Love Goes Boom (Rex Overboard Act 2)

Story by Dexdor on SoFurry

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Sooo... Act 1 of this silly one shot ended up breaking a record on my 5 accounts across multiple sites. Reaching higher favorite counts than anything I've ever done. Even within the first 24 hours of posting the darn thing. Honestly, I'm not sure how I felt about that, but people like what they like, I suppose. However, it basically put me into a depression of sorts.

So forgive my pinch of angst for the evening.

Whatever, anyway. Here's another act of it, that I've been half working on here and there. I know it's shorter than the previous (about 25% shorter) but it literally takes right off. Even before the story even starts, muzzlejobs insue. So, just jump right into it I guess.

What to expect:

-Pooltoys with some Transformation. Not nearly as detailed as before though, so I'm not even sure if this should be in the tags.

-Inflation/Deflation via compressor pump and a rex pounding a small dragon's rear. As well as said bloated rex being pushed though a door and down the stairs (I think that makes them even) There's bound to be a fetish for that somewhere.

-Ball Growth

-All scenes are Male only, and the same pair, at that: T-Rex and Noodle/Eastern Dragon.

-Anal/plug or Valve penetration. Still not as much muzzlework, but it's there.

-Soft Popping, AKA: no death.

-Living Condom? I'm still not sure if it fits, but it's going in.

-Bellies of Epic Proportions... Again.

-Some Soft Vore this time. I ended up asking ~Razeth over on FA for some advice on this part of it, and it barely counts enough to even be put into the Tags. But it's there, only about 3 or 4 paragraphs, but I attempted it. Not sure if I'll do it again because it kinda makes me feel uncomfortable for some unknown reason. I donno, I attempted it though. Let me know how I did.

Not much else to say, other than music credits: Bowling For Soup this time. Not really one of their better songs, but I felt like it fit. Still not judging here, I'm just pissed that something with so little effort gets so much attention over my other works. Let alone lack of feedback. Seriously, if you're not sure what to say; give me an estimate of how much fluid you 'lost' during this act in ounces. That'll cheer me up.

Love Goes Boom (Rex Overboard Act 2) By Bartan Tirix

The sun was still setting by the time the rex started purring himself awake. Feeling the constant strokes along the side of his large weapon that was still leaking, and the occasional paw against his enlarged package. He felt wet, but still a bit light and hollow, nearly relieving him that it wasn't a dream. Though, it being a dream would explain a lot of things.

Still, the smell of vinyl and the chorus of such material rubbing against one another was music to his ears. No wonder Zarrel was so massively hard, taking up most of the small bed while the blue eastern dragon curled around the side of it. His muzzle and whiskers nearly buried in the dinosaur's package, while leaving a certain tail end vulnerable to be playfully conquered by his paws. Getting a bit of a surprised yelp when his brown arms spread those hind legs and that Tyrannic tongue started lapping at a certain valve.

A single lick was enough to leave the dragon breathless, and stop his massage or milking of the larger one occupying his bed. Getting pulled back a little bit to almost sit on Zarrel's muzzle, getting him to whimper as that snout took a deep breath and released a very deep purr. "I-it had to end sometime..." Loqe exhaled, feeling the theropod almost squeeze his blue tail and haunches while that thick tongue tormented his plug.

"Who says it has to end?" The rex finally answered back, almost drowsy from the afternoon nap.

"Good point..." The noodle almost shyly replied, lapping at the large red tip a few times before almost drinking straight from the tab. Trying to mimic the very tongueplay that Zarrel was performing, but unable to keep up with the waves of pleasure he was sending through the smaller one. "Damn you're..." A heavy pant. "You're good at..."

"I've had practice."

"Years, I-I'm sure-" A sharp whimper when he felt some of those teeth around his plug. Almost looking back before it started to tug on his sensitive opening until the valve released. Letting out some of that precious air for another inhale from that large snout before tonguing it again. "Determined, are you?"

"Maybe. Maybe I just want you to squeeze over my-" A playful growl at the blue one's interrupting whimper, feeling him just submit and grind over that large tongue. Feeling it's tip barely slip into his opening and start to stretch it wider over the course of minutes, making the dragon sing loudly as those claws caressed his hide. Nearly piercing it as the dinosaur started to become slightly more aggressive. Pressing his teeth around that valve and forcing it to stretch wider to fit more of that tongue.

But Loqe's breaths came deeper and deeper, making those whimpers longer and his hind claws dig into those pillows. "Z-Zarr...!" He attempted to warn the rex before spraying his release over that white chest. Soon getting some aid from that tongue and a bit of a break from its workout, substituting for those brown claws a bit to attempt to seal most of the air inside the dragon. Getting deflated a little at a time and starting to look limp.

