Until The End

Story by Kai Volkov on SoFurry

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#8 of Time Will Tell

The chapter is done...finished...complete. Uhm...I didn't rush...but I feel like I did. XD So there might be some re-write done, but (shrugs). Everyone will have to let me know what they think. This is the end of this story series...maybe one branch story but that's another maybe. Anyway, point being I hope everyone enjoyed the series. Writing it was fun, though I'll find it hard to stop myself thinking about the characters...what more I could have wrote and such. My biggest problem, letting go. XD SideNote: Happy Government Conspiracy Day! (aka: Valentine's Day) * * * The Bengal tiger beneath me let out a long drawn out 'Fuck' as I gave him the pounding I knew he wanted. My thick muscled arms wrapped around his massive chest, nose buried in the scruff of his neck....the smell of sex only fueling my needs. "Harder," he growled out, voice thick with lust. I simply smiled into his fur, finding it amusing that he thought I was waiting for his permission. "I'm not tying with you," I growl back, thrusting into him up to my knot. "Please?" he whined pathetically, as he tried to meet my thrust to get my knot....I wasn't stupid though. "No," I simple state, my right paw running down his damp fur. He was going to make another attempt at convincing me until my paw wrapped around his cock. Now I'm not saying he became quite, on the contrary, he started moaning like the bitch he was...I'm just saying he did lose the will to plead with me. I moved my paw over the thick cock, stopping to tease his barbs with a claw here and there. I knew his hot spots, like when I nipped at his ear and neck his moan would be more guttural...to prove myself right, I did just that, and couldn't keep the smile as I predicted his reaction. "Kai...I'm close." I already knew that, I could feel his muscles tensing up which was always a tell-tale sign. I had also noticed his balls contracting as mine made contact with them occasionally. I found casual sex so easy. I noticed things a lot better, it wasn't like with.... A deep growl escaped me, jaws taking up the felines neck in a mating bite. The taste of his sweat helping to push back those old memories...it helped me get back into the present situation. His whole body tensed at the bite, his cock throbbing in my paw. He roared into the pillow as his cum splattered onto the bedding, my paw not stopping it's ministration until he started to shake. I loved pushing him to where the pleasure was to intense. "Inside or out?" I asked, pulling back and licking a part I had bitten. "In," he purred, though he was panting as well...it was a weird combination he managed to do. I should mention I knew he was going to say that as well, and had no intention of pulling out anyway. Cum covered paw reached back to take hold of my knot, biting his neck once more...I'm a biter, can't help it. My claws dug through his chest fur, digging into the flesh beneath and feeling the muscle attempt to tense but failing after the owner's climax. A possessive growl escaped me, my body tensing as I dove into my orgasm. The impressive amount of cum seeped around my cock, oozing down his thigh since my knot wasn't in place to keep it in him. He groaned out a 'yes', squeezing his ring to milk me for everything I had as I thrust. When it was all said an done I pulled out, flopping onto my back beside the now laying tiger. His purr was calming, and almost made me want to fall back asleep but I had to make sure he got ready for work. I felt the larger tiger roll out of the bed, listening to his heavy foot paws pad across the room to the master bath. I listened to him go about his business, the water turning on as the shower was started. I looked over, taking notice of the sheets conditions. 'Have to change them sometime today,' I think, the stains being minor versus the claw marks through them...damn tiger. After stretching I relaxed and must have fallen asleep as the tiger gently shook me awake. "Hey bud, the shower is free. Oh, and I want to thank you for 'bump' starting my day. They always seem to go better after a thorough pounding from you." I felt his large paw run through my fur, rubbing and getting a satisfied growl from me. "You owe me new sheets Kurt," I grumble. He moved back with a smile, giving room for me to stand up. He was bigger then me still, the trend from high school having continued. His fur was fluffed out from the dryers, and the guilty smile he wore made my laugh lightly. "You need to hurry up before you're late." "Yeah, must be nice having vacation over the holidays," he grumbled as I walked towards the bathroom. "Going to visit the parents for a day or?" I heard him call as I adjusted the water temp. "Christmas eve and day," I called back, "going to be spending the night." If more was said I didn't hear it as I stepped into the enclosed shower. A heavy rain from above and a warm steam from below...loved it. I was brushing my teeth when I heard Kurt call my name...he knew he was going to wait or come in here and get me. "Hurry the hell up," he yelled as I was looking for something to throw on. "The hell do you want?" I growl out as I leave the bedroom. He looked like he was about to yell again, stopping as he looked me over. 'That's right...' I thought with a wicked grin. I had thrown on a mesh jock, knowing it would shut him up. It's funny that we both had the same mentality with clothing. Walking around naked didn't give as much of a spark as wearing something skimpy that just screamed 'once they're off we're fucking'. "What so funny?" He had been standing at the door as if he was ready to head out, his muzzle was spread in a shit faced grin as he pointed to the living room. I'll explain the house a bit. When you walk in you're in a foyer which I had added shelves for books, I found it to be a nice place to relax and read. The back was the door to the master bedroom and bath. Right had a doorway to the dinning room and kitchen. Left was the doorway to the living room, which was connected to it's own half bath. There was also a downstairs, the door for it was also in the foyer. It was a big house and my explanation of homes suck, so it's doing the place no justice. I kind of felt bad that I had no part in paying for it, but I didn't have a choice either. Anyway, he was pointing to the living room and I just gave a confused expression. He didn't move, just simple stood there and waited. I sighed, deciding to play his game and moved towards the living room. "You really do need to hurry up or you'll be late." "I'm the owner, I do what I want," he said lightly as I moved passed him. He owned his own dealership and garage...made very good money. The curtain for the picture window that took up a large portion of the adjacent wall was open, the room illuminated by the early morning light. It was a rare morning with the sun shining uninhibited, it's light reflecting from the recently fallen snow. This image didn't hold my attention long though, as my eyes fell on the one looking at pictures on the wall. I froze up, completely thrown off and mentally cursing Kurt to the deepest bowels of hell for playing stupid...Who am I kidding? Can't blame him for something that he's not playing at... Harsh I know but I was just thrown in front of the firing squad. Deep blue eyes soon met my emerald as he turned around, only to look my body over. My ears drooped, jaw going slightly slack as what I was wearing came back to mind. I felt the heat under my fur as his eyes met mine once more, the corner of his mouth drawn up in a slight smile. Did I say cursing him to the deepest bowels? I lied...I was going to personally drag him there. I was about to excuse myself to put something on until I noticed he was moving towards me. He stopped in front of me, a distance most would come to accept as a good personal space amount. That was it, after he stopped nothing was said...his eyes just stayed on mine. I glanced at Kurt, and looking back at Van's eyes to see his had followed where mine looked. The smile had faded, and he seemed to be waiting for something...it was almost like he wanted me to tell him to leave. 