Alone in the Woods

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A lone hunter stalks her prey in the woods, but is she truly alone, or is she herself being stalked?

This story was written for ColdSoul. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults in a semi public place. :3

Alone in the Woods

Phoenix moved through the forest with her bow drawn, an arrow knocked and ready to let fly at a moment's notice. She moved slowly and deliberately, her paws bare to minimise the sound of the rustling leaf-litter below. The deep mossy greens and browns of her tunic and britches helped her blend in with the surrounding trees and underbrush, and of course the borzoi's lean, sharp nose kept her apprised of all that her eyes could not detect.

The dog froze, lifting her nose skyward and inhaling. Her eyes grew slightly wider, and she slowly, carefully turned her gaze upwind.


A hare, lean but fully grown, a sumptuous meal just waiting to be claimed.

Just as slowly as she'd turned her head, she twisted her body like a vine shifting in the breeze. Like a tree herself, all natural, everything as it should be, not disrupting the wild animal's last meal.

She raised her bow. The arrow's tip, finely honed iron, drew an invisible line between itself and the creature. The borzoi hound steadied her breathing, keeping her hands as level as possible. She felt the tension upon the bow-string growing. The arrow now desperate, begging to be let loose.

But then, something else in the air. Strange. Unnatural for the forest, and close... far too close for Phoenix to have only just noticed its presence. A rustling emanated from another bush almost directly behind the dog. She span round, the sudden motion sending birds scattering from the surrounding trees and the hare bolting away. The arrow surged forward and into the greenery, but the badger that emerged from its den moments later and loped away in fright was unharmed by the projectile's impact nearby.

Phoenix cursed under her breath, bending over and digging into the bush to recover the arrow with one outstretched arm as she looked around. Even now there was something uneasy about the air. That smell, she couldn't quite place it. Familiar, yet earthy. Like that distinctive tang of wet mud, combined with something living. She was still bent over, still looking and finding nothing in her field of vision, when a twig cracked behind her. Her head snapped round, but it was too late. A hulking, powerful figure swathed in dripping mud barrelled towards her, bellowing and grunting in obvious fury.

She barely had time to brace herself, to drop her bow and bring her arms up to grab at the charging creature before it was upon her. It lifted her off the ground, and as her hands clenched and began to pound at its shoulders and then its back, it simply flung her over its broad frame as it kept on going. Through the bush into which her arrow had flown. Beyond, past trees and around fallen logs, until finally Phoenix was able to grab onto one of it's antler-like horns and wrench it off balance as she flung herself to the left, the two of them toppling hard to the ground and rolling, clutching at one another even as they did so.

Phoenix landed atop the attacking creature, and drew back a fist ready to hammer it into the snarling beast's nose. Except... as they fell still, and the creature beneath her lay unmoving and ceasing to continue its attack, she saw something through the thick mud coating its form. Two eyes, small but bright, their irises a vibrant jade green. Only then did she take a breath, take a moment to actually analyse the figure. To see his hulking powerful body, his muscular arms. His thick dark hair hanging in curled locks around his bovine features, and those horns... dark, strong, and indeed curved and twisted like those of an antelope rather than the bull to which they belonged.

She growled, and thumped him angrily in the chest with her fist. He cried out in pain, and then burst out laughing. Kai... mud-covered, filthy Kai, grinned at her.

"I got you. I finally got you."

Phoenix opened her muzzle to retort, to say that it wasn't funny, that she could have shot him. But then she closed it again, realising one simple truth. He was right. After having tried repeatedly to sneak up on her when she was hunting out in the woods, and always getting spotted, heard or smelled well before he could get close enough to spring a surprise appearance, Kai had finally done it. Goodness only knew how long he'd been following her, but she hadn't known until it was too late. As far as she'd known she'd been alone in the woods this entire time, when really her lover had been right there with her.

And now here he was. Lying beneath her, coated in river mud that had successfully masked his scent and camouflaged his otherwise rather hulking and un-stealthy form. Victorious. Grinning from ear to ear. And now with just the two of them lying there together. Holding each other. Her body straddling his... all alone in the woods.

"You're filthy..."

Phoenix murmured as she wiped a paw across the male's strong bare chest, staining the fur of her own hand brown with the sticky river mud before wiping it off on the grass and leaf-litter beside them. She gave a brief yelp, but couldn't help laughing too as Kai rolled over, suddenly pinning her beneath him and nod just dripping mud onto her, but beginning to press his body down against hers and wiggle, rubbing all of his muddy arms, torso, even his face upon her.

"Ahhhh! You bastard, stop! You're ruining my... m-my clothes!"

The bull just laughed again, particularly as he saw Phoenix's face flushing beneath her pale fur.

