Crystal Memories: Pride and Lust

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#5 of Crystal Memories

A two day suspension. It was far from the worst that they could have done to Mirana, but it was bad enough. She was... growing by the day, and even more now, belly joining in with her breasts, cock, and balls. In a new, pink dress, she waits outside school. She'd been waiting for a good hour there for that... person to show up at last. Even though it was new, her dress seemed rather ill fitting on her approaching-head-sized breasts, and if one looked closely, they could see the outline of her balls on the back of her dress. Tapping a paw she looks about, scowling, though giving a friendly enough smile and wave to friends she'd had for a year or more. However, most people give her a VERY wide berth, her ears catching rumor of what had happened and if they got too close to her! Her feelings were as plain as her ears or nose. It was only her anger that was keeping her from sobbing about what had happened, and the rumors both swirling around her, and asked by her friends to see if any of it was true. Her moist, glistening eyes continue to scan for the one who did this to her!

Alkain sighs as he pads up to the school, the huge toned and black furred todd looking around as he rubs over his slightly bulging belly... it's concealed by his clothing but still, triplets aren't easy! He doesn't really pay attention to any others than his little group of friends, "Heh, yeah... I can't wait for the faire myself..." he chuckles to his friends as he passes by.

Still waiting, Mirana's belly grumbles out loudly, mixing with the near constant gurgling that was her balls at this point. She blushes around her nose and ear tips as she takes off and digs through her pack for a rather large bag. She gets to munching away on some nuts, dried fruits, and little candies from the bag, barely taking time to chew! It is more than a slight shock to the twin corgi girls who were chatting with her, the fox taur's ears lowering a bit stopping long enough to give an "I'm sorry, just... constantly hungry, it was so bad before, but now..." scooping another handful into her muzzle as she spies Alkain walking up! Her ears go from folded down to pinned back, tail, flying up and sticking straight out behind her as she starts to march toward him... only to wobble and nearly fall over! A loud yelp as she tries to recover herself and her precious bag of snacks...

Alkain snickers at a joke as he continues to walk by, though at the yelp the over nine foot fox perks and looks over! He was always quick to help those who needed it... well, before maturing that is... most give him a wide berth now a days... he shakes his head as he heads over and blushes as he sees who it is! His tail and ears twitching nervously as he works to help the taur, "Erm... you ok?" he offers meekly and hesitantly

Nearly not making it, Alkain helps keep her from falling over, only losing a bit of her food. As she comes to notice who was holding her up, she growls and pulls back has swift and hard as she can, without falling over. "You! You... you! ... YOU!" She says repeatedly as if trying to remember any other words besides the one! Her belly grumbles loudly, but for now, she just continues. "Who do you think you are! What you did to me!" She says, only the two corgis still sticking with her at this point, "Mirana, we should just get to class and..." "Class! Speaking of classes! I had to drop mechanical theory level one AND early history of ancient machines level two... and for WHAT!? Mixed magics and... and... sexual theory level one! Breeder classes! Only way I could stay in!" Her eyes, still glistening with the beginning of tears focus on Alkain, "Its all YOUR fault!" She screams, belly grumbling even louder and even as angry and determined as she was, she couldn't keep ignoring the pain in her gut, shovelling another literal mouthful into her muzzle...

Alkain blinks as the taur pulls away and yelps at the shouting, looking dumbfounded at those harsh words, his ears pinned back a bit as he fidgets nervously, "I'm sorry..." he genuinely is! His ears perk at those classes and he groans, hoping they aren't in the same line up... "I'm... in those too..." he sighs and shakes his head, what a sight they must be! A giant stud of a fox being reduced to a meek kit in ten seconds flat!