Zarrel played around with that pink member as it release its barrage into his large mouth. Taking its fluids and brushing over that spear-like tip, painting those normally fleshy spines with his host's seed and toying with his ridges for another release. If there was one thing he loved about dragons, it was these sensitive ridges. Once you got them spraying, you could keep them spraying until that pouch was completely empty.

Yet, that's what his plan was. So enthralled by the blue one's scent and taste he kept forcing him to climax again and again into his brown maw. Drinking the white liquid and letting it pile up inside his hollow body, even feel it start to make his body a little more taut as he swallowed every torrent. Stopping when the sprays became a drizzle and doing his best to relax the noodle a bit before latching his maw onto that pink weapon. Getting a whimper of surprise for a moment.

Then a deep inhale from the rex before blowing into Loqe's shaft, feeling the air rush though his tower and making it thicken up a little bit before it moved onto his pouch. Getting it to stretch to normal size before Zarrel took another inhale, making the blue one yelp a bit, though not sure whether to keep going or to stop. The whimpers of pleasure stated otherwise, but the whines and groans his equipment was omitting made the theropod question it a bit. Still, not like he was going to keep doing it until such a thing was as big as the room...

Three or four deep breaths was enough to expand that bag past his blue knees, once again plugging the dragon's tip so the rex could lap at the tight balloon for a bit. Grazing his fangs acrossed its fragile form and making the dragon struggle to release again. Shifting enough to start letting the air out an feel those brown paws help by squeezing it empty. Lapping at his blue valve a bit while such a pouch started to quickly refill, and starting to get an idea of how this magical pooltoy's powers worked.

Still before they were full, the dragon was leaking and attempting to use his strength to crawl into a different position. Only for the rex to move and slide the blue one off the bed chest first. Soon mounting that presented tail and resting on Loqe as that large red weapon lined up to his valve, getting a whimper of anticipation from the noodle as its tip pressed against that opening.

The tongue-work from before did wonders, almost allowing the rex to squeeze his flare inside with ease, yet lock it. Feeling the spineful tip attempt to pull out just to tease the dragon and it was like the tool was stuck. Nearly knotted within while thrashing the pinned blue one with waves of pleasure. Every press and thrust from the tyrannosaurus sent an aggressive sense of nirvana through Loqe, unable to do anything else but breathe deeply and spray constantly over his carpet floor and bedding that fell off. That thick midsection of Zarrel's equipment pressing in harder and harder, forcing progress into his tight tailhole while occasionally flooding his body with a torrent or two.

It was no surprise how quickly the noodle started to regain his volume, being filled with half air and half rex seed as his bellyplates started to feel more and more full. Almost morphing wider across the floor as the extra weight pushed the dragon into the soft floor. Hammering that weapon into his plug and stretching it wider with every press. Getting the dinosaur to growl before throwing everything he had into one large thrust, and feel his noodle self take the warped middle of such a beast, as well as his first knot.

A loud roar in triumph came from the theropod as a flood of white started to invade the smaller one's body. Stretching him out across the floor underneath the couple, and banishing the remaining air within the dragon until all that came out of that muzzle was T-rex milk. Feeling Zarrel shift forward enough to share a kiss with the bloating one and drink some of his own release before firing another series of torrents to make up for it.

The dinosaur started to rock them forward and backwards while thrusting into the white filled dragon, forcing his belly to expand more and more to take in the large one's load. Starting to push the brown one above and back onto the bed as more of those fluids started to fill up that blue tail. Stretching out those plated lines of Loqe's underside as those dino paws started pull his tailtip closer to that purring maw. Lapping at it with his large red tongue before gnawing at its ever-growing shape. Almost being able to hear the noodle's whimpers through the constant groans and sprays from both weapons.

His blue haunches and arms started to morph into small individual balls, his neck started to bulge up a bit while his whiskered muzzle started to get more and more dense. Closing off the pressure relief that was his maw and sending seed through those strings along the sides of his snout. Inflating them like long balloons that seemed to sag down from the liquid's weight. His sides inching closer and closer to his dresser and computer desk, while his back kept arcing upwards to make up for some of the slack.

With all that, his sensitive valve was stretching across that last knot. Slowly slipping acrossed its vinyl flesh as the hose added more and more weight to his body. With his maw being sealed shut, it was only a matter of time before it suddenly slipped acrossed it and forced the rex to bite down out of instinct. Nearly piercing the dragon's tail as more and more pressure was forced into that fading blue body. Hearing it creak loudly as his back touched the ceiling, those side warped around the furniture, his haunches and package pressing the dinosaur against the corner wall that rested the groaning bed as those scales wrapped around those fangs. Pressing up against it tighter with every spray that entered his living toy. Forcing his jaw apart wider and wider until-!

