What A Jerk 2

Story by furlosopher on SoFurry

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What a Jerk 2

The crowd is roaring, the stands are shaking like there's a level seven earthquake underneath them. The fence lined with our fans is slowly disappearing into the colors of their clothes. My attention is soon brought back to the game by my coach shaking, and slapping my helmet like some sort of crazed lunatic. Though I see his lips move, I can't hear a word he's saying, but I can see them in my head as if they were telepathically teleported there. Circled into a huddle I can feel the energy from my teammates blowing over me in the form of warming air. We shout, we yell, we jump, and we hit each other as if we're just as crazed and loony as our coach. The only thing in our head is the score on the board and the time we have left. Sure we're ahead by 24 points, sure we have the ball, sure we're only ten yards away from another touchdown, but we're taught as football players to show no mercy, to be the world's modern, primitive warriors. As soon as I pass the sideline on my way to the field to get in formation, the world around me warps into something new. The roar of the crowd has become taciturn, my body grows numb to the freezing air, and my vision alters. It's as if I'm running down a glass tunnel that blurred all the outside distractions around me. As an offensive lineman, my job is to help form the line that protects our quarterback. Under normal conditions I would love to see our komodo leader get trampled by a handful of boys weighing from 200-250lbs, but our coach would have my ass for that.

"Green, 42!" I hear our QB shout. I quickly scan the horizon to find the kid with 42 on their jersey.

I can hear our quarterback shuffle his foot in the turn beneath us. It's a signal for our T.E to move to the left flank of our lineup. Like dominoes, the defensive team adjusts to our modification. I can feel it now, the electricity in the air, its adrenaline rushing charge is flowing through my body as if it replaced my very own soul. My legs are twitching, my heart pumping, breath quickening, muscles jumping, all this in anxious waiting for our QB to say one word.

"HIKE!" Our quarterback shouts. It's short and quick, but the whole line pops up to protect his scaly hide.

They're putting up a valiant effort, giving it 300% even if they've already lost the game. They're swinging, pushing, reaching, and swearing, all they can do to sack the back. But it's too late, way too late. The ball is in the air like a missile locked onto its target. Now I'm not exactly the fastest person on the team, but I have to stay prepared just in-case it's fumbled or god forbid intercepted. So I run towards the receiver that's going to catch the ball, but there's no need. Like a well oiled engine, everything happened like it should. Our receiver has the ball and is already jumping up and down at the touchdown giving chest-bumps to our fellow teammates.

The horn goes off and the home crowd goes insane. The roar they gave before seems like a baby's first sneeze compared to the way they're cheering now. I know it's a mug thing to say that enjoy the look of defeat on our opponent's faces, but I rather see it on their faces rather than my teammates and mines. With the game over and my adrenaline gone, I finally feel just how tired my body actually is. My back aches to the point where I think I'll topple over if I tilt too far to any side, my knees are buckling like a tightrope that's ready to snap, and the grassy, muddy, hard, turf of the field looks more than comfortable to sleep on, but it'll have to wait. As I look for my parents I pass by our quarterback talking to a cheerleader. Now I'm not a nosy person, but with all the rumors they have about him at school it makes me curious to eavesdrop just a little. I mean come on, the girls say he's a beast in bed, even some guys say that, so can you blame me if I feel nosy about'em?

"Good game Keon!" I heard the cheerleader laugh and giggle.

"It's what I do." Now I've been playing on the same team with our QB for years now, so believe me when I say he's a vain person. You can see for yourself, he's even vain when he's talking to girls.

"So Keon, I was wondering if you and I could maybe have some alone time tonight?" The girl may have encoded her intentions, but I could still tell what she meant. Hell I could look at the constant squirming of her body and tell what she meant.

"Hell no! I told you last time I wasn't fucking with you anymore because you're not worth it! Plus you can't take dick worth a damn!" I can't help but feel bad for the girl as she watches Keon walk away from her. However, I'll be glad to supply her with what she wants.

"Hey, I couldn't help but overhear that Keon turned you down. How about you let me replace him for ya?" I tried my best to give a suave look with my sweaty and dirty face, and a field stained uniform.

"Please!" The cheerleader laughed at me and walked off. Who needs her; bitch wasn't all that good looking anyway.

I find my parent already in the car in parking lot waiting for me. During the ride home I can't help but wonder what the girls see in our QB Keon. I know it's not his intellect; the kid makes straight C's. Damn sure ain't his body. I'll admit he has a nice chest, but the dude could do more about his stomach. I'm definitely sure it's not his sparkling personality. That dude's attitude is about as attractive as a single turd atop a mound of manure. In my opinion, the dude is a major jerk.

"Bruno, dear, you ok back there?" I hear my mother ask me from the passenger seat in the front.

"I'm fine mom." I replied to her.

"Of course you're fine, you guys just defeated one of the region's top contenders for the championship!" My father cheered from the driving seat.

I guess you can say my father is the main drive behind my athletic hobby. Hell some might even say he's training me to do what he failed at. Alright I wouldn't say failed, more like, was forced to change his priorities. When my dad was in high school he had everything going for him: awards, sponsors, state all-star, and a full time scholarship to some high-class college, but he ended up getting a girl pregnant with a child. That girl and child was my mother and I. now he's training me to be just as good. I've already managed to gain more than twice the awards he had, and I'm only in the 10th grade. Anyway we make it to the house and I stumble to my room. As I strip down to go take a shower, I notice my brother sitting in his bed writing something. Most people say my brother looks like me, hell some people say all we pandas look alike, but I don't think so.

