Breaking in Modruk: I promise

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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#5 of Breaking In Modruk: arc 2

Hey everyone! I know its been a while but I've been plenty busy, in part, typing up this mammoth story! But Its done and I know you all want to know what happens next. Its long but just filled with smutty goodness which is always nice. If you enjoy plez comment. Thank you!


Because of all the species that used the locker room's sauna, it was always kept at a constant temperature. Danny had been in a few that were warmer but for now, as he opened the big glass doors to step inside and felt the steamy room's warmth surround him, he knew it'd be just fine.

Max was working and Danny was feeling fed up. He had come in alone to work out at the usual nonhuman exclusive gym for a few hours and now he wanted nothing more than to relax.

Passing by on his way to his locker he saw that the sauna was empty, and Danny just knew the peaceful seclusion it offered would be something he'd very much enjoy.

He stepped inside thus taking full advantage of his privacy, and Danny moved to the center of the square room, taking a seat. He leaned his back against the wall and set his feet atop the bench ahead of him, not feeling the slightest bit embarrassed that he was in just his workout shorts, as usually everyone who came in here just wore a towel around their waist and nothing else.

The steam room's three walls were framed all the way around with natural wood polish. It was spacious 10 feet wide and 7 deep. The fourth wall with the door was entirely glass so anyone could see inside or out. The wood framed walls were lined all the way around with some wide benches and a few intricately placed specialty speakers aired some soft sounding music. As Danny settled in it reminded him of being inside an elevator, though a control on the outside of the door allowed anyone to change it to a particular radio station.

The wood was warm against Danny's bare back, and soles. And better yet the moist heat from the room relaxed his sore muscles. Danny knew he had put in a lot of effort his work out session.

Danny was well aware he shouldn't have been there to begin with. Still he didn't feel guilty about it. After the weekend he'd just had, Danny also knew Max wouldn't have approved him going out alone, but he just had to relieve his tension. Even now Danny knew unless he forced himself to enjoy this little "TLC" his muscles were going to ache for the rest of the week. It was something Danny remembered Max explaining several weeks back.

"That's what the sauna was for." The orc had said the first time he and Danny used it together, "To curb those effects of being sore after a hard workout."

Together he and Max used it a handful of times. Now marked the first time Danny would enjoy the sauna without his orc. Despite never having gone without Max before, being alone right now... it just felt right. It gave Danny time to think about everything. It was well needed because there was definitely a lot on his mind.

As he relaxed Danny could feel his pores opening up, accepting the heat like a lovers embrace and it calmed him. The bench press, bar curls, the leg press, working on every muscle in his legs, stomach, sides, chest and arms, jogging for 30 minutes then doing everything all over again, the human put in quite the workout this evening.

Danny let out a long sigh which sounded louder than he'd expected. The silence from the empty room, save for the human reverberated the sound and Danny realized just how pent now he seemed to have been. After everything that happened, though, why wouldn't he be?

The past three days felt like a blur. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and even today Thursday, everything happened normally. He went to class, hung out with Max, played a few video games with Mark his roommate. Life was back on track and things were back the way they were. But in the bottom of Danny's stomach the human knew they weren't.

For one thing the human knew he still wasn't over this past weekend. The things that happened to him, the whole frat making him the "slut" and being part of their twisted games; Danny closed his eyes and held his breath. He paused for a moment, not breathing, and tried to block the gentle music playing in the back ground.


He could still hear the chanting ringing inside his head. He imagined their faces looking at him with a smug disdain, some with vengeance while on others, lust. "Slut, slut, slut, slut, slut". Of course the thing that was on the very tip of his mind was Veril. Everything was normal until that purple skinned troll came into Danny's life. The human clenched his already shut eyes.

Why can't I be mad at him? After what he did, I should be furious damn it!

_ _

But he wasn't. Danny couldn't remember the whole night that well. Only portions were really prominent. The troll dominated Danny in one of the most full forms he'd ever experienced, and that was coming from someone who regularly got topped by an orc.

Perhaps that's why Danny wasn't angry. Veril did have his way with the human, but he did it by making Danny "top". Not once did the troll force his member on the human, though Danny did get it rubbed on him plenty. There was no forced entry where one of his orifices was taken advantage of, however. But does that simple fact make it any less right as to what Veril had done to him?

Danny mind seemed to be split on the subject. A majority of his conscious firmly said no. It was still wrong, but a part of him since the beginning of that night kept telling Danny that he loved it, that he wanted to experience that again. That part of his mind was loud, and the two voices seemed locked in a caustic battle. Then there was the way Veril acted the morning after.

He wanted to protect and hold me. To keep me in bed with him so I wouldn't go out there with those animals...

_ _

The way Veril looked at him, the way that sexy creep offered his bed. Danny knew it was right to go back with Max. The orc explained that he physically couldn't have gone up to get the human himself. The frat members wouldn't have allowed it so if Danny wanted to he knew he could've stayed with Veril uninterrupted. And Danny felt guilty that he wished he would've stayed just a little longer. _ _

_ _

These were all thoughts that plagued the human.

By now his skin was slick with a sheen of sweat and he breathed a little bit more heavily. The heat from the sauna dug into his muscle tissue. They were feeling rock hard right after the work out, but now they felt softer. Danny tensed both his biceps. They were tired and he could only hold the muscle tense for a few moments before relaxing again.

The music in the sauna helped Danny relax too. It was gentle, just some low jazz playing. With his eyes closed he couldn't see, but soon they snapped open. The jazz that was helping him and his convoluted thoughts suddenly changed to one of the more urban stations playing hip hop music.

Someone had changed the station.

Danny knew his privacy with the sauna had come to an end, and as the glass door opened up Danny looked to see who would be joining him.

***** 4 Days Ago ******

The human felt groggy. He was still tired but now couldn't fall back asleep, and Danny found himself staring at the ceiling just a few feet in front of his face. Danny was atop the lofted bed in his lover's room. Max who had been adamant that Danny not be out of his sight offered it up, despite his own wishes to be alone, while Max, who Danny wasn't sure was awake or not was in the futon below. The human was dead silent and strained his ears to listen but no noise, breathing, snoring or otherwise came.

Was Max even there?

Turning his head he saw the outside midday sun's rays dulled, filtered through the shut blinds that kept the orc's dorm room mostly dark. A clock on Max's desk read the time, 2:49pm. He'd been asleep for close to 6 hours.

Memories were still vivid and fresh from what happened just hours earlier. It made Danny feel absolutely sick to his stomach thinking about them. More so though was how unsettling Danny felt about how he was treated by Max. The things the orc said in front of those nonhuman furs he'd just met. It was one of the reasons why Danny had wanted to just sleep in his own dorm, he felt angry and betrayed. However the orc had made it clear when they came back to the dorm complex that he wanted Danny to stay with him.

So now he wants me again.

_ _

A bitter sensation burnt the back of the human's throat and now that he was more awake he had a bone to pick with the green skin. He felt a wall of ice envelope around his heart.

Danny slide up from the bed. He was still clothed save for his shoes and shirt which he simply discarded on the floor below and made his way to the edge of the loft. He climbed on down, and the frame creaked nosily in the deathly silent room. He turned around the loft to see under it.

Max was there.

The handsome orc was awake and sitting back against the wall with his bare legs curled up to his chest. The orc's arms wrapped around his knees and his face was buried down. The top of the messy Mohawk faced Danny, but as the human came to the edge of the futon to sit down the orc's dark hair raised up. Max looked just terrible as he faced his human. Danny saw the orcs eyes were a little puffy looking and glossy. He was unclear if the green skin had been crying.

"How long have you been awake?" Danny asked. He turned to face the orc more and Max let go of his hold around his knees. The orc's long bare legs stretched out and those warm bare soles extended towards the human's side.

"Didn't sleep," Max half way mumbled. "Jus wanted to hear you breath an know you were with me."

The icy wall of hatred that had its hold around Danny's heart began to thaw. Danny had every intention of giving the orc a piece of his mind, but now the stern lecture he had planned seemed to melt in his mouth, right on his tongue.

You can be quite tender when you want to be Max.

_ _

The human was silent then. He didn't know what to say.

"Are you ok?" The orc offered after a few seconds. Danny gave a grunt.

