, entwining his fingers with Josh's. "You know someone else who likes the same things you do now. And he finds you awfully attractive."

Josh took his paw from Quentin. "And I have someone else."

Quentin was undeterred. "And?" He stroked the outside of Josh's thigh. Josh's member betrayed his feelings, poking against the fabric of his pants.

"Looks like someone else feels differently," said Quentin, smiling devilishly.

Josh whined, torn in decisions.

"We don't have to have sex," said Quentin, rubbing Josh' stomach. "We can"

Josh looked away. "Maybe..."

Quentin smiled again. He put his shirt and pants back on, then grabbed Josh by the paw. "Come on!"

Quentin lead him outside, past the barracks and armory, over towards the mess hall.

"Where are we going?" asked Josh, following close behind, Quentin having released his paw after they'd gone outside.

"Surprise," shouted Quentin over his shoulder.

The two of them went behind the mess tent, to a smaller building.

"This is where they store some of the non-perishable stuff; potatoes, canned things, and so on," explained Quentin, opening the door. "The kitchen staff leaves at five, so there's no one around." He pulled Josh in with him, closing the door. He didn't turn the light on, the two of them just navigating in the low light of the evening.

"Now what?" asked Josh.

"Now," said Quentin, leaning against Josh, rubbing the front of his pants, "we can have a little fun."

Josh smiled despite himself; he never wanted to fool around with anyone except Ty...but it had been so long since he'd last felt the touch of another male....

Quentin backed him up against a rack of cans, knocking some of them to the floor, kissing Josh fiercely. Josh was a little surprised, but allowed Quentin's tongue in, mixing it with his. Josh closed his eyes and moaned in his throat, pulling Quentin close, the still-lingering smell of sweat and musk driving both of them wild.

Quentin pulled back, looking into Josh's eyes. "That was great."

Josh smiled. "It was nice."

"It's gonna get better," teased Quentin, pulling Josh's shirt off, then shucking off his own. His paws found every inch of Josh's chiseled chest, weeks of physical training having accentuated his already-sexy body. Quentin nuzzled and licked his chest, loving every minute of it.

The wolf stepped back a bit and sat down. "Take off your pants," he instructed.

Josh hesitated for a moment, but then did as he was told, unbelting and unbuttoning his pants and kicking them off, followed by his boxers. His stiff penis came into view, Quentin marveling at it.

"What? Never seen another guy naked?" asked Josh, laughing.

"No," said Quentin, "just never one this good-looking."

Josh came and sat next to Quentin. "Not fair to be the only one naked here."

"Oh, you want to see the wolfy bits?" asked Quentin.

"Would be nice."

Quentin was more than happy to appease that request; he undid his own pants, lifting his butt a bit and slipping them off. His own jet-black cock could now be seen, and Josh unconsciously licked his lips when he saw it.

The two of them sat there with each other, naked, but not making any moves yet. Josh finally put his arms around Quentin, leaning his head against the wolf's shoulder. "I just miss having someone to be close to."

Quentin stroked his hair. "I had a boyfriend once. Until a few weeks ago."

Josh just looked up at him.

"When I told him I was going to army, he said it was over," said Quentin. "He was mad because I gave him no warning, just told him a few days before. We had a huge fight, and he left me, saying he never wanted to see me again, and that he hoped I died." Quentin bit his lower lip. "We were together for a year."

Josh said nothing. He couldn't imagine how he would've felt if Ty had told him that. He realized at that moment how easily he could've lost him.

Quentin snapped his attention back when he scooted back a bit, away from Josh and sat in front of him. He reached forward and parted Josh legs.

"What are you--?"

"Shh," said Quentin. "Just sit back and enjoy it."

Quentin stretched back, putting his foot-paws up between Josh's legs. Josh just watched with fascination, and then moaned when Quentin gently pressed his feet up against Josh's crotch.

"I guess you like that," remarked Quentin, grinning.

Josh didn't say anything, just nodded his head vigorously.

The wolf pressed just his toes against Josh's balls, gently prodding them, lifting his sac gently with the top of his toes. Josh grinned at the feeling of someone else playing with him again. His cock was now fully emerged from his sheath, the long, throbbing shaft aching to be touched as well.

Quentin moved his foot a little higher, letting Josh's penis slip in between his toes. His other foot stayed on Josh's testicles, rubbing them gently. Josh's tongue lolled from his muzzle, abject joy overtaking his body as his cock was rubbed. The fur of Quentin's feet on his member was a completely new experience, and he LIKED it.

Rubbing up and down Josh's cock, Quentin took Josh's own right footpaw and brought it up to his face, inhaling deeply the scent of it. He licked up and down, lingering on the pads. Josh's ears perked up at this tantalization; he'd never had his feet played with, and it was incredible. The stimulation just added to the sensation on his privates.

Quentin licked up Josh's foot once more, then took his big toe into his mouth, suckling on his gently. Josh took a sharp inhalation of breath at the feeling, which was quite different from anything else. He also looked down at Quentin, who had let Josh's cock go from his toes and was repositioning his feet, one on either side of Josh's raging erection. He stroked Josh's cock in between both his feet now, which felt just like a pawjob, only infinitely BETTER. Josh marveled at how nimble Quentin's feet were; at least when he was moaning in ecstasy.

The wolf licked in between his new partner's toes, his warm, slick tongue moving over Josh's toes and top of his feet. Every taste and smell was just as good as being touched to the wolf.

Josh gasped out a bit as Quentin rubbed the front of his shaft, letting his big toe hit the spot just under Josh's cockhead, which was the spot Josh always got the most sensation from. He grit his teeth at the pleasure coursing up from his crotch, spreading over his legs, belly, arms, everywhere. He moaned again, leaning back now and letting Quentin have his way.

Quentin grinned inwardly at Josh's pleasure. He knew the kangaroo was going to enjoy this. He moved his feet a bit more vigorously, feeling Josh flex his cock a bit under his pads, knowing the roo must've really been liking the footjob. And Quentin enjoyed sucking on Josh's toes just as much, taking them into his muzzle one by one and swirling his tongue over them, knowing he was doing it right every time Josh kicked his feet a bit.

Adjusting his feet again, Quentin gripped Josh's cock with his toes wrapping around Josh's shaft, and stroked up and down.

"Oh, god!" shouted Josh.

"Not so loud," chided Quentin, "don't want anyone to hear us."

