Between The Tournaments: Bad Magic 3

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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#7 of Between the Tournaments

The final part of this trilogy comes to it's peak as Wolf and Cattaras finally arrive at the top of the mountain and into the ruined temple. Will Wolf's history with Sumethil get in the way of their fight? Will Catt be able to take down the mighty force of nature that is Nyle? There's plenty of other ladies on this island that they'll need to fight before they can get their original forms back, but now they have a chance to be added into that new upcoming tournament.

Wolf and Nyle (c) dracologist

other characters belong to their respective owners. Thank you for letting me use them.

Between the Tournaments: Bad Magic 3

It was the ruined ancient temple of this island that had housed her throne, they were walls that had long sense crumbled, pillars that still rested on their side, and entire half of the building that had fallen down the hill to embed itself as part of the forest at that side, and yet the throne remained almost entirely intact. It was hard to tell when this temple was built, but even harder to tell when it had fallen. Clearly some kind of battle had taken place, some kind of harsh struggle. Maybe it was when the monsters took over the island, maybe it was the monsters that had built the temple only to have destroyed it through constant battle of who should rule. Regardless of the history it was this blue and yellow dragoness that now had the right to sit in it, had the privilege to take it up as her own personal seat. Her round, smooth scaled butt filled it from one arm to the net as her weight crushed her rump down into the stone surface, but after tens of minutes of being verbally trapped here the only thing that Sumethil wanted to do was get out of it.

She had a tournament to plan, old fighters had left to return to their lives while new fighters had arrived far later than they should have and demanded a grand tournament. It wasn't something that she opposed to, but it would take quite a bit of time to complete as the pure bulk of the many fighters here just seemed to fill her island with one hard challenge after another. Originally this was just supposed to be a select few, the best of the best, but then others arrived, and now this last mass group showed up to double their numbers leaving her scratching her head about how to do that. Unfortunately, the dragon queen couldn't even focus on the tournament roster thanks to a certain high level spell that she'd sensed on the beach not long ago. It was quite the doozy and so of course she'd seek out the one person she suspected of casting such a thing leaving a crimson colored beauty to stand in front of her. A white underside perfectly cut her breasts in half for two tones while her arms crossed under that massive chest to leave them folding against the size of her toned, but thing limbs while that red tail slapped against the floor of the stone temple.

"So..." The queen questioned one more time for clarity, "You're saying it wasn't you? You're the only one on the island to have cast any spells with your rage rain some time ago, and you want me to believe that the spell on the beach had nothing to do with you?"

This red dragoness had to scoff her red horns that wrapped around the back of her head swayed and moved from their own weight acted more like hair than horns while she ground her teeth in displeasure, "Sumethil, I don't cast spells. I'm a divinity. If I will something to happen within the range of my power then it simply does happen. I have no need for incantations or the gathering of magical energies to make things happen. I don't know who cast the spell, but it wasn't me."

As much as Sumethil didn't like the fact that she couldn't pin the blame on someone she knew to be more than a little wicked, the explanation did make sense leaving this ruler to have to let her off of the hook. "Very well, Nyle. Do you at least know what kind of spell it might have been?"

"Why would I know that? I just said I don't cast spells. I don't know anything about magic." Nyle was clearly getting frustrated by the questions, unhappy that she'd been pulled away from her bath and made to come all the way up here just to be accused of something that she couldn't have possibly done regardless.

The dragon queen huffed to this, unhappy that the mystery was still a mystery, but even less happy that Nyle was being so confrontational about being asked a few pointed questions. As the conversation seemed to end Sumethil was left with far too many questions while Nyle simply turned to leave, the shape of those wide, sultry, thick hips swaying as her meaty tail seemed to want to part between those cheeks only drew the eyes of the queen while her attention was also taken up by the thickness of those smooth scaled thighs. Just like her body it was clear that this red dragoness had a bit of strength to her, but somehow kept contained just enough that it didn't openly show itself. It was a build very similar to that of Sumethil's though the blue and yellow royal creature allowed her strength to be bared to try and ward off unworthy opponents from coming after her.