I feel like shit, I smell like someone else bodily fluids, and just this morning I was publicly humiliated.

_ _

"Yea, I think so." Danny said.

"I'm sorry about what happened." Max said. The orc drew himself off the back of the wall and scooted himself closer to the human. "They stopped me from saving you. They wouldn't let me get you." Max softy said before pausing. He seemed to want to say something else but the human cut him too it.

"What happened last night, Max?" And the orc fell silent. He paused getting any closer and Danny tilted his head. His voice was calm, but a surge of power built up. He knew he was going to get some answers. "Why did you say those things to me, and why in front of everyone like that, huh? I don't know them, they're your friends. And now I don't feel like I can face any of them again."

"Believe me Danny; they're all pissed off at me." The orc said. He gave a half way incredulous smirk. "They like you. You have their sympathies, not me. As to why I said what I did?" Danny looked up.

"Oh I dunno. I was a little high for one so I wasn't thinking or speaking clearly." Danny frowned and the orc shook his head. He was quick to add, "And I know that's no excuse. But its like, I guess I was mad that I had to yet again explain the terms of our relationship. I guess I was upset that you don't quite understand, after every time I try to explain."

"But that's just it, you never really explained!" Danny said. Max looked up with a quizzically look. "I've always said you were my Mo-," but Danny cut him off. "Your Modruk I know." He shook his head. "You realize that doesn't explain anything right?"

A dawn of realization appeared over the orc's face. It seemed he finally understood Danny's confusion. The human went on. "The term clearly implies some role of subservience to you, but I'm not a slave. You're not my master, we're not boyfriends we're not dating, and I just don't get it."

Max let everything Danny said sink in for a few moments before he responded. Danny could tell the orc was trying to clearly calculate his words before saying them.

"Danny..." Max started off, "I've said it's not something that will immediately become clear. The term and the relationship it implies are almost secluded to my species alone. Orcs grow up knowing about it because it's almost always for them." Danny gave a scoff and rolled his eyes but Max persisted "Look think about someone who's married."

Danny blinked and quieted down.

"A married couple wouldn't refer to them as being boyfriends or girlfriends, or that they were dating. They're in a relationship that is beyond that. It's a regression in their partnership to say that they're just simply dating. If one of them were to announce that they were dating, when they were married certainly the other spouse might be offended or take issue with that. He'd raise his hand up and show their wedding band and correct his spouse. That's why I got angry and said what I did."

"But we're not married," Danny said.

"You're right, we're not. To get married we'd need twenty dollars, a copy of our birth certificates and 15 minutes of spare time. We're closer than that. You're my Modruk, it's more sacred and meaningful."

The explanation seemed to weigh in on the human. He wasn't sure if it made him feel any better despite having a more clear understanding. But something else bothered him, and he felt tears burning up behind his eyes for some reason at the thought.

"I've never been on a date Max."

That hung in the air for a few seconds. Danny was sure that Max, who seemed effortlessly comfortable with his own sexuality, and was obviously more experienced than the human had been on plenty. But Danny never had one. It was unfair, he felt cheated.

"And I'm going to fix that," Max said solemnly. Danny's eyes still burned but he blinked it away. "You and I are going to go out together. It's going to take some time but I'll take you out and make your first date something really special. I know we're not dating but that's no excuse for not taking you out somewhere."

For the first time that day Danny felt better. He smiled and the orc smiled back. Then Max teasingly lifted up his broad foot and rubbed his warm bare sole against Danny's side

***** Present Day *****

The two behemoths entering the sauna were furs Danny had seen before. He knew neither of their names but their presence in the gym had become somewhat known to the human, as they had always been in the gym working out whenever Danny was there. He figured they worked out every night. Danny wouldn't have been surprised by the concept either as both were well built.

The first was an orca fur. He was Danny's height, which wasn't too bad but he seemed kind of squat. That was due to his more than hefty stature. The orca male's smooth skin had a puffed-up balloon look with his nice layering of padded blubber. His stomach arched, extending outwards to form a smooth muscle gut, his hips had gently love handles that curved into an ample bottom and some nice padded thighs. Still though the orca had a nice layer of muscles, pecs that were fat and globular looking, well rounded arms and shoulders that were cut with sharp and helped define his upper his body. The orca had rich blue eyes and an interesting pattern with his duo colored body. His flesh was white from under his chin, down his neck, and over across his broad chest and abdomen. It seemed to form together again down between his legs, and, glancing now Danny saw that the orca's inner thighs were white as well. The rest of his body, arms, shoulders legs and back contrasted in rich black.

Danny knew the orca wrestled for the college on the varsity heavyweight team. He'd been to a few competitions and had seen him compete, the orca being quite good. And here at the gym the male was always heavily lifting the bench press or some other weight machine with amounts the human could only dream of handling. But Danny had never interacted with the male before.

The other accompanying male was a one the human had never met either, and Danny wasn't sure if he was a college student or not. He looked young, but still he was a one the human recognized well, if only for the sake that he was among one of the largest nonhuman gym members, a Clydesdale fur. Again like the orca, whenever Danny had seen the male work out it had been with an obscene amount of weight, but only for the fact that anything lighter would have been child's play. The giant Shire horse wasn't the tallest, but still stood a healthy head over both the human and orca. Broad shoulders, outlined with impeccable muscles, his biceps had fat protruding veins that followed down into the male's inner elbow and again a few that covered his forearms. His chest was large and strong, it reminded Danny of Hank's, a mammoth sized orc the human had gotten to know when he first was pulled into Max's graces. The Clydesdale's frame, was broad, had had the classic "V" shape. The male's stomach rippled with well defined abs, and holding the male up were two powerfully built legs. The thing that really set the Shire horse apart though was around his wrists and above his ankles was long flowing tufts of fur. It flowed over his hands and bare feet. In fact it was just like those Shire horse spokesmen Danny would see during those beer commercials during football games.

The Clydesdale's fur for the most part was short and a consistent dark brownish-red over his entire body. All except over the fleshy bridge of his muzzle, short main over his head, the fur around his ankles and wrists and even feet and hands themselves, they were a dirty black color.

Both males were practically nude save for the towels the gym gave out. They had them draped around their waists, which even then did a terrible job covering their loins and privates. With both male's mutual tails in the way and the larger frames, they really didn't leave much covered, but then Danny suspected neither the orca nor Clydesdale really cared about such things. Both always worked out in front of mirrors, ogling their rippling muscles as they lifted weights as much as everyone else in the gym. Both also were rank, musky sweat covered their bodies, apparently having just gotten done with a strenuously work out.

Something told Danny he should have been nervous as they came in, but then the human wasn't sure just how afraid he should be. Both males seemed to barely pay attention to the human, as the sauna door shut behind them. They were lost in their own world of conversation.

"So dude you know? Now he can, like, have 300 kids and not even know it." The orca said. The other nodded his head. "Yea bro. Shit that'd suck. Can you imagine if they all came at you for cash? Like if they found you or something?"

The Clydesdale shook his head. "The shit, that would suck. Thinkin you'd sell your sperm for some quick cash, all of a sudden you're daddy for a bunch of brats. Well fuck that."

Whatever quizzical look Danny gave he quickly had to suppress it as both males seemed to turn their attention on him. As both large male's sets of eyes narrowed down on the human, Danny felt himself grow slightly uncomfortable, and he sat more upright.

"Hey, you're that one human." The Clydesdale said. His voice was surprisingly soft spoken for someone so large. The draft horse pointed a finger in Danny's direction for a few seconds before he moved over to take a seat on one of the benches against the wall. He sat on the human's left hand side and just like Danny kicked up his feet on the bench ahead of him. Those broad bare toes flexed under the sweaty black hair, and Danny wrinkled his nose smelling the strong odor. It mixed with the musk from the rest of the two male's frames.

"Heh. Yea I guess I am." Danny admitted. "Just sittin, didn't know I stood out that much."

"Well you kind of do." The orca responded. He moved to sit down against the bench across from Danny. The human saw that it was so his tail could drape down on the other side, something that could've have been allowed if the orca tried to sit against the wall. He turned to face Danny and sat a ways over on the human's right hand side. "Not that that's a bad thing mind you. I think its real cool that you humans like to work out with us guys. Lets us know you pinkies aren't all a bunch of giant pricks."

