Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 2

Story by Dsc on SoFurry

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#3 of Equestrian Stories Book 1

WOOT Got chapter 2 done! Lots of story building and plot development!

Also Dragon City is from a tv show called Dragon Booster, this was an actual rp that happened on a different forum where Twilight was kidnapped by the Krazen General Tristan

Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 2 Equestria and Ponyvile

Alex closed his eyes as he went through the portal he needed to go through, slowly he went on all fours and his body began to change, wings sprouting from his back and his pink skin turning black and furry. He grew a white mane and white tail and now he is a pegasus. He whines abit as it was somewhat painful as his genetics and dna begin to twist and transform to equine and his genitials also transformed as well. He now had a sheath and sack and his cutie mark appears on his flank. He begins to slowly open his eyes and saw he was in the meadows that were nearby Ponyvile. He slowly looks around as the bright colourful scenery and smiles

"Im finally back..." He said with a smile as he breaths in the air deeply "Fresh clean air... that never changes." He says with an smile, he begins to run across the long meadows as he begins to retrain himself with his wings. "Come on, come on come on..." He said as he closed his eyes as he tries to concentrate hard on making his wings flap. He slowly opens his eyes and sees hes flying and smiles

"This is more like it! WAHOO!!" He yells happily as he flies around and soars upward into the sky as fast as he could and stops as he goes through some clouds and just hovers there. "How I missed being able to fly around." He says with a smile as his tail flicks back and forth happily. He looks downward and sees Ponyvile in the distance. "Time to visit ponyvile and see how things are hanging." He tells himself and then looks in the direction that would lead to Canterlot was and frowns "As much as i would love to head straight to Canterlot... I must check up on the other 7. Maybe they can tell me if anything new has happened." He says as he flies straight toward Ponevile. He lands on the ground and walks the rest of the way.

He enters Ponevile and sees not much has changed since his depature and smiles. He looks around and notices an Pink pony wasnt bouncing around like she normally did. "Thats strange.... shes usually around here bouncing around... maybe her and the rest are having an get together." He tells himself as he heads toward where the library was... but he stops a few feet away and his jaw drops. "Wha.... what happened to the library?! Its.... a castle now?!" He yells shocked at how the library has completely transformed into an castle.

He cautiously steps up to the front door and lifts a hoof up and gently knocks on the door. "COMING! Give me a second!" He hears an all to familiar voice and soon sees the door hole slide open and he smiles at seeing Spike "Uh.... yes?" He asks as he looks at Alex who realises hes been gone for so long that Spike probably doesnt remember him. "Im here to see Twilight and her friends." Alex says as he smiles and Spike begins to scratch the back of his head "Well... Twilight and the rest are having an meeting to discuss some matters involving Canterlot and the mysterious barrier surrounding it.. i could see if i could book you an appointment later.."

"Jeez Spike you really are dense sometimes arent ya?" Alex interupts with a chuckle and Spike eyes widen "Do I know you?" He asks curiously and Alex laughs abit more "Yah you do... i must've been gone for a very long time for the little dragon dude to forget me already." He said as he gave him the pet name dragon dude out of respect for the little hatchling. Spike blinks and then his eyes widen even further as he begins to realise who it is he was speaking to "D...DSC?!" He exclaims as his jaw drops "Yep!" Alex says with a smile "Come on in! You've been gone for so long, everyone thought you were dead! Where did you go?!" He begins to speak excitedly as he ushers Alex into the castle and smiles "Wait till Twilight and everyone else hears this!" He says as he dashes off into the corrodors leaving Alex alone and looking around.

He sees another pink pony who isnt pinkie pie walking and he walks up to her "Excuse...?" He asks and the pony looks at him "Uh.. yes?" She replies "Can you direct me to where Twilight and her friends are having the meeting? Spike just left me here and didnt take me with him so im a little worried im gonna get lost in this huge castle." He says as he smiles "Well it is easy to get lost in here, so sure i'll show you the way." She says as she walks away and Alex follows him. He converses with her and finds out her name is Starlight Glimmer and she was a pupil of Princess Twilight... yah that part dumbfounded him that Twilight was now an Alicorn Princess! "You must've been gone for a long time to not know these things." Starlight glimmer comments and Alex nods with a chuckle

"Yep its appears so." He says with a snicker "So here we are. They are right through this door." She tells him and he smiles "Thanks Starlight, it was nice talking to you." He says with a smile "Likewise. Now I gotta go set up for some of the stuff i have to do. Later Alex." She says as she walks off and Alex turns around and opens the door and sees Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight with Spike at her side all sitting around a massive round table looking like it was a map and Spike was speaking "Yes hes back! I just saw... there he is!" He points to the Alex and his ears fold back slightly "Hey gang...." He says shyly expecting them to give him flak for not talking or writing them letters, except they dashed and hugged him in a group hug "Welcome back! Its good to see you once more!" Their voices rang together and Alex sighs in relief as he smiles, the only one that didnt maul him was Twilight as she smiled "Where have you been DSC?" She asks and then he smiles "Out in other worlds, besides, dont call me dsc anymore. My real name is Alex." He says as he smiles at them as they smile back.

