A Night with the King

Story by Yesterday on SoFurry

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A Night with the King

It had been a good three hours now, Beth, a Minotaur from Urdnot'Home, was kid napped from her ship and dragged to a giant underground city. She woke up after the shock had knocked her out cold, not an actual shock but just the one from being kid napped. She found herself lying on a bed of rather comfortable pillows, the walls made of polished marble and paintings of various settings, mostly the granite city, were on the walls along with candles between each to make the room feel very serene.

"What?" Beth asked herself, still a bit confused as she looked around from the thin frame of her glasses. "Where am I?" She asked herself as she lied on the multi colored pillow bed. She rose up from the bed, her toosh still sitting on it as she examined everything, a bit too cautious to go anywhere for the time being though. "Hmm..." She thought to herself, before hearing some chit chat outside.

'Oh god...Nagas...' She remembered, not having the best thoughts about them for the past few years from urban myths. 'What if they want to torture me, put me in their pot and eat me or worse.' She panicked, looking around the room for something to use as a weapon, hearing the door open and picking up a red velvet pillow with gold strings at the sides. "Stay back!" She warned, steam coming out of her front two nostrils in warning, seeing a head pop in with a smile looking at her, brown hair, shorter and almost Military. His eyes were a deep orange, like the coating on a new Prestin, a blimp in their world mainly used for trading and his face enough to have any teen girl swoon over him.

He pushed himself into the room, his body toned to perfection outside of a six pack, but even then his stomach was firm enough looking. "Relax my dear...we haven't come to hurt your." He said softly, his voice deep and reassuring.

"Yeah that's what they all say," Beth said arming her arm for the fiercest pillow throw in recorded history, "then you laugh with them, drink their drinks and before you know it BAM your in a pot while they are cutting carrots next to you." She growled out, hearing many stories about the Naga in the past never hearing a good one thought she really doubted herself if anyone has ever seen one. This particular Naga was very large, a great dark orange tail like his eyes, very long and thick, slithering into the room as he held his hands behind his head.

"See I can't do anything like this." He explained, still looking at her as his long tailesque body closed the door behind him. Naga tails were incredibly maneuverable, always known to be the true strength of the species rather than their top portion.

"Ha!" Beth shouted as she chucked the pillow with a thwump to his chest. It seemed to have no real harm associated with it, unsurprisingly.

"If your trying to smother me with the pillow your doing a poor job my dear." He said with a chuckle, feeling the pillow hit his chest as he leaned down and grabbed it, pulling it up to his side and lobbing it back to her as it was caught. "I do think formalities are in order...I am King Seyon, leader of the Naga people in this region." He noted with a smile and a very proper bow.

"I am Beth, a pleasure." She near spat, rearming the pillow. She still not trusting this man, or if he even was the king he said he was.

"I assure you Miss Beth, we mean you no harm and wish to bring you paradise instead." He said, putting his hands behind his head, the white scaled front of this tail now noticeable in the light.

"And I can believe that how?" Beth asserted, ready to chuck her pillow with enough force to cause a giggle. "Prove yourself or else!" She warned.

"How am I to prove myself if I cannot get closer Lady Beth?" He questioned, "If I was here to hurt you I would of by now, I'm merely here to welcome you to our fair city." He said with a wide smile, slithering a bit closer now as he felt more confident. "I think it's best if I explain ourselves." He said getting nearer and nearer as Beth laid down the pillow, if he was to eat her, there was little she could do, especially to one with such a large tail.

"All right...just no funny business." She warned, watching the toned figure of the man getting closer with each slow push of his tail muscle.

"We are a proud race, though we recently invoked the wrath of a god we may of not have questioned." He sighed, "About a six-hundred years back, we called upon the god of Rin'Thaio to help us smite our enemies, the ones we captured." He said a bit ashamed, "I was not alive yet, but I could tell you that it was a dark time for our people in general with our lust for power and glory." He stated, continuing on. "When he answered, he was so sickened by our lust for might that he struck us all with a curse...to only be born with sons." He said a bit solemnly.

Beth was nodding with each word out of his mouth, she was very motherly and also very quick to feel the pain of his endeavor. "Go on." She stated, though her tone had changed drastically, more empathy now.

