Crystal Memories: Extracurricular Activities

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#6 of Crystal Memories

It was a cool fall day, a gentle breeze blowing in and Mirana growling slightly to herself as she reads in 'Energy Crystals and You. Dangers of handling'. She rubs on her tender breasts, once more even bigger than they were before as she sits upon the grass. They were slightly bigger then her head... each. And judging by how visible her enlarging nipples were, she was needing to be milked! No dark wet spots yet on her, once more brand new dress, this one lilac in color, so not yet leaking. She gives a sharp BARK, dropping her book to try and soothe the pain in her four forward breasts with both hands! She gives a very slight sob before reaching over to pick up her book again. At least her belly hadn't grown TOO much more, still looking like someone who might be half way through their second trimester despite only being about 3 days along.

Alkain hums as he jogs along a nearby path, his own belly looking much like a three month belly! He has little issue with his belly though, thanks to his genes... though he IS still a little awkward with his massive endowments! Which is why he is out jogging, practising moving with those large pumpkins against his legs. He's not wearing anything more than his kilt today, toned chest being shown off, his abs would be too if it weren't for his pregnancy! As of yet, he doesn't notice Mirana... though he is swiftly approaching if the thudding he makes in the earth is any indication!

Picking up her book again, she tries to make do with just one hand upon her breasts again, getting quite a few looks from the very few who pass by as she tries to rub the near constant pain away... only for her belly to complain! It was grumbling VERY loudly, and she gives a very long and loud whine. She pants a bit, squinting her eyes tightly, "Ignore it... just... ignore it." She says to herself, huffing and trying to focus on her book only for back out and bend over as both the pain in her breasts and the pain in her gut hit her at once, eyes closed tightly! She stays doubled over herself there for a while, eyes full of tears when she opens them up again... reaching not for her book but a large large bag of what can only be smoked meats from the smell of it.

THUDTHUD... THUDTHUD... THUDTHUD... Alkain pants as he comes to a stop very close by, he reaches back behind him to grab his own satchel of food to snack from... with how large he, is he needs a LOOOOOT of intake... and he's doubly pregnant on top of that! He's too bust with his snacking to really look around, though his ears perk and his brow knits in confusion at a certain familiar... "Mirana?" he looks up from his dried meat

She'd put her pack too far away! She reaches and reaches for it, not wanting to stand back up but... then her ears fold back! It was... him... Mirana looking over to see Alkain there, tears still flowing from her eyes, "Alkain." Is all she says before trying to reach with one hand, rubbing her left tits with the other.

Alkain blinks as he pants and gulps while peering at Mirana. He reaches to get a waterskin, sufficiently sized for him of course, and takes a few gulps to help cool himself down, "Erm... you ok?" as he moves over to help, kneeling to grab the bag so he can hand it over, "You look..." he trails off, in all honesty... she looks very sexy swollen with his kits... he shakes his head though to clear his thoughts

Mirana growls at Alkain, nearly not taking her sack from him, "I look what? Helpless? Like a breeder? Like I-" a loud, bark as she bends over in pain again, quickly grabbing her bag and ripping into a large chunk of some kind of jerkied meat. She swallows it near whole, ripping into another piece... and another, stopping to rub her breasts, then eating again, starting to get on Alkain again through a mouthful, "Thish ish, all whour falt any-" a loud gulp and she rips off another piece still and tries to continue talking, but it all just comes out muffled. One hand continues to rub, the other feeding food into her muzzle near continuously.

Alkain blinks and winces at those harsh words... "Hot..." he mumbles as he finishes his sentence lamely, he blinks as she doubles over and frowns in worry, "I'm... sorry..." he sighs and hesitantly reaches towards a breast, "Maybe I can help? Those look painful..." he doesn't touch... yet... though he eyes that taurbelly with a blush

Mirana manages to growl a bit before she's biting into more meat, swallowing hard again, "No. You can't." She says rather coldly, rubbing over them all a bit more. She gives a whine though, the pain was obvious, and great enough she couldn't hope to hide it. She licks her lips, looking at her discarded book, the meat in her hand, the tit in her other hand... she needed more hands though...