White flooded the room. Showering everything in mere moments before soon vanishing out the doorways. Leaving a stained blue dragon whimpering in center of the carpet, almost grunting in pain as the new coat of paint slid off his normal scales. Making Zarrel wonder if he actually took it too far. "Are you okay?"

"Just...!" A hiss, and then those orange eyes spotted the large bulge between his legs, barely retaining any blue color after the rex' seed slid off and started to disappear like before. "They're... So Tight...!" Loqe whimpered again, trying to move, but the bloated bag felt like they were going to burst on contact.

"W-wait a moment then." The theropod walked around the noodle on his knees, seeing an almost bigger than normal pink weapon still hard as ever. "Maybe..." A noise in question from the blue one as the dinosaur leaned in to start licking at his tool. Though still feeling the pain of stretching, the waves started to return as his tip started to leak. "We might be able to relieve it the normal way."

"You mean...?" A nod from the brown one as he started to lay on his back in the middle of the room, that snout pointed towards the dragon's tower as he started taking it within that maw. Carefully lapping at softly and letting the weapon release at its own pace, getting quite the few dense squirts after a few moments, then a stressed whimper. Soon a shower of several torrents entered his ballooned body, adding to the white that was already residing within. The sigh of relief as the smaller one purred a bit. "I think..."

"It's working?" A slow nod was felt as Loqe used that white belly as a comfort object. Embracing it as the rex continued his muzzlejob and encouraging the noodle to start slowly thrusting into him. Getting the occasional draws from that maw, as well as a few showers of white from a certain enlarged weapon. Not that the dragon minded too much.

Every thick squirt and barrage of torrents arced that belly up a little bit more, rounding the dinosaur's middle with every spray and forcing it to start to more into other areas. Mostly his thick tail and hips, making Loqe want that valve again as he exhaled heated breaths over the filling balloon in his room. With every spray he started to feel the tension decrease more and more, enough for him to start thrusting on his own without worry of his pouch popping.

"A-alright..." A noise in question from the theropod as the eastern one started to move back slightly. Petting that brown muzzle and carefully clamping it shut as he started to spray another storm of white. Witnessing it paint that thickened throat and add to the evergrowing pool within the rex. "I-I think I can..." A nod was felt and that muzzle started to let go. Feeling Loqe trace around his side, and he knew where this was going. Keeping those legs and tail spread as if to offer himself to the dragon browsing under his own bloated sack.

A few laps at his valve got compliments in the forms of whimpers and squirts, once again repainting that white underside as the dragon carefully sat on his thick tail. Feeling the warmth inside shift a bit as those paws started stroking around the plug. One draconic claw attempting to wedge between it slowly threw him into echoes of bliss, attempting to squirm a bit while the blue one just smirked. Being able to see the rex' face though a body mirror, blushing deeply as he sprayed again and again, soaking his bedding with such fluids.

A quick pull, and Loqe shoved his weapon's tip into it. Almost battling with the pressure for a moment, but the more of it that made it inside the valve, the better it felt. Massively warm, almost like a hot bath as he pressed that weapon deeper and deeper. His ridges finally touched the rubber sides and sending him over the edge immediately, starting to flood that living balloon with more and more white.

But the dinosaur obeyed every movement, from the thrusts to the deep presses. Accepted every ounce of fluid that was given to him, allowing his body to start to stretch out oddly with the weight of a liquid, reaching the desk and dresser after several minutes of thrusting. Expanding into the center of the room as he started to feel tighter and tighter. That bloated tail reaching out into the bathroom with ease, even with the dragon riding it. His haunches trying to move under the computer desk and wrapping around the chair. That belly reaching up more and more with every torrent, allowing that red beast of a weapon to start painting the ceiling as the noodle squeezed those bloated balls.

After a while, it slowed down. Hearing the dragon pant loudly like he was tired, but purring loudly as he snuggled up against the bloated toy in his room. Pulling out after a few minutes and plugging the rex' valve quickly after. Letting them just enjoy the large one's fullness for a bit longer, even after those small claws started crawling over him to reach his 'brown' muzzle and give it a deep kiss. "Thank you."

"I think I should be thanking you." Zarrel shyly said, wiggling a bit and enjoying the feeling. "So, you're okay?" A flash of the dragon's pouch and it was quite deflated. Nearly empty, yet still a bit stretched.

"I'm not sure how big they'll get on their own, but..." A worried look from the theropod as he shyly whimpered. "Don't feel bad, I'm the one who did it first."

