Immorality - Heartless

Story by Nile the Buizel on SoFurry

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#3 of Immorality

So... chapter three. wow, I never thought I'd get this far :3

anyway I'm gonna try and keep this short and sweet so the chapter can begin

This story contains m/f yiffy scenes between two pokémon, if you are under 18, find this objectionable or have a pure and untainted mind I advise moving on, and while I know that this will fall on deaf ears (I know it did when I was 15) I feel obligated to warn all ye who enter... here there be monsters.

big thanks to all who commented and rated the other chapters, I hope this chapter is at least as good if not better... Enjoy! ^^


Ross returned from the bathroom slinging his pack back onto his left shoulder. He looked to the bed where the Buizel he had spent the last god-knows how long kissing sat watching him restlessly, He smirked at her kneeling down so that his shoulder was on level with the edge of the bed "Your carriage Milady." he said sarcastically as she hopped onto his back and resumed her position on his shoulders, trying to keep steady as he rose to his feet.

He thought it was funny how opposed he had been to this relationship just hours ago and now... Well now he wasn't sure, he could handle the stares and the low public opinion if word got out, people had always treated him like shit, like he cared what everyone else thought, nor did he mind the speech barrier, communication had always been easy between them, even without Alba or one of his other psychic pokémon there... No what bothered him was the obvious size difference, even if he got to the stage where he was comfortable being... Intimate with Kayla he didn't want to hurt her, what if it wasn't even possible, what if Kayla had spent all this time chasing a mate she could never truly have.

He shook the thoughts away, they were for another time, what was important was that they had fun, that they liked each other, that they... They loved each other. It was weird to think of it like that. He, a human, was in love with Kayla, a pokémon. He was sure of it now, as sure as he was unsure about the rest of the relationship.

"Bui?" Kayla had gotten bored of waiting around and had clambered onto his head hanging her head down in front of his face to check what the problem was "Bui, bui-bui?"

Ross pulled her head closer and their lips connected for a brief moment. "Don't worry." he reassured, speaking to himself as much as her. "I was just thinking."

Kayla nodded her approval slipping back onto his shoulders and getting comfortable once more.

Oddly enough that simple kiss was enough to make Ross feel better about everything and he set off with a click of his fingers at the Espeon who was bathing in the pool of sunlight streaming in from the bay window making the cat pokémon sprint to reach the door before his trainer closed it behind them.

At the reception desk he paid for the three days he had stayed at the hotel, being reminded for the umpteenth time by the clerk that it was preferred for trainers to keep their pokémon in their balls whilst within the building. He left the hotel pushing his way through the now bustling city streets with Alba trailing behind weaving between the stampeding feet of hundreds of pedestrians.

Finally reaching the edge of the city Ross removed Kayla from his shoulders placing her beside him. "Okay Kayla." he responded to her pouting look "I've carried you this far but we have a whole lot of ground to cover, besides..." he winked at her "wouldn't want you or Alba getting rusty now would we?" He stood up and began to sprint away at top speed.

Kayla blinked a couple of times looking at the space that she was sure Ross had occupied less than a second ago. She looked to her left then right seeing a roughly Ross-shaped outline on the horizon, recognising the challenge as a race she dropped to all fours and charged after him at her fastest.

Alba sighed and rolled his eyes, beginning to run after them half-heartedly knowing he could match Ross' speed at a jog and that Kayla wouldn't stray far from him.

Ross collapsed splayed out on the ground like a doll on his back. He had only been jogging for about half an hour as he had used all his energy in the initial sprint, Kayla had taken a substantial lead near to the start of the run and Alba had kept pace behind him comfortably without so much as beginning to breathe heavily.

Ross closed his eyes Panting, this is what I get for training them to be speed demons he thought to himself. Still at least it was good exercise. Opening his eyes again his vision was obscured by two orange furred legs, looking up his eyes finally met those of Kayla who was leaning over him concerned.

She leaned in and kissed him deeply, this time the moment lasting several minutes, "Heh and there are certain other perks." he said out loud as the kiss was broken. Still he had better warn her against doing that again in public, while he was prepared to take the fall for her if people did find out he didn't feel it particularly necessary to broadcast his taboo-busting romance to the whole of Sinnoh.

"Are you okay?" She asked, the question being translated by Alba before the words even left her mouth.

"All the better for that kiss, but you'd probably be best not doing that in public." He replied, checking the area for people he stole a last quick kiss before standing up with a sigh.

Realising suddenly that he had not eaten or fed his pokémon since yesterday Ross dumped his pack next to him removing his pokéballs from his belt and releasing his other pokémon from their confines. He quickly dug through his bag attempting to find the store-bought food in amongst his other jumbled belongings, emerging with a cheer as his quest reached fruition and he began laying out bowls of the stuff.