Sumethil watched as Nyle left, saw the way her body moved, the way it held itself like an empress in a foreign land still demanding the respect and adoration of other people, and while that was something that clearly annoyed the ruler of this island she did find a bit of adoration for the amazing crimson beauty. It was when Nyle seemed to stop in her tracks that Summy's attention went from the shape of the dragon's body to curiosity as to why she was lingering around. The dragon queen was expecting this goddess to leave, to venture out into the island to start whatever trouble she could find herself in, but instead she stood there at the top of the stairs leading up to the throne.

"Is something wrong, Nyle?" Sumethil didn't know if she was more annoyed or concerned that the crimson, wingless dragoness was still around, but as she pushed her strong arms off of the stone throne the queen would bring herself to her feet.

The sight that she saw was one of surprise, one of shock, but none of that stopped her from springing past Nyle like a blue or blue and yellow on her way towards the thick furred white canine. Her arms wrapped around the back of the she-wolf's neck, hooking her own wrists as she held her fellow woman close. Their chests pillowed out to the sides as their girthy size crushed down tightly against one another. The pull on that neck would bring Wolf into a deep, lusty, longing kiss while a moan flowed from her lips to be shared between them. Even in her new body Wolf couldn't resist but to wrap her strong and powerful arms around the lower back of this dragon queen's body, pulling her in tight as they shared a moment that was ultimately ruined by the presence of a deep and thunderous laughter that erupted from the crimson dragon still standing at the peak of these steps.

"That might just be the best look for you yet, Wolf." Nyle barked, loving the embarrassing gender swapped state that the canine had somehow found herself in, "Guess we know what that magic on the beach was. The big dumb dog is now a big dumb bitch."

The comments drew the attention of everyone here, all eyes flowed to Nyle instantly leaving her to proudly stand by what she said as she smirked eagerly at the response from the canine that just stood there with narrowed and hate-filled eyes. It wasn't that Wolf and Nyle simply had a history, they outright hated one another as both had gotten in the way of the other countless times, had wronged one another in ways that neither could ever really atone for, not that either really wanted to. As much as Wolf would love to hold onto her precious queen it was clear that she'd need to handle some matters with the crimson cunt here on the island as well, but before she could even say anything it was Sumethil that spoke up.

"You shouldn't be so rude, Nyle. I'm the queen of this island and Wolf has more than earned a title of her own. That's more than I can say for you."

"Don't you mean 'her own'?" The red dragoness quickly spoke up, eager to poke fun at the wolfess's condition as much as she was able to.

The tigress had been silent most of this time, having watched the fireworks fly while her arms folded under the curves of her lovely and sultry breasts. She felt a little ignored, but now that the ice was completely broken it might be a good moment to clear her throat. The sound of it forcing the attention of the other three on her, forcing them to pay attention to her while she stepped in closer to the canine still holding the island queen in her arms. "Is there anyone on this island you don't know?" Catt asked, lifting a brow to the odd situation that everyone they'd run into so far seemed to be either a close friend of the dog she was traveling with or herself.

"With as many people are on this island right now it's doubtful." Sumethil smiled, giggling a little bit and looking over that feline body.

Cattaras was quite the spectacle to look at. Strong, thick, wide legs fed perfectly up into the hot huge hips coupled with a nicely round butt. Much of the strength of her body had remained as the muscles shown out well against her short, striped fur while those juicy, sloshing tits bounced and swayed in every motion that she made. "No offense, queenie, but before my friend gets all lovie-dovie up in here I have to remind her that we need to be fighting you two right about now."

This comment alone created a look of confusion on the island ruler's face, her expression asking all of the questions that her mouth simply couldn't as she stood there holding closer to the woman that had earned her affection more than just a few times. As much as Wolf wanted to keep that grip around her body, however, she knew that her feline friend was right and easily slid her arms along the blue scaled body to start separating them with a light push to grow some distance.

