Explorers Curiosity

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Kyron, a young kobold, gets to live his dream after coming of age in his clan, leaving his home behind and setting out on a journey to see the world. Though he had intended to just explore, he finds himself with much more to do when he finds a creature he had thought to be a myth.

Hello everyone reading this, sorry for not being very active recently, I seem to have a bad habit of disappearing for odd amounts of time. This story isn't as good as most of my other ones, but I wanted to upload it anyway, to show that I am still trying to write, and I hope to have something better finished for everyone to read after this.

Kyron awoke with a loud yawn, stretching his arms above his head as he sat up, the soft grass beneath him seeming to call him back to sleep already. The sun was high in the sky at this point, casting its warm gaze across the land beneath it, bathing the lush forest that he was in with a soft golden light. Sitting down for a moment Kyron let his mind clear, letting his body return to full wakefulness, and let out a quiet sigh. He had overslept, again, and now he would have a lot of ground to cover to make up for it.

Kyron was a simple looking kobold, with a smooth brown hide covering most of his body, a straight grey line running down his back, from his nose to his tail tip, and small black spots spread randomly across his body. He had the common pointed ears atop his head, and bright green eyes that always looked large and full of wonder. He wore a basic loin cloth, as many from his village did, and had a small satchel slung over his shoulder, which currently held the food that he had managed to scavenge from the woods yesterday. A lot of the more intelligent species might be worried about being in the middle of a forest, with no company besides the plant life around them, but Kyron found it peaceful for the moment.

He had lived his life as a scout for his clan for so long, and it was a job that he found enjoyable, but it wasn't something that he had wanted to spend his whole life doing. He had always wanted to be an explorer, to find new things the world had to offer, or even some of the magnificent sights that he had heard about while sitting around a fire. There was so much that he had wanted to see, and he had decided that no matter what, he would do his best to see it. When he had come of age he had asked to leave the village, to search for what he so desperately wanted to fill his heart, and his wish had been granted, he had been allowed to leave to explore.

He couldn't remember how long ago that was now, but it seemed like just yesterday that he had walked out of the village, and into the thick woods surrounding it. He felt a bit of nostalgia as he looked at the trees surrounding him, sure that if he walked for a few metres he would find his village, but he knew that wasn't true. Kyron had come far after leaving his home, seeing cities built of stone and reaching so high that they seemed to touch the sky, he had seen the ocean, a mass of water so large that he almost found it impossible to believe. He had seen different stars in the sky at night, and revelled at the beauty of it.

There was a lot that he had seen, and he still wanted to see more, which is what led him to where he was now. Deep in the woods, with the closest settlement being a small town filled with humans, over three days away on foot. He had heard that there was a magnificent glade hidden in the forest, something untouched by any civilized species or even natural disasters, and he had immediately found himself aching to find it. He had seen many places like that already, but they were always a welcome sight for him. He planned on finding it today, finally getting up off of the ground and brushing off his body, making sure there was no of the soft grass he had slept on clinging to his scaly body.

Kyron spent the first few minutes after waking up looking around for any edible berries or other easy sources of food, and was lucky enough to find a small stream as well, eagerly drinking the cool water. Even now, while things seemed so similar to the home that he had left, he was happy to be out exploring, just for the chance of seeing something new and exciting. After quenching his thirst and finding enough berries that would keep him satisfied he started exploring again, looking for the glade that he knew must be out here somewhere. He didn't blend in at all with the lush green of the surrounding forest, but he didn't worry about that, kobolds were often avoided by wild animals for some reason, though he couldn't think of any similar creature that would be threatening.

Making his way deeper into the forest he started humming a pleasant tune, one that he had heard when he visited one of the many towns he had been too. It didn't have any particular meaning to him; he just found it pleasant to his ears. As far as exploring went, it wasn't as exciting as some people might have imagined, it involved a lot of backtracking and even getting lost, but he was still happy with it, taking each step with excitement at what wonder he would see next. Unfortunately, his next sight wasn't something so exciting, a dark cave resting in the side of a hill that he hadn't noticed, which surprisingly seemed like more of a mountain from his point of view. He had no idea how he could have missed something like this from the edge of the forest, surely it would have towered over the tops of the trees.