"You know you'd find stuff quicker if you just organised your bag right?" Alba was already chewing a mouthful of food, something he considered a benefit of psychic communication, it allowed you to speak while your mouth was otherwise... engaged.

"Then why don't you organise it?" Ross replied still raking items from his bag apparently searching for something else. "If you're so desperate to get your food two minutes quicker."

"Me?" The pokémon seemed genuinely surprised by the suggestion. "Enter the bag that time forgot? You must be joking."

"Then stop complaining and eat." Ross now seemed thoroughly annoyed by whatever was eluding him in the depths of the pack.

"Mmmrph" Kaylen began to mumble something unintelligible through a mouthful and was ignored by the group.

"Ha-ha I knew it was in here somewhere!" Ross exclaimed the statement triumphantly as if this was a record breaking achievement. He removed a sealed black package from the bag and began to unwrap it, the stench of smoked fish hit them like a pungent wave.

"Of course spoiling Kayla," Alba rolled his eyes again "shocking!"

"I'm sorry, I just assumed since it's my money which pays for this food I got to choose who I spent it on... obviously not hmm?"

"Yeah," said Kaylen finishing his mouthful. "think of someone else for once in your life."

"This coming from a Buizel so Full of himself that he screams his own name when he cums?" The purple psychic pokémon asked the question foolishly expecting a proper answer.

"Well I can't help it if I just happen to be this sexy." The male Buizel grinned flexing and leaning to kiss his left bicep.

Alba sighed and shook his head, returning to his food before he could be roped into another pathetic excuse for a conversation.

"Here you go Hun'" Ross tossed the fish in the air and Kayla leapt gracefully to grab it from midair. "Bought it just before we left town."

"Hun?" Jutah was taken aback, "Just how much have I missed here?"

"Well he hasn't started screwing her yet if that's what you mean."

Kayla brought her head up from her meal briefly "Yeah I'm actually right here guys... Not a comfortable conversation for me!"

The rest of the group ignored her. "So wait Ross... and Kayla are like... dating now?"

"You really are slow to grasp things aren't you Kaylen?"

"Seriously guys shut up! this makes me really uncomfortable."

"Can't be long now though, She-" Alba was cut off mid-sentence by a powerful water pulse.

Landing several metres away he stood and shook himself off. Scanning the area he was surprised to find the source of the attack, a panting Kayla stood in a battle stance preparing for a counter attack.

"I told you to shut up!"

The entire party was now focused on the Buizel even Ross wearing an expression of surprise at this sudden outburst from the usually calm pokémon.

Jutah gritted his teeth and looked away, he didn't want to see Albas' retaliation to this. while Kaylen forced his way between the psychic type and his little sister, prepared to take whatever hit Alba threw at her.

Alba summoned a powerful psybeam, ready to knock the insolent bitch back to last week. The orb on his forehead began to glow a bright blue but as he was about to release the attack his anger dissipated as did the glow surrounding his eyes and forehead.

He looked away embarrassed then to the ground, lifting his paw and beginning to lap at it, bringing it across his face to reorganise his messed up fur.

Jutah looked back at the lack of action, between Alba, Kaylen, Kayla and Ross who had been slow to react, and noticed Albas' unusually submissive behaviour.

"Alba... does Kayla... have you whipped?"

"No! It's just that I-"

"She does doesn't she?" The Abra was finding this all terribly amusing. "She's got you wrapped around her little paw! This is going to keep me laughing all through the winter I swear to the gods!"

"Yeah well whipped or not I can still rip your intestines out through your mouth!" The threat fell on deaf ears.

"Oh I don't know man your little dominatrix might not like that!" The Abra broke down at this point and was rolling on the floor cracking up.

Alba growled deep in his throat an intimidating noise that caused Jutah to try his best to keep from laughing.

Ross meanwhile was more concerned with Kayla, this was out of her character. "Are you alright? You seem a little... different." He commented.

"Fine, I just think that since I wanna be you're mate I've gotta toughen up and stand up for myself from now on." She smiled at him confidently, It was amazingly cute coming from the tiny pokémon.

"You don't have anything to prove, you've won countless times." He reminded her, returning her smile.

"Yeah contests and that kind of thing... I wanna battle!" She punched the air enthusiastically. Ross was slightly taken aback but if it was what she wanted, he'd have to discuss it with her later.

Alba sighed "Fuck you all I'm going to get some tail... You guys have fun with your paws!" He shouted over his shoulder before bolting as fast as he could.

"Well," Ross scratched the back of his head while checking the time on his other arm. "Quarter passed five... we haven't been making good time... Still as long as Alba has buggered off we might as well set up here." He set to work setting up the foldaway 2-man tent which he usually kept tied to the side of his bag while in a city.

"By the way Kayla I thought you might like to know that route 209 runs alongside that stream that you like. I thought we could visit it once more before we moved on, whad'ya think?"