"What do you mean?" A gesture to the dinosaur's own package, then it came to him. "Ohhh..."

"Mmm, and what's going to happen when you..." A whimper from the blue one, as another soon followed. "You're going to have to sometime..."

"Well, I feel pretty close now."

"Which is weird." A noise in question. "I mean, earlier today you were..." A look out to the living room, and the large one whimpered again. "Why was mine so limited this time?"

"Space, perhaps?" A shrug from the noodle, and his pink eyes lit up. "What?"

"What if... Contact with the cursed toy-"

"Magical toy." The rex corrected him, almost snorting in the process.

"What if having contact with it will make you more..."

"Durable?" A nod from Loqe. "That makes sense."

"But where did it go?" The two looked at the bedding. "Buried?"

"Maybe." The noodle looking around as the bloated dinosaur started to get up, not getting too far from the sheer weight of it all, but. "Try... The side of the bed. Between that and the wall." A purr in curiosity, and the smaller one did. Pulling out a clearly flattened black 'dragon'. "I'm pretty sure it's had better days."

"Really though." The blue one muttered, half trying to unfold it, but just making contact with it was morphing his scales back to a solid stretchy material. "I think we're going to need a set of gloves or something when handling it from now on. Unless we want to go out in public looking like a sex toy." The two chuckled a bit, as the dragon set it down. Waiting for a few moments to see if the 'curse' would lift, but it did not. "Guess it doesn't wear off. Meaning..."

"We're going to have to...?" A faintly embarrassed nod from Loqe, but the two couldn't help but smile. "Any ideas?"

"Well, I'd rather keep the collateral damage to a minimum. The living room is going to be hard enough to explain to the repair guys." A bit of a whimper from the rex. "You?"

"A-actually..." A noise in question. "Before our... 'Break', you mentioned a compressor?" The noodle chuckled. "I hasn't really left my mind."

"And you just want that in your tail?" A shy smile, blush invading those bloated cheeks. "I'm guessing that's what you were dreaming about."

"That, or the toy always keeps us hard, it's difficult to tell." A nod in agreement as the blue one held onto it again. Letting it's strange magic start morphing all his scales together in one solid shine.

"Welp, if we're going to do that, then we're going to have to find a way to get you downstairs." It actually made Zarrel look at his structure again, no way was he getting through a doorway. "But at least your tail is in or pointed towards the bathroom."

"What do you have in mind...?" The dragon picked up the deflated toy and started climbing over Mount Theropod. Reaching the other side and teasing that plug of his a bit just to make the large balloon whimper. Hearing the noodle pull back a shower curtain and start to unscrew something. Leaving a bit of it in the bathtub while the small hose slid up against that bloated tail. Still trying to wiggle a bit out of the tickles and waves the smaller dragon was pressing on his body.

Lapping at that valve a little bit before releasing the plug and sticking the hose inside. Holding its exit tightly against the tunnel so most of the white inside the rex would flow through it and into the tub in the other room. Feeling his belly and body slowly relieve tension and getting the dinosaur to purr a bit while he just laid back and enjoyed it. His body shrinking and tightening back to normal after every passing moment, all while Loqe was still stroking his weapon. Getting a few rewards of sprays in the process.

It took a few minutes, but Zarrel could finally see that shiny blue dragon once again passed his belly. Watching as the smaller one tried to press his own weight onto it to help deflate it a little bit... At first. Then bunting it with his snout and purring with the occasional squeeze. "Enjoying yourself?" The rex teased, getting a nod from the eastern looking one.

"Yeah..." A thick lick against that shiny belly, letting the two materials groan together in pleasure. "I almost want to fill you back up again."

"Well, you can if you like." The brown one shyly smiled at him.

"If we do, then we'll be here all night." A few taps on that belly made it wobble a bit. "Maybe later. Right now, we should try to relieve this Cur... Magic, and see how things work out." A nod in agreement as the dragon pulled the hose out and plugged the rex' valve again. Still leaving the dino quite filled.

"Y-you're not going to...?" He barely seen that icy blue mane shake No, while placing the hose back in the tub and leaving it. Motioning the theropod to get up, or at least attempt to. Still quite heavy, it took quite a bit of effort to even stand on both hind legs. His belly still reaching the floor with ease while his tail and packaged limped behind it. "You sure you don't want to get some more out...?"

"Positive." The dragon smirked, pressing a clearly erected thorn behind him as if to lead the rex out of the room. Pressing him up against the doorway that his belly could reach both sides of before his shoulders came even close to it. Feeling his body slowly morph as he wiggled between the frame and his bloated form warped around it. Needing to stretching out again to make up for such a tight fit.

