Hold My Beer

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

Robert Baird and I were talking and shit talking a little bit. I mentioned that he should just commission me banging his girlfriend and cuckolding him. So he paid me to do this. I giggled and did just that. So enjoy this short, smutty piece! And go give love to Rob if you're not already watching him. He's a fantastic writer and a great dude to chat with!

If you want to support me and everything I do here, then please go over to https://www.patreon.com/kergiby

Rob looked on as the panther grabbed the panda's hips. He watched, not sure how he felt at first. It was odd to watch the younger male kissing his girlfriend's neck. It was worse to see her gasp when his hand went into her panties. She was smaller than him by more than a foot and it wasn't easy to imagine how big he would be inside her. The coyote shivered at that mental image. Half-scolding himself, he settled into his seat, watching the perverse show in front of him.

"You smell good, bitch," the panther grinned. Rob could see his hand working in her panties. She clutched on his shirt, tugging him closer and letting out the softest of whimpers.

"Mmm. T-thank you," the panda said. She moved her hand to his bulge and gasped when she felt the size of it.

"Hear that?" Kay grinned, looking at his friend. "I think she's not used to something so big!"

Rob shook his head, cheeks burning up at the admonishment from his friend. But he wasn't defenseless either.

"She's a good girl though. That's her problem, yeah? She could do with some bending." He took a sip of his drink and watched as his girlfriend bit her lip. There was the soft sound of wetness, unmistakable as Kay's hand rubbed back and forth inside of her panties. She was groaning, her back going straight all at once, and then it shook, quaking just enough that Rob came to the realization that his friend had just made her cum with nothing but a hand.

"Oh... God!" She moaned. Kay laughed and pushed her away. His hand wet with her by-product. He turned the smaller panda around and put the fingers into her mouth. She moaned, knees shaking visibly. It was made worse when Kay pulled her shirt open, popping a button or two.

Though Aya pouted, her eyes didn't escape the panther's face when he pulled her shirt off, not even bothering with the arms. She could do that herself it seemed. But she did stare when Kay pulled his shirt off. He tossed it at Rob's face, grinning at the coyote in the corner.

The panther's body looked good, black as night with rosettes catching the light. His white fur on his chest seemed to add something to him that even Rob had to admit looked good. And the white fur that disappeared into his pants was soon greeted by Aya's hand. She felt along his waistband, biting her lip.

"M-may I?" she whispered. Rob's ears drooped at that and Kay just nodded, not even bothering to say a word. He grabbed her tits, eliciting a whine from her throat. She wasn't fighting him, her hand sliding into his pants. Kay undid the clasp of her bra, dropping it to the floor and revealing the small statured panda's breasts. They were small but undeniably perky, nipples poking out from the fur. Kay grabbed them between his thumb and fingers, holding her breasts and flaring his claws out. Aya whined at first but she bit her lip and silenced whatever complaint she had.

"You got a good bitch, Rob," Kay grinned. Kay looked right at Rob, and winked. "Feel free to take care of that bulge while you watch--just watch."

Aya didn't resist when the panther's lips met hers. She didn't push him away when he closed his eyes and pushed his tongue into her mouth. She held onto him, her leg drifting up, pulled by a force stronger than gravity or the commitment to Rob. She still loved him, Rob knew that. But seeing her submit to the pleasure of the moment with such ease was intoxicating in a whole new way.

Rob unzipped his pants, fishing his cock from his boxers.

At the same time, Aya pulled Kay's cock out. She stared at first, ogling the black shaft, already wet with pre on the tip. Her fingertip went along the underside of his cock, between the silver piercings and she looked up at him.

"These are new to me," she giggled, tasting the pre from her finger.

The panther grabbed her body, pushing her down until she rested comfortably on her knees. Kay ran his hands through her hair, grabbing it at the back in a ponytail so Aya could slide her lips around the tip with ease. She moaned and forced her eyes shut as the cock was pushed inside.

Rob could only watch, stroking his red cock as he watched her. She was never this... eager with him. She balked at first when he suggested she suck him off but slowly eased into it. With Kay? She took it in her mouth as soon as she kneeled down. Rob's cock throbbed, pulsing in his hand when he held onto the base. He saw Aya's head move down, volunteering her throat for Kay's pleasure. He should think it wrong but Rob loved the sight of it. He loved the soft gagging noise when the cock got so deep that her eyes bulged.

It took him a moment to realize that it was Kay who was pushing her down. He held her as far as she could comfortably go and then a little past that. Her eyes bulged, tears forming as she swallowed around the black tip in her mouth. The panther looked right at Rob and grinned.