Josh whimpered and moaned quietly as Quentin stroked him off, moving his toes up Josh's shaft, over his cockhead, and back down again. He moved his other footpaw and wrapped the space between his first two toes around the base of Josh's cock, gripping a bit tightly, making Josh's head swell. More blood coursed up through Josh's cock, making every touch, fondle, and rub feel even more intense. He had to clamp his paws over his muzzle to keep from yelling out in absolute, indescribable enjoyment.

Little twitches at the base of Josh's cock alerted Quentin to the fact his orgasm was starting. He slowed up his stroking, wanting to drag it out as long as possible. Josh whined and squirmed as he felt his orgasm building, but not quite to the point of cumming. Quentin giggled a bit at the kangaroo.

" so funny?" panted out Josh.

"You," replied Quentin, smiling. Josh smiled as well, closing his eyes and just taking in every feeling that his cock was producing.

His penis swelled, and Quentin knew it was coming. He stroked a but faster now, Josh's muzzle just going slack falling open, bucking his hips up and down. "Mmmmm....Quentin..."

"I know," said Quentin, quietly. "It's coming." He slipped the paw that was around the base of Josh's cock up and down in time with his other paw, stimulating Josh's full length. Josh's cock was throbbing and swelled under his impending release of all his seed, his cockhead a deep maroon-red.

"I...I'm gonna....mmmf....," moaned Josh.

Quentin didn't say anything, just kept pawing him off until he felt pulses wracking Josh's cock. His head throbbed and spasmed, and his milky-white semen gushed out. Josh moaned long and low, the first time his semen had been liberated by someone else's touch in weeks. It felt amazing, his orgasm seemed to go on forever, shooting his load across his own cock and Quentin's feet, the wolf's toes getting sticky with Josh's seed.

Quentin kept moving his paws until Josh's orgasm had completely passed, loving it when Josh's warm semen touched his fur.

When he was spent, Josh lay on his back, panting and breathing deep. "That was..."

"Yeah," said Quentin, crawling over and laying beside the kangaroo. He kissed him on the cheek. "Hope you enjoyed that."

Josh grinned. "I thought that was evident."

"I suppose it was," said Quentin.

Josh reached over and rubbed the wolf's belly. "I guess I should return the favor."

"If you want to," replied Quentin, his own cock still stiff as a board.

"Like I told you, just no all-the-way," said Josh.

Quentin nodded.

Josh was ready when the whistle outside sounded.

"Damn," said Quentin.

"Fifteen minute warning," said Josh. He licked Quentin's nose. "I'd like a bit more time than that."

Quentin smiled at the roo. "Then I guess you owe me one, huh?"

Josh giggled. "You bet."

The two of them got up and dressed, then headed back to the barracks quickly.


The lock clicked and the door opened, yellow light from the hallway spilling into the apartment.

Ty clicked the light on, stepping inside and letting Matt past him. "Welcome to my little spot."

Matt looked around the small apartment; big enough for two people, but not much beyond that.

"Not a bad place," said Matt. "What do you pay a month on it?"

"Too much," said Ty, laughing. He set his keys down on the endtable next to the couch. "Sit down. Want something to drink?"

"No," replied Matt, sitting on the couch, "I'm good, thanks."

Ty got himself a can of soda from the refrigerator, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Matt.

"What else did you want to do?" asked Ty, sipping on his drink.

Matt shrugged. "I dunno. Just the fact I ran into you again is enough for me."

Ty smiled. They'd had a nice day; gone to a movie and dinner after leaving the cafe, then decided to come back to Ty's for a bit.

"Well, it's almost nine; we could order a late-night pizza and play video games or watch a movie, or something," suggested Ty.

"Or something," said Matt quietly.

Ty didn't say anything, just going to get his collection of take-out menus. "I've been ordering out so much lately, it's almost to the point where I can call and ask for 'the usual'."

Matt laughed, getting up and standing next to Ty. Ty rummaged through, getting the menu for the local pizza place. "Got it." He picked up the phone, ordering quickly.

"Got about twenty minutes," said Ty, sitting down next to Matt. He clicked on the TV. "See if there's actually something decent on for a change."

"Doubt it," said Matt, smirking a little.

Ty smiled. The young otter he'd once known had grown into quite a specimen of maleness. He remembered when Matt had first met him.

He and his parents had just recently moved into the small neighborhood, and Ty had already hated it; he hadn't seen anyone around his own age. And it had gone on that way for about a week; not even anyone at school had seemed to live anywhere near him.

Then one day the little otter had shown up on their doorstep, asking his mother if Ty was home and if he could play; he had seen Ty around since they'd moved in. Ty and he had bonded quickly, playing together almost constantly. The would ride bikes around the neighborhood, sit together in school at lunch, do usual cub things. They never seemed to play with other kids often; just the two of them.

Then their relationship had graduated into something else. It started innocently enough in sixth grade; while most other guys were experimenting with bike tricks and learning forbidden cuss words, Ty and Matt would sneak off under the slide. The slide was big enough that you had to duck down under it to see under it, so the adults never could see what they were doing, and none of the other cubs seemed to care enough to check out what they were up to.

The first time, Matt had asked Ty if he could look down his pants. Ty had thought the question innocent enough, and they quickly went under the slide, Ty unbuttoning his pants and letting Matt pull them down a bit and pull Ty's underwear waistband from his hips, looking down and seeing Ty's penis still limp in his little sheath. Matt's eyes had sparkled at the first time he'd seen another male's cock. Ty had been grossly embarrassed, but let Matt look as long as he wanted, which was until the recess bell rang; never touched, just looked. Matt was always especially intrigued looking down past Ty's sheath, to his furry testicles, the way they were tucked back a bit by the curve of the fabric of his underwear.

It would be a few days again before Matt would want to duck back under the slide, this time offering to show himself to Ty. Ty had been intrigued about Matt ever since showing himself off, and took the otter's offer with zeal. They went back to their hidden spot, Matt yanking his pants halfway down his thighs, letting his soft cock and furry balls come into view, Ty just looking at them the way Matt had looked at him, again until the recess bell rang. Their mutual revelations went on for about two weeks, both of them content to look, until the one day when Matt had reached down and stroked Ty's sheath. Ty jumped a bit at the sudden contact, Matt horrified he'd done something wrong, but when Ty smiled he knew it was all okay. Ty loved the feeling of another guy touching his maleness.

Their nakedness and mutual touching went on for some time; until they reached seventh grade. During the first week of classes was the first time Ty had had sex with another male, and he could still remember it vividly.

Mildew and dust assaulted his nose as Matt opened the garage door ahead of him, leaving the lights off, the only light streaming through grimy, seldom-washed windows.