Without Alba nearby to translate and with Jutah too busy laughing himself to death on the ground Kayla simply exclaimed "Bui!" in response, letting him know that it was a good idea.

Alba kept running for a good long time, his embarrassment driving him on, How fucking DARE they! This couldn't continue, he couldn't let his guilt get in the way of his life.

He stopped, panting and scanning the area. He honestly didn't expect to get laid just roaming around, but he had needed an excuse to get away from those idiots and clear his head. He wasn't sure how long he'd been running for but the moon had begun to rise in the east, casting a ghostly hue on the land.

He took a few deep breaths and began to use calm mind to ease himself. He sat there in quiet meditation for some time before opening his eyes once more. He must have lost track of time while his eyes had been closed because when he opened them the moon had progressed across the sky now hanging just to the east of where he judged the midnight moon would rest.

He scanned the horizon one last time, suddenly he caught sight of a figure sitting too far away to make out facial features but the pokémon itself was easy to identify, a Vulpix!

He approached the figure cautiously, he hadn't heard the pokémon approach and he considered his sense of hearing to be quite acute. The Vulpix was facing away from him, the position of the moon casting shade on the small ginger fox while a white aura was cast by the glow, it gave the pokémon a serene and unnerving beauty.

As he got closer the Vulpixs' ears twitched and it turned towards him. He wasn't quite close enough to make out features yet but he was sure he recognised this Vulpix. She, for he was sure it was a female, turned back and began to walk away, first though she lifted her tail displaying her already moist self to the air.

Alba almost did a double-take. This had to be a dream, he became wary, this was far too easy, still his body had caught her scent and that mystical power that all females seem to have over men had begun to take effect. He began to follow, slowly at first but speeding up as she started to accelerate away.

The Vulpix, whoever she was, was much quicker than Alba, but he was much more agile on his feet and he managed to almost catch up to her whenever the terrain became difficult. The mystery pokémon kept her lead throughout the chase however and Alba was beginning to tire, she was obviously trying to tease him.

Just as he began to lose hope however she slowed to a near stop, padding slowly to a crag of rock where she sat. Alba recognised this place all too well.

"Hello Alba." The vixen spoke dully to the air in front of her as if saddened.

"You know me?" Now he was sure he recognised her, somewhere in the back of his mind a name stuck but he couldn't quite remember it.

"I know an awful lot about you, at least I used to." She replied, He was somewhat unnerved by the way she spoke but it didn't help his body which still burned from the peep show she had given him.

"Like what?" His voice faltered as he felt his sheath bulge as it's contents hardened. Now that he was downwind of her he could smell her... Heat, she was definitely in heat. That made sense, a pokémon didn't just lift their tail for a complete stranger for no reason... Well not most pokémon anyway.

"I know what you did here not too long ago!" She said it with undisguised venom, and yet somehow her voice remained sultry and inviting.

"Have you been spying on me?"

"No," she replied bluntly. "I've been searching for you for awhile... and then I found you last night."

"Searching for me? Why? How?" He was suspicious now.

"Yes you, because I wanted to see you and because no matter how much you change, your scent stays the same... Those answers good enough?"

"You... wanted to see me?" Now he was really confused. "Who are you exactly?"

"You honestly don't remember me do you?" He shook his head, now he was getting mixed messages, her voice was angry but her body language told him she was saddened by this. Combined with the glow cast upon her back and hiding her partially in shadow she seemed to be an avenging goddess, beautiful and solemn but ready to rip your heart out and feed it to the pits of Hades.

"Come then..." Her voice returned to it's seductive and calm nature. Turning around she lifted her tail once more. She was in heat, she had been for almost a week now and even if it was from him she needed this!

He read this all in her mind and grinned inwardly, Definitely too easy!

"You know you want it!" She finished with a flourish

Albas' blood began to boil. To see one so beautiful and so obviously powerful submit without him having to do anything, it both unnerved and aroused him, something was wrong.

He shook his head to clear his lust-clouded mind and looked away from the alluring sight. "I really should get going, there's uhh no... time, I've really got to go." Resistance was getting more and more futile by the second.

"I used to know you so well Alba, but I think I know the new you even better, and I don't think the new you can take much of this." Now she sounded playful, oh gods what the hell was she trying to pull?

He felt a sudden wet warmth meet his groin, snapping his head back round to see the vixen lapping at his sheath, she had already successfully coaxed an inch or so of his length out.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" She asked, the anger had now completely left her voice, was she batshit insane? "It looked like you needed help." She gave a last long lick to the top of his now almost fully erect member, making him whimper, before turning around and displaying herself once more. "Come on."