Regardless of whether he should have seen it or not he found himself slowly moving closer to it though, admiring the long vines hanging down across the entrance, like some sort of exotic curtain. It looked almost pitch black inside when he got closer, and he hesitated, wondering if it would be a wise idea to enter a place like this. He wouldn't be able to see his way back, and if he got lost it could be terrible, but maybe this mountain had mysteries to uncover, and his curious mind was already coming up with fantastic buried cities, or breath-taking natural caverns. Even though he knew it was a bad idea to enter, Kyron had already made up his mind, and gently stepped from the soft grass outside, to the cool, smooth stone inside.

The walls seemed smoother than a lot of caves he had seen, but it wasn't such a surprise. There wouldn't have been any mining that had been done here; he was more likely to find a wild animal living within. There didn't seem to be signs of any inhabitants though, and he had become quite good at noticing stuff like that. Walking in on a sleeping bear had the effect that made learning the tracks seem like a very good idea. Reaching out, the brown kobold rested a hand on the wall, letting his fingers gently run along its surface as he walked deeper into the dark depths. At least this way he could follow the wall back, even if he couldn't see anything, he just had to avoid stepping away from it.

The cave seemed to go on for ages, reaching deeper into the earth at some points, and rising steeply at others. There were twists and turns along the path, and more than once he was sure there were other caves reaching away from where he was, even if he couldn't see them. It felt like he had been walking for hours in the pitch black, but he knew it couldn't have been that long, though his satchel was becoming empty enough that he was starting to consider whether he should continue or turn around. Even if there was some marvel down here he wouldn't be able to see it, though just this experience was something new and exciting in itself. He stopped for a moment, leaning against the wall that he had been following so far, and pulled the bag hanging over his shoulder so that it was resting across his chest, feeling how light it seemed before eating a handful of the berries he had stored inside.

He was just deciding that he would have to turn back now, when he felt the faintest whisper of wind brush against him. He thought that it was just his imagination for a moment, but then he felt it again, so light, but persistent enough to catch his attention. If he could feel the wind then he must be near the exit, or at least near a cave leading to the exit. With newfound excitement he pushed onwards, his steps quickly carrying him towards the natural or manmade treasures that must be awaiting him. He stumbled a few times in his haste, and felt fear for a few seconds when he fell away from the wall, his hand pulling away from the smooth stone.

The fear was unnecessary though; Kyron could see something ahead, though it was too dark to make out right now. The fact that he could see anything at all was what made his heart start thudding in his chest though; it meant that he was definitely near an exit, somewhere that the light of the sun or moon could reach. He didn't hate the darkness of the cave, or the silence and the cold feeling of it, but he was glad that he would be outside again soon. Now that he was so close to the exit he actually slowed down a bit, not wanting to come rushing out into some unknown area, there could be anything waiting at the other side of the cave after all.

When he finally did reach the other side of the cave he felt a small pang of disappointment, it just seemed to be the same sort of forest that he had been walking through for days, though it did seem a bit more vibrant. Then moon was out now, so he must have been walking for some time, the pale light covered the woods in a spectacular light though, the shadows dancing gracefully when the wind played with the leaves and branches of trees. He could hear a few quiet bird calls, and the steady call of insects waking up. Kyron looked back at the cave, just to make sure that he hadn't come out the same side that he had entered, and was glad to see that there were no vines hanging from the entrance of this cave, it was just a deep, black hole, yawning wide and inviting little light inside.

He walked away from the entrance a bit, admiring some of the more brightly coloured plants and flowers nearby, though he made sure to stay away from them. He had found out that many plants that were coloured brightly could be dangerous when touched; causing rashes and irritation, and some were even capable of eating the small insects that for some reason landed on them. That didn't make them any less beautiful to him though, and he enjoyed the sight of them even if he couldn't touch them. He could hear a river nearby, and decided it would be best to find that before finding somewhere to sleep, he would need the water in the morning after all.

It was a much larger stream than the last one he had seen, and he doubted his head would be able to reach above the surface if he stood in the middle. It was slow moving, and the current looked gentle though, this whole place had a look of serenity about it, seeming to ease his worries. It was so natural, but at the same time looked as if it had been made this way on purpose. Some sort of private forest, filled with the wondrous treasures of nature, though at its heart it was still just a forest. Kyron sat down on the rocky side of the stream, cupping his hands and scooping some of the surprisingly cold water from beneath him.