All the while, the dragon was still pressing up against his rear end. Almost wishing he could find that plug under that thick tail and start releasing torrents into him again. Regardless, watching the large one squirm a bit and balloon out his inner fluids while whimpering in pleasure was quite nice. Forcing that white belly and chest to start bloat out in the other side of the door so his hind quarters could squeeze enough together to get though, hearing it stretch and groan over Zarrel's noises of bliss. Gasps and whimpers, as well as sprays down on the floor as his body morphed around the doorframe.

That white balloon grew thinner and thinner, the shine greater against the sunlight. Those draconic claws digging into his bloated back, scraping against the delicate vinyl as Zarrel's belly touched the ceiling. Making him whimper before a sudden give and he was pushed forward into the hallway, the seed within his form sloshing wildly as the rex caught his breath. Then felt the dragon start rolling his ballooned body down towards the stairs. "L-Loqe-!"

But it was too late, the bloated dinosaur morphed acrossed every stair quickly in a quick succession. Gaining more and more speed like a barrel rolling down a hill before it reached the living room and was stopped by a wall. The force was enough to open his valve and let some of the thrashing liquids drain out once again. At least he didn't burst from it, knowing how much pain his friend's package caused him.

Speak of the devil, the noodle rested on that deflating belly. Letting it pour out over the already messy living room, lapping at it until Zarrel was in a more reasonable form. "Why?"

"Because why not?" The blue one teased, giving the half growling rex a kiss before plugging him back up again. "Come on, the garage is just over here." And like that, the grudge was dropped. Replaced with excitement as the two passed through the hallways and into another door that lead to a parking space for about three vehicles, but only one inside at the moment. No large pump to be found, but a set of hoses towards the back end.

"Wait, where's the compressor?"

"Behind the building. Too big and a bit too dangerous to leave inside. Not sure why myself, you'll have to ask the guys who installed it." The dragon stated, still holding onto that toy until he reached a workbench. Grabbing the thick hose and pressing a large nearby switch to make it hiss loudly before shutting it off again. "Yep, all ready." The brown dinosaur whimpered loudly as he looked over it, getting the large tube tossed towards him and making the rex almost shaky.


"You wanted to try it, right?" Another embarrassed whimper. "There's a lot of pressure behind it, don't say I didn't warn you."

"But..." Another whimper as those orange eyes looked over his own package through the reflection of the car. "I'll have to..." A noise in confirmation, as the dragon lead him to lay down on the pavement. Once again making the larger one blush while they kissed deeply.

"Want me to do it then?" Another shy look, but barely any response. Yet no struggle when those blue paws took the hose and returned to the switch. "I want to ride this thing..." He purred, before turning it on and flooding the garage with a loud hiss. Returning to the laying down rex and giving him another deep kiss while letting that hose spray against his vinyl. Almost stretching him out from the sheer contact a few inches away. Letting it spray down to his red weapon and blow air wildly around it. Sweeping at his tip a bit while the noodle sat down on that bloated pouch.

Another whimper that was completely muffled out before his tip was forced into the hose a bit, forcing it to thicken greatly before letting the rex' sack start to take it. Instantly pushing the blue one up as it flowed out like a large bag, morphing over his tail while quickly growing thinner and thinner. Bulging over the small weight of the noodle as he was eventually pushed forward, allowing the balloon a little extra room it desperately needed. Zarrel's whimper climbing at the sheer stun the pressure gave off as he witnessed his pouch grow to hold his body's entire volume... Then two... Three...! Feeling it touch the ceiling before bursting loudly with a sting.

It was a pain that didn't last long, almost feel it return and repair before the theropod even realized what happened. Letting him breathe in relief as the compressor was shut off again. "Wow! That was too fast." A whimper in agreement as the dragon laid down on him again. Tapping those balls a bit and getting another whine in response. "I warned you, didn't I?" A slow nod that time. "Now, how are we going to do each other?"

"Talently..." Zarrel groaned, getting a chuckle from the smaller one. Feeling those blue paws study his body a bit, and play with that valve. Pressing the hose up against it and feeling it press inside, a little bit of a tight fight, but it went through easily. Granted, not without another whine from the rex. "What're...?"

"I have... An idea. But it's a weird one." A noise in question as those orange eyes looked over the small dragon, gesturing for the brown one to get up and he did so. "Alright, I want you to... Swallow me."

"What?" Zarrel double taked.

"As in whole, so watch the teeth. Please." A few taps on the dinosaur's side as Loqe went over to make some adjustments, leaving the large one time to process where he was going with this. Watching that noodle intently as he took more slack for the hose, all he could gather and almost measuring it to fit outside the garage. Chuckling when he saw the dino's look. "Can you?"

