A Walk in the Doggo Park

Story by Lykanos on SoFurry

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Two friends and a dog go out for a walk in Golden Gate Park. Little do they know that they've stumbled into the start of a campy Sci Fi flick. When the alien Doggos land, things go from bizarre to hairy as the guys try to escape the alien breeding program.FA: Nekogato had a brilliant idea for a funny, cheesy, sexy piece that I was more than happy to write. It was a pleasure to get to be a little goofy while still sticking to the thrills of transformation. And so many dog women! What can I say? I love the bitches. :3

As always, read, share, and enjoy the invasion. The Doggos could always use more breeders! ;)

A Walk in the Doggo Park By Lykanos Wulfheart

It was a warm evening out in sunny San Francisco, the workday ending as the weekend began. The fun seekers had already started to gather within the beautiful expanse of Golden Gate Park. Some people where there to admire the colorful flower gardens. Others came to play in the open parks, a gentle breeze toning down the heat of the day. Kids darted back and forth, picnickers relaxed with their lovers, and Frisbees flew through the air. Speaking of, hey! Heads up! Oof... right in the face. Better luck next time, guy.

Anyways, our story focuses on the trio over there, just two friends walking a dog. Like in most misadventures, they seem like your average group, unaware of what's about to befall them. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Forget I said anything. Before I ruin the ending, why don't we get started? This is their tale, after all, not mine.

Tony and Justin were childhood friends, living the entirety of their lives within the confines of the big city. Ash, Tony's brown eyed border collie, was the reason they gathered in the park each day after work. Her evening walk was the perfect excuse for both men to catch up and get in some low energy cardio. Tony was the shorter of the two, five nine to Justin's six foot stature. Still, Tony seemed larger, his broad shoulders and average build edged with muscle. While Justin was more toned from his rigorous marathon routine, it was all lean muscle, leaving him seeming the twig of the group.

Both friends sported facial hair in the summer sun. Tony's was a well maintained beard and mustache combo that matched his hair, short cut and neat to show off his slightly tanned face. Justin's was a lot bushier, scruffy and uncombed like his mid-length rust brown locks. He was less lucky with the solar rays, his slight Irish heritage keeping him from tanning. Instead, he had to invest heavily in sunscreen as he loved the outdoors just as much as Tony and Ash, her black and white coat bouncing with joy as she followed beside her master's heels.

"Oh, hey. So where were you Thursday? Missed a great day for soccer," came Justin's easy-going question. He didn't play often, himself, but he knew Tony loved it, so it was a little odd for him to pass up a great day.

Tony grinned, his own voice a mix of confident passion. "I know, right? A lot like today. Shame to miss it, but I had my martial arts club meeting. Every Thursday, remember?"

Ash gave a little bark as if to reiterate her owner's point before Justin could speak, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck. "Oh, right. Forgot about that. Oops." His sheepish grin only deepened his friend's amusement.

"How about you," chuckled Tony. "Still training for that triathlon thing? When even is that?" Taking a moment to check on his dog before focusing on Justin, his fluffy friend panted happily beside him as she took in the scents near the walkway. As much as she wanted to veer off and check out the other dogs, the other people, she was far more interested in hanging out with her loving human.

Shrugging, the mighty bean pole admitted, "More or less. I've been doing the workouts, but I've been slacking a little lately. Really should start pushing myself. It is in a month and a half, after all."

"Tell you what," said Tony as he stopped and leaned down to tussle Ash's adorably droopy ears. "The island trail is just over there and Ash has been such a good girl." His voice grew cutesy as he spoke more to her than his compatriot. "Isn't that right? You're such a good girl, aren't you? Yes you are." Unclipping the lead from her blue collar, he pocketed it in his cargo shorts and stood as she watched, eager and ready for what he was planning. "There's almost never that many people there, so how about the three of us go for a full out run? Whaddya say?"

Hopping on the tips of his toes, Justin started to stretch his legs with anticipation. "You're on!" Ash barked her agreement in two gruff woofs as the group took flight, sprinting towards the bridge to the little water locked landmass.

They had only made it a few yards when the air started to radiate with a strange force. The ground began to tremble with it as something streaked through the sky, a fiery mass that passed before their eyes as it crash landed in the center of the little island, the impact nearly knocking both men over.

Waving the blowing dust from his vision, Justin called out, his ears still ringing from the concussive impact. "Tony? Tony! Did you see that?"

With a couple coughs, Tony was steadying Ash as she barked relentlessly in the direction of the mysterious object. "What the hell was it? A meteor? A satellite?"

"I think," stammered the confused friend, "It looked like a giant Frisbee. Like a massive, flaming, green Frisbee!"

Shaking his head as he stood, Tony couldn't even comprehend the description. "Dude... there's no way. A Frisbee? Really?"

Patting the doubter on his shoulder, Justin fanned at the lingering dust. "Come on. Let's go check it out."

"No. No way," chided the man, his confidence shaken. "What if it's radioactive? What if it's aliens? Come on, we should get out of here."

"Even better," teased the unkempt face as desire crept in, his eyes shining with the need to explore. "Please? This is probably the most exciting thing that will ever happen to us. Are you sure you want to just turn your back?"

Tony still wasn't sure what to do, but Justin was right, it was a once in a lifetime event and though he was hesitant, he honestly did want to check out the fallen object. "I dunno. What if something happens?"

Placing his hands on Tony's broad shoulders, the easy going expression was gone, swallowed by desire of the unknown. "We'll have each other's backs." In an almost joking, needy tone, he added, "Come on, please? Don't be a bitch."

With a sigh, Tony clasped his hand onto Justin's neon yellow running shirt. "Fine. But you watch your mouth. There's a lady present." Turning to his dog, he spoke with a soft coo, "Right Ash?" She barked in agreement, so he moved his attention back to his overzealous ally. "First sign of trouble, we get the hell out. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Patting at Tony's white tee, Justin took the lead, his black running shorts swishing with eager delight as he hustled to the bridge to wait for the others. Waving them over, his anticipation only grew. "Come on, slowpokes."

