Ready to Exploit

Story by Yuvaw on SoFurry

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((Well, it's been a good long while since i've made a story here. And, this'll be my first story ever that's actually written by me alone. So, give me some slack if you see any typos? And boy, will ya~!))

Soft, panted breaths passed through her plump lips as she leaned, paws braced over the edge of the low-set table. Each quick breath lightly expanded and contracted her heavy-swollen belly against the smooth edge. With a nod, she swished her tail with a wave back at the large drake which had helped her into what would be her home for the next week or so, speaking in a near whisper between her breaths. "Ahn, this will do nicely, thank you... I can take myself on from here."

Lorath was at a recovering facility, a very fine and comfortingly secluded hotel. While she was use to carrying her heavy weight of kits deep within her surprisingly weak frame, this month she had spawned almost double her normal amount, which had taken an obvious tole on her system. And was clearly obvious to any furre which set their eyes to her. Tired of catching uneasy and unclear stares from nonunderstanding furre's, she chose this facility to rest in until she birthed her hungry kits.

Raising from her supporting table, she traced her paws along the lower-hem of her high-cut top, which clung firmly against her equally over-filled breasts, almost painfully pressing them together, as the shirt was not meant to house supply for this many kits. Though as she began to pull the finely-stretched cloth up off her frame, she hadn't noticed that the Service Drake hadn't left the room quite yet. His eyes were fixed to the sight ahead, muzzle parted with shallow breaths as he gawked with little composure at her ample form.

Talons clutched and peirced into his own palms as his hands formed into fists at the tantilizing sight of her overfilled mounds stripping smoothly into sight. As she stepped toward the large bathroom, dipping hands down her sides to tug down a bit at her also tighter-fitted shorts, he too followed close behind, holding his silence absolutely. With a sighed exhale, she stopped at the accomodatingly wider doorframe, letting her clinging shorts fall to her feet. His maw clamped quietly shut as his eyes fixed to her plump rear, breath holding to kill off a hungry moan.

Stepping in, the meshed glass door slid smoothly shut as she set the water temperatures to her liking. Leaning down, he would pick up her still warm shorts, bringing them to his muzzle and greedily taking a thick sniff of her bitter-sweet scent. And with a forgiving, or damning, click of time - his exhaled growl of a moan was muffled out by the start of the falling shower. As he turned to finally exit, there was a sharp and stern gaze and stride about him. He had his plan firmly set, and now, he had his target.

Later that night, lorath slipped into her bedroom. There was a content smile across her still softly parted lips, a secure comfort. Stepping up to her closet, she began shifting through the given clothes in search of something loose to wear to bed that night. Her overstressed frame gave a few light shivers as the warm water continued to drip loosely down her body, cooled by the night's air, it would firm up and harden her thick and swollen nipples. A feature which did not go unnoticed by the returning drake... and his friend.

They both stood in the open doorway, watching as she finally stopped her search with a light pant. Why did she need anything to wear at all? She was certain nobody would come to see her, at least that night. And this very effect thickened the drake's rush, the thrilling threat of the inevetable meeting charging through them as they stepped quietly nearer to their deliciously weakened and smaller target.

Leaning in, Horrith would finnish taking in his drag of her scent, tips of her wetted hair lifting to his muzzle lightly, and this time, there was no drowning sound to snuff out the following moan which escaped.

Lorath's eyes shot open, ears quirking back at the horrifyingly near and loud, alien groan behind her. Turning back to see the two towering figures overshadowing behind her, she would open up to let out a wild scream before the broad taloned hand clasped over her mouth. With a brute grunt, Horrith drew his other hulked arm forward, clasping it over the side of her heavily swollen belly, squeezing it in a bit as he pulled her effortlessly over to the bed, a muffled whine slipping from her as the firm and strong arm pressed harshly against her sensitive form.

Sitting down atop the bed, he lowered his arms to grip at her hips, tugging her down into his lap with another almost hungry grunt; her belly and overfilled breasts bouncing lewdly out, only to be gripped into the second drake's hands. Each pointed talon pricking at her soft, damp, and sensitively stretched skin as he began to lift and squeeze into her breast with one hands. She squirmed with a mewl as he exploited her hyper-produced mounds, whining under her panted breaths as she felt Horrith's massive shaft pulse, already half-massed beneath her, lifting between her wide-set thighs to stroke against her lower-belly.

With a click, Horrith cuffed Lorath's arms behind her back, arching it out a bit, another dreding mewl would slip from her as she felt the second drake's stiffenning length press up between her heavily swelled breasts. Lifting and pressing them together, the drake began gliding his pelvis back and forth, his rapidly growing erection plunging deeply between the two warm pillows, bulging them outwards vividly, pudges of flesh pressing between his fingers. Pulling his talons together, he would pinch her thick and firm nipples, tugging them gently as thin bursts of the ample milk flowed out, curtaining over her bulged belly.