Mirana continues to growl though, near barking her words, "And that's not the worst! I'll never be able to live this down! Twenty! Twenty kits! All at once! Am I going to be able to move tomorrow!? The next day!? Or..." Then she stops, eyes going wide, belly grumbling more. Her mouth should be chewing, not yapping! "You... are... of course a breeder would be in breeder classes! By the gods, what am I going to do!?" One of the twin corgis looks her over a moment, "Well, at least you are long cycle for a breeder? I mean, if you get an apprenticeship for a few hours before and after school th-" But cut off, "Get a job!? Already!? And how am I going to focus on my engineer courses with a job like that?" She looks to Alkain again, "And you... you're sorry!? Sorry!? Is sorry going to take the kits out of me!?" She asks, stuffing another handful of nuts and fruits in her mouth, but trying to continue on with her muzzle full, "Ish at gonna get mah classhesh back!?" She asks, swallowing the barely chewed food. She starts to cry, "I'm not a BREEDER like you!" To that her friends back away from her a bit, a mixed look of fear, confusion, and sympathy.

That may or may not have been the best point for Jerin to walk up behind Alkain, jumping up to try and headlock him for a bit, "Hey man! Ready for another fun filled day of classes? This is the day! I know it is. I'm going to be sitting through Mathematics for Engineers and it's just all going to click into place! I'll hit my first maturation yet!" He says...

Alkain winces at the tirade and whines a little, his own stomach starting to rumble as he watches her eat... "She's right..." he starts though eeps at the tirade towards her friend... "Maybe you... can apprentice..." he tries, though his eyes go wide as she talks about the kits, "Erm..." at the headlock he GAHS! His tail frizzing up to the max from it's former half frizzed state, "J-JERIN!" he places a paw to his heart, "Now isn't the time..." he groans at the husky's bad timing

The husky however continues, even as Mirana tries to continue to yell at him, but shortly after catching what he was saying... she stops... "Haha, is there ever a better time then when you are so engrossed like that to try and headlock a big lug like you man? But seriously, can't you see it? Sitting there, listening to the teacher go one about Grimric's Law of Gear Placement, and it just falls right into place, like two pieces of fitted wood to finish the table. I tell you, those who have hit their first maturation have it so easy." He's giving a few punches to the lower left arm of the massive fox, "I bet you are loving those breeder courses, have you found out if you have any thing else yet? I mean, as big as you are, you have to have some farmer in you too, right? Hey, who's the crying vomp?" That was perhaps the worst thing he could have said at the moment. Vomp, slang for a female fox, particularly one that enjoyed their sexuality. For those few vixen breeders, it was a coy name that would often make them laugh, but Mirana stared in stunned silence while tears poured from her eyes, muzzle hanging open, for the first time that morning neither words coming out nor food going in. Her friends share her expression. Soon she bursts out into loud sobs, "Your fault! This is all your fault!" Angrily she starts to undo the mostly well hidden bib of her dress, exposing her four upper breasts, much to her friends further shock! As she starts to undo the lower part of her dress, they try to stop her, drawing attention to just how... round her tauric belly actually was, muttering through her tears, "Look at me... You did this to me... This is your fault... You ruined me..." Beads of milk begin to swell around her nipples, friends still trying to pull her back toward the school or keep her from completing her impromptu stripping.

Alkain stares at Jerin a bit as he continues, glancing to Mirana as he speaks... "Y-yeah... most likely..." he chuckles nervously at the punches, not rally phasing him due to his stature and current mental state. He stops with a wince though at the vomp comment... ~Oh gods...~ he groans before looking to Mira as she strips... he can't help but laugh hysterically at this whole situation. A paw going to his muzzle to try and keep it back even as tears flow freely from his eyes

Mirana finally manages to struggle enough that her friends give up, awkwardly heading into the school house allow Mirana to finish taking off her dress. "Just look at me. This is all your fault..." She says again, sobbing there. Alkain had got a very good look at her before, and that sheath of hers was much plumper, quad balls hanging down almost to her knees now! Those tits were definitely bigger... and yep, the lower ones were gently dribbling too. For a while she just stands there, muttering over and over about how Alkain caused this, he ruined her.

Jerin was silent for the first time as Alkain can recently remember, just looking over her. He puts his hands over the front of his leather pants a bit suspiciously as he blinks a few times, "Man... what did you do?" He asks, finally now noticing Alkain's very slightly rounded shape. If someone were to try and bet, from looks alone, Mirana was massively farther along than Alkain was, but... "Oh shit, man, you're pregnant too!" He says, the last horse finally crossing the finish line.

