in the hands of a god

Story by Fizzy_Lizzy on SoFurry

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In The Hands of a God

Short story

The moon rose as the sun retreated just over the horizon, the small, blue, 16 year old, dragon sat on the roof of a small plantation as he watched the twilight slowly take over before the darkness fully enveloped the land. As he watched this never-ending battle of day and night, he felt his eyes getting heavy. A sword through his gullet, the life draining from his eyes as the big bull-like demon pulls the sword out and sneered. "you would of made a fine bitch, too bad you had to do something stupid like try and cut me with a flimsy butter knife" he laughed and turned and walked away as the small dragon collapsed to the ground his blood pooling around his body. As darkness enveloped him a shadowy figure appeared standing there holding a scythe.

"Your time has come-"

"No... I... I'm not dead... n... not yet" the boy said, barely a whisper.

He tries to get up covered in his own blood as Death stands there.

"It's your time, your dead, there is nothing you can do to change that fact" Death says unmoved by the sheer willpower this dying dragon has.

"No... I'm not dead... I'm... not... DEAD!!" he yells out getting up on his two feet, but just barely, as he glares at Death. As the Grim Reaper sees this he raises his scythe ready to deal the blow to send him on his way, but as he brings the scythe down the boy grabs the handle and rotates his body turning Death's attack against him throwing him across the field.

"You're gonna regret that kid, I was gonna send you to heaven. But now you get a one way trip to hell!"

Death stands up tall now ready for a duel, the dragon grabs a nearby katana wielding it one handed. He rushes the reaper going for an upward slash but the attack is blocked as Grim teleports behind him and brings the scythe down, dodging, it misses him though just barely.

"Give it up boy, you can never beat me."

"No!! I got too much to do, I will beat you! I... will... WIN!!!"

He screams out attacking with each pronunciation of the last three words. He was now on the offensive, he had motivation, he had momentum, and he kept going spinning to increase the force behind his sword every now and then. The reaper could do nothing but block then the dragon suddenly grabbed the handle of the scythe and used it to pull him forward delivering a kick with both feet straight to Death.

"I'M WINNING!! I CAN BEAT DEATH... I... I will... beat death!!" he thought

He charged going in to deliver a final blow but as body collapsed and he fell to the ground his consciousness slipping away slowly, for him everything as moving slowly.

"No... why... I was so close. I can't die, I can't die... not here... not... so... close to... winning..."

He passed out blood pooling slowly around him once more.

"You put up quite a fight," said the reaper. "But you can't beat death, not even a god can escape its cold grasp past a certain point."

Death raised his scythe and brought it down to deal final judgment.


A large black and crimson tiger appeared as if from the shadows itself. Death stopped just short of decapitating the kid right there.

"What are you doing here?"

"This kid... has caught my attention; I want to make him my apprentice." The demon hissed.

"Usara... you can't... he's already passed his time."

"its fine I will make him a half-demon." Usara said plainly.

"if you insist..."

With that death backed off and disappeared. The tiger sat down on a charred beam from the mansion. He waited patiently not seemingly moved and inch, until finally the small dragon started to stir rolling over onto his back in pain and agony.

"finally you awaken...." Usara said.

"y... you... you're... Usara... Kumori... does that mean... I'm dead?" Flamey spoke slowly in a slurred, quiet speech obviously on the precipice of life and death.

"No, you're not. But you will be. I am here to make you an offer. Become my apprentice and do as you're told and one day you will get your revenge, or, you may sit here and die." The tiger gave it to him straight not caring about how he felt. The small boy laid there breathing laboriously thinking about it.

"fine... i... I'll do it..." he choked out his vision fading.

The tiger nodded and stood up a sword appearing in his right paw.

"now then I will turn you into a half demon... unable to live in neither earth nor the afterlife."

With that he drove the sword into the dragons chest piercing his heart, causing the boy to scream out in agony. The tiger smirked as a black liquid poured out all over the dragon covering him, filling him.

"calm down this is only the beginning"

All through the night the transformation took place causing the dragon pain and agony the entire time.

To be continued?