"We were at war with most of the world at the time, everyone hated us and yes...that includes ourselves." He stated, "No race would let us in from fear...so we saw the only thing that we could do...ask the gods for help." He stated, "They answered, a good three hundred years later with a call that would let us mate with other races and only if they are willing to be." He said up to her, "That way we could no longer continue our blood lust across the world, rather being the good people that was deep down inside of us." He said up to her, "But your the sixth woman to come her in a good fifty years, so I assume you have questions."

"Why did you kidnap me Hun?" She asked in her normal tone, the sweet country galish type of voice you always want to come home to.

"Other races have a terrible reflection upon us...they won't let us into their cities much less talk their women into coming to our home." He said to her, "We see it as our only way of actually showing women our kindness and appreciation for them." He said to her still smiling.

"That's all well and good Hun, but you could of just asked me to come down with you." She said as she folded her arms across her giant chest, most Minotaur women having quite a big set of breasts due to the amount of children they were expected to have. They lactated even without a child, and hold deep healing and empowering properties that make them the best medics in the world.

"We are used to people spitting at us and calling us slavers." He said to her, a bit ashamed of their past, his body slumping, showing the six pack as his stomach crunched from the slouch. "We have never slaved, the wild rumors kill our race each and every day." He said to her, Beth knowing how it felt being a Minotaur, other races loving to make false assumptions about their lives.

"I know how it is dear..." She said as she stood, walking over to him and putting her hand on his hardened shoulder, feeling the soft skin. "Some people like to think Minotaur women just lay at home all day making babies." She said a bit peeved, "If that were the case, why were you taking me from a ship." she asked with a smile, most Minotaur women always on the move, an abundant amount of energy that made them perfect mothers for their kin.

"But...we took you from a theater ship." He said to her, smiling widely. "Can't they see that all races are capable of all things?" He questioned, clearly having a different mentality than his ancestors. "I'm sure you are a fine performer of the arts." He said with a wide smile, putting his hand on her shoulder now.

"Oh thanks dear, but I'm a stage manager." She said with a smile, blushing some as she had found all the rumors she thought to be true were only fabrications of her own. "Actors come out from a scene tired as all hell and take a drink from me, always re invigorated and ready to put on one fantastic performance after the next." She said proudly, knowing that her milk was the pride of her people. Bull semen was also rich in nutrition too, many of them eating it to build muscle. A recent medical company tried to harness it into a super drink and succeeded, though it turns out it didn't matter what sort of nutritional value it had if it came from someone's dick.

"Haha...bet it was hard for them to take the notion seriously at first." He stated with a laugh. "Come, drink from me because your performance is lacking." He chuckled out again, Beth along with him.

"Yeah, they aren't the best actors...but I feel as if we develop a sense of family while aboard that cramped ass ship." she said with a smile, looking up to him as he was pushing up with his tail to make him appear taller. "It's nice..." She said a bit dreamily, caught in the moment of looking over his figure, before shaking her head and snapping out of it.

He caught the dreamy stare and smirked widely, "Well come, I'll give you a tour of our city." He said as he opened the door, Beth bowing as he held it open for her, stepping out into the outside, thin dark blue pillars holding up a roof that merely acting as protection from rain. She looked around at the buildings, well maintained and gorgeous.

"Mmm...your city is very nice." She said, walking across some of the stone flooring as he hooves made an unmistakable sound across them, going down the stairs to the streets, looking behind her to see the castle, smaller than most of the other buildings but far more detailed as various works of art were sculpted into the walls, many naga, but some of other species. "Why is there more races on here than just yours?" She asked, pointing to a Neko, a cat like humanoid.

"Every race that agrees to helping our plight, we thank them with a carving over one of the past warlords in favor of a picture of kindness and gratitude." He said with a smile, each carving being very detailed, even noting things such as moles and each hair seemed to be carved in as well. "I myself was born to a human..." He said pointing to a picture of a long haired woman, not the most attractive you could find, but none the less pretty.

"She's very pretty." Beth said up to him with a wide smile, not seeing any sort of Minotaur on the walls.