"Can you get me my drink?" he said, hand not letting go of Aya's hair.

Rob stood up, going to the hallway where his friend had left his beer. He came back to see Aya's nose buried in the white fur above Kay's cock. Her eyes were closed and she grabbed onto his ass to keep the panther there. It was all kinds of hot and wrong and the coyote forgot what he was doing for a moment.

"Rob!" The panther growled. "My beer?"

The coyote's ears dropped but he came forward, handing the beer to the panther. He froze for a moment when Kay put his arm around his shoulders. But he smiled at his friend.

"She's good, right?" he said, voice a little soft. It was uncharacteristic for the coyote. He was never the shy type when he was around friends but here, he couldn't help but grow a little softer, almost embarrassed by his kink. But Kay didn't take the cheap shot he could have.

Tugging on her hair, Kay guided Aya's head to Rob's cock. He took a long swig of his beer and walked around to her backside. The panther tugged on her tail and Aya brought her hips up, standing up, bent over between the two men. The red panda licked along her boyfriend's cock. She started at the base and went up to the tip, kissing it once or twice.

"Aya," Kay growled, tugging her panties down. She wiggled her hips, seeming to love the harsh voice in her ear. Her tail grew stiff in Kay's grasp and she whimpered soft at the cock between her cheeks.

"Mmm. Yes?" she cooed, still only kissing Rob's cock.

"I want to see you suck on his cock like the good slut you are," he said, giving her ass a smack. "You were so happy to swallow mine, I expect you to do the same for him."

With a shy nod, Aya closed her eyes. She moaned and took the cock in deeper. Rob watched her move down, eager to obey the panther in a way she never seemed to with him. She pushed down, cock sliding past her lips and her nose caught in the ruddy brown of the coyote's fur. She swallowed and started to pull back off of him when her hips were shoved forward.

While Rob was too distracted by his girlfriend sucking him with a kind of sluttiness he never saw, Kay was shoving his cock into her folds. He realized with a moment of horror that the panther never put a condom on, something which both appalled and aroused the coyote. He grabbed Aya's head and kept her there. Kay was still sinking in, cock disappearing into her body. She moaned, groaning around her boyfriend's cock as a relative stranger forced his way into her.

Kay didn't waste much time. The panther hooked his arms under her body and rammed into her. The panda whined, choking on Rob's cock but the coyote didn't pull away. He watched as the face of his friend contorted with lust and rage, pounding hips together, cock barreling deep. She moaned, tears leaking out of her eyes as the young panther did with her what she wanted.

"That's enough," he grunted, pulling Aya's head back. She groaned, her legs shaking at the force of the panther. "You can have what's left of her when I'm done, 'yote," Kay said. He pulled her body up, hoisting her up so he could carry her to the wall. Her cheek was pushed against it, legs dangling rather uselessly as she was held aloft by the panther, pinned to the wall by his cock.

Rob shivered, a little turned on by the force Kay was displaying towards his girlfriend. He sat back down, spreading his legs so he could enjoy the show properly.

Kay had Aya lifted off the ground, her legs out, held at the thighs by the panther. He slammed deep, cock pushing all the way to the center of the panda. She whined when he pulled back, clawing at the wall as she tried to keep herself up. It wasn't easy with nothing to hold onto and just a constant plap plap plap of hips and balls meeting fur. She moaned and Rob watched his girlfriend's body grow tense around him as she came for... the third time? He was losing count. And he hated how hot he found it but, hey, Kay could be trusted, right?

Well, hopefully. Rob did ask for him to use a condom when they talked about it earlier and the panther didn't seem to care enough to wear one. He should complain, say something! This was his girlfriend and he shouldn't just let her get barebacked by someone else. It was wrong and... That might be why he didn't stop them.

So he just hoped that his friend wouldn't hurt the speared panda. Aya seemed to like it though. She moaned, writhing around the impaling cock. Her head felt light, barely able to keep her body upright. Rob saw the grasp on her stomach, claws flared out and he shivered, cock throbbing in his hand. He was close...

"Wahbitch?" Kay growled, slamming harder, getting deep enough to hurt her. She looked back at him, tongue lolled out the side of her mouth. "I want you to be a good girl for Rob from now on, okay?"

She stared at him, her eyes flicking between the man inside of her and her boyfriend. Kay snarled, pulling out until she finally grabbed at him with her hand.

"Ssstop! I'll be good."

Kay laughed, teeth bared at her words.

"Say it!" he said, loud enough that the neighbors might have picked up on it.

"I'll be good! I'll be a good girl for Rob!" she whined, pushing her hips back to his.

"Anything he wants?" Kay said, hand on her ass now.