Alkain flinches at the growl and yanks his paw back like he's about to be bitten! "Sorry... I just want to help..." he frowns a bit, "You are... taking care of yourself... I hope?" he returns to his own dried meats to nibble on, occasionally taking a gulp of water to quench his thirst, "So... you want to be an engineer?" he queries curiously

Shaking her head a bit, Mirana sighs, "Yes, I want to do mechanical work, I should be an Engineer! Not some... bloated, sex hungry, kit and milk machine. I know you did something to me, even if I can't put a claw on it. I... I..." She sighs, slumping looking at her book, growling at it next! "But I guess I am just that! I'll never be able to do what I've dreamed of for years!" She screams, getting more than a bit of attention again... as dark wet spots start to announce themselves against the front of her dress. "But... you think I'm... hot?" She asks.

Alkain frowns at Mira, trying to keep the surprise from his expression, "Oh... sorry..." he sighs and nods, "I want to discover new types of magic... that might just be a dream now though..." he sighs morosely as he flops onto his back to stare at the sky, "I mean... I know black magic comes naturally to us..." he trails off and blushes heavily at that last though with a meek nod

Beginning to blush a bit herself, Mirana looks away a bit, "I'm not, so don't be thinking that! This is horrible! Don't you feel... like everything you could be is going to go to waste? It doesn't matter how smart you are, all you are good for is a good bit of sex. And... I guess all I'm good for too." She says, rubbing on her breasts a bit more, making those dark spots grow all the faster. "Well, I guess you should just get a good look at your handy work." She says, seemingly still blaming Alkain for it all despite the fact that she'd had her nature confirmed by the nurse and gym teacher. She thinks, "New magic? Heh, if you were a farmer or milker too, you might have a chance at that..." She says.

Alkain frowns at the vixentaur and sighs, "I do..." he mumbles, though shakes his head, "But that doesn't mean it's true..." he blinks at that next though and blushes deeply, squirming a bit... "Well, I might be a bit farmer... I'm built like one at least..." he chuckles as he rubs over his belly with a pleased murr

Mirana heaves another sigh, shaking her head as she watches Alkain rubbing on his belly, "Oh please, how in the name of the gods am I to do any engineer work if I'm going to be blowing up all the time with kits?" She asks munching down another whole strip of meat still trying to rub the pain out of her breasts, though it seemed they were only getting more and more sore. With a grunt she continues, "Besides, I can't be that hot if you won't even look at me." Shi comments.

Alkain hmms? at that and shrugs, "Well... that's only because you bred with another breeder isn't it? I'm sure after this you won't want to..." he blinks at that last and looks over, "That's why I'm trying not to look at you... actually..." he mutters a bit, if she looked, his kilt started shifting as he eyed her up and down with a murr... he shakes his head though and raises an eyebrow at those wet spots in her dress before he looks away... "You sure you don't want help?" he ponders though and sighs "Erm... anyway... what did you want to do as an engineer?"

Mirana growls as she notices that shifting in Alkain's clothing, "Keep that FAR away from me. That is what caused all this problem in the first place." She says, "And if I were that hot, you shouldn't be able to not look at me, isn't that how that works?" She scoffs, shaking her head vigorously, "And no, I don't need any help, with anything!" She says, looking down at her book with sad, tearful eyes, "I... just wanted to work on the same things my dad does. But... my children might not even know their father or mother. I can't raise all the kits I'll have, a lot of them will have to go into the care of milkers." She says heaving a long whine as she looks down at her breasts, "Maybe... no... I couldn't..." She says to herself sucking in a hard breath, "Why do they hurt so much!?" She cries out, the park, thankfully, mostly empty at this time of year, too cool for most to want to spend a lot of time outside.

Alkain frowns at Mira and sighs with a roll of his eyes, "Will you make up your mind?" he grumbles though winces at the denial of help... "Erm... well... depending on if our parents can help or not... I won't see mine either." he sighs a bit and puts a paw to his eyes, trying not to tear up it seems, "Maybe you..." he trails of at that shout and winces, "You need to be milked, I think..."

Mirana frowns at Alkain as he grumbles at her, "Make up my mind on what, if YOU think I'm hot or not? Thought I was hot enough to steal my virginity, didn't you? And enough to do it again just because the nurse goaded me into it! And... and... I..." A snort through her nose, "My family might be able to help, but I have TWENTY kits on the way already, and this... this is just the first... how many times does a breeder give birth a year!?" She asks, though her muzzle just falls open when Alkain says she needs to be milked, "No. No no no. No no no no no, just, no. By all the gods, no. I won't be letting my... my... parts... decide my life, when I do things, anything!" She says, though even as she's talking her dress is soaking through, and rather fast, the wet spots joining together, running through more and more of the material, even starting to pool under her from her under breasts...

