Dollies 1

Story by Maio on SoFurry

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Another tale of a man becoming a doll, the first story of 3. Contains Graphic content.

There was no war one second everything was normal the next the Dolls controlled everything. They quickly put men back in charge but they really secretly controlled everything. The Dolls could be best described, are latex woman usually with some animal shape to there heads, hands, legs and with a tail. There heads are often covered in soft fur as are there hands and feet, but there bodies are usually squeaky and shiny with almost impossibly large breasts, small waists and large butts. There breasts drip with milk always as they move about, the milk having a latex smell about it while being very nutritious for anyone who drinks it. The Dolls are also warm to the touch and require food to live however you do not see them eat often, they also seem to live of semen tapped direct from willing sources. They can also give birth, there offspring come in three varieties human male, Dolly female or Cow female a human like cow with the express purpose of producing milk. There are no longer any normal woman being born.

Glen was in Dolly training after he received his first one she was a playful bouncing golden retriever sent to him to help him become a better man. She was snuggling up against him as she pumped a device a tube leading from it to a thicker tube surrounding his penis as she pumped out the air to make his penis bigger, it didn't help much. He was in ecstasy as she frowned down at his very average sized member in the pump, she removed it before rubbing some of her rubbermilk onto it. He shuddered and moaned at her touch as she mounted him giving him the ride of his life, he came quick, to quick and she frowned again. "one more day of training before we decide if you are ready to be a man" She says slightly subdued from her normal bubbly exterior, as she offers her breast for him to drink from. He turns her down and rolls over to get some sleep.

He woke up the next morning with his penis in the Golden retriever dolls mouth, she was sucking very hard as she rubbed his balls. He grunted and bucked into her sucking mouth and she didn't even break a stride as she sucked even harder, he moaned and grunted stroking the soft fur of her head. She worked her tongue around the base of his shaft causing it to twitch in her mouth as she continues to suck. Glen grips her ears and bucks hard into her sucking mouth as he moans out shuddering he cums hard, she doesn't even break suction as the cum shoots down her throat. She continued to suck for another minute before pulling off his cock and grabbing a measuring stick. Holding it up to his member she sighed shook her head and frowned. "Well time to go to get you reassigned" she said with sadness as she led him out to a waiting bus.

The bus was full of people mostly woman that are all getting rounded up with a few men in there to, Glen was one of them as the bus arrives at a factory. "This must be where men get penis enlargements" He said to the other men as they were separated from the woman and led into a separate door. A doll walked around between them all she was a pleasant looking cat and she had a reason to be in there as she stopped by each man and injected them with something upon finishing she left the room as the men all fell over unconscious. Each man was then hung from hooks under there arms and taken through the doors into the factory floor. There the machines inside started to work on them, first by removing all hair from there bodies. Glens limp body was the first on the hanging conveyor as it entered the next stage, there his head was opened up and a chip inserted in the soft tissue of his brain before the bone being replaced and the skin left to hang loose.

The next stage would have killed him were it not for the powerful sedative coursing through his veins. His skin was flayed from his body leaving him looking like a pile of meat hanging from the hooks still under his arms. Some arms came out from the sides with blades slicing into his groin and belly perfectly guided for the surgery they were performing, some parts of him were discarded as other parts were inserted into his abdominal cavity. The arms moved up to his chest slicing and changing it to before moving up to his head as it fused new structures to the bones of his face. Right before the point that he would have lost to much blood the machine slipped his changed body into a living latex suit, a female latex suit. It was purple with black stripes with a white belly and was perfectly formed to his changed body or her changed body as she was definitely female now there was a delicate latex slit between her legs as well as ample breasts at least DD in size.

It was not done there it stitched a new appendage to her lower back making sure the nerve endings matched up to the end of the spinal column. Some changes were made to her feet before fluffy paws were stitched over them, the same treatment given to her hands. The final piece was a fluffy head piece stitched over her modified head, perfectly sized and made of living flesh. The machine finished it laid Glen down on a stretcher as she was ejected from the end of the machine into the waiting arms of some dollies taking her through to a recovery ward. There she was given a series of injections and left to rest the rest of the changed men being bought in after her each one in a new female rubber body with soft head, hands and feet. Eventually she woke up feeling very groggy from the sedatives, something strange in her peripheral vision. She tried to focus on it between her eyes, it almost seemed like a purple and black cat muzzle. She shook her head "it couldn't be" she barely whispered but some dollies nearby heard her "ohh good to see you are awake" a cat dolly said to her.

"You are healing at a normal pace would you like to see the outcome of the operation" she asked the still groggy Glen, she nodded yes as the bed was raised and a big mirror was positioned at the end. It reflected back an image of a purple and black Tigress dolly with a white belly sitting up in bed. Glen looked at it for a few minutes trying to make sense of what she was seeing, she felt like she should be mad but something was holding her back. Her hands slowly went to her large breasts and the slit between her legs as she examined her new body something inside her head telling her that everything was as it should be. Eventually she looked over and saw in the bed beside her a Pug dolly and a koala dolly both as female as her. She was given some food not much as she was still recovering, she had to relearn how to eat with her new jaw. Eventually she was feeling tired but before she went to sleep a headset was slipped over her head, it began some subliminal training as she slept. When she Awoke she felt different in her mind but shook it off as she continued to lay in bed recovering from her change, she was given more injections and was pleased to hear she had begun lactating.

She was given the headset during the day, this time it had images on the screen as she was bombarded with subliminals. During this intense training she was handed a toy, it did not take long for her to start working it inside her virgin pussy. Faster and faster she worked it inside herself as the training went on, she was moaning loudly on edge for almost an hour before the training ended and she was allowed to orgasm. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever felt totally blowing away the last vestiges of her male self. The cat doctor came over and removed the headset "think you are ready to make a new name for yourself" she asked Glen replied "yes you can call me Maio from now on Maio the tigress" she purred as she proclaimed her new name for everyone to hear. "We just have one last thing to check before we release you to your man" The cat doctor said as she checked Maios fertility making sure she was able to have offspring with her new womb. She passed with flying colours as did the other two in her ward as they were sent off to live with a man that had passed his tests.

When she arrived at her new home she was greeted at the door by a familiar dolly, it was the golden retriever who tested her before sending her to dolly reassignment. She greeted her with a big hug kissing her on the cheeks "thank you for what you did for me" she said as the golden retriever dolly smiled wide "your welcome hun now go enjoy your new life" she said before leaving obviously off to test more men. "hello" she called out into the home a strong male voice told her to come to the bedroom which she did quickly. Arriving in the bedroom completely naked as she has been since her reassignment, her new male partner waiting in his bed also naked. He spotted her and almost instantly he grew erect but she knew she had one important thing to do on there first night together, sealing the bond between dolly and man. First she pierced a ring through her clit then proceeded to pierce another through the base of her mans penis. She then mounted him and rode him the rings clanking together as she bucked and worked his shaft inside her. He gripped her tight as she rode him hard he grunted and moaned as she did until eventually he shot his load into her waiting pussy. She orgasmed almost a split second after him shuddering and pressing against him, the two rings locked together holding her onto him. The symbol of the entwined rings marking them as mates as she leans in kissing his cheek "I am Maio your new tigress dolly" He smiled "I am Aries your Man" he replied.

To be Continued.

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