It was refreshing at least, and he enjoyed the cold feeling of it travelling down his throat, drinking a few more mouthfuls before deciding that he wouldn't need any more for a little while. It still seemed too early to sleep for him, so he set about looking around; it was always nice to see what new sights a place could offer. There were large boulders spread throughout the forest, and each one seemed to be distant from the trees, so that the light of the moon could bath the stone almost completely. There were no signs that anyone had taken up residence here, which he was glad for, because even though the massive cities and humble towns could be nice to see, they always eroded the natural beauty around them.

Kyron was so caught up in observing the natural wonders surrounding him that he didn't notice he was being watched, large eyes peering out at him from behind a large bush, their light blue colour blending in nicely with the soft moonlight covering everything. There were wolves in the forest, as well as deer, rabbits, birds, and several other species, but these eyes were obviously too large to belong to either of them. Instead, these were the eyes of a much more dangerous species, one that was mostly believed to be a myth. The wind picked up for just a moment, and it was enough to shake the bush that the eyes were hiding in, the leaves swaying back enough to reveal the light green snout hidden under the eyes.

Rhen watched curiously from a safe distance as the small creature stumbled through his forest. He had no idea how they had managed to get here, he had made sure to make his home somewhere hard to reach. If the kobold had been at the other side of the bush it would have been easy to see the large body of the dragon resting on the ground, but right now they probably wouldn't be able to see him even if the sun were in the sky. He had seen a lot of creatures before, many of them he had flown to this place himself so that they could breed and ensure he wouldn't run out of food, but it was rare to find the sort that walked on two legs.

There was something about this small creature that caught his attention though; they had a similar sort of hide to him, instead of the usual fur or feathers that most animals had. Besides that they had something else on them, like a mix of fur and scales, like an odd gryphon of sorts. There was a very thin looking fur covering their groin, and trailing a small line across their chest, and he wondered how they had managed to grow something so specific like that. Rhen found his eyes widening a moment later though, as the kobold moved the fur from its chest, pulling it over its head before reaching into it and pulling out food.

It reminded him of something he had seen before, something that the pale skinned creatures used. Though they spread like fire with how fast they populated areas, and looked much different. Rhen hoped that this wasn't like them; otherwise he would have to make sure that the creature never left, or else he would find the peace of his home disturbed for sure. Backing up slowly, making sure to keep his wings held tight against his body, Rhen slowly moved away from Kyron, not wanting to alert them of his presence just yet, instead preferring to see just what they were up to for now. Kyron was finally starting to feel tired, after walking through the woods and taking in the sights.

He had sat down and eaten most of the remaining berries he had, thinking that he would have to find a proper meal soon for sure. For now he was happy though, just resting on the soft grass, clearing away some of the small twigs beneath him and laying back. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him, but he was sure it was just an owl or other sort of creature looking for something to eat while the moon was up. They wouldn't try to eat him of course; animals rarely did try to eat kobolds after all. Looking up at the stars he was delighted to see that much of the sky was free of the thick branches above him, giving a nice view of the sparkling stars in the sky.

He started counting them, something he had attempted many times, but he had never been able to find out just how many there were. Before long his eyes drifted shut, for just a moment, but it was enough to send him into a peaceful slumber, a small smile on his face. He would count them another night, just like he told himself every night before falling asleep. He dreamt of wondrous places, but he always did, he saw cities of gold, and caverns filled with glowing plants, underwater cities where the water could be breathed as easily as air. They were the sort of things he was sure he would never find, but those dreams always drove him further in his quest of exploration.

Rhen was busy as the night went on, keeping an eye on Kyron, and slowly moving around bushes and branches to create something that only he would know the purpose of. By the time he was done, the dragon felt himself feeling more tired than he had expected, and thought that now would be a good time to sleep. He looked over at the last two bushes he had placed, they were so close together, but a small space was free between them, enough so that something could easily peek through to the other side. Lying down on the ground, Rhen rolled over onto his back, wriggling around a bit before getting comfortable, and letting his heavy eyelids cover his eyes. He would find out just how friendly the kobold was tomorrow.

Kyron awoke to the sounds of birds chirping, and the nearby stream running, with the soft light of the sun barely high enough to reach through the trees to him. Instead of sitting straight up and preparing for his day he just lay back for now, enjoying the comforting warmth around him, wriggling around on the ground a bit before finally giving up that comfort and sitting up. He couldn't quite be sure, but things looked different to him right now, as if somehow the scenery had moved, but he knew that was a ridiculous thought, he must have just moved around a bit in his sleep. He slowly stood up with a loud yaw, stretching his arms above him and rubbing at his eyes for a moment.