Alkain looks over at Mira and frowns more, "How many times do I have to apologize? It was wrong of me and I'm sorry." he sighs though, "It's not like I was in control though..." he ponders a bit as he looks away, "Look... I didn't want to be a breeder myself... I was very much hoping to be a scholar... I would've been happy even being a Norma..." he shrugs though, "But biology determined this for me... and I'll be damned if I let it rule my life."

Given how loud and... *distracted* Mirana and Alkain are, they'll likely not hear the skittering as Carina makes her way into the park. Even if she was rather large -- no one of a tauric body figure couldn't be -- the arachne-professor was built for quiet, graceful movement, even when she wasn't attempting to be stealthy. Today, she was just trying to move quickly... even in her long-sleeved formal wear, it just couldn't make up for the fact that arachnids just don't find the cold to be particularly hospitable.

"Now now, children, what... what seems to be the matter?" Carina just couldn't find it in herself to ignore the bickering teenagers, she's not *that* cold-hearted... she was a teacher for a reason, after all. She winced a little as she surveyed the situation, standing back a couple of feet.

"For taking me like that when I didn't want it? Oh, I think twenty times in total might be a good start!" Mirana says growling a bit, though seeming in shock when Alkain says he didn't want to be a breeder, wanting to be a scholar, "Wait, I thought you... BY the gods!" She cries out again, rubbing futily on her breasts with both hands, trying hard to soothe the pain out of them, even dropping her bag of food once more, as her belly screams to her its hunger, she sniffles, "Just... make it stop!" She says, fighting back tears. Though, she wasn't expecting another voice, ears twitching a bit as someone steps up towards them, turning slowly to look at who it was... turgid, taut breasts wobbling slightly at even the slight move, the front of her dress soaked completely through, though the ground below was just muddied by her excess milk. Her ears pin back, "I... umm..." is all she says, tail tucking behind her.

Alkain grumbles at Mira and sighs, "Sorry, sorry, sorry..." he continues like this fifteen more times! "There, that better?" he rolls his eyes a little, "You thought what? I liked being so big? That I like needing sex every two hours? That I likely won't get a moment of rest for the rest of my life?!" he growls low in anger as tears stream from his eyes, "Well, I DON'T!" he pants a bit as he tries to calm himself, still not noticing the newcomer as he rolls onto his side, away from Mira

Carina rubs the subtle bridge of her nose as she spectates this train wreck in motion. Maybe she SHOULD just have gone back home, there was paperwork to be completed, work to be graded... this is one aspect of teaching she never had a strong desire to partake in, nor one she was talented in. But, as these children have yet to fully accept, you have to be willing to compromise with what life gives you. So, after a deep sigh, she speaks. "That will be enough of that, both of you!" Perhaps Carina said that in a harsher tone than she meant to, or was necessary. "Now, I'll ask again... what is going on here? Besides the obvious..." She sighs again, and shakes her head. Finally getting to a more relaxed state, able to speak level-headed. "Yelling at each other isn't going to help."

As Alkain goes through his many many sorries, each one feels like a nail was driven through one of her cuticles. Ears staying folded, tail tucking tighter as her milk starts to drip from her clothing its so saturated! She tries harder to rub her breasts back to normal, but... they were starting to swell with the pressure! She sucks in a painful gasp of air, "No! I thought that you were just a breeder looking to... well... breed. That... I..." She whines a bit louder, clinching her fists against her breasts, looking toward, but not at Carina, "Miss... Talinos... umm... I was just trying to... s.. study." It seems the pains from her hunger and her continuously swelling breasts their leaking unable to overtake their production without some aid were getting agonizing, "When... Alkain... r.. er, joined me. I... I'm just so hungry, so... so mad, so... what is wrong with my breasts... why do I have to do this?" She asks, tears running down her cheeks, looking over toward Alkain again, "I'm... sorry... very... sorry, I... didn't know."

Alkain sniffles as he lays on his side, trying to calm himself... though he sobs at the harsh words from the teacher, his tail hanging off behind him limply and his ears drooping quite a bit. His scent is starting to change however... even as he starts sobbing louder...

