Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 2: Leon Garett

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields

So, I'm back. After much nudging from some VIFs (Very Imortant Fursons) I've decided that I shouldn't let someone that I now hate dictate my continuing story's fate. Therefore, I apologize for keeping you guys waiting for this. I'm REALLY sorry...

There is no actual sex in the chapter. There is M/M kissing, coupling, things like that. About anyone who wanted to read this chapter could read it, as it's clean(ish). The rating still remains at 18 however.

WARNING!!!: If Gay relationships offend you, then why did you click on a M/M story, dunce?


Chapter 2: Leon Garett

Morning was rising over the horizon. The fabulous sunrise of Sirius' blue sun was a sight to behold for the two on the precipice. Axis was cuddling into Jasyn's arms, as the two of them watched the suns ascent into the depths of the polluted and nearly toxic sky. The sky of Sirius was only blue over the oceans and one of the seven cities that still stood, the slavery-ridden slums of Siribet. As the blue disc separated itself from the horizon, Jasyn gently kissed his mate's eartip.

"Axis?" he said, murring noticeably, "Do you think our bombs worked?"

Axis smiled and just nuzzled more into his best friend-become lover. "I designed them... but I honestly don't know. The disease could be a dud... we'll just have to wait and see..." replied the younger male. They held eachother for a long time, even as the sky took on its usual sickening brown-gold. While not ugly, it wasn't the colour sky should be, and even the clouds didn't escape the pollution. There were brown streaks across the skies, which were golden and green and blue just moments earlier. Axis shook his head and sighed. "What have they done to our home, Jasyn?" asked the fox.

"They blew it up, remember? This isn't our home, Earth is more of a home to us than this place is. Our home is aboard the Falchion, and we were both born closer to that planet than this one," corrected the wolf, who then sighed and added, "but I think the pollution may have been caused by our people too, before the collapse of Sirian Government."

Axis nodded and then groaned and stood up. "Phillips will be up by now, and she'll be wondering why we're sitting here..." he said, and started back into the cavernous launch opening. The caves were at least one hundred metres long, and twisted slightly, converging in some spots. Thanks to the Earth-forces LIDAR and ground-peircing sensor technology, however, they could navigate them with fighters, and in the largest cave, small transports. Other craft were plunged under the nearby ocean and carried under into the sub-base.

Axis and Jasyn slowly walked, paw-in-paw, back towards the base.


Leon was thoroughly embarrassed. He had been stripped of all articles of clothing and thrown into a cell like an animal, or more appropriately, considering the people who captured him, like a human. A small group of Native Sirians, Xenophobic and aggressive, had taken him captive when he'd approached, asking for some help. He stood in his cell, which was about ten feet by five feet. It had bars on all sides, and he had absolutely no privacy from the scrutiny of the surrounding community. Fully one third of them were foxes, slaves at that, another third of them were free foxes, and mix-breed Sirians, surprising for the Sirian race. The upper third were purebred wolves, a smattering of Collies, and a small group of Dalmatians, huskies, and the like, all majestic breeds. The leader was a male wolf, standing seven-foot and a bit. His coat was blue-white, arctic coloured, and his eyes shone like emeralds.

The "Chieftain" wore a kind of kilt-like skirt that fell in folds, almost like a roman toga, but only from the waist. His torso and wonderfully bulging arms were left bare, save a status necklace made with Craganii scales and teeth from defeated Chieftains. The wolf looked to be a reasonable sort, he was very quiet and thoughtful, and was likely born into the role. Small wonder nobody challenged him though, as his brawn was unmatched in the whole of the camp.

The Chief examined Leon, and raised an eyebrow. He looked to one of the foxes nearby, one of the few that were not slaves, and grinned slightly. "Come here Orion," said the wolf, and immediately the fox was standing before him, bowing his head.

"Yes, sir?" asked the youth. He must've been barely twelve by human years, and his voice conveyed that, young and energetic, but uncertain and nervous. Leon blinked and watched the ordeal, not even trying to hide himself now, finding the effort useless. His hands hung to either side and he stared between the two.

"I've told you Orion, you no longer need call me Sir. You've done your duty and are free. As for the prisoner, can you think of a punishment for our alien enemy here?" asked the Cheiftain.