"What're we doing in here?" asked the young leopard, looking around at piles of old items hidden under dust sheets draped over them.

"No one ever comes in," said Matt, getting on his knees and leaning under an old desk, dragging a sheetless mattress out from under it. "And my parents don't come home until almost four, so that gives us about an hour."


Matt gripped Ty's paw and dragged him over towards the mattress. "C'mon, we've sort of been fooling around for almost six months now...don't you want to try other things?"

"Like what?" asked Ty uncomfortably, fidgeting with his paws.

"Well, my brother has this book, and I was looking through it, and they shows guys doing IT with other guys," said Matt quietly, taking the book off the desk. He flipped the book open, showing Ty. "See?"

Ty marveled at one male fur giving another a blowjob, another pawing another, and a whole variety of ways they were mounting one another.

"It says here it feels real good when one guy puts another guy's thing in his mouth," said Matt, obviously excited to try this. "I was thinking...maybe...we'd try this out."

"I...dunno," said Ty, scuffing his feet.

Matt rubbed the front of Ty's jeans, trying to get him hard and horny. "Come on, just once?"

"Well....," said Ty, feeling a familiar stiffening in his cock, that he was used to now when Matt touched him there.

"I promise, you'll like it," said Matt, guiding him down and laying Ty on his back. He grinned as he undid Ty's belt, unzipping his pants and pulling them down to his ankles along with his underwear, his penis already free of his sheath.

"Are you sure you want to--" began Ty, but cut himself off when Matt licked his cockhead, and he gasped.

"Was that okay?" asked Matt.

"Oh...yeah...," breathed out Ty.

Matt smiled, licking it again. Any reservations Ty was having were gone in the wave of pleasure that was hitting him; aside from light stroking from Matt, no one had ever serviced him this way before.

Doing like he'd seen in the book, Matt took Ty's cock in his muzzle, bobbing his head up and down and swirling his tongue around Ty's member. The way Ty flexed his cock and groaned lead him to believe he was doing something right.

Ty realized he was involuntarily thrusting his hips up and down, which plunged his cock down Matt's throat unexpectedly and made him release Ty's cock and gag.

"You alright?" asked Ty, breathing hard.

"Yeah," gasped Matt. He tried something different, wrapping his paw around Ty's shaft and pumping gently. Ty purred deep in his throat, loving the feel of his paw just as much as the feel of Matt's muzzle. He was noticing his penis was going sort of numb; not ever having ejaculated before, he had no idea what this was heralding.

But after a few more moments of Matt stroking his cock, he knew full well; he came quickly, not having any experience or control over his orgasms yet. Not having hit puberty yet, he didn't release any semen, but some little spurts of ejaculatory fluids. Matt marveled at the way Ty's cock spasmed, and released some hint of fluids, and how Ty seemed to be in absolute heaven.

"Guess you don't have a problem doing this more often?" asked Matt, leaning down over his friend.

Ty smiled wide. "Not at all. Though I think next time we'll see if we can do the same for you."

Now Matt smiled. "Maybe."

That would go on for another year; the two of them playing around in Matt's dad's toolshed. Until, one day, his dad came home early, catching his son with his best friend, both of them pantsless and blowing each other. One call to Ty's parents and the school board, and Ty had been moving the next week.


Ty snapped back to the present, looking over at his friend. "Huh?"

Matt giggled. "You sort of zoned there for a second."

"Oh, sorry," said Ty, blushing when he realized he'd been remembering about how the guy less than two feet away had once sucked his cock. He changed the channels on the television quickly, trying to forget about the fact he currently had an erection. "Still a few minutes until the pizza gets he--"

He was cut off when Matt kissed him.

Ty looked over at Matt weird. "What was that?"

"I thought we were...and...," Matt said, stumbling over his words, obviously embarrassed. "You're telling me you don't feel anything after today?"

"Matt, I....I'm with Josh," said Ty, quietly. "Whatever you and I once shared, that was a long time ago; another life ago."

"Maybe we can get that life back," said Matt, pulling Ty close and kissing him deeply on the muzzle, Ty squirming a bit but not completely fighting him off.

"Matt...," he began, the otter exploring around Ty's crotch with his paws, noticing the obvious bulge down there.

"Feels like someone's a little excited," said Matt, grinning from ear to ear. "Just like back then. Back when we used to fool around in the shed." He snuggled in close to Ty. "I've been thinking about that time all day; it can't just be coincidence you and I met up again like this after all these years." He gently rubbed Ty through the fabric of his pants. "We can pick up just like old times."


"Shh," said Matt, undoing Ty's belt buckle. "Just sit back, like you used to, and let me do the work." He nimbly unbuttoned Ty's pants, unzipping them, moving Ty's boxers enough to let his cock pop free, which was stiff and throbbing with excitement. Matt nuzzled Ty's balls, licking them a bit. "Been awhile since you've had a man, hasn't it?"

Ty closed his eyes and murmured, "Uh-huh..."

Matt stroked Ty's penis while licking his balls and base of his shaft, deftly playing his tongue across Ty's privates.

"No...," muttered Ty.

Matt sat up. "What?"

"No, this isn't right," said Ty, pulling his pants back up. "I can't do this." He got up off the couch, standing with his back to Matt. "I once had a boyfriend who was fooling around behind my back and left me; I can't do the same thing to Josh...even if he did figure in there."

Matt was confused by that statement, but ignored it, getting up, having to adjust for his own hard cock. He hugged Ty from behind. "But I'm here for you, and we can pick up like we were meant to all that time ago." He nuzzled Ty's neck, kissing it up and down.

"I'm sorry, Matt," said Ty, breaking away from him, not looking him in the eye.

Matt didn't say anything, almost feeling like he was going to cry. "Then...I think I should go."

"You don't have t--"

"Please," said Matt. "I think I do." He opened the door and left without another word, closing it quietly behind himself.

Ty sighed, sitting down, hugging himself. It had felt good to be with a guy again, especially one like Matt, but he knew it wasn't right to be unfaithful like that, especially after he'd gone through that himself.

He got up and was ready to go to bed when there came a soft knock on the door.

Ty went to the door. "Matt?"

"Pizza delivery," came a voice from the other side.

Ty groaned. "Oh, right."


Ty hung up the phone, sighing. It had been three days since hearing from Matt when he'd left that night, and the otter wouldn't answer his phonecalls now. He knew he could've handled that better; he had been too cold, and Matt was just looking for some company.

He looked up when he heard the mail buzzer sound. He opened the door and went down to the mailslots, taking his mail for the day; he got excited when one had a military ID return stamp on it.