The last few people who had been on the landmass ran past, dust-covered and terrified. Justin had tried to ask what was over there, but nobody stopped to chat. All seemed content with escape, lucky to have survived. "Well that was rude," commented Tony as he caught up, staring over to the other side of the hazy, wooden bridge.

"Right?" Slapping his friend on the back, Justin charged in. "Come on, keep up!"

Huffing, Tony broke into a full run, Ash right on his heels. Slowly falling behind, he coughed out an almost bitter, "Keep up, my ass. I really need to step up my game here."

When Tony pierced the veil of the trees and dust, he saw Justin, frozen in awe. He stopped beside his friend, Ash poking her head between the pair as all three took in the sight. In the middle of the newly formed clearing rested a flying saucer. Well, less a saucer and more a gigantic green Frisbee, just as Justin described it. The area nearby seemed free of debris, a gentle gust pushing out from the spacecraft. It took a while before either could speak, so Ash decided to snap them out of their trances with a sharp series of barks.

"See," stated Justin flatly. "I told you it looked like a Frisbee. And you doubted me."

With a slow shake of the head, the well-kept man spoke, soft and distracted. "Less didn't believe you and more didn't believe it." Nodding to the massive machine, he pondered, "Where do you think it came from?"

"No clue," whispered the runner as he took in the intergalactic vessel. "Why do you think it looks like a Frisbee, anyways? Maybe a secret government project designed to look deceptive from far away?" Turning sarcastic, he teased, "Ooh, I've got it! Alien dogs! They probably have fire hydrants for toilets and a line of doggy dishes in the cafeteria!"

Chuckling at the joke, Tony's voice turned sweet as he leaned down to pet Ash's cheeks. "Don't you listen to him, Ash. He's just speciesist."

A sharp hiss erupted from the side of the saucer, a section of the edge pulling up as a ramp slid forth, aligning with the lower lip. Tony pivoted on his knee for a look as Justin stared, jaw gaping at the cloudy white haze that obscured two smudgy outlines, light from behind giving a vague silhouette. When the shapes moved forward, Ash tucked her tail and moved behind Tony with a soft whine of fear, the only of the three to act appropriately as the other two eagerly waited to see what was inside.

Slowly, as if to fill a cliche, the two figures moved forward, obscured until they walked past the haze. Both seemed imposing until they broke cover, but neither friend expected what burst forth. The invaders... were fluffy! The taller of the two aliens was six foot six, a humanoid Bernese mountain dog with thick black, white, and brown fur. He wore a green vest that sunk into his fluff and a pair of dog tags that stated his name: Maxfield Stanton. The other may have been three inches shorter, but he seemed the more macho, a handsome Rottweiler with an undocked, wagging tail. He wore a black, fur-tight uniform shirt with his first name embroidered over the pocket, his dog tags dangling in front. His name was Roofus Pennington.

Tony stood just in time to get a hearty shove from his buddy, who promptly gloated, "See? I called it! Dog aliens. Haha!"

"Yea," mumbled Tony as he regained his composure. "Yea, you did. But where are their pants?"

The taller of the canines carried a device that almost looked like a pressurized grabber, oversized prongs in the front with a massive handle in the back. A canister hung below with a box just before the fuzzy white hand-paw. He carried it as if a shotgun, though he didn't seem threatening. The other had no such weaponry, just a confident, happy gait as he called out to the group before him. "We are Doggos from the planet Doggo. We have come to pursue females in the hopes of saving our planet. I am Roofus, captain of this mission, and this here pup if Maxfield. He's still just a rookie, so forgive any of his yapping."

Lowering the device to his side, the hotshot recruit barked back in an offended hype, "First off, it's Max! And secondly, what did you go and tell them that for? Come on, Cap! That's just rude."

Justin got increasingly giddy as he squeaked out, "Their names are dog names! Tony... they're dog men with dog names!" The poor man couldn't help but laugh at his own realization.

Roofus continued to move forward, his attention resting on Ash. "Excuse me, madam? Would it be alright if we used your pets?"

Ash's agitated barking was a definite "no", though no one seemed to understand. Tony tried to pick up where she left off. "Pets? We're not the pets. And why are you talking to my dog and not us about this?"

Justin chimed in, "Wait, what? Use us for what?"

"Huh," stated Roofus flatly. "Seems we learned the wrong language. We thought our kin were the hyoomens, but seems we were wrong. My apologies, miss." Turning his attention to his subordinate, he nodded. "I'll let you answer that thing. Then go ahead with the mission."

"Gladly," exclaimed the mountain of fluff. Smirking at the scrawnier man in the bright shirt, he replied, "Use you for breeding, of course!" With that he raised his weapon and took aim, firing off his first round.

Justin just stared blankly, murmuring to his attacker, "But I'm a guy." It was his friend that saved him from the attack, Tony pulling him out of harm's way. The projectile whizzed through the air, missing the youth and wrapping around the tree behind, an untagged red collar fastening to the trunk.

"The fuck," spat Tony as he pushed his friend forward, Ash barking at the enemy. "Go go go!" The trio took flight, moving into the dust cloud as they tried to escape.

Max lined up for a second shot, but Roofus placed his padded palm on the metal claws, pushing the barrel down. "Not yet. It's more fun when they run." Pointing to their prey's standing spot, he asked, "How's your tracking skills?"

"Aced it!" The Bernese mountain dog sprinted over and took in the scents, lingering on the border collie's fragrance. "Hey, Roofus. You should smell this. Their master, she smells just about like Colleen back at the base. Man, I'd love to show her who's alpha!"

Strutting over, Roofus plopped a consoling paw on his teammate's shoulder. "Pup, you've got a lot to learn. A natural born female like Colleen is way out of your league. Stick to the breeders. Trust me, you'll get your fill." Taking a whiff of the area, he pointed forward. "Now let's go get us some breeders."