Carina is at a loss. Normally, she isn't the kind to overly care about her students' lives, given how many of them there are... she's hardly able to remember much of their names, let alone other details. "Oh, come on, you two... you're both going through some tough changes right now, so don't take it... too... hard. You'll make mistakes, you just have to take 'em as they come, and forgive each other. Also..." The arachne watches as Mira's clothing becomes less and less effective by the moment, and she even gets a bit of a whiff of Alkain -- one she tries to not react reflexively in disgust to. "Also... just... take care of your bodies. Nothing good is going to come out of ignoring them. For you or for anyone else." She rubs the back of her head, uneasiness creeping onto her face.

Mirana looks over Carina, then over to Alkain. She grimaces as she feels her breasts, so tight... she slumps a bit. Shaking her head, she lets out a sob, "I... can't reach the bottom ones if I tried. I'd... need someone else to..." She says, biting her lip as she undoes the bib of her dress, looking around the park... then doing it back up again, "No... I can't. I just... I can't..." She cries, looking over to Alkain once more, "I... Alkain... sorry... I just didn't know..." She squirms there, burying her face in her hands, just crying, shivering in the cold as a wind picks up.

Alkain's sobbing starts to lessen a bit as he groans softly, whining a little as he bites his lip to try and calm himself... "I... I know..." he sighs a bit, "It's just... hard... really really hard..." he sniffles still through it all, though at least he isn't sobbing any more! "It... it'll be ok..." he starts to roll back towards Mira as his scent picks up more, his rut and heat quickly burning on full blast

"C-come on, you two, there's places for these kind of things. They are not here." Carina is having a harder time not reacting to the particularities of Alkain and Mirana's conditions. She skitters on over behind her student, laying a hand on the bloated vixen's shoulder, before offering her a hand. "Really, you need to get drained." She looks at Alkain from this vantage point, getting another blast of his musky odor. "Well, both of you, on second thought." The arachne is positioned in a way to minimize any... drippings from either of the two touching her.

Mirana whines a bit more as Alkain tells her it will be ok, and Carina places a hand on her shoulder. She nods, and... tries to get up, the stress of it painted on her face along with the pain! A touch to her breasts would show them to be hard as rock, no give at all and still swelling up as her clothes drip. Another try and she manages to get her paws under her, taking Carina's hand, "I'm... sorry teacher..." She says, bowing her head down, "I'm... sorry Alkain... thank you..." She says, struggling to just waddle forward under her weight and how much her breasts and balls are getting in the way of her paws! Her tail stays tucked tightly.

Alkain blushes at Carina and nods, "A-alright..." he mumbles as he starts to get to his knees, then to his feet... the huge todd towering over both... he's struggling to keep his maleness from unsheathing too much as he looks away from Mira, hopefully curtailing the inevitable! He'll follow though, tail curled around a leg and ears droopy

Carina shakes her head once more, and rubs Mirana's back; "You have no need to be sorry to me so long as you learn from this, Mirana. That's the most I ask of you." The moment they're out of the park, she looks around... and thinks. Where to bring these two? Her place wasn't horrifically far from where they are, but it was ill-equipped to handle the breeders' 'capacities'... she also wasn't sure if she could live with the inevitable stench that would hang over it for many weeks should they be brought there. But... she walked off in that direction anyhow, leading the drippy students along behind her. A little more than 'just' behind her, to be safe.

The entire walk, Mirana just keeps her head down, crying as she walks. A sniffle, a sob, and of course even more dripping from her now head and a half sized breasts, she just lets herself be led, looking toward Alkain as he looks away from her. Learn from this. "What should... I learn?" She sniffles out, slowly waddling and wobbling her way along, nearly tripping over herself more than a few times.

Alkain rrfs lightly while he struggles with his growing libido, "Where... where are we going?" he manages to ask, still not looking towards Mira even though he is dripping pre by this point! He's not quite tripping over himself, thanks to all his practice... though he hasn't had much practice walking while getting hard!

The teacher is being hyper-vigilant as she leads two of her pupils back to her house. It wasn't really that they were her pupils that made Carina as nervous as she was; it more had to do with the *state* that Alkain and Mirana were in right now, one that she was frequently reminded of by the sounds both of the messy teenagers made as they walk. Let alone if they were stumbling over themselves! "My house." The arachne woman did not give Alkain much more than that simple reply, and even to Mirana, the most she gave was "We'll talk more when we get there, okay?"