He ran back to the apartment, tearing open the letter on the way and read it;


I finally got your last letter; took forever! Anyway, just letting you know I'm in good health, and getting along fine. As I'm writing this, it's only another week, and then we get a week of leave home. I can't wait to see you again Ty. I miss you a lot out here.

I've also enclosed a picture for you, just to show you what I look like now.

Sorry I don't have a lot of time to write, but if I don't finish this now, it won't go out until next week. But I'll see you real soon. Love ya lots.


Ty looked in the envelope for the picture, taking it out. It was a picture of Josh with some of the other recruits, all of them in full fatigues dress, with anti-flash glasses on and carrying nasty-looking guns. Ty was almost scared by the picture; there was no sign of the loving, tender guy that had left him weeks ago. He just looked powerful now, and fierce.

He placed the picture with the letter on the coffee table, sighing again. It would only be five days or so and Josh would be home.


Josh finished buttoning his dress shirt, lining up his button line with his belt as they'd been instructed to do.

"Looking good," remarked Quentin, dressed up the same way.

"Just want to get this over with," said Josh, slipping his dress shoes on.

They were headed for their 'graduation,' where they'd finally be out of the hellhole they were in before going home for a week and then off to different hell.

"Don't want to be late for this," said Quentin, going for the door.

"Definitely not," said Josh, right behind them.

They walked over to the main area of the base, standing in the middle, lining up as instructed by the DIs. They stood before a podium erected on a stage in front of all of them, where a bunch of long-winded speeches would commence before they were freed.

The recruits stayed silent as a general, a greyhound, approached the podium, bracing himself over it.

"Welcome, recruits, to the armed forces of your country," he began. "Today, you stand before me as full-fledged soldiers to protect all we stand for in this country, at home and abroad. You're taking the first steps into becoming the first-line stand for our honor and way of life."

Josh tuned most of what was being said right out, just thinking of getting home to Ty. To be able to hold him in his arms, kiss him, and make love with him again. He couldn't think of the last part too much, though, as he already felt himself stiffening up.

More officials came out, giving speeches, handing out some commendations for recruits who showed particular promise. Josh didn't care about any of it, just wanting it to end.

"And finally, I'm going to turn things over to captain Abrams, who oversees tactical operations in one of our foreign theatres," said the general. He stepped away and a muscular bulldog took his spot.

"Good afternoon, soldiers," he said. "I'm afraid I come bearing quite a bit of bad news for most of you. Right now, we are experiencing a crisis in the west. Details will follow later, but I have orders from the State Department and War Department suspending all active duty leaves until further notice. We need all the men we can get right now."

Josh's eyes went wide. Leaves were cancelled? They couldn't do that!...could they?

"Right now you will all be transported to a local airbase where we'll get you some sleep, chow, and suited up, then we're shipping most of you out to Zaire."

Josh was still stunned. How long would these leaves be cancelled? When would he see TY??

"You will also have time to send one last letter or anything else out by mail before leaving the airbase, since mail out of the fighting zone is spotty at best."

The general took the podium back over. "I am sorry for canceling leaves, but this takes precedence. We will brief you once you are in the zone. We will now be turning you over to captain Abram's detail."

Josh felt like he wanted to cry. He was expected to go home tomorrow, not halfway around the world! He clenched his fists tightly, making himself not totally lose it.

Quentin put a paw on his shoulder. "You okay?"

Josh shook his head. "No."

Quentin squeezed his paw on his shoulder a bit. "I'm here for you."

"Thanks," said Josh quietly. "Guess we have to go get on the bus, huh?"



Helicopter blades thrummed nearby, diesel trucks growling as they moved, and jets flying low overhead left booms in their wake.

The base was far different than Josh had expected; very utilitarian and basic. Which, he supposed, was the way things were in the army.

"Alright, la-DEEES,' barked out a black lab DI. "You have three hours to get sleep and food and do any personal things you may have to before you have to hit the transports. I suggest you rest up now because you will be deployed A-SAP once you're on the ground."

The group of recruits filed into a nearby building, where they got mostly MREs and bottled water. Josh managed to choke down the freeze-dried food with help from the water.

"Hell of a place, isn't it?" asked Quentin, sitting down next to him.

"Yeah," said Josh, taking a drink of water. "Way I hear it, this place is paradise compared to where we're going next."

Quentin nodded. "More than likely; I've heard the scuttle is that we're going to help put down a rebel resistance; wouldn't really care, except our ambassador's convoy was attacked yesterday, which suddenly made us sit up and take notice. Especially when he was taken hostage and they want fifty-million dollars for his safe return."

Josh sighed. This wasn't going to be a training exercise; this would be the real thing.

"Lots of these guys are gonna die," remarked Quentin quietly. "We're not experienced enough for this; but they also say they're incredibly short-staffed."

"I have to get to a phone, and call Ty," said Josh.

"Phones aren't in use except for local calls," said Quentin. "And that's if you can get an outgoing line over the radio chatter and scramblers."

"Fuck," breathed Josh.

"They say they're making an emergency mail run in an hour; you could get one last letter out."

Josh nodded. "I think I'd better." He reached back into his pack, taking a notepad and pen out, writing as quickly as he could, trying to pack in everything he could think of he wanted to say, and all of it was inadequate. He could have had a day to write and still not been able to get everything on that pad he wanted to tell Ty.

He managed to finally get it to what he wanted to say, and got it into an envelope and to the mail room before it left.

Quentin met up with him outside the letter office. "So, what now?"

Josh shrugged. "We could get a couple hours of sleep."

"I suppose," said Quentin. "It's just...we may not even see each other again...if we're in different units..."

Josh smiled, knowing full-well what the wolf was getting at. "I guess I do owe you one. Should we look for a private place?"

"Supply closest around the corner," said Quentin.

The two of them nonchalantly walked around the corner, ducking in when it was clear. Quentin reached up, clicking on a single bulb.

The closest was cramped; with the shelving in there, it was maybe four feet by five feet. But neither of them cared as Josh pulled Quentin close and kissed him, rubbing his ass under his tail as he did so.

"Someone's seems like they're ready to play," said Quentin, smiling.

"I have always been a bit of a horndog," said Josh, blushing. "Even in high school."

"That's okay," said Quentin, pressing Josh back against the rear wall since it had no shelves and kissed him again, mingling his own tongue with Josh's. "I like horndogs."

Shirts quickly came off, followed by pants, the two of them down to just boxers, standing there obviously both aroused. Josh let his paws roam over Quentin's chest, stomach, and over the bulge in his boxers, rubbing his cockhead through the boxers.