Danny shifted. He wasn't sure how to take the comment, if it was a jab at him. "I know most humans can be unkind. But I don't think I'm one of them. I like every species. I think its dumb how everyone seems to hate everyone else." He looked as the orca and stallion both nodded in agreement. He felt himself smile feeling a little better. His mind was still on this past weekend though when he added, "Besides I've learned even some of you guys... you know can be a little mean too."

The stallion snickered. "Yea, I supposed being an asshole knows no boundaries among species."

"Which would explain you Jeff," the orca teased in a cocky sounding voice. The draft horse whinnied, and threw back his head against the wall, closing his eyes. He raised an arm up though and gave a single fingered salute in response.

It caused the orca to turn back to Danny and hold his hand up to his friend. "You see what I mean?" Danny chuckled and shook his head.

"I guess I can only take your word on it," Danny said. "I guess I don't really know a lot of people here."

The orca nodded his head, understanding. "Yea I gottcha. Everyone here just kind of does their thing and that's it. But hey if they were chatting no one would be getting any work done."

"That's for damn sure." The Clydesdale muttered. "Lots of shrimps here that need to quite their bitchin and just lift some damn weights, I say." He turned to the human and tilted his head, as if to study the human. "Not you though. You're actually one of the hardest workers I've seen here before."

The comment seemed to hit a nerve with the human. "You guys watch me work out?"

"Well kind of, you are like the only human that comes here really," the orca answered in a matter of fact tone. "Just you always seem to try your best, you know. It kinda stood out when you first came here, and everyone saw how much weight you could lift then. And now you can lift a lot more. You've progressed a lot, and it's impressed a few of us."

Danny blushed. He liked the idea of being admired and praise from these two well known furs really was a boost to his ego, but then was aware of the dangers such admiration brought as well.

That troll, Veril, said he was watching me too.

The human tried to diffuse the situation. "Yea well I guess I've had a little help with all that too."

"You mean that one orc who's always here with you? He wasn't here tonight and you were really going at it. You shouldn't let someone else take yer credit man."

Danny nodded taking in what was being said. He had an unsure look on his face. Reaching up he wiped the back of his hand across his forehead to wipe away any sweat when the orca asked. "So bro what's your name?" Danny lowered his hand and the Clydesdale shook his head. "Speaking of who's the asshole! Why don't you just introduce yourself instead of just asking that like a jerk?"

"What?" The orca tilted his head confused but then blinked. "Oh! I guess you don't know who we are either?"

Again Danny relaxed a bit more. He had always felt a little reserved around this place, especially around some of the larger guys, but these two went after each other like two old hens. He smirked and shook his head. "Yea no, no idea still but it's alright-,"

"Well you're kind but no I shouldn't be an ass like that." The orca said "Shit for brains over there," he cocked his head towards the draft horse, "is Jeff."

The Clydesdale furrowed and responded jokingly, "Go fuck yourself."

"And I'm Bryce." The orca finished completely letting the stallion's response slide off. He reached forward a hand, and Danny noted how the palm was white. Danny accepted and the orca gripped firmly. Danny noted how the clammy skin felt like warm living rubber. It was kind of nice if the orca hadn't been holding on so strongly. Bryce held it for a while, and grinned down at Danny's hand. The human felt the orca's thumb gently rub the back of his hand. "That is a nice grip, you are strong!"

***** 4 Days Ago *****

"Hehe, you know Max. When I came down to talk to you I had every intention of yelling at ya."

Max nodded, "And you'd have, still have, every right too."

"Yea but this," Danny reaches up and palms around the orc's foot, grasping the top of it. The plump toes wriggle against his skin. "You're just not playing fair."

"Yea I'm a rotten bastard." Max said with a sly wink which caused Danny to laugh. He felt even better. The human turned around more to face the orc on the bed and that large plump sole fell onto Danny's lap. With both hands the human grasped at it, on either side and rubbed at the tender flesh. His thumbs worked into the squishy sole, up and down while his fingers worked up going between the toes.

"Feels good." Danny said after a few seconds of rubbing. Max letting it happen gently shook his head. "I know I'm back in your good graces Danny, but you don't have to do this, and make my feet feel good."

Danny irked and tore his gaze from the sole to look at the orc. "Who said anything about you getting anything outta this? This is all for me." His tone was light hearted, but the orc caught on. Max blinked then feigned his surprise. "Ohhhhh! That's right" saying this as if he hadn't known all along. "I guess you have a thing for big smelly feet, eh?"

Squeezing down on the sole a little more, the human's fingers firmly grasped between each of Max's toes and Danny rolled his eyes. But his working hands getting get much farther than that as then Max's other hefty size 12.5 EE foot seemed to come out of no where and planted itself square on Danny's face.

Max's older brother Logan was a major foot fetishist and both orcs seemed to have thought they hit the jackpot when they found out Danny was as well. Something that the human loved about Max was that no matter how long the orc seemed to have been without shoes his feet would always seem to retain that soft clammy feel, reeking of sweat and funk. Right then and there would certainly be no exception as the not musty foot rubbed up and down. The ball of Max's foot just pressing firmly onto the human's chin, it covered all the way up, his mouth, nose eyes, and the orc's toes rested firmly on Danny's hair.

The human breathed in the sweaty scent and licked at the cheesy flavored skin. But Max pushed away with his foot. "Ah ah ah. Oh no, no sir. Not like that you aren't." Danny made a soft whimpering sound, trying to be playful but the orc held his firm voice. "You're not getting my biiiiig smeeeellly feet unless I start seeing some skin."

Max drew out the sentence and Danny knew he enjoyed being a tease.

Still the human wasted no time and drawing himself up, taking his hands and face away from Max's feet he grasped at the hem of his pants and began to undo his button and zipper. The jeans slide down and Danny stepped out of them, kicking them aside.

"Mmmm hey there sexy," the orc crooned in a seductive tone. Danny blushed and closed in, kneeling down at the edge of the futon on the floor. "Now you're just being flattering," he said, eyeing the two green orc feet. Danny couldn't wait. He reached with each hand grabbing a hold of both feet. Pressing them together, Danny moved in mashing his face into the hot fleshy skin, and gave a groan of lust from under then.

"Flattering? Naw Danny boy you truly are one of a kind." Max responded. He licked at his tusks and raised his hands be hind his head, and pressed his back against the wall.

The human breathed in heavily through his nose taking in the funky odor from the orc's soles. Buried so close it was almost suffocating, and absolutely intoxicating his senses. From an outsider's perspective, one would surely think that such a submissive act would be something Max ought to do to make it up to the human, but Danny's face was one of pure bliss as he moved his head up, he dragged his tongue broad and long over the skin.

Danny looked down at the tops of the orc's feet, and all those toes presented before him.

A beautiful sight.

He devoured them. He first enveloped his lips around the two largest toes that were side by side, nosily sucking, and rolling his tongue around each. The human's mind became swashed in the lustful act soon only concentrating on his heavy breathing, taking gulps of the cheesy smell. Below his boxers openly tented from his arousal.

Grasping the soles more firmly, Danny moved his face from the big toes and moved to the smaller ones on the orc's left foot. In a similar manner he nuzzled down at them before squeezing each digit past his sucking lips. His spittle ran down the orc's skin as he licked again, this time using broad strokes to lick away as much toe jam filth and crud he could. He savored the raunchy taste, bits of old sweaty lint and gunk. Then with no hesitation he swallowed, and his cock jumped. From above his head he could hear the orc groan out, mutually loving all this treatment as well.

One he had his fill from the first set of digits Danny pulled his face back and licked over the fleshy padded skin, right under the wriggling toes. He moved across one foot then on to the other where he repeated the same steps, moving up and drawing his lips around first the orc's smallest toe, licking and sucking the nub with a passion before gradually moving to the next. With each swirl of his tongue he made sure to completely clean the area well, lacquering with spit.

Danny's hands meanwhile worked at the feet, rubbing them smoothly up and down. The human loved the feel of them, firm yet soft and fleshy all the same. Together they were warm but seemed to heat up as Danny worked them over. His hands then started at the heels, fingering the ball where Max's skin was most firm. Danny made a mental note to get the orc some foot scrub balm to soften up the skin. Again he moved down letting the bottoms of Max's toes press against his forehead while the bottom soles pressed on either side of his face. Shamelessly he began licking at them, lapping like a dog.