That was it, all rational thought that he had left was routed, all inhibitions had surrendered, he was lost. He approached her and mounted, avoiding her six tails and expertly aligning himself at her moist entrance. He swallowed the lump in his throat as the last of his sanity fell to his bodily urges and he thrust forward roughly, making both him and the red fox below him moan and whimper.

He quickly withdrew from her sex pulling out enough so that he could adjust his position, making re-entry easier and began to slide himself in again, slowly this time. He almost lost control again but he forced himself to wait. He thrust in but not quite to the hilt, taking his time, he wanted her to beg for it. He pulled back out causing her to shudder and moan, but the Vulpix seemed content to wait for her prize.

He smiled, she'd beg eventually he just had to wait. He pushed in speeding up only a little, and beginning to set a rhythm, hilting himself in her velvet folds every few seconds. She began to let out small yips and soft barks of pleasure and started to push back against him, grinding into him as he was into her.

Alba couldn't hold himself back from thrusting faster much longer and though she was moaning from the rush and heat, she didn't seem in any kind of rush to reach climax either... His organ needed attention and her velveteen slit provided so much warmth, the few seconds his member spent outside of her began to sting like cold fire.

He set a faster beat, beginning to push a bit harder and pull slightly faster as she moaned into the sky. Now grunting with each push he felt her cream, which had been soaking his lap with every thrust begin to run down his member on to his thighs while more still dripped off and soaked the ground underneath their carnal act.

He began to pant from exertion and leaned his head into the Vulpixs' back just below the shoulder. She turned her head to look back at him with her amber eyes, looking now much less like a goddess and much more like a normal and beautiful, if exhausted Vulpix.

Alba however barely registered this, pumping at a renewed pace and beginning to pound her entrance making the ginger fox yelp and moan at the moon and begin to writhe on his tool, intensifying the pleasure for both of them. This lasted for what seemed like an eternity, before Alba began to notice warning signs. Her hot sex began to squeeze his rod, and her juice began to come faster now coating his lap. He wanted to slow, to take his time, to make her beg but he had lost himself now, lost himself in this feeling.

Knowing what the now all too familiar pulsation of her inner walls meant Alba began to furiously pump using the last of his energy, he wasn't going to be left in the cold again. His efforts were in vain though as the fox pokémon moaned and let a final violent shudder wrack her body taking him to the edge of ecstasy and then letting him fall back as the Vulpix slumped forward removing him from her sex and allowing her nectar to flood from her, leaving his cock to throb by itself in the freezing air, the separation causing a wet noise that only further seemed to mock the horny Psychic type.

"See, I know you Alba." The grounded fox spoke between pants as she shakily got to her feet.

"If you think I'm going to let you off without finishing me off you don't know me very well." He growled the threat, but the female stared him down regaining her composure.

He began to stride towards her but as he got within range he felt a searing pain shoot across his face and he was thrown back, tumbling down the slightly sloped incline leading up to the crag Finally coming to rest on his back.

He brought a paw across his face, it came away red with blood. "BITCH!" he practically screamed it, if such a thing was possible in psychic communication. He was not going to have his ass handed to him by some skank! and a fire type no less. "WHAT THE FUCK?"

He tried to get up but he felt the forepaws of the Vulpix pushing on his chest and he collapsed back.

"I know you Alba," she continued. "I know that you have meaningless sex with any pokémon who'll lie down, and that would be fine, I'd be able to deal with that I'd have moved on... But you don't do it because, you love them or because you feel connected to them, hell you don't even do it for the pleasure anymore, maybe that's how it started out but now... Now you do it because you like to feel like you're in control, because it makes you feel powerful, like you're the king and everyone else is only there to do what you want... And do you want to know what I think?" She paused as if expecting a response but receiving only silence she moved on. "I think you're addicted... I think you're a power junkie and I think that you recognise it yourself, you just don't have the willpower to change."

Alba took a second to collect his thoughts and then scoffed. "Heh yeah right, listen bitch, I fuck 'cuz it feels good not cuz of some weird fetish that I have!"

"You think I'm fucking joking?"

"I think you're a fucking psychopath!"

"Fine!" The fire pokémons' shout broke the argument and echoed into the night sky. "But ask yourself this... If I hadn't knocked you back, with that slash, if I hadn't stopped you, what did you think you were going to do? When I took away your power and refused your control how did you feel?" Alba remained silent, unsure of his answer. Tears formed in the pits of the foxes' eyes and she leaned forward.

"I saw you teach that Buizel this," She whispered into his ear, before bringing her head back and leaning in to kiss him on the muzzle. After a few minutes she leaned back away. "and I remembered being the one who taught it to you, remember me now?"

Alba was stock still, stunned, "E-Elice?" He questioned hesitantly.