The young fox, Orion, blinked and slowly nodded, still not looking up at the man. "You don't believe in murder so he must live, but he will live as a slave. Does that punishment please you, Cheiftain?" he said, and the crowd nearby gave a small "rah".

The Chieftain nodded and lay a paw on Orion's shoulder. "It pleases me, Orion, however, I cannot take another slave. You shall be this furless, tailless oddity's master. Does that please you Orion?" asked the Chieftain.

"Y-yes Chieftain, I will..." said the kit, barely an adult, and already knowing sex inside out. The crowd cheered and Leon gulped slightly.

'Slave?' he thought. He admitted that the thought wasn't unappealing, per-se, but he had hoped that it would be to a female. The prospect of being slave to a male; a male of a different species, and a race considered inferior by said species, no less. His throat was sore, mouth suddenly dry. Somehow, he had to get out of here.

The fact that someone he knew happened to walk by while searching for him didn't hurt, but it didn't help her any.

"Let me go! Gah! What do you think you're doing!?" screamed the young lieutenant, as she too was stripped to nothing and thrown into a similar cell next to Leon's. The two recognized eachother immediately.


"Shell?" called Axis as he headed for young lieutenant Phillips' room. The room was empty, save for the furniture. "Where is she?" Axis asked himself.

Jasyn sighed in frustration and said to the fox: "Let's ask Captain Litman if she's seen hide or hair of her."

"Great idea Jayse!" came the fox's reply, followed with an under his breath: "I knew there was a reason I love you..."

Jasyn scoffed and looked offended. "You mean it isn't my modest, ego-free attitude, or my enthralling good looks that you love me for? Now I'm hurt..." Jasyn's voice trailed off and he made a cute pout.

Axis shook his head and walked out the door, giving Jasyn's ass an affectionate squeeze that caused the wolf to jump a bit and let out a squeak. "I'll get you for that, Kit!" grumbled the wolf.

The two found the Captain as she was drafting a rescue plan. "Have either of you seen Phillips?" asked Litman, her voice smooth and feminine. She sounded like a Heather, if the person who spoke to her were to think about it. Voices seemed to suggest names among humans, and Axis, having never known a heather, had no idea what one sounded like, and therefore didn't make this thought until he met a Heather, who he thought sounded like a Katherine, several years later. However, back on topic: "She's been missing all morning," added the woman.

Jasyn shook his head, making a confused look, as did Axis. Axis and Jasyn said, respectively, and simultaneously. "We were about to ask you the same thing." and "No we haven't."

The Captain blinked once, registering both phrases before replying. "Someone said they saw her walking to a landing bay," she answered, and the two had the same thought; Axis and Jasyn that is.

"She's gone looking for Leon," they said in tandem, and again, simultaneously, rushed out the door. Jasyn called back: "We're taking my MPN!" and the pair departed.


The cockpit of an MPN Exoskeleton is large enough to barely fit two people comfortably; luckily Axis was comfortable enough sitting in Jasyn's lap, that they both had extra space. They flew at best speed to Leon's crash site, landed, and climbed out of the machine. Jasyn was carrying a pair of standard-issue Sirian pulse-battle-rifles, and Axis had only a long sword, enhanced with a vibration cell for extra damage.

The two walked slowly through the scattered, abandoned buildings, and towards the city centre. They both smelled Sirians and Humans, humans they knew, ahead.


The city centre was, luckily, depressed. That is, it was lower than the rest of the city, but it had a multitude of tunnels and drain ways. Axis lay on the ridge overlooking the city centre. The roads towards the centre curled around the outer ring, effectively making a screw effect. Whoever designed this city, designed it so that the main district, below the two young lovers, would be easy to both defend and attack, depending on the method of attack. An air strike would level it, while a ground strike would be almost completely useless, unless it came from one of the tunnels.

A large shantytown was set up off to one side of the centre of the pit. The far side, unfortunately enough. Axis and Jasyn would either have to walk around to the other side, go back to the MPN and land inside the crater, or risk walking down and then directly towards the village.

"I say we walk towards them, straight on. There are buildings to cover us, and if need be we can hide out in one of them," started Jasyn, before Axis interrupted.