Though Alkain's body certainly reacts favorably to the nude taur that he recently bred, his mind was a whole 'nother level of 'nope'ing right out of there... "I... kinda..." he's still laughing hysterically, though it's quieting to giggles while he then STARES at Jerin, "I told... you I... was..." he gasps for air between gigglefits... the large crowd of various species are DEFINITELY not helping as they stare

The crowd does attract attention, Miss Atura coming over and gasping at what she saw. "What are you doing? Put your clothes back on this in... er... go get milked first, then put your clothing back on right after!" She says to Mirana as she then looks to Alkain and Jerin, eyes narrowing, "You two, make sure she heads to the nurse to get her breasts... hey... are you ok?" She asks, watching Alkain wheezing for breath like that, and Jerin's muzzle just opening and closing over and over without saying a word. She takes hold of Alkain's and Mirana's arms "You, husky boy, pick up her clothes. Come along, to the nurse now." She says as she tries to, without pulling too hard, direct the slightly taller than she was todd and sobbing nude prixentaur up toward the school, "Alright everyone, shoo! Just shoo, get to class, you are all about to be late, and if I see that, I'll give you all a detention." She says, most of the crowd quickly dispersing.

Alkain is clearly NOT ok... he's gigglesobbing still and looks on the verge of fainting, the blood rushing to his groin certainly isn't helping THAT either... he's fairly easy to get to move while his body is on autopilot. He's definitely swaying a bit as he tries to control himself though and if anyone knows how to read pulses... his heart may just explode at this rate! Miss Atura, the giant parrot leading him, may have to catch him if he tilts too much!

Often, Miss Atura has to stop to help steady either Alkain or Mirana, the later of which has gone back to just stuffing her muzzle with food. It looks like she'd have a hard time of stopping if she wanted to. Eventually she's able to mostly waddle on her own, tits continuing their soft dripping as she's going. Once inside, a familiar goat welcomes then in, "Oh, Jessi, er, Miss Atura, what is wrong?" She asks, to which the avian teacher replies, "Just a milker needing attention Ema... ah... Miss Everin." She says, "And I'm not sure what's wrong with Alkain? He has my class first, and judging by the look of you, you're Mirana Swantart? You have my class first now as well, you both are excused for today, but tomorrow, make sure you are milked before school." She says as she starts to depart, looking back with a strange frown on her beak. The goat nurse however, looks between the two as Jerin walks in carrying Mirana's clothing, "I'll just... drop these off he-" "Stop right there Master Hannie, you will be going no where. Keep an eye on your friend Alkain there while I take care of Mirana." She says, "Come along dear, front paws on this table." She says, "Take care of the lower ones first." She gets a trough down under the table to catch the dripping milk as she gets ready to handle those swelling udders.

Jerin nods meekly, confused, taking a slow breath as he sets Mirana's dress down and tries to get Alkain to sit down in a chair, "H... hey man... crazy day so far, yeah?" He starts, looking around the room...

Alkain barely begins to calm once they are in the nurses office, a paw gripping his chest as he wheezes for breath. His lungs must be absolutely burning for air! He pants a bit as he closes his eyes, looking like he's about to drift off or faint as Jerin sits him down. He manages not to faint at least as he starts taking a few deep breaths while he starts to calm... "Yeah..." it's very quiet, quite surprising that he can even BE that quiet... he holds his head with a pained groan

Not feet from them though, Mirana continues soft crying... murring... then very gentle moaning as Miss Everin quite expertly starts drawing the cream free of two of her breasts, "There, there dear, don't try to hold it in. Just let that out." She says. There is enough of a let down to squirt into the trough as Mirana balances against the table, "A milker and breeder? Or is it breeder first dear?" She asks, Mirana not answering, just looking off at nothing as her tail sways for a moment, shuttering, another soft moan leaving her lips.

