Running In The Rain Part 2

Story by Ca8Pom on SoFurry

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#2 of Running In The Rain

He was startled awake by the crashing slap of lightning followed by the rumbling roar of thunder. Having been sleeping on his back he shot up in to a sitting position and gawked out of the window of his apartment. Behind the half closed blinds he could see the torrents of rain pouring down and the flashes of lightning as it continued to slap and boom outside.

He made himself catch his breath and breathe in to a more normal pattern. Hanging his head and gently placing his right hand over his yellow eyes. It wasn't that the lightning and thunder had startled him awake, it was that he was startled awake from his dream, and he hadn't wanted it to be a dream. It was as if he had just lost his entire life as soon as he woke up.

But he knew everyone had a dream like that at least once in their life.

Only, the dream was about that furry girl he had met earlier in the day. Well, not actually met, but bumped in to...

He knew furries could get in to a state of frenzy about wanting to mate with another furry. It was something like lust, but more powerful, and would drive them crazy until they fulfilled the desire.

Growling deeper than would have been possible for a mere wolf he tossed the white sheet off of his legs and swung them off of the side of the bed. With an easy power he lifted himself from the mattress and paced across the one room apartment to the couch behind the large flat screen tv mounted to the wall. He plopped, naked, on to the couch and snatched the remote off of the floor in front of the couch. A couple clicks had the TV on and to the news.

Nothing new or untoward happened recently in their city. So he flipped through channels. Disappointed but not surprised that nothing was on but either sex programs or early religious ones. He flicked the TV off and let the remote fall back to the floor.

With a pent up sigh he put his head back against the cushion and closed his glowing, luminous yellow eyes.

Large brown eyes slowly opened in a sensual manner and captured his heart and hormones and-

He opened his eyes and growled again, punching the arm of the couch. What was he going to do to at least get through the rest of the night?

He looked back out the window and decided even though it was storming like hell he would go out and see what was going on. Maybe find a quick fix to release some hormones, if anyone were willing to do it with a hybrid, and do it fairly decently.

He pushed himself off the couch. The world they lived in had no laws or policies that a furry needed to be dressed, so he walked to the front door of his apartment, and headed for the stairs.

It had to have been past midnight when he walked out of the apartment building directly in to the storm. The rain was coming down in sheets but it merely sizzled, popped, and steamed off of him. Lightning continued to crash and tear the sky with streaks of luminescence and thunder always followed quickly after. The kind of thunder that seemed to make the earth vibrate under it's magnitude.

Absently choosing a direction, he started to walk, and wondered where he would end up. He didn't know how long he walked as he did in the storm, the chilly rain doing nothing to cool him off, or dampen his ardor.

When out of the blue he noticed a small coffee shop with lights still turned on through the windows.

She hated storms.

Around ten that night when the storm began with just pitter patters she had rushed out of the townhouse they lived in and made her way to the city. She really didn't like the city, but, at the same time during a storm she felt safer knowing she would always be able to find somewhere to hide. Much to her luck and relief she found this little 24/7 coffee shop that was always open and friendly to visitors. No one gave her a second glance even though she was wearing baggy white pajama's and her bobbed hair was a mess. So as the storm progressed she lounged on a plush red couch, listened to the live singers, and sipped on some hot Chamomile tea to calm her nerves.

She was half asleep, laying curled up on the couch with her head resting on the arm, when the bell on the door chimed and someone walked in. Drowsily she turned her head to look towards the door and nearly had a heart attack.

The...Thing that had run in to her earlier in the day was standing in the doorway looking absolutely demonic. Before the door could close behind him lightning flashed and flared platinum behind him. Steam was hellishly pouring off of him it seemed from every pore, and, his yellow eyes glowed in such an odd way that it made her think he was some evil thing come to eat her soul.

She shot up in to a sitting position, bracing a delicate yellow paw behind her on the arm of the couch and unconsciously backing up so that she was sitting on it, nearly sitting on the end table beside the couch. At the time she did this everyone had stopped to gawk at the Mutt in the doorway, even the guitarist stopped plucking and the singer stopped howling, but then after they heard her reaction they all turned to stare at her. She looked around with startled brown eyes and blushed deeply and wildly beneath the pale yellow fur on her face.

The door closed behind the steaming beast as he walked in, naked, and blatantly aroused. As he deliberately made his way towards the very couch she was cowering on. Everyone muttered but continued in their own little worlds and the music picked back up as if nothing happened.

He was halfway to the couch before he stopped steaming and knelt on the middle cushion beside her, staring intently right at her, glowing yellow eyes searing through her own and chilling her spine so that she couldn't move. She tried to say something but it just came out as a startled high-pitched squeak.

He crawled closer to her until he was nearly on top of her without touching her, baring down, pheromones pulsing through his veins and lust apparent in his features. She shrunk down in to herself and stared up at him in horror. Again she tried to scuttle back to get away and scuttled right off the couch and on to the end table. Her lukewarm mug of chamomile tea clattered and splattered against the floor and she slipped on the smooth surface of the end table, falling over with a squeal, crashing with the end table right on top of her. Everyone in the coffee shop gasped and made as if they would help her up, but they stopped in the middle of it and watched, as the Mutt jumped off of the couch to do it.

As he was bending down to help her back to her feet, after pushing the end table to the side, she looked up and lightning crashed again. The lights in the coffee house sputtered out and the only thing that she could see in an instant were glowing amber eyes and a blinding platinum flare. She screamed in fright and closed her eyes tightly opening that the apparition, the nightmare, the monster would go away.

He stood up without trying to help her up and just looked down at her with no expression at all on his face. The only thing lighting the inside of the coffee shop his eyes. Just as quietly as he had walked in he turned and walked out, steam immediately flowing from his body with pops, cracks, and sears. Everyone stayed where they were for a few minutes to make sure he was truly gone before someone went to the trembling furry girl on the floor and helped her to her feet.

((I am ca8 Glom in Secondlife and I am looking for people to roleplay my furry children IM if interested or just wanna chat))

Running In The Rain Part 3

The night roared on with the rain the lightning and the thunder. All the while he stalked the empty city streets, steaming all the more, from anger as well as arousal. Why did he act that way in the coffee shop? He knew he probably could have had a...

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Running In The Rain Part 1

It was late afternoon, around five-thirty. The day was starting to cool off from another day of roasting asphalt and vehicle exhaust. Even though the evening rush hour was already starting to trickle. Most day jobs released their workers from five to...

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