Blu's Feathers

Story by Ash Cinder on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

A little Rio commission I did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous about Blu losing all his feathers. SFW for the most part. ;)

Blu's Feathers

Written by: Ash Cinder

Commissioned by: Anonymous

It was a beautiful day in Rio as Blu flew around the city, enjoying the gorgeous weather.

It had been a few months since he'd met Jewel and learned to fly, and though it was still pretty

new to him, he was taking to the sky just fine. He could barely believe how he'd gotten through

life without the use of his wings for so long. Today he was planning on hanging with Jewel during this year's Carnival and he was really excited.

As Blu passed by the mechanic's he noticed Luiz the bulldog, putting on his fruit hat and

getting ready for Carnival.

"Hey there Luiz!" Blu greeted the bulldog.

"Hi Blu!" He barked back. "You already for Carnival tonight?"

"You know it!" Blu said, taking roost onto a table around the mechanic shop. "I can't

wait to fly around with Jewel and actually enjoy the festivities, unlike last year." He laughed


"Yeah!" Luiz said. "You both aren't going to be running for your lives this year."

"Nope! Nothing's going to bring me down tonight!" Blu said.

Suddenly a large fan turned on, pulling Blu backwards.

"Ah! What's going on!" Blu shouted, trying to hold onto the table.

"The fan turned on!" Luiz cried.

"Luiz, turn it off!" Blu said, his talons starting to lose grip on the table.

"I'll try!" Luiz ran around trying to figure out how to shut the fan off, looking for the

outlet where it was plugged in.

"Hurry Luiz!" Blu shouted. "I can't hold on forever!" He dug his talons into the table.

Luiz found the outlet and immediately grabbed the power cord with his mouth pulling hard, but it was stuck tight in the outlet.

"Luiz unplug it! I'm slipping!" Blu cried, with one last talon hanging onto the table.

"I'm trying!" He said through his gritted teeth.

But Blu soon lost his grip and was sucked backwards into the fan. Blu thought for sure he was dead, but he looked around and realized he was still in one piece. He got up and shook himself off just to be sure.

"I'm alright!" He cheered.

"Blu! You okay--" Luiz ran around the fan before cutting himself off as he gazed at Blu, looking as if he was stifling laughter.

"That was too close!" Blu said, turning to Luiz. "Hey, Luiz, what is it?" He noticed Luiz's strange expression. "I got something on my face?"

"No... hehe, it's not that..." Luiz giggled.

"Well what is it--" Blu cut himself off as he looked around to see a bunch of blue feathers around him on the ground. He darted his head back and forth as he began to put two and two together, before Luiz all but confirmed what had happened, as he lifted a small hand mirror in front of Blu to reveal that he was completely bald, all the way down to his little nub of a butt where his tailfeathers should have been!

"Oh no!" Blu shrieked, covering himself with his bare wings, before running off on his skinny little legs, as Luiz cackled in the background.

"Nice butt you got there, birdy!" He called back, howling with laughter.

Blu ran down an alleyway continuing to do his best to cover himself, he needed to find something to put over himself. This is just great, he thought to himself, today was looking so good, was going to have fun at Carnival, maybe l fly around a little, now I'm going to be hiding my shame from everyone and waddling around everywhere like a chicken!

He ran over to human clothing shop and grabbed a skirt that was being sold with his beak and kept running hoping no one would chase him for stealing the article of clothing.

"Hey, it's Blu!" Blu suddenly heard a familiar voice call out. He looked up to see Nico and Pedro flying over head and swooping down to greet him.

"Oh no! I can't let them see me like this!" Blu looked through a trash can and found some magazine pages and wrapped them around the parts of his body that the skirt wasn't already covering.

"Hey, Blu!" Nico greeted.

"Oh, hi guys." Blu gave them both an awkward smile.

"You getting ready for Carnival?" Pedro asked, noticing the strange get up he had on.

"Oh, yeah... It's a new look I thought I'd try for the occasion, do you like it?" He gave them a little pose, trying not to reveal his embarrassment.

"Uh... sure." Pedro laughed a little, trying to be nice.

"Well, I should really get going and head back to Jewel... we need to get ready for the main even tonight."

"Why don't you fly with us?" Nico asked, flapping his wings in front of him.

"No, I can't!" Blu said. "Uh, because then I wouldn't be able to keep my outfit on." He tried to defend.

"Uh... right..." Pedro, agreed.

"Well, it was nice talking to you guys, but I really need to get going!" Blu said, running off before the two birds could waste any more of his time. Both birds noticed Blu's bare butt sticking out of the back of the skirt he was wearing.