"She's right. The botched curse was made so that we have to fight all of the woman on the island. Win or lose we get the energy to allow us to change back." It was a simple enough explanation, not really leaving out any details mostly because there were no details to leave out.

It was from this that Sumethil nodded, instantly understanding the reason behind why they had traveled up the stairs. Perhaps Wolf had wanted to see her, but this wasn't about combat, but then again all of their sessions began with that exactly. If Wolf was to share her throne then the dog would have to keep herself proven that she can handle the affairs of the island which meant constant and harsh combat being used as the erotic foreplay that it deserved to be. Sumethil wouldn't admit that Wolf always did well, never winning one of their fights, but never losing any either as their record continued to be a number of draws that remained to be uncorrected for the number of times that they'd seen one another.

"If it's a fight you ladies want, I'll be happy to answer to reply." The queen answered easily enough, always looking for a chance to show off her power against any number of strong female fighters regardless of how many there were, "Nyle, why don't you go down and wait for the tournament announcement?"

The crimson dragoness was already stepping forward, already sending one pop through her knuckle after another as she balled a fist into her open hand to stretch her fingers out before the legendary fight that was about to take place. "Oh no, I'm not about to step away from this one. Me and your boy toy have some long awaited business to take care of."

Catt stepped up as well, squaring off against Nyle already while smirking confidently at the busty dragon, "It would be rude to disturb the love-birds. You're not setting a finger on Wolf while I'm here. I'll take you out early and then we'll have fun re-crowning the queen here."

"You're underestimating the wrong dragon, kitten."

* * *

The fight started with an immediate clash, the hot, sultry, busty bodies of Cattaras and Nyle colliding instantly right at the very beginning. The crimson dragoness had tried to bypass Catt all together to get at Wolf, but found herself only a second to lift her hands in time to lace her fingers around Catt's dexterous digits while their palms flattened right against one another. The strength of their bodies shown out easily, the muscles of their arms, their legs, their backs, even their abs being exposed in an instant only to prove that Catt was quite a bit more powerful that she'd been leading on. Nyle felt her feet already starting to slide against the stone floor, her body being pushed back until her clawed talons gripped at the cracks to hold herself in place. As she pushed back both were able to bring themselves into a half step forward which crushed their thick, milky, breasts tight against one another in a deep press. The softness of their curves showed well against the hardness of their muscles leaving those tits to swell out to the side and up towards their faces until neither could see the other's face due to the girth of their breasts alone. It was like fighting with a blindfold on, but neither of these two combatants wanted to give up this test of strength. It was when Nyle took a step backwards and twisted to the side that the tigress found herself stumbling forward a single step, but that single step was all the dragon needed to pull against that weakened stance and force the feline down to roll across the floor in a hot oomph and a loud grunt.

Catt was fast on her feet, though, her hands pressing to the stone slabs before she even finished her roll to get her back up to her feet, but even that didn't stop Nyle from stepping around behind her and forcing that crimson tail to crash against the back of those orange with black striped knees. That hit left Catt kneeling on the ground, her feet out from under her for the moment while Nyle came down to press her knees against the back of the tigress's just to lock her in place while those red hands easily found a home rubbing, groping, and playing across the soft surface of those already tender tits. The lift of Nyle's hand would being it back down in a hard and echoing slap against the side of Catt's tit, forcing a ripple to travel across the length of it and out the other one before she'd go right back to feeling the soft surface of those breasts that worked so well to pull deep and succulent moans from the depths of that feline voice.

"What's the matter, kitten. You had so much to say earlier?" Nyle teased, her voice just inches from that pointed ear as she spoke in what could almost be considered a whisper, "Fucking your friend is going to be the most fun thing I've done all year."

"Nnngh... I don't think so." Catt replied while those crimson digits found a home pinching at her awaiting nipples, forcing them to quickly erect while the tigress worked to try and find a way back to her feet.