"Wuffy seems excited," said Josh, smiling when he saw Quentin close his eyes and let his tongue loll out of his slack jaw. He gripped Quentin's waistband and yanked his boxers down in one swift motion, looking at Quentin's cock glistening in the low light above them, a couple droplets of precum already escaping his cockslit. Josh bent down and willingly lapped them up with his tongue, which made Quentin flex his cock a bit.

Josh's own pants quickly followed suit, dropping to the floor. He gracefully stepped out of them, standing there nude with Quentin. Josh rubbed his own maleness against Quentin, rubbing the sensitive spots of their shafts together, both of them grunting and moaning at the feeling.

Suddenly stopping, the kangaroo stepped away and braced himself against the wall, bending over a bit and lifting his tail, beckoning to Quentin.

Quentin stood behind the roo, slipping his cock up under his balls. "I thought you said no sex."

Josh just smiled and blushed. "I guess I lied. Truth be told, I'm afraid I could be...killed over there. This may be the last time I could get sex."

"Or I could," said Quentin, grimly.

Josh said nothing.

Quentin rubbed his cockhead over Josh's tailhole, spreading his pre across Josh's pucker. "You sure?"

Josh nodded without hesitating. "Yeah."

"Okay," said Quentin quietly, gently pressing himself into Josh. He went slow since Josh had tightened considerably over weeks without penetration. But Quentin also liked the tightness of Josh's ring around his cockhead; he had gone no farther yet.

"Just tell me when I can go all the way in," said Quentin, humping just his cockhead in and out of Josh.

Josh grit his teeth, bracing himself against the wall; he was already loosening up, but it had been so long since another male had been inside of him. "O-okay," he grunted.

Quentin slowly dipped his cock down inside Josh, feeling the warmth of Josh's insides clench over his head and shaft; he was curious if Josh had ever been with a canine lover before as he felt his knot still in the confines of his sheath, but not for long. He managed to work his entire length inside of Josh, letting himself stay fully inside to give Josh time to adjust.

Josh sighed, bending over further, he paws flush against the wall, breathing deeply as he willed himself to stretch and take Quentin's cock.

"Sure you're okay?" asked Quentin.

"Yeah," said Josh. "You can go ahead."

Quentin slowly withdrew himself, sliding out gently, then pressed back inside, taking a slow, rhythmic pace to start with. Josh usually did the topping with Ty, but had been taken a few times, and he was remembering how good it could feel to be parted like that. To have someone else's warmth inside him; and when they came, to feel that hot seed inside him as well.

Quentin gripped Josh by the hips, doggy-style being his personal favorite position. He reached up through the cleft in Josh's legs, rubbing his furry sac from underneath, which distracted Josh a bit from pain and pleasure in his rear.

All Quentin was focused on was fucking the willing kangaroo in his tight ass. His pace was quickening now, humping faster and deeper. He could feel his knot starting to form.

"Have you...ever taken a...knot?" gasped Quentin between thrusts.

Josh just shook his head.


Josh looked over his shoulder. "Will it...hurt?" he grunted.

"Some it."

"Okay," said Josh.

Quentin had been glad he agreed; he loved to bury his knot inside his partners, and was eager to get it inside Josh's tight behind.

As Josh had agreed, Quentin's knot slipped, the bulbous base of his cock finally free and searching for a new home. Quentin kept humping to his base, just letting the top of the knot make contact with Josh's tailhole, which sent a tingle up through Quentin everytime it hit.

He eventually slowed down a bit, only going in about halfway. "Are you ready?" he asked Josh. Josh nodded slowly, closing his eyes.

Quentin slowly brought his cock to bear on Josh, getting to the top of the knot and just letting it slip in slowly. Josh's eyes opened wide; he bit his lower lip and pleasure shot up through his body, mixed with a slight pinching sensation. But overwhelmingly, he enjoyed it.

The wolf finished getting all of himself in, Josh's hole so tight he was actually tied with his new lover. He closed his eyes, murring at the feeling of Josh's ring tightening at the base of his knot; it was even better when Josh's involuntarily clenched down around it.

"That," remarked Josh, breathing deeply.

"Like it, though?" asked Quentin, moving his cock around enough to stimulate it.

"Yeah, I do," said Josh, giggling embarrassedly.

"Just don't try to get away right away," said Quentin. "Someone as tight as you, it'll hurt you. You'll just have to wait til I'm...less excitable." He laughed.

Josh laughed as well, then grunted when Quentin moved himself around a bit inside of him. Quentin felt HUGE compared to how Ty had felt on the rare occasions he wanted to top.

Trying to hump without hurting Josh, Quentin knew he was close to cumming. He rocked himself back and forth, not wanting to pull from Josh and injure him; usually it wasn't an issue, most guys not loose enough to tie for a long period of time. But he was glad Josh could hold him inside.

He felt his cum pushing up through his cock; he over-excitement, and lack of having topped in some time, were contributing his hastened orgasm. He tried to hold himself back, but the tightness on his knot alone was forcing his excitement, and he little contractions in his dick inside of Josh, and Josh must've felt them as well because he looked over his shoulder and remarked, "Wuffy ready to cum?"

Quentin grunted, feeling semen coming up through himself. "Uh...huh....."

Josh clenched his tailhole tighter, and Quentin gasped at the extra force, and this was all it took to make him paint the inside of Josh with his hot, milky seed. His cock spasmed, his warm, creamy seed pushing up and erupting from his penis, the feeling of orgasm absolute heaven after not having one like this in so long. Some dribbled down out of Josh's tailhole and down the back of his legs, Josh feeling the warmth spread out from his rear. Quentin growled, unconsciously pressing as deep as he could into Josh for the duration of his orgasm.

When it was over, the two of them were left panting, collapsing on the floor, Quentin still on top and engaged inside of Josh.

"That was great," murmured Quentin.

"It was," said Josh, stretching out with the wolf still inside of him. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at his current partner, Quentin leaning down and licking him on the nose.

"Was it worth it?" asked Quentin.

"Every second," said Josh. His mind still drifted to Ty, thinking of him at home, without anyone. But Josh couldn't change what he'd done, and had wanted it so desperately. "Maybe we should get some sleep real quick."

"Still hard as a rock," said Quentin, giggling. "We'll just rest here." They rolled to the side together, Quentin still stuck inside of Josh. Quentin put his arm around the kanagroo, and they slept there on the floor.