Things still looked amazing to him, and he didn't think he would ever get over how nice such simple things could be. He had a bit of trouble finding his satchel, finding that it had somehow rolled under a nearby bush, but there didn't seem to be any damage done to it luckily. Happy to continue his exploration he set out for the stream first, hoping to start things off with another cool drink, but quickly found out that he had a lot of trouble finding it again. Kyron ended up walking in circles whenever he tried to head towards the direction he had last seen the water source, with thick bushes and fallen branches blocking his path. It was as if an intense storm had blown through the forest last night, but surely he would have noticed that.

Nothing looked to have been damaged either; things just looked to be in different locations than he remembered. He found that there was an easy path to follow through the recent changes in the forest, and decided that would be best, even if it didn't immediately lead to the water. It actually turned out to be a nice walk, with several berry bushes along the way to help restock his satchel, and to give him a simple breakfast. He wasn't sure how long he had been walking, but he finally saw the end of the mysterious natural path, ending in a small opening in the trees. His breath was almost taken from his lungs as his eyes caught sight of what was in the clearing.

Lying on the ground was some sort of massive creature, its chest gently rising and falling, a large tongue hanging from its maw as it slept. Kyron had never seen anything like it before, and he struggled to think of just what it was he was seeing. The scales covering the body reminded him of his own body, though the one in front of him was much larger, and had a more animalistic look to it. Besides that there were massive looking wings beneath the beast, and the kobold found himself in awe at the sight of it, not only was this some strange beast from dreams, but it could fly through the air like a bird, or at the very least glide. The wings certainly didn't look like they were just for show after all.

He crouched down between two bushes that seemed to give a perfect view of the thing in front of him, letting his eyes roam over its body. He had never seen something like it, or at least that was what he thought at first. There was a faint recognition in his mind though, and he struggled to recall where he had seen something like this before. It was difficult at first, trying to remember, but then it came to him. At his home, in the village that he had lived in, he had seen this before. Not this exact beast, but something so similar that it must have been from the same species. The only problem was that in the village the beast was nothing more than a painting, colours on a large stone, but here in front of him was a living, breathing example.

It had a name, he remembered, something exotic sounding. Was it dakor? That sounded wrong to him, maybe drakor? No, that was wrong too. Drakon, that was it, he was sure, or at least something similar to that. He had heard about them from the elder members of his clan, as they told stories around fires to entertain the young and the old alike. They were said to be truly fearsome, and that to ever run into one would be to forfeit your life, since there was no way you could ever outrun one. They were the true apex predator, with skills both on land and in the air, and some of the more outrageous stories even said that they could spew fire from their maws as easily as they breathed.

The last part was just make-believe, he knew, but here was one of the beasts from those stories brought to life. From the looks of the muscled legs, and large wings, he assumed the stories to at least be partly true; there would be no way to escape this thing if it were awake. Kyron noticed more than just that though, they seemed to have a much softer looking underbelly, that wasn't covered with protective scales like the rest of their body, though it was a pale white compared to the light green of the dragon. The membranes of the wings were coloured the same pale white as their underbelly, and they had two small horns sprouting from the top of their head, though Kyron didn't know what purpose they would have.

They also had a large tail running out from their spine, much like his but much thicker and longer. He found himself actually admiring the surely deadly creature, finding a brilliance to it that was probably much easier since he wasn't being chased by it. So caught up with admiring it, he barely even noticed when his eyes were drawn to what rested between the large dragon's legs. There was one of the large differences he noticed between the dragon and himself, while he had a genital slit that housed his more sensitive parts, this beast was all out in the open, with two hefty looking balls resting between its hind legs, and a large sheath above them.

Kyron felt embarrassed about looking at such a sight, but couldn't bring himself to look away. Such a powerful looking beast, though surely what he was seeing would be more of a weakness than anything else. Their sheath and balls were covered in smooth skin rather than any scales, and the kobolds curious mind instantly went to thinking about what they would feel like. Maybe like a ripe fruit, though they looked to be softer than that, and each one looked larger than his head. He had no doubt they would be quite a weight to lift, but for the beast they were attached to it would probably be no problem at all. After what felt like an eternity of admiring those specific parts of the dragon Kyron found himself able to take in the full view of them.