"What you doing Chad?" I ask my brother.

"School work." He answered. "We're supposed to make a list of people we want in our three-man lab group." He stated.

"Here let me take a look. Most likely the students in your class have brother and/or sisters I know, at least this way I can tell you if they'll do any work." I said as I walked to him with nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist.

"I was thinking about these two people on the right." My brother said as he pointed to a salamander and a mule in the photo. I knew who the mule was because his brother shares an Algebra class with me, but I had no idea who the salamander was.

"Who's that?" I asked my little brother.

"Oh him, that's Sal, he's really smart. Most likely nobody will choose him because they're afraid of him." My brother smiled. I'll admit I'm a little envious of my brother because he figured out his sexuality at such a young age, where it took me a while to realize I was bisexual.

"Don't you know his brother?" I heard my brother as I stared at the photo.

"I don't know any salamanders in my school." I replied.

"Well of course you don't, he doesn't have any biological brothers or sisters, but he does have a step brother." This news grabbed my attention as soon as I heard it.

"Who?" I asked.

"It's Keon. You know, the team's quarterback." Chad answered.

This news was something that I had no idea existed. Normally everyone in the football team knew everything about their teammates, with the exception of maybe one or two skeletons, but I, and I'm pretty sure the other teammates had no idea Keon had a little brother.

"Hey Bruno, I know we're brothers and all, but I really don't like you standing in front me with the only thing separating your crotch and my face is a flimsy towel." My brother joked as he pushed me away.

"Like you don't wish I wasn't your brother so you could have your way with me. I bet you even fantasize about me at night." I joked as I walked out the room.

My brother is an ok kid, a little annoying at times, but ok none the less. As I close and lock the bathroom door, I remove the towel and look at myself in the full body mirror on the wall.

Anybody can plainly tell I'm a panda, but they have a hard time trying to figure out why I don't look like a traditional panda. Normally your pandas have black ears, black limbs, and black eye spots. In some ways I look like that, and in other I don't. Instead of two eye spots I only have one, and that's around my left eye. I still have my black arms and legs, except the white fur that covers my torso also covers half of my arms, this makes it looks like I'm always wearing a white t-shirt. Other than those few facts I'm just your average looking panda. I have a stocky build, that's why I make a great OL on the football team, and I can't forget my eyes, the girls just love my reddish-brown eyes. The last girls I screwed wanted me to look her in the eyes while I plowed her against the bathroom wall.

After a nice, hot shower my body feels clean and relaxed. As I dry off I realize I forgot to grab a pair of underwear to take with me. That means now I have to navigate the dark hallway to get to the laundry room. Now I'm not self-conscious about my nudity, especially not in my own house. It's just I'm afraid, ok more like worried that I'll pass by my father.

You see it was jus t last year and it was late in the middle of the night. I had just finished entertaining a female guest, if you catch my drift, and was now trying to sneak her out of the house. I thought everyone was asleep, my little brother was having a sleep over at one of his friend's house, and my parents' room door was shut, but I could still hear someone snoring up a thunderstorm. So in my mind I figured, why do I need to put on clothes to escort the girl I had just screwed? Well it turns out I was half right and half wrong about what I said earlier, everyone in the house was asleep, but my dad, who wasn't in the house, was, unknown to my knowledge, standing outside the door highly drunk. You can imagine the look on my face when I opened the door. I would've been ok if my dad would've laughed or gave me one of his disappointed looks, anything would've sufficed more than what he actually done. In his intoxicated mind, my father dragged us to the couch and tried to give me and the girl the "Birds and the Bees" talk. It was a little embarrassing, but nothing that I wouldn't be able to recover from, hell I just had the girl upstairs panting for air, I think she'll let this shit fly, but my father wasn't done. Soon my dad was laughing and pointing at how small my penis was compared to his when he was my age. If the "Birds and the Bees" talk wasn't a homerun then I'm pretty sure this was, the girl left laughing with tears streaming down her face. To this day I can't talk to her without her laughing at the sight of me. Besides, my dad couldn't have been that much bigger than me. Then again, what if he was?

I slowly open the bathroom door and begin scanning the shadow engulfed corridor. The only thing noticeable is a strand of light originating from the crack of me and my brother's room. One foot after another I traverse the silent passage like a big cat stalking its prey. The cold, wooden floor creaks and croaks under my weight, but the sounds are too low to even pierce the walls. Step after step I arrive closer to the stairway, but one obstacle remains between and the staircase, my parents' room. Now my steps become even lighter, almost as if I was forcing myself to tip-toe on top of a cloud. Inches from my parents' door I can start to hear a conversation between the two adult furs.

"Come on honey, the kids are probably sleep, and it has been weeks since the last time we actually fooled around." I could hear my father beg like a little kid who badly wanted a toy.

"Not tonight dear, maybe tomorrow." My mother discharged my father's sexual suggestion.

Once hearing that I realize my father is too concerned with getting laid than leaving his room. Hell if you think about it, any man would devolve into an annoying child if they wanted some nooky bad enough. Wait a minute, if my dad is focused on other things then what's the point of sneaking. I could probably throw a bowling ball down the stairs and he'd probably ignore to continue pressuring mom. Oh what's the point? I might as well stop sneaking around and just head back to the room. You're probably asking why I changed my mind, it's simple, sleeping nude is always better, plus it makes for quick access when you get that need in the middle of the night. Besides, I really only wear underwear in public, and even then I prefer jockstraps. They're the closes thing to wearing no underwear, well next to thongs and banana hammocks.