It was no use trying to get up, not with that weight pressing down on the backs of her knees, but maybe she didn't need to get up to keep fighting this bitch of a dragoness. A fast motion from the feline would leave her leaning forward, pressing her well sized chest to be crushed down against those aggressive hands before slamming her shoulders backwards against Nyle's body, impacting the dragon's entire front side and forcing both of them onto their backs. The force of the landing alone was enough to drive Nyle's breath out of her body, but even that didn't manage to break her hold on those big, thick, juicy feline tits. What did break the hold was when Catt's elbow came down against the dragoness's ribs over and over again, hammering her side with one blow after another and leaving the goddess to release that lovely tit just so that she could cradle her arm up against her own side to block the next few strikes. It was then that Catt could lift, could get away, could roll over and start dealing some of that punishment back to the dragoness below her.

Wolf didn't have time to check on Catt, didn't have time to give the feline any assistance at all while her strong arms tightened with the flexing of her muscles. As a female this canine wasn't as bulky, wasn't as massive, but what she'd lost in strength she made up for with curves designed to tantalize and tease the shape of anyone that might try and cross knuckles with her. When her arms tightened around the blue scaled body, squeezed down against the beautiful figure of a regal dragoness she would make sure to trap those dangerous wings down against Sumethil's sides to keep from suffering the same trap she had a few times before. It was a hold that crushed their breasts together, forced them to smash down, made them squeeze out the sides and tip as their hold got tighter and tighter against one another. Every time one would tighten her hold the other followed, flexing those strong muscles, swelling their hidden pecs and decreasing the space between them which only left their poor tits to squeeze down even more as this tight bear hug continued. Even as a woman Sumethil knew that she was going to have trouble matching the raw strength that Wolf was so willing to share, but she didn't need to match the canine as her body leaned backwards quickly. Locked in this tight bear hug, Wolf felt herself lifted up onto the balls of her feet at first, then the tips of her toes, and with the dragoness continuing to lean backwards the canine soon found herself off of her feet entirely as her body was forced to follow the motion of that arched body even as the island queen fell backwards onto her own shoulders.

It was a quick drop for Sumethil, but a hard fall for the canine who felt her face bash straight down into the stone slabs that made up this floor, the impact leaving a loud echoing thud while Wolf's arms fell completely limp around that blue body just from the landing alone. Her white, pale legs were left sticking up in the air, parted to either wide while her head cradled against her own large and fluffy breasts. This canine, perfectly balanced on her shoulders was locked in place while she released a long and deep groan from such a hard grapple that allowed her dragoness lover to release this pale body only to wrap her blue and yellow fingers around either of Wolf's ankles to deliver and downward slap straight against her awaiting cunny. Whatever trance the beast found herself in didn't last long as the second and third hit followed, forcing those white pussy lips to swell and puff just to try and defend themselves while the moistening of her heated depths started to connect strings of lust to the underside of that striking hand ever time it came down against her. It wasn't until the fifth downward swing of that scaled palm that those thick, muscular, swollen thighs would slam shut, would clamp around her hand and wrist just to trap her in place. When the canine twists her hips to the side this royal dragon had no choice but to be pulled along for the ride leaving the wolfess with a hand at her juicy crotch and both of them on their backs on the ground.

"Always have a trick up your sleeve, don't you?" Sumethil asked quickly, showing a bit of frustration while her lover slid her hips down the length of her arm.

With a hook of a white leg around this blue dragon's throat the canine would bring the regal woman into a locking arm bar just to keep her down for a bit longer. Wolf needed a moment to recover, needed to let her pulsating and juice covered lions to calm down, but it wasn't in her nature to just sit around and do nothing. This canine was the type of woman that was always on the prowl, was always attacking, and while one tough and mighty leg worked to hold Sumethil down the other would venture much further down her body. Wolf's foot easily hooked around the underside of Summy's thigh, but that powerful calf would find itself perfectly settled to make long circles against the scaled slit that she was so deeply in love with. That leg ground against the quickly heating pussy, brushing her thick fur against it as if she was painting a wall with its own fluids. Every motion would take that building lust and smear it around effortlessly in long and sultry strokes that left the dragoness's releasing a deep moan as her body shifted and turned against that tight hold that locked her in place.

