The Half Moon Tribe: The Four Moons 2

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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Yeah, so here's Four Moons Two. =) Sorry it took me so long but better late than never, right? Anyway, I hope everyoen enjoys it. As usual, all characters are copy right to me, TIberius Rings.

Half Moon Tribe: Four Moons 2

"So how's Jack fitting in?" I asked as we walked down the long corridor.

"He's not causing as much trouble as I expected. Why do you ask, Slayn?" Arch asked me.

We were on route to the Alpha's chambers. A year ago I would have been excited and nervous all at the same time. To be in the Alpha's private company always did make my knees quiver. Today it was more like a working friendship. Avalon had come into my life and when I needed him most he was there for me. I truly loved Avalon more than I could ever describe. Arch was always going to be my first crush, my first love, and you never quite stop loving that person even when you find yourself deep into a relationship. I was about to be joined and I still thought the man attractive, kind, and someone who needed a mate just as much as I needed one. Arch deserved someone just as much as I deserved Avalon. I did have to admit that being with Avalon made working with Arch much more...civil. I could actually concentrate on my work and not be distracted by what my body wanted. True there were the natural urges of being a man but those were easily quashed, especially in the evenings with Avalon.

"Just curious. I haven't really seen him do much but wander about the temple and roads."

"He's barely out of bed, Slayn. He's exploring and meeting people. I know he goes to the Warrior's Enclave a lot but he always returns back to the room before dinner is ready." Arch told me.

"He hasn't tried to run away?" A rhetoric question. If he had been I'm sure I'd have known about it.

"Not to my knowledge. None of the scouts have reported him going deep into the woods and the outpost guards never see him. I'm assuming he's behaving himself and actually listening to me. I told him not to wander into the forest."

"You do realize you kidnapped him, right?" I told Arch as we rounded the corner. I was tugging my messenger bag onto my shoulder. I had been running messages to the Scout outposts in the woods all morning and mid day. Evening now, I was simply reporting in. Arch had a few documents he wanted to give me so I could hand them out to my striders so we could send them out in the morning. We had a lot to do after all.

"I saved him," Arch said with a gruff noise from his throat. "You saw how he was; cold, thin as a rail and cheating people to make enough money to eat. I did what any Alpha would do in my place."

"I don't think the Warboz would have done what you did," I admitted with a grin.

"The End Moon are much more rough than we are, but I think they would have taken the boy regardless. It's not like we're chaining him up, beating and raping the kid. He's actually going to have a future here."

"Still, I'm sure he asks to go back to the cities and the Outsiders."

"Daily," Arch said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his skull. "I can't see why."

"Well," I began. "If you look at Jack I think you can figure out why. He's had a pretty rough life by the stories he's told us. I know he lies but I don't think he's been lying about those events. He may have had it rough but it's really all he knows. If he feels like he's lost the only normal thing in his life then he's going to resist change. He still having problems wearing a loincloth?"

"Heh," Arch grinned. "He's at that age when boys get aroused because the wind is warm across their face, or the light flickers in the most alluring way. He's having trouble with it as any of our youth do."

"You did tell him he's not such a big deal to be aroused around other males, right?" It truly wasn't. Men got erections and that was the fact to end all facts. In groups of men they sometimes happened, especially in boys changing into men. When I was growing up and training with the other striders it happened from time to time. At worst a mild tease happened but nothing that would scar one for life.

"Yes, but he got one when we were talking to some of the women in the kitchens."

"Oh," I said with a laugh, holding a palm up to my muzzle. "Well, I suppose he must have been beat red."

"He grabbed my arm and dragged me back outside until it calmed down. At least we know he's a healthy young man. He seems to frequently get them." Arch said with another laugh. He sighed then as the laughing must have made him feel better. "I'll tell him that it's really no big deal. It is just a fact of life."

"A fact of life I'm glad my body got over."

Arch reached over and pushed against the wooden door to his room and looked at me. "Has Apollo said he'd also join the meeting and your Joining?"

Before I was able to answer I saw something in Arch's room I never quite expected. Jack had been living with Arch for a few weeks now because finding a spot for him meant we had to pick on a caste and we had been dragging out heels over it, mostly because whenever we talked about it Arch always changed the Council topic or something always distracted him from making us vote on it. So, for the time being, Jack lived with him. What I saw inside was humorous and shocking at the same time. There was Arch's large table surrounded by four warriors and Jack. I could see playing cards in their hands as well as pieces of clothing and items on the table, from shiny stones to what looked like loincloths. Jack was drinking something from a large wooden mug and had a huge grin on his face. However, when his gaze shifted to Arch and I in the doorway his face took on an expression of horror. Some of the warriors did the same, looking shocked and worried at the same time.

Jack stood up and then pointed at the warrior to his left. "He did it."

I looked over to Arch, who just huffed and shook his head, walking over to the table. I saw our Alpha examine the contents, and then I heard the growl. "Why are you betting these?" Arch asked, motioning to some odd nick knacks on the table.

"They looked valuable," Jack responded. At least he didn't lie. He didn't look phased to have Arch towering over him either. I decided to just hang back by the door.

"Anything from that shelf," Arch began and pointed to his book shelf. "You do not touch. They're gifts from Apollo and while I don't collect junk, his gifts are important to me."

"Oh?" Jack said with a curious little look on his face. It was enough to at least get my attention. "Why? Do you loooooove him?"

The warriors around the table blinked, squirmed, and I saw one trying to hide his laugh. No one but the Council knew about Arch and Apollo, but it was a quiet joke that took place behind our Alpha's back. The joke was he DID love Apollo and favored the leopard Alpha heavily. Oh how true it was.

Arch growled and slammed his palm onto the table, making the chips, the items, and the warriors to bounce in surprise. The only one who didn't move was Jack. "Anything from that shelf is mine, you can keep the rest of the items you won," Arch said with a huff. He watched as the warriors returned just an item or two, and then got up with their hoard, and left. I just smiled to them as they passed, and closed the door behind them, leaving the three of us alone in the Alpha's quarters.

"Jack!" Arch said with a growl.

"Arch!" Jack said, leaning back and popping his feet up on the table, shuffling the cards between his hands.

"You do know gambling in here, or pretty much anywhere at this hour is a bad thing, right?"

"No," Jack admitted, looking up to Arch. "I didn't."

"You're lying," Arch commented, gripping the back of his seat. "No one is that dense."

"I don't do well with IMPLIED rules, Archy. I don't really do well with rules in general, but eh..." Jack had said the second half of his sentence in a whimsical, rapid way, as if he was thinking out loud and not minding the Alpha one bit.

"You WILL work with the rules, or you will be punished." Arch said calmly, reaching down and snatching the deck of cards from the boy's palms. "Especially these next few days."

"Hey!" Jack protested, growling up at Arch. "Why? Because your little messenger is getting married?"

"That's exactly why. The other two packs are also arriving, and Apollo, and because I simply demand it. You need to behave."

"What's in it for me?" Jack said with a tilt of his head, removing his feet from the table and looking right up at Arch with a serious expression.

"Why do you need to get anything out of it? Can't you simply obey?" Arch asked, a little stunned sounding. I was too to a degree, this Outsider mentality of operating only on personal gain was different.

"Because there's no incentive for me to obey." Jack said, and reached his hand out, grabbing the front of Arch's loincloth and pulling. "There! I'll take this."

I saw Arch physically leap back an inch, and the Alpha's palms on his sides lifted and balled into fists. No one had really ever stripped Arch of his clothing, and the Alpha male stood there, naked, in front of the little wolf who seemed to have no sense of fear.

"You know," Arch said in a deeper, richer voice. "If you had been any other wolf I'd have taken this as an invitation to have my way with you, little wolf." He huffed a bit, causing me to blush. Yes, I had Avalon but naturally I was attracted to Arch. A lot of people were, it was simply natural because of his rank and abilities. "However, you get this one chance. Do it again, and I will take you where at least half the pack can see you, little wolf."

Jack just quirked his brow, looking up at Arch and smiled, shaking his head as he just tossed the pilfered cloth to his side of the room. I had no idea how they slept, but Jack had been given a corner, and there seemed to be no bed. Apparently they slept in the same bed. In Jack's corner, however, was a large mass of various random objects...junk. I blinked, wondering how a wolf who had nothing to begin with managed to get such a hoard.

"Fine, duly noted, Alpha." Jack said with a teasing tone, and just looked up at Arch with that adorable grin on his face. "I'll behave, but in exchange I want you to do something for me."

"I don't operate like that, puppy," Arch said as he walked to his dresser and pulled out a loincloth. This one was a dark orange and he quickly wrapped it around his waist and tied it. "I'm the Alpha Male, I get what I want. I may be nice sometimes, but I do not do this balance you keep speaking of."

"And just why do people obey you?" Jack sounded confused.

"Ask Slayn," Arch said. I saw Jack look to me.

I shrugged. "He's the Alpha. He protects us and leads us, and in exchange we obey his orders. He doesn't abuse his power and he's a good leader, there's no need to change the balance of power and he's well liked."

"Sounds like a king to me," Jack said with an obvious disgust. "You and Zane would probably get along."

"We're not here to debate how well I get along with Outsiders, Jack. we're here because I know you're good at woman work.' Arch said. I had to hold back from that. Arch still used that term.

"Woman work, Arch?" I asked, prodding him.

"Ugh," He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, domestic work. When I was a pup I only remembered women in the kitchen, so I call it women work."

"Arch," I reminded him, but he cut me off.

"Yes, yes, I know. Our best clothier and cook are male. It's an old habit, Slayn," he said with a hand raised to me. We then looked to Jack. "You can cook, right?"

"Well," Jack said, rocking in his chair a little bit. "Yeah, I can. I worked for a year in an inn in the kitchen. Why?"

"We're short on people in the kitchen and we have so many packs. You probably have a knack for exotic dishes. Do you want to help?" Arch made it a question. I blinked, looking up to his face. was way.

"Sure," Jack said and stood up, smiling. "I can make anything I want?"