The next day is pretty much a normal Saturday morning. The birds are chirping and singing like they're the voice of nature. The sunlight is bouncing off one surface after another like a hyperactive child having a sugar rush. And as usual, my little brother is down stairs watching his Saturday morning cartoons. What happened to all the good cartoons? We used to have kats in jets going rogue on the villains, now we have teenagers on bikes playing cards, or kids playing with little balls. The producers must be doing something right if they got my brother to tune-in every Saturday. Don't get me wrong, I mean there are some moments when I will actually sit down to watch them with Chad, this way I can say I'm trying to spend time with him, when in actuality something I saw spiked my attention. However, today isn't one of those days; I got to be down to the football field for practice. I know what you're thinking, who has practice on a Saturday? Well since our coach doesn't want us getting sloppy before play-offs, we'll be having practice Mon-Sat. What a bitch don't you think?

Walking to practice I'm kinda happy that my house is right down the street from the school building, it's great for when I have to run home and get something before practice starts. As I walk down the street I pass by our quarterback, Keon's house. For a minute I swear I can hear someone yelling, but it's probably me just hearing things. I finally make it to the school and I can see half of the football team already dressed and jogging to the field. Just as I get ready to head to the locker room, I spot a slim bunny waving his hands in the air as he runs towards me.

"Hey Bruno wait right there!" I hear the bunny shout as he comes rushing in nothing but a pair of shorts and a soaking wet t-shirt.

"What's up?" I answered the bunny as he ran up to me dripping sweat.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to my party this coming month?" the boy said as he looked at me with a giant smile.

It's been months, hell I would even go as far as saying years since I've been to my last party. It ended badly on the account two kids ended up fighting over a woman, and some how one of them snuck a gun into the house and fired three bullets into the other guy's chest. Luckily the kid survived, and the other kid is somewhere locked in a tight cell. "Sure." I answered. The one thing I needed was a party to help me relax. With that I watched as the bunny ran off, probably going to finish his run.

Now that bunny I was talking to is known all throughout the school. His name's Detrick and rumor has it that he was once friends with Keon at one point in time. No one knows why they stopped hanging around each other. Some say it was because Detrick caught his mother in bed fucking Keon, others believe Detrick did something to make Keon the jerk he is today. If you ask me, no one knows what the fuck is the truth anymore.

Practice goes by just like any other day. Our specials team is on one side of the field practicing, the defensive team is off the field pushing back their coach as he sits inside of a bus, and as for my part of the team, we're working out the kinks in some of our plays. Normally our coach has us working harder on conditioning and endurance, but today his mind seems else where. Word around the school is that his wife was due to go into labor any time this month. Must've been true, he just dropped his cell phone out of his hand with a look on his face that not even a psych could figure out. After watching our coach dash to his car shouting "I'm going to be a father!" before speeding off, the entire offensive team, including me, just look at each other in confusion.

"What the hell do we do now?" a chubby rhino spoke as he broke the silence.

"Should we continue practicing?" one of the wide-receivers said with a face full of sweat.

"Would you pussies just make up your mind, either you practice or you don't. If you ask me every last one of you guys could use the extra training!" Keon, our quarterback, shouted as he began walking off the field.

I know everyone thought about Keon the same way I did. You could look at their faces and tell they thought he was a jerk. Even though they knew he was a jerk, unlike me, he was their idol. A guy who could pull both female and male, and make them beg for his approval; that's what they wanted to be like. As for me, the komodo with the giant ego was just another dude with a dick like any other guy.

"Well if Keon is leaving then we might as well leave too." Our running back suggested as he began walking back to the locker room.

One by one, another after the other, the offensive team dismissed them selves from practice. I know I should've been the one to convince everyone to stay and practice some more, but how can I pass up the chance of seeing my fellow players nude in the showers. I mean you would probably do the same too. If you had the chance to sleep with anybody you wanted, without there being any kind of consequences, wouldn't you do it? Don't even bother trying to be the good guy and say no, because both you and I know you're fibbing.

Stepping into the locker room I can already see the line-up of furs stripping and stretching their naked bodies. Our cheetah running-back, the two dalmatians who make up the starting receivers, two bulls and rhinos who help me form the line, and our tiger full-back, the locker room looks like a miniature erotic, exotic petting zoo of my wildest dreams. It's hard enough not to stare at the buffet of muscles and beauty, but it's even harder to fend off the hardening of my cock begging to stand at attention, but I think I can fight it a little bit longer. After removing my practice uniform I make my way to the large communal shower. Before I can even step into the white tiled box, the steam from the multiple running shower heads quickly run over my feet before passing by. As I walk further into the showers, the thick steam curtain begins to part like a machete slicing through a wall of vines. It doesn't take long before my eyes spot the first glimpse of wet fur matted down by soothing hot water. One body becomes two, two then four, soon the blanket of steam reveals the entire team; each player with their own respective shower head. I normally find myself looking at our wide-receivers. The two Dalmatians are always my first look. Their lean muscular bodies, the white fur that seems to hug their form like they've been laminated by it, those wagging tails that frantically sway back and forth begging for any fur to eye feed on their firm rears, but the best is, they're both twins, threesome anybody? With all these naked male bodies surrounding me I can't help but to fantasize a giant football orgy, with me as the ring master of course. I would have the two canines generously lick at my pulsing shaft while the two bulls stretch out their virgin canine holes with their thick, sausage like fingers. Our cheetah running-back will be used to every extent as the two rhinos, and tiger stuff every hole possible on that pencil-slim feline. Then, as the two bulls pound their shafts deep into the helpless twins, I can watch the two canines squint and moan as they take turns sucking my cock while copping with the giant cocks in their ass.