"Thank you, sadly Humans do not live as long as us...I had to watch her pass while I was still young." He noted, "But let's not dwell on that today." He said with a reassuring smile as they proceeded past a fountain, not working, but still very beautiful as Naga angels poured water into the oceans apparently. They continued on to a large opening, several Naga looking at her with wide smiles and greetings. "This is our town square." He said, nothing the wooden stand for announcing.

"Wouldn't think there to be much here to do with only guys around." Beth said, wondering what they could celebrated.

"We don't hold many festivities in this area...but we all gather when a new son is born...the day being celebrated to the birth." He said to her with a smile, "We love children, each seeming to be a blessing from the gods and of the woman that has given us the blessing." He stated.

"Well that's good, children born in my society are just viewed as another." She said with a laugh. "Nice to see that you give them proper devotion." She stated as the proceeded down the streets, seeing the churches and infrastructure. "Your city is very beautiful." Beth said with a smile up to him.

"I think it compliments you quite nicely Lady Beth." He said down to her, noticing how the compliment made her blush.

"T-thanks." She said looking away, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment over this Naga king.

"Why are you thanking me?" He asked, reaching down and cupping her furry chin to look at him, "I have the pleasure of looking at you, my eyes graced with your unmistakable gorgeous figure and eyes that I would be more than willing to fall deep into." He said sincerely.

"Hey...don't give me all the credit." She said looking over his body, "Your pretty studly yourself." she said with a wink, he grinned.

"I do suppose you have taken a liking to me." He said looking deeply into her blue eyes. "I say this because I don't feel a pillow at my chest anymore." He stated, Beth breathing a bit heavier now, her knees buckling some as she finally looked up at him.

"Well why don't you just go ahead and make me yours you Naga stud." She said promiscuously. Beth didn't think it would happen so soon, but Seyon had gotten to her, his body, his charm and his demeanor all were just so powerfully attractive. She felt herself scooped up by his arms, him grinning down at her.

"I aim to please." He stated, he quickly rushed back to the castle, the same room as before as they quickly slammed the door shut as he laid her down into the pillowy bliss. "I will make you mine tonight my dear...you will be pleased beyond your wildest dreams." He rested assured.

"I hear Naga men are quite small down there." She teased, looking into his eyes, smiling and licking her lips. This was meant as a taunt, a ploy to get him riled up.

"I'll make you eat those words." He stated, leaning down and tearing open her leather shirt, revealing her massive rack, the white fur complimenting them well. "Mmm..." He said as his hand reached out and kneaded the right one.

"O-Oh dear..." she panted out as she looked him over, Minotaur breasts being very sensitive from their willingness to share their milk with the world.

"Oh you like this?" He asked, pinching at her nipple with a sly smirk, feeling her writhe to every movement of his hand, flicking at her round nipple and then again.

"God....god dammit..." She gasped out, arching her back before she gasped out, feeling Seyon shove himself deep inside of her with his long, somewhat thick penis. "C-cheap trick..." she stated up to him with a smile. "Not at thick as I usually like though." She said folding her arms with a giggle, taunting him further.

"Oh?" He asked with a bit of confidence.

"Yeah...your a bit...th...thin....oh..." She said grabbing the pillows feeling the gentle throbbing of the penis as something happened to her. "What...what are you doing?!" She demanded to know, breathing through her mouth now.

"I think it's better if it's a mystery." He giggled out, Naga's penises secreted a chemical which made anything more vulnerable or sensitive, the longer they lasted, the better it got for the female.

"Tell me?!" She said, moaning out as her back arched slightly as his two powerful hands went to each side of her head, letting her feel each gentle throb.

"I'm not doing anything." He giggled out, pulling half out and slamming it back in, she gasped out, gripping the pillows tightly as her head writhed to the side. "That's me doing something." He grinned, pulling out half of his member and slamming it back into her, followed by another, Beth gasping under neath him like a cow in heat.

"D-dammit!" She said, feeling her orgasm rushing to her, not wanting to be so easily bested by the man. A few more pounds of his member, the sounds of slapping were heard before he pulled out all but the head and slammed it deep inside her with a grunt. The remorseless throbbing over taking her at the time as she came, her back arching and her breathing stalled for a moment.

"Mmm...what was that Beth?" He asked down to her, "Harder?" He mock giggled with the same cocky grin he had grown accustomed too.