"If you were allowed to leave the island once in a while then you might learn a couple tricks yourself." Wolf finally replied, speaking out to the woman who's mind was dancing along with her own body as she struggled to try and pull her hips away from that hard grind only to be pulled back closer with the leg that had hooked around her throat.

If it was an escape that she needed then this dragoness could find a way, her hands already gripping at the curve of the thick and sultry leg that wrapped her throat in order to try and peel it off of her neck. Her progress was clear, but the question came to mind if she could get away before Wolf managed to pull her nectar from her body and be claimed the winner over this royal dragoness. it wasn't something that she had to worry about for long, though, as the blur of an orange furred creature arched over her head only to land on the canine side of her body, crashing straight against the beast that had at one point been gripping her wrist. With Catt on top of the beastly she-wolf, pitch black eyes starred up at the image of a multi-colored face that looked right back down at her with pain filled eyes.

"Ugh.. Sorry, Wolf. She threw me." The tigress spoke out, her voice straining from her lungs as she tried to recover.

Before Wolf could even respond her feline companion would be trying to lift free, be trying to push herself back to her feet only to feel the weight of a crimson foot pressing down against the square of her striped back. This wingless dragon had to smirk easily, loving the position that her prey had managed to fall in and while the two were set face to face the pressure pushing down between Cattaras's shoulder blades would leave their pairs of furred breasts to crush down tightly with an all new added force behind it. With those tits smashed together both furry ladies would be made to moan, their bodies quivering under the feeling of their big, fat, thick, milky chests being flattened against one another while any movement at all would start a duel between their already rock hard nipples. Poking, piercing, stabbing, those tight nubs would be all out while the thick sacks of meat would be forced to grind down with every awaiting motion that came about. Even when Catt put her hands down against the stone floor and tried to push up against that foot at her back the added movement only made things worse between them. Wolf tried to help, tried to give her partner a well placed shove, but that crimson dragoness was relentless as she added in her strength and weight to their situation.

"What's the matter, girls? I thought you both liked smashing tits together. Now you're trying to get up? You're just a couple of teases aren't you?" The red dragon asked, smirking easily to them while she started grinding her foot in place.

Nyle smiled down to the, grinning wickedly as she watched them suffer and struggle against her, but this river dragon would find herself surprised entirely when an arm came around her throat to pull her backwards. The fast movement of the blue and yellow limb caught her completely off guard, made her stumble, made her sway as she tried to correct herself the entire distance back from these two women, but that surprise didn't last long and quickly turned to anger as she realized the betrayal that had just occurred.

"What is this?!" She'd bark loudly, hate in her voice as her mind shifted back and forth between her current situation and how much she'd gotten Wolf to suffer from just that one well placed throw.

"I don't need your help taking down my wolf. I've won plenty of fights against her and you're just getting in my way." The queen responded quickly while looking at the two already starting to climb to their feet, "Hurry up, ladies. It's time to show little miss water dragon what it means to get between a queen and her meat."

* * *

"Traitor!" Nyle roared, her body trying to struggle against the royal dragoness who was holding her tightly around her throat.

The red woman could feel those thick blue breasts pressed in against the back of her shoulders, grinding and swaying against her as every step that she took, every sway of her body, every motion that she managed happened to press those tits in more as those already hardened nipples scratched and clawed between her shoulder blades. Even as Sumethil ignored this response the blue dragoness knew good and well that she wasn't about to stand by and simply allow some bitch of a woman be cruel to two people that she cared about. It didn't take long for them to start approaching either leaving Nyle to shift, move, and struggle harder against that solid hold that kept her perfectly in place. The dragoness would scream about cheating, about deceit, about revenge and payback, but words alone weren't going to be enough to peel that arm from around her throat that only seemed to tighten down just enough to stop her from talking quite so much.