She only nodded back "You used to be such a kind, caring Eevee Alba, and I don't know what happened to you but now... you're cruel, you're selfish... you're heartless Alba." She got off him and walked back to the crag looking down over the edge to the tangle of bushes and small trees a couple of feet below. She turned back around to face Alba who was now on his side in the process of getting up, he froze when she turned back to him.

"I can help you Alba, I loved you back then before your trainer and mine split, and I can love you again but... you have to want to change." She looked at him pleadingly now. "Please?"

He thought about it for a long time watching her face go through every negative emotion he could think of and he felt something that very few people or pokémon had ever make him feel, true empathy. The realisation hit him like a train. it was going to kill him to say it aloud though. "Elice, I'm sorry but, I don't think I can... I don't want to change. I wish that I did but I just don't. I'm so sorry Elice!"

The Vulpix nodded closing her eyes, the tears that had welled there finally falling and sizzling on the ground where they fell. Without another word she turned and ran to the edge of the outcrop, leaping gracefully off and into the undergrowth below, tears now streaming from her eyes.

Alba was on his feet and scrambling to the edge of the jutting rock before her back feet had even left the ground, but still he only made it in time to see the last of her tails disappear into the small forest. He watched the empty space where she had been, hoping feebly for her to return, but realising that this was a false hope he got up, cursing his stupidity, and began the walk back to where he had left the others.

Ross and Kayla marched down the bank of the river, having finally finished setting up the tent he had left his other pokémon to guard his stuff and generally do whatever they wanted. He was sure that he could trust them... well a couple of them anyway... well one of them... maybe.

He ignored the worries swimming in his mind and instead focused on having fun with, well he supposed his mate. It was still strange to think of the tiny pokémon like that.

They reached a part of the bank where the river was deep enough for the Buizel to dive if she wished, and he removed her from his shoulders, looking up at the Sun which was almost gone by this point, he decided that they couldn't stay long. Still they would be on this same road tomorrow and although he had no more time to waste swimming there was no reason Kayla couldn't swim alongside them as they walked if she wished.

He watched her dive into the river with an elated "Bui!" of delight, and smiled. he hadn't ever thought of buying swimming trunks, but he had a pair of running shorts in his bag which were practically unused. they would be perfect. He looked around seeing a small group of trees close together which would serve well as a changing area, He dropped his bag searching out the shorts and disappearing into the trees to change.

Kayla swam to the bank unsure of her trainers intentions. She saw an arm reach out putting various articles of clothing onto a large tree branch, She blushed as she saw his boxer shorts join the rest of his clothes on the tree limb. Was he coming in... Naked? she drifted back away from the riverbank treading water thoughtfully. The idea of seeing him naked made her feel a strange anxiety. She had never thought of it before but if they were going to be true... mates... She was excited by the thoughts running through her mind. She was disappointed when he came out covered in a pair of shorts she had seen him buy awhile ago but had never used.

Ross waded into the water with a look of pure pain on his face, Kayla giggled into her paws as she watched the Human, unaccustomed to the cold water slowly turn from pale white to bright red.

"Oh-fu-fuh-funny is it?" He asked playfully, "You wait 'till I get in there!" Kayla giggled again and began to swim away to escape his slow-coming wrath "No! I'm serious, wait till I get in there it's gonna take ages. OH frick that's cold!" He yelped as he descended another inch into the freezing water.

After a good couple of hours of simplicity, spent playing with his pokémon Ross decided that it was time to return to his complicated world and crawled out onto the riverbank. Looking back to the sky he guessed from the just rising moon that he could leave Kayla to have fun for awhile longer while he dried off.

He lay down on the bank and watched the beautiful under-water show she put on. He smiled at the way she danced and remembered the day he saved her, the day he had stopped trusting people and put his trust in pokémon.

He had been about to go and see it again, the Buizel his brother had... not abandoned, forgotten? yeah, forgotten to take back with him, a shame really, it was such a beautiful pokémon. Still his brother would remember his mistake eventually. and he would go back to collect it. He only wished he could bring it up and remind Barry but speaking to his older brother usually only got him a punch in the gut.

That said, most things, at school, at home, almost everything earned him a punch. In his boarding school he was considered somewhat of a weakling, and the entire school teased him about it, he couldn't help it, he was only twelve. He had been so delighted when he was told that he'd be moving up to his brothers year, that he was being advanced. Shortly into the arrangement however he discovered the truth...

People were mean, all people were nothing but assholes who existed only to ignore him or treat him badly, still once he got out, got a pokédex, he could go on an adventure like those guys you see on T.V. Him and Alba, his Eevee, would make it to the elite four and then he'd prove how strong he was!

But that poor Buizel, suddenly a thought crossed his mind. What if the holiday finishes and he hasn't remembered yet? We'd have to go back to school and that poor Buizel... He couldn't finish his thought, a hand had grabbed him by the neck,

"Where the hell are you going?" A husky voice grumbled behind him

"Out!" He replied, as vaguely as possible.