"M-mhmm!" she crooned, trying to grind the thick panther into her g-spot.

The panther's thumb poked her asshole, pushing in just enough that it forced inside.

"Even this?"

She opened her mouth then closed it. It took some doing for her to think about it but finally she nodded her head.

"Atta bitch. Love it when a slut sees their place."

If she was going to complain about Kay's words, she didn't say anything. The panda was back to her moans of need and gasps soon enough. Her body smooshed to the wall when Kay stepped forward, taking her in, and giving her a rug burn of sorts with the drywall. Her hackles stood up but still she came again, body shaking and toes scratching at the floor, unable to stand on her own.

Aya leaned back into his chest and kissed his cheek, moaning out and Rob couldn't figure out why at first until he saw thick white cum leaking out of her. The panther had filled her up and it was now dripping all over the hardwood. He held onto her and carrying by the breasts with his cock still inside, the panther threw her down onto the bed.

When the invading penis slipped free, cum came with it, leaking onto the comforter. She kept her head on the bed, only able to keep her hips up thanks to Kay holding her by the base of the tail. He tugged on it each time her body sagged. The panther grinned at Rob and walked to the night stand so he could finish off the beer.

"Clean her up for me," Kay said.

Rob glared at him.

"Panther, you know I don't--"

"You agreed to it," Kay grunted, tugging at Rob's arm. He didn't resist though. The coyote got to his knees to be face to cunt with the mess his friend had made. With eyes closed, Rob dragged his tongue over her swollen lips and tasted the salty load that the panther had left in Aya. He closed his eye and pushed his muzzle in, letting his tongue get in deep. He moaned and realized how big the load must have been by the amount his tongue found everywhere. There wasn't a place in her that the panther had missed.

Rob didn't realize what Kay was doing until he heard the creak of the bed. The panther's cock was angling for Aya's ass, and eased the tip in, pushing slowly to spread her cheeks open. He looked up, tongue still inside of the panda when he watched that impossibly thick cock disappear into his girlfriend. The coyote would have been angry--even he had never gotten under his girlfriend's tail! But hearing her moans and the soft whimpers get caught in her throat, Rob had to shiver. It was better than he'd ever dreamed.

Kay eased inside, she hitched her breath and he stopped but the panda reached behind her to grab the panther's butt. Large black balls rested on top of the coyote's muzzle but still he let his tongue lick and taste every inch of his girlfriend. Aya pulled Kay in, groaning loud when the panther's cock disappeared inside of her. His balls were pushed right up against her butt, and he must have flexed inside or something because the panda's butt flexed, squeezing him hard.

"Kay..." she whimpered. The panther responded by slipping back only to push back in. It was a slow motion fuck, with Kay taking his time to push inside. He growled low, fucking the bitch's ass carefully. She moaned, writhing around whenever he would hilt in her. If she didn't like it, she didn't say anything. Aya was moaning and squeezing around Rob's tongue and Kay's ass. It was odd for the coyote to be so close to the cock that was assailing his girlfriend's ass. But he had to admit there was something hot about it. The panther went a little faster, but still not as fast or as harsh as he was towards her pussy.

Aya kept moaning and Rob felt her body quake, her muzzle flooded with her fluids when she came again, all over his muzzle. He licked his own lips, content to watch them for the moment as the panther kept his slow thrusts going, accentuating the moans from her mouth with quiet squelching noises. The panther's cock was twitching and when his balls moved up, and the cock started to unload into his girlfriend, the coyote could swear he heard the cum fill her.

Aya was laying her head on the bed and mumbling something into the sheets. She groaned when Kay pulled out. He moved to sit down by her, a hand on her head.

"You're free to have sloppy seconds, Rob," the panther said. He leaned back onto the headboard and sighed. Aya took his cock into her mouth once more, any modicum of shame long gone.

She grunted in acknowledgement when Rob's cock pushed into her. She was still tight but she seemed numb to it. Like it was hard for her to even acknowledge that his cock was inside of her.

Rob growled, slamming away at her, getting his frustration out of her but the panda was too busy slurping her juices off of Kay's cock to care much. But she did finally react, moaning loud when Rob's knot slammed inside.

"B-babe!" She moaned, face still buried in the younger partner's crotch. She sighed, arms giving out, dropping limp in Kay's lap. The panther smiled at his friend, still attached in the most intimate way possible to the small red panda.

"We should do this again," Kay smiled.

"I'll let you have sloppy seconds next time, pantherdude," Rob smiled, his eyes glazed over.

The panther shrugged, petting Aya's hair.

"I think you liked it better this way," Kay said.

Rob didn't speak but the color burning his cheeks spoke for him.