The two humans and the dog rushed through the settling dust, their vision less obscured as they ran. It was hard to tell where they were going, but they knew the general direction of the bridge, so they kept going until they hit the edge of the little island and veered to the right. They followed the path until their goal was in sight, though they were not happy with what they saw. Both of the beast men stood in the way of their escape, ready and waiting for them.

Frustrated, Tony stomped in anger. "No way. There's just no way. This is horror movie bullshit right here. How the hell did you get in front of us?"

Roofus wagged with delight, the manly Rottweiler happy to answer. "Simple. I caught the scent of a bunch of hyoomens going this way recently. Figured it would be where you'd flee, too."

"This is so cliche," mumbled Justin. "The aliens always do this." As he spoke, a red collar latched around his neck, the hotshot rookie giving a dorky, doggy grin as he turned the weapon on the other earthling.

Before he could fire a second time, Max's commanding officer pulled down on the barrel yet again. "Let's see if it works before we waste the ammo."

Justin clawed at the stiff ring of fabric around his throat, a tingle invading his body as he struggled. "Get this off! Get it off me!"

Ash took up an aggressively defensive stance between her allies and her enemies, snarling viciously as her master worked to help his best friend. Tony tugged at the band, circling it around to look for some sort of latch or breakaway, but it was smooth, save for a little metal loop in the front to hang a nametag from. Desperately, he tried to tear the hearty woven fabric, frantically calling out, "There's no clasp! It, erf! It won't budge. Can you pull it up? Justin? Oh my god! Justin, you have to hurry!"

Tony's eyes went wide with terror as he watched his friend's ears turn droopy, the flesh stretching long and thin. Justin moved his hands up to do as told, but even he had to pause for his new, well, paws. His fingers had already begun to shift, the digits a bit thicker as his fingernails turned hard and blunt, doglike claws to tip his altered hands.

"Tony! Tony, please help! My head... it's getting fuzzy. It's hard to think straight..." Justin was distraught, but as his changes grew more obvious, his tone lost its edge, going from grief stricken to an uneasy calm. His nose had started its push at the same time a tail grew in, golden fur carpeting his ears and new appendage as it thickened with fluff, pushing down on his shorts. His desperation lingered in his voice as he begged. "Tony, please. I need your help." The paw pads thickened as a thinner golden fur migrated from his fingers to his palms, the callouses a greyish pink. With human dexterity, Justin rubbed a nearly changed paw into Tony's muscles, caressing more than pleading. "Tony... I need you. Please." The tone turned from concern to a begging lust. "I-I need you so bad."

"I'll save you," blurted Tony as he pulled up on the band, Justin's doglike lips turning black, the skin of his jowls pulled up with the collar. His head had already started to cover with golden fur, the face staring longingly at Tony now more a golden retriever than a man. Below, Justin's shoes had already been pushed off by his elongating feet and frantic steps, dark brown claws shredding through the socks. The masculine bulge in the black workout shorts had started to shrink, a dampness starting to soak into the fabric.

Justin's pecs started to mound into healthy breasts as he dropped to his knees, fondling with Tony's button and zipper, the shocked man fighting to keep his cargo shorts on. "Justin, hey, stop! What's gotten into you?"

With a pathetic whine from his now fully formed muzzle, Justin pulled at his crotch, a growing nag demanding attention. "Please? I need you. I need you to fill me up. I need you to make this itch go away. Please, Tony? I need you inside me."

Pushing away, Tony rezipped himself as he shot back, "Dude! What's gotten into you? This isn't you, man! You have to fight it!"

Another whine left the feminine canine mouth, teeth now sharp. The collared victim's frame shifted from a thin masculinity to womanly curves. His hips grew round and wide as his ribs sucked in, a ladylike shape filling in as the breasts continued to swell, two more pairs growing in below, each set smaller than the one above. Without Tony to aid in his affections, Justin had to rely on herself, a needy paw sliding in below the shorts. A lusty moan escaped as the furred finger slid up into a hole that wasn't there before, her tongue panting with desire. The more she played, the closer she came to finishing her transition. Her perky nipples refused to be contained, the thin workout shirt tearing with the help of her other paw. With the front of her yellow clothing now ripped wide, her finished, furry, engorged E-sized bosom bounced, a trickle of milky fluid leaking from all six of the swollen mounds. A playful hand rested on one of the mid-sized central breasts, her fingers squeezing to milk herself as her other paw dug deeper, arcing her spine above the ground. Her thick thighs wanted to be free, so she wiggled her butt from side to side, the ground and her waggling tail aiding to strip her of any modesty. As the shorts fell, her womanhood came into view leaving no doubt what had happened. They'd turned Tony's long time bro into a horny bitch.

Traumatized by what he saw, Tony staggered back as Maxfield blurted out with joyous vigor, "Roofus, you see that? She's lactating! Milkers make for the best breeders!" Pushing the collar gun into his uniformed superior, the Bernese mountain dog man rushed over, stripping off his vest as he went. "She's all mine. Oh yea, they give the largest litters and everything!"

"Dog dangit, Max! Get back here! You know protocol says no fraternizing until we clear the sector." Pointing the weapon at Tony, he mumbled, "Dog darned pups!"

The black, white, and brown mound of fluff slid in to help finish undressing his prize, shorts pulled free with the shredded socks the only thing left on her. He licked the new lady's nose, receiving a happy lick back. Pleased with his new pet, his sheath let his long, canine shaft slide free, an impressive eleven inches of doggy dick ready to probe. While he helped warm up his new mate with a couple thrusts over her newly formed labia, Tony charged the guy with the gun, hoping he could get in a punch before getting tagged, himself. Ash saw his anger, turning on the hostile alien as well.