His eyes trailed from the tip of their long tail, passed their soft looking belly, all the way to the proud looking snout at the end of their dextrous looking neck. The scales looked protective, yet soft at the same time, the soft green colour very pleasing to look at. Besides the smooth scales covering them the kobold found that he enjoyed the light blue of their eyes, a strange sentience seeming to flow out of them as the dragon looked back at him. The fact didn't seem to bother him, so sure was he that he was just remembering the picture from his village, but it only took a moment to realize just what he was seeing, and just what was seeing him.

Letting out a pitiful sounding whine, Kyron stood still for a few seconds, his legs shaking beneath him, before suddenly sprinting off through the trees, trying to put as much distance between himself and the deadly creature as possible. He had seen the sharp claws at the end of the dragon's paws, and glimpsed the long fangs filling its maw. Even though Kyron knew that there was only a very small chance of escaping he still tried, he didn't want to be eaten; he still had so much that he wanted to do after all! Stumbling through the trees and bushes surrounding him, he had completely forgotten his sense of direction, and fell right into the deep stream he had found before, the cold water making him gasp, swallowing more water than he would have liked as his head plunged beneath the surface of the gentle stream.

Rhen slowly followed the path of the fleeing kobold, not surprised at how fast they had run, many creatures didn't seem very happy when he was nearby. They had looked at him though, and not attempted to catch or harm him, it was something that seemed rather new to him. He was curious about this small dragon like creature now, and wanted to understand them better. The path of broken sticks and twigs easily led him to the stream, where Kyron was pulling himself out of the water on the other side, obviously shivering from the cold. The water ran from a cave underground, so it was no surprise that it was cold, and Rhen felt a pang of discomfort at seeing the kobold shivering.

Stepping out of the bushes, Rhen made no attempt at sneaking, instead making a bit of noise and slowly approaching, making sure that Kyron could see him the whole time as he made his way closer. He could practically smell the fear coming from them, though he didn't mean to harm them, they certainly didn't look like they would be too tasty, or very filling either. The large dragon made his way into the stream, submerging his front paws with no issue, not letting the cold phase him too much, though when it came to his back half he was much slower about it, letting out a huff as his sensitive parts were covered in the cold current. It certainly made sure that he was wide awake, not that it would have mattered much, he could have found the kobold while he was half asleep if he wanted to.

Kyron watched as the dragon steadily marched towards him, scrambling backwards a few metres before realising how useless something like that was and stopping. His mind rapidly flashed through his memories, and he was certain that this was how he was going to end. At least it was something special though, he could have been lost in the woods, fallen in a cave, or met any number of simple ends, but now he would get the chance to feed something so majestic, something so mythical, and that eased things for him. With a dejected sigh he lowered his hands from in front of his face and closed his eyes, the last thing he saw being the dragon pulling itself from the water and crossing the small distance towards him.

Kyron knew when it had reached him, feeling its hot breath wash across his skin, and even feeling its nose poke at him for a bit. He was surprisingly calm during this, he knew that he should be panicking, but he just couldn't bring himself to struggle. It seemed that the dragon was taking a long time to finish things though, for what felt like far too long he could just feel that steady warmth washing across his body, warming him up more than any cloth could have. It felt like hours had passed when the kobold finally opened his eyes, though it was barely any time at all, the water still dripping from his body, and the sight of a large, scaly snout filling his vision.

Rhen was glad when the smaller creature finally opened its eyes, he had been working on warming the kobold up a bit, and now they didn't seem so cold, they weren't shivering anymore at least. He could have jumped the small stream himself, but that would have no doubt frightened the kobold, at least this way they seemed to realise he didn't mean them any harm. Either that or they had forgotten how to stand, and how to run, since they were practically glued to the ground. He continued letting his warm breath was across them, even letting his tongue out of his maw as he began licking the cool water from their smaller body, knowing that his own saliva would be warm enough for the kobold before the wind reached it.

Kyron a quiet eep as he felt that large tongue licking at him, it looked like the dragon wanted to taste him before eating him, the he wouldn't deny that the licks felt rather gentle, and even somewhat pleasant against his smooth hide. The licks became a bit more insistent though, the tongue dragging its length across his chest, leaving a deep warmth behind it that made Kyron quickly forget about the cold water that was covering him. Rhen was determined to make sure the kobold was warm all over though, and moved his tongue even lower, slowly lying down on his belly in front of the smaller creature as he groomed their own stomach, enjoying the smooth texture against his tongue even as he worked at licking the dripping water from them.