A low grumble of a moan slipped from Horrith as his thick shaft pressed up into her lower belly, softly lifting and lowering the tightly-stuffed mound with each stroke. His hands now free to clasp over the sides of her sensitive stomach, squeezing them in greedily with a grunt. Her back arching against him as he squeezed out a spurt of her own tightly-stuffed sex into his hungering lap, pulling another moan from him. With a shallow chuckle, he whispered to her "Don't worry, we'll fill that space right back up...", casting his gaze up to his silent friend as the head of his pulsing length stroked back up into sight from between her swollen breasts; growing steadily nearer to her mouth.

With a nod, the two began shifting their positions slightly. The drake grasping at her frail arms, Horrith gripping her hips, the jostling of her sensitive and heavily stressed frame pulled whines and whimpers from her as she continued her weak and futile struggle against both her attackers and the cuffs. Openning her mouth with a gasp to yell, she was soon gagged on the drake's bulbous cock head. Eyes blinking closed as she shifted and squirmed her hips at the feel of Horrith's stiff length glide between her lower, plump lips.

With a few short bucks, her cheeks were quickly stuffed out by the tall Drake's length, only able to fit in the thick head, he held his grasp at her ample chest, pressing her breasts to rest against his large balls, each wrapping luciously over the base of his length. Grunting as Horrith jerked her frame down bluntly, Lorath's eyes shooting back open as a muffled whine mewled out - her plump sex stretching widely out over his massive shaft as it began to plunge deeper into her tightly-stuffed belly.

Carefully, Horrith slid her down his pulsing limb, the firm and thick head breaking into her womb, and not showing any sign to stop as it continued invading deeply into her body. The fat girth softly pudging her belly out, bouncing it lewdly with each buck of his hips. No sooner than they had violated her system, did thick globs of pre begin to flood steadily into her from both stretched holes.

Her eyes squinted closed again as she began to squirm and whine more desperately between heavier panted breaths, and now thick gulps of the Drake's seed. Horrith groaned as he watched her engorged belly expanding steadily, her thighs parting as her tightly-stretched lower belly began to rest heavier and wider between them. Her heavier frame setting firmly down against Horrith's lap now, only grew heavier with each new pump of pre that stuffed it's way into her body.

Horrith gripped up over her expanding sides, squeezing at them with a groan as her expanding belly bulged into his hands. Each buck and thrust from both of them plumping her figure out lewdly, and with each twist and squirm of her in vain attempt to expel them, a heavier flow of pre would burst into her. She continued whining and twisting weakly, desperately as she felt the two stranger's dense sac's begin to swell larger against her. Her steadily swelling belly now began to pad down heavily against Horrith's bulging balls, a hungry groan tearing from him as he squeezed at the sides of his quickly growing work. A muffled mowl crying from her as what would have been squeezed out was plugged firmly by the massive, trunk-like organ.

Panting heavily, Horrith growled with a moan as he spoke; "Before this night's over, you will hold my children~!" he grunted. She squirmed with a muffled whine against him, her obscenely swelling belly squishing his building balls against his crotch. The other, firmly silent drake reached up, grasping her head as he began to buck more quickly into her maw, plumping breasts and expanding upper-belly also squeezing his bulging orbs between them. Each forced gulp of his pre giving a soft suckle at the thick tip of his shaft.

She began to cry out between pants and gulps, muffled against the pistoning meat in a futile plea for them not to complete their task. She did not know if she'd be able to handle two massive drake's loads within her already heavily stuffed body. The soft cries vibrating almost tauntingly through the drake's pulsing length, until he could take it no longer. A look of almost guilt covered his face as his hips thrust forward with short bucks, cock spasming as his tip's hole opened to release his eruption.

Lorath began writing and squealing desperately as his thick, hot seed flooded with force into her stomach, quickly filling and blimping out her belly. Her frame tensing as her body struggled to accept the continuing gallons of cum, diverting the bloating energies to any other part of her body, her heavily swollen breasts began to explode with growth, squeezing heavily down over the Drake's slowly emptying sac. His own legs being forced outward, now straddling her hidiously expanded belly as it reached nearer to Horrith's knees. Her own legs raising along either side of her engorged belly, squeezing in with trembles.

Few moments passing until, as her warm lower belly squeezed down it's enormous weight onto Horrith's overfilled sac, he too howled out a loud groan of release. His fat shaft twitching deep within her womb with throbbing pulses, her hands forming shivering fists as he carelessly exploited her body fully. His hands pulling back to clasp over her thick rump as it too began to blimp out with the twin explosions, gripping lewdly into the two swelling slabs as her rump pressed in against his lower abdomin.