In his rush to avenge his fallen friend, Tony didn't even care as the mechanized grabber was pointed his way. He knew he couldn't dodge it. His best bet was to fight before his mind was taken over by their sick toy. Ash, on the other hand, had seen her master's recklessness and the predicament he was charging into. The border collie knew that she could get to the monster first, but he'd have already attacked her human. She could try to run back, but she'd never push Tony in time. The dog had only one option to save her best friend and she took it. "YIPE!"

Roofus had fired at Tony, the ring flying at its next victim. As it sailed, Ash leapt up, the red band looping against her fur and blue, tagged collar. The sensation burned at her, changing her as she squirmed on the ground, a wounded whine escaping her dainty maw.

"ASH!" When Justin was hit, it upset Tony. Now that his dog was in pain, he was furious. "You fucking bastard," jumping into the air, the martial artist struck down with an open palm, the Rottweiler's jaw taking the full blow. Both men sprawled to the ground, fighting for the device in the dirt. Roofus used his strength to slam the human into the railing of the bridge, but Tony wasn't about to lose, his dog still squirming. Instead, he wrapped his legs around the animal's torso, pulling tight as he tried to disarm the dog-man.

As they fought, Ash's changes started to show. Though most of her was already pretty well set from the start, her body grew more curvy, her eight nipples taking on a voluptuous roundness. While her joints shifted to give a better range of movement, her toes lengthened and differentiated, the true toes growing subtly larger to support a more humanoid frame as her front paws stretched, longer digits replacing her clumsy paws. Her dew claws grew bolder, thumbs forming as she tried to sit up, her now womanly butt showing off her tail as she rocked forward, shoulders rolling with new freedom. Her transformation took a fraction of the time Justin's had, her new mind questioning the new body. Ash looked over her hand, the thick, blackish grey pads almost the same, though stretched to better fit her human shaped mitts. Tenderly, she touched her blossomed breasts, the top pair a perky C with each set getting progressively smaller. The new stimulation pleased her, though the whole situation still left her uneasy.

Maxfield was more than happy to let the others squabble. He had his prize and he was more than ready to use her. Justin seemed equally pleased, inviting the massive member inside her. When her fingers had first pierced her sanctity, it was mostly human, though now that her body was complete, the opening had changed shape. From penis to slit, the shape was now an upside down T, the tip still sensitive as the clitoris hadn't fully retreated. Her anatomy was some sexy step between human and dog, perfect for the Doggo ready to use her to his whim. Since she had gone ahead and slickened her passage, Max slipped himself right in, a deep stroke that made Justin moan with bliss. She took a moment to appreciate her new lover's shape, feeling at his muscles below the thick fur. Justin was pinned on her back, so she drew her palms across his pecs and worked over his ribs, using his rugged frame to brace against his vigorous thrusts.

The dominant Doggo was thrilled to let her play, the attention eager and inviting. Each long slide brought on another heavy pant as his shaft slid deep, her moans loud and satisfied. As her frame wobbled against the path, her milky mounds let flow their gift, white liquid pooling between her breasts. Seductively, the woman advised, "Ooh, don't let it go to waste. Feel free to lick it up, big boy."

Grinning, Maxfield couldn't deny such a fine lady. As he pumped, he leaned in, lapping up the forming puddle with a long, sensual stroke. Justin was enthralled with the action, her body teasing at the penis within her. She rode each slam, her child-bearing hips grinding upward to please her master. She started panting along with her man, each new stroke an experience to savor. Justin's paws continued to fondle her breasts, one high and one low. Seeing how much she enjoyed squeezing forth the creamy substance, Max took it upon himself to aid in her pleasure. Lapping up the side of one of her central mounds, he suckled her teat, drinking in the fluid. Her squirm turned into a lusty heave as her inner walls tightened with bliss. "Oh-ho! Yeh-yes. Drink deep. Ooh, it's so satisfying."

The horny hound was in heaven, his knot starting to swell from her contracting muscles. He continued his thrusts, making sure the bulbous growth remained within his breeder. "Such a vocal bitch. Mmm, I like that." Licking her nipple dry, he gave a little bite, a peppy squirt blasting against his tongue. The stimulus shivered Justin's body, her sex clamping down over the bulge. Though the two were tied, Maxfield kept going, heave after heave shaking the two until both were in the throes of orgasm. A strange warmth filled Justin, a thrill like she'd never felt before. The blast invaded deep, filling her up as she rode the high, a loud gasp accompanying the convulsions of climax. Max seemed spent, his energy stopping as Justin basked in the afterglow of her first female orgasm. Thoroughly satisfied with the seed inside her, she placed her hands on her mate's huffing cheeks. "Such a good boy," she cooed, pleased with the happiness on his face.

While the rookie enjoyed himself, Roofus was locked in combat. The smaller opponent was far more formidable than expected, his pinning lock hard to break. While the human was nimble and skilled, the Doggo was stronger, pulling his arm free. Taking aim on the earthling forced Tony to release his grip, kicking up into Roofus' chin. The alien flinched in pain, rolling to the side to shield his face and reclaim his freedom. He tried to stand, hoping to collar the last human, but Tony was relentless, tackling the buff Rottweiler onto the trail, both men squirming with effort.

Tony's training had been more of a hobby, but it was coming in handy. He managed to roll on top of his enemy, straining to force the weapon from his iron grip. Roofus was still recovering from the spear tackle when Tony smashed his arm into the ground, again and again. The Doggo rolled over, putting his weight on the man, trying to end the assault, though as he rolled, the human attempted an elbow slam, landing it square into Roofus' muzzle. The canine's sharp whine was followed by a trickle of blood as Tony took control, making another attempt to disarm his foe. This time he was successful, grabbing for the gun and accidentally setting it off, a red band latching around the unsuspecting Maxfield, still tied and tired from his little romp. Pushing himself up, Tony used the butt of the handle to strike the ship captain across the face yet again, the Doggo moaning in defeat as he writhed below.