"Out where?" The rancid breath of his brother hit his face as he was turned around.

"Just... Out." He hoped that his brother would simply ignore him like normal, but today he was out of luck it seemed.

"You were going out to feed that worthless fucking excuse for a pokémon weren't you?"

"It's not worthless, let me go!" Ross squirmed as his brothers hand began to squeeze his throat. He could scream for help, but it would only make his brother mad, and his mum and dad could be on the other side of this massive house and not hear him.

"Make me dickweed!" his brother was smirking now.

Ross heard a pokéball open and felt something move at his feet, both he and his brother looked down to see Alba, who had somehow forced it's way out of it's ball, as his brother looked down Ross' only pokémon did the bravest thing he had seen outside of a movie. He jumped up and head butted the podgy teenager in the nose!

The teen stumbled back clutching his nose which was now bleeding profusely.

"You... You little shit!" Barry mumbled in shock. "Golem teach this joke of a trainer to keep a leash on his pokémon, kill that thing!"

Barry threw a pokéball releasing the rock type into the hall. "Slash now!" He commanded.

The Golem was normal size but to Ross it appeared huge. certainly big enough to follow through on Barry's' promise to kill Alba, he wouldn't let that happen, he had spent his entire life being pushed around and he was sure it would go on like that forever if he didn't take a page from Albas' book and stand up for himself.

The Eevee shied away from the impending attack, freezing in fear. Ross put himself between the pokémon and his friend, the Golem attempted to swerve around the trainer but being a rock type it was slow to react and it's rock hard claws bit into his face, causing only a few scratches here and there as the attack hadn't caught him full on. The Golem, still moving at quite a pace turned side on to try and stop itself and bowled into Ross hard sending him hurtling across the room. The Golem itself slammed into the wall head first and though it would cause no kind of damage to the rock type, the Golem began to rock backwards and forwards dazed.

Now was his chance to stand up for himself this was his time. Regaining the breath that had been knocked out of him he stood and quickly looked at his Eevee "Alba," He said it calmly, not harshly or commandingly "Shadow ball!" As his Eevee charged the shadow ball Ross felt a hand grab him from behind turning him round once again.

"Right you little dick, you're dead!" Barry raised his fist, the blood on his nose and lip now dribbling down his chin. Ross had seen Barry angry before but this was different there was a kind of mad rage about him.

Ross didn't have long to react. He was only twelve but he knew all the great fighting films and if watching Crouching Persian Hidden Dragonite a thousand times and a thousand more had taught him anything it was that speed beats power every time.

He threw a punch into his brothers stomach, it was weak but it surprised the older trainer and Barry doubled over, the wind knocked out of him. With his brothers face now on an equal level with him a unique opportunity presented itself and he slammed his fist into the flabby cheek of his brother. Again little damage was caused but the trainer was stunned long enough for Ross to swing another fist into the already bloodied nose of his long-time tormentor. He put more force into it this time and his brother was sent sprawling onto his back.

Ross looked at his hand, covered with blood that wasn't his own for a change, that had felt good, great in fact. He couldn't stay distracted for long though, the Golem had recovered and had been taking swings at the swift Eevee while he had been fighting.

"Golem Rollout, flatten that rat!" Barry screamed from his position on the floor.

This was it... it had to work this time, "Alba," Ross shouted "Iron tail!"

The Eevee was nervous, every time he had tried this before he had failed at the last moment, this time it had to work. His tail glowed white and began to feel heavy as he ran towards his intended target, which had begun to roll at high speed towards him. He jumped into the air curling his body and turning in order to increase momentum, he closed his eyes this was going to hurt.

Alba heard a great crack but the attacks didn't even seem to have connected, he didn't feel anything. He opened one eye then the other and saw the glow fading from his tail, Ross was standing gawping at his friend, but perhaps most amazing of all was the decidedly Golem shaped hole in the wall.

Alba blinked a couple of times, not believing what had just happened, Ross cheered and ran to hug his friend, they had just won their first battle! Barry sat up in a rage. "Get the FUCK! Out of this HOUSE!" He screamed. "and if I EVER! See YOU! That RAT! Or that mangy FUCKING BUIZEL! Ever again I swear I will FUCKING KILL YOU!

There was real violence in his voice this time, a true to blood oath. That was not a threat that was a promise. Not that it mattered, Ross had been halfway out the door, returning Alba before he had even got the sentence out, and he didn't plan on coming back, this time he wasn't going out to see that Buizel. This time he was going to save her.

He grabbed his pack which he had filled properly this time around even going as far as attaching a sleeping back to the top, just in case, and hoisted it onto his shoulder. Today he would stop being the weakling, and start being the pokémon master!