The forward HQ area was a madhouse. People running everywhere, things piled wherever they could fit, everything in total disarray. Ty could barely follow behind the group he was assigned to; as he feared, he'd been separated from Quentin. They'd been taken from the military base fifteen hours ago and flown into what was now considered the Red Zone.

They were hustled inside a small, olive-green tent, where a great dane was up front next to a projector screen.

"Quiet down," he ordered. "As of 0800 hours two days ago, the ambassador and two of his staff members were taken hostage from their escorts. They were taken by a group here that is referring to themselves as Black Dawn; they advocate the overthrow of the current regime and controlled anarchist system be put in place. They are asking for fifty million dollars for the return of the ambassador and his aides; we do not even know if they are still alive or not."

He flipped up an over-head image of a small clearing. "We have ascertained that they are holding the ambassador and his entourage here, in a small, abandoned farmhouse about one hundred clicks outside of the town. Satellite imagery puts about fifty men on the premises. You mean here will be part of Operation: Silver Sword. Your primary mission objective will be to ascertain whether or not the ambassador is alive, and if he is, secure and extricate the ambassador; his aides are secondary. You may use any and all mans necessary to conduct this op; we have full jurisdiction from the Zairi government."

He changed the map layout to a map of the area with a grid overlaid with it. "Grids two-two-four and two-two-five have holes in the barbed wire they've used to secure the compound. Intel also suggests trip wires and buried pressure-sensitive mines, so use caution. You will approach from the south-west..." He pointed with a laser-pointer at the bottom of the map. "...and proceed to the main house; we think the ambassador will be in the basement. Commander Hopper will be in charge of on-site command for this platoon, designated team Bravo."

Josh's head was spinning. What had he gotten himself into?

The team filed out, heading to munitions depot to gear up; Josh was handed a helmet, flak jacket, an M4 assault rifle and .45-caliber side-arm as a back-up. They were in jungle camo, with heavy-tread boots, and all sorts of other equipment hanging from their belts.

"Alright, we will file into the choppers waiting in the main yard. We'll be dropped off three hundred meters from our target zone; use your GPS if you get lost, the target is marked as point Upsilon. The extraction zone will be fifty meters north of the targte zone, and is designated point Zeta. Now move!"

They jogged to the helicopters, which were several UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, with Apache gunships to escort them.

Josh looked over at one of the other helicopters and saw Quentin getting into another one. The wolf gave him a crooked smile and jumped into the chopper.

The kangaroo sighed and jumped up into the chopper, sitting on the bench, with his rifle between his legs. He braced his head in his paws as the helicopter lifted off and headed away towards the jungle.


The chopper swept down low over the canopy, zip-lines being dropped from the cabin, and several figures dropped down from the chopper, twenty all-together.

"Pop smoke when you're ready for extraction," came a direction over the general broadcast channel.

Josh hit the ground and detached himself, snapping his rifle up, breathing hard. The helicopter above pulled high and flew off, barely able to be picked out from the night sky.

"Alright, move on me," came the commander's voice. "Sharpshooters up front, we'll get you in place first. Alpha team is moving around to flank the main house, we're assaulting from the front, but need to stay unseen for as long as possible."

The team moved through the underbrush stealthily, semi-crouched with weapons up and ready to fire.

"Move five meters east," came a voice over the mics, one of the soldiers with the GPS. The team moved to their left, going up parallel to a barely-discernable trail made from repeated use of trucks being driven over it.

Moving over low ground cover and past trees, staying undercover, Josh heard the commander over the radio, "get your spook-eyes."

'Spook-eyes' was the nickname soldiers used for night-vision goggles. Josh reached into a side pack, taking the goggles out and putting them over his forehead, a strap holding them on his head. The night was imaged into greens and blacks. The goggles amplified ambient lighting by a thousand times, making night look like a cloudy day.

They picked their way deeper into the jungle, not hearing anything except chirping of bugs and squeaking of small animals.

"Point Upsilon twenty meters ahead," came Josh's radio.

The team broke up a bit, taking a wide-flank position.

"Snipers move into position," came the commander. Josh could pick out some figures moving quickly in the darkness, carry wicked-looking weapons with them.

Josh got down on his belly, crawling forward, his weapon out in front of him. He had never been so nervous in his life, but was managing to control his breathing.

The commander stopped the team just outside of the barbed wire fencing, looking around with a set of infra-red goggles. To Josh, even with his goggles, the place looked deserted. There was an old wrought-iron gate at the front, which had obviously not been replaced, unlike the new razor-wire fence. The compound was roughly thirty meters by fifty meters, with the old house at the very rear; a split-story, ramshackle building. Nearer their side was an old set of out-houses and a storage shed. In the north-west corner were several sets of fuel tanks and drums, along with a generator building. On the west side was a fairly large jungle-green tent, also obviously new.

"Contact," said the commander quietly. Josh saw nothing. But, then, caught quick movement; on the far side of the compound behind the generator building. A guard was slowly walking back and forth, toting an AK-47. But intel had indicated close to fifty rebels; where were the rest?

"Alpha unit, do you copy?"

"Copy, Bravo lead. Standing by."

"Snipers in position, and gunship support standing by," said the commander. "Taking compound in thirty seconds. Wait for breach charges and take your side."


The commander waved his paw and two more-veteran soldiers stepped forward, widening the hole in the fence with bolt-cutters, and slipped inside, securing the immediate area. They waved a flat paw in front of their chest; clear.

The rest of the unit ducked in, taking defensive positions. Josh got down behind the corner of an outhouse, which he could smell had been recently used.

One of the soldiers waved an outstretched paw in the direction of the west; contact. Two soldiers took off in his direction, taking him down quickly and silently with a knife. Josh grimaced at the sight, well-lit in his goggles, and looked away.

"Place breaching charges on the doors of the outhouse and tool shed," ordered the commander over his throat-mic. "It will give us a minor distraction and a quick window to take the main house."

"Compound is clear, except for the sentry in the north-west corner," came a sniper's voice. "Providing over-watch."

"Copy, Reach," said the commander, using the codename for the snipers. "Weapons are red until given further orders." Weapons red meaning to not take any shots.


"Breach team, on me; the rest keep watch," ordered the commander.

Josh hunkered down, keeping a vigilant watch while the others went off to plant the charges. Something here wasn't right; this was way too easy, especially if they were guarding the ambassador they were guarding. He couldn't believe they were all in that little house. But he put his concerns to the back of his mind.

"Planting final charges," said the commander.

"Contacts," came Alpha Lead's voice on the radio.

"Where?" asked Bravo Lead.

"On our six," he said. "They're flanking us."