That's a fantasy I would love to live out, wouldn't you agree? However, I don't want to be thinking about all this while everyone is staring at me, I better take a look just to be sure. I must've been too involved with my fantasy because the entire shower is completely empty, with the exception of me. I guess it is true; all things must come to an end, until next practice. With the eye candy gone the lonely thing for me to do is to rinse the dirt and sweat out of my fur. Every second underneath the stream of water, my muscles grow looser and more relaxed. After rinsing my body off, I place my head directly under the spray of hot water. But then I hear something, even with my ears being battered like someone throwing a handful of pebbles at a wall, I can barely make out the sound of talons tapping against the tiled floor. The sound was constant, evenly spaced, almost like someone playing to the directions of a metronome. With every tap the sound grew closer until it eventually stopped all together.

"If it isn't my friend Brenda." I heard a smug voice joke from behind me. Now out of the entire student body, I only know one person who calls me that, and he does it on purpose just to piss me off. Normally when I hear his voice I feel angered, almost wrathful. This time however, I think I feel anxious, I'm even afraid to say lustful, but why?

"What's the matter Brenda, cock in your mouth?" the voice laughed.

"Go fuck yourself Keon!" I growled back to the voice behind me. How did I know it was him, easy, because he's the only bastard I know brave enough to say it.

"Why should I fuck myself when I see such a nice panda ass right in front of me begging me to fuck it." The komodo hissed in my left ear.

I don't know why, but for some reason the feeling of Keon hissing in my ear made my nerves jump alive like they were struck by lightning. Why was my body beginning to act like this when I detest the scaly asshole? Every facial expression, every fang he uses to smile, every vibration in the air that makes the sound of his voice, I hated everything about'em. But why, why are all these emotions disappearing the longer he stands behind me? It feels like a haze is enshrouding my direct line to my vault of emotions.

"Hey Brenda le me ask you a question." His voice hid a tone more seductive than any siren; for a minute I almost lost myself. "How come you're always the last one to leave the showers?" As I heard that I began to feel Keon pressing his body against my back.

I always told myself that if someone ever invaded my personal space I would make them swallow their own teeth. But look at me, now I'm relishing the feeling of his wet, scaly body pressed against my soaked, furry back. His sculpted chest firmly pressed against my shoulder blades, that slightly round belly of his arching against my back like a missing puzzle piece, and the feeling of his breath snaking its way down my spine leaving a trail of excited nerve endings. I don't know what to do; my body is beginning to betray every command. And right now it's just one simple command; don't get aroused, but it's like he has my body on strings, even my emotions. "Well Brenda, are you going to answer me, or do I have to force a sound out that pretty black maw of yours?" Those words were a threat, a threat to my dominant side, but it aroused me, teased my sense of pleasure like a cat being teased by a fake mouse, and I think I heard in the darkest corner of my mind my sub-conscious shouting yes. "I guess that silence means yes." Keon's voice sounded soothing, almost calming, I was beginning to find myself fantasizing about the asshole and me fucking, with me on the receiving end. Suddenly every thought, memory, mental vocab, and every clear sense of judgment went blank and crashed as I felt Keon grasp at my bear hood. I was focused on the reptile behind me that I didn't realize my own cock had unsheathed to its full glory, but now I had this lizard palming my cock in his smooth, scaly hand. He wasn't doing anything special, just holding it in his hand with a firm grip, but to me it felt better than a hundred she-cats stroking me at one time. "Tell me Brenda, you like sex don't you?" I felt the komodo's tongue flicker against my ear. "You like the feeling of having your body pushed to its limits, the energy that flows when two bodies press together, the tidal wave of euphoric ecstasy that washes over you when you let your inner beast go." Keon's word felt like a mist slithering its way on every pleasure spot, every emotional hotspot I associated with pleasure, even my ideas of him were beginning to change. "What am I talking about, of course a useless ass toy like you enjoy s a nice fuck." Keon was choosing his words with deadly precision; even his insults felt more like compliments.

It took little to almost no effort for Keon to pull me closer to his body; I think I almost lost my breath when I was able to feel his muzzle against the side of my face. That serpentine jaw of his, those scales scratching the skin under my fur, every second spent touching his body felt like an hour of being on a high. I feel so relaxed that I rested my head back against his shoulder. I know I probably looked pathetic, even weak perhaps, but I can't stop the way I feel in the komodo's hands, for all I know he's probably staring at my exposed neck, drooling at the idea of how easy he'd broke me down. I can't really tell because my eyes are closed. "I got a proposition for ya Brenda, why don't you come to my house next weekend and let me show you a utopia you'll never forget." Keon hissed at me while I felt his scaly muzzle slide across the nape of my neck. I wanted to say no, but my mind, body, and soul were shouting yes! Then, like a python striking at its prey, I felt Keon slide the tip of his claw into my sensitive rear hole. With a loud gasp I arched my back as I felt the foreign object send a jolt of pleasure through my body. "I figured you'd agree. See you next weekend." With that I felt Keon completely abandon my body; his warm reptile stature, gone, his enticing words, gone, the feeling of his hand wrapped around my aching cock and his claw tickling the entrance to my backside, gone. Like a dust-mite in the wind, the komodo disappeared from the showers.