"Yes," Arch said, his voice a bit softer. "You can make anything you want. Just make sure you can show the others how to do it since it has to be in bulk for so many people."

"And no one is going to get mad at me, snap at me, or try to shove me out of the kitchen?"

"You have authority there, pup," Arch said with a grin. "You can't be kicked out unless you do something stupid, like cut your finger off."

"That's not on the menu. Okay. As long as I'm the one in charge and no one will back talk me. hat if they do?"

"Find an Alpha or a Beta. If you say it, and are honest, we should know. Find me if all else fails." Arch said with another grin on his face.

"Okay, deal. I'm in the mood for something sweet anyway." Jack said as he gathered up his jacket. Jack had stopped by the striders tents one day and asked for a jacket because he was cold, and we had given him one because of his honest request. It was just made of leather, but what surprised a lot of people was he didn't button it and try to hide his body in it."

I watched as Jack worked past us and out in the stone corridor. I blinked and looked up at Arch, rubbing the side of my head. "You do realize you just let him cook for my Joining, right?"

"I know," Arch said with a grin. "Don't worry, he won't ruin your day."

"He better not."

Right now, we had more on our plates than my Joining. I had to let my faith in Jack simply rest as it is. If it came to a problem I'm sure Avalon wouldn't mind stepping in to put the kid in his place. However, right now, we had guests arriving. Two of my striders had gone to the woods at opposite ends to meet the groups coming. They had reported back, saying they were being escorted by the Scouts and the Warriors whom we had stationed, waiting for them. This was a big deal, and even Arch, whom I stood next to, looked a little apprehensive. A meeting like this hadn't happened since he became Alpha, and Reyna had told us it only happened a handful of times when Kaudi was Alpha. While we all knew nothing terribly bad could come from this meeting, this was going to be one of the most diplomatically tense moments of Arch's life, and our own.

The first group was close, so I looked up at the group standing with Arch at the foot of the temple. It was all the Alpha; Chance, Ezia, Reyna, and myself. We were all to be present for both groups, and we were all looking our best; polished swords and daggers, clean, brushed fur, and a positive attitude. Reyna looked bored, standing there with Renin, both of the mages clad in warm looking robes and looking particularly bored. Reyna always had Renin at her side, and as such he was the only Beta allowed at this meeting. When Arch had protested she had smacked the Alpha in the stomach with her staff and told our big black alpha that if he wanted Renin gone, he would have to go through her.

Chance was leaning against the stonework, arms crossed and equally looking bored. He had preparations, too. As Avalon's sect Alpha, he had to be with my future mate most of these next few days. They had warrior rituals and traditions I was forbidden from being with. I wasn't even allowed near the Warrior's Enclave on pack business, Raz was going to have to be the eyes and ears for me when it came to the warriors. Not that I minded, but I was curious to what they were doing with Avalon. He wasn't even allowed to be here, he had been in the enclave all day. I was supposed to see him tonight or tomorrow night, it depended on Chance.

Ezia stood near me, her arms at her sides, looking forward. She spoke up when her honed scout eyes saw something. "Here comes the first group, Alpha."

Arch shifted his weight and stood taller, looking outward at the brush as the path became decorated with walking people. He took in a warm breath and nodded his head. "Remember everyone, don't act irrational."

The group of people coming up were of the End Moon. I had only visited them twice and I knew that they ere so very different than the Half Moon and the Full Moon. The End Moon were plains wolves, living to the south where it rarely snowed. Their city, not a temple, was made by their bare hands and was fortified in such a way I had not come to expect from any of the people protected by the woods. It was set into a valley against the back wall with sheer cliffs making it impossible for anyone to come but through the front. There had been wooden walls and guard posts. They were also ones to wear armor into battle, though few wore metal from what I had gathered, leather seemed to be their preference. What made them different was there appeared to be no Scout or Strider sect. They were big people, tall and proud, the Warrior sect completely dominating even their magical sect, which they called Shaman. Their women were equally big, much like Chance's wife, but they never travelled. I had only ever seen one of their women once, and it was under such strong eyes I knew better than to even mention her presence. They were very protective of their women, and their children.

At the head of the group was a warrior, who stepped to the side. There were five foreign wolves in front of us then. At the front were two males, one a drab black and the other a dark grey. They were tall, as tall as Chance and Avalon. They wore leather armor, and a long loincloth hanging down to their knees. On their backs were huge, mean looking weapons. The grey wolf wore a single sided axe with an impressive counter weight, and across his face was a scar that went from his left ear down along his neck. The black wolf standing next to him was wearing a similar kind of armor, but on his face was an off white battle mace, a weapon so foreign to our people, but I knew instantly who these two were. Rothos the Splitter, and Haksi the Crazed. Two of the most impressive warriors ever. Chance had told me of these two End Moon warriors once before, and was not sure even his own strength could best them.

At the back of the group was what I can only describe as warriors in heavy looking robes. They were as tall as Rothos and Haksi, but their robes signified them as the Shaman. They wore crisscrossing belts and sashes over their chests with various pouches and items hanging from them. Each of them wore daggers and their hoods were up, precluding a view of their faces.

At the center of the group was a tall, impressive light grey wolf. He wore metal, and stood about Arch's height. His boots were leather and metal, and his chest was metallic and leather, decorated with a crescent moon with a wolf's mouth curling around the center, as if it was ripping it from the heavens. His body was impressive, and he had actually managed to grow his headfur out, making it long and thick against his back. The weapon of choice for this man was a sword, a solitary weapon resting along his back. It was as long as body and wide. The End Moon always used two handed weapons. I'd never seen a shield when I visited them. His eyes were a brilliant violet and his face was heavy scarred, as well as his bare arms, covered only at the hands by leather, finger less gloves.

I stepped forward, and tipped my head forward to the group, then turned briefly, not giving either group my back. As a strider, I was the only one who had met these wolves, so I had to introduce them. "Alpha," I said to Arch. "May I introduce The Warboz, Alpha of the End Moon. The warriors at his front are Rothos the Splitter and Haksi the Crazed." I turned my head to the Warboz, and bowed my head again. "Your Alpha, my I introduce Arch, Alpha Male of the Half Moon Tribe."

For a moment there was silence, but eventually the warboz stepped forward, and walked right up to Arch, looking him right in the eyes. They were less then a foot apart, and I was worried the two Alpha were going to become physical, but I saw the Warboz lift a hand, holding it to Arch.

"Arch of the Half Moon, It is about time we meet. Talking through your messenger wolves was growing annoying. Why have you waited so long to call this meeting?"

Arch's eyes widened a little bit, but he huffed a bit. "We've been busy, Warboz. You had equal opportunity to insist on a meeting. Do not act as if I am your superior unless you truly mean it. I could beckon you to my side if you wish, every time."

The four End Moon wolves shifted, but remained stationary. Everyone was waiting for the response.

The Warboz stood there and turned away then, walking back to his group. "As a sign of respect we take your protection and acknowledge your rules, Arch. You will have someone show us to our rooms. We will be present at your Strider's Joining and the Three Moon's meeting afterward."

"Warboz," Chance said as he stepped forward finally. "I am Chance, Alpha Warrior of the Half Moon. Do you have something else to say?"

The Warboz turned a bit then, looking to Arch and then me. I knew this was a song and dance, a show of dominance and submission, to see which wolf was the better man. There was no real conflict here, but more like laying the ground work for the meeting only the Alpha would be present to.

"Young Strider," The Warboz said, walking up to me then, looking right down at me. "You are going to be joined to a Warrior, are you not?"

"Yes, Warboz," I said with a quiet nod of my head, standing as tall as I could.

"Are you worthy of such an honor? Will you do this warrior service, or drag him down to your level of... being." The Warboz sneered. If I wasn't well educated on their customs, I'd be offended. To them, they saw me as a necessary evil. Little wolves like me didn't exist in their culture. To them I was inferior, or female.

"Warboz," I said gently, and then raised my chin, and looked at him squarely in the eye. "I've come a long way to earn Avalon, as powerful as you are, I answer to no one what my heart says."

I saw the wolves shift, the End Moon Wolves, and then one cleared his throat. Rothos. "You need to remember your ritual, Strider."

"What do you mean?" Ezia asked, equally perplexed.

I saw Rothos look to her, huffing a bit and shaking his head. Remember, they didn't really deal with women in places of authority. "At the Joining, the Warboz, as an Alpha of a caern, can challenge the Joining if he feels it will taint the honor of the Warriors."

"You wouldn't," I said, glaring up at the Warboz. "You would not ruin such a thing for me because of your honor. You don't even know Avalon and you've only met me twice!"

I saw Haksi shift, and begin to walk forward. I was reaching down to one of my daggers, but it was Arch who stepped forward and put a hand between me and the Warboz.

"You have the right, but do not test my patience, Warboz. You ruin this for my friend, my Strider, and I will make you regret it. I would not be giving this my blessing if I thought they were not a good match."

"Your Strider will have to prove it, then. I will be watching. I wish to also see the Warrior." The Warboz said, looking to Arch finally. "I want to see how he fairs. Maybe a duel against one of my warriors will be entertaining."

"Maybe later. You will be roomed in the Temple. Ezia!" Arch said, looking to the Scout-Alpha. "Lead them to their rooms. We will summon you, Warboz, when the Full Moon arrives. Siro of the Snow is due before sunset."

"Ah yes, the new Alpha of the Full Moon. Very well." The Warboz said, and walked toward Ezia. She looked back at Arch as she lead them up the steps and into the temple.

When they were out of sight there was an exhale of breath. The End Moon, so tough to deal with. I looked up to Arch and shook my head. "He's not really going to do that, will he? Challenge the Joining?"

"I don't know, Slayn." Arch said as he crouched down in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders, looking at me right in the eyes. "But if I can stop it, I will. You have my promise in that, my friend."

I smiled a little bit and moved my arms forward, curling them around Arch's neck and gave him a hug.

"Thank you, Arch."

Five hours later, the Full Moon finally arrived.