'Wow I can be an idiot,' I mentally scolded. 'It's been ten years and Kurt is in the house at six in the morning...'. I let out a sigh, and saw his eyes lowered as if he was mentally preparing, I could almost hear him tell himself "It was fun." I reached for him, noticing he was about to take a step back I quickened my advancement. Wrapping him in a tight hug I had to ask, "Now why would you pull away from me?" I caught Kurt from the corner of my eye mouth 'call me' as he left with a huge ass grin...oh he'll pay. Though I had more important things to deal with at the moment. He hadn't answered me, but his arms had found their way around me. "Well?" I asked as I nuzzled the top of his head. I hadn't forgotten his scent, but it had been awhile since I got to experience it first hand instead of just through memories...God how I missed everything about him. "I didn't want your pity," he said softly against my chest. I noticed him taking his own 'inventory' if you will. His hands running through my fur, fingers testing the muscles of my back. "Didn't think I would wait?" "I didn't want you to. It would have been selfish of me to expect you to waste your life waiting for me." I pulled back a little, lifting his chin up so I could brush our lips together. "Maybe in another ten years I might have thought about looking for someone else...probably not, but it may have crossed my mind." He pulled away, looking at me like I was insane. "That's stupid. Why would you think I would want you to go through life alone?" I shook my muzzle, the look of disbelief on my muzzle. "Van I was willing to wait for you, and that was my choice. Even if you had died...this still wouldn't have changed. You weren't going to be replaced." I moved towards him again, seeing the hesitation from him just encouraged me to move faster. Holding him to me I flopped onto the couch, laying down with him on top of me. "I still love you," I said as I felt him settle. "You're the one with my heart, and that's how it's going to always be...Wow this is sounding like some kind of bad romance movie." That got him to laugh as his left hand moved through my chest fur. "Sorry...Fen said you had a very active sex life and I felt bad that you didn't go for something more." "I never wanted to...he told me you were still alive, just in something like a coma. He didn't tell you that I said I would be waiting?" "No...he likes drama. Probably laughing right now," Van grumbled and I couldn't resist my laugh...I could see the big wolf doing just that. "It's not funny. He's a damn drama queen and I wouldn't have been surprised to find you in the middle of some orgy." Him saying orgy only made me laugh harder...never heard that word come out of his mouth. Getting myself under control was easy as my paw brushed against his right arm, feeling the bandages that covered it. I hadn't really been paying attention to his appearance, the fact that he was here was still a lot to wrap my mind around. "What happened?" I asked, shifting so I could make better eye contact. "It's a long story," he said, quickly adding, "can we talk after I shower?" I nodded, feeling as he moved off and walked towards the entrance way. He stopped and looked back at me, that innocent look of his making me smile. "Door at the back, leads into the bedroom. Bathroom is on the right." I just laid there, taking in the day so far..."Shit," I growled out as I remembered the mess he couldn't have missed in the room. Getting off the couch I walked to the bedroom, the strong musk smacking me in the face as I opened the door. "Moron," I grumbled, moving to the bed and stripping it down. Even if he was only a human there was no way in hell he missed the scent. If you were an onlooker you would probably find it amusing seeing a big ass wolf running around (like an idiot) trying to clean up. I started by stripping the bed and taking the sheets downstairs only to throw them in a trashcan because they were ruined anyway. Jogging back upstairs I looked for new bedding to throw on, but decided I had to do something about the smell. So it was off to the kitchen to see if I had any Febreeze, but making a side trip to grab some candles... I think the humor comes from the fact I usually don't care what people think. I clean up for my parents when they come around but that's about it. I guess I just had a need to impress him, or just show him I wasn't a complete slob. In my defense though, the bedroom was the only really 'bad' room. Anyway when I finished; the bed was suited in jersey knit fabric, two candles burning at different sides of the room, smell was decent and not overpowering... I sigh, scratching behind my ear as I give the place another once over. It was at this time I noticed the water still wasn't running, making me wonder what was up. I thought about knocking but decided to just head in. We may have been apart for ten years, but that didn't mean I was going to start at formalities again. He was sitting on the toilet's closed seat, stooped over with his head resting in his hands. "Babe you okay?" I asked gentle, hoping that the room hadn't upset him to much. He looked up at me, an embarrassed smile forming as his cheeks colored slightly. "Sorry, didn't realize how much time passed." "You're fine," I assured, walking over and crouching before him. I lightly kissed his nose, paws rubbing his thighs as he sat up. "You're okay then?" I honestly was enjoying the concern I felt...it had been awhile since I worried about someone else. "Still recovering, Fen said I should take a few more weeks to rest but I didn't want to wait anymore." "You in any pain?" "Dull pain I would call it," he admitted casually, shrugging as if it didn't matter. "Alright, I'll get showered and we can do some catching up." He said this and waited, I guess he wanted me to leave... I grinned, "Mind if I join you?" "Yes," he said flatly, a conversation ender if I ever heard one. "Awww, why?" I whined playfully, tail wagging behind me. He didn't seem to want to answer, but I didn't like us starting out with secrets. "Normally I wouldn't push, but I have a feeling this is a stupid reason which I should head butt you right now for." The shadow of a smile made me rub the top of my muzzle under his chin. "I just didn't want you to worry about some things," he said. "Like the bandaged arm? If that's what you're talking about I'm not worried, just curious. I'm still not a feline, so I have no worries." His hands rubbed the back of my head affectionately, kissing my head before moving to stand up. I got up as well to give him some room, discreetly watching as he took off his shirt. It had been awhile and I be lying if I said I hadn't thought about his body, so I didn't want to freak him out by staring I guess. Apparently I had nothing to worry about though, as he looked at me waiting for a response. My paw pads skimmed over his side, touching the ribs that were easily seen. His muscles were clearly defined, and I could say his body probably had no fat content. "Need to get some food in you," I said with a smile, which he seemed to relax a little. "Yeah, I guess I didn't find