After a couple of minutes I made my way to my locker where my clothes were stored. The scenario between me and Keon felt like hours, almost close to an entire day, but it was no longer than five minutes. All before I couldn't stand the komodo, his very existence gave me a taste of sour grapes. Now I can't seem to get the bastard out of my head. His annoying voice, that jerk-ish attitude... the way he makes me feel like surrendering myself to him...what the hell is wrong with me?!

The next six days go by without any hesitation. I can barely remember anything, ever since that time in the showers with Keon my mind has been completely focused on him. The only thing I do remember is picking my brother up from school one day. The only reason I probably remember that was because my brother was outside talking to that salamander in the photo he showed me, and that salamander who just happens to be none other than Keon's step brother. Seriously what is wrong with me? Do you remember the feeling you got when your parents promised that they would take you somewhere big tomorrow? You couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. That's how I feel right now, dreaming about tomorrow, the day I'm supposed to go to Keon's house.

At home I can barely focus enough on my little bro's comedic taunts. He must notice I'm not myself today, who can blame'em. Through dinner and after a shower I still can't get Keon out of my head, it's like I've been shot by a misguided arrow of cupid's. While lying down in my bed on my side of the room I can barely make out my brother's words. He's asking me all kinds of questions, like what's it like being in my school, do I have a girlfriend, and when do I want kids? In response to all of them I just mumble and groan to his barrage like questions. Just before I let the night pull me in with its promise of sleep, I hear my brother ask one last question. When did I lose my virginity and when should he lose his? All I did was gave him a disgusted look and turn my back towards him. I kinda feel bad for ignoring him, but he should talk to dad about that kind of stuff, not me.

The next morning seems different somehow, like a big change is about to happen, almost as if the world is planning to stop on a dime and spin in the opposite direction. My nose is then assaulted by the smell of grilled bamboo shoots and salmon; smoky yet smooth like vanilla over an open fire. After putting on a pair of cargo shorts, and a blue tank-top, I find my brother already downstairs with a plate in his hand while watching television, once again he's watching his line-up of morning cartoons like every weekend. I swear that kid is like my math teacher, doesn't know when to miss a day.

"Bruno dear, your coach just called and said practice was cancelled for today." I heard my mother in the kitchen talking as she washed dishes. "If you ask my opinion you kids shouldn't have practice on the weekends." If my mother only knew how much I agreed with her, oh well.

After eating breakfast I sat down on the couch near my by brother, and watched what little bit of the show he was currently watching. Although my eyes seem transfixed on the screen, my mind is heavily contemplating on whether or not I should go to Keon's house like I agreed, well more like I was forced to agree to. I mean since there's no practice I really don't have to, at least this way I don't have to feel guilty looking into his face when I say no. But then, that feeling I had in the showers, I bet gods never even witnessed that kind of pleasure before. Maybe I should go, what's the worst that can happen?

I didn't bother changing clothes, hell the clothes I already had on where fresh out the drier, but I did take a quick shower before I left. Why in the hell am I sprucing up for this jerk? The walk down the street feels different, almost alien to me, for some odd reason it feels like there's a camera crew secretly following me, or some sub-culture of non-furry being watching my every move while they pleasure themselves. Actually that's kind of funny if you think about it, it even makes for a unique fetish. A sub-group of beings covered in just flesh like naked mole rats, exciting themselves over us furry creatures, writing and drawing about our sexual exploitations. Who knows, they might even have their own website by now.

It doesn't take long before I'm standing outside the komodo's house. I guess once I ring the doorbell there's no turning back. So I reach the door and slowly raise my index finger to the small, circular button, and with a light poke I can hear a standard doorbell chime ring throughout the building.

"Hey Sally go get the door!" I head a voice similar to Keon's shout from inside.

"Stop fucking calling me Sally!" I heard another voice yell back. I guess Keon's little bro received the same royal treatment as everyone else. With a soft gust of wind the door came open revealing an icy-blue salamander.

"Hey Sal is your brother here?" I must've grown acquainted with the salamander that other day at my little brother's school, must be if I called the kid Sal. Then again, I don't remember too much of anything about these past couple of days.

"Yeah he's upstairs in his room." I saw the little guy point to the stairway in the hall.

The kid doesn't seem that athletically involved. His body is very slimy yet I don't see an ounce of muscle. The black blotches on his body looks like a painter just threw them anywhere, and his icy-blue body looks like I'll get frost bite from just a tap. However, his eyes are intriguing. I've never seen anyone with green and red eyes at the same time. My brother Chad sure like'em slimmer than himself, but he has caught quite the catch this time. Hell I wouldn't mind going a few rounds under the sheets with the lizard one day.

Walking up the stairs I begin to hear the sounds of light moaning. Each step I take to ascend up the staircase the sound grows louder and clearer. Is it their parents? No it can't be them, I don't hear any scufflI reach the top of the stairs and the sound is as clear as a tropical ocean. I begin to walk down the corridor until I spot an open room door. Maybe it is their parents. What am I say, if it was, why would they leave the door wide open? Now I'm just standing a few steps away from the open room, I can't help but to take a look. A quick look over my shoulder and I'm expecting to see two grown lizards having at it; covers jumping, feet in the air, a pair of sweating bodies covered in scales, or an ass in the air stuffed to the rim with a huge cock. I guess you can say I was happy, but disappointed when I didn't see anything but an empty king sized bed neatly made inside of a room completely devoid of living interaction.