Minutes passed.

But it seemed all good things had to come to an end when Max spoke up. "Danny." The orc was quiet though and Danny was too lost in his own world. "Danny!" He said more firmly. Danny sputtered and jerked up. Max openly laughed. "You have fun?"

The human grunted. "Am I stopping?" He made himself sound playfully annoyed.

"Oh no, we're just beginning." Max bared his tusks mischievously and launched forward.

***** Present Day *****

"Hehe, well, uhm thanks, I guess." Danny said. He felt a little awkward but the orca smiled on. He gave a quick glance to Jeff who seemed to continue resting against the side wall.

"You know if you don't mind," the orca started off. Danny lifted his eye brows and Bryce seemed to shake off the thought. "You know never mind." He let go of Danny's hand and sat back. But the human felt himself imbued with intrigue.

"What's up? What were you going to say?"

The orca chuckled and lowered his head to slowly shake it. As if he wasn't going to allow himself to believe what he was saying. "It's just that you're really the first human I've gotten this up close and personal too. You know I wrestle right?" Danny nodded. "Well I can't even get a human to compete against or practice on. Everyone seems too scared of me." With that Bryce made his meaty pecs bounce up and down a little, and tensed up his thick biceps. He seemed to gauge how large he was then looked up to Danny. "C-could I see just how big I am compared to you?"

Blinking for a moment the human let what was being said sink in. He gave a puzzled grin. "Well first off you guys seem really nice. I can't imagine why," but Danny stopped himself. The orca reached forward and held up his broad palm crooked his head and gave an embarrassing smile. Danny looked between the offered palm and the orca.

"Plant yours right up against mine, buddy. I wanna see how big yours is compared to mine."

A little forward there, Bryce.

_ _

Something told the human to be a little more than put off especially by such an odd request but even the orca looked embarrassed. Danny realized how much he was putting himself out with this curiousness and gave a sigh and obliged. Because of how the orca's hand was placed, closer to his body Danny had to push and extend his out farther, stretching to meet the orca's.

His palm slide against the hot rubbery nonhuman hand and lined up. Danny could see that the dark black fingertips from the male poked up atop his own. "Heh, kind of cool." Bryce said. Danny could sense the orca was feeling just as awkward as he was but seemed to justify, "Your pretty big for a human. I guess I just want to see how big you guys get compared to ours. Ya know?"

Danny nodded in reply. "Well yea I guess." He didn't share the same intrigue, but then he was all too familiar of the bodies of nonhumans.

"Dude Jeff, come here." Bryce spoke out, turning his head to the side. He withdrew his hand but then reached and grasped Danny by the wrist. The human's eyes widened as the orca directed his palm to the stallion's direction. "Dude I gotta find out how much bigger you are compared to him." The orca said insistently

The human flushed some with embarrassment and pulled back his hand, out of the orca's grip. "Well now hold on there." Danny frowned. He didn't like the idea of just being moved around like that. The orca seemed to catch himself though. Danny half way expected the orca to look embarrassed but the orca only looked disgruntled. Jeff quelled the mood though. "Naw that's alright." He snickered and bobbed his long muzzle in Danny direction. I know my hands are bigger but I did kind of want to see if how something else compared."

What the heck is with these two?

Danny wasn't sure what these two had on their minds. Maybe they were just genuinely intrigued, but the human still found it unnerving. His eyes widened though as Jeff shifted his large frame moved to face Danny more. He scooted down the wall and to the human's surprise extended out his large right leg, presenting a massive black foot to the human. The pungent smell rose from it filling the hot room more with the male's musk. The shire horse nodded now to his sweaty sole and Danny's gaze fixed at it, suddenly. He couldn't help but now feel a bit turned on. "Park yers right there. I wanna see how big I've got on you."

"Wait a minute." Danny said his heart suddenly fluttering some.

_ _


_ _

A mental image of crawling before the stallion's giant foot and rubbing his face against it, then licking at the sweaty looking skin permeated his mind. "Really?" Danny said a bit astonished.

"For get it dude." Bryce said with a tone of indifference. "He's not interested." The stallion made a face and lowered his foot down but Danny's heart jumped. "Wait." He said suddenly.

Danny rose his own foot mirroring the stallion's and moved it upwards. Holding a breath he pressed his own sole up against, and gave an internal shiver of delight feeling the broad sole against his own. His hand seemed to be dwarfed by it. The heated skin against his own, the slimy wet feel from sweat and an evening's work out turned the human on, it caused the human to become embarrassed.

Jeff seemed to study for a moment, "Yeeeaa. I'm definitely bigger there." The draft horse reflexively clenched his toes then spread them out

"Well no shit Sherlock. What tipped you off?" The orca said in half jest. He chuckled towards the direction of his friend but then turned back to the human. "Hey what do you think, what si-," but the orca seemed to stop himself. Danny, whose face heavily blushed didn't notice but did a double take when...

"Dude is you pitching a tent?"

The chubby orca's voice had an accusatory sound to it and suddenly Jeff sat up, moving his foot away. "What the hell are you talking about?" The Shire horse asked.

The human's heart skipped a bit and his sweat frame lifted back as he looked down. To his immediate horror he saw that indeed between his legs, his work out shorts he was wearing was heavily tented right before the two studs before him. Danny became flustered. "I-I look guys I think I've gotten plenty relaxed in here now. Its just the sauna."

Bryce cast a unexpected grin at the Shire horse, causing Danny's humility to rise up within his chest. It caused his cheeks to burn, which being in the sauna was more so than usual. "You were getting off on that, weren't you, you fag!" Again that voice came off accusatory, like Danny had committed some crime.

"I - I didn't, I'm not - look it's just the sauna..." Danny tried to reason. He stood up, which didn't help. Something he learned with Max was humility was something that had turned Danny on even more, still he didn't like the uncomfortable nature of the room anymore.

"Look. You're gay aren't you?" Jeff said, his voice sounding strong. "The room stinks of guy funk to high heaven and you just popped a boner getting my foot rubbed up against yours." He laughed and Danny had the distinct feeling it wasn't with him. Then the brown furred draft horse raised both his arms and flexed them up. The mammoth sized muscles that covered his frame tensed, causing the thick veins to pop out even more. "You like what you see?"

Danny frowned and stood up. Quickly he adjusted his erection, his cock just not wanting to die despite the horror and embarrassment that now gripped him. He'd just humiliated himself hard. "I've gotta go." Danny said fast. He moved forward for the door then suddenly the orca's strong hand grabbed his frame and pulled him in.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going fag?" Bryce said. His tone was softer but didn't seem any less hostile. The orca's superior strength showed when that firm grim forced Danny onto the bench. He had stepped over with one leg and now faced the orca, planted down before him. With that smug tone the human gasped in horror as the male roughly pressed forward, and Bryce's sweaty hot framed squeezed around Danny's bare chest. Danny placed his palms into the girth male's chest and pushed back, and their eyes met. To the human's dismay the orca had a hungry look in his eyes.

***** 4 Days Ago *****

With suddenness Danny wasn't expecting the orc grasped his body and pulled him into his loving embrace. The human hugged around Max's body tightly, and he felt those tusked lips bury to the side of his neck. They sealed around an area of flush and sucked in firmly.

"H-Hey," Danny said trying his best to stifle of a giggle. The licking and sucking was ticklish but his words of protest were abandoned on the orc's pointed ears. Soon though shi protesting squirms and disgruntled whimpers turned into low breathed moans of lust, feeling Max's tongue more passionately began to lick in broad strokes over his neck.

Danny was still at the edge of the bed, but then he felt Max's strong hands grab him on either side, under his armpits. The orc lifted up and pulled giving Danny the distinct impress of being moved like an adult would a child. He aided Max moving up, and the orc directed the human, leaning back onto the soft layered futon. Both males were partially nude, Danny only his boxers, and likewise with there orc, in a pair of briefs. Both garments tenting proudly. The green skin seemed insistent as he moved Danny that the human lay on top of him, their bellies and chests firmly planted against one another, which Danny was more than happy to oblige. He bore on down to his orc lover, spreading his legs around either side of the green skins thighs.

"Mmff Danny..." Max said softly. He pulled back his warm lips and turned to face the human looking dead on. Danny gazed back into those caring yellow eyes. "Yea Max?"