"YEAH!" She shouted out to him as she bucked her hips against his, she tried her best to ride him, doing a bit well, but each passing moment just made her less and less resilient to the king's all mighty phallus. He pushed into her, going at a steady pace now as he grunted each passing second. "That's it baby...show me who's boss." She said up to him in gasps and some broken moans.

"I think I'm doing a good job thus far." He said with a roll of his eyes, going faster and faster as Beth came for the second time underneath him.

"OoooooooOOOOOOOH GOD!" She gasped out, feeling each thrust met with her hips grunting and moaning out with him each step of the way.

"AHhhhh DAMN!" He shouted, the most vulgar thing he had said all day as he emptied his testes into her, the cum making her body sensitive all over after a one and a half minutes of the juices entering her, he flopped to the side gasping out. "Your a wild ride." He panted out with a smile, looking to her, his tail sinking into the pillows to get comfy.

"Hmmm, you weren't bad yourself their sailor." She said with a wink, loving the intimacy. "I would like that every night...can you comply?" She asked with a raised brow, looking down at him, Minotaurs always being very promiscuous.

"I will please you every night...just ask." He said with a smile, "Though I didn't expect you to fight back is all." He giggled out.

"Oh well that's just our way, typically I just like to be dominated." She giggled out, knowing he wouldn't be able to do that. "Just drink from my breasts and generally I'm pretty pleased." She noted, heaving them up slightly.

"Mmm?" He questioned, "I am known to drink quite a good deal." He said to her, looking over at her chest, her sensitive nipple pushing off her glorious jugs.

"Oh good luck dear...no one has ever been able to top off a Minotaur before." She giggled, their breasts simply contained too much milk, several gallons worth as it produced faster than most could drink. Even after a few men tried to finish off one, they couldn't even get half way down it before they felt way too full to continue.

"I accept the challenge." He said, leaning down and licking at her breast, making it moist with his long thin tongue.

"Ohhhh..." She smiled out as he did so, feeling the wetness combined with her amped up sensitivity. "Don't think...you can down them though Hun...you'll just disappoint yourself." She giggled.

"I told you I drink a good deal...your the one in trouble my dear." He announced, latching on and suckling hard onto her, feeling the warm sweet milk cascade into his mouth as he gulped it down. What Beth wasn't aware of was that Naga's stomachs went down half the length of their body, for digesting bigger things.

"Ooooo I'm shaking...urgh...in my boots." she grunted, thinking he would be full after a good few minutes. "Still feels nice though..." She said as she leaned back into the pillows, putting her hand on the back of his head. "Mmm..." He continued to suckle, harder now much to Beth's favor. She felt her milk leaving and into his stomach as she watched his muscles throb from it's empowering effects.

"Delicious..." He said before latching onto her again. He sucked harder which caused her to squirm a bit as her hips hit his abs, now a six pack, from the sensation.

"Oooo that feels really...really good dear..." She said dreamily, clenching his hair, panting out in pleasure from it.

"Would you like it harder my dear?" He asked her, looking up at her with a smile.

"Yo-you can suck harder?" She asked, a deep throated chuckle emminated from his mouth as he latched on again, opening his throat as he sucked it hard. Feel a flood of milk entering him and spilling down his throat, she gasped out, and bucked at her hips feeling this. "Oh hun..." She said while breathing manually now to keep in track, feeling that he should be finished anytime now.

"MMM...." He muttered, she looking down at his body as the muscle now exploded off of him, his shoulders now broad and intimidating just like the Minotaur she loved and mocked him for not being. More and more spilling into his mouth as his tail throbbed, growing thicker and thicker with each swallow. "I love your milk Beth...it's so divine." He said looking up to her from her rack.

"Told you." She giggled, "No one can even finish off one of these." She laughed out proudly of her people's cherished breasts.

He looked confused at first, "I'm not done..." He said up to her, feeling a bit odded out that she would believe he was. "That was merely a taste, I'm not full of it yet." He grinned, latching on again as he continued the flood into his hungry mouth, she gasped and now put both hands onto him.

"Ohhhhh god...you'll never finish them...never!" She shouted out, though even if he did not, he was making a new record over and over again with it. She watched him such for more and more, feeling her self being drained as she watched the already large snake grow bigger and bigger beneath her. His tail was about another half the size bigger and thicker, his body now sculpted to perfection with muscle that even a bigger species would envy.

