WHEEL: Night at the Races

Story by stealtharwing on SoFurry

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#2 of The WHEEL

Champagne gets dragged down to a racing event by Ebon. Boredom ensues until an unwanted guest walks up to her.

WHEEL suggestion from Ghosty! I had to condense it down from his original suggestion otherwise I would end up with a full length story on my hands. (Sorry dude. ^,.,^;) However, it's left an idea for a followup in my head. So, we'll see where that goes.

Anyway, trying to clear off what's left of my WHEEL suggestions on my nights off. These are WAY overdue. Next up: "Lesbian mouthboob."

Champagne, Ebon, and Majesty are owned by EvilArt

Suggestion by Ghosty

Story by stealtharwingJoin my Discord Server!

Champagne sighed and let out a shiver as she pulled Ebon's leather jacket tighter around herself. True to Florida's winter weather, the day had been in the low eighties. However, now that the sun had gone down the temperature had dropped to the low forties. She had not been prepared for the cold when the wolf asked if she wanted to tag along while he watched a friend in some races. His large jacket completely covered the leather miniskirt and crop-top that she had worn to work that day, leaving it to look like it she was wearing it like a dress along with her thigh high stockings and heels.

She watched from her spot on the hood of Ebon's Volkswagen Corrado as the flagger lined up another two cars that were about to race. The vixen didn't really care much for the races themselves, but she found the pre-race betting between the two drivers to be interesting at least. It reminded Champagne of her time in Vegas with Marco, but immediately shoved the memories from her mind.

"Hey baby, why don't you come see a real racer's car?" Champagne's ear flicked in annoyance as her gaze shifted over to the weasel that had approached her while she was distracted. His smile showed missing teeth and his clothes were so big on him she wondered just how they were staying on.

"Bugger off," she spat at him as the vixen gripped the can of pepper spray in her coat pocket. She started looking in the direction Ebon had walked off in, hoping to see the wolf and get his attention.

"Oh, don't play ol' Rudy like that," the weasel snickered as he sat down next to Champagne. He smelled horrible, and the odor almost made the vixen gag. "Foreign chicks all wanna ride da wicked weasel." Rudy leaned towards Champagne and in an instant the vixen had the can of pepper spray out sprayed the contents into the weasel's eyes.

"I said, 'Bugger off,'" she growled before shoving him off the car. The weasel fell to the ground, rolling around while rubbing his eyes.

Rudy shot up and glared at Champagne though bloodshot eyes. "You fucking cunt!" The weasel looked as if he was going to reach for something in his pocket when a pair of black-furred arms grabbed him in a full nelson, lifting his feet off the ground.

Champagne smirked as she saw who those arms belonged to. "Better late than never, Ebon." As soon as the words left her lips, the weasel froze in the wolf's grasp.

"Tried getting here as soon as I saw this piece of shit coming over here, but people kept getting in the way," Ebon responded. He turned and looked over his shoulder. "Hey, Majesty, didn't you ban this asshole last month?"

A female rabbit walked into Champagne's view from behind Ebon wearing a white and blue fire suit with matching boots. Her sapphire eyes glared at Rudy from behind her matching bangs. "Indeed I did," she said with anger in her eyes. "Won't you be a dear and take out the trash while I keep your friend company?"

"With pleasure," the wolf said before walking off, the weasel he was carrying now having a look of complete and utter fear.

Champagne watched Ebon as he went, stowing away the pepper spray back into the coat pocket. She felt the car shift as the newcomer sat down next to her. "Dense as all fuck, but that wolf's got one hell of an ass," she heard the rabbit say and couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Trust me," the vixen said before turning her attention to the rabbit, "the rest of his body is just as good if not better." Champagne took out her hand and offered it to the rabbit. "Champagne."

"Majesty," the rabbit replied with a smile, taking her hand and giving it a good squeeze. "I organize these events, though it seems I need to replace my security."

"I'll be honest, I don't really get the appeal," Champagne said as she placed her hand back inside the warmth of the coat pocket.

Majesty nodded and folded her arms under her chest. "I get that a lot. It's different for every driver, but for me there's just something about the speed that excites me." She motioned out to the cars revving their engines at the starting line. "For others it's all about the pride of having the fastest machine."

Champagne watched as the lights turned green and the two cars roared down the track. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Majesty lift up a hand radio that was strapped to her shoulder and said "Lane two jumped." The flagger lifted up their own radio and yelled something to the group crowding the starting point, to which there was an angry response.

The vixen looked back at the rabbit. "I personally still don't get it, but to each their own."

"The trash has been dealt with, ladies," Ebon said as he walked back up to the car, drawing their attention. "We can get out of here if you want, Cham. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to stay after that."

The vixen shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." She smirked at him. "You can make it up to me by making breakfast in the morning."

Ebon chuckled. "I can do that," he said before walking around to the driver's side and unlocking the car.

Champagne stood up and stretched a bit before walking over to the passenger side door. Majesty caught up with her and opened the door. "If you'd ever like to know the joys of speed, just ask the beefcake for my number," she said with a wink.

With a nod of agreement to Majesty, Champagne slipped into the car before the rabbit closed the door. The vixen watched as she walked off and couldn't help but wonder what her body looked like under that suit.

Ebon's voice brought her back from her fantasies. "Whose place are we going to?"

"Yours," she said as she buckled up and leaned back in her seat, shutting her eyes. "I don't feel like sharing tonight." She heard Ebon laugh before starting the car and driving off.

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