much time to eat when in limbo." He was smiling, probably relieved that I hadn't bugged him about the scar. He cared about what I thought to much... I finished my descent before running over to his abs. To me it's the whole package that matters, and he was definitely my perfect 'package'. The light dusting of hair I found sexy...it gave him a more masculine look that I loved. I ran the pad through the scar that covered his diaphragm, noticing the slight temperature difference. It looked like a shark had bitten into him somehow, the edges slightly jagged. "Pierced by a spear," he said softly. I was trying to remain passive, but I'm sure my eyes gave me away. "Did a lot of damage, and didn't seem to want to heal to fast." He turned around, his back having three points which I assumed the spear had made as it passed through his body. I ran my paw over these as well, moving up to touch his shoulder blade, then the back of his neck. "Does it still hurt?" "No, that's fine. It's just the arm." I moved my paw over to the bandaged arm, waiting to see if he told me to stop or something. He didn't say anything so I started to remove the bandage, and I don't think I would have liked seeing what had happened to his arm in the first place. To describe it...if I would take my paw and scratch my own arm, the marks from all five claws going up it would be the best way of me describing the discoloration of his skin. It looked like it had been shredded apart, but it was healing. I like to also mention his arm felt a lot colder then the rest of him. Like just that one part of him had been left outside to face the winter's cold. "Move it for me." He looked over his shoulder at me, not seeming to understand my request. "Are you asking if I can move it?" "No, I just want you to." Without another word he reaches back, fingers reaching my neck and scratching. Taking up his hand in my own paw, I bring it to my muzzle to kiss the palm. "I'm glad you're okay," I say against it, watching him watch me. My other paw pulled him against me by his midriff, only to skim lower to his waste and touch the button of his jeans. "Why don't you get out of these, rinse off, and then we'll soak in the tub." "Didn't know you had a tub," I heard, some nervousness returning to his voice. "Oh yeah," I replied, rubbing my paw over his abs. "Someone with a water fetish wouldn't be complete without one, though you would know all about that." * * * The room was aglow with a purple haze, my body relaxing in the warm water as I watched Van do the same. This addition connected to the original master bathroom. An enclosed, floor level whirlpool tub with a ceiling mounted shower head that also provided the light. I had it set up like a Japanese garden, though the plants were fake due to me being to lazy to take them out for light. Water was also streamed into the whirlpool tub, trickling in and adding a soft sound to the room. I watched Van look from where he sat in the tub...he seemed impressed. "What do you think?" "It's very tranquil," he said, looking at me with a smile. "Didn't know you would take interest in something like this." "I guess I wanted some place to really relax. Twenty minutes in here made it a lot easier to fall asleep at night after a long day at work." There was a short pause, and through the colored haze I could see him playing with a thought. "The old man told me you went through a rough time after I left." I sigh, "We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to...it's in the past." "I want to hear about everything since I left." Another sigh, rubbing my eyes I tried to sort my thoughts. "Yeah, when you first left I didn't know what to do with myself. It was rough, I didn't realize just how much time we spent together. It took me a bit to get use to you not being there." "I'm sorry." "As I said, it's in the past. Graduated high school and went to college, did some football." I shrugged, smiling at him. "Ended up joining the FBI as a special agent, a masters in law and minor in accounting ." "You've been busy." "I've worked hard, but a certain wolf made things a lot easier and got me promoted faster. I almost feel like I'm cheating at life." "He wouldn't help you advance unless he knew you were ready for it." "How much influence does he have in the country?" I asked, chuckling. "I rather not know in all honesty..." "Anyway, that was my life in a nutshell. Parents are still working and doing fine, nothing major." "I heard you might be expecting a baby." Dumbfounded look, I'm sure, came over me. "What?" He just smiled, "I don't know, just what I was told." I shook my muzzle, "Son of a whore, he is such a drama queen! No, if I slept with a woman I made sure they were taking some kind of contraceptive. I also took my own precautions like..." I stopped as he started howling with laughter, only to sink below the water to finish his chuckling. He had moved closer to me, coming out of the water to kiss me. "You don't have to be so defensive, I wasn't worried. You're life, you deserve to live it how you want." Initiating the next kiss I wrapped my arms around his waste as he straddled me, his arms resting on my shoulders. "Still, he needs to find a better way of telling you I slept with a few women. Kurt was the only regular, and even that was just sex." Another kiss, I felt it was his way of telling me it was alright. "As long as I can hear you say you love me, that you come home to me...I can deal with you having sex with whoever." "You're the only one now," I assured, "unless you want some others involved. Up to you though." "You're such a horn dog." He moved off me, getting out of the tub and drying off as I watched. "I have yet to make a big sexual move on you." "Are you kidding me? You were getting aroused while we were on the couch." "No I wasn't," my reply didn't even sound believable to me...I was hoping he hadn't noticed. "It's the same reason you haven't gotten out yet right?" he asked, not waiting for a response as he left the room. I was left alone, semi-shocked and hard...hell no. I quickly followed, hitting the driers to speed up the process before going to the bedroom. He wasn't in the room which made me quirk a brow. I went to the closet as I decided what I wanted to do. I threw the extra sheet on the bed before turning to see him standing in the doorway, towel around his waist. "Sorry, needed a drink." "No probl..." I got cut off as he tackled me to the bed, his towel discarded during the lunge. Wrestling around wasn't something new for us, but him starting it was. All I can say is the next few minutes was body against body, muscles showing their strength and both of us getting excited. I finally managed to get him on his stomach, arms pinned behind his back as I straddled him. Both of us were breathing hard, but it wasn't because of the little physical exertion. "You going to behave?" I asked, my muzzle next to his upturned ear as I gave it an affectionate lick. "You way a ton," he grumbled, his eyes were closed and he was smiling. "Thought you finished growing before I left." "I don't think I got any taller." "Think you just filled out more..." "Whatever, not what I want to be talking about at the moment. Stay," the last part I growled out, him chuckling at my 'dominance'. I got up, getting the almond oil I had recently bought from my dresser. Straddling him once more I un-capped it, pouring some onto my paws and rubbing them together. "So tell me about your adventure," I said, moving his arms off his back where I had left them so his hands were above his head. I poured more of the oil onto his back, rubbing it into his skin. He let out a low groan, "That feels great." "Thought