Breaking in the new Pet

Story by ForbiddentoSay on SoFurry

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So, this story is following my last one with Rook, titled Until the Morning, where we met the herm mare Tallya and the female panther Ky. But I have timed jumped a little, I was going to do a story line between this and the last one, but I wanted to this story more, so here we are lol So, enjoy, and Gods know how long it will be until I post again so don't read too fast :P And depending on how long this gets, since there is really no end, I might break it up into chunks. And once again, this isn't spelled checked, because, well, I'm lazy :P

After his night a few weeks back spent with Tallya and her pet panther Ky, Rook had been toying with the idea of having a pet as well. Ky was still with Tallya past their agreed trial time, the two got along well and Ky just really loved being a pet and sometimes plaything for the well hung herm mare. And Rook had to admit, the idea always coming home to a pet waiting for him sounded like fun, he was normally horny and could easily come up with fun, kinky things to do.

So Rook had decided to look into it, asking Tallya a few questions that he had had, and Ky of course and wondering if she knew of any friends that she had that would be interested. Turned out that she had and had introduced Rook to her friend so that they could meet, chat and maybe test the waters. That was three days ago, and things had gone well enough that Rook was carrying a box of goodies to his door for her.

He got his keys out and opened the door to his basement apartment and walked in with a broad grin. "I'm home, Kira." He called.

From inside his home as running of feet could heard before his pet came around the corner from the bed room area. By the time she got there Rook had set the box down and she pounced him him. "Master!" She yipped with glee as she nuzzled his neck before they kissed for a moment. Kira was a very well built 28 year old female wolf, six feet tall, black and grey fur and bushy tail, pretty eyes and face, ample breasts and a ten inch cock, yes, she was also a herm, preferring to be called a she. Rook liked herms, Tallya was one and so was a dragoness he knew very well, they allowed him to have all his favourite female parts and the ability to give it to him in the ass without a toy, it was a win win!

"Haha, happy to see you to, and our package came in." He explained as he set her down, and she went to all fours, she was really into it he came to figure out. While most of the time Ky would walk around Tallya's place normally, Kira was happy on all fours. Rook scooted the box over to his couch and Kira climbed up on it cuddling close, she was naked, as she always was when inside, but the fact that when he came in she wasn't in front of the TV watching porn and masturbating was a bit different than the last couple days.

Rook used a knife to cut the box open carefully to reveal the contents. Kira smiled as she eyed what was inside, she knew most of it, but some of it Rook had kept to himself. Rook reached in and started to pull things out one by one to make sure everything was there. "Your feeding bowls with your name on them." He said removing from the box wrapped stainless steels pet food bowls with Kira's name on them, he had also gone into this rather deep. He set them aside and reached in again. "Our cock ring set, normal lube, chilling lube and warming lube, three bottles of each." Because there was never enough lube! "Condoms in your size and mine, toy cleaner, ah!" Rook smiled and removed a well packages parcel from the larger box and opened it removing a smaller box that was a little more ornate. "And, your collar" Rook smiled as he opened the box to reveal the leather collar inside. It was black, so it would blend with most of her fur, exceptional quality.

When Rook handed the collar to her Kira smiled as she inspected it, the tag on it had her name and his address and phone number. "Thank you, Master." She thanked and leaned up to lick his cheek. Rook took the collar back and then opened it before placing it around her neck, clasping it and then tightening it a little until Kira was comfortable and it wasn't too tight. The next thing that came from the box was the leash and this Rook kept while he clipped it to the loop on the collar, holding the other end with a smile.

Continuing in the box there were a couple other things left. "My new prostate wand, and your new butt plug." He pulled both out together, the wand wasn't anything special, a foot long with a wireless vibrate function, and her plug was a medium sized on, but otherwise nothing special. Not until he got to the last item in the box, the one that she didn't know of. "Close your eyes, we're going to use this now I think, it's a surprise for you, I'll go clean it and bring it back." The wolf closed her eyes and Rook stood and quickly went to his bathroom to clean the item after removing the rest of the packaging.

Kira was enjoying herself with Rook since she had become his pet, he was a very nice guy, always making sure she was happy and satisfied as much as she could be. He didn't ask mean things of her, and, he had said, if he did end up asking her do something that she wasn't comfortable with she could refuse with no questions asked. So far that hadn't come up, Rook was a big strong male with a large cock and lots of stamina, and, for her part, Kira just loved sex, add in that Rook liked her to fuck his ass and knot him and she was more than excited for this arrangement.

"Come into the bedroom please, and get up on the bed." Rook called and Kira, on all fours, made her way there getting up bed as told to. "Close your eyes." Rook said poking his head out from the bedroom and when she had he came into his bedroom set the object on the floor and dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed. Without a word he reached out and wrapped his arms around her thighs and dragged her to the edge and right away started to lick at her pussy.