Jerin is distracted by the sight, sliding his pack into his lap to hide the obvious, "Yeah, so... yeah, you told me, but... it had to just have slipped my mind man. You doing ok?" He asks, reaching a hand over to grip on Alkain's leg, "And how are you doing? You sure know how to get into trouble." He comments.

Alkain pants a bit more as he looks to Jerin, "I'll... be fine... I think..." he sighs and murrs at the hand on his lag, sagging into the chair as best he can... though his scent is very much starting to pick up... he hasn't noticed due to his panic attack but his cycle started a bit ago! He's in rut and heat! He squirms a bit in his chair, trying to focus on calming himself as his belly burns for seed and his nuts ache to be unloaded... preferably in a hot tight and fertile... he shakes his head and groans

"There there, these ones are almost done, next, two." Says the resident goat nurse as she switches to the next pair of Mirana's breasts, stroking over them a bit before tugging gently on her nipples, getting the milk released quick and firmly as the container slowly fills. "You boys doing ok over there, we won't be too long." She says, Mirana still deathly quiet, but her ears twitch and tails bristles up as she looks suddenly back toward Alkain, though says nothing.

Jerin relaxes back too, "Good, good man, I'm... well, do you think it would be better to bring our pups to a nursery? Or try to take care of them ourselves? I mean, it is only a year, right? Though... they'd have to live with us longer than that, man, I'm not sure my family makes enough money. Could always put in papers to get a bigger house and food support, right?" He rambles on, starting to sound more like himself, "Yeah, maybe you could move in with me too, or the other way around? Would your folks want that though? Moving in with my family. That would take a big house! Maybe get a workshop with it!" He's gently stroking on Alkain's leg as he talks.

Alkain nods to miss Everin and sighs as he slumps into the chair, looking over to Jerin with a chuckle, "Hmm... not sure... I mean..." he holds his head a bit to try and calm the MASSIVE headache he has, "I'd like to... but a nursery might be a better idea..." he ponders a bit, "Our parents could help... but I dunno if mine make enough either..." he sighs though shrugs, "I didn't actually... you know... tell them I was pregnant..." he winces a bit as he eyes Jerin's pants... though Jerin just *might* not be stroking his leg... "They were... well... upset... though they understood."

Continuing to work over Mirana's breasts, "Ok, come on down, let's get the upper four now too." Miss Everin starts once more, keeping an eye on Alkain and Jerin to make sure they are ok as well. "Now, dear, can you say your name for me?" She asks, the taur sniffling, "M... Mirana... Swantart..." She says shaking a bit with the effort, "I'm hungry..." She says. The nurse gives Mirana a few pats on the back and head before handing her the bag of trail rations. She starts eating away greedily again. Between growing into both a breeder and milker, and developing all those kits, she had to be burning through whatever she ate in near no time.

Jerin continues to rub against Alkain, though seems a bit concerned with his leg shifts, seemingly without Alkain adjusting how he's seated at all. "Yeah, we'd have to draw up petitions, but there is no way they would deny it. If our families moved together, then you having three pups, er, kits, yeah, they always come out like the mother, anyway, we'd definitely need a bigger place, right? Man, stop squirming." He says, not really looking at Alkain as he continues what he assumes is comforting strokes.

Alkain mmms a bit as he eyes Mirana, though shakes his head as he bites his lip... that's what got him in this mess in the first place! He looks to Jerin and pants as his belly burns hotter... "Y-yeah... that's true. O-our parents... would probably help... raising them too..." he can't quite keep the lustful growl from his voice as he starts eyeing Jerin like a piece of meat... his 'leg' jerking a bit as his arousal spikes higher