The orc gave a sly grin and squeezed his arms around Danny's back. "You taste like him."

Danny paused, a mental flash image of that purple troll bolted through his mind. He frowned and saw that the orc had made a light wincing face, but it drew up. Danny felt those big protecting hands over his frame begin to rub some. The orc's hot body grinding up against his own, Max made a face that made him look dark. "I don't like that." He breathed out. His eyes looked serious, and Danny gulped nervously. "I've gotta fix it and make it right."

The human blinked. "Wait, what?" He was almost confused. Thus far Danny hadn't thought about how he smelled or tasted. But the orc clinging him tightly broke out in a mischievous grin which caused the human to grow a shiver down his spine. Indeed whenever the orc got that deviant look, Danny knew he was up to no good.

Danny panted heavily, looking warily up at his orc. He felt the greenskin's grasp on his frame tighten up and holding on, Max moved his powerful body around. Both their frames rolled on the futon and this time Max forcing himself on top of the smaller human. Somehow in their movement Max had grabbed a hold of the thick comforter and the heavy blanket flowed atop them both.

"Max," Danny gasped out. The heavy blanket cocooned the two lovers. The heat from both their bodies began to intensify. Danny rubbing against Max's muscular bare flesh could feel it become clammy. The human rolled his eyes in the powerful embrace but before he could give out another fitful gasp in pleasure Max's lips met his own and Danny welcomed the powerful kiss. Sloppily the orc mashed together their mouths causing the human a bit discomfort with those hard tusks on either side of his face, but Max, shoving his strong tongue into Danny's maw, wrestling their spongy appendages together in a slimy tango of warm goo, he couldn't quite complain.

Down below Max's briefs ground firmly against the human's loose boxers. Both erections mashed against each other, separated by the thin, pre and sweat drenched fabrics. With the way Max rolled his hips, grinding Danny's hips firmly into the cushy padding below, it drove the human more with need to copulate. He made the first move, his arms clinging onto Max's strong bare back reached down. His palms slid until they found the hem of the clothed material that blocked away his prize. Peeling it back, Danny's hands grazed over the orc's firm rear. His hands groped the bouncing cheeks, eliciting a low growl from Max. Danny could feel it from their kiss. He didn't know if it was a warning or intone of lust. The briefs slide down Max's thighs, and the orc worked his legs to kick them off.

That thick cock, the green orctail bobbed in its open arousal against Danny's skin and he whimpered pitifully. Danny tried his best to plead to be bred by his stallion orc as best he could, and slowing his kiss Max seemed to understand the message. The orc snorted, hot air blasting Danny's face and those protective hands dropped down the human's frame, groping lewdly at whatever flesh he could before grabbing Danny's boxers.

He pulled at the hem of them, but grinding down at the same time the orc grunted at his difficulty on sliding them off. To Danny's surprise the orc seemed unwilling to give off his human, for even a moment to disrobe him. Danny wondered what Max was going to do, when he felt the orc's lips stretch out into another grin. The green skin's powerful hands firmly held onto the boxers then and pulled hard at either side. The material stretched taut, and the orc again buried his lips hard for another passionate, tongue filled kiss. He'd leave the human no room to protest as with a jerk there was loud ripping sound. The hem and leggings of Danny's boxers tore clean off his body with bits, no longer covering his loins now in rags.

_ _

Max you are a fucking animal!

A twinge of annoyance sparked into the human. The orc always had to show some passionate dominance. But any thoughts of being disgruntled melted away when the orc's bare crotch now mashed into his own. Their sweaty cocks pressed their fat undersides up against each other's, their leaking tips, one a tender pink the other a longer green aiming up their bodies.

Danny felt Max's hand wonder towards his loins again. The human gave a shivered sigh as those hot fingertips grazed over his silky smooth ball sack and around the base of his cock. The orc growled again, this time in a heated lust filled need.

Underneath their covers both bodies were sweaty hot, the blankets now drenched wet. But Danny seemed to feel his body increase in temperature in anticipation as Max grabbed his own shaft, and drew it down. Dany felt the constantly leaking tip press against his inner loins, trialing pre cum where it was dragged, he felt it wonder down the side of his shaft, ball sack, and underneath his body.

Max was positioning himself and wrapping his legs around the orc's waist, Danny aided his green lover. He lifted up his hips for the male, and that cock pierced past his rump cheeks, sliding lewdly between them. The tip pressed into his backdoor pucker, and felt Max grind it back and forth. The orc's raw pre and his sweat would be the human's only lube.

The orc pulled back his lips from their wet kiss, with a few strands of saliva connecting their lips still. "D-Danny. Are you ready for me?"

The human leaned forward and licked the orc's lips, collecting the drooling spittle on his own tongue before swallowing it up. "Fuck yes Max. I love you."

***** Present Day *****

The situation had somehow gone terribly out of hand. Just seconds ago these friendly nonhumans were laughing, joking around, and making the human feel comfortable. Now Danny was staring into the narrowed eye expression of an orca, who looked like he was eyeballing something disgusting.

Those strong blubber padded arms grasped Danny around the shoulders, pinning his arms to his side, and kept butt firmly planted on the bench with his legs splayed on either side. A mixture of nervous, fear, and betrayal panged Danny's stomach, and he felt his adrenaline beginning to surge, throwing his brain into a fight or flee mode. His heavy breaths caused his sweaty chest to fall and right against the orca's smooth frame.

"Hey look you guys, j-just let me go." Danny seemed to plead. There was a sense of urgency in his voice. "I don't understand what the issue is!"

But the orca, Bryce's, expression didn't soften. His voice was firm. "The matter is you're a fucking fag buddy. A human fag who thinks he can get his jollies watching us big strong furs work out."

"That would certainly explain why you're here with that orc all the time." Jeff said from behind. "I bet you two are butt buddies."

Danny vainly tried to shove against the wall of black and white meat but his strength seemed for naught against the superior orca. "Look you guys, it's not like that. Just let me go and I'll leave, you've totally got this wrong."

"Oh really?" Bryce challenged. He nodded his head over Danny shoulder and the human heard the large Shire horse get up from his seat. The bench the human and orca were sitting on, creaked and seemed to bow a little bit, and the human knew what was happening. It wasn't a moment longer before he felt the heat from the giant draft horse close on in, and that massively muscled body, strong defined abs and mountainous pecs pressed into the human's back. The heat from the sauna seemed trite compared to the awesome frames that sandwiched him together. Their musk so thick it seemed to steam off their sweaty skin. Danny gasped and tried to turn his head as the draft horse's hands grabbed at his naked sides, then traveled around towards his stomach and down his abdomen, to his loins.

"Wha are you?"

"You sayin we're wrong?" The orca demanded over Danny's protest. "We're gonna find out right now!"

"Wait no! D-don't touch me there!"

The only reply the struggling human would get though would be a low chuckle from both males. The Clydesdale and orca's mitts roamed his flesh, the males both perversely fascinated by the human's skin, causing Danny to shiver where they went. Fear and utter terror gripped Danny but still the two nonhuman furs were seemingly doing everything they could to keep the human aroused. The orca's strong frame and bear hug grip wasn't painfully tight. Just enough to prevent the human from escaping, otherwise Danny was mashed right up into that chubby muscular body, the orca's globular pecs squishing into the humans. Jeff big frame from behind, oddly had a pleasant texture of fur that hotly bristled into Danny's bare back. Those immense hands reached the hem of his work out shorts, and firmly tensing up the human felt the fingers slip in. The wrist hair that wrapped around his hand ticked his bare groin and Danny felt those broad fingers graze over his bare flesh, around the root of his erect pink cock. The hands were gentle on his package, feeling the skin, his cock, responding by throbbing from the grasp and intimate touching.

"What the fuck?" Jeff mumbled from over Danny's head.

"What's up? How big is he man?"

The draft horse seemed to pause. "Oh he's sporting a stiffy alright. Totally hot for us but..."

Danny bit his lip. He knew what the horse was leading up too. He could feel those fingers rub smoothly up and down the wet skin from his inner groin. The molesting stallion's mitts grabbed his ball sack, lifting them up to feel under them. It was so humiliating the way those inquisition fingers found out one of his most dirty secrets. The Danny felt the draft horse roll his orbs around.