Before Tony could even think, he heard a strange new voice, confused and feminine. "T-Tony? I? I can speak? Oh, my head is so strange, Tony."

Turning to the woman, Tony was both shocked and overjoyed. Ash was not only safe, but she was beautiful in a weird way. His dog went from thin and energetic to a lean athleticism, perky breasts making Tony feel an odd mix of emotions. "Ash? Is that you girl? What did they do to you?"

Holding the side of her head, she tried to stand. Her new posture was too unfamiliar, too wobbly. Before she could even take a step, she was forced back down, her fluffy butt landing in the soft grass. "Tony, I don't understand. What's happened to me? How can I speak your language?"

Her best friend came running to her aid, the gun dropping from his hand just feet before he slid over, scuffing his exposed knees as he rushed to his pet. Putting his hands to her cheeks, he stroked her fluff and gave her an overjoyed hug. "I'm so glad you're safe, girl. I saw you go down for me and I was so scared."

Ash's tail started to wag, her face lighting up as she hugged back, clawed fingers grappling her boy's shirt in a warm embrace. "I didn't want them to take you away. You're my favorite person in the whole wide world, Tony! I'd be sad if they did anything to you."

Tears welled up in her human's eyes as he buried his face into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry they did this to you. It's all my fault. If I wasn't so reckless..."

The border collie straightened him up, one delicate paw on his bearded cheek, the other petting at his hair. "It's alright. If not for them, I'd never be able to tell you how I've felt about you all these years. I wouldn't be able to tell you... I love you, Tony. I've always loved you. You're my best friend... and a good boy. The best boy a dog could hope for."

While the two had their touching moment, Maxfield was freaking out, a collar bound around his overly fluffy neck. Tug as he might, it did no good, the weave already sending strange sensations into his body. He tried to look back to his commander, though it was strained. His body was still stuck to his adoring lover, Justin continuing to rub at his brawn. "Cap! Get this thing off me! I... I don't want to be a girl!" Struggle as he might, he knew it was too late. They'd covered it in training. There was no cure, no reverse to a breeding collar. Part of the reason for their protocols was to keep them safe from friendly fire, since the men could be converted just as easily as other species. Still, Max didn't want to submit.

As he protested, Max shrunk. Little by little, he'd lost a full foot of height as Justin played with his body, the fluffy muscle starting to bud with sensitive nipples. The more sensitive they grew, the more his mind changed. Originally, he'd tried to pull the tight collar over his head, the mass of fur holding it in place. With the growing of his breasts came renewed horniness. However, this time he wasn't as ambitious. It was Justin who helped ease him into the new submissive mindset. "Let me help you" she stated, a hand slipping low as the tightness disappeared from her nethers.

An erotic warmth rekindled the Doggo's passion, though his head was fuzzy, a need to please replacing the desire to dominate. "Wh- What do I do now? Please... Help me sooth this heat."

With a motherly tone, Justin advised, "Suckle me. It'll give you strength for your change. Trust me." Lustily, Max did as told, a warm swipe of his tongue stretching to taste the milk that still trickled forth. Lick after lick seemed to sooth his mind, the need to please his only focus. Each lap spurred his change, the engorged shaft shriveling out of his partner. As it shrank, the white seed spilled forth, dripping down their fur as they remained close. With newfound freedom, Justin tried to enhance Max's experience, a naughty paw sneaking down to fondle at the Bernese mountain Doggo's retreating member. The sensitive flesh sent shivers throughout Maxfield as his own fingers played with his swelling bosom. His once imposing frame turned delicate, petite yet lithe. The definition in his muscles faded, though it almost seemed to accumulate in his rear. His waist became thin, though his buttock was toned and strong, a shapely smooth body meant to please. As her torso neared completion, her six sensual mounds finished their enhancement. Like the rest of the ladies, each pair was smaller than those above, Max's chest size between the huge, milky mounds of Justin and the average endowment of Ash.

Max's moan was softer, more feminine than it had ever been. The source of her excitement was the fuzzy fingers that teased her new opening. Canine lips parted as her penis faded into her womanhood, two digits slipping within. In the heat of the moment, Max pushed Justin onto her back once more as she ground on the fingers, teeth gently milking the middle nipple for everything it had. Justin twisted her hand to plant a thumb within her own cavity, the two women riding the paw as breasts brushed fur in a sensual lesbian romance.

All but forgotten, Roofus rose up behind Tony, collar gun in hand. As if in a campy horror flick, he was unnoticed until the metallic arms pressed against Tony's skin, goosebumps forming as he tried to flinch backwards. "Surprise," blurted the burly Rottweiler as he pulled the trigger, a red loop latching around the last of the humans.

In a long, drawn out scream, Ash yelled, "No," but it was too late. Her best friend in the whole wide world had been hit, condemned to the same fate as the others. Ash could only watch, tears welling up in her puppy dog eyes as she tried to sooth her owner.

Pleased with himself, Roofus tussled the human's hair before walking over to the two frolicking bitches, a satisfied grin plastered to his muzzle. Leaning back to the distraught couple, he ordered, "Help him through the transition, then warm yourselves up. You'll be next." Focusing on his old partner, his glee only rose. "Max, Max, Max. This is why we follow protocol." Setting down the gun, he unzipped his uniform and tossed it to the side. "Now I'm going to show you how it's done, rookie. Present for me, bitch."

With a pair of lusty whines, the women broke up their little group play as Max did as told, her need to obey the top priority. Straddling Justin, her powerful butt perked to attention, tail held to the side as she eagerly awaited his gift. "No no no," chided Roofus as he motioned his finger in a circle. "Turn around. I want you to clean up the mess you made while our new friend licks us both." Both women seemed delighted with the plan, nipples rubbing as Max turned and presented herself once more, her tongue already lapping at the juicy folds below. Tasting her own spent semen only increased her arousal as Justin gave a delicate lick of her own, sweeping up the drip of fluid her fingers had lured out of the new and eager woman. "Good girls," praised the horny hound as he lined up, watching the two play as the couple in the distance fretted over their own situation.

