The Necron

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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#7 of Legend of the Tiger Clan

After the end of the tournament everything went back to normal in minegarde as Linda attended to her daily duties as princess while Zeng viewed some of the contracts he received from clients in the region but so far most of it was minor raptor infestations that needed to be taken care of so they didn't pay much and it had been months since the nearest wyvern had been spotted in the kingdom.

"*sigh* I wonder what Linda's doing?"

Zeng stepped out of the guest room and made his way to the main hall, while on the way he passed his parents bedroom and heard giggling through the door, as he peeked in he could see both his mothers bare naked and kissing while they rolled around in the sheets and as he was about to leave he suddenly overheard them talking about his relationship with the princess.

"So our little Zeng finally found a mate has he?"

"Yes and-Ohhh that feels good!"

Elicia could barely finish her sentences with her mate playing with her breasts and suckling on her entrance with a little fingering in between.

"And what-Mmm..."

"I t-think they would make a h-h-HHAAPPY! couple plus *moans* Zeng is one of the kingdoms best hunters and the people-WOO!! adore him."

"True, now enough's your turn."

Sharon then laid herself on the bed and spread herself gesturing Elicia to hurry up and she was more than happy to oblige but before he saw anything else Zeng left the guest room section and headed downstairs to the main hall where Linda had just finished with the last of her visitors.



The young lovers greeted each other with a quick kiss to the lips while Zeng sat on the guest seat next to the throne, allowing Linda to sit in his lap and wrap her arms around him.

"Something wrong?"

"I don't's just that this whole thing has been crazy for me. I mean when we first met you were my best friend since we were kids and now...this, plus I still haven't found him yet."

By "Him" Zeng was referring to Glayce; the frost dragon who destroyed his village and wiped out his entire clan and even to this day the village remains a tragic memorial of that day but something else was bothering Zeng. He loved Linda like he never loved anyone before and she felt the same about him then without thinking Zeng turned to her ready to ask a question.

"Linda? will you-!!"

Suddenly the curtains on the windows dropped and the room became filled with darkness and a sinister laughter was heard through the main hall, the first two voices that he heard were female.

"Who's there?!?"

"We've been hunting for you for quite some time little tiger..."

"Did Glayce send you?!?"

"Very good you're smarter than you look...and cute to boot *giggle*"

A voice was heard right in front of them and without thinking Zeng attempted to tackle the assailant only to be faceplanted on the floor, suddenly a barrier of magic surrounded Linda as she screamed out of fright reaching out to Zeng.



Zeng furiosly punched, kicked and clawed at the shield but to no avail and in a single moment Linda was lifted into the shadows still reaching out for him with tears in her eyes.


A male voice was soon heard in the shadows and Zeng couldn't help but feel he heard that voice before.

"If you want her back so badly meet us at the edge of the forest and will negotiate otherwise the kingdom will be looking for a new ruler *maniacle laughter!!*"


Later in the afternoon Zeng was given the fastest horse in the stables and a special ointment from the doctor as he prepared to leave he stared at he hundreds of people and nobles who would await for his return for the princess.

"Captain before I go....what is your name?"

"It's Bronn."

"Thank you for the horse."

As Zeng raced off to he forest and the crowd disperesed the captain stood there wathcing him fade and after carefully looking around he removed his gauntlet and on his hand was the same mark that Zeng bore on his arm.

"Be careful....Son."

As the sun reached high noon Linda sat there tied up and crying while the three mysterious hooded figures stood there awaiting Zengs arrival. one of them looked at her with pity and whispered something into the leaders ear and after a few mumbled arguments the third member walked over to her with a knife and cut her free.

"Don't even think about running!"

"That voice....Kerric?!?"

After a short sigh Kerric removed his hood as did the others revealing them to be a pink furred vixen and a female wolf, upon removing her cloak she revealed that she had the wings of a raven and tied to her waist was a magic tome meaning she was a spell caster.

"Why are you three doing this?!? Zeng has done nothing wrong!"

"Don't worry your highness everything will be revealed soon-!!"


Zeng had snuck up behind Kerric and thanks to his tiger speed he nearly cleaved him in two had it not been for Kerric drawing out his sword and jumping back to safety.

"I'll wear your pelt as my cloak!!"

"Wait Zeng if you just-WHOA!!!!"

Zeng wasn't in the mood for talking as he brought out his claymore slashing at Kerric with all his strength, then the vixen who was with him noticed Zengs mark begining to glow and after a couple of more swings Zeng became filled with a strange power and as if he were posessed he focused the energy into his blade and slammed the ground with tremendous foce causing it to split in two as the energy came out in a burst of light.


As the smoke cleared Kerric emerged with a huge cut on his chest while Zeng fell on his back passing out from what had just happened.

"Kerric! are you alright?"

"I'm fine Abby."

Abby; the pink furred vixen was Kerrics mate who had a deep love for him after she lost against him in a fight, the other one was Angel who was a good friend of theres and because of her kind nature she checked on Zeng while allowing Linda to stay at his side.

"Your highness with your permission we need to get back to the castle, he needs treatment immedieately."

"Very well but you have a LOT of explaining to do!"

"Relax princess! the one thing that Glayce forgot to remember is that we demand money up front first *pulls out a sack of gold coins* and besides I think I just found myself a new partner for the hunting business."

The End

(Character(s) Linda(Property of Terdburgler), Kerric, Abby and Angel(Property of Angel the Vampiric)