you would enjoy this while we talked." Another groan as I applied some pressure to his shoulder blades. "Where to begin..." * * * Time passed slowly, and I had worked on his whole back area. "Let's turn you over," I said softly, hating to interrupt him but wanting to work on the rest of him. I helped him roll over, his body seemed to relaxed for him to do it himself. I'm sure he censored the fighting, keeping details vivid but minimum because that's just how he is. Happy to say I hadn't gotten angry throughout the story, the fact he went through so much pain wasn't something I liked... He got comfortable, but he was looking me over and his eyes narrowed. "Why am I the only one naked...again?" I had thrown on the mesh jock from earlier, mostly to keep things down. I rolled my eyes, pouring the oil on his chest before working it in. The straight chest hairs matted to his skin more, and his hard muscles only reinforced why I needed to have something on. "So after you woke up what happened?" He didn't say anything as I gently worked his neck, his eyes watching me as I felt him harden slightly. His neck was still a hot spot I saw, but I acted like I didn't notice his growing reaction. I was on my knees which were on either side of his abdomen, my tail resting between his legs. "Don't worry about it babe," I said softly, moving to his collar area. The reason he wasn't saying anything was because he was embarrassed, not because he was getting heated up and wanted sex. "Sorry," him apologizing for something I didn't mind irked me a little. I leaned down and kissed him gently, encouraging him to continue his story. "Uhm...really not much more happened. A lot of laying around, but I was visited by a lot of the gods. Not to congratulate me of course, I think mostly to see who it was that helped take down Odin." He talked about a few of the gods and the relationships that Fenrir had built with them, apparently the wolf taking over wasn't seen as the worst thing in the world. His words started to become quieter as I continued massaging his chest and abdomen, and I looked up to see his eyes were closed. Soon his breathing became slow and steady, him falling asleep was something rare to me...he hadn't really slept much back in the day. I was finishing up his legs as I saw it was almost ten. I got up to get a towel to wipe the excess oil off him, being careful as not to wake him. I managed to finish that and get the extra sheet from under him without waking him up...was quite proud of myself really. I needed to start getting dinner ready for us, and I still had to call Kurt. Hadn't expected this day to be so eventful, my plans were just vegging out for most of the day. Sigh... I would love nothing more then to just go cuddle up with Van, but things did need to get done now. Washing my paws I decided to do lasagna, with it only being ten it gave the sauce plenty of time to simmer. First I went and got my cell and Bluetooth, dialing up Kurt as I started getting all the ingredients out I needed. "Wear him out already?" was the first thing I heard as Kurt picked up. "No we haven't even done anything yet," I stated, matter of fact tone. "I find that hard to believe. You aren't exactly Mr. Chastity." "Hey I have self-control, I just don't exercise it to often." Kurt laughed at that, adding "Yeah, you like 'exercising' another part way more." "Shut up," I was starting to laugh to. "Anyway, why did you want me to call?" Thank God for the Bluetooth, I had about four things going at once and was able to hold a conversation over the phone which didn't tie up my paws. Italian sausage was cooking, getting pans ready, mixing ingredients to begin cooking the sauce, and I was still getting out more stuff. "Just to make sure you were okay," I hear, his voice actually sounding slightly concerned. "It has been awhile, and I still remember how you got when he left. I just wanted to make sure everything was going well." "I'm fine, though you didn't have to set me up like that." Another low chuckle from him, "Figured it be better then me trying to tell you." "Probably was," I admitted, turning the sausage in the pan. "Van made me promise to make sure you yourself are okay with the situation." "What do you mean?" "I guess he assumed we had something more." "Ahhh, he's a good guy. No I'm fine Kai." "Going to start working on your relationship with Matt?" Matt was a friend of Kurt's I had meet on several occasions at the gym. Very handsome lion who was a physical trainer. "If by working on you mean force him out of the closet he barricaded himself in, then yes." "Funny that you're the one helping another come to terms with themselves." "You were right," Kurt admitted, "it wasn't anyway to live. I want to show Matt this as well." Long story short; Matt asked me about Kurt, I see his interest and tell Kurt, Kurt subtle confronts Matt and finds out he does have feelings for him...but Matt doesn't know if he can bring himself into that type (gay) relationship. Damn drama... We talked for a bit longer, making sure we were both cool with how this worked out. Kurt's final words being, "Got an offer I have to deal with, but thanks for the ride. If you two ever need an extra set of paws you know who to call." He hung up, and I kind of felt bad for the sales associate who was probably in the office when he said his 'goodbye'. * * * "Babe, you hungry?" I whispered near his ear, leaning over the bed. It was now nearing six in the afternoon, and the food was ready. He stirred slightly, his left arm moving to pull me closer so he could burry his nose in my fur. I chuckle, "You can sleep some more if you want." "No," he grumbled out groggily, "I need to get up." He soon let go, stretching out and sitting up. "I brought in your duffel bag," I said as I watched him try to escape sleep's hold. "I'm going to finish setting up the table." Kissing his cheek I leave him to do what he needed to do while I head back to the dinning room. The lights were dimmed, candles lit, and the food on the table. "Just need a wine," I muse as I go downstairs to the buttery. "Red...perfect," I murmur, picking up a Sangiovese wine, '03 Antinori Santa Cristina. Back upstairs I find Van sitting at the table in a dark rust colored long sleeve shirt and silk pants. I had thrown on a t-shirt and jeans before waking him up, so I was wondering if my attire had swayed his choice in wearing something. "Looks amazing," Van says as I pour the wine into the glass before him. "You really shouldn't have went to all the trouble..." "If I thought it was troublesome," I said as I sat down, "I wouldn't have done it." I watched as he moved his napkin to his lap before trying the salad. "I see you haven't lost your touch," he said with a smile. I returned the smile with my own, happy he liked the home made dressing. "Here, try this," I said, blowing on the fork of lasagna to cool it before offering it to him. "Shit," he muttered after taking the food off my fork, "...wow that's good. Why the hell didn't you become a chef?" My smile was wide, his compliments meaning a lot to me. "I guess I wanted a challenge from my career. I also didn't want to turn something I enjoy into a job." We ate in relative silence, enjoying each other's presence. Good food (if I do say so myself), wine, and just him made for a perfect evening. The almond oil that had soaked into his skin mixed with his natural scent well, and I couldn't promise myself of 'being good' the rest of the night...but his scent brought something to mind. "I haven't thanked you yet," I said softly, getting up to start clearing the table. "For what?" he asked, making to move only to have my paw signal him to stay. "I'll clean up, just relax." 