"You're assuming they're hostile. They could be friendly, though I highly doubt it," said the fox, before adding, "however, if we showed up in your walker, proud and powerful, they might think twice before attacking us."

Jasyn conceded that point to his Kit, but argued, "or they could see it as a sign of aggression and kill their captives, assuming Leon and Phillips are captives."

"A lot of assuming going on, isn't there?" said an unfamiliar voice. It was distinctly male, distinctly Sirian, and distinctly lupine.

The two of them looked at eachother. Jasyn made a "should we shoot him?" face, and Axis twitched his left ear, a signal between them for no.

They slowly stood and turned around, feigning capture. "Dammit fox! Why weren't you keeping better watch?" scolded Jasyn falsely. They had a contingency for this happening.

The wolf that stood before them was strange. He wore black armour, designed specifically to guard against pulses of energy. It would probably stand up to a good few physical attacks also. The armour seemed to mesh with the majority of his fur. This wolf was black, and had red markings across his face in intriguing striped patterns. It was obvious he was a half-breed between a Sirian black lab and a great many wolves. He was perhaps a three quarters wolf, maybe more. His markings ran all the way down his fully bared arms, and stopped in little crescent-shapes on the backs of his paws. The oddest thing was that this wolf had a pair of tails. 'Perhaps... no he couldn't be...' Axis thought.

In the space of a millisecond Axis cringed at his 'master's' harsh words and whimpered. "I-I'm sorry sir... I'm-"

"Shut up, both of you. I'm not here to hurt either of you," interrupted the wolf, and Axis blinked and straightened up. Jasyn slowly lowered his arms and the wolf put away his weapon. "Now, why were you trying to sneak into our town? Did you intend to claim our new slaves as your own?" asked the wolf, and Jasyn shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"We came for something of the sort, but our version has them being free people in the Sirian Rebellion and Earth Forces Alliance. I'll admit that the name is ungainly and hard to say, but we're new to the neighbourhood," said Jasyn, more advertising than informing.

"Oh? It would take at least another hundred years before the earth could get a vessel here," scoffed the wolf, raising his weapon again.

"Not true," said Axis immediately. "They haven't been ravaged by war like this world has. They've had time to make more progress in slipstream technology than we have. We managed to return here in a month and-"

"A month?" said the wolf, before he added, "you're a horrible liar, fox. You'll make a pleasing slave, however..." suggested the wolf. Jasyn growled angrily.

"Leave him alone, wolf, or you'll have to deal with his mate," warned Jasyn.

The wolf snickered and raised his hand-paws. "Hey... I don't want any trouble from some weak little vixen," said the wolf mockingly.

Jasyn growled louder, smirking now. "You assume too, I see. You assume that foxes are weak, that his mate is a fox, and that his mate is female," snickered Jasyn, and Axis got the hint immediately.

Before the wolf could say another word, Axis had leapt into the air and had disappeared behind a building. The wolf blinked and growled. "Where did that bitch of a fox go?" he said as he looked around. Jasyn smirked.

Not a moment had passed before Jasyn had leapt on, and pounced on the wolf, wrestling him to the ground and easily pinning him with his knee on his chest, forcibly removing the gun.

Axis slowly revealed himself and descended behind Jasyn, smiling.

Jasyn looked the wolf in the eyes and smirked, before adding to his previous statement, "Foxes can be strong, his mate is male, and his mate is a wolf."

Axis slowly let a paw rest on Jasyn's side, and the black and red wolf blinked and growled furiously, unable to dislodge himself from this position.

"Let me go, you pansy wolf!" shouted the Sirian, and Axis just smirked.

"Not until you tell us who you are, why you're holding our friends captive, and why you're calling me a pansy when you know for a fact that being in this position turns you on!" snickered Jasyn, his other leg pressed slightly against the other wolf's growing bulge.

The wolf grumbled and slowly raised his eyes to Jasyn, the only thing he could move, save his tails. Jasyn had effectively immobilized everything else with either a paw or a tail wrapped round the legs. "Let me up and I'll tell you what you want to know... I won't run, cause you'll just catch me again. I won't fight, cause I'm outnumbered, and that... fox... over there could probably sneak up on me from the air..."

Axis nodded when Jasyn looked back, and the grey wolf slowly got off of the other wolf, grabbing his weapon with his tail from where it had landed.