Ross was snapped out of his reminiscence by a spray of freezing water and his eyes flicked open to see a very pleased looking Kayla standing next to him shaking herself dry. Looking to his, thankfully waterproof, watch he had to look twice to make sure "eleven thirty? Did I fall asleep? it was only eight when I got out!"

"We gotta get going babe." he checked himself, did he just say that? He shook his head, he was drifting into this relationship far too easily. He grabbed his clothes and his bag beginning to run barefooted back to his camp still in the soaking shorts he had just swam in telling himself that he'd change in his tent once he got back.

Barry, He cringed, he couldn't even think the name without wincing. Contrary to his own ideas he had not become a pokémon master just because he thought he could, obviously being trained by a spoilt brat like his brother had raised the Golem to be weak and his Eevee wasn't as super powerful as he first thought, in fact, he didn't even challenge his first gym for a couple of months, and he really had to work to get his second badge a week later. After that he had decided to focus fully on training and adventuring with his pokémon. He even hooked up with another trainer for a little while, and travelled all over with her and her Vulpix, eventually she decided to travel to other regions and attempt to get the other badges and he bid her farewell.

He hadn't even thought about trying to resume his gym challenge until just under a month ago, still, four badges in about as many weeks wasn't bad, in fact it had earned him something of a celebrity status amongst younger trainers he even had a small fan base. It was actually an amusing thought.

He laughed out loud causing Kayla to look at him strangely as she tailed him back to camp.

Jutah sat next to Kaylen eating the last scraps of food, they had played for awhile in the field but now they were bored and had nothing to do.

They sat back and began to exchange stories near the tent. "Sooooooo how did you find out you were gay?"

Kaylen laughed still with a mouthful of food. "Well you know how Ross sometimes puts his pokémon into, Day-care?"


"Well this one time he put me and Alba in while he was with this female trainer he used to like and we were watching these two male totodile umm..." He looked conspiratorially towards Nivven and Hayley who stood silently a small way away, they still hadn't even finished their food, He leaned over and began to whisper in Jutahs ear.

Jutahs eyes went wide at what Kaylen described to him and he began to laugh "No-way, that's gross!"

"Yeah and it gets better." He leaned back in and explained everything to the Impish Abra.

They had sat exchanging secrets and anecdotes all night and Jutah was starting to get tired, he stretched, yawned and began to fall asleep.

"No dude, come on... Your turn."

"Mmrph... Tired" was the only response the Abra felt ready to make.

"Come on dude just one more and I'll leave you alone."

Jutah moaned but if one more rumour was all it took to get some sleep. His tired brain searched it's memory for anything note worthy, being an Abra his memory was extremely long but one event stood out above all others in his mind, and his sleep-addled brain was too slow to warn him against opening his big mouth and saying anything like. "Did you know that Alba got hot n' heavy with Kayla?"

Jutah opened his eyes as he realised that the usually jovial Buizel was for once in his life silent. Realising his mistake he tried to rectify it, mumbling something about being tired and it being a dream. Kaylen scanned Jutahs eyes looking for any sign of this being a lie or a joke, he found none.

"When?" The Buizel was dead serious now.

Jutah realised that he had a choice, lie to his friend and then get destroyed by him when he found out what really happened, or tell him the truth a get destroyed by Alba for not keeping his secret. It was a simple choice really, the difference was if he told the truth When Alba came to beat the shit out of him Kaylen would at least take a stand against him, If he lied would Alba come to his rescue when Kaylen found out the truth, like hell he would!

He began to tell the story of him waking up as Alba led Kayla away to the crag by the River, everything he heard and saw, by the end Kaylen looked about ready to rip his throat out and suddenly Jutah wondered if he'd made the right choice telling Kaylen the truth, even Nivven and Hayley seemed raptly interested in the conversation.

As they sat in silence with Kaylen muttering random violent words in his anger a sudden noise alerted them to the presence of someone else approaching.

Alba had followed the stream all the way back up route 209 looking in at a reflection that he didn't recognise the whole time. His face was scarred, four long red lines ran from the side of his face down to his chin, blood had trickled from the wounds dyeing his fur a dark brown. His, fur and by extension the neckerchief he wore stuck to his body with sweat and dried blood, and he stank of blood and arousal.

Is that... really me? He remembered back when he first evolved how proud he had been how perfect he had looked. His eyes had shone like the sun and his coat had reflected the light giving him a shimmering aura.

He thought about Elice's' words as he walked." What did you think you were going to do?" He hadn't answered. He wouldn't, he couldn't could he? Sure he knew he had wanted her, but if she had said no, there's no way I could have... raped her, could I? Not my Elice? Not the Elice I loved back before we split? No it wasn't possible.

"Heartless" Heartless? Am I? He couldn't be he got Ross and Kayla together after all didn't he? Or was that just to save his own hide and to lessen his guilt about taking advantage of her?