Tony knew it was futile to struggle, so he used the time he had to talk with his dog. While still a bit frantic, he was the calmer of the two. Ash's ears were hanging low, lower than a border collies should be. She couldn't bring herself to look up. She'd failed, failed to protect her human and it hurt deep in her heart. She almost couldn't bare it as Tony lifted her muzzle, locking their gaze. "Ash. It wasn't your fault, girl. I... I know what's going to happen and that we can't stop it, but..." Tony could feel his ears beginning their change, the tissue stretching to a point. Huffing as he fought through the growing fog of his mind, he forced himself to stay on topic. "But promise me. Promise me we'll always be together. I can see it in you. You're not like the rest of us. You-ooh..." His body shuddered with bliss as the fabric of his shirt brushed against his nipples. Though they were still manly, the new pairs had started to grow in, all six buds equally sensitive to the stimulation.

Seeing the aroused strife in her man, Ash placed her paws on his upper arms, caressing at the muscle. "Hang in there, Tony. I don't want to lose you! I can't. Tony, I can't lose you!"

Her eyes continued to weep with regret, so Tony wiped a bead from her fur, stroking at her cheek fluff. He was starting to feel funny, an arousal seeping in as his fingers puffed up, thickened black smearing over the tough parts of his palm. "Hey. Hey. I promise to be loyal to you, forever and always, Ash. You're my girl and I will always love you. Just please. Please don't forget me." His face winced with pain as he fought at the lust, his own body struggling to hold on as a strand of flesh pushed down on his shorts, black fur creeping over the top as a tan fluff overtook the bottom.

Watching his discomfort, Ash pushed her cold, dark nose against Tony's, his own snout pulling upward as it darkened and stretched. "I'd never forget you," she promised, her ears perking with the sentiment. "I know what you meant earlier. I'm not controlled like the rest of you. My mind got clearer, not cloudy. But I swear to you, Tony. I'll never stop loving you. You will always be mine, no matter what happens. Even if I have to fight my way to the top to keep you, I will."

"I'm so glad," huffed the man, his face starting to push out into a muzzle, the lips turning dark as they grew dog-like. "I... I will always..." his voice took on a seductive femininity as he huffed, "I will always need my good girl. Please, I need you, Ash. Help me. Help me tame this feeling." Her tears continued to stream as she realized that he had finally succumb to the influence of his collar, the boy's mind needing to please.

"You're a good boy, Tony," Sniffled Ash as she petted his hair, the black moving forward as brown bled in behind. His facial hair looked odd, the mustache pushed forward as it spread into whiskers. "Let's get you out of these clothes so you don't get hurt," advised the sad dog, standing them both up as Tony's heels slowly slid up and out of his footwear. A little kick freed his feet, the bones elongating, yet still flat to the ground. His socks had torn at the front, his black claws matching the ones that had formed on his fingers, blunt yet powerful. "Here," Ash advised as she leaned down to free him. "Lean on me and step."

Tony did as told, a long, wolfish tail sweeping back and forth as he obeyed. "Good boy," cooed the woman as she pulled off the socks, the balls of his feet covered with thick dog pads. As she stood, she saw the feet morph, the design mutating from a long human shape to a wide dog's paw, his heels stuck up in the air. The new stance made Tony wobble, but Ash wasn't about to let him fall, her hands latching on to his daintier arms. Fur had moved from his finger tips to his wrists, a creamy tan fluff that spread over his hands and feet. Once he was stable, she pulled off his white tee, tossing it to the side as she unbuttoned his shorts. Tony's breasts were only half formed, but the brush of the fabric had perked his nipples, all six pointing out, wanting to be touched. In his growing arousal, the man couldn't help but fondle, his right resting on Ash's shoulder for balance as his left groped his larger bulge, the fur of his fingers stimulating the delicate bud. His horny moan buckled his knees as Ash pulled down the cargo shorts, freeing his manhood, the member already beginning its retreat. The cool breeze only intensified Tony's shudder, his legs giving out.

Seeing no other choice, Ash helped him down, his rump already bubbling into a womanly figure as his ribs sank in, his toned karate figure shrinking into a seductive hourglass curvature. In a plea for attention, Tony licked at Ash's cheek, his own growing a mix of black and brown fur. "Please, touch me. I need to be touched," he whined, pulling one of her hands to his crotch. She did as he asked, her rough paws stroking what remained of his shaft. Ash petted at his shoulder as the browns merged into black fur that overtook his back and sides, his pattern giving away his new species. Tony was to be a Shiloh shepherd and he was looking the part. His ears had already moved to the top of his head, black, furry points with a gentle tannish pink inside. The brown of his arms spread down his chest, starting between the cleavage and working over the finishing breasts. Not quite as swollen as Justin's, Tony's chest was a double D, perky and playful under his palm.

Though he couldn't see, content with licking affectionately, Tony's butt had finished its plumping. His seductive hips had not only grown shapely, but they had taken on a cute pattern, the long, brown fluff forming a heart as it merged into the black of his back. As the fur finished its push, Tony was no longer able to call himself a man. His testicles had retreated before the fondled penis shifted into an engorged clitoris, her nethers furring as Ash's fingers rubbed the new lips, an aroused gasp escaping Tony's elated maw. The lengthy tail wagged with joy as her changes ended, a long tongue flicking over sharp teeth. Her eyes pleaded for invasion, Tony's body demanding an end to the torturously erotic heat within. Ash complied, her fuzzy white fingers parting the new Doggo's folds as she continued to run the line, teasing to pierce within. The shepherd threw her head back with vigor as the paw sunk in, her walls sensitive with the transformation. "Oh DOG! Dig deep, Ash. Oh, please! Oh! I need more. Oh-OH! My nipples, too. They're so hard. Help me."