"People call me Wraith around here... but my birth name is Aries Levi."

Axis' jaw dropped and Jasyn looked the wolf up and down and blinked.

"What? Is there something on my face? Have my eyes started to glow again?"

Axis slowly managed to compose himself enough to ask, "Was your great grandfather a fox?"

Wraith blinked and nodded. "Yeah, what of it? His name was-"

"Achilles Levi?" said Axis in time with the wolf, and Wraith nodded again.

"Yeah, how did you-"

"My name is Augustus. Augustus Axis Levi," said the fox. He didn't know where to look, and so he just looked down, towards the wolf's chest.

Wraith's jaw dropped this time, and Jasyn, who had been silent so far, slowly wrapped an arm around Axis' waist, hugging his mate slightly.

"Thiss iss awkwwaard..." said Jasyn, mind reeling.

"You're telling me..." said both Wraith and Axis, and almost immediately the two started to hate one another like brothers. In fact they were second cousins, related by heritage.

"Atlas is going to have a field day," said Jasyn, and the three sat silently for a few moments.

"You still haven't answered our other question... Why are you holding our friends captive?" asked Axis, getting back to the more important of the two matters.

"Because they were aliens. Come on... I'll take you to the village. You won't be harmed at all... I promise on great-grandfather's grave," said the wolf. He had no qualms about being part fox, even if it was only one-eighth. Axis could still see the fox in him though, the arctic fox that is. Upon the tips of his tails, and towards the base, the red stripes completely encircled the tail, and a white puff of fur was visible. It lead to a very extravagant looking tail, tufted at the top and bottom with very soft fur that only a part-fox could have. Axis still wanted to know where the almost poppy-red fur came from.


The village was scattered shanties and a small opening in the centre with a pair of, now empty, cages. Axis blinked; he could smell sex, foxes, and humans. "Take us to our friends, please..." said Axis, and Wraith willingly obliged. Walking through the town, many of the other people paid them little, if any, heed. They weren't aliens after all.

They came to a dormitory-like building that had been turned into apartments. This was where most of the foxes lived; the wolves and half-breeds choosing to live in harsher conditions to prove their mettle. It was a strange way of thinking, but the foxes lived in the well-insulated apartments.

Axis glanced in a window and saw a fox, sitting almost nude, on a bed. The weather was getting warm already; Siribet was passing into summer. They continued and they heard a shout from nearby. Aries ran towards it, crashing through a door with his pistol armed and ready. They had, luckily enough, barrelled right into the room of a very lucky fox, with a very good attitude about aliens.

"Ry? Who gave you the prisoners?"

Orion, the fox, shook his head and cowered a bit. "T-the chieftain did... I wasn't using them, honest! We were talking..."

A voice from out of sight said, "Yeah... talking about why the hell we're still being held here!" and Axis immediately recognized it.

He peeked his head in the door and looked to the right. Standing nude in the corner of the room that Axis had chosen to look was Lieutenant Phillips. She hadn't a scratch on her, nor a bruise. She looked very healthy still, if a bit roughed up, and she was grumbling.

Halfway across the room stood a very confused Leon, wondering where the hell Axis had come from. The two humans quickly covered themselves as best they could and Axis looked away. "That's them..." he said, giggling slightly. He had never seen a human penis before. "Um... could you get them some clothes, please?"

"They haven't been released yet," said Wraith, "so you can't take them, but we can get them some clothes. Orion! You heard the fox! Clothes, now!"

Orion, a fox himself, dashed to the nearby closet and tossed out a pair, of the Sirian equivalent of at least, jeans and a T-shirt. The pants barely fit Leon, they were far smaller than he, but he managed. They fit Phillips alright however, and she slipped the shirt on thankfully.

"I-I'm sorry if I did anything wro-" started Orion.

"Shut up!" barked Wraith. This elicited a scowl from everyone else excluding Orion.

"You didn't do anything wrong," comforted Shell, "thankfully. Leon and I are grateful for that."

After all the commotion, a group of small furs, each one stricken with an illness that would later be attributed to their polluted water supply, wandered up and peeked in the room. Their eyes were pale, and it was apparent that they would likely go blind from the disease if they weren't treated. Jasyn heard them and turned around.