'A lot of leftovers,' I think as I start sealing things up to put in the fridge, 'definitely doesn't eat as much as Kurt.' After all was said and done I was ready to join Van once more, with me a plate of strawberry tiramisu. "I should kick you in the head," I heard him grumble out before taking another drink of the wine. Putting on my best puppy dog look, think I lost it about eight years ago though, I whimpered out a 'why?' "You didn't have to do all this." "Again, if I didn't want to I wouldn't have," I stated simply. I hooked my foot paw on the leg of the chair, pushing it back before turning it so Van was facing me. He wore an amused quizzical look, which I just smiled in return. I pulled my chair so I was sitting directly in front of him, his knees on the inside of my legs. "So...thanking you," I mused before offering him a bite of the dessert. He accepted, and the confusion he showed disappeared as my lips pressed against his. My tongue touched his lips, and soon I was given access to his mouth. The taste was something else, and I had to force myself to pull back before I lost myself...my paw had already found a place on his thigh, thumb rubbing slowly. His breathing was heavier, and he seemed slightly surprised. "If that's how you're going to thank me, I'm going to have to do more of nothing." Another bite of dessert, followed by another kiss. "No, I just felt like doing this. My thanks is because you saved my life." He wouldn't accept another bite, and he pulled back slightly. "What do you mean?" "You saved my life," I mused before taking the dessert into my own maw...it tasted better coming from him. "I don't know what you mean, this is the first day I've been back." He looked amused, but it was like he didn't know how to react. I took another bite, just watching the look in his eyes...missed how they seemed to change when he wanted to know something. "It was about two years ago, and a kidnapping had taken place. Stressful time, cases like those are always tough." I trailed off but felt his hand rest on my paw, the understanding look comforting me. "Anyway...we hadn't made it in time. Found the kidnappers in a large abandoned factory. They were some kind of cult fanatics...sacrificed four children for the sake of their 'ascension'. Before we knew what was going on, someone set the place on fire...we figured it was the plan from the smell but thought we had them all." I stopped, finish off my glass of wine and looking back at him. His hand was still holding my paw, giving a reassuring squeeze. "The place was ablaze and we were trapped, a stupid mistake and we were caught in their little ritual. They caught themselves on fire I think, but I wasn't really caring about them anymore. We were in the middle of an inferno and could only worry about our own skins at the moment. Thought we were all going to die...but something in the fire caught my attention. It looked like a shadow in the fire, which was twisting something on the left side. The next thing I knew a part of the roof collapsed where the image was. The fire separated from the fallen metal, and we now had our way out. I caught your scent as I moved over the area, it was slight...but it was your's." Waiting for a response, I watched as he got up. "Stay," he simply said, and I smiled as I watched him leave the room. It was a moment before he walked back in, kneeling in front of me. "I should tell you that those people were fed to Garm, Hel's hellhound. I should also mention that...I thought I was dreaming." "Well you weren't," I said watching as he fidgeted with my left paw. "What are you doing?" "Trying to get this ring on your fat finger," I heard him grumble. Cocking my head to the side as I waited for him to finish. "Freya had Fafnir make it for me," he said, moving back to look up at me. I looked at the ring; two black metal bands, a network of roots made of diamond held the two bands together. It was subtle, the craftsmanship was beyond anything I had seen before. I look back at him, questioning the reason behind the ring. "Kai, I love you," he said softly as he stood, "and it'll never change for me either. So, I just wanted you to have some physical proof." My arms wrapped around him, pulling him to me. "You don't need to give me anything. As long as I have you, I'm happy." * * * When the desert had been taken care of, I finished cleaning up and then Van insinuated we 'go to bed'. I helped him move back to the headboard, our kiss almost continues. "You know," I said as I moved to his neck, "I could never get like this with anyone else." His breathing was getting heavy, "Like," he groaned as I nipped his neck, "what?" I pulled at his shirt, soon getting his assistance in getting it off, which was followed by my own. I felt his hands run through the fur around my neck as I continued kissing his. "I was never intimate with anyone else," I whispered in his ear, my voice already sounding husky to my perked ears. I gave his ear an affectionate lick like earlier, only to lightly nip it. "I never kissed them," I said, kissing his jaw. "Besides Kurt," I kissed his chin, "they never stayed. All of this is for you alone." His hands had been rubbing the back of my head, my ears now being his target. My claws were skimming over his skin, feeling the muscles contract at my touch. He didn't say anything, eyes focused on me. Our lips soon joined once more, and my claws played with the waist of his pants. I felt him lift up, giving me the permission I wanted as I took them off. I like to happily note he wasn't wearing anything under said pants. I pulled back, giving us both a chance to regain some of our breath. I grinned at his erect phallus, the slight flush on his cheeks deepening as he saw me looking him over. He sat up a little, his hands running down through my fur. "Definitely filled out more," he breathed out, hands now exploring my body. My tail was wagging but I tried to act angry, "You calling me fat?" "Besides your head, no..." "That explains this amazing body then," I said playfully, "need the strength to keep it up." "Yeah sure," he chuckled, "let's go with that." His hands were attempting to unbuckle my jeans, but I had to assist as his they were trembling slightly. "Excited?" I ask, my pants now unbuttoned but paws holding his hands. His right wasn't as cold as it was earlier today, but still had a slight chill to it. "It's just been awhile, I don't want to fuck this up." "Well I hope you do 'fuck this up'," I said, taking on the playful tone once more. "You know what I mean." Taking his hands I encourage him to help me out of my pants, focusing on getting my tail out while he pulled them down. Soon they were off and I was just as naked as him. Tapered cock just as erect as his, having left my sheath the moment we had gotten in the bed...honestly I was glad I was out of my pants for it was way to confining. I watched as his eyes looked me over as I had done with him moments before. "Everything to your liking?" "I'll make due I suppose," he said, acting casual. I growled, paws pulling so he was now laying flat on the bed. "Got to be a smart ass huh?" I asked, leaning over to capture his mouth once more. I shifted myself to take up the position I had when giving him his massage without breaking the kiss. I can't help the grin as he moans into my maw, my claw teasing the slit of his dick. I can feel his left hand close around my own tapered cock, the right gently messaging my furry scrotum. "See you haven't forgotten what I like," I said against his lips, using a free hand to hold myself up as I gently thrust into his hand. With his hands he showed off his memory, the