He reached the small fur thing that was hanging between the kobold's legs, and found that it was much easier to move than he had thought, his nose quickly finding its way beneath the cloth, and eagerly lapping at everything underneath. Kyron was left squirming, his hands reaching down to grab at the dragons nose despite his fear of being eating, a loud gasp reaching out of his mouth. The dragon certainly seemed curious about what it was going to eat, and Kyron had to fight back the urge to push himself against that snout, now definitely wasn't the time to give in to any primal pleasures like that after all.

Rhen was surprised when his tongue reached down between the kobolds legs, they did look a bit similar to him, but it seemed like they really where different. From their scent he had judged that they were male, but they had no sign of it between their legs, instead he found only a slit, much like what a female would have, and their tailhole. He didn't work on licking too much around those areas, as the kobold would most likely still be warm there, even though the stream was cold. At least they didn't seem to be shivering now, and when Rhen pulled his draconic head back they seemed to be out of breath even, huffing a bit. Had he warmed them up too much? That probably wasn't it, they just seemed to be flustered about something, and even with his own hot tongue he could feel their body temperature rising.

Kyron was starting to think that maybe the dragon didn't want to eat him, they were being much too gentle, and much too _friendly_for something like that. Maybe they had something else in mind for him, and he shivered a bit at that thought, his mind thinking up more than one pleasing scenario with the large beast after what he had just been through. A few more licks and he would have had his length pushing out of his slit, but for now he was still somewhat modest, even if his only company was a large, seemingly feral beast. He couldn't forget the spark of intelligence he had seen in those large eyes though, this dragon clearly wasn't just some common animal, and he guessed it was probably much smarter than it seemed.

Kyron stayed still as the dragon pulled away from him, keeping his eyes on their large snout, and let out a relieved sigh when they pulled their head back, it really did seem like he wasn't going to end up as lunch at this point. Besides feeling a bit slippery from the dragon's tongue he was actually feeling kind of nice right now, much warmer after his slip into the cold water, and now sitting next to what he had believed to be a mythical beast. Rhen was happy to see that the kobold was more comfortable now; it had been a while since he had had any company that wasn't just food, though he did get the chance to meet other dragons occasionally for a round of fun. This seemed like something different though, the kobold was interesting to him, and he hadn't seen one of them before and thought that they would at least be a good way to keep boredom away.

Rolling onto his back he flicked his head towards the kobold, his tail slapping at the ground a bit, hoping that they would come closer to him so that he could inspect them while staying comfortable. Kyron wasn't too sure what the gesture from the dragon meant, maybe they had just been trying to shake some water from their snout, be he moved closer anyway, feeling like it would be a good chance to explore the dragon now that he wasn't running for his life. He slowly shuffled closer to the dragon, letting his hand reach out and touch at the scales on one of the muscled legs in front of him, admiring the smooth feel of them, and wondered just how tough they were.

He doubted a spear would be able to pierce them, at least not easily. It would take a lot of effort to reach anything passed those scales, and he doubted anything would have the time to put in that much effort. Letting his hand continue its roaming he reached out and rubbed at the smooth underbelly of the dragon, the hide feeling much softer than the hard scales, and he let himself continue rubbing at it for a moment. Rhen was happy to receive the curious attention of the smaller creature; he could barely feel their hand against him but found it pleasant none the less, letting out a pleased grumble to show his appreciation. The kobold seemed happy enough just getting to rub it's hands along his hide, so without a thought Rhen reached down and picked up Kyron, easily lifting them with his large paws, and gently placing them on his chest.

This way he would be able to examine them closer and they could touch all the scales they wanted. Kyron was a bit surprised at being picked up by the dragon, but did his best not to show that, instead enjoying the chance at being able to see them so close. They looked more spectacular than any other creature he had seen in his travels, and he let his hands travel along the smooth scales under their chin, pushing down a bit harder with his hands to see how resilient the hide was, but quickly pulled his hands back when he heard a loud huff from the dragon, worrying that he had done something wrong. It was more of the opposite though, which Kyron quickly found out after seeing the half lidded eyes looking at him, and let his hands return to their exploring with a nervous smile on his face.