Pedro and Nico looked at each other.

"Weirdo." Pedro said.

"You said it!" Nico agreed.

Blu kept running through the streets, desperate to get back to the animal shelter where hopefully someone could help him out before tonight. He suddenly saw Jewel flying overhead.

"Oh no! I can't let her see me like this!" He quickly dove into a shop, startling some of the customers as he brushed across their feet.

Unfortunately, as he made his way to the other side of the shop the skirt he was using to hide his shame snagged on the leg of the chair as someone moved it at just the right time on top of the skirt as he was passing, and he was suddenly exposed. A few of the people in the shop screamed when they saw the featherless bird.

"What is that?!" A woman shrieked.

"Some kind of rat!" A man exclaimed.

"Quick, get it out of here!"

"I'm on it!" The shopkeeper grabbed the broom and started swinging it around the floor.

"Woah!" Blu dodged the swinging as best he could. "Hey!" He moved all around the floor on his tiny bird legs swerving and zig-zagging and his butt bouncing around as he tried to avoid the broom, until the shop keeper finally hit him, sending him flying through an open window and into the Amazon.

He rolled down a hill scraping himself on a few bushes before getting a face full of dirt as he slid across the ground.

"Sheesh, a bit of an overreaction there." He said, dusting himself off and spitting out bits of dirt and twigs. "Well, great, now I have to figure out where I'm supposed to go now."

Blu walked through the woods, covering himself with a few leaves and trying to figure out how to get out of the jungle. He tried navigating around, cut all the trees looked the same.

"Sheesh, this is so hard when you can't do it from the above!" He groaned.

Suddenly a face popped up in front of him, making him jump. It was one of the monkeys that had been helping Nigel look for him and Jewel when they were chained together. The monkey immediately started laughing when he got a look at Blu.

"Oh, right, laugh it up. Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer?" He pouted, before being blinded by a flash, as the monkey took a picture of Blu with a stolen cell phone camera. "Oh, come on!"

"Now a shot of that nub behind you!" The monkey quickly moved behind Blu and snapped a picture of his butt.

"Stop that!" Blu swatted at the monkey.

Then the monkey grabbed him by the leg and yanked him into the trees.

"The others are definitely going to want to get a look at you." He snickered.

"What?! No! Put me down!" He tried kicking with his other leg as the monkey swung through the trees on one arm, Blu occasionally getting a face full of leaves.

"Hey guys, check it out!" The monkey called to the others, waving Blu around. "I found that blue bird Nigel sent us to look for, and he's naked!"

There was a second of silence before the large gathering of monkeys erupted into laughter, most of them pointing and laughing at Blu, others climbing up into the trees and tossing him around with the other monkey that brought him there.

"No!" Blu protested as he flew through the air from one monkey to the next. "Let go of me!"

"He looks like a plucked chicken!" One of them teased, holding him by one leg and slapping his butt, making Blu yelp.

As they threw him again one of the monkeys missed and Blu flew off into another part of the Jungle.

"Oopsie..." The monkey said.

Blu yelped as he repeatedly hit branch after branch, flapping his wings fruitlessly before landing in a mud puddle, getting completely covered.

"Well this is just wonderful." Blu said sarcastically, trying to shake the mud off himself. "Thought I was going to have a nice day out, but no." He struggled to pull one of his feet free from the deep mud puddle. "I had to go and lose all my feathers and get stuck out here in the stupid..." He suddenly realized there were a bunch of eyes looking at him from all around, in the bushes. "jungle." He finished his sentence.

Blu realized that other than the mud, his naked form was completely exposed to all the eyes staring at him and he quickly tried to hide his shame with his wings and tried walking backwards. Suddenly one of the sources of the eyes popped his head out to reveal they belonged to a puma, making Blu jump back.

"What is it?" One of them asked, not recognizing Blu without all his feathers.

"I think it's a naked chicken..." Another one speculated making Blu roll his eyes.

"Let's eat him!" Another called out.

Blu's face went blank before he turned and started running as the pumas gave chase.

"Okay! This is officially the worst day of my life!" He said to himself as he ran as fast as his skinny little bird legs could carry him, but he could hear them getting closer. He could hear their growls as they started to close in on him. The main puma getting closest to him eyed Blu's pink ass hungrily before pouncing at him.

"Oh no! Somebody, help!" He cried out, looking back and seeing the puma pounce. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" And suddenly he was in the air, flying away from the pumas. "Who? What?" Blu asked looking around.