amount of pressure and motions he used perfect. My own paw left his cock, reaching over to the nightstand to feel around for the lube. I saw his eyes watch as I pulled it over towards us, and felt him shift his legs to try and move up so he could get in a more submissive position. "Hold up," I say softly, paw moving to rest on his chest as I sat up. I scouted back slightly, shifting until his hard dick was between my crack. The look in his eyes was priceless...like out of all the things in his life THIS was the biggest mystery he couldn't figure out. I leaned down to kiss him once more, and feeling his cock rub against an area no other had before caused a growl to sound in my throat. "How would you like to claim the other thing that's only your's?" I asked him, flashing him a toothy grin. "I....never thought you would..." "For you," I shifted to kiss his neck, "I'd do anything." Licking his ear again I couldn't resist to whisper, "You should take advantage of that...maybe tomorrow morning you could bend me over the counter. Tease me until I beg for this bone of your's." He groaned, my words having the desired effect as I felt his cock throb between my crack. "Lets get me ready so.." I rub my paw pads over his chest, "I can have a more pleasant ride." His eyes said how into this he was, even though they still seemed surprised. He had gotten some control of his breathing, now taking calmer breaths then panting like before. I placed the lube between the pillows, knowing we would need it in a little bit but not at that moment. He watched with heated eyes as I took his hand off my engorged member, bringing it to my muzzle to lick off the juices that had accumulated. "I thought you would want to do more exploring before we got down to the nitty-gritty." With his fingers fanned apart he touched my muzzle, stroking over my whiskers. "I have a very long time to get to reacquaint myself with you. Why not experience something new for the moment?" I asked with a smile. I took his middle finger into my maw, suckling on the digit with a mischievous look. Taking it from my maw, I guided the hand to my tail hole, balancing myself on my knees so it was easier to get to. I could feel his finger delicately touch the puckered flesh, his eyes watching me to make sure he didn't do anything wrong. "Get on your stomach," he said softly, his finger still gently rubbing against my tail hole. I just smile at him before rolling off, happy that he wanted to take this in his own hands. I listened as he shifted on the bed, spreading my legs as I felt him move between them. I closed my eyes as I felt firm hands run up my thighs, moving up to my furry glutes. I groan as he massaged them, my trapped cock twitching beneath me. With gentle firmness he spread my cheeks, and I instinctively hitched my tail to the side. Soon I felt his heated breath against my exposed hole and I couldn't help the whimper, the sensation was something I hadn't felt before...and I down right gasped as I felt his tongue tentatively touch the flesh. I was trembling, trying to deal with what he was giving...it was quite an experience in all honesty. I found myself pushing back, now on my knees to give him further access. I whined as he pulled away, missing the attention from him instantly. I became anxious as his body pressed against my back, a deep laugh escaped him. "How long have you thought about this?" he whispered huskily into my ear. "Since our first time," I replied back softly, feeling strong fingers pulling my muzzle around so he could kiss me. I groaned into the kiss, opening my eyes as I felt him shifting, seeing him grab the bottle of lube. "I-I knew I could...give myself to you without feeling like I was less of a person." "The act of submitting that hard for you?" "Surely you know how deeply my pride runs..." "Well if this becomes to much for you," another groan as a finger stroked over my worked hole, "just let me know." I nodded my muzzle, a satisfied chuckle from him and he made his way to my rear once more. His tongue lapped over where his finger had just been, long strokes from the muscle making me shake. He switched between tongue and finger several times, and a few times he grazed my soft flesh with his teeth. I was panting, tongue lulling out, except when he grazed my flesh...during those moments I was moaning like never before. The sound of an uncapping lid caught my attention, perked ear turning to listen to the new sounds. I heard the slick fluid being squirted out, and soon felt the chill of the liquid which got a heavy breath through clenched teeth. "You okay?" "It's a little cold," I managed to get out before I felt his digit rub against me. "Sorry," I heard his apology, but knew there was a smile on his face, "I'll remember next time." I heard him, but his words didn't mean much as his digit made it's way past my resistance. A throaty groan escaped me, the feeling of the penetration awkward but made my cock twitch happily. More lube was added, but it had lost it's chill...or my body was to focused on other things, like his other hand rubbing my cock to notice. Another finger added, tighter strokes on my length and I was in heaven. He paid attention to my tip and prostate at the same time, and I started to wonder if he was just going to make me blow my load like that. "You up for multiple orgasms tonight?" He really could be stupid at times...I just growled, rocking my hips back against the invaders. The pleasure was something I hadn't felt before, and when his fingers focused purely on my prostate I couldn't stop moaning. I felt him moving, shifting around and a small part of me was curious on why...most of me didn't care as long as the pleasure didn't stop. My muzzle scrunched up in confusion as his shoulders touched my knees. "What are yo..." I couldn't finish my sentence, in fact breathing escaped me as he suddenly took me into his mouth. My orgasm hit me like...well as if I just ran into a brick wall. The throaty moan that finally escaped me hurt. If I could have felt relieved I would have, because he was smart enough to keep a hand against my pelvis...if he hadn't I probably would have choked him from my persistent bucking. He didn't stop suckling on my cock until I whimpered into the mattress. I felt him move out from under me, nuzzling my rump before letting me sink fully onto the bed. I was trying to regain my breath as he laid down beside me, and I caught the cheshire grin out of the corner of my eye...glad I wasn't the only one who was happy, though I would have loved those fingers in me still. My tail gentle thumped against the bed as I scooted my way over to him. "You should consider yourself lucky," I playfully growled, "normally I'd fuck that grin right off someone." "If you want to..." he left the statement open, giving me permission, but I had other things I wanted to do. I crawled over him, possessing his mouth with my own. He was covered in my scent, my seed added to his taste...all of this was a huge turn on. My cock was soon out of my sheath and just as hard as before, rubbing against his abs with renewed vigor. "No, I'm ready to move on." I turned, paw fumbling around for the lube until I found it. "This position okay?" he asked, crossing his wrist behind his head so his fingers were running beneath his shoulders. "Been ten years, rather not have to much control so getting carried away doesn't happen." "This position is perfect," I muse, spreading the lube I had working in my paw over his hard flesh. I saw that his eyes were closed, teeth biting into his lower lip. I repositioned myself after preparing him, his lubed flesh rubbing against mine. "Maybe this..." "It's a perfect