The wolfess moaned, she hadn't expected that but Rook was really good at it, his long tongue and experience combined to make her wet in a very short amount of time. Then again she was almost always horny like he was, so that helped. Rook lapped at his pet's cunny, enjoying the taste and scent of her. He licked for a while, he hadn't planned on getting her off but ended up decided he wanted to, she didn't squirt a lot but it was enough.

Kira was writhing on the bed after a few minutes of his work, she was getting close. She moaned and if her tail wasn't pinned under her it would be wagging as well. Rook sucked on her clit and got two fingers in as well with his tongue. With a loud gasp the wolfess came, her cum flowing out of her, she didn't make a fountain of juice just a good gush of it and Rook was happily lapping it up until she stopped and was starting to come down from it.

Rook removed himself slowly as she laid gasping for a moment and he laid on top of her and they kissed, Kira licking her juice from his face. She moved as if to get between his legs but Rook stopped her. "No no, not yet, I just wanted to make sure you were wet. Lay back again." He smiled and got between her legs again before he finally showed her what he had been hiding.

Kira's eyed widened a little. It was a dildo, or dong, or whatever, either way it was shaped like a horse cock, and a foot long. But, it was strange at the same time, there were ripples on it part way up and it looked stiff instead of more floppy like she'd expect. Rook held it out and she took it inspecting it, there was an on and off switch on the base of it and a place to plug it in! Plus a couple of other holes and one hose coming out of it with a nozzle on the end of it. "Master, what kind of toy is this?" She asked him curiously.

"This, this is a new line of, rather expensive, toys, combined a few into one toy." He opened his other hand showing that he was holding a remote control with seven buttons on it, an on/off switch and two buttons for each of the other functions. He turned it on and slowly turned up on the button set and the toy started to vibrate in her hands, after a moment he pressed the second set upwards one at a time. A small humming noise started to sound from within and after a second Kira's eyes widened a little when the cock, just above the balls, started to inflate! So the hose was the air release then, made sense. "And, finally." He smiled and pressed the other button upwards, and on top of the vibrating and inflating the cock started to pump upwards from the odd ripples on it, so it was an automated fucking toy as well! Kira couldn't believe it, she had never seen a toy like this before, but oh how she loved the idea of it.

Rook turned it off and released the air from the pump for now and smiled to his pet, taking hold of the leash again. "Come to the edge, lay back and spread your legs." He said as she did it, quickly and excitedly, she couldn't wait. Slowly Rook pressed the toy into her, making the wolf moan again, and for a bit he just slowly fucked her with it by hand, pulling it out and shoving it back in getting her even wetter than she had been. Slowly he turned up the vibration of it and the wolf withered some more while he continued to fuck her with it, kissing and licking at her clit now and then.

He pumped it up a little now creating an area that was thicker than the rest and stretching her out a little more. This continued for a bit, Rook slowly bringing up the vibration and inflation, but leaving the last turned off for now. "Master, pleeeease, I need to come, please." Kira begged finally wanting enough attention to release again.

Rook obliged her, he didn't like the idea of denying her an orgasm, and started to fuck her faster and turned up the vibration and inflation some more. Kira moaned and withered on the bed, taking a hold of the sheets as she did before she came again, a small gush of her juices flowing from her. Rook had known that was going to happen of course as was ready, from the nightstand he had reached over and grabbed a glass and placed it under her cunny. When she came he had caught most of her juice almost filling the glass. When she was finished, Rook kept the toy in, he leaned up enough to hand her the glass, which she took with a grin and happily swallowed down the contents before setting the glass back within his reach.

"Now, would you like to see what this thing can really do?" He questioned and she nodded vigorously. Rook went back to thrusting it in and out of her while he rammed up the inflation until he had to push it in and there he left it, getting it to inflate to the fullest. It acted like a knot, like Kira had on her cock, tying the toy into her and stretching her out even more there. With it in her like that Rook got up from the floor and went to sit on the edge of the bed to his pet watching her there while he turned up the vibration more and started to get the toy to thrust on its own.

When that happened Kira let out a long lustful moan, it was already deep in her, not as deep as it could go considering she was able to take all of Rook's 18 inches. She felt when Rook a grip on one of her breasts and massaged it and she leaned her head back to look up at him with a large smile. Rook smiled down to her as the upped the speed of the toy which made her gasp in surprise.

All this time her cock was out and rock solid and seeping pre cum like a river, each time she moved it bobbed around. Now that he only needed one hand to pleasure her thanks to the toy, Rook reach over and started to stroke her cock, using her pre cum to make it slick in his hand and this got Kira really going. "Ohhhh, masssstterrr." She moaned as he picked up all the speed settings that much more. Kira was bucking her own hips against the dildo in her, though it didn't help it was just a reaction of the pleasure.