"Hey Brenda, don't you know it's rude to look into adult's room without permission." I heard a voice breeze from down the hall.

I turned my head back and I could see the komodo poking his head out his room. For a brief second I felt intimidated by the look in his eyes. Those yellow eyes, it's as if he's diagnosing every weak point on my body, while his mind concocts a hundred ways to exploit each and every area. Like a dog being summoned by his master, I find myself sub-consciously walking towards him. I finally reach him and I can look the reptile up and down. Keon's brownish-green body clothed in a white tank-top and a pair of black and rend basketball shorts, a single black wrist band cuffed around his right wrist, his pecs and slightly round belly pushed against the white fabric, while his shorts made his legs look more stouter and muscular. I think I'm afraid to say that if I were 100% gay, Keon would have the perfect shape to my dream fuck buddy.

"Look at you." I heard Keon as he traced one of his claws around the upper portion of one of my arms.

The feeling of his claw scratching at the skin under my fur sent a bolt of excitement down my spine like lightning. If it wasn't for the fact that I was paranoid about doing what I had planned with Keon, I'm pretty sure my cock would've already been hard and erect for attention. My attention was soon pried by the sound of someone grunting while they ordered for someone to swallow it. Now there are very few movie scenes with that kind of scenario, but in the adult video world, it's almost a common phrase, so it doesn't really take a scientist to match the sound with an image. I walk pass Keon and sure enough I a television with a male tom cat slapping his spent cock on a she cat's cum drenched tongue.

"I figured I'd catch a nut since I know you won't last long enough to bring me to it." Keon said as I heard him close his door.

"We'll see, you'll be moaning my name when I start." I scuffed at him. Now for some reason the words I said didn't sit with me. It felt as if I had applied for something I didn't want to do.

"I think you misunderstood Brenda my dear bitch. You're not fucking anybody, but you are being fucked." Keon laughed as he sat down on the foot of his bed.

I never thought of myself as ever having to play the submissive bottom in any sexual interaction. To me, the idea of exposing my rear while some guy takes advantage of me rarely, almost never crossed my mind, but here I was, standing out of place in the komodo's room while the thought of Keon pounding me from the back seemed too erotic for reality.

"This is my favorite scene." I saw Keon hiss as he groped at what I guess what his shaft hardening within his shorts.

Turning around to face the screen of the television again I can see a black, muscular wolf deep throat a slim female fox hound. His eyes, just as yellow as Keon's, glared at the bitch while her maw grew soaking wet with saliva. The wolf's strong grip on her ears allowed him to savagely thrust his groin into her face causing her throat to bulge from the wide and hefty cock. With another thrust of his hips, I watched as the wolf held his cock deep down the canine's esophagus. The sound of fox hound gagging, and chocking for air made my body quiver with pleasure and joy.

"Looks good doesn't it?" I could hear Keon softly say from behind me on his bed.

"Yeah." The scene on the screen was so enveloping that I found myself at a lack of words. Turning back around I found myself staring at Keon, he had already removed his shorts as they lied on the floor jumbled around his ankles, but I found myself hard pressed not to look at his hand as he stroked cock. Keon's cock had to be at least nine inches, its hefty size looked satisfying yet debilitating by pure appearance. You could see two or three veins pulsing against the surface as they distributed the monster with the energy it needed to stay hard. And the color, the color was different. Not once did I see a cock as black as the midnight sky, but its rare color made me attracted to it even more. Looking at the komodo's cock I began to understand why the girls dealt with his attitude, I could even begin to understand why some of the boys did as well. Pulling my eyes away from the reptile's cock, I took another look at the flick that was on the screen. The wolf was still forcing his member down the hound's muzzle. Her cheeks were completely soaked, and tears poured from her red eyes every time she blinked. The feeling in my body was growing, the need to relish in thee affairs of the forbidden fruit were calling to me. I could tell by the rapid beating in my chest that I wasn't leaving the reptile's house until I released my inner holdings of ecstasy and bliss. Taking another look back at Keon I found it even harder to ignore his onyx black tool that stood proud and hard. I wanted it, I had to have it. Anything would do as long as I was involved with it.

"You want to give it a taste?" Keon hissed with a toothy grin. I hated him for making me feel this way, but at the same time I loved him for it.

But I was stalling, why? He gave me permission; he basically invited me over to his house just for this one moment, so why am I stalling? Am I scared? Hell no, I can't be, he'll never let it go. I soon find myself kneeling between the komodo's legs while his cock bounced with anticipation. I don't know what's coming over me, but the smell, the warm musky smell from his crotch, it's crashing into my sense of smell like a hell driven tidal wave. I can't help myself. It's begging me, taunting me with its darkened flesh. With the tip of my tongue I slide up from the base of his cock to the tip of his head. Over and over again I slid my tongue feeling the small veins that were too small to be seen. With each lick I made I grew more accepting to the idea of what I was doing until I grew comfortable enough to wrap my lips around the head of Keon's cock. It felt like a major accomplishment on my behalf.

"Damn you're a scary bitch. What's the matter you afraid of dick?" I heard Keon growl at me. Before I could say something I felt Keon take a firm grip on both my ears before he slammed my face all the way down his member and into his groin. "That's what you should be doing." Keon hissed in enjoyment.

He must've enjoyed the feeling of my warm maw clasped around his dick, the humid, damp cave that was my throat squirming against his sensitive head. I bet he felt fantastic, but I hate to say I wasn't. The back of my throat throbbed in pain from the way his hard shaft slammed against the back of my throat, the pain of having to stretch my jaw to accommodate his wide shaft, not to mention that the squirming of my throat was due to me chocking for air. But for some reason, I don't know what reason, I was enjoying his cock so deep within my muzzle.