We had gone back into the temple but everyone of rank was told to not do anything important. This, of course, left the maintaining of the End Moon wolves to the Betas, which was an almost-insult, but none of us could stand down until the third and final pack was at the Temple. I never understood half these rules but I did follow them. Part of being a good Alpha under the Alpha Male was knowing when to think for yourself and risk breaking orders to make the situation a bit better but also know when to simply suck it up and understand some things were far greater than anything else present.

We had come out of the temple, myself having fallen asleep on some chair in the lounge. Reyna had been reading and Chance had just talked with Arch the whole time. Ezia had been talking to some of the Scouts that had been coming and going, mostly just keeping the flow of information going. My strider were busy and the Scouts were designed for a bit more physical work then my subordinates.

We filed out of the temple and down the steps, Arch leading the way of course. I could barely make out the group of people standing at the base, but I saw five people, four of them standing in a perfect square around the one in the center, who I knew instantly was Siro of the Snow.

The young man at the center was best described with a Scout's physique, but he was also young. Last report Siro was about sixteen years old. He was tall for his age and his shoulders broad, showing that he was still growing into the young body he was in. His face was sharp and his eyes a pale blue that was the pristine color of a calm, snowy sky. He wore a kilt around his waist that looked to be made of soft leather and furs, a pouch hanging across his left hip. He wore mufflers around his ankles and calves that matched the material of the kilt. His chest was bare, but his forearms were equally wrapped in similar material. On his back he wore a pair of short swords, criss-crossing and pointing away from his shoulders.

"He's so young..." I heard someone say next to me.

"Jack!" Arch growled. Apparently the young little city wolf had snuck around and was perched along the slope of the temple. He was laying back, one knee bent with his hands behind him, keeping his body upright as he looked down along the group of us descending. "You're not supposed to be here!"

"Why not?" The young wolf asked. That was dumb. I heard Chance sigh to my side.

"Arch," Chance said as they stopped. "You just made his interest shoot up about 20%. No use getting him to go away now."

"See?" Jack said with a cheesy grin as he hopped off the slope of the handrail and landed on his feet. "I"m not going anywhere. That guy in the middle. He's like you, only for their pack, right?"

Reyna stepped over and grabbed Jack's ear, tugging him out from in front of Arch so he could continue down. "Listen to me, pup," Reyna said. I watched her pinch the squirming boy's ears between her boney little fingers. That must have hurt! "Siro is a special case. Not all packs are alike."

"OW! Hey!" Jack said as he squirmed. "Old lady, I know you like to pinch things, like Arch's ass, but this isn't the time to practice on my ear! Just tell me why he's young!"

Reyna just glared at the boy, and smacked him with her staff right on the head. Jack yelped and held his forehead, but she did not let go of his ear. "The Full Moon are mostly pure white wolves, or they try to be. Everyone is born with some imperfection except one male, and one female every generation. The pure white wolves are the next alpha couple. Siro is the new full white wolf."

"What if he's a bad leader?" Jack asked innocently enough. Good question.

"Then he dies quickly, and somehow the Gods know to bring another pure white male wolf into their caern. It is the way of things for the Full Moon." She must have pinched harder because Jack yelped and squirmed again. "Now then, pup, any other questions?"

"Just when was the last time you smiled and NOT invoke pain in someone?!" Jack asked, and at that point Reyna just held his muzzle closed with her hand as we continued down. Jack knew to be silent. Reyna DID have magic.

"Arch," Someone said from below. I knew who it was. Siro. He was grinning. "I see you never are without some kind of unique problem."

Arch just smirked and walked down to the bottom of the steps. I watched as Siro moved from between his little square of fellow Full Moon wolves and moved to hug our Alpha. Arch wrapped his arms around the young white wolf and clung to him tightly. "It has been too long, little one."

"Hey now," Siro said with a pleased tone to his voice. "I'm Alpha now, you can't use those terms like that around me."

"You may be an Alpha, but to me you'll always be that little white wolf your father brought to see my home."

What a lot of people didn't realize was The Half-Moon and the Full Moon were very much close allies and friends. While the Full-Moon wolves lived up in their mountains and woods far from contact of most other species, the past Alpha had worked hard to forge this alliance. Often wolves from both caern would move and become members of the other just because we were that close. Whenever I ran messages to Siro's home I was always treated as an honored guest. It was a nice relationship and to Siro, Arch was something of an uncle. Arch sent many letters to Siro, probably hints and tips on just how to fill his role perfectly as the new Alpha. Siro had only been Alpha for a year or two.

"Be that as it may, I am here for the meeting the celebration. Where is your strider?" Siro asked, pleased, and looking from around Arch once their hug had ended.

"Slayn," Arch said. it was a beckon to step forward, which I did.

I stood in front of Siro and smiled, bowing my head forward, palms open and arms extended a bit from my side. while I was exposing my daggers, I was not coming off as hostile. While Arch could bypass the rules of conduct none of us could. It was just an Alpha's privilege I supposed.

"Ah, Slayn, it has been too long." Siro said as he put his palms on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "How is the stomach?"

I blinked "My Stomach?"

"Yes," Siro said with a coy grin. "You aren't nervous about being Joined? No longer a bachelor, no longer able to play with any male or female you wish?"

"Well, Er..." I said, bringing a hand to the back of my head and rubbing the back of it. How DID I feel? "I'm not so much nervous as I am excited, sir."

"Don't call me sir, not until the meeting at least begins after your Joining," Siro said with a grin, and just let my shoulders go. "Where's your mate to be?"

"Avalon is with the other warriors helping the End-Moon settle in. He isn't really allowed to be here, based on terms of conduct..."

"And yet we have one spectator already," Siro said as he motioned his hand to Jack and Reyna. Somehow the old woman had managed to get Jack in a head lock, and crammed her staff into his muzzle so he couldn't talk, or spit it out. She just grinned at the two of us. I watched Siro look back at me. "Anyone I should know about?" He asked in my direction but I knew it was Arch's place to answer.

"An outsider wolf," Arch explained. "He's part of my caern now and he's adjusting slowly...he didn't realize this was really only a meeting for ranked wolves, and if his position here bothers you--"

"He seems entertaining. He's chewing on Reyna's staff."

"And getting teeth marks in it," Reyna growled and slapped her palm against the top of Jack's head. "If I let you go, will you behave and be quiet?"

Jack nodded his head a little bit and then Reyna let his head go and let him let go of her staff. Jack stood up and rubbed his muzzle and opened it to talk, but Reyna whacked him over the head with her staff.


"What did I say?"

"You said--" But Jack was cut off when she hit Jack again.

"Silence!" Reyna said with an amused grin. All of us heard the wolves behind Siro chuckle. I had to hold back a grin. Arch just rolled his eyes. "You know my wolves, Siro, but I would like to be introduced to some of yours."

"Ah, right!" Siro said and motioned to his sides. Two wolves stepped forward. They were both white except for minor flaws. The first wolf was wearing dark blue mufflers on his ankles and forearms, with a blue loincloth around his waist. What made him look unique was the long scarf he wore around his neck and the yellow eyes nestled into his skull. His imperfection was a black ear. "This is Kaliko, my personal attendant and a student of the mages, this other..." He motioned to his other side, and a robed wolf stepped upwards. Like Kaliko he was almost white, but when his tail flicked you could see his colored flaw-- a black streak across his tail. Close, but not quite pure white. He carried a book under his arm and a small dagger obviously hidden under the robes. "This is Corio, my Beta Mage,"

"It is a pleasure," Arch said. The two white wolves bowed to him. They then returned to their spot. "What about the warriors behind you?"

"Altio and Rufio," Siro said with a smile. "My Beta and Gamma Warrior. My Alpha all apologise for not coming on time but we are in the middle of our coldest winter in ages, we needed most of our authority still in the caern. My strider may come if she can shake some free time."

"Understandable," Arch said. He shifted, and I could see his face take on a more annoyed expression. "Has the strider I sent to you informed you of what the Warboz is doing?"

"Yes," Siro said with a sigh. "Using an ancient rule of the Warrior to potentially challenge the Joining of Slayn and his warrior, right?"

"Right," I said, grumbling. "His name is Avalon by the way, and he is certainly not my warrior."

"Semantics, Slayn," Siro said with a wave of his hand in thought. He looked back up then. "He wants you to spar, does he?"

"Yes," I said, sighing. "I don't want to fight Avalon. He's a Gamma Warrior but I'm still an Alpha strider, plus there's the emotional factor, and I--"

Siro cut me off with a whap to my muzzle. He was grinning. What was this snowy wolf thinking?

"Perhaps, my friends, there is a way to get his approval and not spill a drop of anyone's blood."

"I'm all ears," Arch said. I saw Chance approach and listen in. Since he was Alpha-Warrior, this was going to involve him in some capacity.

And so, Siro told us about the riskiest thing I would ever do in my life. Peeking in at Arch and Apollo, or using my Gift in combat would pale in comparison to this. I hoped I could do it. No, I know I had to do it. For Avalon and myself. If I wanted to clear this last challenge about the man I loved I would do this without any hesitation. Still...

It's scary...

"Are you sure this is going to work, Slayn?" Avalon asked.

"I don't know," I said, looking up at my mate to be. I smiled at him and stood up on my toes, pushing my muzzle against his and took a sweet, wonderful little kiss from him.

This was so extreme, so bold, and what scared me was if it backfired there would be one huge mess for Arch and Siro to clean up. So far every Alpha and Beta from the Half-Moon was involved n the little plan, or at least aware. Avalon knew as well and all of Siro's men, his two mages and two warriors, were also briefed. The only ones who didn't know were the lower ranked warriors and the men belonging to the End-Moon.

We were gathered in the Warrior's enclave, in the sand pit in the middle of the large, circular building. Chance had the men set up chairs that lined the pit and had two similarly thick, stoney throne like chairs set up for the Warboz and Siro. The chairs were set up so they made a perfect triangle from one another, with smaller, more regular chairs between all of them, creating a perfect ring. Arch was seated on Chance's chair, his head to the side, leaning against a fist and looking bored. He did look regal and powerful, sitting there and watching as people filed in. Siro had taken his seat, as had the Warboz, and now we were all taking our spots to "talk" this out as Siro had requested. Every Alpha from our caern had a chair near Arch and there were seats for every one of the wolves from the other two caern. Avalon had a chair near me, which was on Arch's left and Chance on his right.