like everything else," I breathed out, slowly impaling myself on his length. Now he wasn't small in any way, not as big as me...but definitely not small. My point being that I wasn't complaining about pain and what not because I didn't feel it really. I mean there was a slight burn and it was a slow working process until I was seated against him, but it wasn't what I call painful. I felt full and I honestly loved the feeling. My cock was leaking like a faucet, pre coating his abs. I was slightly leaning over him panting, trying to calm myself before I was thrown off the edge again...it was truly a novel experience. My eyes opened to make sure Van was alright. His whole body was tensed, muscles strained under sweat slicked skin were easily seen. His jaw was clenched, eyes shut...but his breathing was calm and even. "Don't move...please," he said lightly before taking in a shaky breath. I wasn't going to make promises because I really wanted to feel him moving in me. "Not hurting you am I?" "No," his jaw was starting to unclench, "but...you're really tight...and I'm about to lose it. So..." The seconds drew on and turned to minutes, but he was slowly starting to calm down. His right eye opened and was looking at me before a slight smile touched his lips. I understood that smile when I felt his hips pull down before bucking up suddenly. My arms ended up on either side of his head, my maw open in a silent cry above his face...the ass. I was shaking, the spike in pleasure was a giant explosion in my head which I was still seeing stars from. "Alright I'm good," he said, that slight grin now full. "I love you," I murmur above him, "even when you're a pain in my ass." Hahaha...pun. I lifted my hips slightly, enjoying that the grin he wore was completely knocked off his face. "Shit..." he breathed out, his fingers tightening on the nape of his neck. I knew this wasn't going to last long for either of us, so figured just go all out. I attacked his neck, licking the sweat from the skin before giving the area a nip. His groans were becoming more like pants, unable to even form the sounds. His hands found there way to my hips, helping meet my descents with his own thrust... he seemed to know that extra bit of his cock in me was something I craved. My claws racked across his chest, red lines quick to appear on his skin. Everything about this was pushing me to my climax; our combined pants, the sight of his sweaty body and tensed muscles, the feel of his cock deep in me, the hard muscles my paws and thighs touched, the smell of our musk and sex...I think what affected me most was the heated look his eyes had. He may have let me have control, but his eyes screamed how easy it would be for him to take it. And, as if he could read my mind, he showed me exactly that. A rough pull on my arm and fur around my neck, he brought my muzzle to his mouth for a fierce kiss. His cry soon reverberated in my muzzle, his body releasing the source of his tension into me...it was then that I lost it myself. The pleasure being given to my body and the fact that I gave him so much that he lost control, well it sent me over without manual stimulation to my cock. He was coated in sweat, my cum, and soon my sweaty fur as I laid on top of him. "Fanfuckingtastic," he breathed out heavily, his chest rising and falling even with my full weight on him. I could just smile, nuzzling my nose below his jaw. We laid like that, his hands gently running through my fur as I just tried to regain my breath. I felt his softening dick leave me, a light groan sounded in my throat...definitely missed that. I felt his cum leaking out as well, the hot liquid running from my tail hole and matting the fur on my thigh. I'm not sure how much time passed, but it wasn't enough...I felt him moving under me, and figured he was just getting uncomfortable with all my weight on him. I rolled off, reaching to pulling him against me to cuddle but he seemed to have other ideas. I watched through partially opened eyes as he got out of the bed. "Where are you going?" I growled out, unhappy that he wasn't cuddling with me. "Hey!" He ignored me, his pace was slow as if he was having trouble keeping on his feet...and he was pushing buttons I didn't even know I had. "Van," I said sternly, renewed strength as I got out of bed as well. My tongue clicked in my maw... Next thing I knew I had him against the wall, claws digging into his throat. "Going to go easy on me?" he asked, sounding scared...but those eyes that looked back at me said otherwise. "You wouldn't be happy with that would you?" I snarled in his face, teeth bared. My paw started to loosen, surprise spreading over my muzzle because I had no idea what had come over me. "Go with it," he said softly, the smile he had enforced what he was saying. * * * Claws digging into his muscular rear as his legs were wrapped around my waist, my strength supporting his weight. His fingers were running through the sweat dampened fur on my back, digging into my flesh harder depending on my thrust. My nose was against his throat. I was constantly breathing in his scent as I breathed out through clenched teeth, every once in awhile scrapping them against his skin eliciting a sharp moan from him. My thrust were anything but gentle, full length hard thrust. Tapered cock moving through his tight hole. "Easy Kai," he would pant out here and there...never meant it but... I never considered being like this with him. Passionate yes, but pure animalistic lust...not so much. Though I had to admit, compared to the sex with everyone else, this was the most intense. It wasn't long before we both were calling out our climaxes...but something was bothering me. I mean, not enough for me to not enjoy the moment...but there was something. "That...was incredible," I growled out, stretching on the bed with him beside me. "Payback's a bitch I hear," was his response, and I watched as he moved between my slightly parted legs. "Van, I don't think..." "Nothing new," he cut me off, fingers rubbing over my perineum getting a low growl from me. "You're going to wear me out." "Also heard you're like the energizer bunny," he said with a grin. My back was soon against the headboard, rump resting against his thighs as he stood on his knees. "So, now that it's my turn again..." His body language screamed he was going to pound me as thoroughly as I had just done with him, and while that excited me I had no control at the moment and I wasn't use to it. I flinched, preparing myself for a hard claiming...but it never came. He was gentle, pushing into me slow and easy. I saw him watching me, stopping if he saw something cross my eyes that I didn't know was there. Soon he was seated in me once more, previous actions having left me well lubed still. "This keeps getting better." He didn't move, and I shifted my weight to try and encourage him. The stretched out feeling of my tail hole, the added warmth from him being inside me, and the electrical tingle that he brought on was just so good. " I'm not kidding babe. Please," I begged when he didn't move. He still wasn't moving, his eyes focused on my own. "I didn't push before," he said softly...why did he want to talk now? Why did it have to be when he had his thick hot cock in my tail hole that we needed to talk? "Why did you do it?" "I don't know what you're talking about," I whined, fidgeting more. "The first time wasn't completely intentional, but you knew alcohol poisoning was a possibility." Talk about a mood killer..."Van." "The second time was completely intended, Fen had to intervene in fact." My chest and throat felt constricted, and I couldn't break my eyes away from his. It was true, and