"How do they know you're there?" asked Bravo.

"I don't know, but they're moving on. Weapons loose," he ordered his team.

"Alpha," said the commader. "Alpha!"

Gunshots rang out across the jungle from the north, little flashes from muzzles visible in the darkness.

"We've been made," said the commander quietly.

Josh's breath was ragged. Not only was he worried about himself, but Quentin was on the other team.

"Fall back and re-gr--" started the commander, but was cut off as floodlights across the compound clicked on. Everyone tore their goggles off at the sudden light. "Take cover!" ordered the commander. The troops dropped to the ground, looking furtively around.

Rebel troops filed from the building, and some other flanking around behind them on the peripheral of the fence line, catching them in a pincer move.

Josh was gripping his gun handle so hard that if he could have seen his knuckles, they would have been ghost-white. His breathing was ragged and shallow, his eyes wide as he watched themselves get surrounded.

Then all hell broke loose.

Gunfire erupted all around them, spraying the buildings and ground with lead. Some soldiers were caught immediately, doing a macabre death dance before falling to the ground.

"Open fire!" roared the commander.

The soldiers fired back, adding to cacophony of gunfire. Caught in the blaze of the floodlights, they had nowhere to go with rebels front and back of them.

"Bravo Lead to Eagle One, request air support, over," said the commander into his field radio.

"Copy Bravo Lead, Eagle One and Eagle Two coming in," came the reply.

Swooping in low over the compound were the Apache gunships, their nose and belly bristling with wicked-looking weaponry. The first Apache turned it's 60mm machine-cannons on the group of rebels near the building, opening a brutal barrage of fire.

"Need cover fire until we can retreat into the compound," came a voice on the broadcast channel.

"Who is this?" asked the commander.

"Alpha Lead is down, this is Alpha Two," came the reply. Apparently the other commander had been killed. "Taking severe fire from enemy company in the north."

"Have enemies in the south as well, Alpha Two, suggest flanking around from the west," said Bravo Lead.

"Copy, Bravo."

Josh was so shaken, just taking random shots with his rifle into the darkness, knowing he wasn't hitting anything, just wanting to live through this. The explosions and the gunfire rattled him so bad, he just wanted to run, but made himself stay his ground, and just kept thinking of getting home to Ty, and not dying in some far-away, god-forsaken place.

The bolt on his rifle snapped back, and he kept pulling the trigger on an empty gun for several seconds until he realized he needed a new magazine. He was just pulling a new one from his belt pouch when a rebel stuck out from behind the nearby shed and took aim at him. For Josh, time just slowed down; he was frozen where he was. He didn't have time to reload, didn't have time to get his pistol, just watched as the rifle was raised and taking aim on him.

He closed his eyes and grit his teeth, and waited; but nothing happened. He opened one eye and saw the rebel lying dead where Josh had last seen him.

"Contact down," came a voice over the radio, one of the snipers; apparently he had dropped him.

Josh quickly swapped magazines, chambering a new round, and being more alert.

He watched the gunship firing down on the rebels, driving some of them back. The ones on the fenceline remained steadfast though.

Josh thought they may finally have a window to move on when he saw one of the rebels on the roof, holding a tubular object to his shoulder. There was a brief puff of smoke, then a massive explosion when the rocket-propelled grenade struck the fuselage of the chopper broadside. It went down in a brilliant fireball, exploding as it hit the ground.

"Eagle Two is pulling out," came the radio. "Area is too hot for further air support." The chopper flew off over the trees.

"Alright," said the commander, gunfire resuming is full force. "We're going to leap-frog across the yard to the main house and take it. Then we're--"

He was cut off by several plumes of smoke that sprung up over the yard; smoke grenades.

"Bravo, move along the west side of the yard; we will provide supporting fire," came Alpha Two's voice.

They wasted little time, knowing the smoke wouldn't be there forever. They took off across the field, rebels taking blind shots in the dark. They all regrouped behind the generator building, Alpha team cutting a hole in the fence to come join them.

Josh had never been so relieved to see anyone in his life; Quentin came over and crouched down next to him. If Josh could have, he would have hugged the wolf.

"We still need to get inside the main building and discern whether or not the ambassador is alive," said Bravo Lead.

"Roger. We can go around behind the building; there's an old door into the basement. The rest can storm the side building," said Alpha Two.

"We've suffered heavy losses," said Bravo Lead. "I'm down ten men."

"We've lost seventeen," said Alpha Two. "Someone knew we were coming."

Fragmentation grenades went off nearby, reminding them they needed to move.

"Alright, Alpha Unit, flank the building, Bravo will take the side door," said Bravo Lead. "Move!'

Smoke was tossed to cover their advance, Alpha moving to the right and around the back. Josh could see them blow the lock off of the basement door, opening the door set into the ground. More gunfire was exchanged.

Two soldiers sidled up to the door, tossing frag grenades through the empty windows, ducking and covering as they went off. They kicked down the door on its flimsy hinges and were through, being cut down by enemy fire as soon as they got in.

"Bravo Lead, this is Alpha Two, we have confirmed the ambassador and his aides have been executed; looks like they've been dead for at least a day."

"Copy," said Bravo Lead. He switched channels. "HQ, HQ, this is Bravo Lead, package has been terminated, request immediate extraction." Gunfire was exchanged and soldiers made their way inside. Josh meekly followed in the rear.

"Negative, Bravo Lead," came HQ. "Area is too hot, negative in the evac. You need to get clear of that area or make it safer for air support to get in there."

"Copy, HQ," said Bravo Lead. With the other two platoons in the jungle, getting out would be almost impossible. He switched channels again. "We need to eliminate their anti-aircraft capabilities and as many of the ground troops as we can."

"Copy, Bravo Lead," said Alpha Lead. "We have soldiers pinned down in the basement, need assistance."

Josh perked up; soldiers in the basement? Quentin had been on that team...

Josh went down the halls towards the basement area, some other soldiers following him. They dropped enemies for him, Josh hesitating every time he went to pull the trigger; shooting live enemies was far different than paper targets.

He rounded the corner to the basement area, on the opposite side of where Alpha team was, so he knew he had to be cautious of cross-fire. He went down a set of wooden steps and saw Quentin and a few other soldiers pinned by fire from enemies. Quentin's right arm was bleeding, and he was obviously out of ammo, along with some of the other soldiers, and they were being advanced on.

Josh aimed at the closest enemy, taking careful aim. He breathed deeply as he was taught, forcing his finger down on the trigger. He careful depressed it, and watched as his bullets tore into the rebels, pressing the trigger down, trying not to think how he was ripping them to hamburger meat, listening to them screaming; but after a moment, he realized those were HIS screams.