"The mood is a little tense," Avalon said quietly, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"That's an understatement, Avalon," Arch said as he shifted and looked to my mate. "You remember what I told you?"

I didn't, so I just looked to Avalon who nodded to the Alpha. "I have, and I will, you have my word."

"Good," Arch said with a smirk, and then looked down to me. He reached out and touched my arm. "What about you? Are Siro's bracers comfortable?" He asked.

Siro and I had spent five hours fitting together the new weapons that the Full Moon Alpha had brought. I was wearing leather bracers with bandages wrapped around my wrists and palms. The bracer was topped with intricate metal with two moon crests on each one, the crescent moon of our people. I shifted them on my arms. I had them take off the metal along the underside since it slowed my reaction down. Besides the bracers I had on my daggers and a secondary belt around my waist lined in throwing knives. I figured if I was going to fight, here and now with Avalon, I would come with my knives too.

"They're fine, Arch." I said quietly as I lowed my arm to stop looking at them. They did feel a bit different but I didn't feel slower. I wasn't used to wearing metal as a defense. Only the End Moon were, and Siro's people used it sparingly. I hadn't worn more than a vest into combat but it was the day before my Joining, the time for change could come a few hours early.

"All right," Arch said as he cleared his throat. He held his hand up to silence the room as everyone had a seat. "We're here to discuss the Warboz's feelings about a Warrior Joining a Strider."

"There is nothing to discuss, Arch," The Warboz said with a quiet inhale of breath. "If your Strider wishes to Join with him and not have me challenge it, he must fight the warrior and win."

"You do realize," Siro began, "That Slayn is the Alpha-Strider. He is skilled at speed and close quarters combat. Even if he did challenge Avalon you would find his style of fighting disrespectful."

"I would not," The Warboz said. "If he can draw first blood from a Warrior who is trying his best then I won't challenge him."

"What's to stop Avalon from just throwing the match?" Arch added. It was a loaded question.

"If he does, his honor is disgraced and I will know and I will still challenge the Joining. He won't though, since all Warrior have honor, don't they Avalon?"

"Yes, Warboz," Avalon said almost mechanically. I just blinked and touched his arm, giving it a squeeze.

"And what if I simply don't care about your objection and continue with the ritual?" Arch said with a growl under his breath.

"You," The Warboz said and pointed to Renin. "The Whisperer of this caern, yes? I left my own Whisperer back home, but you commune with the Gods, do you not?" The Warboz said calmly.

Renin shifted in his seat, holding onto his staff and sat up more. "Yes, sir. I do."

"And what would they say if someone as important as an Alpha Male objected to a joining?"

"Well," Renin said gently as he looked down in thought. I was curious to his own answer. "They won't do anything directly, but...fortune is a current around us all. The Gods could adjust the current of fortune around the couple. They could also do nothing. I don't know of something like this happening."

"Quite right," Kaliko said as he shifted in his own seat. "I'm the historian for our caern. Not once since the All Moon's Fall have the remaining wolves stood opposed. We have to stand as one or we risk repeating what happened to the All Moon."

"Acting stupidly because of a maybe doesn't mean anything, boy" Reyna said with a sigh. "If we operated on CHANCES and MAYBES, we would never get anything done. We would never send a strider or a warrior out!"

"This is a lot different then a simple mission, Reyna" Siro said calmly, and smiled over at her. I took a deep breath. "This is a pledge to the Gods. We have to pay it more attention."

"Are you sure there is nothing that Slayn can do, other then fight, to slate your worry, Warboz?"

"No," The Warboz said. "You know a man best when you see them fight."

"Very well," Arch said as he looked down at me. He nodded. "I have done what I can, Slayn. Remember his words. Combat is the only thing that can slate him."

"Yes, Alpha." I said and stood up. Avalon did too.

"Finally," The Warboz said and sat up straighter. "Boy, bring me wine."

"" It came from none other than Jack who had been watching from against the wall.

"Yes, bring me something to drink." The Warboz said again, not bothering to look at him.

"Uh...No?" Jack said with a huff. "I'm not a servant. You have legs. Get up and get your own drink."

"Your tongue is stupid, boy. Perhaps I should cut it out of your mouth?" I saw the Warboz turn his head... Yes.

"Better men than you have tried." I heard Jack say with that smug tone from his voice. Jack was playing his part well. I was surprised it was working so well.

"You little..." I heard the Warboz growl, and that was my cue.

I shot forward then, running across the sand quickly, pushing with my unique gift of speed. I knew better than to use Grace here, I wasn't given permission and the recovery was long and painful. But that didn't mean I wasn't a quick son of a bitch. I heard gasps and comments, and then saw one of the Warboz' men stand up. Rothos. He had unslung that heavy single bladed axe from his back. Thank the stars they used axes. Arch and Chance always used axes. I knew how to fight someone with an axe.

As predicted, Arch swung downward. I leaped into the air and brought my weight down onto the back of the axe, digging it into the sand. I didn't even bother looking at the man's face as I ran up the shaft of the weapon and leaped a second time, kicking the back of his head as I pushed off and brought my arms up. I pushed my pinky and index finger heavily into my palms and hit the trigger. I angled my wrists down as the spring-loaded blades popped out. I ended up landing right on top of the Warboz, slamming the blades forward.

The room was quiet for a moment, but one of my blades was against the Warboz' neck, cutting along the side and causing blood to faintly trickle down the side of the blade and onto the man's leather pauldron he had decided to wear. My other blade was crammed into the stone right next to the man's face. I stared into his eyes, glaring at him. "I won't fight my mate, but I--"

I heard a roar from my side and knew it was Haski. I pushed my ring finger into my palms and it triggered the blade's release, the spring breaking and coming out of the gauntlets. I pushed backwards and flipped off the Warboz just in time to feel a heavy axe swoosh right where I had been, an inch or two from cutting the big Alpha of the End-Moon tribe.

I had to fall back on training from countless hours with Chance and Arch. I had to see the speed of the blade as it came and timed it just right. I managed to briefly touch my foot to the flat of the swinging blade, the thick axe heavy and the user's grip so strong that I could push off of it, leaping backwards with the added feet. Thankfully Haksi was a typical two handed axe user, he had a huge swing. If it had been a sword I would have had to do something completely different. I reached down quickly to my belt and drew a throwing knife. With a flick of my wrist I sent it flying, right at the Warboz.

I knew Rothos had recovered and brought his axe up to deflect, and just in time too. His recovery with his axe was far quicker than I had expected because Avalon was supposed to slip behind Rothos to hold a blade to his neck, but he had spun the weapon just in time to connect with both of Avalon's swords. The two men were pushing against one another with their weapons, trying to shove the other off balance.

Haksi was charging me just as I landed. Shit. I saw the axe come at me at a slice, and I shifted to the side and crouched down, putting my hand down to the sand and springing upwards, shoving my body upwards and slamming the bottom of my feet against the bottom of the Warrior's chin, making him cry out briefly and stumble backwards, holding onto his face with one hand. I had seen a tooth go flying. I also managed to roll backwards and get up onto my feet. I saw Avalon and Arch still locked together, Avalon holding his swords so firmly, and Rothos looking quite angry.

I drew my daggers and ran at Rothos.

The big wolf, obviously the better warrior from the End Moon, kicked Avalon away and turned, slicing at me. I had tried to dodge, but I was too slow. The only thing I could do was guard, and that was with my daggers.

My eyes were wide as I saw the blade slash across so close to my face, my hands crying out in pain as the heavy weapon hit my weapons. I saw the blades shatter, my mouth hanging open as the weapon moved in slow motion across my visage, watching the tumbling steel...the gift from my friend, and lover...shattered so easily.

I was angry now.

A rush of heat rushed past me though. I had no idea what it was as flames enveloped me. The reds, the yellows, the oranges, they surrounded me and warmed me. I had never felt so comfortable, especially surrounded my fire. I felt it pass over me, brush across my fur and do nothing more than push the chill out of my body. I saw it sweep into the air and then slam down right against the sitting Warboz.

What I saw surprised me, and later I would find out, Reyna too.

The flames whirled and spun, and then it began to take a shape. The flames licked together and made the outline of a person, the arms, the shoulders, the forearm, they all began to form and display their muscular form. The face, a wolf's, formed. The tail licked and spat out sparks of flames. The flaming humanoid wolf had a hand forward, curled around the throat of the Warboz. What surprised, and scared me, was the ruby flaring eyes glaring out from the flames as the fire licked. When the shape was perfect, the flames stopped. They winked out with small specks of glowing red and orange ash falling to the ground. What I saw was Arch, naked, over the Alpha of the End Moon, his hand around his throat and looking none too angry.

"This ends NOW!" He roared, heated pressure flying from him. It knocked me a good foot back. The three warriors all fell, not nearly as graceful as a strider. "Slayn wins. He drew first blood, Warboz."

"I meant Avalon's blood," The big warrior said, growling as he put his wrist onto Arch's, grabbing it with his large palm. Most people were still surprised Arch had become fire and moved.

"You said combat, you said blood. You never said Avalon's blood specifically. he spilled warrior's blood."

"I wasn't ready," The Warboz said with a gruff.

"A Warrior is always ready!" Avalon said as he stood up. "You should have drawn your weapon and blocked!"

"Slayn also could have killed you." Siro said as he stood up and moved over to the group of us. "he Also engaged two warriors. He has won in my eyes."

"And mine!" Arch said with a growl. "How about you, Warboz?" I could see Arch's arm flex and tighten. It was obvious he was squeezing a bit more on that throat.