Things had definitely changed course, from him running for his live to sitting atop the beast and running his hands under its chin like it was some sort of dog. Deciding to try and get more relaxed, Kyron slowly leaned forwards, pushing his legs out underneath him, until he was lying on top of the dragon, enjoying the warmth and comfort that it offered. His hands gently pushed against the large neck in front of him, his fingers tracing the outline of the scales he touched at, enjoying the feel of them. His own tail was motionless, resting against the dragons belly along with the rest of his body, by Rhen's was happily slapping at the ground behind him, giving the impression that he was enjoying himself right now.

Continuing with his rubbing, Kyron didn't even notice when his feet pushed against a much softer, warmer bump beneath him, his toes even pushing at the flesh a bit, and Rhen let out a very pleased sounding rumble at that, lifting his head and looking down at the kobold with his large eyes. He hadn't expected them to be so eager with their touches, but even know he could see the kobold's soft feet teasing at his sheath, making the flesh inside throb slightly, plumping up his sheath. Kyron still didn't fully understand what he was doing, so fixated with what he was doing with his hands that he didn't even notice he was doing anything else until he felt a faint wetness against his foot. The kobold was slow to look down, and when he finally managed to lower his eyes to the dragon's lower half he found himself burning with embarrassment.

He had apparently been pushing against the large sheath between the dragon's legs, and the wetness was the tip of the dragon's member poking at him, eagerly twitching in the warm air. Trying not to do anything else wrong, Kyron attempted to move off of the dragon, rising to his hands and knees, but a sudden shake from the dragon beneath him sent him falling back down onto his belly, though this time much lower down their large body he noticed. Now, he had a very close view of the length pushing out of Rhen's sheath, with the flesh nearly at eye level with him. It already looked to be bigger than his arm and he had no doubt that it had much more growing to do.

It was definitely an odd situation for Kyron, but Rhen seemed to be more than happy with how things had turned out, looking down at the kobold with a big grin across his snout, his tongue licking at his lips. At least he hadn't done anything to displease the dragon, Kyron though, and found himself focusing on the twitching length in front of him. He could feel the warmth of it from here, and could smell the unique scent of the dragon reaching into his nose with the strong, almost overpowering scent of his masculinity. Unable to resist himself, the kobold reached out a hand to gently touch at the spire of growing flesh, letting his fingers touch at the sensitive length, revelling in the slick warmth of it.

Once the initial touch was over, he was glad to give more than that, reaching out with his other hand and gripping it between them, getting a feel for it as it started to rapidly push out even more. Kyron found it hard to deny his own arousal at this point, his own member beginning to poke out, but his attention was focused entirely on the draconic length before him. He ached to feel more of it, to see just how big this dragon would grow, and found a sense of pride growing within himself that he could make such a large beast so aroused. Rhen was happily rumbling beneath the kobold, deeply enjoying the feeling of those small, delicate hands rubbing at him, thrusting his hips upwards in an attempt to feel even more of their soft hide grinding against him.

His efforts were rewarded, as his length pushed against the kobold's chest, making him grunt in delight. Nearly all of his length was free from his sheath at this point, giving Kyron more than enough of the thick, red length to hold. The kobolds arms were wrapped firmly around Rhen's member at this point, hugging it tightly against his body in an attempt to avoid falling off of their body while they thrust up and down. It was impossible to avoid grinding his body against the now dripping pillar of flesh, and Kyron found his own hips grinding against it, letting out a groan as he felt his member push against the dragon's much larger one.

A thick bead of pre rolled from the tip of Rhen's length, and Kyron didn't even try to hide his anticipation at tasting it, eagerly leaning forwards and licking at the liquid, letting it rest in his mouth for a moment before swallowing it down. He couldn't quite describe the taste, it was something between berries or honey, but he found that he definitely enjoyed it, and desperately wanted more. His grinding became more persistent, his arms rubbing up and down along the thick member, making Rhen grunt and groan, wriggling around on the ground as he was serviced by the smaller creature.

He had mated before, and deeply enjoyed the feeling of it, but this was something entirely different, with the smooth hide of the kobold's arms and hands rubbing at him, and the occasional lick, all spread out across his large length, and it was enough to make him harder than he had been able to make himself in a long time. He could feel the kobold's feet gently pushing against his balls too, assaulting his senses with pleasure from a different source, making his draconic cock pump out even more pre in response. It had definitely been too long since he had felt the pleasure that another could give, and Rhen was revelling in the feeling of it, bucking his hips and letting out loud grunts and groans, doing his best to work towards the blissful peak that he knew was approaching.