"Can I...? Swallow you whole...?" A nod from the small one and it made the rex whimper a bit. Studying his friend's size for a moment, and half shrugging. "Maybe, but...?"

"It's worth a try." A discomforting whine from the large one as Loqe dropped the hose and stepped in front of the dinosaur. "We're all set here." As much as the rex wanted to decline, he was also interested where the dragon was going with this. Taking a breath before sharing a small kiss with the blue muzzle, letting the two enjoy it with throbbing weapons for a bit before that large tongue licked over his head. Just thankful that those small horns were pointing backwards along with that highlighted mane. Another breath though his nostril and those jaws opened up around that noodle's head.

Those paws greeting that tongue with a few pets as they guided it down his long body, never really knowing the full size difference until now. It was going to take some effort, but maybe this would actually work out. Feeling the dragon's outline and attempting to keep his jaws as wide as possible until that snout started touching the rex' throat. Making out those paws carefully open it up a bit more and squeeze though his vinyl tunnel, almost crawling though it like a hatchling's toy. Letting his small vinyl body rub against that slightly damp red appendage and let its noise omit from that maw.

Once that tongue started making out that pink tool, Zarrel carefully braced the blue one in his maw. Lifting him up and hearing a yelp echo within his throat. Tilting his head upwards a bit easier as Loqe's tail touched the ceiling, massaging the dragon with that red appendage before letting gravity start sliding him down his tunnel. Pressing up against his uvula as it was tickled by that orange mane. Feeling his neck bulge out a bit to fit the smaller one as the noodle wiggled down, soon starting to reach the chest and middle of the rex, along with being greeted by his own fluids from before.

A few more laps with that thick tongue and the dinosaur swallowed, pulling the dragon's body down further and further as he started to swim within the living balloon's insides. Rotating around a bit and sending a few waves of pleasure as Loqe wiggled within his large body, now stretched to fit in a bit more volume than before. Almost squeezing the new belly with his brown paws and leaking out a few sprays as that tail joined the rest of his body. Once again swimming and adjusting himself through the rex' insides before settling down. "A-are you okay in there?"

"Yeah." It was strange hearing the dragon's voice within his throat. "We just should've emptied you completely before trying this."

"Life lesson then."

"So eager for a next time, are we?" That made Zarrel whimper a bit and blush deeply, getting a chuckle from within. "Your body tightens up when you do that."

"I-I suppose it does." Those brown paws rubbing that white underside again, getting a few paws and presses back as the blue one swam a bit within the indoor pool.

"And I-I suppose you enjoyed my foolish plan so far?" Loqe teased him.

"Yeah, but... What are you planning exactly-?" A whimper as he felt that draconic tail push into his own, shifting the fluids that flooded it around, likely passed that blue muzzle to the point where it could no longer speak. They really should've emptied the rex before doing this, but he'll just have to feel for what the noodle was plotting. A few waves of pleasure when that hose was pulled deeper into his tailhole, and then it started to make sense. Soon feeling Loqe resurface in his throat again.

"Okay, I need you to swallow that toy too."

"You serious...?" A nod was felt, and the dinosaur took a breath. Finding it on the bench and rolling it up for easy swallowing.

"Alright, now, go to the car doors, and hit the red button. Over to the right of it, you should see another set of portable buttons hanging on the wall. It should be a separate unit, but it should have enough slack to reach outside." The brown one pulled the heavy switch down and studied it for a moment.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Controls for the compressor, yes."

"Why do you guys even...?"

"Have it? Car repairs. We have a personal mechanic, and everything she pretty much needs is here."

"And how much did you guys spend on a device that can inflate tires once in a while?" Zarrel snorted, swallowing the magic toy soon after and walking outside. Just thankful no one else was around to see this.

"It can do more than just inflate tires, and why are you complaining? Isn't this your kink?"

"With that kind of pressure, it's more of a pain than anything else." He flicked a frilled ear in irritation, and he felt the dragon submerge once again with the toy. A bit of struggling, and a whimper from within his inner pool, then a few taps to say he was ready. "You still didn't tell me what this was all about, Loqe." Another few taps, and the rex tossed his muzzle. Looking at the device controls and sighing before taking a deep breath.

As soon as that button was pressed in, a large pressure was felt inside his belly. Starting to stretching him out frontside as he barely heard the dragon yelp a bit. But it was different from before. Aside from being several times faster and a louder his, the pressure started to feel... concentrated. Specifically within his belly and chest as they quickly started to get out of hand, reaching the ground within a few moments, and even thickening his tail from the underside first.

