Eric gets Boned

Story by k9k on SoFurry

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#7 of Eric the mouse

Eric moaned softly in his sleep, just on the edge of waking. Something warm and wet was on his lower torso, and a faint lapping reached his ears. The little mouse panted, legs spreading on their own, tail curling under him as he felt his entire groin covered in that wet warmth.

A pressure was felt on his buttocks as they were parted and the wet warmth filled his crack, before it slid inside his body, a cold, damp thing pressed against his taint. However, the warm wetness pushed in deeper, diverting his attention from his taint to his innards.

Eric cracked an eye, blushing as he saw Samson between his thighs, lapping and rimming him. Eric said softly "Put it in me."

Samson's head snapped up, the mastiff's maw broke into a grin as he said "You sure?"

The mouse nodded, saying "No condom either, I want it in me."

Just as the tip touched his hole, there was a knock on the door and M, Samson's big sister said "Hurry up you two, we got to get there before it gets crowded." Emily, who preferred M, was joking when she suggested the strip club. Instead, they were going to the beach.

Eric sighed, great, all worked up and no sex! Samson smiled as he said "Come on dear, lets go take a shower." However, Eric pouted when M yelled out "Hurry up! We are leaving in 10!"

That meant a quick shower and eating in the car, no fun time! Eric grumbled as Samson, ever sweet Samson, guided his lover to the shower, relaxing the testy mouse with hot water and washing his belly.

As they were drying off, M shouted at them "Come on! We still gotta get you a bathing suit Eric!" Eric, having never been to the beach, didn't own a swimsuit and therefore, required one.

Eric rolled his eyes as he slipped his coveralls on, he had grown to like the free feeling of them ,pouting as he had to stuff his erection inside the jeans, knowing this would bug him the entire time. Samson smiled as he said "Relax sweetie, plenty of time for that when we get to the beach house." Samson's family owned a beach house and they would be staying there for the next week.

When the pair finally headed out to the SUV, M was standing there with a smirk. M was Samson's older sister. Besides being an MP, she was a looker and she knew it. Hence why Eric was not surprised to see her in a jean shorts and a white blouse, clearly not wearing a bra.

The car ride was uneventful, until Emily got a call. After quick words, she said "Change of plans, got called in, something happened at a base, so you two are just gonna have to stay at the beach house and we can go shopping latter. OH! Before I forget, there is a guy at the house, Jacob, an otter who house sits for us." As Eric and Samson exchanged glances, Emily dialed her phone and was soon saying "Hey, Jacob, change of plans, my brother and his boyfriend are gonna be at the house in 5 minutes. If you want to ask them, do it yourself."

With even more confused looks exchanged between the mouse and mastiff, they waited as the SUV pulled into the driveway of the beach house. As Eric and Samson hurried their gear out of the SUV, Emily passed a key to Samson and said "Sorry about this, see you guys!" And she peeled out.

The pair headed into the house, setting their stuff by the door, Samson asked "Eric, care for a tour of the house?" Eric grinned as he shut the door and locked it, giggling as he said "Not right now dear, got something else in mind."

Samson's puzzled look was answered by Eric cupping the mastiff's groin and a giggle. Samson blushed a bit but headed into the house and stopped as he reached the living room.

Eric, focused solely on Samson's groin, purred out "Sit on the couch dear." Samson sat, smirking, Eric rarely initiated but he was so glad that the mouse was coming out of his shell.

With a grin, Eric unzipped Samson's pants and pulled out the mastiff's sheath and balls. Eric smirked, musk poured from the mastiff's heavy sack, intoxicating the mouse. Eric nuzzled and massaged the furry sack, planting kisses on the orbs with in. One paw slid down his own body to unzip his coveralls, and pulling out his own genitals.

As the chisel tip of Samson's cock poked out of his sheath, Eric pounced on it, thin tongue rasping at the head. Samson moaned and placed a paw on the mouse's head, thumb rubbing the rodent's ears as he gently pushed his boyfriend's head down deeper on to his shaft.

With loud slurps and gurgles, Eric salivated over the canid's cock. Pulling off the thick shaft to nuzzle it and plant kisses on it. One paw holding the sheath, the other fondling the dog's heavy sack, massaging each orb with his palm.

The bracing paw of the mouse moved up and undid the catch of Samson's pants and with the mastiff's help; soon had the denim was soon off and on the floor. With a grin, the dog said "Dear, want to go all the way?"

With a pair of hot and flushed ears, Eric nodded, sliding off the coveralls slowly, teasing his lover as he uncovered more and more fur. A soft squeak escaped the rodent's lips as his lover fondled the mouse's heavy sack with a careful paw.

With guiding hands, Samson eased the mouse on to the couch, pelvis up, chest down. After shuffling pillows, the aroused rodent ended up with his bottom in the air, tail curled gracefully on to his back. The head and chest were cushioned by several strategically placed pillows, the end result being a living Pythagorean right triangle.

With crimson ears, the angled mouse spread his buttocks apart, exposing the pink sphincter, speaking in a clearly embarrassed voice "Take me hard Samson. No extra lube, no love making. Just fuck my little mousey brains out. And unless I say stop, just keep going, no matter what sounds I make. I want your thick knot in my little ass."

The mastiff smiled softly, his lover managed to be totally adorable yet quite erotic. He knew Eric was embarrassed to speak in that manner but the rodent's body bespoke of enjoyment of it.

With a whimper, the rodent felt the hot chisel tip placed against his anal sphincter, a large paw grasped the base of his tail, knowing deep in his heart that this will both be very painful and insanely pleasurable.

A massive pelvic thrust hammered the chisel tip into the rodent, splitting him apart as it rammed in, stopping at the unswollen knot. A loud, leathery slap was heard as the mastiff's heavy sack slapped the mouse's taint. Eric's eyes clamped shut, body going lax as the pain paralyzed him. A loud inhale was heard, the mastiff feeling the pressure change inside the mouse's body.

A massive squeal let loose from Eric's lips, his anus had become a ring of fire, his innards felt like they had been split asunder. The mouse was soon hit with a wave of senses, fire from his burning tail hole, the bruising dog bone being buried in his bum, the wet slap of his lover's heavy scrotum slapping his bared taint. He could feel as much as hear the sloshing slurps from inside his body. Hot, slightly minty, dog breath blasting on his neck.

The strong paws, now gripping his hips, squeezing harshly as they left bruises under the mouse's fur. The heavy load on his lumber from his large lover pinning the poor rodent to the couch. The wet slap of his own genitals bouncing around, striking his belly and finally, the loud squeaks being forced out of his opened maw.

Suddenly, the pressure inside Eric vanished, his bafflement soon sated when he felt something warm and wet slide into his gaping anus. A strong, warm paw wrapped itself around his aching shaft and stroked it.

Slowly, gently, the mouse's shaft was moved backwards, until the organ was pointing straight out behind him, sack draped around it. The mastiff's plan soon became clear to the mouse as he felt the rough dog tongue slide from the bottom of his shaft. The tongue moved up, wrapping and caressing the large mouse orbs. The tongue continued onward, the tongue tip tickling the taint. And soon, the fleshy, probing appendage went to its target, worming its way inside the mouse's tormented anus.

This process was reversed and repeated, the mouse's loins a feast for the canid's ravenous maw. As the mouse sucked in a hungry breath, he froze as a feminine voice invaded his ears, saying "I thought my yaoi senses were tingling."