"Dude you are not going to believe this." Jeff said with bemusement in his voice.

"No just let me go! Don't touch me there!" Danny protested getting louder. But the orca wouldn't have any of it. "Shut the fuck up faggot!" Bryce looked downwards. "What's up?"

Wide eyed Danny felt the giant male's hands extend outwards. They pulled the elastic band around his waist down and out, cupping his ball sack and lifted his bare jewels out for open display. Horrified Danny looked down to see his exposed cock, pointing straight up. It seemed dwarfed by the draft horse's mitts who kept fondling the human, casually stroking the length with a hand while his other fingers pressed and prodded into the smooth slick groin.

"What the fuck?" Bryce scoffed incredulously. He gawked down then slowly turned back to face Danny. He gave a wicked grin. "Our new friend here isn't just a fag Jeff." The Shire horse gave a hot snort of air behind the human's head. "He's also a bitch."

The orca's body squeezed more firmly into Danny's. That hot blubber torso seemed to contour around Danny's frame. From behind the human felt the horse's rock hard body pressed into his back. Both male's scents were overpowering with rich pheromones. Then shifting some the orca allowed Danny to feel something that sent another tremor down his spine. Bryce for all his down talking at Danny being a fag was sporting an apparent erection as well. Their bodies so close Danny couldn't see it, but felt the apparent fleshy rod poke his skin, with the towel separating their bodies.

"You know what we do with faggy bitches?" The orca asked menacingly. Again those deep blue eyes peered into Danny's. The human felt they were devouring his soul. But through his fear he felt anger well up. He wasn't going to break from these two. In his first act of defiance he glared back, and then spat. It was weak, little spittle came out, but the message was clear. "F-fuck you." Danny growled to an astonished looking orca.

Bryce blinked. "No. That's what we'll be doing to you."

Jeff's hands left his groin and Danny felt them powerfully grab his wrists.

"Wait what the-?" Danny tried protesting, but a swift backhand across his face, sent his head turning sharply. The orca now able to let go of the human apparently was angry at being spit at.

Danny was no contest against the superior males. Jeff grabbing his wrists from behind and pulling back and downwards, while the orca grabbed Danny's thighs and pulling towards him, the human found himself forced on his back with his arms pulled below the bench. In a swift move Bryce yanked off Danny's shorts down to his knees.

Danny looked fearfully at the orca whose towel was now pulled off. Fearfully Danny saw the draft horse was doing likewise. Looking down Jeff snickered. "You ready for us, bitch?"

***** 4 Days Ago *****

For a moment the orc seemed to hold his position, a hand on Danny's shoulder, keeping him locked down while the other remained gripped around the base of his ready member. To Danny the wait was lustful agony. The human breathed out hotly with him and Max locking eyes. With his orc bearing down on him, nestled in the cocoon of thick warm comforters, Danny felt the whole world seemed to melt away. The events that'd happened just earlier this morning were long gone from his mind, and now there was only him and Max. He didn't want to avert his eyes.

But then the orc's peering gaze gained a look of hard concentration and the human felt those powerful hips between his spread legs thrust forward against him. The human gasped, his pitiful defenses a tight ring of muscle stood no chance against the advances of the superior green skinned male. Danny felt the first few inches of Max's orc hood spear into his guts, and from the pain he grit his teeth and winced his eyes, close to shut. The pain was immense, lacking proper lubrication and the near raw cock burned as well as the feel of the usual penetration.

Above it was apparent the orc was in his own world of sexual pleasure. He breathed hotly down against Danny's face, causing Max's chest to rapidly inflate and deflate against the pressed down pale body. He was holding his position, allowing Danny time to adjust and from the way the orc quivered a top him, with each squirm the human made, and from the look on the orc's face, Danny knew Max was doing everything in his power to just not rut like an animal.

Danny clenched his anal walls around the pillar of invading meat, as if trying to expel it and another bolt of pain shot through the human's backside. Still though Danny felt his need rise for his orc. He could feel it from his cock, leaking pre between their pressing bodies, right down to his soul.

"Max." Danny wheezed out weakly.

"Mmhhf?" The orc inquired back. Affectionately the orc lowered down and pressed his lips to his human, as if trying to draw an attempt to calm Danny down, help him feel better. Danny felt that probing tongue draw gently between his lips before pulling back. "What is it Modruk?"

"What are you waiting for?" Was the human's reply.

Max drew himself up a little bit, eyeing the human with a mixture of shock and glee. The hand the orc used to grasp around the base of his member left and Danny felt its groping mitt clamp down at the base of his lifted thigh. The orc's other hand gripped more firmly onto his shoulder and Max's look of shock turned into that of pure salaciousness lust.

There was no withdraw and Danny held his breath as those strong hips pushed in more feeding Danny's quivering hole inch after throbbing inch of his meaty orc tail.

"Uuuhhnngg Gooooood Max!" Danny moaned, throwing back his head. It drove the human wild how persistent the orc was. Those hips not stopping until a panting Danny felt the orc's groin center and press into his sore backside. The orc's heavy balls pressed into Danny's sweaty rump, and the human flexed out his toes then squeezed them tight. Danny knew how big the orc was, but still without fail whenever the orc hilted inside him the human could swear the tip of the orc's cock was poking right at the bottom of his stomach.

Max growled and heaved heavy breaths from up top. Tusks fully bared the green skin let out another lustful shiver as he pulled out, working his thighs backwards a little bit. Danny groaned right in time with his orc, the feel of the withdrawing cock akin to reliving himself. But the feeling was momentary, as when Max had seemed to withdraw half way, his lower body moved to thrust inwards again. This time the motion was not slow and the orc's hips wetly slapped into the human's sweaty skin.

"Guh mmmm yea." Max let out a guttural moan. "Modruk loooves his big orc dick, don't you?" He seemed to taunt on down playful. Again he withdrew his hips and Danny shivered from the emptying feel all over again.

By now the pain was lessening but after yet another forced thrust, fully hilting again into Danny's bowels, the human yelped a little in pain. "Yeeeeeeaa!" Danny squealed on out. Max ground his hips firmly into Danny's backside and rocked them up and down. The human rolled his eyes at the dirty sensation it caused, feeling the large cock not pull out, but press into his guts from different angles. "Fuck me, I love it Max. I need you so bad." The last part Danny seemed to whimper. He tightened his hold on his orc.

In return Max's rugged demeanor seemed to soften, but only for the briefest of moments. Again he pulled out and rammed his hips in, the cock tip rubbing right up against Danny's prostrate. "Then you shall have me." The orc breathed out. Then suddenly he lunged forwards burying his face into the crook of Danny's neck, just under the jaw line. Like imitating some vampire the orc and those strong tusks licked, bit and sucked hard at the human's flesh. His powerful body keeping Danny pinned.

_Give it to me Max! _

_ _

The bottoming human's internal request seemed to be answered when the orc's topping powerful body began its swift motion, and he felt that long cock start pummeling his rear. The orc was answering his Modruk's call.

***** Present Day *****

The orca was well endowed to say the least. The cock was unlike anything the human had ever seen before. His loins as smooth as Danny's Bryce's package had a heavy set of balls, but around the base of his pink cock was the opening of a slit. Apparently when flaccid the orca's meat stayed inside his body. Such trivial thoughts were fleeting and just as meaningless as now Bryce was anything but. Aroused and fully erect, Danny saw the whale's meat had a slight sideways curve. It was nothing really to be worried about though, not being as long or as thick as his own member.

No it was Jeff, Danny realized, he'd have to worry about. With his discarded towel Danny felt the giant horse tie his wrists together under the bench. It was tight, and Danny tried fighting it off, but whenever he pulled his arms they only strained against the sweaty drenched material and its hold would not yield. Looking up the stallion's frame from below Danny got a perfect view of the bottom of the behemoth's ball sack. The leathery skin, was the largest the human had ever seen on a male, but it wasn't just that. Above the huge orbs Jeff gripped his sheath with one hand while the other firmly coaxed out what could have only been the stallion's cock. The black skin on the member glistened with sweat, and pulsed in the male's working mitts. Before the human's fearful eyes it grew nearly a foot in length, from broad flared tip to the baseball bat thick base.