"Screw this, you can't suck dick for shit!" Keon growled at me before he ripped his cock from my mouth.

No surprise that I took a huge gasp of air once his cock left my throat, but I felt a little disappointed the he wasn't satisfied by the feeling. Wait why should I care, it's not about him. It's about both of us...isn't it?

"Get up on the bed." Keon ordered as he stood up off the bed and kicked his shorts to some unseen area in the room.

I could still hear the tube playing the porno. That was until I heard a click and the room instantly going mute. As I crawled up onto the bed I heard Keon telling me to take my shorts off. It was a simple thing that anybody can do with their eyes closed, but I feel so anxious, so nervous, that while I pull every inch of fabric down and off my legs, it feels as if a piece of my identity is being stripped from my mind, but I don't care for some reason.

"Mm, mm, mmm. I wonder how tight that ass will be when I shove my cock inside of it?" I heard the reptile growl softly. I don't know how, but I could feel Keon's eyes grazing up and down my backside, as if he was combing every piece of fur back there. Should I be ashamed that I feel kinda sexy at the moment, that I feel like I'm in the middle of a strip bar while a mass of horny furs are eyeing my plump rear? It doesn't matter because Keon doesn't allow me enough time to ponder it. With a quick and forceful shove, Keon knocks me down onto my elbows and knees. My mind is over run by the ton of sensations it's trying to decode and enjoy. The anxious feeling from feeling Keon's body heat emanate from so close behind me, the nervous butterflies making my stomach spasm like a hyper active dog who wants to play badly, the warming air from two males in hear sweeping over my body. It's a cocktail of sensations campaigning for dominance within my body.

Then it begins, with a firm hold of my hips with is left hand Keon places the head of his cock right at the entrance of my body. Just the feeling of his cock rubbing against the rim of my puckered ring has my hairs on end. I want it so badly, please let me have it, but he's playing me, he won't give it to me. Keon is playing with my excitement like a cat toys with its food before eating it. I bet he's smiling, even laughing to himself, but I don't care, if he wants me to beg for it I will, just stop teasing me.

"You want this cock badly don't you?" Keon softly chuckled as he rubbed his cock up and down the opening of my hole. Of course I wanted it, I was already grinding my ass back against it so I could slip it in myself, but the komodo kept pushing me away every time I got too close. "What makes you think you deserve my dick? Do you even know if you can even handle it yet?" I heard Keon softly growled. Why was he doing this to me, doesn't he see how vulnerable I've made myself to him. Hell, you might as well say I gave up whatever dominant nature I had just to feel him inside of me. "I'll give you the honor of feeling my dick stretch your virgin walls as I plow you sense of pleasure into your skull. Just know I won't go easy. You're a fucking guy, so you better take my dick like one." I heard the reptile growl in dominance.

If Keon wanted me to take his cock like a man then so be it, just fuck me already. Once again I felt the komodo's rod hold its place against my anal ring. It wouldn't be long now, soon I would feel Keon slowly slide his monstrous cock past my puckered rosebud, and make its way further into my canal of muscle. With the feeling of Keon's other hand now placed on my lower back all that was left to do was wait, wait for his cock to make its grand entrance.

With one hard tug Keon pulled my body back as he slammed his entire shaft completely inside of me. "Fuck!" I felt the word roar from my lungs like an alarm bell. No warm-ups, no stretching, Keon just forced himself inside like an angry jouster.

"Shut the fuck up! Didn't I tell you to take it like a man?" Keon hissed as he slapped the right side of my ass. What was I suppose to do, yawn, sneeze, giggle? That shit hurt like hell! It felt like someone had shoved a scolding hot lead pipe wrapped in sandpaper up my rear entry. I could feel my hole throbbing and clenching around his shaft from being so abused so quickly.

Keon doesn't care though. My pain must be his pleasure because he doesn't waste time before he's constantly slamming his cock into my hurting rear end. Even with the pain screaming from my backside I can feel the jolts of pleasure each time that komodo bastard fully sheath into me. Over and over gain my cheeks slap against his hips each time they meet. As I hold my head down I stare at the bed underneath me through clenched eyes. My view doesn't last though. With a handful of one of my ears Keon yanks my head back into the air. He tells me don't be such a bitch, that I should hold my pretty, little head up. I can't help that my muzzle is wide open as I gasp for air; each thrust Keon makes forces the air right back out. I don't know how to describe the way I feel. The ridges of muscles from his cock are constantly adding pleasure, the tip of his cock is jabbing into my prostate causing my bear hood to quickly emerge from it pouch with a coat of pre already dressing it, every shockwave of force he uses pushes me closer to the cliff of no return. Oh god why didn't I do this earlier in my life. Fuck, it's so good my mind seems lost in a cloud of ecstasy and ether. Suddenly the scenario changes as I feel the foot of the bed cave in before leveling out, but then I feel a tremendous weight atop my back. Keon has now repositioned himself from being behind me to lying atop of me. I can barely support both his and my weight with just my knees and elbows alone, but the pleasure, oh the pleasure, I can't give way now. The feeling is too great, Keon's chest and stomach pushing down into my back, while his cock arches into my abused ring.

"You like this cock don't you?" I hear Keon whisper beside my face.

"I love it." I whimper through my teeth.