That's what was strange, it was filling out the rex but only from the underside. His back and haunches weren't taking any of the resistance like before, though it was difficult to tell with such overwhelming pleasure rushing through the dinosaur. Feeling his own weapon leak and spray a bit, while the dragon juices in his form were squeezing out of his valve. Yet, even with that pressure release, the brown one was still growing at a ludicrous rate. Being pushed off the ground as his white underside stretched out further and further. Making those scales shine a hot pink with the evening sky as Zarrel couldn't keep hold of the switch.

It was overwhelming, yet stimulating. Feeling his body push him up a bit more with every passing moment, while his tail stretched inside the garage. Filling out the space there as his vinyl form started to get tighter and tighter, now being able to feel a few extra bumps from within as his scales began to thin out. Barely making out the blue noodle being pushed to his limits within a constrained area. The hose was connected to the dragon within? And in turn, Loqe was stretching...?

Yet, the noodle inside showed no signs of stopping, getting the theropod to whimper as his belly and underside struggled to contain the growing dragon. Pushing out and filling the large driveway in front of the garage, making the large one sing as his paws and haunches wiggled in anticipation. Wondering just how much more punishment his belly could take, feeling them groan and creak loudly as the resilient dragon pushed his walls further and further by the moment. No time to recover or adapt, just more and more air that the compressor was fueled to pump into the blue one.

The more the noodle stretched, the bigger the rex' belly became. Forcing all the liquids from before out of that sensitive valve and hearing both vinyl undersides groan while they rubbed against each other. Very easily picking out the bulges of Loqe's libs start to bubble out the dinosaur as his body started to morph completely into the dragon's growing shape. Filling out the large driveway and their sides starting to climb up the side of their home, pressing up against the white and windowed building, soon reaching the second floor of it.

How was his belly able to take this much punishment? Zarrel wondered inbetween waves of bliss, expecting that sting any moment as he could barely hear his friend's whimpers from within over the constant noises. Watching with both excitement and worry as those chest scales grew thinner and thinner, adopting the faint blue color of the noodle within him. But even he was growing thinner, nearly having the same reflective glare that covered the rex. But deep within, at the very bottom, those orange eyes barely spotted something flat and black.

Was it the toy? Flattened out and placed directly inbetween each of their bellies? Giving both living pooltoys enhanced durability and allowing them to reach such ludicrous volumes? It had to give out eventually, but the question lied: who would burst first? The noodle was indeed smaller than the rex, but also had his entire body to withstand such pressures. Whereas Zarrel was forced to only use his underside and tail, one that already filled out the entire garage and was pushing the massive balloon out across the hot pavement. Feeling that fragile vinyl rub across the heated black rocks as it continued to groan and creak against the pressure they were being force fed.

Yet the two endured, Their fronts being pushed forward to start to fill out past the front of the house. Reaching the third story and morphing across the stone fence on the opposite side of the driveway. Just a large bubble with a theropod laying on it, a balloon constantly filling out inside it and pushing it further and further outwards. The dragon's nubs for limbs slowly morphing it into one long oval as it struggled to stay together. Those creaks and groans getting louder and louder by the moment. The dino's underside now completely cleared of any white it once had and replaced with a very very faint blue. Almost being able to see those plates that flowed down Loqe's chest and belly, but even they were gradually fading.

It was getting to be too much for the rex to take, whimpering loudly as he constantly sprayed what little he could out of his equipment. Even feeling some of it from within, but it soon leaked out as his insides staggered to make room. His sides and lower end getting tighter and tighter. Every small bit of his undersides where stretched to their limits. Yet the pressure continued to try them, giving very little ground as his body attempted to contain such a volume, now being able to look over their four story home easily across the large landscape.

Some fireworks went off in the distance, either that or the dinosaur was getting faint. Being overwhelmed with pleasure and the suspense of the upcoming sting. Whimpering loudly as his body started to sing with a higher pitch, feeling it inch across the dragon's property. Until it was heard, the loud burst that was somewhat muffled. Like the sound was contained somehow, and the rex got a bit of relief. Though, only for a moment.

The hose inside thrashed a bit as the ballooned dino was pushed forward slightly. Taking all the slack that the hose had, but was soon caught within his valve. Plugging it as he felt something more a bit within him. What felt like a small glimmer of hope was suddenly shoved forward off a cliff as Zarrel's back started taking the slack. Then his haunches, growing very quickly as his belly finally got some relief. Though, not for long. Feeling the compressor feeding him directly through his plug, and it wasn't going to stop until it took two victims tonight.