Rook smiled as he shifted his position a little on the bed. "You have been a very good girl, Kira." He commented and meant it, as he leaned down and wrapped his tongue around her cock and suck her into his mouth. He wanted her to really enjoy this moment and she was, only one time since they had known each other before this had Rook sucked on her cock. For him to do it now while he was using such a wonderful device on her was making the wolfess crazy with lust.

Rook smiled over the cock in his mouth, sucking on the tip and getting as much of it into his mouth as he could while stroking on the rest. She tasted lovely to him, her pre cum was nice and when she did finally cum it was almost sweet tasting, which suited him just fine. Her knot was slowly starting to engorge as well, so he would be able to more or less know when she would cum.

This went on for a bit before she was ready to pop, unable to hold back anymore since by now Rook had everything at full tilte and that toy had a lot of speed to its thrusting! With Rook's mouth around her cock and the toy running full go when she did finally let go for the last time Kira was nearly howling in pleasure. She let out a huge gush of female cum from around the toy while her cock started to pump cum. Rook had been ready for it and sucked hard when her his pet started to cum into his mouth as he started to swallow her sweet cum. He wasn't able to keep up with her flow so he was forced to pull her out of his mouth and let the rest of it splatter across his face.

And with that Rook quickly turned the toy off and then released the air valve to deflate the knot. Kira was in bliss as she laid there panting moaning a little as Rook removed the toy from her and held out for her. Together they licked it clean and Kira already knew to lick her cum from Rook's face as well until he was clean. She nuzzled under his chin after she was done licking his face of her cum. "Thank you, Master, that is a wonderful gift."

Rook smiled and petted her head. "You're welcome, my pet, and, as long as you behave I'll allow you to use it on yourself while I'm gone." He set the toy aside and got his head on a pillow and laid back, his own cock was at full erection, all eighteen inches of it and he some pre cum sliding down the shaft. The drallion smiled as he got his wings settled under him while Kira crawled up the bed enough that she could get between his legs and take hold of his shaft and started to lick and suck him.

Rook relaxed for a bit just enjoying her working on his cock, but a bit he smiled and sat up. "Come on, let's get cleaned up." He said getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom. Rook's shower was large, for obvious reasons, but he was able to fit in there with Kira and the water came from above and from the whole roof of the stall so every part of them had water. Kira got on her knees and started to suck him and again and Rook moaned, she was good with her mouth and handled and licked his balls well, she had never pinched or anything.

He let the warm water run over both of them while she sucked and soon he felt himself getting close to his own orgasm. He smiled down to her while Kira's eyes were pretty much always open and looking up at him, she enjoyed watching his face while he was being pleasured. Rook let out a low moaned as he started to cum, his flare expanded but she was ready for that and the first couple of heavy spurts of cum to go into her mouth. She swallowed quickly trying to keep up but pulled him out to allow the rest to splatter across her pretty face. Rook was breathing a little harder by the end with a sated smile on his face while she sucked him dry. "Good girl." He said as she smiled at him with a face full of his cum and some left over in her mouth that she was playing with and teasing him while he watched with a giggle.

Afterwards Rook got to cleaning her, he had soap for her fur to get the cum from her face and he used his own hands to wash her. He was thorough, getting every part of her, taking a little extra time around her cunny, cock and breasts making her smile at the attention. With the wolfess nice and clean she stepped out and Rook went about getting himself cleaned off. When she was first here, Kira had wanted to clean him in turn in the shower, but Rook had declined, as much as he liked the idea. His logic was that she was a pet, not a servant or a slave, so he had cleaned her as was, he felt, his responsibility to do so as her owner. She had accepted it since he was her master now anyway, and so far she hadn't actually minded.

While he showered she dried herself with some fluffy towels and watched him clean, which was just as fun to do as use her own hands, she thought. He stepped out after a few minutes as well nice and clean for the night and towelled himself off, he had a lot of ground to cover with his wings so he owned a decent amount of towels. But he got done and went back to the living room and kitchen, as they were one large room and sat on the couch.

Kira walked in on all fours as normal and eyed him from the floor. "Come on up." He smiled as she hopped up and cuddled close to him placing her head on his lap while he flipped the news on. "Just want to watch the head lines and then I'll get us something to eat." Rook explained.

Beyond that, however, it was a rather peaceful night, but Rook had plans for the morning anyway.

Delivery Service!

Every other day for two straight weeks Rook had delivered a parcel of some kind to this same home, which wasn't truly unusual. In this day and age when so much is bought and sold online, he, as a delivery person, was as busy as ever getting parcels to...

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Until The Morning

In the darkened room sat a figure in the shadows, her pose showing she was waiting for something, something she was going to thoroughly enjoy. A large smile played across her muzzle as her right hand gently stroked the head of her pet, purring lightly...

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The Furry Farm - Melissa's Fate #2

[Okay, like the tags say, there is bukkake and gang-rape in this, so, if you don't like either(and for some reason are still here), or if you have a weak stomach as far as large amounts of cum goes, skip chapter 4. Yes, there is probably much worse...

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