It was Cattaras that stepped up, closing the distance first and bringing herself right up towards Nyle's busty, curvy, and sultry body, but while their figures didn't touch this time she most certainly had her own way of shutting up this loud deity as she'd raise herself up just enough to crush those tits to either side of Nyle's face. Thick, soft, milky breasts crushed down easily while the short fur that came with those white and orange beauties easily brushed against the sides of the dragon's cheeks. Her hands crushed down on the outside, almost as if she was gripping for her own stripes just to smash kitty titties down that much tighter.

"You talk too much." Catt told her, smirking easily to the entire situation of this sudden three on one battle to the finish.

Wolf had already moved to the side, making sure to secure at least the left most set of limbs so that Nyle couldn't find a way to fight back while her feline friend would do all of the real work against this red danger. With Catt's hands occupied she'd bring her knee closer, spreading those strong, wide, and perfectly thick thighs with her own while fast strokes from one side to the next would grind deeply along the surface of that hungry cunt. At first it was just the grinding, her bristled thigh rolling across the surface to get her heated up, and while those cunny lips started to swell, started to widen, started to open up more, the feline would press in harder. The sounds of rage between her tits quickly turned to that of heated hatred mixed with a long and returning flow of delightful moans and hefty grunts. By the time this tigress pulled her thigh back there were lines of sticky lust connecting those lips to her arousing limb. It was then that Nyle could feel the soft touch of a cool breeze touch on her already hot region, but that breeze would do nothing to help her as this leg was immediately replaced with the thick and dexterous feline tail.

Like a spear it darted quickly towards her, spreading those lips immediately with a sudden and instant penetration that drove Catt's extra limb straight up into Nyle's awaiting body. It was a tight fit, this dragoness had a very tight body, but with a few deeply planted thrusts of that striped tail those walls already started to loosen up and make room for what was being presented. Every stripe across that limb worked like a measuring stick, sometimes shoving six stripes in, sometimes seven, occasionally nine, and all of them forcing the dragoness to lean her head back in a deep moan finally breaking free from the depths of those lungs while her mouth hung open and her body settled in to what they were striving for, but she was struggling to resist. Her body jerked from the impacts, that tail smashing into her with a secret rage that could only come from a tigress ready to finish her prey. Every solid thrust leaving her lifting against the blue dragon that held her in place. Nyle could hold off, though, she could maintain herself against this hard penetrating motion of that tail entering and exiting her over and over again. Despite her deep panting she'd contain herself for now even as her tongue rolled from her lips and the burning eyes of her rage showed to each one here.

It was clear that they weren't going to get her with just a simple tail fucking alone, but as always the queen had a plan and when that blue dragoness started to pull back against the hold she had on her crimson counterpart Nyle had no choice but to follow her motion. This river dragon couldn't even turn her head to see where she was being lead until suddenly she felt the solid seat of that stone throne hit the back of her knees and force her down into it. Nyle was surprised to find herself seated, but both Sumethil and Wolf made sure that she stayed in place while her tigress adversary climbed up onto the throne with her. That tail remained within her, moving, flicking, twitching inside of her deepest points, but that left the rest of this tiger to step down on either side of Nyle's thick and juicy thighs so that with a grip around her ebony horns this red face would be forced easily against the dominating slit of this feline warrior. The scent alone showed Cattaras's need, but the grinding of her own mound across the length of that scaled face guided Nyle to finally give in and stretch her tongue wide across the bend of that delicious cunny. Her forked tongue would snake itself in, licking, lapping, and dragging the flavor of that feline from one side of her pussy to the next while this tail continued it's careful onslaught against her inner walls.