"I will not contest." The Warboz said. "He has won," The man said. Leave it to Alpha Males, they were annoying to deal with sometimes but they knew when to give in to the people around them. That's what made them leaders. They knew when to give in and when not to. It also could have been the idea that Arch had a powerful arm wrapped around his neck, but...details.

I stood up taller, looking down at my shattered daggers. I held their hilts in my hands and just examined them closely. They were gifts, gifts from the men who were most important in my life, and this stupid little show of strength had ruined them. I had no idea if they could be fixed. I felt a wave of anger flow through me, and I felt my Gift flare. It surprised me as the rush of energy shot across my fur and flesh, my eyes widening as I knew the edges were glowing green.

I shot forward.

I leaped into the air, twisting and landing on Arch's forearm and spinning again, kicking with a bit of extra speed and slamming my foot across the Warboz's face. Before anyone could react I spun and did it again, sending a spray of blood flying. I was not using Grace...but I certainly felt faster...more agile. Had I reached that point? There was a story that those with Gift, when used to them, could draw a minimal amount of the power from them. It gave Chance and Reyna an edge but it was supposed to be years before I should be able to do this.

"Slayn!" Arch growled, and I leaped backwards, flipping off his arm and landing in a crouch.

I admired my handiwork, the bleeding face at the nose. Everyone was tense, ready to pounce. I could feel my instincts telling me to jump backwards and hide near Avalon. I knew I had done wrong by continuing to attack, but I was angry. I stood tall and growled, pointing a finger at the still held down Warboz.

"YOU! You don't have any right to challenge me or my feelings. You are NOT my Alpha, and I will attack and defend my honor, my love, until I am dead or you are if I have to! People have stood in our way and died, do you wish to join them?!" I growled, and felt anger fuel my Gift. This was not good. I couldn't let it activate. I had to focus. I imagined myself wrapping the glowing rune in my body in a tight wool cloth, pushing the green light away from the edges of my body. I felt myself calm down a bit.

"As far as I'm concerned, Warboz, you are not invited to my Joining and if you show up I will consider it a Challenge to the death. No End-Moon can be there." And with that I turned around and headed for the corridor. I looked to Raz and growled. "Raz! Pick up the shards of my daggers."

"Yes, Alpha-Strider," He said meekly and stood up from his chair.

"Slayn!" Arch growled, and I looked over my shoulder.

"Arch," I said, feeling Avalon step at my side. "You are my Alpha Male, and I will accept punishment for this later...but for now, my decision stands." And before Arch could say anything, I headed out into the corridor. The moment I was out of sight I heard arguing. Voices as loud as possible yelling, people talking over one another...this was bad.

"Slayn," Avalon said as he just stopped me, holding my shoulders and turning me around. He looked down at my face and I could feel his concern. I dropped the ends of my daggers onto the ground, listening to them think and clank to the stone as I just leaned forward and put my face against his chest. "Are you okay...?"

"No," I said, trying to hold back tears. The anger in my heart was gone, replaced with sadness. People wanted to stop me from finding the person I love. I was so close, and I acted so foolishly. I shouldn't have gone back and kicked the Warboz. I shouldn't have excluded him from the Joining, but I was so angry.

I felt Avalon curl his arms around me, just holding onto my body tightly, wrapping his warmth around me. I felt his chin rest on top of my head and listened to the warm, relaxing noises he made. I couldn't believe it, but I was actually being rocked back and forth a little bit. "Shhh," he said quietly. "It's okay, Slayn. I promise you, it's okay."

"No, it's not," I said quietly, not moving my face as I held my future mate around his waist. "Why did this happen..?"

"I can't predict the Gods, Slayn, no one can." He said quietly into my ear, just giving them a soft kiss. "But I was ready to join you when you got back to fighting him. I will fight even Arch for you, Slayn. I promise you I am on your side. Rothos would have died if he even cut you. I promise you."

That made me smile a little bit. Not the part about my mate killing for my love, he'd done that already. Jeran had fallen because of stupid reasons, but Avalon was willing to do what it took to protect me, make me safe and secure. A warrior always defended their mate to the death. It made me feel warm and pushed out the quiet ball of sadness that had swelled in my chest. I knew that if I had Avalon I would be okay.

I don't remember how long we were like that, but I knew in Avalon's arms my problems seemed trivial, easily forgotten. I had my mate, I had someone I loved and who loved me back so much, how could I worry about the little things like pack politics? Eventually, I heard heavy feet and voices coming down the stone corridor, and I had to pull away. I saw Arch, Reyna, Chance, and Jack all coming. Someone had given Arch a new loincloth. He saw me and quickly moved forward and grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around and pushing me firmly against the stone wall.

I yelped pathetically, and saw Avalon touch Arch's arm. I saw Arch's eyes flare and stare at my future mate. I felt a rush of heat as Avalon was knocked backwards, rings of fires appearing on Avalon's wrists against the wall. He trapped Avalon there as he focused back at me.

"Slayn," He growled out slowly, looking right into my eyes. "You have no idea the mess you just made. I don't know if I can even clean this up."

"Arch," I said, squirming as I tried to get away. I knew Arch was being gentle but he was angry. "You promised me once you wouldn't stand in my way of love. What was that out there?"

"I stepped in and ended it. You continued it with your rage." He said calmly, not letting me go. "You also refused to allow the Alpha of another wolf caern to attend a Joining I had personally extended an invitation to. You also disobeyed me in public, ignored me, and walked off as if YOU were Alpha. How should I feel right now, Slayn? Tell me." He said coldly, but his eyes were still glowing that intense shade of red. Avalon was still pinned, despite his struggling.

"Arch!" Avalon growled. "You hurt him and--"

"Avalon!" Chance said, grabbing my future mate's shoulder. "Don't say those next words. As Alpha Arch HAS to respond to challenges. They're also always to the death."

"His Gift is growing use to his body, Arch." Reyna said, clinking her wooden staff into the stonework between her feet. "He was faster out there then normal."

"I saw," Arch said, not looking away from me. "I also know it amplifies strong feelings, especially rage. It's the only reason I'm not dragging you back out there and making you apologize to the Warboz."

I said nothing, just looking up at Arch. Everyone was quiet...

"I can fix this," Jack said.

"What...?" Arch said, looking over his shoulder at the younger wolf. I felt my shoulder let go, and Avalon was released as well. "Impossible, pup. I can maybe mend some of this, but a lot of people got cut tonight in terms of honor."

"Really," Jack said as he shifted from his position against the stone wall. He grinned. "This is easy. I promise you I can fix it if you all do what I say."

The lot of us exchanged looks. Jack was incredibly cunning but he was also an Outsider boy. He was also good at making people walk into traps, mostly because of our natural trusting nature. A boy like Jack instantly told us that we should trust his honesty, and that had bitten more than a few people in the ass because Jack had used that to his advantage.

Reyna laughed. "Well, boy, what more could we possibly lose! What do you have in mind?"

"You need the Warboz to attend the wedding or whatever, and Slayn can't apologize because it seems weak to him, but the Warboz can't simply admit he was wrong either, right?"

"Pretty much," Chance said. "That's the problem. Arch has to also show he has control of Slayn."

"So this is what we do. Arch, you try to coax an apology out of the Warboz for a little bit,"

"But I--" Arch began but Jack huffed.

"Hey! Trust me, remember? I know people." Jack said with a grin as he shifted and held up his hand, revealing he was holding a blue stone in what had once been an empty palm. Jack was incredible at slight of hand. He tossed it in the air and caught it. "When he's pretty serious about not giving it, you say you will force Slayn to accept it and he is invited. Slayn doesn't have to be there. You can say you're punishing Slayn or something. Slayn also officially retracted the challenge upon your demand, in private. Didn't you, Slayn?"

I blinked...but then slowly nodded.

"Good. So, the Warboz comes, Arch is shown to control Slayn, and at the wedding Slayn you personally stop in front of the Warboz and ask for his blessing. If I remember right Avalon would normally do that. This way, you show him you're not that angry anymore and it shows everyone present, including Siro, you two can play nice."

"What if the Warboz wants a direct apology from Slayn?" Chance said.

"Remind him that this mess was originally started by him, and he's pushing his luck. He can always leave." Jack said with a sigh. "He may ask for one, but if you push back he'll back down."

"What if he doesn't?" Arch asked.

"He will if you're strong enough verbally. If you show you're sorry without saying it, and that you had to beat it out of Slayn, he'll be satisfied."

"It...sounds like a good plan," Avalon said, shifting his weight as he put his hand on my shoulder. "But we're gambling heavily on your ability to read people. You only just met these people."

"Look," Jack said as he looked up at my future mate. "I'm not one of you...half naked wolves, but I know people. It's how I lived THIS long. So, trust me. If this all falls through you can bark and snap at one another. But I'm sure my plan will work."

"Fine," Arch said, growling deeply. "I'll do it. But if you're wrong Jack, you're going to be the plaything for about twenty warriors tomorrow."

"I'm not wrong," Jack said, palming the stone and once more, it was gone.

The next day couldn't come fast enough. Avalon and I had not been allowed to see each other after the meeting. Tradition. The Warriors would help Avalon prepare, and the Striders me, though the mages were helping both of us. I had slept in our room and Avalon had gone to the Warrrior's barracks for the night, and it had been the first night since all the problems with Jeran had ended that we spent separated. It was weird laying in a large bed alone, knowing my future mate was just across the pack and probably sleeping just like I was, feeling alone and isolated. I wanted him pretty badly, sexually and mentality.

That morning Arch had come by and told me Jack's plan had worked flawlessly. All I had to do was acknowledge them at the Joining and they would behave. They had even given me a gift, a between-the-lines form of an apology. I couldn't believe what I saw when Arch had come in with the gift. It was a leather breastplate. I was stunned, but not sure what to do with the thing. I was no End-Moon wolf, I wore little into combat on purpose. The End-Moon wolves wore armor because they were very much a vanguard type of people; always charging in and smashing their opponents. They weren't the fastest people but they were incredibly strong, especially in groups. The armor was beautiful. Soft light leather hardened to resemble the muscular upper body for someone my size. There was an attached leather skirt along the his and back. There were shoulder pads attached with light, light layer of metal over them. On the chest was my personal symbol, a blue crescent moon right between the pectorals and large enough to be noticed. It was beautiful yet simplistic. The End-Moon were never about regal pieces of armor or clothing, more about function. I looked up at Arch, blinking.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" I asked.