"Mmmm..." He muttered as he rose off of her, she getting a good look at his new body, the six pack turning into an eight, obliques looking like mountains and pectorals that could block out the sun.

"Still couldn't finish." She joked with a proud smile, feeling his tail wrap around her waist and lifting her as if she weighed nothing.

"I'm not through...just your thinking it's a gift for me...I'm taking it." He said, knowing she loved to be dominated as he lowered her other breast to his mouth and drank heavily. She squirmed in his grasp, feeling herself more and more emptied, seeing his body grow and grow beneath her. Even her strong legs couldn't help his power from overtaking her, she felt helpless, and she loved it.

It seemed a few minutes before he pulled off again, she felt her other breast near empty as the other one was. "Oh...ha...still some left." She weakly taunted, though still seeing him lick his lips in hunger, knowing he wasn't done.

"Bold words from a cute bovine that is dangling from my tail..." He said as he pushed his chest out for her, letting her marvel at her own creation. She moaned out, feeling the rock hard muscle.

"Bring it..." She said meekly, though knowing she already lost as he latched on, another minute passed until no milk came from her left breast. He pulled back and looked at her.

"One down already?" He questioned, mock disappointed. She gasped, looking at the smirk that haunted her with it's strength, "I do believe ALL of me is growing with each mouthful of your delicious treat." He said proudly.

"Well yeah Hun I can see that." She giggled out before she realized what he meant, she couldn't see the one part of him that would make a big difference in bed. "Oh..." She said meekly.

"Oh is right." He said latching onto the other, and within another minute, downed it completely. He wrapped his arms around her back as he supported her with the rock hard arms he now sported, his tail unwrapping. If he was a king before, he was now looking like a god. His tail with a shiny sheen to it, more than double the thickness and length. His body would make a Minotaur jealous, each muscle thundering out to the world proudly as he smiled widely at her. "Now what was this about never being able to finish you?" He questioned her with a smirk.

"I'm sorry my king...I will not doubt your abilities again." She said, apologetically as she was now looking at the Naga god. She felt lowered and laid down on the pillows, looking over him with pants of lust and some fear.

"Relax my dear...it's my job to pleasure you." He said with a smile, putting his now massive arms at each side of her head, though it wasn't freakish, his body grew in turn with him, it was the perfect size of muscle for the size his body now was. "Ready to scream out my name little cow?" He asked with a grin.

"H-how big did you get anyway?" she asked looking down before his hand tilted her head back to his eyes.

"Now don't go and ruin the surprise." He giggled out with a smile, she felt the giant head of his new dick at her entrance, panting out slowly.

"Your gonna wreak me aren't you?" She asked, a bit in shock.

"Maybe a little." He said, shoving the entirety of himself into her with one powerful thrust. Her hands and legs were up bent in the air. Her mouth agape as she felt the fel thrust into her, no words or moans from her mouth as she felt the massive dick enter her and stretch her beyond her wildest dreams. She was in shock, she thought it would be painful, but felt nothing but the lovely throbbing, now much larger than before as each pulse made her feel the thick ridges of his new pride.

"Your...a..." She gasped out, feeling the secretions come out and make her more and more ready for his giant.

"Yes?" He said letting her feel the massiveness inside of her, throbbing more and more each second with no letting up.

"G-GOD!" She yelled out, her back arching as she came on him, gasping out and moaning with the phallus pleasing her every second. "Your...your putting minotaurs to shame with that thing....your....AUGH!!!" She said arching her back again before it slammed back into the pillows.

"Thank you dear." He said lowering and kissing her forehead, pulling half out before slamming it back in quickly. She gasped again, climaxing again immedeitly, a mix of moans and compliments came from her. "Now I'm going to make you my queen." He rested assured, pulling half out again and slamming it into her happily, the same proud grin on his face, almost mocking her for doubting her. He kept going, faster and harder before he put his arms to his chest and folded them over his powerful body. His thrusts didn't let up, letting her feel thrusts just from his tail power alone. She came again, with in fifteen seconds of her last orgasm. His tail wrapped around her waist and lifted her easily, himself lying down on the pillows as his tail pulled her up and back down onto the massive meat that was stretching her more and more with each motion.