"We've got company, Kit," he said, and Axis turned around. Those eyes were still happy, their faces still curious, yet they had been dying from their disease for years, painfully.

Axis looked towards his cousin and blinked twice, before he said: "I want to speak to your Chieftain. Those pups need medicine, and the doctors back at HQ are the best on this planet. Jasyn, get back to your MPN, bring it closer to the city and tell the people you mean no harm. Then, radio the base that we'll need a few drop ships prepped and on standby."

Leon and Phillips accompanied Axis, Wraith, and Orion to the Chieftain's small dwelling. It was surprisingly warm inside, and Axis thought 'perhaps the wolves have it better after all...'

The chieftain wore a vest of armour like that of Aries, and he carried with him a phase-rifle passed from the former chieftain, as well as a ceremonial two-handed sword. Axis was intrigued by the blade, however now was not the time.

"Chieftain... I brought allies; they need to speak to you about the prisoners. One of them is my blood-relative through my great grandfather," said Aries.

The chieftain turned to look at Jasyn and asked quizzically, "You claim to be related to young Aries here?"

Jasyn almost looked appalled, but shook that off quickly and said, "No, no. He means him." At this he gestured toward Axis, and the fox bowed his head solemnly. The resemblance was there, not to mention the fact that they both had split tails. It was a trait that only certain members of the Levi family tree inherited. Atlas hadn't gotten the gene, but had he received it, he would have manifested similar abilities. Wraith undoubtedly hadn't discovered his abilities yet, having no need to fly.

The chieftain laughed raucously and said with a grin as his mirth subsided, "Aries? This fox is related to you? That's pathetic!"

Axis, Jasyn, Aries, and surprisingly Phillips growled with a slight anger, though the human more grumbled than anything. Leon shook his head with a smirk.

The chieftain made a "What are you going to do?" face and said, "That's beside the point. What do you need, outsiders?"

Axis was about to speak, but Jasyn cut him off, thinking it wiser that he talk for the group. "We want our friends back. The Aliens you captured are to be free people in the Sirian rebellion; soldiers, not slaves. We have already begun a plan that may one day see the Craganii eradicated from this world. The people you captured are human."

At that the chieftain blinked. He didn't believe it. "How do I know you aren't lying to me, he without a name?"

Jasyn flushed and said, apologetically, "My name is Jasyn Emitt, Lieutenant Jasyn Emitt of the Earth-Sirius Alliance."

The chieftain scoffed. The large wolf didn't believe that Jasyn would readily consort with aliens.

"We have five transports on standby to bring your sick medical help... we could send some doctors here to prove our intent. We just want the Craganii to leave the planet, we would feel better if we didn't have to kill them, but if we must, then we shall," added Jasyn.

Axis stepped in, "Respectfully, sir. I-"

"Quiet slave!" shouted the Chieftain.

This made Jasyn growl. "He is slave to nobody, and if treated like such, I will defend him with my life," he said, angrily. He was protective of his fox.

"Jasyn... please, calm down..." said Axis, and the wolf, though angry, stepped back.

The chieftain laughed again. "You would let a fox give you orders? You're a weak-"

"I didn't give him an order," interrupted Axis. "He's free to attack you, but I think he sees that that would be a stupid mistake, given the circumstances. He's smarter than he looks, my Jasyn."

" Your Jasyn?" snickered the chieftain, recovering from the shock of being interrupted.

"Yes! His Jasyn! Maybe I will attack you. Topple your regime, and leave you in chains to service my mate's every whim, wouldn't that be precious?" mocked Jasyn.

The chieftain growled angrily. "Bring your ships. I want to see the commander of this alliance-"

"Commanders," corrected Jasyn.

"Commanders of this alliance, personally."


So it's not the peak of literary brilliance... Oh well. I'm continuing my story, and I really hope this one is long enough to please you savage critics! -Rawr-

Comments are always welcome. Share and enjoy, read and review, live and be merry... etc...

Love yas!

Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 3: Family Ties.

A/N: So, we're a chapter away from our cameos. Only my select friends know what's happening next. Let's just say that there'll be a few loose ends tied up nicely. Warning: This story contains mature situations, mild language, sexual innuendo,...

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 1: The Fallout

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