Her legs began kicking and trembling, as well did her arms as they continued to fill her up. Her belly began to contract in a failed attempt to expell the exploiting gallons of seed. Thick ropes squeezing into the over-stuffed furre with what seemed like an endless suply, soon her thighs and arms began to plump and thicken, cheeks puffing out with the forceful climax. Her fat lower-lips bulging heavier around Horrith's shaft The bed began to creak under their heavy weight, Horrith leaning back to lift her slightly, not a drop of the bloating cache had escaped either end yet.

Finally, the exploiting drake's heavy loads slowed to a stop. The tall and silent Drake stepping back, bulbous head popping lewdly out of her mouth, only a fine few ropes of cum drizzling out from her lips. He stood back, maw hung a gape as he bathed his sights with her image. Such a much smaller furre managing to contain both of their massive stores of seed. Her body, now stretched and blimped grossly out, each breath from her gasped and heavy. With a grunt, Horrith shifted from beneath her, laying her out onto her back before carefully jerking his length out of her tightly-stuffed sex. With an almost suctioned pop, the head bobbed out, again followed by a bare trail of cum.

"So... nothing's comming out... That means it's done, right? She's carrying ours now?" Horrith asked to his fellow drake while turning toward the bathroom. The drake nodding with a low, brute grunt in confirmation. A moment passed before the Drake arched a brow curiously as to what Horrith was doing, before his friend returned with a very crude hose. Looking it over in thought, Horrith spoke as he stepped up to Lorath. Bringing a hand forward to rest over her grossly engorged mound of a belly, the soft feel of sloshing and shifted kicking felt through her sensitively-stretched skin.

Legs bent up to either side of her monsterously expanded belly, squeezed weakly against it in attempt to squeeze out any bit of their exploiting seed. She continued to squirm as her overstuffed belly contracted with each breath, spasming to release the massive load. Her hands pressing softly, gripping lightly at the sides of her overfilled breasts, though she was unable even to milk herself. Pausing for a moment as she felt the rounded tip of the hose press against her tailhole, her ears folded back in a silent shock - he wouldn't...

But with a brute grunt, Horrith punched the hose into her tight tailhole and began feeding the extended length inward. Lorath groaned and writhed as she felt the firm, thin hose snake through her system, deeply into her tightly stuffed belly. She gripped out at the bed, tugging desperately in a hopeless attempt to pull from the invading hose until finally it stopped. "I wonder how much this little minx can hold..." Horrith questioned as he stepped back into the bathroom with a chillin calmness. The silent Drake gazing somewhat nervously back and forth as he watched and waited, unsure what - if anything - to do.

With a squeaked turn of the fauset, warm water began to explode into her body. Her body shifting and twisting desperately as she groaned - squealing patheticly as all parts of her body began blimping out yet again. Her legs began kicking as they were spread wider around her engorging waistline. Her arms twitching and twisting as they were now pinned down to her sides by her enormous mounds of breasts. Her thick thighs and arms began to swell outward in pulses, cheeks plumping, and rump bulging as each second passed.

Her smooth and soft skin now began to grow tight, taunt. No longer could any sloshing be heard or felt as every inch of space in her body was rapidly being filled. Finally, she stopped kicking, and thrashing, and writhing - only twitching with gurgled squeals and gasped breaths. Her hidiously exploited belly now draping lightly off the sides of the bed, belly button pudged out atop the tightly-stretched waistline.

The Drake watched alone as this monsterious scene played out, his massive shaft throbbing lustfully as he stepped up to the overstressed bed. Finally, thick shoots of water began to burst from her plump tailhole, she had reached her bursting limit, though would continue to slowly swell until the breaking point. Quickly, the Drake began pulling the hose out of her rapidly filling tailhole, it seemed endless. He let out a stressed groan as he hurried the saving act. Exhaling a releived sigh as finally the hose popped out, followed by a single gush of water.

With another squeak of the fauset, the water stopped flowing. Horrith finally stepped back into the room, arching a brow at the sight of the hard and ready Drake's shaft, which throbbed hungrily in the thick air. "...Now, fuck her." Horrith commanded in a stern, unhumored tone. He held a callous look of bitter diciplin. The drake looked back and forth between the two, holding his silence and his position. With another brute grunt, Horrith stomped a broad, heavy foot against the floor. "Do it. I refuse to work with any who are not completely sure they want this. And you... had better be sure." There was a cold promise beneath his sharp gaze, one which the somewhat smaller Drake would not soon test.

Stepping up to the enormous, softly jiggling mounds that were Lorath and grasped at her fattened thighs, lifting them out slightly, the firm head of his bulged length sliding itself between her thick lower-lips as it pulsed heavily. He clenched his teeth, eyes sliding closed as he held his breath. He truly didn't want to fill her any more, in fear that she actually might burst if she had to hold anything more. Though, with a frustrated grunt, Horrith pushed the Drake forward.