The pressure was still unreal, instantly ballooning his limbs into bloated nubs, his haunches morphing bigger than his tail and morphing around the garage roof. His shoulders and neck inflating greatly as his body started to focus more on height than overall area. Considering it was running out, and the brown one still had a lot of color left on him. Letting the rex sing loudly through his forced shut muzzle as his body grew and grew. Being pushed up higher and higher up on the large hill that the suburbs rested on. Crawling across the large home and into both neighbor's territory, knocking down Loqe's satellite dish in the process and wondering if some debris would be enough to pop his ballooned body.

But it kept going, flowing passed their front fence and onto the roads a bit. Running into a few trees that made the rex whimper loudly at their branches. Petting those sensitive scales that were nearly invisible aside from the shine from the red sky. His back now losing its brown color and going from a beige as he reached double the home's height. Fading gradually as they reached higher and higher limits. Triple the height. Four times. Feeling those sides nearly cover the neighboring buildings, but the hose's limitations were holding him back and in place. Forced to press against them tighter and tighter as his body struggled to cover the entire area.

Tree branches pressed against him. Corners from homes prodded his weakened sides. Edges from fences attempted to impale him slowly as more and more weight forced them down onto such points. Yet, his body kept vigilant. Even starting to feel a bit strange as his muzzle and head started to push forward through the massive bubble that was his neck... Was. It was difficult to tell at this point, but it felt like his head was starting to take the slack. His paws too, both fore and hind. Those limbs starting to morph out with his body, making Zarrel wonder exactly how much-

And the rex burst during mid thought. Exploding loudly with a large firework display and blacking out from the bright colors. Waking up to the dragon resting on him, but it was now night. "Ow..." The dinosaur whimpered, getting a sigh of relief from the noodle in his arms.

"You okay?"

"Ow..." Another whimper, getting the blue one to sadly smile.

"You worried me there for a while." A dazed look around at the dark sky, the garage lights on, but no sign of the hose anywhere. No series of loud rapid thumps from the compressor to be heard anylonger. "But you were breathing, heart rate was a little fast but overall normal for a dino your size."

"You...?" Zarrel slowly asked, getting those blue frilled ears to turn purple a bit as Loqe shyly looked away.

"I... Really liked them." It made the brown one smile, even if those pink discs couldn't see it. "Really... I mean, to the point where I was looking..." A noise in question, but the dragon just shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's go in-" But the rex pulled on that blue muzzle, making him yelp as it was nearly devoured by Zarrel in a deep kiss. Letting the dragon submit after a while as they laid on the pavement for several minutes. Letting them finally pull apart and just look into each other's eyes for a few moments. Almost agreeing to such a silent commitment. "You really...?"

"I've known you for years, been living with you for a couple of months now. It wouldn't hurt to try." A shy but bright smile from the smaller one, as the theropod started to get up. Looking for the toy, but seeing Loqe point off in the garage. "Is it...?"

"I think it still works, but I used the gardening gloves to move it." Those brown frilled ears perked a bit. "If anything, it doesn't work on non-living objects. So, it's nothing like Midas' touch."

"Isn't that the guy who turned everything he touched into gold?" A nod from the eastern looking one. "I guess 'pool toys' isn't quite that valuable anyway."

"To some, maybe. To others..." The dragon smiled, getting the dino to do the same as they entered the home.

"What's the damages anyway?"

"Well, the dish is likely out, so no satellite TV."

"The TV's broken anyway." The two chuckled. "I'm sure we can think of something to do this evening."

"It better involve eating." The dragon snorted.

"So eager to get swallowed again, are you?" A bit of a whimper from the noodle. "Seriously, I swear you planned that last stunt. That took too much thought to be made up on the spot."

"Maybe..." Another nudge after the blue one's mumble as they shared a small kiss. Getting a devious look from those orange eyes.

"Got any other ideas?"

Somewhere Out There Act 20 - Drown

**Somewhere Out There Act 20 - Drown** By Bartan Tirix ...We need to have a talk. Writer to audience. I know you were probably expecting another act of this story, but right now I'm pissed. I'm irked to think that nobody even reads these things...

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Rex Overboard

**Rex Overboard** By Bartan Tirix The light warmed his sheets up, nearly baking the theropod attempting to sleep in. If there was one thing he hated, it was that damn light in the sky. Nearly hanging the rex over from a lack of rest. But the large...

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Somewhere Out There Act 13 - All You Wanted

**Somewhere Out There Act 13 - All You Wanted** By Bartan Tirix The natural alarm went off again, groaning the large one sluggishly awake to constant purrs and a wet mess. Soaking most of the bed he was laying on and a very strong smell covering up...

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