The plush Thief

Story by Maio on SoFurry

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Just something i felt like writing on the spur of the moment while looking at some old art from nolaf. this may or may not be inspired by a piece they did. :P

Dave entered the shop hoodie up over his head to hide his slightly blushed cheeks, you see this was no family friendly shop it was a sex shop. He had just turned 18 and was looking to pick something up to prank his friends with but he had no money, he had a plan though. Wearing a baggy hoodie he was going to find the most embarrassing thing he could find and while the attendant wasn't looking hide it under his jacket. After walking around for a bit he spotted his target a large dildo with a tiger stripe pattern, now all he needed to do was wait for the attendant to get distracted.

It wasn't long before another man came in asking about some porno that Dave made his move, quickly shoving the dildo under his jacket and continuing to walk around the store a little more. After a minute or so thinking the lady was distracted enough with the man and far enough away from the scene of his crime he headed for the door. Taking just one step out the door before gasping and shuddering, unable to move. He slowly turned around not by his own volition to come face to face with the lady from behind the counter.

Tutting "Kids these days, what shall I do with you" she said as Daves body became stiffer the dildo dropping out from under his jacket. "forget to pay for this did you, perhaps you need a lesson not to steal from a witch" she cackled softly twirling a finger making him turn on the spot. The witch snapped her fingers "I know perhaps I will just turn you into the item you tried to steal until you learn your lesson" she mused thinking aloud. Shaking her head "no that wont work you wont be able to see your punishment that way without eyes" snapping her fingers again, "I know what I will do now" she said pointing a finger at him.

He gasped and shuddered again as his body felt all tingly. He regained some movement looking down at his arm, his eyes opening wide as he saw his fingers growing stubby and what looked like orange and black fur growing from his skin. He tried to talk but his mouth locked open as it started to stretch out. Feeling like the world around him was growing he realised he was shrinking, as his clothes fell from his frame his stubby feetless legs gave out from under him and he fell back with a soft thud onto the ground naked and changed before the witch. She picked him up easily like he weighed nothing, taking him over to a mirror.

What he saw left him in utter disbelief, instead of his youthful male face he was looking into the plastic eyes of a tiger plush. That was not the only changes though, his hands and feet were gone instead there was a printed paw on the end of his arm and leg stumps. His body covered in plush fur orange and black with a white belly which led his eyes to another change. Between his legs instead of the cock he was expecting there was nothing there except a hole, a hole that appeared to be lined with soft silicone in the form of an open vagina. He or is that she now, would have been paralysed with shock if she was not already stiff and unable to move on her own.

Not long after the witch put her down on a shelf clipping a price to her ear, "There dear here is the deal, in one month I will return you to normal and set you free but if I find a buyer for you before that time I am afraid I will have to make it permanent" She cackled softly as she screamed inside her plush head. The witch went about tidying the shelves around her moving other plush toys near her, a donkey and a rabbit. She felt the witch moving her long tail to wrap around her better so she would sit up straighter before putting a sale sign in front of her. The witch smiled down at her "hmm lets hope you learn your lesson and I don't sell you before the month is up" she said before going back behind her counter.

Dread filled Daves mind as she sat there on the shelf for the remainder of that day, without anyone else coming into the store she felt slightly relieved before realising she still had thirty days left of her punishment. The next week or so was fairly quiet for the store only a handful of people coming in each day and not many even glanced at her, most were just interested in the porno racks in the back of the store. The next week was slightly busier, which frightened her a little as some of them started to look at her and the other plushies but not for to long though just a few longer glances here and there. Right before the end of the week however she saw a familiar face it was her friend, the one she was trying to embarrass with the dildo. He stared at her for a bit as she screamed in her plush head at him that she was his friend and needed rescuing before he walked away.

The final week dawned and she started to think everything was going to be ok, that was until the first customer into the store made a beeline straight for her stand. He was a dirty looking man with scruffy hair and appearance as he approached he reached out picking her up and looking her over, sticking his fingers into her holes and turning her about. She was screaming inside her head No as he looked deep in thought before placing her down and picking up the rabbit and taking it to the counter. She sighed with relief as he walked away "not him" she thought inside her head. A few more days passed and another guy examined her thoroughly scaring her again before taking the donkey. The witch came over after he left "hmm another close call" she said smiling wide "seems these plush toys are becoming popular again perhaps I should order some more or just find some more shoplifters" she giggled.

The final day came, she had made it all she had to do was make it until the end of the day and she would be free. It was nearing the end of the day when her friend returned to the store walking over to her and picking her up giving her a good look over. She was screaming inside her plush head for him to put her down she only had a few hours left but he was unable to hear her. After getting a good look he took her to the checkout "I'll take this please, I have been saving for weeks after I saw it the first time I was hoping it would still be here" He said to the witch behind the counter as she replied "ohh good choice this one, its the last I don't think I will be seeing any more of them for a while" smiling wide as she scanned the price tag on her ear. Her friend pulling out his wallet and handing over the cash to buy her becoming her owner. The witch whispers to her as she puts her in a bag "you almost made it, too bad to I was all ready to reverse the spell, ohh well enjoy your new life" the witch waved her hand over the bag before closing it the toy inside feeling a tingle through her stuffing before the bag was handed to her new owner.

It was a short ride back to his house all the way she was sobbing inside her plush head knowing she was stuck. He snuck into the house so as not to get any questions about the bag before going to his room and shutting the door. Carefully he lifted her out of the bag holding her before himself right after he had gotten out of his clothes, his cock stiff and ready "I have been waiting for this ever since I first saw you Tigra... hmmm yes Tigra is what I wall call you" he said before pressing her to his groin his penis entering her open silicone pussy as he fucked her right there hard. Driving his shaft deep it didn't take long before he blew his first load inside her. Moaning loudly he lay down on his bed keeping her on his shaft a giant grin on his face fading slowly. It wasn't so bad after the first time after she got over the shock of being her best friends toy, she even started to enjoy it. He would use her every night and some times even twice, and cleaned her almost as often it was the best life she could hope for now.

The End

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