With Nyle's attention fully taken in by the shared acts of lust between her and the tigress that seemed so fixated on her this she-wolf and island queen could finally pull their attention towards one another once again. The throne was clearly being used, clearly being occupied at the moment, but these two had only used it a few times before in their games anyway. Instead as they moved around behind the stone seat their bodies approached once more. Summy was quick, and with both of these ladies being the same size their hands came up at once, but didn't touch. Where the queen was expecting an all new test of strength what she found instead was the hooking of a hand behind the back of her head to pull her quickly into a tight lock. In an instant there was nothing but darkness, the warmth and heat of this canine's fluffy, soft, squishy breasts folded around either side of her face leaving this regal dragon to take in a deep scent of her canine lover's fur while struggling to find a way to escape this prison. Without the use of her sight she was completely unprepared when Wolf stretched her arm down along the length of that blue and yellow body to scoop a finger against the surface of that sultry nether. Wolf might have lost her delightful man-parts thanks to a spell, but those digits were always among her best talents and none of that tactic was lost leaving the island queen to shake and shiver at the sudden penetration and curling of the finger as it entered her awaiting and hungry slit.

Sumethil was forced to bare her teeth, made to strain against that invading finger as it pushed, moved, twisted, and turned within her body. Every motion that Wolf made inside of her left her grunting and crying out loudly, but Sumethil wasn't about to simply give in. Her hands had tried pushing against Wolf's ribs, trying to break free the best she could, but that hold around the back of her head kept her trapped between those thick and luscious tits. Wolf's hold grew tighter, securing her further while her hands slid down the length of that canine body. If she couldn't break this hold then the only other option that she had was to shoot her palms down, slapping them against Wolf's sensual grip so that her amazing fingers would be torn from her pussy with strings of lust still attached. The motion of her blue tail followed in a fast whip that wrapped around that fluffy canine thigh crushing the fur down against her skin before the tip would swing back to lick across that already needy canine cunt. It was a motion that sent a shock-wave through Wolf's sultry body, arching her spine backwards as her face shot up towards the sky. Pitch black eyes shut quickly, but this she-dog had to fight just to keep her knees from buckling out from under her. It was when she heard the muffled moans of Nyle's roar mixed with the call of Catt's own feline cries that she knew they were about to lose this fight.

It was a choice, Wolf had to decide if she was going to keep that head locked between her thick and lovely breasts or break her hold to reach down between her legs and stop that tail. There was no rescue coming this time, no way for Catt to step in and save her as the feline and crimson dragoness panted together in unison after their clear draw. It was all on Wolf now if she wanted to win this, but the temptation to allow her dragon lover to pleasure her to completion was high and only when this pale canine released her hands from around the back of her lover's head so that she could grip at that tail and pull it away did she realize that she'd already made her decision. Sumethil lifted her eyes from between those breasts, peered up from between them towards the she-wolf that had freed her, but her face wouldn't be free just yet, not when Wolf's lips came down across hers to pin and suckle against her scaled maw. A kiss, long, deep, shared immediately as a home for the coos and moans that passed between them while the grip on that tail would shift it, slide it, change its angle entirely before shoving it straight up into Summy's own slit. Was the kiss a distraction? Did this queen just fall prey to a weakness that they shared for one another? No, it was as genuine as anything that they shared with one another, and only with that tail deep within her own body, being pushed in, being pulled out, being used as her own personal spade shaped dildo, as the ridges of it were folded down against her own succulent lips that left her groaning out heatedly.

Sumethil still wasn't out of this fight, but she could feel her legs weakening, quivering, and even while she moved her shaking hand down to take over from where her pussy left off the tight grip that was wrapped around her tail locked it easily in place under Wolf's control. With a grind of her sharp teeth she'd lean her head back more, folding herself into her body while the pleasure from her tail only added to the pleasure from Wolf's fingers earlier. Her mind started to swim, her brain aching, her body heating up like so many times before. This queen was free, but she didn't mind the state of mind to go anywhere or try anything else while the fluids inside of her body built up, crashing at the door and looking for an escape. The crimson digits that pointed at her all the way from her throne carefully focused, linking herself to the element that she had full control over so that as it churned deep within this regal body Nyle would quickly jerk her hand down to tear that female orgasm straight out of her body and down across Wolf's wrist to drench the entirety of her hand while it still gripped that draconic tail.

"Betray me, bitch..." The crimson dragoness muttered under her breath out of pure spite, "Now we both lose."

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