"Don't worry. It's just mud. It'll come off if we dunk you in the river. Or... you could just take off the clothes, set them aside to be washed later."

The borzoi swallowed thickly, and as she caressed the side of Kai's stern looking but still smiling face with one hand, the other ran down the side of his bare body, rubbing over his broad stomach and down to the simple loin cloth that was all he tended to wear.

"Later? I... w-why later? What am I... what are we going to do now that... t-that I don't need my clothes for?"

Her voice was layered with emotion. With anticipation and hope, but a slight bashfulness too. She wasn't at all ashamed of her sexuality, nor of her relationship with Kai... not any more. But, they were outdoors. The valley was small, and this patch of forest was barely a twenty minute walk from the village. It wouldn't take much for another villager to come out here to hunt some game. And then...

But, the more she tried to dissuade herself from those thoughts, the more they were all that filled her mind. Her heart. She ached, burned for Kai, and with his body pressing down over hers so intensely, those needs were so easily satisfied.

"Oh... Kai."

She saw him still just lying there, grinning down at her. Not needing to act, knowing that she would do it all herself. A part of her wanted to prove him wrong, to show him that maybe he didn't know her as well as he thought. But in this case, he was dead on. Her long neck craned up, and she nuzzled at the bull's muddy face, staining her own white features with streaks of that murky brown. He growled, long and low, and in a single motion rolled over onto his back once more, then began to rise to his feet with the borzoi clutched tightly in his arms.

A soft grunt and a long, whimpering whine of intense excitement slipped from the borzoi's muzzle as she felt her back impact against something even more sturdy and solid than the man holding her aloft with such ease. She arched her back against the tree to which she'd been pressed, and wrapped both her arms and legs around Kai's hulking frame. He kissed her now, full on, passionate and without restraint. She accepted and returned it with hunger, and though his body was far less clothed than hers already, her feet slid across his short mud-stained coat until they reached the silk rope ties holding his loin cloth in place. Her clawed toes hooked around them, and in a moment she was being held against a male whose body was now entirely naked.

"Ah. Ahh..."

She moaned, gasped happily while Kai's weight pinned her between himself and the tree, leaving his hands free to attack her own clothes. He tugged her tunic up and over her head, both of them able to hear the already muddied and dampened fabric tearing as tough tree bark scraped across its back. Neither of them seemed to care though, not in the moment at least. Once she was able to cast it aside Phoenix's arms flung themselves around Kai's neck once more, and she urgently pressed her chest forward against his. The warmth of his body was immense, even through the coat of damp mud. She shuddered as her already firm nipples grazed against his skin, and again her muzzle was drawn to his in another savagely potent kiss.

That kiss lasted longer. Considerably so in fact, and it wasn't until Kai's hands began to tease Phoenix's britches down the length of her trembling legs that she broke from it, huffing and growling loudly.

"Do it."

She could already feel his manhood, swollen and ready, pressing against her thighs as her britches were pulled down past her knees. She let her legs fall away from him, toes barely brushing the ground, and whined in bashful delight as the garment fell, leaving her totally exposed.

"Oh. Y-yes... do it."

Her legs wrapped around him again as best they could, his body so broad it was impossible for them to encircle Kai entirely. She felt one of his hands sliding away from her body, moving to grip at the base of his thick, unbearably lengthy cock, and guide it where she needed it to be right now. Inside her. Filling her. Completing her in a way she did not know mere months ago it was possible to be complete, by a man, a creature for whom she never would have believed such love was possible to be given... or indeed received.

With a howl of rapturous joy Phoenix began to sink onto Kai, faster and more uncontrollable in her descent as he let loose a deep bellow and backed away from the tree, holding onto her around her back and cradling her taut, firm ass as she swallowed up his member inch by inch.


Phoenix whined happily as she grabbed at her lover's horns for support, using their sturdy length to pull herself up, then slide back down upon his cock. She rocked against him, against his powerful torso, pressing her flesh and fur to his as hard as she could. She felt him twitch inside her, the molten heat of his pre-cum setting her ablaze as her own walls clenched and milked him for more.

"Oh... s-spirits save me... yes. So... oohhh, so... aaaahhh..."

He began to move again, to walk, carrying her as the borzoi rode the hulking male harder and faster. He grunted and growled, he huffed and snorted hot waves of air scented with his manly aroma and the earthy scent of dirt all over her, and breathlessly Phoenix tried her best to inhale every drop of that intoxicating musk. She watched the forest move around her in a haze, half the time with her head tossed back, the other half with it either buried in Kai's neck as she yelped and bucked against him, or locked with his mouth in a wild kiss.