It didn't take all that long to get to Carina's house from the park. She could make it in perhaps four minutes if she rushed, but she also wasn't the one hauling around such obtrusive body parts. Stopping at the door, she leaned down to unlock it, and waited to the side after swinging it open. "You two first -- and just keep to the entry hall, please, I will lead you elsewhere."

It may not have been that long of a walk, but Mirana's tits felt ready to rip open if they could by the time they were there. Still, she just kept to herself, softly crying in the agony as she steps through the doorway, shivering a bit though if it was from nerves, or the switch from walking inside during a cool and windy day. She looks to Alkain again, then looks sharply away. "Yes teacher..." is all she says.

Alkain winces as his nuts bloat with his potent seed, eager to be let out into a nice... fertile... he catches himself staring at Mira and looks away from both her and Carina, "Erm... ok..." that was a short answer, though he isn't really in a state of mind to complain. He rrrfs more and pants with lust, his control is clearly starting to slip! He nods though as he waits for Mira to enter, before ducking in himself! The huge reynard barely able to squeeze past the door frame!

Carina slid the deadbolt on her door into place as she entered, letting out a small sigh of relief that they had arrived without incident. With some of the stories circling around, and her own unfamiliarity with Alkain, well... she wasn't sure if the two were going to make it much of anywhere without giving in and fucking in the street. "Alright, you two, follow me... try not to touch anything, okay?" Carina's house wasn't particularly grand, but it was certainly a bit larger than average; she had tenure where she taught, and was well established in her studies of the many relics scattered beyond the walls of the city. Unsurprisingly, the furnishings weren't lavish: simple couches in a social room off to one area with feather pillows and cushions, a modest dining table that would sit her and some guests, and some other rooms separated by closed doors. They could be closets or storage rooms for all Alkain or Mirana knew. It was all very utilitarian, just enough to be comfortable while also not being an eyesore. At the end of the equally-modest length of the hallway, at the back of the house, there was a final door; this one was sturdier-built and had more signs of wear and tear, besides from just being of a different sort of wood than all the rest.

"This should work for you two, no? I *just* cleaned up in here, so there shouldn't be anything nasty lying around on the ground..." Carina remarked, standing off to the corner of her workshop; there was a bookcase with a mish-mash of books on it, everything from freshly-published ones to ancient tomes that could disintegrate if you handled them wrong. A workbench lined two walls of the rectangular room, but a good portion of the room was just open space. It was dynamic, a multifaceted room to serve whatever function its owner whimmed... today, that just happened to be a rather messy, straightforward task.

Following along with Carina to the workshop, she looks around, tears still filling her eyes but in a bit of amazement. "It is like daddy's..." She says sniffling, then yelping out loudly as she rubs on her breasts again. "Umm... I... err..." She says, looking to Alkain, she gives a slight smile but didn't seem exactly in a rush, as she started to undo the bib of her straining dress, "I... well... never... really learned how to do this... and, even if I did, I can't reach the lower ones teacher..." She says softly, still eyeing up and down Alkain as she talks.

Alkain mmmfs and whines as he nods, tail still curled around his leg and eyes glazed over with lust! Once the room is revealed and he waddles in... he drops his kilt, his massive maleness whapping him in the nose before he tilts his head down and laps at the preslick length with a blissful murr. His eyes close as he loses himself to his rut! His nuts nearing world record sized pumpkins! He starts suckling on his tip and eyes Mira while she undresses, lust blazing away in his eyes

Carina's eyes slam shut, wincing the moment Alkain's musk is free to spread throughout the room unhindered. In the enclosed environment, it built up, too: it wasn't long until the workshop was thick with needy, sexual odors, both masculine and feminine. Opening her eyes, and looking at Mirana now, she sighs, and hangs her head a little... and begins undressing herself. The arachne woman was in fact quite beautiful; while other scholars and engineers were more than fine with focusing more on their studies and projects than themselves, Carina never understood why so many were only making use of their hands or their minds to further themselves. ALL of one's body was a tool, so why wouldn't she take advantage of it? Her upper body was revealed to be free of the thick protective chitin that layered on the back of her arms and her lower body. A toned belly with a slight amount of fat to it, and a set of hand-filling breasts, all covered with much of the same dusky charcoal-grey flesh her face.