As her final pair of breasts are emptied out, Mirana's helped into her clothes again hiccuping as she completely stop crying at last. "T.. thank you." She says, looking about the room. She shakes her head as she looks to Alkain once more. "I don't care." She mutters, Jerin stopping a moment and Miss Everin looking a moment at Mirana. "Don't care about what?" She asks the taur, "That... HE... is in cycle again. Everything's his fault." Jerin takes his had away from Alkain's 'leg' and Miss Everin eyes Alkain. She shakes her head a bit, "Master Moonweaver, do you have your own job as a breeder yet? You cycle normally, yes?" She asks, rather pointed questions! He did have a few friends to help him, Jerin among them, though the nurse actually takes hold of the still half nude Mirana's tail! "You two are already in enough trouble and mated, just don't take her pussy again." Mirana looks completely shocked, and Jerin just stands there, "Breeders shouldn't impregnate breeders, but anything else is perfectly fine, you probably don't know that Jerin, now, you get along to class while these two tend to what needs tending." Mirana looks about ready to scream and Miss Everin isn't looking her way, Jerin just stands there, stunned again!

Alkain blushes at Mirana's words though shakes his head at Miss Everin, "I... job? No..." he blushes far deeper and shakes his head as he mumbles, "Fast..." he looks to Jerin though and then to the goat nurse again, "Erm... my friends help me..." he rrrfs a bit as Jerin stops petting and growls more, though blinks at the nurse once more, "I... WHAT?!" he looks confused as he looks ti Mira, "She wouldn't let me..." he mutters as he looks to Jerin needily

It was the nurse's turn to be confused now, looking to Mirana as she sniffles there, and back to Jerin and Alkain. She gets even more dumb founded when Mirana squirms to get free of her grasp crying out! She grabs a stick, one used normally to point at a black board and swats it down on the table, "That is enough young lady. Gentlemen. Now, you first." She says, pointing at the rutting Alkain, "We are going to sit down here and talk about what exactly is going on." Mirana, mortified, looks to object, but a swat to her flanks stops her save for a yelp! "Him first." She says, pointing at Alkain again. Jerin just keeps to his seat, muzzle buttoned up...

Alkain blinks at Everin and frowns but nods, "Well..." he rrfs quietly as he tries to focus, "She... well, she was in her first... cycle when this all started..." he grunts at the memory and shudders as he tries to calm himself, "I think... she blames me for, well... I'm not sure..." he frowns in thought, his mind foggy with his growing lust, "I know it was... bound to happen eventually..." he grips his leg and bites his lip, "Sorry..." he directs this towards the taur as tears form in his eyes again, "I just... we just lost control..."

Jerin watches Alkain trying to keep control and Miss Everin raises an eyebrow, "Is that all it was, and how far into your cycle are you?" She asks, "Have you been paying attention in class and practicing? It will be hard, it will be frustrating, but you need to learn how to keep yourself collected enough to at least talk and walk." She explains, looking to Mirana now, "You're next, so get ready to explain." She says.

Alkain grunts a bit as he focuses, "Erm... about... an hour I think..." he growls as he looks to Jerin, whimpering a bit needily, "That's... really all it was..." he nods though as he tries to focus on the goats words, "I have... mostly..." he licks his lips a bit as his nuts scream for release, "I... I know... I'm trying..." he pants as his belly rages into an inferno...

A short nod then, pointing to Mirana, "Your turn, and I'll bet you haven't been taking care of yourself either." Mirana looks hurt! "What do you mean? I don't-" Yelp and a swat to the flank again, "Little lady, you are a milker and a breeder. You can aspire to whatever you want to be, and damn the gods given gift your first maturation gave you if you really want that! You think word hasn't gotten around after that little fiasco? You are not an engineer by maturation. You ARE a breeder. You ARE a milker. And your body doesn't care what YOU think about it." She says, Mirana breaking into tears again, Jerin wincing from what he saw! "Now, when was the last time you cycled, and you had sex?" She asks, "I... I... woke up... in the middle of the night... and... f... father brought someone in to... to..." She stammers, the nurse sighing gently, "Well, if you aren't cycling now, you must at least be a long cycle. Now, raise that tail and take care of your next client!" She looks to Jerin and Alkain, "Unless you think your husky friend there could do better." She says, giving a slight wink to Alkain. Sniffling a bit, Mirana gives a slight gasp, ears twitching, and she looked... hurt? Perhaps at the insinuation that Jerin could do a better job than she could? "Yes, that has to be it, she's so bad at being a breeder, anyone else would do better, Jerin, Alkain, I'll give you two some privacy, and when you're done, back to class." She says, going to the office door to lock it before, quite quickly, moving into a private office with a desk off to the side of the room... Jerin just looks blankly at Alkain, sitting right where he is... Mirana staring at Alkain as well, face an easily read mix of rage, shame, broken pride and indignation!

