Victni's Growth

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#3 of Livestream

Kitsunekit has a wheel for story ideas, with the exception you have to write one in 10min or less. This is what I came up with when Victni volunteered in the chat.

Victni is

It was early in the morning as a thick tail lazily flopped from out underneath the bed sheets. The lump beneath the covers groaned as the morning light kicked in, groaning louder once the birds started to tweet through the window.

"I hate waking up..." a brown and cream covered weasel yawned as he sat up in bed, stretching his arms to the ceiling above. It took a bit more effort, but he finally slid out of bed, dragging half the covers with him along the floor before just leaving them there.

First things first was breakfast. He grabbed some cereal and opened the fridge.

"Lets see, OJ, soda, red stuff...ah, the milk." He looked at the label, not expired, so that's one good thing for now.

As he began to sit and eat, a question kept nagging at the back of his mind. He was out last night, and didn't remember going to the store to even get milk. So then, how was there any in his fridge?

This thought process was quickly interrupted as his stomach growled, almost shaking his entire body.

"oh great...don't tell me it was actually spoiled!" He groaned, leaning over and holding his gut as it growled again. That's when he suddenly felt like his body quaked, and before he knew it, the chair gave out beneath him.

"What the...?" He didn't get to react in time as another quake, and his head slammed against the ceiling.

"Ow! What the heck? Why am I growing!" He yelled, his voice shaking the window as he quickly got down on all fours, trying to squeeze through the doorway. He wasn't fast enough though, as another surge swept him halfway through, wedging him in place. The weasel gacked and groaned, grabbing the sides of the wall and trying to pull himself free, his feet kicking into the floor. He succeeded, but only to bring the door frame with him as he flew into the living room, curshing furniture under his bulk. Blinking a few times, he looked at the tiny door before him, wandering how to escape now.

His body answered for him as another gurgle from his stomach told him he wasn't done. Immediately he began to fill out the remaining room, the walls and ceiling starting to crumble before he exploded out of the house, crouched over the foundation now. He gulped as he continued going, starting to over take the neighbors yard, the street, across the street, and so on.

"Come on...! Stop already! I'm big enough!" He wailed, covering his eyes as if it was a bad dream, wanting to wake up. But despite his please, his body continued onward and outward, the suburban area soon being covered under brown fur.

Finally he felt himself no longer sliding along the ground. He peeped an eye open and stood up, gulping down as a tiny city laid out before him, the tallest building barely coming up to his knee.

"I think I'm done with cereal for breakfast." He sighed.

On the other side, a blue and white collie was taking notes, looking a bit disgusted.

"Huh, was suppose to shrink him, not grow." He grumbled, looking through his notes. "Oh, of course, I forgot to carry the one. Oh well."

Stream Shorts #1

Pop-up Growth Victni yawned as he sat down in front of his computer, letting it boot up, setting his drink down on the desk. Today was his day off, and he was going to spend it working on catching up on artwork. Once he was at this desktop, he...

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Stream Shorts #2

Korby's Special Drink Korby tapped his foot impatiently outside of the cafe. The place had just opened up, and everyone was flocking to it for some reason. His friends had all tried it before and gave the place great reviews. Guess they weren't...

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Macro Weed

"What do you mean we aren't selling?" A black and orange furred calico cat grabbed his associate by the shirt collar, shaking him back and forth. The corgi employee yipped and held on to his boss's arms as his feet dangled from the floor. "No one...

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