Danny gulped and Jeff leaned down his muscled body showing off over Danny. "Who's doing what?" The Shire horse seemed to ask absentmindedly.

The human knew he wasn't the one being talked too, and looking down his chest to the orca he saw that Bryce was advancing with a well known hungry look in his eyes. "I'm taking the rear," was all he said in a low heated voice.

Danny had had enough.

"Alright! That's it! You two stop this right now." Danny demanded. Fear laced each word no matter how strong he tried to make himself sound. Both males paused and looked at the human. "I'm giving you one shot to let me go." Danny's voice got more uneasy. "Max is my lover, and he will take you both out if you don't let me go right now!"

There was a brief pause.

"Oh really?" The orca challenged. He was swift and Danny braced himself as the black and white male descended down upon him. Those hands grabbed either side of Danny's hot sweaty legs and pushed them upwards almost painfully. Danny tried to kick them back down, but he was weak from his working out and the heat from the sauna. His muscles felt like mush and couldn't fight as Bryce held the underside of Danny's thighs up his chest, the human's knees crooked over the orca's shoulders.

Hot tears welled up behind Danny's eyes as Bryce gave a smug look. The chubby orca ground his heavy frame. His groin was perfectly placed right at the human's upturned and completely vulnerable backside. His whale meat lined up between Danny's ass cheeks and his face flushed a bright red from embarrassment. Bryce seemed to take an extra pleasure in seeing that. With another hungry look he began grinding his log slowly back and forth. "Your orc ain't here now." The orca taunted.

"Stop it."

"An he wasn't able to help you before." Bryce went on. His chubby blubber skin felt terribly hot against Danny's skin and that slick cock, it felt slimy like it was covered in a natural lube. "Max is a wimp. He couldn't get past me and Jeff when we both stood guard when Veril was having his way with you."

Danny's heart stopped. "Wa- what?"

"You know I'm getting really tired of listening to you." The orca said loudly. He nodded to Jeff and before Danny could think the towering horse stepped up, thick muscled legs on either side of Danny's head. The human gasped realizing what was going to happen, and pulled his arms against their restraints. He was stuck and before he could shout to protest the giant muscled draft horse squatted down over Danny's face, with that perfectly sculpted ass lowering until Danny felt the horse's steamy squishy cheeks plant on either side of his head.

His face was shoved in far, the draft horse's ass was deep and the world around him became muffled and dark. Turning his face wasn't an option, as each firmly planted rump cheek kept Danny's staring straight ahead into the hot flesh. Something he would have wished wasn't so as the pure raw stench was utterly over powering. The musk in the sauna was thick, and it was semi hard to breath. But being like, the musk was 100 fold and utterly unbearable. Unlike a similar situation involving the troll who was at least clean Danny could clearly smell the disgusting hint of excrement, though thankfully any physical trace of it seemed gone. Still the action of just breathing like this became near nauseating.

Below the human could feel the orca wasting no time either. The male grinded his chubby frame into Danny's backside for a few more humiliating strokes before he pulled back. Danny felt the orca's cock slide over his taint, then down between his own cheeks. The probing tip knew no forgiveness or mercy. It seemed as soon as it had acquired its target, the powerful frame behind it rocked forward, and Danny gave a nearly muted yell into Jeff's sweaty clamping ass.

He felt the tip puncture past his anal ring, it spreading wide open for the invading girth. It followed all the way in, with one powerful thrust, forcing the human's innards to accommodate the rock hard contour before finally Danny felt the orca's wet groin rest on his rump, but there was no pause as those thick hips pulled back. Danny groaned out, feeling the aching pain of being spread, as the cock voided his bowels before again sliding back in fully.

"Oohh fuck dude." The orca wheezed in apparent pleasure.

***** 4 Days Ago *****

Max's pace was constant and each thrust from that thick log rammed fully into Danny's prostate. Jolts, like lighting bolts of raw pleasure rippled up the human's spine from it. His cock bounced on his belly and squirted one load of pre cum after another. The pounding orc's heavy frame slapped Danny's with each thrust. Their bodies were slick with each other's sweat and both the human and orc did what they could amidst thrusts to stay together and flush as much as possible.

"F-fuck Max," Danny muttered in the middle of a groan. "You're doing - I'm gonna, I'm gonna!" The human tried to get out that the constant beating on his prostate was causing him to peak to early. Danny felt an orgasm rushing, he tensed for it, but right in the nick of time Max paused. Raggedly breathing the orc's maw at Danny's neck he pulled out just enough so that only this flaring cock tip was wedged between the human's clenching ring of muscle. Both males panted, exhausted against each other.

Lifting up from the human's neck the orc's face leveled to Danny's and again those caring yellow eyes peered into the human's. "Fuck if there was only a way to get you pregnant." The orc mused. His voice was soft, and Danny again felt strong hips his legs wrapped around draw inwards. The pain from their rut was seemingly gone now, only a dull ache remained and effortlessly now the orc's cock entered into his Modruk's receptive backside.

"Hrmm that would be interesting." Danny chuckled. The orc gave a sharp thrust and the human winced.

"Don't be coy." Max said calmly. His hips sped up. "Just imagine it," the orc continued in a low husky tone. "When I cum into your nice ass, all my wriggling sperm trying to seep as deep as they can go into your body. All the billions of them-" the orc groaned and rocked in to fully hilt before long dicking himself out. He then leaned in and let his hot breath wash right over Danny's ear. Max's tongue teasingly licked at the human's earlobe causing Danny to shiver. "All of them trying to figure out a way for you and me to become one."

That's what did it. It was like the wall of a dam breaking, cracks in the cement suddenly bursting forth and the mountain of water gushing out. The orc held his Modruk sucking gently on that same earlobe as Danny's body and mind rocked with a tidal wave of orgasmic pleasure. The thoughts the orc drilled into his human's head, their close contact and that never ending cock sliding its way in and out of the human's backside.

"Maaaax," Danny whined up into his orc's embrace, while below his cock was sputtering with life. Globs of cum spurted out from the human's pink cock tip, gushing out up between their close bodies. 1...2....3....4....5... strong healthy loads coating their frames with sweet love juice before finally resting, Danny's cock calming like a fat long slug.

His orgasm didn't stop the orc. Max's passionate thrusts hadn't stymied throughout Danny's orgasm and they didn't cease now. "Mmmm there we go," Max crooned with content. "Modruk played his role well. Got off solely from his orc, did you?" Danny blushed.

Reaching down Danny felt the orc's hand slip between their bodies. He gasped as the orc dragged the side of his palm over Danny's and his lower belly and scooped upwards gathering all the sperm the human had shot out. Pulling upwards some the human smiled weakly as Max cupped the liquid in his hand and grinned on down. "The fruits of my labor," he said with an air of pride. The tilting his hand towards himself the orc's maw opened and let the dribble of bodily fluid pour into his mouth.

This was new. Max with the exception of blowing Danny had never before taken seed into his mouth, not in such a manner and Danny watched on with a near fascination. After all that poured in could Max licked his palm and made a face of content as if he were enjoying a fine wine, his eyes closed in enjoyment. Opening his eyes, though, Danny saw Max look square at him, the orc lowering down to his Modruk. Max grinned showing off those tusks and Danny smiled back before the orc closed in for a firm kiss.

Danny was too weak to resist, not that we even wanted to and passively felt Max open up their maws. The orc hadn't swallowed anything and pushing in his tongue, Danny tasted the creamy cum Max had slurped away. The full tangy contents now mixed with the orc's warm saliva drooled wetly, and Danny in his delirium sucked it all down. He had to close his throat as to not swallow anything, and their tongued worked together inside their sealed lips, passing back and forth the rich cummy contents.

Their embrace was mutually affection, and Danny having now calmed sexually only concentrated on his orc's enjoyment. Every now and then he would try and clamp down on the invading member, trying to expel it. Max in return would only slide it in deeper causing the most exquisite sensations in Danny's rump. The human's hands roamed freely over Max's back, feeling the orc's tensed muscles, up to his shoulder blades then down to the male's rump, gripping those mounds firmly.