Ash was all out of hands, one wedged within her lover while the other held up her partner, Tony too focused on fondling herself, one paw high and the other on a middle breast. Desperate to satisfy the initial lust of her friend, she tried her best, leaning in to lick the other massive boob. She started delicately, lapping a long, slow stroke below, then above. The more she played, the more she realized a new sensation. She was enjoying it. Her own body seemed to love playing with the tender teats, her lapping growing bolder. A few more and she nipped softly, Tony's body seizing around her fingers, the passage tightening with arousal. "Yes... Yes! More of that!" Ash didn't so much enjoy the biting, but the sucking that came after pleased her to no end. The bud stiffened in her muzzle and it only made her want it more, rolling the tender flesh in her maw as she sucked, pushing the paw deeper into her partner.

Tony was in heaven, tongue lulled as she groped, her thighs working to ride the fingers as her chest heaved, pushed out to let Ash play. Below, Tony couldn't help but drip. She was closing in on her first orgasm and loving every second of it. When Ash gave another nip, it was just too much. Tony's muscles seized, milking the fuzzy digits as she screamed out in elation. Ash could smell her lover's arousal as it leaked forth, coating her hand in the inner juices. Lifting the soaked fingers, she took a sniff and a lick, tasting her owner for the first time, savoring the flavor as her own sex began to slicken with desire. Sliding the tainted pad tips within herself, Ash said, "Try using your tongue inside me. I want to see how it feels." Tony did as told, her butt moved into place by her master. Ash may have been flat on her back, but she wasn't about to pass up a buffet. She pulled the moist snatch in close, digging inside with her own mouth, drinking deep as Tony did the same for her.

Roofus was happy to watch the tender couple as he worked at his own group, his shaft piercing into Max's untrained folds. Her lusty huff was wild and eager, desperate for more as the Rottweiler thrust his hips. Roofus made sure to pull out as much of his member as possible, the golden retriever on the floor licking the length as it exited, his testicles pressed against her adorable nose. Justin's longing strokes were steady, starting at Max's clit and running the male's length before flicking his balls and starting again, each slurp stealing the slickness of the mating pair. She greedily fed off their arousal despite her desire to moan, the Bernese mountain dog digging deep inside her, each lap cleaning out the creamy mess she'd left behind before getting collared, herself. Max was hungrily invading the golden girl, thirsty for his old seed and her own, slippery arousal. Max swept her flexible muscle against each wall, teasing for a reaction. The more Justin's passage squirmed, the more Max swiped that sector, pushing to maximize Justin's ecstasy.

Though she was greedy for her own seed, Max was also eager to receive that of her commanding officer, each plunge sending shivers throughout her slender frame. It didn't help that the woman below was constantly flicking her tender nub. As much as Max wanted to hold out, it was just too much. When Roofus' hands bound around her sides with renewed tightness, she was done. Her inner sanctum let loose a flow, soaking the inflating shaft that speared her. Her waves of euphoria only served to quicken the black and brown Doggo's release, his knot engorged and ready to burst. As Justin licked Roofus' balls, the shaft no longer coming out to play, he released his load. White hot semen filled up his rookie as she moaned in delight, savoring his invading warmth as she panted. So intense was her pleasure that she was no longer able to work at her own meal, cum soaked drool dripping from her jaw as Justin squirmed, so close to release. The former human's own fingers dropped down to finish the job, the whiff of the retriever's orgasm only intensifying Max's.

The three remained blissfully locked in their climaxes, the two women panting and overjoyed that their man was satisfied. Roofus, exhausted from the ride, took it upon himself to watch as the ladies in the distance piqued in their own passion, squirming as they both achieved release. As the only man left in the area, the captain was grinning from ear to floppy ear when he gave the group their next assignments. "Now that these ladies are dealt with, I think it's time to try out that fighter. You, the newest bitch." Resting one arm on the wheezing Maxfield, he pointed to Tony. "As soon as I release here, I'll show you who's in control now." Nodding to Ash, he added, "I'm sorry we collared you, madam. We just wanted your pets. But, now that you're one of us, how about I eat you out while you make out with your friend there? I'll calm her heat and clean you up. Keep yourselves warmed up while we wait." Giving a sly wink, he watched the duo make out as he patiently awaited release, his knot calming after an eight minute breather. When he was ready, he called the next pair over, allowing his previously bred breeders to keep playing around. Max was going back for a little more milk as Justin slid her fingers in and out of the mountain dog's messy passage, licking up bits of the unused sperm.

Ash didn't feel right moving towards her friend's attacker, yet Tony seemed all too eager to bend to the man's whim, squatting down onto his chest, just before the sticky shaft. "Come on. Be a good girl and get over here," Called out the macho leader, a nagging snideness in his tone. As much as Ash hated to comply, she did so for Tony's sake, the newest woman desperate for release as she whined, grinding herself against the pinkened flesh. Placing herself muzzle to muzzle with her former master, the border collie lowered her nethers into place. Resting on her knees, she slid back far enough to let the man lick at her, his throat swallowing between her thighs as he gulped down her sweet nectar.

Thrilled at her company, Tony gave Ash's nose a timid bump as she lowered herself onto the massive rod, gasping as it filled her up. She'd never felt anything like it, a warm pressure that both invaded and soothed. She was happy to ride his girth, using her new seductive legs to pull up and slide back down, savoring the bump at the base of his shaft. She was enjoying the Doggo's endowment, yet what she wanted even more was to play with her friend, a teasing tongue swiping at the moist nostrils before her.