Kyron was jostled around on top of the dragon, finding it more difficult to keep a hold of the length he had been gripping so far as it was becoming slick with the pre oozing from the tip, and he had to hook a leg over the bottom of it to avoid falling off. The heady scent of arousal was heavy in the air now, wet squelches easily heard as Rhen grinded his length against Kyron's body, drenching the kobold in his pre, and he was certain that they would smell heavily of him for some time. Kyron was letting out his own quiet moans as he rubbed against that slick length, feeling it throb and twitch in his grip, his tongue working on licking at what pre he could reach, coating his taste buds with the decidedly tasty fluid.

Both of them quickly lost track of time, and of just about everything else, losing themselves to lust, thrusting and grinding against each other, Rhen's body shaking the ground beneath him as he rapidly thrust his hips up into the air. The way that the kobold clung to his length was forcing him closer and closer to his peak, his breath coming out in lustful huffs now, his tail rapidly swaying and smacking at the ground beneath them. A new sensation suddenly sent tingles racing down his spine, and Rhen looked down along his chest, letting out a deep groan at the sight of Kyron wrapping his lips around the tip of his length, which was all the small kobold seemed to be able to fit into his mouth.

Kyron's member was a leaking mess by now, his pre adding to a small puddle of it at the base of the dragon's sheath, and he felt like if this continued for much longer he would definitely be forced over his peak. A bulge was starting to form at the base of Rhen's member, and it didn't take the kobold long to realise that it was a knot, signifying that the dragon must be close to reaching his peak as well. Trying to please the lusty dragon even more, he found himself pushing down and squeezing at the rapidly forming knot however he could, and was rewarded with a cacophony of panting groans, looking up for a moment to see Rhen with his head tilted back, his eyes clenched shut and his tongue hanging limply from his maw.

Seeing such a sight turned out to be too much for him right now, and Kyron let out a loud moan, closing his eyes as stars swam in his vision. His muscles clenched tightly, hugging Rhen's length tightly as he thrust his hips against it, loving the feeling of their members grinding against each other even as he began unloading his seed, spurting it out against Rhen's large draconic cock, and belly, small patches of it painting the light green scales a much paler white. Feeling the sudden increase in tightness, Rhen began rapidly humping upwards, shaking Kyron along his length as his own pleasure began to peak. Instead of releasing all over himself, he quickly rolled over though, sending Kyron falling to the ground in confusion, before stepping forwards and bucking his hips down against the kobold, grinding himself against them with unrestrained pleasure and lust.

Kyron did his best to help the dragon, grabbing and rubbing at them even as a heavy afterglow from such pleasures began to set in. He was being nudged and pushed along the ground with every thrust, the tip of Rhen's length pushing against his face, smearing him with even more thick pre. Unable to hold back now Rhen let out a loud roar, bucking his hips wildly beneath him, the smooth, slippery flesh of the kobold more than enough to send him over the edge. Thick, creamy ropes of seed spurted from his tip, painting the ground and the kobold alike, his hips still rapidly thrusting as he sought to draw out his climax.

His large balls tensed up between his legs, his member throbbing and splashing his thick essence all over the place, his lungs starting to feel empty as his roar started to quiet down. Finally feeling like he couldn't go on any longer he stopped his thrusting, his chest falling to the ground above Kyron, letting just his member rest on the kobold, before his lower half joined him on the ground. For a second Kyron was worried he would be squished by the dragon and the large member, and was glad when they rolled onto their side. He had been soaked by the copious amount of seed that Rhen had unleashed, leaving only his back free from the liquid.

He licked at his lips to clear them from the thick fluid, and found that he enjoyed this taste even more than that of the pre, happily gulping it down, slowly moving over to rest against the side of the dragon. To think that he was worried about being eaten by them, and then for things to turn out like this was almost too much for his mind to handle. He had never expected to be coated in a layer of seed, lying against a mythical creature, but he definitely wouldn't complain about it now, letting out a happy sigh, letting his arm rest on top of Rhen's slowly retreating flesh and admiring how large it still seemed. He wondered if they were considered large even among dragons, and let his eyes close at the thought.

It was the first time in as long as he could remember that he hadn't fallen asleep counting the stars, and his dreams weren't filled with new sights and locations, they weren't filled by the wonders of exploration, but instead of a large green dragon, and what sort of fun they could have together.