He didn't stop until the gun went dry, where he dropped and ran over to Quentin. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," replied Quentin, nursing his arm. "Thanks."

Josh smiled, and that dissolved when he heard a gunshot and jerked a bit. The world seemed to stop. He looked down and saw a ragged hole in the left shoulder of his flak vest. He pressed his fingers against it, and saw they were stained red. The second bullet didn't hurt as much when it struck him, a little to the right of where the first had hit. He looked up wide-eyed at Quentin, who was horrified as well. Rebels were pouring into the basement quickly, killing several of the soldiers. But Josh couldn't hear anything; and couldn't feel anything. It even took him a moment to realize he was falling backward. He hit the ground hard on his back, the wind knocked from him. He could see Quentin get smacked in the face with the butt of a rifle, and he went down hard.

Josh stared at the ceiling, feeling pain blossom over the body, dulled as shock also took his body over. His last thought was of Ty; his smile, the way they'd wake up together in bed, the way they'd make love. Josh knew he'd never see or do any of those things again.

Then felt nothing and saw nothing as blackness crept in.


Ty lay on his back on the couch, hoping the phone would ring, and hoping it would be Josh calling from the bus station looking for a ride. Ty had waited for almost six hours down at the bus station three days ago, and he'd never come.

He sighed. He wanted Josh home SO badly; he missed him more than anything, and couldn't wait until he came home.

He wandered down his mailbox, temporarily trying to distract himself from waiting. Ty grabbed the letters and went back to the apartment, looking through them. Mostly junk, but there were two items that had his attention; one letter with the now-familiar military postmark, and one that had an official seal.

Ty opened the official one first, thinking maybe it was a letter saying why Josh hadn't come home yet. In a way, it was.

Dearest Citizen,

If you are receiving this letter, you were listed as an alternate contact in the event of a personnel's death.

Several of our brave troops were lost in a raid in a rebel base; casualties were high. And your loved one was listed among those killed in action. Our deepest sympathies can never dissolve the sorrow you must be feeling over this great loss. Our country is deeply indebted to our soldiers making the ultimate sacrifice.


General J. Abrams

Ty dropped the other letters he was holding in shock. He was numb all over; he read the letter twice just to be sure he was reading it right. There had to be some mistake; but there was also a casualty report listed, Josh's name on it.

He had to sit down, his head spinning. That was why he never came home; he'd been put on active duty, and taken somewhere far away, which had always been Ty's worst fear that would happen.

Tears escaped from his eyes, dripping down his cheeks. He wanted to just start crying, but knew if he started he'd never stop. He balled his fists up, biting his lower lip, trying not to give in to what he wanted to do.

There came a knock at the door.

"Go away," said Ty just loud enough for them to hear.

"Ty? It's Matt, is everything okay?"

"No, please leave," he said, sobbing a bit now.

He was quiet for a moment. "Ty, please...let me in."

Ty got up, hesitating at the door for a moment. But eventually opened the door, standing there with tears running freely now.

"What happened?" asked Matt. He stepped in, hugging Ty tightly. He looked over Ty's shoulder and saw the letter that had fallen on the couch. "Oh, Ty..."

"Why!?" sobbed Ty, his body heaving. "Why did he go!? I didn't WANT him to go, I just wanted HIM."

"I know," said Matt, stroking the back of his head. "I know."

Ty didn't say anything, just crying into Matt's shoulder. "I...," began Matt. "I came over to apologize for the other night."

Ty shook his head. "I want you here now. I want someone close by."

Matt rubbed his back. "I'll be here as long as you want." They sat down on the couch, Matt holding Ty tight while he cried for hours.


It was later that night, and Ty had awoken from a brief nap. He wiped his eyes, which were puffy from crying all afternoon. He gave a quick sob, and picked up the other envelope, which he already knew what was in it. He ripped it open and read;

Dear Ty,

As I write, I'm about to be sent over-seas to fight in a conflict I'm not a part of, and have never heard of, but is part of my job and duty to do now.

I've been thinking of nothing but getting home to you, and now that's being delayed. But it will all be worth it when I can finally see you again. Eventually I will come home to the guy I love, and that's you, Ty. I love you more than anything, and nothing can keep us apart forever. Thinking of you is what keeps me going; knowing eventually I'll be back in your arms.

I will see you soon, Ty. I promise.



Ty felt tears slipping down his cheeks again; now he would never see the guy he loved again. Neither of them would. He buried his face in his paws, crying again.

He felt paws on his shoulders. "Come on, now."

"I...I just hurt," said Ty. "I don't think it will ever stop."

Matt hugged him. "It will in time, I promise." He looked at the clock. "I should...probably go...."

"No, wait...," said Ty. "Would you...stay over? Please?"

Matt smiled. "Of course I will." He kissed Ty on the cheek. "Couch?"

"I was hoping you'd sleep with me," said Ty quietly.

Matt said nothing, just following Ty into the bedroom. They got into bed in their clothes, Ty curling up in Matt's arms and burying his face in his neck again. He wasn't Josh, but it still felt good to be near someone again.

Ty was asleep in moments.


Author's Note: OK, hold the "OMG, how could you!!!!???" comments for at least two parts, 'kay? Got plenty more coming than this.

On another side note, I tried not to get too technical with the army stuff; wanted it to still be readable by everyone, and took a lot of writer's license with it, so it's far from perfect.

This was a long time to write because I went back and changed SOOO much; I got halfway through and hated EVERYTHING and started from scratch. Expanded parts, took things out; this was one of the more challenging parts to write. Hopefully part 7 won't take as long.

As always, love to hear from you guys; IM me, email me, leave comments, whatever, just lemme hear from ya! =3

Into the Sun: Part 7/11-Summer

This story contains scenes of a graphic, homosexual nature. If you don't like MxM or under 18 (21 in some areas) or it is illegal for you to view pornographic material in your area, don't read. Otherwise, enjoy! =3 ...

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Into the Sun: Part 5/11-Angels with Black Wings

This fic contains acts between MALE furries of a homosexual nature. If you are not legally allowed to view pornographic material, are under 18 (21 in some states), or don't like gay action, don't read!! Otherwise, enjoy =3 ...

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Into the Sun: Part 4/11-The Few, The Proud

This story depicts sexual acts of a GAY nature between two MALE furs. If you don't LIKE MxM or are under 18 (21 in some states) DON'T READ!!!! Otherwise, enjoy =) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ He rolled...

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