The orc wasn't far behind either. Danny could feel the deep throated growl emanate inside his green lover's chest. Suddenly Max's long deep thrusts quickened in pace and became more shallow. Danny felt those strong hands holding him gripping tighter than before. The orc pulled back his lips, not having swallowed anything and still had half the contents of their liquid slime inside his maw. He snarled like an animal, grunting and bearing his tusks as his wet sounding thrusts became harder. Danny winced from the pain of his backside being slapped so roughly, and from the cock tip pounding so fiercely into his insides. He even became a bit nervous seeing the orc look so vicious. Max had an angry glare; those eyes so brutal starting right at Danny, open tusked mouth drooling rivers onto his face. Then it happened and the orc thrusting in one final time, slapping his pelvis the hardest than ever before.

There were no words. Only their shared coupling as the orc's hot glare finally melted into an expression that could only be described as utter euphoria. Danny felt the cock inside his body pulsing. The tip twitching inside his guts, he could just imagine feeling the loads jetting deeper and deeper into his body. Danny grunted as Max delivered a final set of shallow thrusts. Like a feral animal making sure his seed got the deepest it could go into his mate.

***** Present Day *****

Danny could hear the orca still and he gritted his teeth in anguish at bringing such a fiend pleasure from his body. But there was nothing he could do as the orca kept up with his thrusts, feeling that beefy body slap wetly into him.

Can't anyone see this from outside? FUCK! Surely someone can just walk on by and see I'm getting raped!!

_ _

The draft horse chucked from above to his thrusting companion. "How's the fag feel?"

The orca thrust in his meaty hips, hilting firmly into Danny. Then he felt the orca grabbing his legs firmly and setting them down on either side so the human's legs could clamp down on either side of that hot blubbery torso. "Oh fuck bro, its so fucking tight." The orca moaned and pulled out slowly. Danny felt the curved tip slide along his insides drawing him to gasp deeply the putrid musk that was from the draft horse's ass. "It's like wet fucking velvet is surrounding my dick. That orc has got this bitch well trained. Hehe, how about you?"

Danny felt the stallion's fleshy padded cheeks suddenly clamp up on either side of his face. "Beh, the bitch isn't doing anything."

At that the human felt a power hand grip his ball sack and squeeze tightly. Pain shot through the human and Danny jerked, trying not to yell or give the males any satisfaction. "SLUT!" Danny could hear Bryce say sharply. "Get to work rimming out my buddy or I'll make sure you never use these again!"

The pain wrecked human again arched his spine feeling the hand gripping his balls squeeze again. Danny had no choice, lest he wish to lose his jewels, still though he winced at having to perform the task at hand and hesitated for a moment. When he felt those fingers grip again Danny plunged out his tongue and he began to lick at the strong flavored flesh that was the most inner crease of the draft horse's backside.

The draft horse whinnied from above, this time surely in pleasure. "F-fuck he's doing it! The fag is doing it, he's licking my ass, and it feels amazing!"

The taste of the horse was at best bearable. Danny moved his tongue along the crease, and collected on his tongue all the sweat and grime that was there. The raw horse's flavor was there, so alien to the human but very masculine at the same time. When he reached the pucker, Danny's tongue tentatively touched at the ring of flesh which he felt pulse. Danny thankful that it was clean of any scat still didn't like the terribly spicy raw taste to it but saw little other choice than to lick at the ring, around and around.

"The bitch loves us." Jeff gloated from above.

"Yea," agreed Bryce. The orca quickened up his pace. Before Danny felt his hands just gripping his hips for leverage, but soon one lifted off and grabbed onto Danny's own cock. From the pain of having his balls squeezed he'd lost his erection some, it hung half erect but the orca's clammy hand gripped at the base and stroked to the tip sensuously. "Ohh no where do you think you're going bub. You're gonna show us how much your faggy ass loves our two big beefy bodies."

Pleasure was once again brought to Danny's world, only adding to his humiliation.

_ _

_No, no stop it. Don't make me like this. _

_ _

The human wanted to plead out loud to the thrusting grunting males. But he couldn't. He just didn't have that kind of resistance in him anymore. The steamy stallion's ass on his face was cutting his air flow to a minimum and the over heat exhaustion that was over taking his body was now affecting his brain.

Time seemed to roll on by as his body was used for their pleasure. Danny like some robot working his tongue over the stallion's taint and ass, moving his head up just a little to lick up the crease and back down to the musky hole, which he glossed over with firm broad tongue strokes. He made sure it was lacquered well with his saliva. When the orca quickened his face on Danny's backside, causing their rumps to loudly slap from each one's sweat slick skin, his hand left the human's cock and returned to gripping the human's side. But Danny felt it almost instantly replaced by the stallion's groping mitt.

The orca was the first to shoot. Bryce grunting and moaning from above, Danny felt his the male's hips thrusting become more sporadic then finally hilting in, the humiliated human conceded his defeat to the invading cock. The buried member flush inside the human tensed then relaxed in intervals and the human knew he was being cummed into.

The stallion was next. Danny was again thankful, this time that he wouldn't have to pleasure the large meat himself. Apparently Jeff was pleasuring himself to Danny's tongue the whole time. But all the same when the draft horse came he lifted himself off Danny. Light and the humid air from the sauna, which seemed cooler and fresher, hit the human's face, he'd have not much time to enjoy it through as the draft horse aimed his cock square at Danny between his eyes. Just a few inches away Danny saw the tip flare up to great proportions then the shaft flexed. A creamy blast of stud seed splattered the human's face in all its white foamy glory. Danny had just closed his eyes in time. The stream didn't stay there though, and eyes closed he felt the next blast hit his neck and jaw line, the one after his chest and stomach.

The orca pulled out of Danny when a wet squelch. The human felt the limp cock slide out. But the male wasn't done it seemed. While Jeff was still unleashing his contents onto Danny the orca lifted up his bare foot and planted square on the underside of the human's aching, teased member.

Danny shuddered involuntarily from pleasure as the fat sole rubbed up along his length and back down. The orca's toes clamped at the head of his human fleshy pink cock tip then back down, and the human still blinded with cum began to moan out in pleasure. He was far beyond protesting now. The two males had used him and now they were making sure Danny owned up his status as a fag. It was really when the human felt the stallion's bigger sole join the orca's that the human really began to peak. Pressing down on the tip the draft horse's sole, the one who had started all of this pressed his member on down. His vulnerable cock tip squished into the fleshy contours of Jeff's massive foot flesh and Danny bucked. He came, and hard. Ropes of seed shot up, past the human's face then on his chest.

The human heard the orca walk towards the glass door. It opened and Danny heard the male comment "Fucking fag," before the glass door shut behind.

Jeff lifted up his sole onto a portion of Danny's torso that was clear of any cum and dragged his bare foot over the sweaty flesh, using Danny to scrape off any filth. The stallion was silent, moving then to undo the towel that had been used to tie the human's hands up. The draft horse took the towel and threw it onto the human's face. Danny didn't respond and didn't move, even to remove the towel until he heard the glass door open and shut again for the Shire horse's departure.

Once he knew he was alone the human grabbed the towel on his face and wiped it down. The stallion's seed was thick, like syrup and it took a few swipes from the cloth before Danny could get a grasp of his surroundings. Sitting up the human opened his eyes. His work out shorts were gone, he was naked, covered in cum, he could feel cum leaking out his ass and down this thigh. Then looking up the human's heart felt like it stopped.

Set up on a tripod, right outside the glass door was a rolling camera. There was a smug looking fox monitoring it. The lens focused right on Danny. Outside the sauna the human could see Bryce and Jeff calmly talking to a familiar looking rat fur.

_I've been set up. This was staged. _

_ _

***** 4 Days Ago *****

Both males collapsed when Max's peak finally past and now utterly spent both cuddled into each other's arms. Danny's legs lowered from being on either side of the orc's thigh, and Max turned himself to the side, pulling Danny with him.

The human felt that thick cock slide from his wet ass with a plop, though that was it. Max left his meat between Danny's closed thighs. Swallowing the jizz he still had in his mouth, Danny gave a great sigh and looked on into Max's eyes. The orc smiled and leaned into lick Danny's face clean before giving a deep inhale.

"Now you smell like you should."

Danny pressed his forehead against the orc's and nuzzled the bridge of his nose to the orc's. "I love you Max."

"I love you my Modruk." The orc said sincerely. Danny felt those strong hands grip him. "And I promise nothing like this morning or last night will ever happen to you again. I promise."