Alkain looks on blankly, barely able to focus on the words being spoken, "Huh...?" he looks around dumbly for this next client... gears barely turning in his head before he ohs... he glances to Mirana a moment before wincing and removing his kilt barely after the nurse gets to the other room! His musk floods the room though, his kilt having kept back a bit of the scent... and he looks to Jerin then Mirana, clearly conflicted as he stands... his tail raised and fanning his scent around while his cock lurches and throbs heavily

With a slight growl, and more than a bit of sobs, Mirana looks toward Alkain, then about the room. A look toward Jerin. It was evident she didn't know what to do! Defend her pride? But that would mean giving up her dignaty. Or... there was no one around but that husky boy, and he was too scatter brained. He wouldn't remember a thing. With his kilt off, Mirana looks over the massive... thing he had, had he really put THAT inside her!? It was still a bit of a blur. She could remember what happened, but exacting detail still eluded her. At least her breasts weren't feeling ready to burst anymore. Getting down from the table though, sniffling, she angles herself down toward the floor, tail raised, "In the tailhole if you know what's good for you..." She says, "And... don't go too hard at first." She says, getting as ready as she could.

Meanwhile, Jerin wasn't wasting any time. He had far less reservations than Mirana and as soon as the nurse was gone, he decided it was best to get things going, and get them going now. He was going to miss his first class as it was! He didn't want to miss anymore... and besides, Alkain's own ass was a delight to fill... Pants off, leaving his shirt on, he finds a box to use to get up level with Alkain's rump, wondering a moment. He reaches around to Alkain's rod, gathering some of the dripping pre to slather all over his back ring, making sure to tease around with his fingers for a bit. His own cock was standing ready, no where near as big as either breeder's assets, and after a moment making sure Alkain was good and wet... plunges in.

Alkain grunts as he looks over at Jerin and then back to Mira... his first time with Jerin hadn't been all that good that he can recall. It was more relieving... though Mira on the other hand was quite satisfying... he takes a step towards Mirana and angles his seven foot shaft towards her rump. He barely has time to push in before Jerin starts fingering his tail hole! He groans and pants as his tail flags higher, if possible... he shudders as he is teased and his pre grows milker as Jerin pushes in! "Ohhhhh..." he moans out as he squeezes tightly around Jerin!

With a startled gasp, Mirana simple lets Alkain start himself, but as he's going she starts rocking back toward him. She was still crying, sniffling, but... at least she was doing her job, giving Alkain her body... was that all she was really good for? Servicing others like this? It wasn't bad, there were many respected breeders, and milkers for that matter too. A moan, her own, breaks her from her thinking, making her shake her head, no! This wasn't her! That tail hole of hers though, while tight, and very hot, was giving for Alkain... but no where near enough, only able to take in about half of him at best! It could really squeeze though, and judging about how tight it was clenching down, she was either really enjoying it, or was fighting against...

Jerin slams on home with out hardly any real effort though! Almost a hotdog down a hallway, unless Alkain could tighten up on him. While he had a decent amount to give, it wasn't anything compared to what Alkain could take, body more made for taurs or farmers like he was. Still, he starts to piston away at him, holding Alkain's tail up, using it as a bit of a handle to give him leverage.