"Don't worry amigo, I got you!" Blu recognized that voice, it was Rafael, the toucan.

"Thanks Rafael! You really saved me back there." He said.

"No problem!" Rafael said before landing on a tree once they reached the city again.

"Well, I have had quite the day today..." Blu said, brushing off some of the dry mud from his skin.

"Good thing I heard you screaming, or else you would have been as good as--" Rafael turned around and suddenly got a good look at Blu, realizing he was missing all his feathers. He looked him up and down at his bare skin and couldn't help but begin to snicker at how ridiculous he looked without feathers.

"What happened to you?" He said through his snickering.

"Slight mishap with a fan." Blu said, annoyed.

Rafael couldn't help it at this point and burst out laughing, pounding on the tree branch with his wing. Blu just sighed.

"Look, Rafael, I've had a really long day, and I'd appreciate a little..." And Blu trailed off as he realized Rafael was laughing too hard to hear what he was even saying. "And, now I'm just gonna go and hide for the rest of the day." He said blankly. "Thanks again for saving me." He hopped onto a roof that was near the tree and started walking in the direction of where he knew the bird sanctuary was.

Blu finally made it back to the wildlife refuge, he managed to get himself inside through one of the bird doors. He looked around for Linda and Tulio, hoping they'd be able to help him out with his little predicament.

"Linda?" Blu called out, looking around. "Linda are you here?"

"Blu?" Linda called back, recognizing his squawking. She walked over to where she heard him and gasped. "Oh my! Blu, what happened to you?" She put her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh, she'd never seen her bird without his feathers before and though she felt bad for him, she couldn't help but think he looked a little funny as well.

Blu gave her an annoyed look as he could tell she thought the situation was amusing. He squawked angrily at her.

"Sorry, sorry." She apologized. "I bet you could use some help now." She made a face like she was thinking. "I think I could whip something up, just give me an hour or so." She gave him a pat before heading to another room.

Blu paced back and forth, waiting for Linda to come back with whatever she was making for him, he hoped it was something good, and he hoped it would be before Jewel arrived, he really didn't want her to see him like this. But just as he was thinking that he heard her fly in. Immediately he tried hiding under a table from her.

"Blu?" Jewel called. "Blu, you here yet?"

She began looking around for him, flying up to their nest where the eggs she recently laid were.

"Don't look on the ground. Don't look on the ground." Blu whispered to himself before Jewel dropped to ground level and started looking around.

Blu tried to sneak away but Jewel noticed.

"Blu?" She called, moving over to him. "Blu!" She gasped noticing he was completely stripped of feathers.

"Hi..." He waved his wing.

"Oh my gosh, did you lose your feathers?" She asked, giggling a little.

"Yeah, yeah, get all your laughs out now, it's been the worst day of my life, 'Ha ha, Blu lost all his feathers. It's so funny!'" Blu pouted.

"Oh, come on, I think you look kind of cute." She moved closer to him.

"In what way?" He rolled his eyes.

"Your butt." She giggles.

"My butt?" Blu looked confused.

"Yeah!" She gave it a grab with her wing.

"Hey!" He protested, trying to get away from her.

Jewel chased him around the room, eyeing Blu's pink nub of a butt, before she took to the air and swooped down, pinning Blu to the floor.

"Get off me Jewel!" Blu struggled.

"No!" She laughed, before slapping his butt around with her wings while he yelped and squirmed, grabbing it a few times too, enjoying the way it was wiggling around in front of her.

Linda came back, and she saw the two birds struggling on the floor, laughing at their antics.

"Hey! Hey Blu?" She called, making Jewel finally let up.

"I know it's not much, but this should suffice until your feathers grow back." She said, presenting Blu with some kind of small blue sweater for him to wear.

Blue was a little bummed he still wouldn't be able to fly, but he knew he'd have to settle for this. He let Linda put it on him and then she got him a mirror.

"How's that?"

Blu had to admit it wasn't bad. Sure, his head was still bald, but the sweater covered most of his upper and lower half. His friends would still know he had lost his feathers, but at least he had something to hide his shame with. Jewel gave a little nod of approval.

"Well, c'mon," She said, moving closer to him "The day's not over yet, and we've got all night to make your bad day go away. Do you still want to go out?"

"...I guess we could give it a try."

"There you go." She said, bumping her beak against his and walking him outside. "So can I see you without that thing on later?" She teased, giving his pink butt a gentle grab.

"No!" He shot back, jumping a little at the grab.

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