Ash gave a wry smile as she kissed back, groping the breasts of her best friend. She wanted to be happy for Tony, but the thought of someone else having their way with the woman made her uneasy. Lapping tongue to tongue, the two on top kissed, long, passionate swipes, yet Ash was not thrilled with her situation. She wanted Tony to be happy, the woman moaning with each run of the thick rod, yet the idea of Tony having this invader's pups made Ash sick. She knew she had a choice to make. She could let things play out, or she could make a stand. The black and white woman knew she could sate Tony's heat with enough time and talent. It didn't have to end in pregnancy. Stroking at Tony's cheeks, she whispered to the lady, "We'll find us a nice mate to share someday, but I won't let you be raped by the man who violated you with that collar." Her lover's eyes seemed to be filled with lust, but there was the tiniest flicker of understanding, forcing a relieved smile from Ash. Petting the prodded Doggo, Ash cooed, "You're my girl. A good girl."

Leaning over, Ash scooped up the collar gun. Before Roofus even knew what was going on, he felt a tight pressure against his neck, the Rottweiler gasping in raspy protest. Looking down to see his eyes, the dog-woman yelled in bitter revenge, "Tony is mine!" Pulling the trigger, a red band latched around the surprised hulk, his yelp of distress all too satisfying. Tossing the weapon away, Ash slid off to the side, sitting low with her lady parts still within the big man's reach. "And now you will be, too. I'm the new commander here. Got it... bitch?"

Roofus could only whine as he thought about what was going on, the fabric already sending strange sensations below his fur. "But the mission," he pleaded, grabbing at Tony's legs. "If we don't finish here, our species could face extinction." The woman riding his throbbing member kept going, his need for release building, yet unable to finish as things were. Groaning, he added, "I have to complete the mission. I don't want to be one of the few bitches going back." Whimpering, a horniness grew in his stare. "We'll be used to the breaking point. Please. Please, you have to improve our chances. I, ooh, I need you to... to do... please, do me." Roofus could smell arousal and his new need to please drew him to it. His face slid up to Ash's slit, his tongue piercing into the sweet sanctum.

Ash may have enjoyed his desperation, but she still had some work to do, his words hitting far too hard. She knew he was right. As it was, they'd be taken for breeding and have no choice but to comply. However, if she finished the mission, she would be a hero. She figured that as a champion, as a successful captain, she'd get certain privileges, maybe a choice of mate, but definitely the ability to demand keeping Tony. If they had a world of Doggo women, there wouldn't be any need to abuse her former master as a breeder.

Tony whimpered softly as Roofus' member shrank, retreating from her opening. Still, the woman rubbed desperately, eager for stimulation. Just as demanding was the tongue that continued to lap at Ash with long, deep slurps. Ash pushed the mouth out of her, her question holding a leaderly tone. "How do I take charge of the mission? How do I become the captain?"

Roofus' palms had moved to his budding flesh, perky nipples growing stiff in the breeze. His penis continued its retreat, an upside down T-shaped slit forming where his testis shriveled into nothingness. His voice had already started to take on a ladylike pitch as he replied, "We just need to call it in. I'll give them my code and the order to transfer responsibly. Would... would that please you?"

"Very much," smirked the lady, pulling his narrowing muzzle back in for a treat. She let the forming lady lap at her nethers as she took the chance to suckle Tony, pulling the Shiloh shepherd in as she swiped a longing tongue over the eager teats. Tony continued to moan with bliss, grinding her womanhood against the new lady's forming snatch. Roofus was in heaven, her body wracked with euphoria. Her frame continued to shrink, half a foot of height lost as her muscle diminished, a frail, slender body wanting release. Her bosom swelled, six voluptuous cups reducing in size, the top pair a solid C, just as bouncy as the bitch that made her.

As the Rottweiler finished her transition and their new alpha suckled, Tony petted his former pet's head, scratching under her ears. She moaned with delight, whispering to her lover, "Good girl, Ash. You're such a good girl."

Taking a break, the border collie sat up straight, luring her companion to her feet. Roofus tried to follow the sweet slit, but was held at bay with a single finger to her snout. "Ah ah ah," stated Ash. "I have a mission for you." Turning to the rest, she added, "For all of you." Everyone stood in attention, delighted to have something to look forward to. Focusing on her newest changeling, Ash commanded, "You, the former captain. You will go tell the other Doggos that I am in charge of this mission now. We will finish as planned and I expect to keep one of the turned, of my choosing."

With a lusty whine, Roofus nodded. "I will do as you ask."

"If you hurry," seduced the woman in charge, "I'll let you join Tony and me in another round of fun." Wagging, her subordinate ran off, eager to join in. "You," she stated, pointing to Max, "the fluffy one. Do you have more of those devices on board?"

"Yes, ma'am," came the reply, energetic and eager. She even saluted with respect, still dripping with delight.

Nodding, Ash gave her the new mission. "Take Justin, the woman you were topping, and gear up. You'll carry on with the invasion. Make new breeders and send them back here." Both of the impregnated females saluted, then headed back to the ship, Maxfield scooping up the gun beside Ash.

Once alone, Ash kissed Tony, both Doggos wagging with uncontainable joy. Stroking the back of the former human's hair fluff, Ash grinned. "We're going to be together now. Forever and ever. How does that sound, girl?"

Tony panted in bliss. "I'd like that, Ash! I'd like it a lot!"

"I'm so glad to hear that," gloated Ash as she hugged her mate. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"Me, too," barked Tony, a gleam of joy in her eyes.

"Alright," stated the border collie. "Back to the ship for a little more fun. The others can do the hard work while you and I explore our new forms." Both women wagged with rekindled vigor as they made their way back to the giant Frisbee of a ship.

As for the invasion of Earth, it was a complete success. People resisted, hid, and fled, but for the most part they were conquered, treated with passion and vigor as they took on new lives as breeders. As for Ash and Tony, they- Hey! You're not supposed to be in here. Do you even know who I am? I'm the narrator! Get out of, hey... Don't you dare point that thing at GAHHH! N-no! this wasn't supposed to happen. I'm the narrator, dog darnit! I... ooh... I don't want to be a husky. Please, stop... Ooh-hoo, that's sensitive. No, please... stop... Ooh, don't stop...