Alkain rrrfs as he feels Jerin slam into him, angling himself for the best pleasure he can give and receive! He indeed tightens up as much as he can and shudders as he draws back from Mira a bit, just to saw back in... it takes all his remaining willpower to not just slam back in! He moans and pants as he works to do his duty, his paws going to Mirana's flank to steady himself as he works to be bred while breeding another~

A shuddered sigh, Mirana's crying start to ebb back as she feels herself relaxing and getting into this. Only to tighten up and resist again. It was... different to say the least of it. One moment she rocks back against Alkain as he pushes in, taking him as deeply as she can, the next, tight as a drum head, as if trying to keep him out! Her own balls and breasts swaying a bit as she moves though, rod beginning to spill forth under her, though that seems to only make her angrier! Does she want to do this? Does she not? Miss Everin's words keep running around in her head. A slight moan again, she was relaxed. Then, tight once more, and even tighter... She wasn't just a breeder! She was going to be so much more, much much more! With a defiant nod to herself, she starts actually working with Alkain, "Come on, the sooner you get off, the sooner I can... oh... get... oh.... back to class and make... something of myself!" She says, but Alkain was teasing against some... sensitive things inside her, and as her todhood swelled out, it was evident she was enjoying it.

Jerin was, not the best fuck around, and that was being nice. He just seemed only to be able to plow into Alkain over and over again, never really changing his speed, nor working around inside the hole he was in. Then again, Alkain was the breeder, the one with more know how. While he is just busy slamming himself into Alkains backside over and over again, it seemed it would be up to the large tod to either teach him, or use his own hips and do the work for him...

Alkain mmmfs as the dam splinters... he shakes his head and tries to keep from slamming into Mirana... she isn't making it easy though! With all that teasing tightness around his toddhood, he's seeing stars! Once she utters those words though... he slams in! Again, again and again! He even gyrates so Jerin hits all those sensitive spots inside of him, while working to do the same for the taur in front of him!

Gasping out as she relaxes enough for Alkain to really work over her, Mirana comes to the startling realization that she's quickly come up to stone hard, her balls tensing up. Below that tailhole of her, pussy was starting to gently drip against the floor! She decides to just go with it rocking back against Alkain as he pushes in, though yelping out when he takes a bit more than she has to give, trying to back away enough to not get impaled! She starts to murr, groaning, letting the pleasure she was denying bleed over into her mind, 'Good, if I get off too, maybe that will delay my next cycle.' She thinks to herself as she feels her knot swell in, balls tightening... tightening... a trilling howl as she paints the floor white, a small gush behind her as her pussy gives its own contribution in sympathy with her cock. That had her tailhole rippling around Alkain's rod as her own load is expelled, and rapidly!

Jerin just keeps at his own, but when Alkain starts moving about, varying his pace, it forces Jerin to do the same... that is until his own knot finds its way into Alkain, him blasting his offering into Alkain starting to go limp behind him!

Alkain mmmphs and shudders as both his partners start to expend their loads, his knot swelling before he howls out in sympathetic climax! He floods Mirana's belly with his potent seed, though it sadly goes to waste... unlike the husky behind him! His belly warms as he is knocked up once more, shuddering as he feels that knot inside him and squeezing over it to milk Jerin for as much as he can give!

Panting there for a moment, Mirana takes stock of the feeling in her rump and the mess under her, shaking her head a bit. "Th.. there, now... get out of me." She says a bit harshly as she starts moving herself away from Alkain, "I... have a class to get to." Even though her creamed up rump was likely going to be leaking for most of the day! Once free though, she wastes no time in heading out the door, leaving the pair behind her... and indeed a trail of Alkain's cum as it seeps free.

Jerin however wasn't doing quite so well, he seemed exhausted, falling over against Alkain's back as he pants there, though with how loose Alkain was compared to his girth, even though he was knotted, it should take must to get free... "Man... she's a... bitch isn't she?" he asks...

Alkain pants and sighs as he withdraws from the taur, head clearing rapidly, "S-sorry..." he watches her go even as he murrs in bliss, rubbing over his belly as he looks back at Jerin, "It's my fault... really..." he sighs as he clenches around Jerin teasingly once more before working that shaft free from him, "Mph..." he sighs once more and rubs his muzzle thoughtfully, "Mm... I'm gonna have to teach you a bit." he shrugs and puts his kilt back on before helping the husky up