He begins to tell them all about his adventures he had across the worlds, he told them all the happy moments, the sad moments, and the times he felt lost and hurt and how his 2 daughters were always there. "Wow you kicked alot of butt!" Rainbow dash said "Yes well he had some pretty hard times as well, if i was in your hooves i probably have already died from all that pain." Rarity said as she looked at Alex "Well what counts the most is he had those 2 daughters of his to help him through the pain. Thats what matters the most!" Applejack said as everyone nodded. Twilight was the only one not saying much, then she finally spoke up "Girls? I need to talk to Alex alone, can you give us a few minutes?" She asks and the others looked at her curiously including Alex and they nodded "Alright Twilight." Applejack said "Lets go." And they all left the room leaving Alex and Twilight alone.

"So whats up twi twi?" He asks with a smile and Twilight gets down and goes up to a window and looks out it. "I know." She says and Alex tilts his head "You know?" He asks "Of your relationship with Luna." She replies as Alexs eyes widen "How...." He begins to say "its the reason you are here isnt it? You felt Princess Luna was in danger and came running." She says and Alex looks down at his hooves "Yes... i felt she was in danger... but... how..?" He asks "because i helped her reccover her memories, shortly after i became an alicorn princess i felt a magical distrubance within Lunas mind and realised someone had tampered with her memories. I broke the spell that erased her memories... now.. i wanna know why? Why did you tamper with her memories?" She asks as she looks sternly at Alex "To protect her." He replies "Dont give me... " She begins to say but Alex interupts her "I did it to protect her from the evil i was chasing. I feared if i was gone and somepony other then celestia found out, the news would spread and the evil would discover it. They would come here to kill her just to hurt me. I lost so much before i met her. She opened my heart up... and i accepted her and found joy... but... then when the evil was attacking another world... i knew i had to leave...." He said as his tears began to flow from his eyes as Twilight eyes widen as she now felt ashamed now knowing he did it all to keep her safe, he didnt want her in harms way because of the duty he had. "Twilight come here please.. its time you remember as well." He says as she looks puzzled but approaches, once she was in hooves reach and he puts his hoove on her head and speaks a foreign language.

Suddenly memories flowed into her, memories that were gone, of her being kidnapped by a demonic creature, where she was nearly killed and she takes several steps back "Wha...." She says in shock "Now you remember what happened in Dragon City... now you know why I did what i did. It wasnt out of malice, it was to protect her, Tristan mistook you for her. Thats why he kidnapped you, to use you as bait." He tells her as it finally begins to sink fully in just the horrors he had to deal with, the evil that would do anything just to harm him. "Is the evil gone?" She asks "Yes, i managed to wiped out all of them. With the help of the other crystal bearers we managed to stop them for good." He says as the door opens and the other girls stood there.

"We heard everything." Applejack said "So... you do love Princess Luna alot dont you?" Rarity asks and Alex nods "More then you can ever imagine." He replies. "I need to know everything thats going on with Canterlot, i have to go there to make sure Selena is safe." He says and Twilight looks at the other girls and they nod "Alright. We will tell you everything we know." Twilight says as she goes back to the friendship table and the others join her. Alex comes over and notices one seat is empty "Wheres Pinkie PIe?" He asks "Thats what we are also trying to find out, the moment that weird barrier appeared Pinke PIe went missing." Applejack states

"The barrier is not normal pony magic. It seems to raidate a powerful evil." Twilight says "Its like nothing we have ever seen." Rainbow Dash states and Applejack nods "Whenever someone gets close it sounds like you can hear the screams of the dead from the barrier... its really chilling and creepy....." Fluttershy speaks and shivers. "Can you show me what the barrier looks like and how far it surrounds the castle?" Alex asks and with a swing of Twilights hoof an magical hologram showing the barrier and where it surrounds immited on the friendship table "It covers all of canterlot, including the full city. Its also seems to look like the barrier is made of strange faces." She tells Alex and he examines the hologram "This magic...." He says "Do you recognize it?" Applejack asks "Yes... and... its not good at all." He says as he looks at them "The magic is demonic in nature, the barrier.... it was created by an evil being that i already killed... so it doesnt make any sense how this barrier exists to begin with." He says and then he looks at them "Im going to head there now to give a closer examination. You all stay here and be prepared to evacute ponyvile if necessary. The barrier could spread and become bigger and cover a larger radius over time." He says as he begins to walk away "ALEX!" He turns around when Twilight yells his name "Please try to find Pinke Pie at the same time. We need to know if shes safe or not." She asks and Alex nods "I will make sure Twi Twi." He says as he bolts out

To Be Continued

Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 1

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