Gods, How the fuck did it come to this, looking at a reflection I barely recognise and feeling sorry for myself... No this is no time for self pity, this is a time for action.

He took a running leap into the river cleaning off most off the sweat and excess blood. Swimming back to the bank he shook off the water and lapped at his fur to flatten it again. Still wet he decided to suck it up and make his way back. As he was approaching the camp he felt that something wasn't right, he could see Hayley and Nivven, but where were...

His train of thought was broken as his instinct told him to jump to the left, he did just as a hydro pump left an impression on the ground where he had been standing moments ago. He turned to face a fuming Kaylen and close behind him a timid looking Jutah.

Instantly realising what must have happened, Alba groaned, I am NOT having a good day! He turned to look at the Abra, "Oh this does not end well for you Jutah you little chickenshit!"

"No Alba this doesn't end well for you!" Kaylen stood between Alba and his target as he said this. "How the fuck could you? How the hell could you live with yourself after you... used her like that?"

The words stung, after his confrontation with Elice he really didn't feel like putting on the alpha, facade but he couldn't just back down from this either.

"What can I say?" He attempted to look as smug as possible. "I wanted a fuck and I get what I want, is it so hard to understand?"

"Of course," The Buizel replied, unimpressed by his apparent flippancy. "The inestimable Alba, Cold and emotionless and arrogant as always... and yet if you could feel even one emotion that wasn't in some way linked to you getting laid I'm willing to bet you'd probably be wracked with guilt!"

Alba took a psybeam pot-shot around the side of the Buizel aiming at the Abra behind it, Jutah shimmered and disappeared, using teleport as the psychic attack hit the ground harmlessly.

"You can run but you can't hide coward!" Alba shouted into the surroundings not sure where Jutah had teleported to.

"Oh yes I can," a voice replied from the darkness. "I can hide with the best of them!"

Growling, Alba turned back to Kaylen, barely dodging a thrown focus punch before jumping back out of the Buizel's range.

"I don't want to fight you Kaylen, and trust me you don't want to fight me either." The attempt to avoid a fight was cliché but it was the best he could come up with at the time.

"Oh you're wrong there Alba I really want to fight you. I'm fine with Kayla attempting to make a mate out of Ross, see he respects her, as a pokémon and a friend, but you... You just use us Alba, you use us and throw us away. Well you won't get away with it this time, not with Kayla."

Alba sighed and shook his head, today just wasn't going well for him, still he wasn't ready to give up his alpha position just yet. He began to growl as his tail glowed white and began to harden, he waited for Kaylen to make the first move

There was an almighty crash as Ross approached his campsite, he looked to Kayla who looked back at him with the same confusion he guessed he was showing her. He rolled his eyes, "which of my treasured possessions d'ya think Jutahs managed to destroy tonight?" he asked her.

"Bui-bu,bui,bui" She replied rubbing the back of her head with one hand and smiling.

"True it did sound expensive."

Kayla only laughed as she followed Ross into the field where he had set up the tent. Her eyes widened at the sight that she came upon and her laughter was silenced. Kaylen was struggling to stand up, bloodied and bruised from a fight which seemed to have destroyed most of the campsite. Alba meanwhile Sat preening himself with his back to the Buizel, apparently none the worse for wear for the apparent devastation of the nearby camp, despite a dry wound on his face.

Kayla ran to her pseudo-brothers side, helping him stand and licking some of the larger cuts clean, while Ross stood observing the destruction, his eyes flicked between his two pokémon and his broken tent. A silence followed broken only by the cry of a low flying Murkrow.

"Does anyone want to explain to me just what the hell happened here?"

So that's it, there were some parts I thought were great (not to be a dick I'm just commenting) and others which I hated myself for but couldn't think of better way of writing what needed to be written y'know... anyways.

Thanks for reading and a bigger thanks to all those who commented and voted on previous chapters and gave me the confidence to continue writing, I honestly hope this chapter was worth the wait.

Just thought I'd mention before I finish that the next chapter will take a little longer to come out as I'm now fully back into the student schedule, plus I have loads of ideas for the way I want the next chapter to go but haven't the mental glue to make the pieces stick together. Anyways I'm gonna go on all night if I let myself so one last thanks to you all and comments would be much appreciated. (Especially on the yiff 'cuz honestly I don't think I did it too well D:)

Goodnight all ;P

Immorality - Damage limitation

So here it is chapter two... I had a mixed review of the first chapter so I thought "what the hell, lets give it another try." As I said in the last chapter this one has no yiff whatsoever so anyone who's purely in it for that should probably move on,...

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Immorality - Kayla's Lesson

Ok here it goes... first story time, (\*takes deep breath) whether this gets a good review or not this is a big day for me, cuz either way it means I managed to write a story to the end without erasing it....

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