The drop of her skirt also revealed something else... Carina's womanhood, a modest slit mounted up front, exactly where one would expect it. It had a faint glimmer of wetness to it. "Mirana, would you like me to help you learn?" It was the most she asked, a brief, simple question, ambiguous in intent. The arachne still remained in the position where she was, not getting any closer yet.

Heaving a sniffled sigh, Mirana just gives Carina a nod while she looks sheepishly at Alkain. He was MORE than ready, but she... she was still trying to think through all that was happening. A shake of her head as she looks at that... monolith of toddhood, giving a gulp through her tears, then a LOUD bark as the pain seems to radiate through her, once more doubling her over, and even making her forelegs give, putting her to her 'knees'! Down there she just gasps as her belly rumbles sharply, but the most notable thing about her near fall was that her breasts didn't sway in the slightest, as if they didn't have the give any more to even let gravity move them!

Alkain rrfs as he sucks on his shaft tip and shudders as he drinks down his own pre, filling his belly with his seed laced output! He closes his eyes as he focuses on his self pleasuring as he grips his shaft and begins to pump! He groans as his nuts continue to swell and his shaft throbs angrily, eager to get off even as the feminine scent of the other two fill his nose and flood his mind with images of round and swollen bellies that are filled with kits...

Carina just stands there, watching the two 'blooming' young kids get completely lost within their bodies' urges... until the arachne just rests her face into her palm, shaking her head. This was off to a *wonderful* start. "Tsk... HEY." A snap of anger, really just annoyance. Carina had never been one with an excess of patience, and with the help of her arachnid lineage, she could be quite intimidating when she needed to be. Perhaps a little less intimidating given her currently nudity. "Both of you, listen up." She turns to the overly-encumbered taur. "Mirana, you need to be milked, and I am going to do it, and show you how it is done. As for you..." Then, her glance was turned to the fox currently making out with his own cock. "Alkain, you are going to fuck me, no ifs or buts about it. Do not lose yourself while doing so, or you *will* be reminded to behave, with no guarantees of it being pleasant."

Wincing, Mirana looks up to Carina, giving a very weak nod, "I... I'm just so... hungry teacher... I... it hurts..." She manages to sob out. Growing, rapidly, twenty new kits as well as her own sexual aspects was a very hard toil on her body, nearly everything she ate getting digested to be used for one of these! Her belly rumbled MUCH more loudly as her tail waves around in her dress... lifting it up and flagging Alkain with her new MUCH puffier cunt and seemingly ready to use tailhole... that pussy is so much larger and puffier than it was before... perhaps big enough that ALL of Alkain's massive rod could fit inside it... "T... teacher... is there something I could eat while umm... you teach me this? Please!?" The last word more whined and barked than said.

Alkain starts at the shout and gasps for air as he pulls off his shaft, eyes opening a bit to look around dazedly... those lust clouded eyes focus not on Carina though but rather, Mirana! He snarls his lust and lumbers over, angling his shaft for the taurs cunny and shuddering as he starts to push in, "Need..." he pants out as he shoves more and more of his maleness deep into Mirana... looks like trying to get his attention was a very poor idea!

Carina merely sighed again, and she skittered on out of the door she came in through. She wasn't actually just abandoning the two; no, she was merely going to her kitchen and finding things for the insatiable Mirana to eat, ending up sacrificing much of the meals she had pre-cooked for the rest of the week, bringing them back on a tray that she set down on a clear area of her workbench. Gathering several empty buckets out of a supply closet, laying them down in front of Mirana. The arachne lowered herself down in front of her student, reaching for her topmost pair of breasts, beginning to dutifully squeeze and milk them. "Let me know if you're capable of eating while being fucked and milked, dear, and I'll help you with that too. Least I can do given how this will..." She looks back to Alkain, and grimaces.