"Wear it," Arch said as he tossed it onto the bed.

"But I don't wear armor," I said and sighed, holding the armor in my palms and rubbing my fingers along the smoothness of the front. "I don't even know how to put this on."

"Here," Arch said as he walked around and lifted the armor, undoing some straps and buckles, or something like that. I couldn't tell what Arch was doing but I was impressed that he could do something like that. He helped me wiggle into the armor, having me lift my arms and slide it securely on my body. I wasn't used to wearing something across my chest that was heavier than a vest. I felt Arch begin to secure the armor on my sides and neck, tugging it tighter so my narrow chest was pushed snugly against the soft lining of the armor.

"I feel bulky," I protested as Arch finished, walking around to look at me.

"You are bulky," Arch said with a smirk. "in that at least. The Warriors train with armor like this to help them get used to being weighed down. When they go into actual combat they're quicker because of the removed weight."

"So that's why you know how to put this thing on," I said as I looked down at myself, shifting my weight and tugging on it. I didn't like it but I would indulge the Warboz and wear it to my Joining, even if I felt like it was someone intruding on my personal space. This was supposed to be about Avalon and myself, so why did someone who was going to challenge that get to dictate what I wear?

"Right, I'm surprised you don't remember seeing Chance and I in armor all those years ago," Arch said as he looked me over. he had been helping me get ready as I asked him personally. While not too long ago I would have wished him in Avalon's spot, having Arch help me prepare AND do the ceremony was such a gift. He had selected for me a dark blue loincloth with a matching wrap under it. I would have worn my daggers if they were not in pieces somewhere. I was still sad they were gone. I was also lucky to be alive.

The wraps I wore on my feet were soft linen fresh from the clothier. I had made sure to bathe for almost an hour with all the annoying perfumes and scents that had come with the ceremony. Typically, I wouldn't have bothered with all the scented oils but this was a very special day and people were expecting me to look my best. I wish I could also say I wasn't nervous but I was. Avalon was going to be linked to my name as well as me to his, our lives would be tangled together until one of us died. It was thrilling and scary at the same time.

"You never let me train with you in the enclave. We always went to the woods, remember?" How many years had it been? They trained together since he had proven to Arch he was not some little kid. When he managed to knock Arch flat on his butt with a quick tug of his foot, Arch and Chance had trained with him. Of course the training had resulted in multiple injuries, broken bones, teasing...but as those years had gone on he knew how to fight a warrior incredibly well. his speed and agility had increased as well as his combat skills that passed the typical training of any strider. He had always wondered why Arch picked him to be the Alpha-Strider, but as he filled the position he knew Arch picked him because Arch knew his abilities better than anyone.

"I remember knocking around a little wolf about a dozen times." Arch said with a smirk.

"Do you remember breaking my arm about three times?"

"Chance broke your arm too," Arch admitted with a huff.

"I wasn't counting his arm breaks."

Arch just shook his head and touched my shoulder, spinning me around to face the doorway. "Come on you little smart ass. We have a Joining to get to." And with that, I was pushed out the door of my room and right into the hallway.

"Hey now..!" I tried to bark out but I found something in the hallway that wasn't there when I stepped in last night. There was a line of plush dark blue carpet coming from my doorway down the hallway. I also noticed that there were blue banners along the wall, silken drapes that had not been there. I looked up at Arch and blinked my eyes, my ears hot. "What's all this?"

"This is for your Joining," Arch said with a smile. "You always talked about being treated like an Alpha when you got your Joining. So I decided to treat it as such." The big wolf just held my shoulder still and kept me walking along the blue carpet.

I was stunned, flushed, and not sure what to expect when I would find myself up in the lounge with EVERYONE there. Avalon was there, the Alphas from the other packs. A poll should be there. Oh by the heavens, this was too much. I felt my legs lock up as Arch had to put more effort into getting me to move forward. I just wasn't sure what to expect and I was a little worried. "Arch, this is a bit much."

"Hardly," he said with a quiet chuckle as we neared the main lobby on the floor I lived on. We would have to walk up the stairs that lined the interior trees to the semi open lounge. I looked at Arch and then around, noticing the flowers and the drapes, the blue carpet that went up along the stairs and gulped. No one was in the temple lobbies, which meant everyone who was attending was up stairs waiting for me.

"Arch," I said quietly and looked up at him. "I'm nervous."

"Good," Arch said with a smile as he kept me walking, both hands on my shoulders. "If you weren't there'd be problems. You know this is natural. Remember how jittery Chance was when he mated?"

"Uh..." I said as I tried to remember the incident. "Didn't he smash a very old decoration Kaudi loved?"

"He did," Arch said with a quiet snort through his nose as we were ascending the stairs. "You aren't going to break anything, right?" He asked teasingly as we were on the level below the lounge. I swallowed firmly and looked up, listening to the faint voices. I wondered where Avalon was standing, what he was wearing. I wanted to be held by him and smell his scent. I knew in a few moments I would be at his sides but right now if he was walking me up I would feel a whole lot better.

Arch had me clear the top of the stairs first, and I never saw so many heads turn toward me at once. Now remember, I'm a strider. I'm used to entering homes and villages of people I don't know and being treated as an exotic item strolling through town, but this was different. I saw faces of people I'd grown up with, old faces of the adults who'd helped raise me into the man I was today, young faces of the children who had been born after me, and the faces of the men and women who had grown up when I did.

The moment my foot touched the top of the lounge the faint drum beat in the back echoed. The lounge at the top of the temple was large and circular, a floor of itself. There were stone pillars along it's circular perimeter and a dome roof. There was an opening for the trees below but it was small. Typically there were sofas and chairs, pillows and rugs and low tables to sit around and talk, eat a quiet meal and enjoy the setting and the company around you. Now the furniture was pushed away to the edge of the room and there were silken drapes hanging between the pillars, letting in sunlight but also displaying the beautiful forest and mountains on the horizon. I couldn't see the drummers near the edge but I knew they were there from the booming echo I could hear. The carpet continued forward and broadened at the end where an open wall was, revealing the view behind it. I could see the raised platform, about six inches off the ground. Standing on it was Avalon and Chance. Chance was in his loincloth with his axe slung over his back, looking as he always did.

Avalon was dressed differently.

He was wearing armor like I was. It was obviously a gift as it was displaying Avalon's personal symbol, the moon with the sword through it in a dark red. His shins and calves were wrapped in fine leather that matched, as were his forearms. He had also donned a heavy leather long loincloth instead of the traditional cloth. The leather matched the armor and his crest was on it. His primary sword hung from his waist, and as always his secondary sword was over his shoulder. His bandanna was the dark red one he wore rarely these days. I realized it was the one he wore when we first met, and I smiled.

No one was on the carpet, but there was a bit of magic being used. Potted plants had been put along the carpet in about three foot distances from one another and on each side. Someone had used magic to make small trees grow, canopying the carpet all the way to the raised platform that had the two warriors standing on it.

"Slayn," a familiar voice said to my left. I looked over ant saw Raz there, smiling. I almost forgot! Raz as my second in command was to walk with me, a symbol of my dominance and strength. It was just traditional, and I didn't expect to make Raz display any sign of submission to the crowd. "You ready?"

I was quiet but nodded after a moment. "I am," I said with a faint smile and looked forward. Arch had patted my shoulder and walked ahead. I didn't move. Out of respect for the Alpha Male everyone was silent except for the drummers as Arch walked. I could feel someone weaving magic, probably one of the lesser mages, modifying the trees and my eyes widened. These were Moon Flower trees. They only bloomed once a month and only during a full moon near the watery lake in our territory. One tree was rare, but ALL these? Arch must have had this project going for so long. The magic made them bloom as Arch walked. The blossoms were a faint lavender and when they opened light began to pour from the bulbs, small cascading beads falling down. The light was much better in the dark, but no one missed the falling particles of pollen that glowed so beautifully. I could see Jack standing next to one of the trees, reaching up for one of the bulbs until someone yanked him back and scolded him. I couldn't blame him, if I could I'd take one tree for my room. They didn't grow very tall after all.

Arch reached the platform and spoke something to Avalon and then turned to look at me. I was surprised I managed to walk forward. I could see at the sides of the raised platform Siro and the Warboz, and of course Apollo. I could also see the other Alpha, Reyna and Ezia stood to one side. The beta's stood on the other side, everyone looking happy. I hadn't seen so many smiles for my benefit before.

The walk felt forever and the distance so long. I looked to the side and the left, people on the edge of the carpet whispered minor congratulations and Warriors barking out much louder ones, only to be whapped by their mates or friends. Some of the leopards were there, but they politely remained quiet. I could feel Raz on my side, just grinning and being proud. I knew I wasn't alone but I knew I was.

When we got to the platform my feet felt like leads. I lifted them but my toes caught on the raised edge. My eyes widened and I stumbled forward. I saw Avalon rush over, his arm extended and was the brace my body fell against. He curled his arm around me and lifted me up, smiling. "Now now," He said with a quiet laugh. "You can't hurt yourself on our Joining."

There were a few chuckles and Avalon lifted me up, putting me down gently at his side as his arm curled around me. He held onto my shoulder, rubbing down along my arm and giving it a squeeze. I leaned into it and looked up at his smiling face. "Missed you," I managed to say.

"I missed you too, Slayn." He echoed back as he rubbed my arm, feeling fur he had felt so many times. I flushed as the closeness made me think of our coming night together. My sheath pulsed and the fur on the back of my neck stood on end. I just to calm down or I'd make a scene.

"Ahem," Arch said with a smirk. "It's not the evening, yet." That got some laughter, I just straightened up and stood there, looking forward at the group. "Shall we begin?"