"Oh god....don't stop my king...your sooooo good." She panted out, looking down to him, the tip of his tail wrapping around her and flicking at her clit while his hands wrapped back around his head, almost as if it was leisurely to him. His cocky grin mocking her more and more as she continued to rise and be slammed down onto him, she tried to buck back, but found herself at his mercy.

"I have no intention of stopping." He said with a giggle, going faster now with his tail, feeling her juices run down the length of his tail and some on his abs. Each thrust usually ended with his cock throbbing in her, pushing her walls out followed by a quick flick of her clit with that damn tail. She panted out, sweating now from the power of her new king. He unwrapped his tail, putting his hands on her waist as he pushed up with his waist now, the thrusts harder and rougher than before.

"Oh god...I'm sorry I doubted...you....my king...please.." she panted out, giving herself up to him, the mocking tone gone completely from her voice, broken from the immense fucking he was laying out for her, "Just don't stop....your a god...." She pleaded, feeling him continue to thrust as she fell down onto his chest. He leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"I'm not stopping any time soon." He said with a smile, the power not stopping as he continued while she laid there, rubbing her back as his tail snapped at her backside, spanking her lightly.

"OOOooo.....ahhh....AHHH!" She panted out, coming again for him, the grin on his face not going anywhere. She had come to love it, rather than hate the cockiness, he had proven everything he had promised her and more. Each thrust pretty much giving her a climax as the big hearty meat stretched her, pulled out, each ridge grasping onto her walls and making her feel each inch leave before it re entered.

"Does my queen like royal cock?" He asked with a raised brow, not losing a bit of pace with his tempo.

"The queen LOVES royal cock!" she gasped out, clawing at his chest, making no visible markings as his skin was too thick, he pushed his pecs out, letting her hands fill with the power she had bestowed upon him. He finally pulled on and and flopped her down on the pillows, his giant cock throbbing for her to see, basted in her juices.

"All fours..." He ordered, folding his arms, the smirk still there. She tried to pull her legs up, but the king had made them jelly. She kept falling over.

"I can't my king...your fucked me too hard..." she panted out, but felt his tail wrapping around her waist again as he pulled it up, her knees nipping on the pillows but not on them as she felt the king's crown slam back into her as she came instantly.

"And I will continue..." He said with a smirk, continuing to go into her, slapping her rump as her tail slapped against his body with each thrust. She bit onto a pillow, feeling the pleasure she had gotten from it and seeing him grunt out, getting close.

"I knew you would finish....eventually..." She panted out, mocking him playfully.

"Oh resistance..." He said grabbing her legs and pulling them up to his sides, her hands clenching to the pillows as he thrusted straight down into her, faster and harder with each passing second. His eyes rolled back in pleasure feeling her continually keeping him lubed. "Oh...my queen..." He uttered, reaching down and wrapping his powerful arms around her belly as he pulled her up to his chest, holding her up as he continued to go, each thrust being harder and faster than the last, his face looking quenched from the force he was exerting to please her. Faster and harder, the force could be felt from around the town as Beth's hands clung to his sides, until finally it happened.

"NOW TAKE YOUR KING!" He yelled followed by a grunt, his first jet filling her completely, pulling out, another giant shot of cum entering her as a good deal fell to the floor and pillows from the amount. "RAHHHHH!" He yelled, pushing back in as a flood went to the floor, the amount of cream he was making her lubed beyond belief, each thrust going faster than you could keep track of. Beth's mouth was open, feeling each impossible jet entering her and then being shoved out by the phallus that had dominated her.

"AHHHHH!!" she shouted out, feeling each jet make each thrust better and better, each thrust going through many orgasms of her own, going on for seven minutes before he fell to the bed, her slapping down next to her on the pillows. "Oh......." She said dreamily, rubbing his chest, which was throbbing now in pleasure. "Every night?" She questioned, managing to get those meek words out of her mouth before another gasp.

"Every night..." He promised, kissing her on the lips.

A Long Day

A Long Day The boat had crashed, more than enough dead and the world seeming to loom down on everyone who wasn't. The U.S.S. Hamlet, a resort ship, had crashed into an uncharted island. Of it's passengers, only about 7 remained alive. The island...

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