A howled groan slipped from the drake as half of his fat girth squeezed into Lorath's extremely tight sex. Her inner walls contracting desperately down on the drake's pulsing shaft as it pumped softly in, stretching back out her silk-smooth sex. He groaned again, hands gripping tighter at her thighs, squeezing them softly in against her almost painfully sensitive belly. He exhaled a pathetic moan as he opened his eyes, his hips instinctively bucking into the pleasing hole, each short thrust lewdly bouncing her massive globe of a belly, overflowing breasts jiggling lewdly as she gasped and writhed weakly.

He began to piston more quickly, longer strokes gliding through the heavily-stuffed belly, each driving deeper into her now overfilled womb. She gasped heavier breaths, whining and whimpering out, her massively swollen belly slowhing as suddenly a suctioning effect jerked the Drake's full length into her burstingly full frame. The drake's back arching slightly as he tried bucking back out, yet could not. Each jerk only suctioning more over his trunk-like limb.

He leaned forward, grasping hands at the sides of her raising and falling belly, groaning desperately as his hips seemed to piston themselves into the sweet pleasure.His heavy weight weighing down, squishing in on her overstuffed belly, thick shaft throbbing as his next climax began to build, defying his will. He looked down to her through hazed eyes, mouth hanging open with heavy panted breaths, only to see her shaking her head between gurgled moans.

Suddenly, a thin tube-like apendage began to slide into the Drake's cock-slit, slowly snaking it's way down his thrusting shaft. As he noticed this, he again attempted to buck out, though the firm suction would only pull him back in with a forced roll of blinding pleasure. His already building sac spread out his legs a bit as the apendage met the base of his length, forked-end dipping into each swelling orb. Lorath began to writhe pleadingly, crying out in both pleasure and pain as a strange fluid began to flow down the apendage into the Drake's heavy balls. A fluid which effect was instantly known, as his second building seed began to reproduce at an astonishingly rapid rate, bulging out his dense orbs heavily, as well as his sex-drive.

His eyes shot wide open as a brute, monsterous groan erupted from him, talons punching harshly against her overstuffed belly. His hips bucking wildly as he leaned forward again, drool dripping out of from his jagged fangs as he fought back against the pumping apendage and suctioning tight womb, Lorath's own body defying itself, blindingly hungering for more.

The fluid continued draining into his now overfilled orbs, which weighed down over the edge of the bed, his swollen sac lifting and contracting to release. His thick shaft twitching and pumping deep within her womb as it suckled and pulled, minning for his seed. The apendage showed no signs of stopping, and he - not made for expansion - would have to decide. If he still had the composure to choose. Either he would burst... or she.

With a gasping cry of "Ohh God~!" the drake's frame tensed up, back arching and tongue hanging out loosely, overfilled sac constricting as his cock pulsed and bulged out, stretching wide open her plumply fattened sex. The thin apendage erupting back as an explosion of cum flooded brilliantly from him. His entire bulked frame shuddered and shivered as her womb slid and suctioned, milking each thick rope that he pumped out. Her legs kicking as they began to vanish underneath her lewdly bouncing, blimping belly. Lorath's figure growing hotter as it grew heavier, short spurts of milk escaping her bloating, jiggling breasts. Her skin grew taunt and softly pink as this was it - she was about to burst, there was no other inch of space left in her.

Seeing this, and watching as light flows of cum began to slip from her mouth, he forced himself back, grasping hold to the base of his monsterous length as it continued to twitch and spasm hungrily with his eruption, finally popping lewdly back out of her sex - the final bursted ropes of cum spraying out over her violated and exploted body until he fell back onto the floor, body twitching as he panted ang gasped for air, talons digging into the flooring as his fat shaft slowly pulsed down to normal size. Horrith looking down to him, and shaking his head with a sharp grin. "You see? I knew she could hold more. Next time, leave the hose until I stop it."

((Alright, guess i'll end this here. This seems... full enough, eh? Well, hope you enjoyed the read~! Again, first solo-story, so be gentle. And, throw Lorath a whisper if you catch her around, eh?))

The Ball Buster - III - BlackHollo's evolution.

Horrith snarls out a brute growl as he brings a hand to his forhead, rubbing it with a sigh. "These people..." Then returns his attention to the shaken wolf. "So... Let's hear it... What are you, boy?" he questioned, tilting head a bit before bringing...

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Pet's obediance lesson - I

(( - Yes, this is again not a "professionally" made work. It's little more than a log of a yiff between one of my characters and his pet. In this case an elephant and a fox. I will say now that I KNOW it doesn't have the best sentence...

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The Ball Buster - Round 2

This is the second yiff i had with the character, Epicurious. It's got misspellings and poor structure, but it's hot, belive you me. BlackHollo exhails a moan as he feels the tender touches, exaggerated pecs and abs tensing with each slowly...

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