Watching Carina head out and come back with food, she nearly breaks for it, but... soon has something else bothering her! She yelps out loudly when she feels Alkain sinking into her pussy, eyes going wide and suddenly VERY unwilling to move! She knew what would happen if a tod who'd 'caught' his vixen suddenly found said vixen still trying to run or put up a fight, and she was in no position to give a race or a struggle. She lowers herself slightly, raising her back end up to give Alkain all the access he'd need, though the look on her face was of both shock and horror! Looking at the buckets, Mira just gives a slight nod, reaching out to get hold of some meats to simply rip into them! From the way she was eating, 'no' wasn't a choice. Her exceptionally plump folds part as Alkain pushes in, her tunnel stretching to give him access, though as she grimaces, it seems to not be a smooth going. Then, a bark full of small chunks of her food as her top breasts are squeezed and pulled, but they quickly start to squirt free milk like she were a cow!

Alkain mmmfs and shudders as he surges deeper into Mirana, his paws gripping at her flanks while he snarls and growls like a feral beast in rut! His seed laced pre growing thicker and thicker with each spurt, each potent pound has his nuts a little more swollen as his body begins to produce his potent seed in overdrive! If one were to look, tears are streaming down his face... some part of him knows what is going on...

Carina gave Alkain a saddened look, deciding not to be *too* mad at the tod just doing what his cock told him he had to do. True learning involves making mistakes. So, the arachnid teacher just does what she set out to do, help Mirana drain those breasts. "How long has it been since your last milking, Mirana? You're very backed up." Idle talk, for what it's worth. Best to keep a grips on the taur's mental well-being.

Mirana barks out louder as Alkain pushes in deeper and deeper, her just stretching to give him more and more space, lower belly starting to... almost outline his rod as he goes! The tears continue in her eyes, gasping for breath! Shivering a moment, she collects herself, "Not... since the early morning. The sun was barely up..." She says. While she didn't have an hour glass that was timing her day, it wouldn't be hard to guess that it had been at least ten hours! Another push in by Alkain, more of his seed laced pre flowing in, and her body begrudgingly stretching out to give way to him! Mirana rips into another huge chunk of meat, barely chewing it at all before swallowing it, if left unchecked she might clean Carina's stocks out!

"Ah, that's far too long. You need to take care of your body, just like anyone else. You just have a few... extra things to take care of." Carina states, having easily filled one of the buckets already, and moving to the next. It certainly is a fate she wouldn't wish to have... even if the breasts she was currently being very intimate with were quite beautiful. The arachnid did find herself curious about what having such augmented parts like either of the foxes before her did would be like; she always had a fascination with the many strange and exotic forms people could take, but the hindrances physically and mentally they could bring never made her *wish* for them. The arachne had enough issues with her spiderlike lower body, even if she had far more dexterity there than other taurs like Mirana could of theirs. "As for your continuing education, Mirana, I have a proposal for you. Even if you fail to be able to participate in my proper courses, I extend the offer to you for personal instruction to be whatever semblance of an engineer you can be. It WILL be extracurricular, here in my workshop, which through your own efforts will be modified to fit someone of your... productivity," Carina pauses, giving the breasts she is currently milking a particular squeeze, even the slightest bit of a sexual tease. "If you truly want to be an engineer, you best be willing to design equipment that will ALLOW you to be."

The continued thrusts and pushes into Mirana make her bark out in pain each time Alkain moved, but... she was still taking it in! The next thrust however gets a LOUD bark from her, forcing the air up out of her with how deep he was! But... that swelling knot was kissing at her lubed up, dripping pussy! If he could... break her a bit more, he could get it in! She just shivers there, holding her forward half up with the table a bit as she tries not to just be pushed over by Alkain, for a moment distracted from further consumption of the needed foods. Her ears twitch as Carina speaks of teaching her, here in a workshop! The upper breasts finally empty though, or enough that they weren't giving much more regardless of how they were tugged or squeezed, she relaxes in one way, only to tense back up in another! Looking to Carina, she nods, vigorously a moment, only to yelp out again when Alkain pushes once more into her! Almost there, his knot kissed into her for just a moment! Vision blurred a bit, head swimming, moaning, yipping, it was hard to tell. She was definitely enjoying it, she was definitely hurting, but which was there more of? The way she nearly guided Carina's hands to the next set of breasts told that she was either over the embarrassment there, or needed it, and the pleasure it gave her, too much to care. The next thrust in nearly sends her into the table!

Alkain rrrfs and growls low as he pounds away, though his ears perk straight up as he feels... no way... he stops a moment in completely shock before tripling his efforts! His nuts pumping out, relatively, minute amounts of his seed into Mirana's already kit filled womb! He pants with effort as he works to get his knot into the taur... deeper... deeper... little more... a liiiiiitttle more... He howls out in complete and utter bliss as his knot pops into the taur below him and clenches his eyes shut as he has the most intense climax he has had yet!