"It feels good stuffing that tight panda ass of yours doesn't it?" Keon's voice grew into a soft growl

"Oh so good." I answered. I probably sounded like one of the many girls he screwed, but who cares, it was the truth. Ever inch, every vein, everything about it sent my body on a journey of sexual enlightenment.

"Tell me you love it." Keon growled as he nuzzled into my neck.

"I love it." I replied in a raspy moan. Oh how I loved it. The feeling I got from my walls hugging his cock as the head slip up and down its fleshy corridor, the way I could feel his member pulse with each heartbeat, and the warmth, oh that high inducing warmth, the way it flowed from his cock into my body was too good to be true.

"I can't hear you." The komodo hissed as he gave a hard thrust.

"I love it." I said louder as my eyes squeezed shut against the feeling of being so full.

"I still can't fucking hear ya!" Keon growled before he gave a thrust that felt like my hips would shatter from the impact.

"Damn it's big!" I couldn't say what he wanted me to say, his cock was just too big not to praise.

"Damn Brenda, you got a tight ass." I felt his snake like tongue flicker against my ear like the time we had in the showers.

He thinks my ass is tight and I think he has a huge monster of a cock, what better match can there be? The air in the room is heavy with the smell of sex, almost suffocating, but its warm feeling coating all within its atmosphere is intoxicating. I can't help but allow my inner submissive being the freedom to express itself, to vocalize the pleasure that was running rampant inside. Like water trickling down a trivial water slope, I found myself moaning, and panting from having someone like Keon plowing my world into a new horizon.

"Hey Keon can I come in?" I hear a small young voice emit from Keon's door.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that it was Keon's step brother that had just walked in, but the kid must be shocked to see his brother like this, I know I would be. I can only imagine what he's thinking, his brother's cock stuffed balls deep inside my panda ass, the sounds of me moaning like some kind of sexual deviant, and the smell of two male furs enjoying their sexual desire to the point of no return. The poor salamander must be highly lost and confused. However, instead of him just standing there why doesn't he be a good guest and come help me. My cock is throbbing, it's leaking pre like a broken faucet; oh god I have to release soon. It won't take much little guy, just slide underneath me, suck, lick, stroke, hell even bat you eye lashes against it, just don't stand there.

It isn't long before I hear Keon's door shut; kid must've left. But damn, I'm so close I don't know how much longer I can keep fighting the urge to release myself all over Keon's bed. Suddenly I start to feel a light tickle sliding down my thighs. Is it sweat, it has to be, my cock has been so hard it hasn't even slapped against one of my legs yet, so I know it's not pre. But the same tickling sensation on my balls I can also feel leaking from my hole.

"Yeah...that ass done got all nice and wet now." Keon hissed while he chuckled all the while keep a constant rhythm.

My thoughts soon shatter as I feel Keon grasp my cock with a firm, dominant grip. It's a miracle that I didn't let out a loud roar and lose myself because his hand felt so damn good. Keon kept a constant speed with his hips, while below us he stroked my cock in time with his thrust. Over and over again I felt Keon slide himself out then shove himself back in. His hips slamming into mines, his balls slapping against my own furry orbs, it has to be a sin to feel this good. Soon I can feel my inner thighs heavy with moisture, at the same time I can hear a splattering sound with each forceful thrust; it sounds like someone slapping their hands atop the surface of water. I don't know how much longer I can last. My head feels like its constricting my brain, my heart is beating too fast for me to breath, the sweat is too abundant as it rolls into my eyes irritates them. Keon is so fucking good, so fucking fantastic, his masterful thrust, his stroking hand; I don't think I can last another second.

"Oh, Keon fuck me." I hear the words slip out of my throat in the tone of a soft female moan. Even I can't believe I just said it.

My stomach is jerking out of control, my balls are tucked so tight that I think they'll shrink into my stomach, my cock is twitching, jumping, pulsing. I'm so close. The finish line is right in sight. I'm almost there. Just a little bit further. The 20ft tidal wave that is orgasm is upon me with all its ferocity.

"Keon!" My roar is load, almost glass breaking. It gives me a headache from shouting it. I look underneath me and I watched as my cock unleashed a harsh gush of cum that I could hear pop into the reptile's blankets. One, two, three strong spurts of heavy, pearly, white cum erupting from my cock before it dies down into a small trickle that helps form the puddle under us. With a wet pop, I feel Keon completely pull himself from within me. Instantly I feel every ounce of energy in my body dissipate into the warm, musky air around us. I've never felt this weak before, not even after a hard game of football. With a soft splash I fall into the puddle of white ecstasy that I made. The warm, sticky feeling of it annexed to my body of fur, disgusting that it's on me, but delighted that it's from me. I look to the side of the bed and I can see Keon slipping back on his shorts while his cock still bounced full of energy to spare. Even when he was fully dressed his cock still tented the black fabric of his shorts that did their best to conceal it. "You were great." I huffed and puffed from heavy exhaustion.

"Wish I could say the same about you. I wasn't even close to filling that ass up." Keon scuffed at me. For some odd reason it felt like his words stung, like they had disapproved of my quality. But who cares, that Keon just gave me the best fuck of my life. Maybe I'm just high from the smell of sex that lingers in the air, but I'll do anything just to have him inside me again. Suddenly my vision goes dark as I feel a heavy fabric land on my face. As I snatched the cloth off I can see it's the tan cargo shorts I wore. "Put your clothes on, I'm done wit ya." Keon said bluntly as he stood at his doorway with the door opened.

I swear our quarterback is a jerk!

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