"Slayn," Arch said as he looked at me with his usual strong amber eyes. "You realize that taking this male, a Gamma Warrior, you are becoming more than just a couple, correct?"

"I do," I said with a quiet nod, my hand holding Avalon's, giving it a squeeze.

"Even though you are an Alpha-Strider, Avalon is the more powerful male in the relationship. He will be the dominant one and can override some of your decisions if he sees fit. If your subordinates challenge you on this, are you prepared to fight for this?"

"I am," I said with another nod.

"Avalon," Arch began as he looked at my future mate in the eyes. "Your duties are clear. To keep your mate safe, to sacrifice potentially all that you have. Your duties will continue but your heart is only for him. Do you swear on your honor you will fight to the death to protect him?"

"I do," Avalon said with a nod. "I swear it, Alpha."

That seemed to amuse Arch as he looked down at me. "Is there anything you wish to say, Slayn?"

I looked from the big black wolf to the red one I was holding hands with. I had thought about this for so many hours, laying in the darkness and looking at the ceiling, and had tried to come up with something eloquent and beautiful. Now, on the spot with so many people looking at me, I could only think of..." I Love you, Avalon." And moved in to wrap my arms around him. I heard a few quiet chuckles as Avalon's arm curled around me, holding me tightly.

"Well," Arch said with a grin. "Simple but effective. I know you waved your speech before the ceremony, Avalon." Arch said as he stepped behind the small podium. He touched the cold stone bowl and looked at the two of us. He held up two bracelets, one was a soft blue leather, the other a dark red. There were our personal symbols on each of them. He put them in the stone bowl and then snapped his fingers. Fire erupted in the bowl, the leather not burning. Arch had done something to it obviously so the leather wouldn't catch.

"Avalon, as the stronger male, you will go first and fetch Slayn's bracelet. You will put your hand in the fire and endure pain for your mate. If you drop it, you are not worthy of him. Do you understand?"

"I do," Avalon said as he pulled away from me and looked into the burning bowl. I stood by his side and watched as his hand lifted. He moved so his fingertips were so close to the fire it must have hurt.

I blinked and grabbed his wrist before he could make the plunge. "Wait," I said.

"Slayn!" Avalon blinked at me, sounding surprised but for just cause.

"We're not doing this alone. We're...together now, aren't we? Lets do it together." I slipped my hand on top of his...touching it and feeling his warmth, the softness of the back of his hand, and looked at the bowl. This was going to hurt.

"But...okay." I heard him give in. I would grip the hand, and would let Avalon take the plunge, pulling my hand in with him.

I was expecting to be burned. I'd seen this ceremony a few times. The hand is burned and a reminder that while love is wonderful and powerful, it can be as dangerous as a wildfire and can cause pain. This was a reminder that one day one of us would be dead and the other alive, and what it would be like to be without a mate. However, when our hands went in together, something I had never seen before, all I felt was heat. I opened my eyes and looked at our hands in the flames. I found the larger bracelet that would be Avalon's, the blue one, and pulled it out with Avalon at the same moment. I held the band in my hand and looked it over, then up at Arch. I could hear whispers behind me and saw Arch grin.

"Well now," Arch said with a happy looking expression. "This ritual is older than Kaudi but you two figured it out."

"What did we do? Our hands should be on fire, Arch." Avalon said, looking down at the bracelet he held in his own hand.

"The fire does burn flesh, but when you both go in together, attacking pain together, it doesn't hurt as bad, or at all. The bowl is magical, fire burns individuals in it but not pairs. No one has thought to grasp the bracelets together since...well, never I suppose." Arch admitted with an amused smile on his face.

I was still a little speechless but happy. I was holding the Joining Bracelet in my hand. It was soft and beautiful, larger because Avalon wouldn't be wearing it on his wris.t I looked up at him and smiled. We had to wait for Arch, of course.

"Anyway," The Alpha said with a pleasured sigh. "With these bracelets you are Joined. Together as mates, companions till the moon fractures. Slayn, put the bracelet on your mate."

I didn't respond and moved close as I undid the band. It was thinner but wider. I shifted and lifted my arm to wrap it around Avalon's arm, right above his biceps. I clicked it together and tightened it. I smiled and felt the material seal. Avalon, or I, could take it off now. I looked at the blue against Avalon's pelt and smiled brightly, thinking it, and he, looked incredibly handsome.

"Avalon," Arch said, queuing my mate.

Avalon moved and took one of my hands, lifting it up and gave it a kiss. I looked into his eyes and smiled softly, feeling my ears turn red. "Slayn," He said as he undid the band and slipped it around my wrist. "My mate, I will protect you always. I love you so much. I'm honored that you're mine." And when the leather closed I felt it seal with magic, unable to take it off just as much.

When Arch saw our bracelets on, he looked up to the crowd. "These two are now joined together, their threads of fate woven tightly that no one here, including myself, can undo. Avalon, Slayn, congratulations. You have everyone's blessing present today."

At that everyone cheered, clapped, and the drum beats became loud and thunderous. I didn't get much of a chance to smile at Arch as Avalon drew me close and wrapped his arms around me, drawing me in for a wonderful kiss. My hands lifted, touching the sides of his face as we kissed. Everyone could see and I didn't care. No one cared. It was our moment, the one time everyone was fixated directly on me. Bad memories of the past washing away as I knew my future with Avalon was going to be perfect, wonderful, and fun.

The party officially started after we kissed, and people began to mill about, sit around tables and drink. Food was coming out and I noticed Jack was directing some of the wolves. For a small guy he could bark out orders better than Arch. I watched him direct food here, there, etc. He didn't seem to allow wiggle room and was showing off how well he could keep order. Maybe he found his niche in the pack. I saw Arch watching Jack like a hawk and grinned. Perhaps we weren't the only ones to be mated this year. I couldn't remember a time I saw Arch watch someone so closely.

"Slayn," Renin said as he walked up with Reyna. "Avalon, I want to give you both a gift. Reyna and I have to leave early to look at something in the woods, so do you mind?"

"Of course not," Avalon said as he slid his arm tighter around my waist. "What are you going to do?"

"Well, I was going to modify Slayn's tattoo and give you one." Renin said with a smile. "It's tradition after all."

"Right, right," Avalon said as he would lean down toward Renin's level, looking to the boy as he bared his shoulder.

"Not there, Renin," Reyna said. "His thigh."

"My thigh?" Avalon asked, surprised.

"Only Alpha wear their tattoo on their shoulders. You have to get it somewhere else. Your thigh works well." She tapped the edge of her staff to his thigh. "Do it, Renin."

The boy didn't need to be goaded anymore. He put his palms on the thigh and closed his eyes. I could see his palms glow blue and watched Avalon's face for any sign of pain. If he felt it he didn't show, and I flicked my tail as I watched the hands move away to reveal my blue moon symbol on his outer right thigh.

"Slayn," Renin said and moved around to put his hands over the tattoo on my shoulder. I swallowed as the magic began and heat pulsed through my arm. I could feel the skin and fur weave and change, fluxed in some kind of sensation that's hard to describe. I didn't feel pain but I wasn't comfortable either. Renin pulled his hands away from my shoulder and I looked down to see the once blue moon a dark red color. Between the ends of the moon was a sword slashing down through it. I knew instantly that Avalon had picked a great symbol. I grinned and looked to Renin.

"Thank you," I said, rubbing my shoulder. No pain.

"You're welcome," Renin said as he was grabbed by Reyna. "Sorry we can't stay!" He shouted back as he was being dragged off to the exit. "I'll see you later, Slayn! Ah, Reyna!" We heard him cry out as they were going down the stairs.

"I wonder where she's off to in such a hurry," Arch said to the group curiously, but shrugged. "Oh well. Not like anyone could stop her."

"Slayn" Chance said as he approached us. He had been talking with some of the warriors and now he came with a wooden lacquered box. He stood in front of us and smiled. "I saw Reyna give you her gift first so I'm going to be second. Here." He putt he box down on the table and I reached out to open it up. Inside were two daggers. One had a black hilt and the other was red. However, the blades were different. Instead of being sharp on both sides, these were sharp on one side, with the sharpened metal being curved. I could see glittering runes dancing up along the curve of the blade in the center. Their scabbards were resting in the box too. I reached in and picked them up, feeling their weight.

"Is this why you wanted the fragments, Chance?" Avalon asked.

"Yes," Chance said with a grin. "I felt bad your weapons broke, Slayn. Arch and I spent most of the night with a blacksmith fixing them. We used as much metal as we could. We kept the same hilts of course. How do they feel?"

"I love them!" I said as I tossed one into the air, catching it in my palm and smirking. I picked up the individual scabbards and slid the blades home, and reached down to hook them onto my belt. I grinned and bowed my head. "Thank you, Chance. Really, I'm honored."

"When you get a chance show me how you blocked that axe. That was a fancy little move there." He returned.

"Fancy even though I ruined my weapons." I admitted, leaning my head on Avalon's shoulder, whose arm was around my shoulder and holding me close.

"You still have your head," Avalon reminded me as he gave my shoulder a squeeze.

Gifts came from the important people. Ezia had given Avalon some special oil for his swords, as well as a special crystal found only at the edges of the territory. They were valuable and quite the status symbol. She must have spent a long time hunting for a stone that big. Raz as my beta had given me the gift of a week off from my duties and for that I knew I would owe him dearly. He was making a fine choice for beta strider, one that I didn't regret. Siro had his mage, Kaliko perform a song with his flute for us. Apparently the Full-Moon wolves all knew how to play some instrument, and Kaliko ws Siro's favorite. We listened to the beautiful melody with apt attention, watching the little white wolf dance and spin, putting many of the spectators in awe of his fluid movements and abilities. Apollo, who had politely remained back during most of the events, had given us a nice blanket for our room as well as some Dragon Fruit for Avalon, a rare treat this time of year and Avalon's favorite snack. The End-Moon wolves had given us their gifts with the armor, and I did my duty by thanking the Warboz with a long bow and a smile, though it was forced. I didn't like having to pretend but the whole thing had made me sour. I was probably not going to personally run any messages to them for awhile.