I wouldn't deny it. The first few days he was gone...I hit the booze harder then I thought. After a year of not hearing anything, and a very rough day...I had no hope to draw on and well...long story short, I woke up perfectly fine in my bed with a pair of crimson eyes watching me. I didn't know what to say, and it wasn't until I felt his hand run over my cheek that I blinked. I hadn't noticed the tears that had started obscuring my vision. "I didn't mean to ruin the moment. I just wanted you to know I'll never make you feel that way again." My arms were around his neck, muzzle buried against his shoulder. "Don't leave me again," I cried out softly. I hadn't felt that bared in a long time, nor had I cried lately. It felt good getting it off my chest, that I wasn't keeping this from him. All the while he comforted me, reassuring me he wouldn't leave ever again. * * * When the water was finally cleared we made love, which was more satisfying then the first two couplings put together. His thrust were slow, and his hands explored my body as if he was rememorizing it. He talked to me the whole time, whispering how much he thought about me while he was gone...how much he missed me. When we had finally finished we were laying in the bed, cuddling. We both needed a shower, but were way to tired and just to content to care. Personally speaking; my body was getting the gentle ache from all the 'strenuous' work, my tail hole a mild burn from the abuse it had taken that it never had before, and my balls felt like they would explode if I had to cum one more time...but all this was such a welcomed feeling. Van's face was inches from my muzzle, his warm breath washing over me as we held each other. I thought he had fallen asleep, but soon felt his lips against mine for a soft kiss. "Love you." I smile, "I was going to wait until Christmas, but I rather tell you now. In the night stand behind you is the ring I bought for you a year ago. Nothing as fancy as what you gave me, so I hope you don't mind." "Not exactly the most formal way of asking for my hand in marriage." "Who said I was asking?" "Forced marriage...nice." "You like it," I chuckle out, taking his lips to return the light kiss from before. We moved around some until finally comfortable enough to sleep, but I assure you it was in each other's embrace...Warm, loved, and content falling asleep was easy. * * * He informed me later on what was bugging me on the night of his return. It seems Van and his sister, while not being fully blood related, were basically the two sides of one coin. Van was of a physical element, while his sister an emotional. She had been an empath, able to read people's emotions and sometimes read their minds. Apparently Van was slowly starting to gain bits of the other side of the coin, and at the moment was able to influence other's behaviors...and he called me the horn dog. Anyway... Only time would say how life would go for us, but I myself was sure it was going to be fine...after all we were made for each other. Destiny and what have you. As long as he was by my side I was happy, and lucky for me he would be there for a very long time... * * *


  • * * The rain was coming down rather hard, making it difficult to see the two standing in the graveyard. "That time of year already?" Van grinned, turning to see the big white wolf leaning against the old pine tree he was under. "Yeah, I told him he was going to get sick coming out today. But I'm not one to deny him what he wants." "I already knew that," Fen grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I see you still have trouble walking on hallowed grounds." Van snorted, "These aren't hallowed grounds." "My bad, you still have trouble walking where large concentration of the dead lie." "Yeah...I can hear the water and it just seems to make me feel ill." "Understandable. After so many years of residing there, your body just has a natural hatred of going near it." "So," Van's eyes wondered back to the pair, "what are you doing here?" "The big six-five is coming up in a few," Fen mused, "have you asked him yet?" "I don't plan on it. Eternity is a very long time, and I don't feel like taking Kai's chance of peace away." An over exasperated sigh caused Van to turn to the wolf with a questioning look. "How can you take away his option though?" "I don't want to make him feel like he has to. Since I'm the one that's asking, I'm fairly sure he would just say yes without really knowing what he was getting into." "I see," he mused, shaking his head slightly for some water droplets had landed on his muzzle. "Well I suppose it's a good thing I gave him the option then huh?" The pause made Fen turn his crimson eyes to Van, but the wolf was smiling big even with the glare he was getting. "You did what?" "I gave him the option. Awhile ago in fact..." "You had no right." Van watched as the wolf shrugged, turning to look back at the pair once more and noticed they were finishing up. "So...what did he choose?" A laugh Van missed often was heard, "I'm not telling you. On to other subjects, Faf and I are allowed to visit the great grandkids this year for Christmas?" "You're allowed to visit them all you want, just stop spoiling them." "I'm a giver, can't help it." The big wolf yanked Van towards him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Miss you kiddo, I'll try to visit more." "I know you're busy, it's okay." Van returned the hug, enjoying the wolf's warmth on the chilly autumn day. "Can you answer why you left Gungnir yet?" "What was the last reason I gave you?" he jokingly asked, tail wagging happily. His ears perked, turning to look at the tree..."As you said yourself, nobody lives forever. When the day comes that I need to go, well I know that someone will be able to take me." "You really have dad issues..." That laugh again, followed by a big paw ruffling Van's white hair. "You know, even with the white hair you look rather young. Kai known as a cougar...wait male equivalent...manther?" "Shut up," Van laughed out. "He can get it up still right?" "Fen!" "Just asking!" "Yes he can still get it up. He's like a damn twenty year old still." "Guess that's one bone you don't have to worry about getting brittle..." Van turned to playfully hit Fen, but he was no where to be seen. "He was here right?" he muttered to himself, before several drops of water landed on him. "Rain..." he sighed out. Van was getting wetter, the water starting to find it's way through the needles more. "Babe," the elder wolf growled, "you're getting wet." Kai pulled Van against his side, the umbrella he held shielding them both then. Looking at older wolf Van grinned, for not much had changed over the years. At most his fur had dulled in it's sheen, and he had some gray fur on his lower jaw...he was still a looker. The other wolf was as well, sharing the build of his father. He got his silver fur and brown eyes from his mother though. "Alright, grandkids will be expecting you two around five," Victor said with a smile. Giving them both a hug before headed off, leaving his parents to idle stroll back to their car. "Hope you don't mind," Kai said, "apparently they've been bugging to see us." "It's fine," Van replied, "we haven't had much time of late." "Well that's why I was making sure...didn't know if you had plans for us." Van just relaxed into his wolf more, "If I did the plans can be pushed back. We have all the time in the world together, so there's no rush." "All the time in the world," Kai mused with a smile, "and then some..." The two walked through the rain, side by side like how much of their time is spent...like how most of their eternity was going to be. * * *