Carina cracks a smile, breaking the otherwise practised, indifferent expression she had been wearing; seeing that enthusiasm in Mirana, that spark... that's why she taught, more than anything else. It was a short-lived smile, the forcefulness of Alkain (and his yells) were enough to make the arachne go into defence. She still milked Mirana, but she was actively posturing to make sure she could keep the taur *exactly* where she was, and not on her table. "Watch yourself there, boy! Don't damage the merchandise." She was most likely talking about the workbench and surrounding objects, but one could also construe she was talking about Mirana herself. Maybe a little bit of column A, maybe a little bit of column B.

Eyes going wide as Alkain manages to get his knot into her, breath completely taken away, barely able to gasp as her lower belly is pumped and pumped into, swelling it, and this time there was no way at all for any of the seed to escape her, not that it had before, but... this time it seemed Alkain had either been very productive, or knotting had opened him up even more than he ever had before. Her breasts being milked, her cunny WELL over used, her head wobbles and eyes flutter as the world seemed to be spinning and spinning. "Teach... er..." She manages to get out, legs wobbling, and soon the only things keeping her upright being Alkain behind her and the pair of Carina and table before her, muscles just going slack! Under her, those breasts let down softly, dribbling even more than before, her own rod extended and throbbing despite her!

Alkain stumbles a bit as his orgasm draws on... and on... and on... his own head wobbling a bit as he raises a paw to grasp at it, he misses though! His eyes are clenched shut and he pants a bit, which probably helps... if you were wanting to pass out, which he promptly does! Tiiiiimbeeeeeeeer~ He crashes to the floor with a loud *THUMP*, still pumping his seed deep into where it'll do the most damage in Mirana~!

"Woah there, don't...!" Carina begins to say, switching gears from gripping Mirana's second pair of breasts to hugging the girl against her in an effort to keep her upright. The arachne was left as the last one 'standing' as soon as Alkain decided to bow out, much to her shock; she sat there, blinking several times before she could do anything else. "W-what is it, Mirana?"

Short gasped breathes are all Mirana can get in her for what seems like forever... as her tauric belly grows and grows fast thudding against the ground, pushing her cock down against the ground as she scrambles to try and get her slackened legs to hold her up! After a moment she manages to get some sensation and structure back, up under, mostly, her own power. Still, all she can do is gasp, "F... full..." she tries to swallow, but it seemed her throat protested the action! A moment more and she manages to completely right herself, with Alkain no longer pounding away at her, but as she manages to look over her shoulder, she screams in shock at what he'd done to her!

Carefully moving both buckets of milk out of the way, Carina then continues to give Mirana a hug. Not much else could be done but to console her now. "Sssh... being hysterical isn't going to change anything, my dear," the spider coos, embracing the taur against her nude body. "It certainly won't get you two unstuck any quicker, at the very least."

It wasn't like she wanted to be panicking, but... what had he done to her! How many kits did she have now!? What was she going to do! "I had... twenty kits before this... the gym teacher said... I can get pregnant when pregnant..." She says, recovering her breath. The tits under her will still mostly swollen up with milk, yet untouched, but she does lean into the hug as her stomach, even with her now seemingly impossibly filled womb trying to take as much space it is possibly could, continues its complaining that Mirana wasn't eating near enough in its opinion, her reaching out for another slab of meat, not caring what kind, if it was cooked or not, and wolfing it down even as she hugs to Carina, mind racing, belly aching, trying to keep up with everything that had happened the past few days, "Teacher... the... lower ones? I think I can do the upper ones my... self next time, but I can't reach down there..." She says.

Carina pats Mirana on the head, and lets go of the taur. "This isn't anything you can't live through, dear. Now... roll over a little, help me get to your underside." It was true, that it wouldn't kill the girl, nor harm her. But... even Carina wasn't sure how this might really play out, and it certainly didn't mean being a bred breeder was going to be *easy*. Giving a glance to Alkain as he wakes up, she opens her mouth to say something, but he's back before she can even utter a word. The spider chuckles, shaking her head, and getting to work on helping Mirana out with the rest of her swollen self