As the party continued people began to leave to their own rooms and tents, sated with wine and great food. I couldn't have asked for a better Joining ceremony. I was happy and Avalon was with me. Eventually, I felt Avalon tug me up to my feet and we slipped out of the lounge and down to the lower levels where our room was. I leaned against him the whole time as we walked and entered our room. There were more gifts here, waiting for us, but I wasn't in any hurry to go picking through the presents. I felt Avalon's paws on my hips, gently turning me around and kissed me. The kiss was wonderful and warm, the sensation I had come to expect from Avalon and his lips. My eyes closed as I relaxed into him, but the moment I did I felt the kiss deepen, feeling his wet tongue slide into my muzzle, the taste of my mate filling my senses as I suckled on it. I felt a jolt of energy shoot down my spine and to my sheath, pushing against Avalon as I realized what we both wanted.

All while kissing, my hands moved. It was clunky with armor, but I found his sword belt and undid it, letting it clank to the floor. I did the same to the sword on his back, just undoing the buckle and letting it fall to the ground with a heavy throb. I slid my hands along his sides, feeling the ties and buckles to his breastplate and it took a bit of effort, doing it with eyes was hard enough, but Avalon had put a hand on the back of my head, not allowing me to pull away. I could feel a hand on my side doing the same to the armor I wore, being undone with skill far greater than my own.

I somehow managed to undo his armor, and our kiss broke just long enough to pull the leather from each other, also dropping it to the floor. I moved and nuzzled Avalon's chest, breathing in his scent, but I found my muzzle lifted and kissed again. Avalon's arms curled around me and carried me to the bed, sitting me down on the edge. I looked to my mate and smiled when he broke the kiss.

"I love you," we said together, making my ears to turn red.

My mate's lips touched my neck, kissing along the collar bone and down along my chest, working down across my chest, paying attention to my pectoral muscles. I could feel his soft tongue brushing through the fur, casually finding one of my nipples and making it harden. I leaned back on my palms the moment Avalon's muzzle licked and kissed down my stomach, rubbing his tongue across my pectorals and teasing the flesh there. My ears folded back against my head as the nuzzles and kisses made me laugh, being a little ticklish. I felt his muzzle move southward more. His teeth found the knot to my loincloth and undid it, casting it aside with his teeth. The tight, constricting loinwrap I wore under it was bulging, my erection pretty hard as it strained against the material. I looked along the expanse of my body, feeling Avalon's hands on my legs as he undid the wraps I wore slowly, rubbing across my feet and calf muscles as he got the bindings off.

Avalon then lifted his hands, gripping my waist and tugging down the loinwrap and freeing me from such an annoying piece of clothing. I throbbed and pulsed in the warm air of our bedroom, naked save for my bracelet.

I watched brightly as Avalon stood up and began to undress, undoing the extra pieces of armor he had been given as a Warrior, and then he took off the leather loincloth. He let it fall to the ground and smiled, reaching up to yank off his bandana and toss it to the nightstand where he usually kept them. He smirked as he reached down and yanked off his own loinwrap, revealing his bright red erection. I hadn't seen it in a couple days, and yes, I liked what I saw. Thick, long, powerful, my mate was almost fully hard. I examined the length and the color, the ridges of his veins and the tapered head of the penis. I watched his length harden completely, and he reached down to roll his sheath back, letting his knot pop out.

He was going to tie me.

I couldn't resist temptation, leaning my muzzle close and quickly pushing my lips against that flesh. I slid my muzzle down along it so quickly! I usually liked to lick, but the two of us had been kept apart, and we had a whole week to be slow and romantic. I let the first few inches slide past my lips and across my tongue, tasting Avalon's scent and flesh, enjoying the salty taste as it teased my senses, my nose and mouth full of his musk as I bobbed my head along it. I could feel the hand on the back of my head hold tighter, helping me bob my head gently up and down along the flesh, Avalon pushing more of his inches into my mouth even though we both knew I couldn't take it all. I just didn't have the body for it I supposed.

"Slayn," he whispered my name as I reached up and rubbed along his testicles, gripping and groping, tugging along those soft, perfect balls. I knew Avalon loved when I gently tugged on them, so I did. The moans they usually brought about were worth it, because I loved Avalon with all my heart.

After a few moments I felt Avalon grab my muzzle and pull me back, forcing me to look up and smile. He urged me to stand up in front of the bed, letting his wet penis drag across my chest and stomach, sandwiching it between him and me as we looked into each other's eyes. We didn't need to speak, I knew what he felt and he knew what I felt. It was wonderful. I had never felt so close to someone in my whole life. I loved it.

Avalon edged me onto the bed, crawling backwards as I found my head against the pillows. I looked up at him and smiled, feeling his palms slide down along my shoulders and sides to my legs and hips, rubbing across them as he hooked his palms under my legs, gently lifting them so my ankles were put on shoulders. I swallowed, looking up at Avalon as he drew himself back and rubbed along my legs. He decided to change the positioned and shift my legs around his waist. I could feel his hot cock head against my entrance, and I blushed, excited and giddy. I had slept with Avalon dozens of times, but this was the first time as mates.

He leaned over me as he had one hand on my hip, and the other against my muzzle. He looked into my eyes, and without words, he pushed. I gasped as I felt him begin to slide into me, the sensation of pain a quick flare before the walls began to curve around the length, pushing deeply into me. I looked up into his eyes, my smile a bit strained as the discomfort was present, but it also felt so good. he rubbed along my muzzle as he brought his tongue out, licking along my snout and face, relaxing me until he brushed his knot between my cheeks. I gasped in pleasure, the walls tight around him as I looked up into his beautiful green eyes, just enjoy having the moment of being so close to this male. I didn't want anyone else, I loved this man, and I intended to never, ever lose him.

Avalon began to thrust into me, drawing his length back and plowing into me, making me moan and my body quiver, causing me to either relax completely or tighten my legs around Avalon, as if I was trying to squeeze my legs together and prevent him from continuing. I knew Avalon liked the strength of my lower body so I didn't hold back gripping him so tightly. I let out a shuddered moan, ears folding back as I felt my mate precum, coating my interior walls generously. That's one benefit of having such a large male partner. He could precum a lot and it always made me very slick. It just took a little bit of time.

My arms were up, rubbing my palms along Avalon's strong chest and pectoral muscles as we had sex, feeling his abs flex as he pushed himself forward, watching his thighs flex and bulge, I could feel the strength behind his body and how much he held back at times, knowing that, no matter how fast I was, if Avalon got me he could break me in two. I panted, feeling Avalon tongue against my face, licking across my muzzle and nose, drawing me into a wonderful kiss as my arms tightened around his neck. I didn't want to let him go, I didn't want him to stop, either!

I could feel him pushing and throbbing inside me, causing me to rock along the bottom of the bed, my head pushed firmly into the pillow even though my back wanted to arch upwards and push into my mate. I felt Avalon's arm slide down my side and under my back, holding me along the small of my back and lifting me up, pushing me up against him even as he continued to pound away. His pace was gradually picking up, the strength behind his thrusting so much more intense, but it was always a subtle build up. I could tell Avalon wanted to tie me. A lot of warriors didn't feel like the mating was actually complete until you tied your submissive. I could see how Avalon could think that, though in my mind it was already very much solid.

I could feel Avalon pushing harder, firmer, wanting to push his knot into me. I cried out as the pressure was almost too much to handle!

"Take me, Slayn, let me tie you," He whispered out. "I love you so much. Let me make this official..."

I couldn't speak as each heavy thrust pushed his knot more against me, working my body a little more open with each thrust. I did feel that way, and I opened my mouth and cried out, calling his name or something, I can't remember. All I knew was that I felt like I was on fire and Avalon was the only thing that could put it out, calm me down. My fingers curled into the fur on his neck and shoulders and I just screamed as Avalon's thrusting continued to grow stronger and stronger.

Then his knot popped into me.

I cried out as the knot spread me far more then I was comfortable with. Along with the knot came about three more inches, which was deeper and harder then I was used to. My back arched and I cried out. I was surprised to feel my orgasm peak before my mates. My penis throbbed and I felt my seed spray forward, coating our stomachs in my semen, feeling it soak into my creamy under fur as it also streaked Avalon's white belly fur, probably blending in without any visible signs.

I felt Avalon buck furiously, locked in me now unless he wanted to cause me pain. I just cried out and squirmed, gripping him tightly with all four limbs as he finally hit his peak with a dominant howl right into my ear. I felt his essence pour into me, splashing deep inside and making me shudder at the sensation of being come in by a knotted male. There really is no perfect way to describe it, but right now, with my mate, I felt closer to him then ever before. I felt him gush and pour, both of us just still as we rode out his release together.

When I felt it end, we laid together for a moment, just breathing quietly as the lust between us was slated. I blinked my eyes open and looked up at my mate, seeing the sweat on his brow as he lifted his head back so I could look into his eyes. I leaned up and gave him a kiss. I just watched him, seeing the love, and the care, and the strength in his face. I rubbed my hands along his soft fur and laid there, feeling his chest expand and fall as I admired him.

"I love you, Slayn."

"I love you too, Avalon."

For the first time in my life I felt at peace.

To be continued....

Interrogation: Invaders of the Forest

Hello everyone! Yes, see? I'm still alive and kicking. =D Finals are kicking me right back though. I know everyone is eagerly awaiting HMT: Four Moons 2 but I got hit with inspiration so this is a short, mostly smutty story between Four Moons 1 and 2....

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The Half Moon Tribe: Arch's War 2

Okay, here it is! The next installment of Arch's War! This was another collaboration between myself and my friend Arch. I hope you enjoy. All characters are copyright to me, Tiberius Rings. "It's a demon," he breathed, answering the...

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The Half Moon Tribe: The Four Moons

As promised, I am continuing with the story! I hope everyone enjoys what's to come. The introduction of a new character was fun and challenging. If there's enough of a demand I may sit down and write a compendium of names, Gods, places, etc. Until then...

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