Soon the ground around them changed, and Phoenix gasped as she felt long, lush reeds of grass brushing against her buttocks and the base of her legs, catching her tail as it swept back and forth behind her in time with the motion of her riding the bull. She could hear something now over the sounds of the two of them grunting and moaning to one another. Something more than the general background noise of the forest. Water. Running water. Mere seconds later, before she could say anything or prepare her body for what she suddenly suspected was about to happen, the ground dropped out from underneath them. Or rather, from underneath Kai with her still clutching at him in her lustful frenzy. He jumped from the river's edge into the cool, steadily flowing water, and it instantly surrounded them to chest height.

The cold of the water against the heat of his body against and within Phoenix was overwhelming. She shrieked happily as Kai pressed her back against the bank of the river, tossing back her head once again with a frenzied yelp as he began to thrust, to fuck her of his own accord and with all the power at his body's disposal at last.

"Oh! Oh!"

She felt the pleasure rising, surging inside her as the male's cock pumped furiously in and out, dragging its length over countless sweet spots with every stroke and driving her wild even as he cast aside what few inhibitions had remained intact thus far. Kai bellowed as loud as she howled, and together their song of ecstasy rang out up and down the river, and up into the open air of the valley where forest met farmland at the river's banks.

"Cum in me, Kai. Ohh... ohh yes, cum with me. Yes!"

The water around them churned and splashed loudly, but not nearly as loudly as they called to one another in the heights of their untamed lust.

"Take it. Take it all!"

Kai's eyes burned with chi energy as he approached the brink, snorting and crying out at the top of his lungs, pushing his body beyond its natural limits and turning the already rippling water around them into a froth of almost boiling haste as his hips became a blur. Phoenix meanwhile could only scream with mindless joy. She had felt this before. Felt Kai do this to her before, but only a handful of times. Only when he was so in tune with her, so connected, that he could feel her chi and his uniting, able to channel it without feeding upon it as he had in the darker days of his past. And when he did... when they shared this, there was nothing she could do. Nothing either one of them could do but cum. And cum. And keep on cumming until both that potent life energy and their own physical stamina was utterly and completely drained.

Phoenix wailed to the heavens in shameless rapture as she felt Kai's seed beginning to lash out into her depths, flooding her with thick spurt after spurt as his rigid cock continued to drive itself with gloriously unnatural speed and force. She looked into his face, his eyes heavy, his expression fixed and glazed with pleasure, and as she heard the almost sub-sonic rumble of his low, constant groan of abject relief and release, she too lost all control over her own body. Her muscles began to convulse deep inside. To clamp and squeeze violently around Kai. She felt a surge of liquid, hot and rich and gushing out between them amidst the frothing waters of the river, and then she was with him. United, locked in orgasm by the furious motion of their bodies, and the singular focus of their minds and their spirit.

They held one another there, clinging to the moment of their highest heights of pleasure long after the feelings themselves had dissipated. Just letting the water flow over them as they leaned against the bank, huffing and gasping for air, nuzzling at one another in helplessly affectionate relief. They both smiled, unable to do anything else. They shared a few more soft growls of tender passion, and even attempted a few thrusts, a few rolls of the hips, only to gasp and shake their heads at how immensely over-sensitive they suddenly found themselves.

Eventually Kai lifted Phoenix off his softening member and up onto the bank, dragging himself up to sit beside her. The borzoi smiled, leaning her head against the powerful male's form and resting against his side.

"Was that always your plan? When you were trying to sneak up on me all those times... you wanted to do this?"

Kai chuckled.

"Something like that. I had a whole bunch of different ideas. But... with the mud, the river made the most sense."

The dog growled in appreciation, her feet still dangling down over the bank's edge, toes paddling in the water.

"Well, next time you want to sneak up on me... I'll be sure to act distracted. And maybe to wear some older clothes, rather than my favourite hunting tunic."

Kai grinned, slipping one of his large, strong hands around the much more slight digits of Phoenix's own.

"Sorry about that. Do... do you want to go back and get it?"

Glancing at the bull playfully, Phoenix shook her head.

"Well I'm not going to walk home naked, am I? And I'm sure as hell not leaving my bow lying in the woods where anyone could find it and claim it as their own."

She paused for a moment though, and squeezed back at the hand holding hers.

"But... not yet."

Kai smiled, genuinely curious.

"Not even to get your bow back?"

Phoenix did consider this again, but only for a second or so. Once more she shook her head, and laid a soft, loving kiss upon the shoulder against which she was resting.

"No. No matter what else... I think... I... I know... I'd rather be here. With you. Alone in the woods... naked, defenceless, a-and... together."

By Jeeves

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